How to clean your keyboard when it jams. Methods for cleaning a computer keyboard for different types of contamination

05.11.2016 2 20 357 views

How to clean a computer keyboard at home? This question sooner or later arose before every owner of a PC or laptop, because in modern society people work, relax, and communicate in front of a monitor.

We often eat without interrupting the news on the Internet, and as a result, we can litter the keyboard with crumbs, cover it with greasy or sticky stains, or even accidentally spill our favorite drink on it. In addition, no one has canceled household dust. All these misfortunes can be dealt with at home, you just need to know some of the nuances of the device and follow a number of rules.

What can happen to the computer?

Cleaning the keyboard is not a whim of the tidy, because dirt not only spoils the appearance of the device, but can also damage its operation. What are the consequences of not paying attention to the keyboard?

  • sticking of one or more keys;
  • interruptions in the operation of the entire device;
  • breakdown of a laptop, where the keyboard is an integral important part.

As with the functioning of the human body, prevention is cheaper than treatment. And if for an ordinary computer the keyboard is not the “brain” or other vital organ and can, in extreme cases, be replaced with a new one, then for a laptop the damage to its operation is much more serious, and repair is more difficult.

To clean the keyboard with your own hands, you need to stock up not only with time, but also with some tools and tools. What can you use to clean yourself?

  • car vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, compressed air in a can;
  • cotton buds;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • soft fabric;
  • soap solution;
  • special wipes for cleaning equipment;
  • plastic product in the form of slime;
  • screwdriver for disassembly.

How to clean a computer keyboard at home?

The main difficulty is due to the fact that a mechanical keyboard, consisting of separate parts, tends to let debris and dirt into the space between the keys. A one-piece membrane-type keyboard does not have this feature, which, unfortunately, has its drawbacks in use, which cannot overcome the ease of cleaning.

If the panel is not very dirty, cleaning dust and crumbs can be done very simply and quickly, without disassembling the device. This method is also relevant for laptops whose keyboards can be called non-removable, since you will need to disassemble the device to get to hard-to-reach places that need cleaning. Let's consider ways to rid the keyboard of dirt, depending on its neglect and age.

Light soiling

Mild cases include traces of keyboard use that can be eliminated yourself without disassembling it. These are dust deposits, fingerprints, and crumbs getting into the spaces between the keys. How to properly clean your computer keyboard in this situation?

  1. Disconnect it from the main device.
  2. Turn the keyboard over to remove any debris.
  3. Blow out food debris, dust and crumbs from under it using a hair dryer, a can of compressed air or a small vacuum cleaner, such as a car vacuum cleaner.
  4. Wipe the surface of the keys and other parts of the device with a damp cloth or special wipes.
  5. Turn on and use after complete drying.


A more difficult case is when traces of fatty deposits are found on the buttons. This happens not only when the owner eats fatty donuts at home at the keyboard, but also simply as a result of ordinary use of the device for its intended purpose. Here, too, no disassembly or participation of specialists is required; all activities are carried out by the user.

  1. Don't forget to turn off the keyboard.
  2. Get rid of dust, crumbs and other dry debris by shaking it out, hair dryer or vacuum cleaner.
  3. Wipe particularly dirty and greasy areas with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol. This type of alcohol gently cleans the keys without damaging the characters printed on them. If such alcohol is not available, you can use ethyl or other alcohol-containing liquids, after making sure that they do not erase letters and other marks from the buttons. Wipes for cleaning equipment purchased at a computer store will also come in handy here.
  4. Dry the surface. You can take it to a warm place or blow it with a hairdryer to speed up the process.

Video: how to clean a personal computer keyboard.


To clean your computer keyboard yourself if it is heavily soiled, you need to think through all the little details. For example, study the location of the keys, take a photo of your keyboard, or print a picture with a diagram of the buttons. This information will be useful because if it is heavily soiled, you will need to disassemble the device and, if you plan to use it further, reassemble it correctly. The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows.

  1. As always, disconnect the keyboard from the computer.
  2. Unscrew it using a screwdriver, separating the lower part from the upper.
  3. Remove the plate through which the signal is transmitted.
  4. Remove the keys one at a time, carefully prying them out with a thin screwdriver. This must be done carefully so as not to break the latches on which the buttons are attached.
  5. Wash the keys in warm soapy water and rub them with a soft cloth. For particularly severe stains, use cotton swabs soaked in isopropyl alcohol diluted with water. Rinse off any remaining soap.
  6. Wipe off dust and crumbs remaining in place of the keys or remove them with a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer.
  7. Dry the buttons and keyboard well. It is highly undesirable to collect wet parts and connect the device to a computer.
  8. Assemble according to the diagram of the parts arrangement.

