How to clean the monitor from dust inside. How to properly wipe matte and glossy monitors

The surface of the liquid crystal display is extremely delicate and susceptible to damage. It must be cleaned carefully, in accordance with the recommendations given in the instructions for the device. This will significantly extend its service life.

Dirt or stains on the surface of a TV screen can sometimes distort the image or simply be distracting. Therefore, it is necessary to have several simple ways cleaning the TV screen from household dirt.

Dust and dirt from LCD and LED screens should be removed with a lint-free cloth: such material will not leave lint and streaks on the surface. Lint-free wipes are also suitable for cleaning plasma TV screens.

For example, special napkins for screens are made from such fabric and go on sale.

If you don’t have specialized liquid crystal care products on hand, you can, taking all precautions, use one of the homemade products that are safe for the screen surface.

Special means

In stores today you can find a wide variety of products:

  • Wet wipes in packages impregnated with a special composition.
  • Lint-free wipes included with the bottle of cleanser (gel or aerosol).

When using these products, you must strictly follow the attached instructions.

Do not spray the aerosol directly onto the surface of the screen. The product should first be applied to napkin from a lint-free cloth, and then wipe the contaminated areas with it.

Vinegar solution

Three percent table vinegar is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and, after moistening a microfiber cloth in the resulting solution, wipe the surface. After removing the dirt, rinse off the remaining vinegar with a damp, wrung-out cloth, and then wipe the cleaned surface dry.

This way you can clean your TV from fingerprints and stains left by unsuitable detergents.

Soap solution

A small amount of soap should be diluted in water and wipe the contaminated areas with the resulting solution. Wash off the remaining soap solution with a wet cloth, then thoroughly wipe the surface, without applying pressure.

A soap solution helps clean the surface from greasy marks.

Isopropyl alcohol (pharmacy solution for wound disinfection)

Using this substance, you can wash the screen if there are greasy marks and dried dirt on it.

Before cleaning the TV, the substance should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Using a lint-free cloth, remove dirt and, using a damp cloth, remove any remaining solution and wipe the surface dry.

How to properly wipe the LCD screen?

The surface of the TV should be cleaned regularly so that dirt does not accumulate in large quantities.

If you are using a non-disposable wipe, you need to make sure that there is no dust or solid particles on it that could scratch the sensitive surface.

Before turning on the cleaned TV, you must wait until the display is completely dry.

Precautions (what not to do)

Modern television screens are very sensitive to various damages - both chemical and mechanical.

When caring for the sensitive surface of the screen, certain precautions must be taken:

  • It is unacceptable to use alcohol or alcohol-containing liquids. Acetone and other solvents are also not suitable for this purpose.
  • Do not use hygienic wet wipes or car cosmetics.
  • When trying to wash dirt from the screen, you cannot use household chemicals: washing powders, soap, dishwashing detergents, window cleaners, floor cleaners.
  • Before wiping the LCD TV screen, the device must be turned off. And before turning it on again, you should wait until the surface of the screen is completely dry.
  • Do not use sheets of paper or paper napkins - they may leave scratches on the delicate surface.
  • Do not try to scrape off or scrape off dried dirt, as this can lead to mechanical damage.
  • The use of products containing abrasive particles is not allowed.

It is useful for any owner of modern technology to know how to clean a laptop screen. After all, dust constantly settles on it, and sometimes more serious contamination occurs. Meanwhile, not any remedy is suitable. If you treat this task irresponsibly, you can simply ruin your monitor. How can this be avoided?

It is important to take care of your equipment regularly. The easiest way to get rid of dust is. It is enough to lightly, without pressing, wipe the surface with a dry cloth or cotton pad. But microfiber cloths are best suited for this purpose. With their help, you can carefully clean your laptop display and other similar surfaces: camera optics, glasses, CDs. The specially cut fibers of this material attract dust and even bacteria. All you have to do is walk to the right place.

If there is a need to get rid of stains that cannot be removed with a light touch, then you will have to use heavier artillery. Sometimes it is enough to wet the microfiber and wipe away the dirt. But care must be taken: the material should be only slightly damp. Otherwise, water may penetrate under the housing, and then stains will be noticeable on the matrix. Do not use paper napkins: they contain wood particles that can leave scratches. In addition, the paper dissolves, and tiny pieces end up in hard-to-reach places.

