How to clean the system without programs. How to properly clean your computer from unnecessary files

Everyone Have a good mood! In this article we will touch upon a very popular topic among the population. Namely, let's talk about how to clean your computer from junk quickly and without unnecessary noise.

After all, you must admit that no one likes it when their PC starts to glitch and slow down. Many impatient people simply lose their nerve in such cases. But don’t worry so much, everything can be easily fixed.

Now the author will show and tell you about a small program that has more than once brought “slow” computers back to life and looking cheerful. And it's called CCleaner. You can download it from the link on the official website:

The installation itself is standard, so there should be no problems. Therefore, let’s immediately proceed to launching the application:

And the “Cleaning” tab opens first:

IN middle column All directories and folders will be shown from which various temporary files and other unnecessary garbage will be deleted. To start this process, immediately click on the “Analysis” button:

The program will start checking all the nooks and crannies operating system Windows looks for any slag and at the end it will give this list:

At this step, all we have to do is click on the treasured “Cleanup” button so that all this stuff disappears from the computer:

But here you need to keep in mind that the cache of Internet browsers will also be cleared. Therefore, if you stored any passwords there, they will be lost. Remember this so you don’t grab your heart later.

Now I suggest going to the “Registry” tab:

If anyone doesn’t know what a registry is, let’s briefly explain it. This is a central database of the operating system where all information about installed programs and their settings, equipment and much more is stored.

So, during the operation of the system, many different garbage records accumulate in it, which lead to slowdowns and brakes. So click on the “Search for problems” button in order to get to know the enemy personally:

And after identifying it, you should send it under pressure by clicking the “Fix” button:

But there's one here important point. Before deleting junk entries, the program will prompt you to save the original backup copy of the registry. Be sure to do this so that later, in case incorrect operation any applications, it was possible to roll back.

Well, friends and comrades, at this stage we can say that we have already cleared the computer of unnecessary garbage and other nasty things. But that's it CCleaner features are not ending yet.

As you can see in the screenshot above, here you can control Windows startup and browsers, look for duplicates identical files and there is even the possibility of completely erasing disks without the possibility of recovering information.

It would also be a good idea to go to the “Settings” of the application. There are also useful options there:

In general, people, here is a simple answer to the question of how to clean your computer of junk quickly and without any routine. Speaking objectively, then this program tested by the author of the article in real life dozens of times.

And the result was always positive. It was immediately clear that the system “came to life” and the incomprehensible glitches and thoughtfulness disappeared. Of course, such methods will not clear viruses, but we will talk about this in.

And in conclusion, I suggest you look interesting video on a very hot topic.

Almost all computers accumulate garbage over time, which negatively affects the performance of the operating system. In most cases, it depends on how often the user. It is from these actions that the system becomes clogged. This article will help you learn how to unnecessary files. The fact is that if you carry out this procedure at least once a month, the installed operating system will last a long time. And this is very good, because sometimes as a result of reinstallation software All accumulated information (documents, photos, videos, music) is lost. Probably each of us has had such cases when the OS crashed, destroying something valuable.

How to get rid of unnecessary files?

If you are an experienced user, then there is nothing difficult in this; it is enough to have several in your arsenal useful programs. Walking around the Internet, you will see that there are many of them, but “CCleaner” is considered the most effective. This program is in great demand due to its availability and sufficient user-friendly interface. We will now find out how to clean your computer from unnecessary files using it.

  • Install the CCleaner program.
  • Launch it.
  • In the window that appears, in the “Windows” tab, check the boxes next to the lines with the names of the folders that need to be cleaned. Most often, these checkboxes are already checked automatically. And, if you are not such an experienced user yet, it’s better not to touch anything, leave everything as it is! Only experienced programmers can make changes.
  • Go to the "Applications" tab. Here, on the contrary, you need to uncheck the unnecessary checkboxes that are checked automatically: “Cookies” and “Session”.
  • Click the "Analyze" button. This way you can find out how many files will be deleted from the PC after the steps taken.
  • Click the "Clean" button and wait for the action to complete.

Now you know how to clean your computer from unnecessary files using the CCleaner program. But if you suddenly have any difficulties, or you don’t understand something, then don’t try to get rid of the garbage yourself, you can only do harm. It is better to contact a specialist at the service center for help.

How to clean your computer's memory without installing special applications?

There is another cleaning option - using the built-in program. What's good about this method? The answer is obvious, because you don’t have to search for and download the program to your computer, because it’s already there. You can find it in two ways:

  1. "Start" - "All Programs" - "System Tools" - "Disk Cleanup".
  2. "My computer" - click right click By " Local disk C:" - select the "Properties" item, click the "Disk Cleanup" button.