The nuances of cleaning keyboards in laptops

Laptops and netbooks from popular brands Lenovo, Asus, Acer and others use a built-in keyboard. Therefore, before carrying out major cleaning, it is necessary to assess your strength and the degree of contamination.

If you can do without disassembling the device by blowing out the dust, if you have doubts about your ability to assemble the laptop on your own after the procedure, it is better not to risk it. It is not advisable to disassemble a laptop that is under warranty yourself. Good helpers for superficial cleaning of a laptop keyboard:

  • a special brush that removes debris from under the keys (you can use a clean and soft paint brush instead);
  • “slime”, in other words, a plastic sticky mass that penetrates into the spaces between the buttons and catches excess particles that impede the operation of the device.

In the case of normal dust, it is quite possible to get by by removing individual keys or the keyboard by releasing special latches. If such means are unable to rid the laptop of dirt, you will have to either contact a service center for cleaning, or study the structure of the keyboard, photograph the location of the keys and unscrew the laptop.

The nuances of the device may vary depending on the laptop model. It is imperative to remove the cable connecting the keyboard to the motherboard, after which you can proceed directly to cleaning, which should be dry and thorough.

How to clean a computer keyboard from spilled liquid?

In addition to contaminating the keyboard with food crumbs and greasy stains, there is a more serious problem - spilling warming sweet (tea, coffee) and alcoholic (beer, vodka, etc.) drinks on it. The best and safest method to avoid such incidents is, of course, separation of processes - do not eat or drink near the computer and especially the laptop. But this is not always possible. How to save a keyboard flooded with liquid?

  1. Immediately turn off the device.
  2. Turn over to allow the drink to drain out.
  3. Wipe off as much remaining moisture as possible with cotton pads or a soft cloth or napkin that does not leave any pieces.
  4. Additionally, dry the inside of the keyboard using a hairdryer set to cold air mode at maximum power.
  5. After making sure that it is completely dry, connect the device and test its operation.


How much does it cost to clean a laptop keyboard?

If the self-cleaning procedure inspires concern, you can outsource it to third-party contractors - service center employees who will disassemble and reassemble the device without loss. Simple cleaning or replacement of laptop buttons will cost 200 or more rubles, depending on the locality and location. This is an order of magnitude lower than the repair of the keyboard, which will be required if it is flooded or heavily soiled, since in this case it is necessary to disassemble the device, separate the layers and restore the conductive paths. In some circumstances it is easier to replace the old one with a new one.

What should you do if you cleaned your keyboard and it stopped working?

It is necessary to check the correct assembly and, if it is impossible to bring the keyboard back to life, get rid of it. The laptop can be used with a connected external keyboard.

Dust always accumulates in the keyboard, and even wiping it superficially with a cloth does not guarantee complete cleaning. Therefore, the keyboard is cleaned 1-2 times a month using the following devices:

  1. Soft brush with bristles or silicone.
  2. A can of compressed air blowing out dust.
  3. A hand-held vacuum cleaner that is used for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of upholstered furniture.
  4. Cotton swabs or soft napkins.
  5. A hairdryer that blows crumbs and dust out of the device.

Advice! Alcohol wipes, which are used on a keyboard that is unplugged, will help you quickly clean dust or fine dirt.

Removing germs and “greasy plaque”

If your computer is located near the kitchen or you like to work while eating, then the keyboard buttons will become covered with greasy yellow spots. This dirt gets under the keys, creating a favorable environment for bacteria or mold to grow.

To remove this type of dirt, alcohol-based sprays or pure alcohol are used.

Advice! To clean the keyboard, use isopropyl alcohol, because ethyl alcohol can erase letters and numbers on the keys.

When using the spray, you should spray the keyboard with it, press it for 2-10 minutes, and then gently wipe it with a dry soft cloth. To clean with alcohol, use cotton swabs or napkins that are moistened in the product. Wipe the top of the keys with a moistened napkin, and hard-to-reach areas with a cotton swab. Do not pour alcohol on the keyboard to avoid damaging it.

Tea, coffee, beer... learning how to clean your keyboard from a spilled drink

You don't have to turn on the Sticky Keys feature; just spill a sweet drink on the keyboard. If you spill something, immediately disconnect the keyboard from the computer, carefully turn it over and shake it so that the excess liquid pours out.

  • Unscrew the bolts on the back panel, putting them in a matchbox so as not to get lost.