Wet wipes and cleaning products

When you need to clean your monitor, you can take wet wipes. The main thing is that they do not contain alcohol. It is also advisable to choose ones that are not too wet: excess moisture will leave streaks, this is especially true for glossy displays. This can be avoided by wiping the surface twice. The second time - with an already dried product. Various manufacturers offer soft, lint-free wipes that are gentle on the screen.

There are kits that consist of wet and dry wipes. Those impregnated with a special composition thoroughly clean the display, while dry ones remove remaining dirt and excess moisture. So the screen will become clean quickly and easily. In addition, they have an antistatic effect.

Into another set that shows excellent results, includes a dry cloth and a special cleaning spray. They are sold as a set. It costs a little more than regular wipes, but it also cleans more effectively. Simply apply the spray onto a cloth, wipe the screen and wipe thoroughly.

There is no need to try to remove a speck on the screen with your finger: it will leave a greasy mark.

You can also use lint-free wipes in combination with cleaning sprays or gels. But it’s better to choose special ones designed for technology. Otherwise, it may be difficult to get rid of divorces. Glass liquid will not work either: the surface of the laptop screen requires more careful attitude. Do not spray the product onto the monitor. In this case, you may not calculate the amount and some of the liquid will flow under the housing. The substance should be applied to a napkin.

Home remedy

There is a large selection of products to keep equipment clean. But any remedy costs money. Therefore, if you want to save money or need to wipe off a stain urgently, but don’t have any special products at hand, then you can try cleaning the display with soap and cotton pads.

To do this, you need to prepare warm water in a convenient container and the required number of cotton pads. They are quite dense on the outside, so they will not leave lint. First, wipe the screen with dry pads to remove dust. Then wet a few pieces, squeeze them thoroughly so that the water does not drain, and soap them. Baby soap is best. Then you need to wipe the monitor, moving up and down and left and right. After the procedure, there will be stains, this is not scary. To remove them, you need to wet clean discs and wipe the surface, replacing them with new ones as they become dirty. And so on until the result appears. Since the LCD matrix dries quickly, you can evaluate your work almost immediately.

At home, tidying up your laptop screen is easy if you follow some rules.

  • Dust should be removed with a soft, lint-free cloth, preferably microfiber cloths.
  • The monitor should be wiped gently, without pressing, moving in a circle or horizontally and vertically.
  • Cleaning your laptop should be regular, the frequency depends on the intensity of the device’s operation.
  • You can clean the junction of the case and the display with a cotton swab.
  • Only clean napkins and rags can be used for wiping.
  • Alcohol-based products, solvents, White Spirit, and any powders are not suitable for monitors.
  • The laptop must be turned off during processing. You can turn it on only after it has completely dried.

If the question arises, how to clean a laptop display, then The best decision- purchase a special product at any store that deals in electronics. They are usually inexpensive and act quickly and effectively.

Care modern gadgets largely affects the duration of their operation. The most important thing when cleaning your monitor is to use gentle cleaning methods, because due to improper care transmitted image may get significantly worse.

What can you use to clean your monitor?

The monitor should be wiped with special wipes or a cloth that does not contain fluffy fibers. Good cotton pads may also work. Special wipes include wet and dry wipes, which are soaked in water and sold at points of sale computer equipment and accessories. With their help, you can easily remove dust and dirt from your computer monitor, without the use of cleaning agents. If you only have a cloth at hand, then you can’t do without specially designed sprays for cleaning displays.

ATTENTION! You should not use tape to clean computer monitors. It can leave trails that attract more dust.

How to clean your monitor at home without streaks

Of course, it’s not difficult to clean the display of a computer or laptop yourself, but many are interested in the question of how to do it so that there are no streaks left at the end of the process. In this case, it is recommended to use special sets consisting of wet and dry wipes. To begin with, the screen is wiped with a damp cloth, then with a dry cloth or microfiber rags. But before you get started, you need to disconnect your computer from the network. Before turning on the gadget, you need to wait until the monitor is completely dry.

Store products

You can purchase products specifically designed for cleaning monitors, which include:

  1. Cleaning wet wipes, alcohol-free. They remove dirt accumulations, dust from LCD monitors and at the same time remove static electricity. Directions for use: Use this cloth to wipe the entire surface and let it dry, then wipe the screen with a dry cloth.
  2. Microfiber wipes. They are reusable as they can be washed. With their help, you can remove dust and dirt without using special solutions.
  3. Spray with napkin included. Suitable for any type of monitor. This product does not contain alcohol or harmful substances, while protecting the surface of the display when applied.
  4. A set of dry and wet wipes. It is very convenient, since such a set is disposable. A damp cloth makes it possible to efficiently remove dirt, and a dry cloth allows you to remove any remaining liquid.
  5. Dry cleaning wipes are designed for use with special products that remove dirt from the surface of screens.