The program has started. Now in the “Disk Cleanup” window that appears, check the boxes next to the files that need to be deleted. Click the "Ok" button. Usually, by default, the “Trash” and “Temporary Internet files” items are already checked - this is what is deleted safely. As you can see, everything is quite simple and useful for your PC.

Thanks to these simple steps, your computer will be cleared of all temporary Internet and operating system files, as well as files contained in the clipboard. We can't see them, but they take up enough space! Sometimes after these actions, even several GB of memory may be freed up. I hope now you won’t have any problems with how to clean your computer of unnecessary files.

Over time, the system becomes full of garbage that slows down the operation of the laptop: no necessary programs, temporary files, registry entries. You can clean the system and speed up its operation using built-in tools or special software.

How to clean the system

The main thing in cleaning your laptop from debris is regularity. If you have never tried to clean the system, then so much unnecessary data will accumulate in it that you will normal work you can forget. Many users immediately begin to think that the hardware no longer holds up, and they need new laptop or at least complete reinstallation systems.

Reinstalling will solve the problem, there will be no garbage left, but you can speed up the system in a less radical way, which does not involve deleting user data from the laptop. Even cleaning with built-in tools will have a huge positive effect. But in order not to forget anything, let’s create a clear sequence:

  1. Cleaning the desktop. Remove unnecessary files and shortcuts unused programs.
  2. Checking documents, including downloaded torrents. Typical situation– I downloaded the season of the series, watched it, and left it as dead weight on the disk. Delete - the more space, the faster the system works.
  3. Uninstall unused programs.
  4. Cleaning the disk from temporary files.
  5. Cleaning the registry using CCleaner programs.
  6. Checking the startup list.

If the file is not deleted, use Unlocker utility. It independently unloads from memory the processes that are occupied by the file, helping to quickly clean the system of data that, when deleted, gives the error “Unable to delete. The file is being used by another program."

Uninstalling programs

Try to ensure that only valid required applications. It is better to clean the system of software “garbage” in order to free up space and slightly increase performance. There are several ways to remove a program:

  1. Through the “Uninstall a program” applet in the control panel.
  2. By using own file uninstall Uninstall.exe.
  3. Using the capabilities of the Revo Uninstaller utility (there is a free version).

The third option is preferable, because Revo Uninstaller removes the program completely, including erasing entries in system registry. After a standard uninstallation, traces remain that are not beneficial to the system.

After uninstall Revo Uninstaller will offer to clean the system from remaining garbage. Select a mode and click "Scan".

The program will show the remaining files and folders. Select them and click "Delete".

With advanced scanning, you can erase entries in the registry, so that the application will be destroyed without a trace.

Deleting temporary files

A lot of temporary files accumulate in the system, clogging up memory, which need to be gotten rid of.

The same operation can be performed using the free cleaning utility CCleaner:

Deleting temporary files will empty the Recycle Bin, so make sure there is nothing useful in it before you start cleaning your system. Additionally, you can clean up system files:

Another list of data that can be deleted will be generated. Among them will be old updates, which sometimes take up a lot of space on your hard drive. After generating the list, click “Ok” to clear it.

Cleaning the registry

It also accumulates in the system registry great amount garbage - records of programs that were deleted long ago. If you uninstalled using Revo Uninstaller, then there will be no entries left, but it won’t hurt to clean the registry in any case - there are still incorrect extensions or incorrect firewall rules. ABOUT manual removal out of the question: it is too long and dangerous - you can erase the wrong record and get errors in the system. The registry should be cleaned using CCleaner:

If you have never performed such a procedure before, you will immediately notice that the system has become faster and more stable.

Setting up autorun

To speed up your laptop boot time, you need to clear the startup list. It adds programs that are loaded with Windows. How more apps, the longer it takes to launch them. To clear the startup list of garbage:

IN standard list Autorun can only disable programs, but you cannot delete them. If you want to literally clean your startup of junk to speed up your system, use CCleaner.

Since you have opened the “Tools” tab in CCleaner, use one more convenient function cleaning the laptop - searching for duplicates. Everything is simple here: run a search, look at the result, select which version of the file you should get rid of (usually they are completely identical and created at the same time), and click “Delete selected”.

Even new computer After some time it starts to freeze a lot during operation. This occurs due to the accumulation of a large number of unnecessary files, programs and cache. You can fix the problem by clearing your computer of junk.

Free computer cleaning of junk and unnecessary files

Let's look at the most popular cleaning methods.

Cleaning the registry

Start» - « Execute».

Enter " regedit" and press " Enter" or OK.