  • The back panel is removed, and all that remains is to quickly assemble all the sealing gaskets that are located under the buttons. It is very difficult to find a replacement for 1 such gasket.
  • Carefully disconnect the wires and the microcircuit.
  • The upper part remains, the lower part is put aside. On the top panel there are dirty buttons that need cleaning.

On a laptop, buttons are removed from the left or right edge. The upper part of the keyboard is wiped with a dry cloth, then the “hardware” is degreased with an alcohol solution. Dirt and debris from the lower part are blown out with a hairdryer or collected with a hand-held vacuum cleaner.

Important! To assemble the keyboard and its buttons in the correct order, find a picture or instructional video online. Collection is carried out only after all elements of the device have dried.

Removing food debris and sticky stains

To clean food debris, you need to disassemble the keyboard. Almost everything that the user ate while working accumulates under the keys: bread crumbs, salt from chips, etc. Carefully remove the keys, using a can of compressed air to blow out dirt.

To clean the buttons from greasy or sticky stains, you can use clean water, alcohol or a regular eraser. After cleaning individual keys with an eraser, do not forget to rinse them. An old toothbrush dipped in soapy water also works well for dirty buttons.

Keyboard cleaning products: gels and liquids

There are special keyboard cleaning products that are usually used for fragile laptops:

  1. Velcro gel. This universal product is used to clean everything - calculators, keyboards, push-button phones or plant leaves. It is enough to roll the gel into a cake, stick it to the surface, and then quickly remove it. The gel also removes all debris and dust; the cost of the product is about 250 rubles. for 80 grams.
  2. Magic Power kits are used to clean keyboards, plasma panels, and telephones. The set includes wipes and spray that carefully clean everything. But the spray only copes with the top layer of dirt; it cannot penetrate under the keys to crumbs and spilled water. The cost of the product is about 500 rubles.

To prevent your keyboard from getting dirty, stick to the habit of snacking while working on your laptop or PC. If it’s difficult to get rid of bad habits, then stock up on a powerful hairdryer, alcohol, and Velcro gel, which can easily be used for emergency cleaning at any time. Practice a complete disassembly of the keyboard at least 1-2 times every six months to remove accumulated debris and dirty deposits from the keys.

How to clean your keyboard: video

Today, a laptop or personal computer has become an integral attribute of a person, both at home (in an apartment) and in the office. We spend most of our time at the computer. Avid gamers, programmers or designers, even have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the computer. However, this can have serious consequences for your computer keyboard. So, even a small amount of crumbs or pieces of food getting on the keyboard clog the keys, and over time, they can completely damage one or more keys. While it’s easy to clean the keyboard of a regular PC, it’s much more difficult to clean a laptop keyboard! How to clean your computer keyboard without breaking anything?


What threatens us with debris under the keyboard?

A dirty keyboard is bad. A dirty keyboard threatens your immune system, since dust and dirt are an ideal environment for germs to multiply.

In addition, you should keep in mind that preventative cleaning of your computer keyboard is a prerequisite for the excellent functioning of computer equipment and your excellent health! Dust, various contaminants and heavy dirt, especially drops of liquid spilled on the keyboard, can completely break the keyboard and even cause a short circuit.

And of course, from an aesthetic point of view, a dirty keyboard is unpleasant, to say the least.

How often should you clean your laptop or PC keyboard?

First of all, you should understand that, despite the apparent simplicity of cleaning a computer keyboard, the cleaning procedure itself must be performed as carefully and carefully as possible.

Cleaning a laptop or PC keyboard is divided into two main types:

  • 1. Deep cleaning.
  • 2. Superficial cleaning.

A deep keyboard clean can remove all dirt and dust, both on the outside of the keys and underneath the keys. At the same time, surface cleaning can only remove dirt that is on the keys, and also, partially, between the keys.

It is recommended to superficially clean the keyboard once a month. The keyboard requires deep cleaning once a quarter.

How to clean a laptop keyboard?

The cleaning itself is carried out using special brushes and napkins. They can be bought both in specialized computer stores and in markets where components and computer consumables are sold. Using brushes, you can effectively remove dust and dirt between the keys. At the same time, the keys themselves can and should be cleaned with napkins. The procedure for cleaning keyboard keys with brushes and wipes is called superficial.

To clean the keyboard, it is not recommended to use liquids with aggressive, abrasive components, such as gasoline or acetone. If they are used, the keyboard may be damaged.
If you don’t want to spend money on special tools to clean the keyboard, you can get by with a solution of isopropyl alcohol and a soft cloth.