IMPORTANT! Before using special sprays, you must carefully study the instructions for use.

Folk remedies

It happens that there are no special means at hand to remove dirt from displays. In such a situation, you can try traditional methods. You can replace napkins with microfiber cloths or any other lint-free material. To remove dust and dirt from the monitor, you need to prepare wet and dry cloths. You can use plain water or soap solution as a cleaning agent.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl and soak the cleaning material in it.
  2. Then rub the cleaning material with soap and thoroughly wipe the computer monitor.
  3. Wipe the soap off the display with a damp cloth.
  4. Wipe dry with a dry piece of cloth.

You can also clean your computer display with vinegar:

  • add 2 tbsp to a glass of water. l. vinegar;
  • dampen a rag in this means and treat the surface;
  • Wipe the surface of the screen again and wipe dry.

IMPORTANT! In order not to damage the display of your gadget, you should not use products containing acetone or ammonia.

Before you start cleaning the surface of your computer screen, you should familiarize yourself with the following tips:

  1. Before you start cleaning, the gadget should be completely turned off and unplugged.
  2. When using a spray, this product should be sprayed not on the gadget display itself, but on the cleaning material and in a small amount.
  3. The fabric material should not be heavily wetted during cleaning; it should be damp.
  4. Be sure to wipe the screen surface dry after wet cleaning with a dry cloth.
  5. Under no circumstances should you clean dried dirt from the monitor with a sharp object, as this can scratch it.
  6. Do not touch the display with your hands.
  7. Hard-to-reach areas of the display can be cleaned using cotton swabs.
  8. When cleaning, do not press on the surface of the display, as this may cause damage.
  9. It is recommended that you remove all jewelry from your hands before cleaning to avoid scratching the surface of the display.
  10. To protect your gadgets, use a film that will protect the screen from external dirt.

And remember: after cleaning, you should turn on the computer only when the surface of the monitor is completely dry. If product or liquid gets inside electrical appliance, contact a specialist immediately.

Any equipment requires cleaning, maintenance and prevention. And the more attention and time we devote to performing the necessary procedures, the longer this equipment will delight us with its impeccable work.

A computer or laptop is no exception. From time to time, our “windows to the world of the Internet” require a “bath day.” Despite the obviousness, many users, if they do not know how to wipe an LCD monitor, risk causing damage to their property. Wiping the monitor with a regular dish sponge, improvised means or chemical products for cleaning windows can cause irreparable damage to the LCD monitor.

Folk art is replete with incredible recommendations or real-life incidents. People wipe their monitors with just about anything... Glass cleaner, cleaning alcohol, or just a wet rag. I really want to believe that this exotic will remain exotic. And the question “how to wipe an LCD monitor” will have a clear and correct answer.

Let's start with the points that most users do not pay attention to:
1. As a rule, monitors have technological holes/grids for ventilation. It is strictly not recommended to close them.
2. It is advisable to periodically dry clean the monitor. House dust is omnipresent - it appears out of nowhere, penetrates and accumulates where it cannot even theoretically exist. To combat it, you can use special cans of compressed air, special vacuum cleaners for computer equipment, or a regular home vacuum cleaner operating in air blowing mode.
3. When working with a computer, you need to follow basic hygiene rules: do not work with greasy hands, do not try to use a sausage as a pointer for the monitor, minimize, if possible, contact of your hands with the surface of the LCD screen.

Now let's look at what directly concerns cleaning the monitor. Let's start with the moment “HOW” to wipe, and then move on to the moment “WHAT” to wipe. This approach will give us a complete and clear picture.

How to clean your LCD monitor:
. Before the cleaning process, be sure to turn off the power supply to the monitor/laptop;
. To clean the edges of the screen, technological and ventilation grilles, use cotton swabs;
. Never apply cleaning solutions directly to the screen. First you need to moisten the napkin, and only then wipe the surface of the monitor with a damp (never wet!) napkin or cloth;
. Wipe only from top to bottom. Do not use other directions.