First of all, you need to create a backup: " File» - «»…

The editor window is divided into 2 parts. The left section displays the sections, and the right displays individual registries.

Now you need to find and delete records of deleted programs.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER - « Software»…

You need to look through all the entries and find those that contain the name of the program or developer company. In the picture below this is the program.

Find the entry and press the button Delete.

If an error occurs after changing the registry, you can restore it from a backup copy.

Cleaning the system disk

Before you clean your computer of junk, you need to save all your data. Usually files user are stored on drive D, A programs are installed on drive C. If hard drive is not divided, then all information is stored on drive C. You need to transfer files, music, photos, videos from one partition to another drive, cloud storage etc.

The "" function is built into OS Windows 7. Right-click (RMB) on the shortcut “ My computer", select the item " Properties" and further "".

In the next window you need to select the partitions that should be deleted. Usually this is the “” folder, a cache from the Internet and files in the Recycle Bin.

The disk cleaning process begins.

Cleaning startup

Not all programs that are installed on a computer are garbage. Antivirus and firewall are designed specifically to protect the system. They should not be removed from startup, unlike other programs. Torrent, application for sound card can be launched separately later. You can clean your computer using the built-in program MSConfig.

« Start» - « Execute" or " Win+R» - « msconfig.exe» - OK.

The "" window will open. Go to the tab "" and " Service».

This displays a list of all programs that are loaded when Windows startup. There is a check mark next to each of them. To remove a program from startup, you need to remove the check mark and click.

To avoid accidentally turning off system program, activate the “” checkbox at the bottom.

All changes will take effect after the system is rebooted.

Removing unnecessary programs and files

The next step in cleaning your computer from junk is deleting unused programs. This can be done system means, via the control panel.

StartControl Panel – .

You need to find the program in the list and click on the “ Delete».

This method has one serious drawback - “tails” of programs may remain on the computer.

You can also clean your computer from viruses through the registry. Viruses create registry entries to download their files when Windows startup. They are located HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER. They need to be found and removed.

    Open the registry: Win + R - Regedit - Enter. Go to the section /Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run. Find the file - right-click - Delete.

Next, you need to clear all malicious entries in the registry. To do this, click “ Computer" - tab " Edit» - « Find" Enter the names of all malicious processes and click " Find next" You need to delete all registry branches that contain these files.

Clearing the cache

A cache is a storage for temporary files, but most often unnecessary files accumulate here. It has to be cleaned manually. The cache may contain temporary files and DNS. Consider how to clear your computer of junk cache.

DNS- this is the sequence of determining the correspondence between the IP and the text name of a computer on the network. Each time the domain's DNS information is cached for further use. This provides fast access to the file and reduces server load. But if the IP changes, the user will not be able to open the site using the link to Domain name. To avoid this error, you need to clear the cache by running the command " Start» – « Execute» - ipconfig /flushdns. The system will clear the memory and close the window.

How to delete temporary files from hard drive, has been described previously.

Behind long time work, duplicate files accumulate on the computer. For example, a user downloaded a movie, forgot about it, and then copied it again. Manually clearing your computer of debris in the form of duplicates is very time-consuming and inconvenient. Therefore it is better to use third party programs, For example, AllDup. The search is carried out immediately on all disks, inside archives, filters, etc.

By default, the search is performed by file name. In the settings, you need to change the search options by specifying the file contents as the method.

Based on the search results, files will be sorted by size. You can only view photos. Check the duplicates and click the button in the upper left corner.

Selected files can be deleted or moved to any disk partition, for example, the Recycle Bin.

Here's how to clean your computer of junk for free.

How to clean your computer using special utilities

Built-in programs have a limited set of functions. Sometimes with the help of one third party application can simultaneously solve several problems.

WITH using CCLEANER You can clear the registry, cache and startup list. Designed for each task separate section menu. To clean the registry, you need to go to the " Registry integrity» check all the boxes and start the process.

The program will analyze all system errors and display them in a separate list. We check that there is a checkmark next to each and them and click “”.

A warning will appear on the screen. Click "" to start the removal process.

Through the "" tab you can delete all temporary files and network cache. First, the program analyzes the information...

Then it displays a list of files that need to be deleted.


Immediately after launching the program, it will offer to perform a “system check”. The first time the process may take 30 minutes. In this case, all cache files, duplicates and other garbage will be displayed in the results. You can select a specific operation in the “” section: clear history, delete files, clean (defragment) HDD or clear the list of programs from startup.


RevoUninstallerFree is designed to remove unnecessary application from a computer. All installed programs are displayed on the "" tab. You just need to select the application and “ Delete» (the button will become active).

The menu "" presents two more useful features:

    ", with which you can edit the list of applications launched when Windows starts.

The program is used to clean cache, unnecessary files, system errors. In the settings, you can mark which items are best left, for example, passwords for sites in the browser.

Having selected all the necessary items, we start the cleaning process.


You can clean your computer from garbage, viruses and program remnants using the Unlocker program.

You need to download and install the application on your PC. Find the file or folder to be deleted and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, click “ Unlocker».

Currently, most services operate over the Internet, and the user needs to work with a computer. Everything is collected on the device over time more files, which are not used by humans or the system itself. They take up space and load your PC, slowing it down. You need to know how to properly clean your computer to get rid of loads and freezes.

Purpose of prophylaxis

Hard drives on modern PCs have a large capacity, but even they can become full, resulting in the need to remove unused files. This procedure is necessary for home, office systems and laptops. The accumulated “garbage” prevents the machine from working normally and slows down the process of searching for data on the hard drive. But when deleting, you need to get rid of only unnecessary files without affecting important system records.

A large amount of “garbage” remains after installing games and programs. The system starts to boot and open more slowly dialog boxes. When installing some software, they may also install additional applications, if the user has not cleared the corresponding checkboxes. All this loads the PC.

If there is too little space left on the hard drive, the system will display a message indicating the need to clean it up. Regularly deleting unnecessary data has the following benefits:

  • the computer will work faster;
  • there will be more space for necessary files and documents;
  • programs and the system itself will launch much faster;
  • the risk of critical errors that automatically crash a running game or application will be reduced.

DIY cleaning methods

To clean your computer of unnecessary files yourself, you do not need to manually search for each of them and delete them. For this there is special utilities and tools that automate work and do not require much user intervention. You can completely remove “junk” using system function located in the hard drive properties. Another way is to install additional software, such programs, for example, include Unistall Expert, CCleaner.

Media files and shortcuts

Over time, a significant number of documents and shortcuts accumulate on the desktop, which are no longer used and only take up space. This makes it more difficult for the user to search necessary programs. Excess files can be selected and moved to the trash. The latter needs to be cleaned after removing the “garbage”.

In second place after games in terms of weight and memory footprint there are video files. The user may forget to delete a watched movie or TV series. Such a file can weigh from 700 MB to 30 GB. You should also remove any accumulated torrents.

All browsers support the function of saving pages of interest. A large accumulation of such bookmarks also slows down the application and the opening of new windows.

Unused programs

There are special utilities that scan the hard drive for old and unused data that can slow down the system. Such programs include the built-in Windows Disk Cleanup, as well as some third-party, more functional applications ( Revo uninstaller, CCleaner). The utilities collect old registry entries and files and then offer to get rid of them. The process can be performed manually or enabled in automatic mode.

There may also be copies of files stored on the computer that programs use for some operations, but are not subsequently deleted. For the system to work well, it must be cleared of such data. The CCleaner utility is suitable for this. Once you launch it, you need to do the following:

  1. Select the “Service” tab in the left menu.
  2. Select “Search for duplicates” from the list.
  3. Use the checkboxes to specify the criteria by which the search will be conducted.
  4. It is imperative to check the “System” column so that the application does not get rid of important files Windows.
  5. Folders with the required data can also be added to the "Exceptions" list.
  6. Click on the “Search” button, the summary information will be displayed in alphabetical order.
  7. Need to highlight extra files and click on “Delete selected”.

A hard drive with an operating system installed on it is called a system drive. Its clutter directly affects Windows performance. This disk should always contain free place so that programs can create temporary files for work. The optimal reserve is 20 GB.

You can get rid of temporary files manually by deleting all data from Temp folders V root directory Windows. This operation can be performed automatically by selecting the “Registry Cleaner” function in CCleaner.

You can remove “garbage” from a disk by standard means. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Call context menu at system disk by right-clicking the mouse.
  2. Select “Properties” and in the “General” tab click the “Disk Cleanup” button.
  3. In the window that appears, select the desired removal options.
  4. Click the “Ok” button and wait for the cleaning to complete.

At Windows update are being created backups files stored in separate folder. Over time, they become useless and clog the disk. Conduct proper cleaning The PatchCleaner program will help.

The utility asks the system what data is being used, compares it with the contents of the Installer folder, and identifies broken items. Before starting the uninstallation process, it is recommended to make a restore point. It will allow you to return cleared data if errors occur in the system.

To remove "garbage" you need to run the PatchCleaner program and click on Delete button. The utility will clean it automatically.

Removing unnecessary files from your computer is easy. If you follow the instructions, this task can be completed even by inexperienced user. Regular cleaning of the system will allow it to work quickly, without brakes and errors.