How to wipe an LCD monitor:
. Use only clean materials. The slightest dust, lumps or foreign substances on the surface of the fabric can cause scratches on the screen;
. The materials with which you plan to clean your monitor should be extremely soft. The rough texture of the cleaning material (terry cloth, rags, burlap, paper napkins, towels and the like) may damage the top layer or anti-glare coating of the monitor;
. Never use napkins or cloths with lint;
. Do not use physical force, pressure or pressure on the surface to be cleaned. Your overzealousness can cause mechanical damage and lead to damage to the monitor;
. IMPORTANT!!! Do not use alcohol, window cleaners, abrasive cleaners, or chemical solvents to clean the surface of LCD screens. This can cause irreparable damage to the monitor and permanently disable it.
. To care for your monitor, use only those products and materials that are intended specifically for these purposes.

A few words about how to wipe the LCD monitor in situations where special means I didn't have it at hand.
Option 1. You will need plain water and two microfiber cloths, which can be purchased, for example, at a store that sells optics. Wet the first napkin with water and wring it out well. Wipe the surface of the monitor well with a damp cloth, then immediately dry it.
Option 2. If option 1 did not work (remaining greasy spots, the contamination has not been completely removed) - try adding a step with a light soap solution to the cleaning process (you can use regular “Baby” soap). The sequence of your actions:
1. Wet wipe;
2. A damp cloth soaked in a light soap solution;
3. Dry cloth.

Summary: using special products for cleaning LCD matrices and knowing how to wipe a monitor allows these same monitors to live a long and happy life. Compliance with basic rules and lack of experimentation in the care process LCD screens will allow you to forget about problems with “windows into the world of virtual reality”.

Like any equipment, LCD monitors require maintenance. There are some nuances and subtleties here. Let's take a closer look at them.

How to wipe dust off an LCD monitor

Most often there is a need to remove dust from the screen. How to wipe the monitor in this case? There are several ways, choose:

  • Blow off the dust with one of available methods- a vacuum cleaner set to blow, a rubber bulb, by actively squeezing it, you get a narrow directed air flow, etc. Just be careful that parts of the devices do not touch the screen.
  • You can use a broom with long soft hairs (as an option - a bunch of soft feathers).
  • You can wipe the surface with a dry or slightly damp soft, lint-free cloth (flannel, microfiber, etc.).

How to clean an LCD monitor from fingerprints and splashes

Sometimes it happens that there is not only dust on the screen, but also fingerprints or dried splashes. You can't get by with a broom here. How to wipe the LCD monitor in this situation? Again, there are several tools you can use:

  • The most obvious and simple solution is to wipe the screen with a soft flannel cloth soaked in water. Only the water should be soft and at room temperature. Once you have wiped the surface with a damp cloth, wipe it with a dry piece of the same cloth. This method gives good results and does not leave streaks.
  • If not all stains are removed, you can use one of the special sprays. Only here there are also subtleties: you can’t splash it on the monitor. The spray should be sprayed onto a dry, soft, lint-free cloth. Wipe the screen with a piece of cloth soaked in the product, and then repeat the manipulations with a cloth soaked in water, then dry.
  • Instead of fabric, you can use special napkins, which are available in a fairly large assortment. There are also kits available that may include cleaning fluid, a cloth and/or a brush.
  • Another solution for particularly stubborn stains is to soak a cloth in mineral spirits (available from hardware store, supermarket and market). Then water/dry cloth is applied again.

One of these methods should definitely help. But it is advisable to always start with the most gentle thing - an LCD monitor is a delicate and fragile thing, so we treat it with care - even the most minor repairs cost a decent amount.

General rules

1. Choose a fabric that is soft, lint-free, but well absorbs moisture. Flannel or microfiber work great.

2. Before you begin cleaning, turn off the power to the monitor (unplug the cord from the outlet rather than pressing the button).

3. Wipe the plastic frame and the back surface of the screen with another cloth, you can also moisten it with water or use a neutral detergent, but you must be careful not to touch the screen and so that water does not get inside it. Therefore, the rag should be slightly damp, not wet.

4. Wipe the screen in one direction: from bottom to top or from top to bottom.

5. Do not scratch or press on the screen under any circumstances. Do everything carefully.

6. Using solvents, cleaners or detergents may damage the LCD monitor.

7. For better review use well-lit places; you can change the angle of the screen to better view the surface.


Now you know what you can use to wipe your LCD monitor. We hope it will make you happy bright colors and a clear picture for a long time. But try to make sure that you don’t poke your fingers into it and try to protect it from splashes - the less you touch the surface, the longer the service life of the device will be, and you won’t have to think about how to wipe the LCD monitor.