Important: There is no need to use large amounts of isopropyl alcohol. Try to also act extremely carefully and not erase the letters from the keyboard.

If you need a stronger, more thorough surface cleaning of the keyboard, it is recommended to use special USB vacuum cleaners, or (which is more effective) a can of compressed air.
To deep and completely clean the laptop, you should disassemble (remove the keyboard) and clean the keys and the keyboard itself from dirt.

Sometimes, after removing the laptop keyboard, cleaning it and installing it back, it does not work. The reason for such a breakdown is simple - you did not secure the cable properly.

How to clean laptop keys without removing the keyboard?

Cleaning laptop keys without removing the keyboard is quite simple. To do this, you need to turn off the laptop and, using a can of compressed air, clean the space between the laptop keys, then wipe the keyboard with cleaning fluid and a dry flannel cloth. At this point, the procedure for cleaning the laptop, without removing the keyboard, can be considered complete. If necessary, using a special screwdriver, you can remove the keyboard keys from the levers and, after wiping them with a cleaning agent, reinstall them. Be careful and cautious before this procedure. Before you start removing the keys, take a photo of the layout.

Cleaning debris under keyboard keys

Turn off your computer and disconnect it from the network. Then, carefully disconnect the keyboard itself. After this, you need to turn the keyboard over with the keys down, press the buttons several times and tap the keyboard body with your palm. This will allow you to shake out any debris that is stuck between the buttons. Next, you should use a can of compressed air or a special vacuum cleaner to blow out the gaps between the keyboard keys.
Secondly, you should clean your keyboard keys. To do this, apply isopropyl alcohol to a cotton swab or other cloth and thoroughly wipe the surface of the keyboard. Finally, wipe down the keyboard itself with a microfiber cleaning cloth.

Let me tell you a story about how to clean a computer keyboard at home... I hope that with the release of this post you will become one step more independent...

And with the help of my plan and precise actions, you will be able to help your assistant at any moment... You will do everything quickly, correctly and without any difficulties!

Everyone probably knows that “without a keyboard we are like without hands” - in the literal sense of this phrase! Now many smart people will start writing that a computer can be controlled without a keyboard, it can be replaced with an on-screen keyboard, etc... Everything is correct! But not everyone is as smart as you!

Yes, and a piece of plastic with buttons, microcircuits, wire, etc. makes working on the computer much easier and faster!

Where did the idea for writing this post come from?

The fact is that from time to time our gadget likes to get dirty... This is dust, and accidental ingress of liquid, and various crumbs left after eating, and one more technical point, which I will talk about a little below!

There is always a final point to this accumulation, and for me it has arrived! At first, some buttons temporarily refused to work, and then they completely stopped working on me and my clicks...

P.S. Have you read this:

“How to choose a mouse for a computer? Simple tips that will blow your mind..."

“Why does my computer slow down so much? The main reasons and a short overview...”

And many more interesting and useful things only on this blog! Only here and now!

I managed to replace them, copy the necessary characters somewhere on the browser pages, but patience is not unlimited!

This is the time when your keyboard needs some technical help! No, not ordinary dusting, which needs to be done at least once a week - general cleaning will not help here!

Upon completion of cleaning the keyboard inside and out, the thought came to mind: “Why not write an article on this topic?”

I had to restore a number of actions that I had done again... Unfortunately, it was too late to shoot a video tutorial!

And here I am, writing this article! And since there is personal experience in all this, the article should be more credible! I think that the published material will deserve your respect and many likes!

How to properly disassemble and clean the keyboard?

A short introduction...

The instructions do not apply to the native laptop keyboard, unless of course you use an additional one!

My keyboard has not been exposed to any form of liquid, in which case other measures need to be taken:

The main enemy of any keyboard is liquid. If you spill something on it, a simple wipe will not do. You will have to completely disassemble it and wash it.

I have a personal computer and a cheap Chinese keyboard at my disposal:

Good luck!

  • The very first thing we need to do is disconnect the keyboard: unplug the cord from the USB port of the system unit (important).
  • Turn it over and place it with the buttons facing down.
  • Place something around the edges of the keyboard to prevent the buttons from touching the surface! I acquired this trick during reassembly, so I advise you to do everything this way and you will understand everything yourself... Below in one of the pictures you can see what I got my hands on.
  • We find a suitable screwdriver and unscrew all the screws, screws, or whatever you have on the back cover:

As you can see, a “mobile” set of screwdrivers was used. Indispensable when working with small fasteners!

  • Carefully and slowly lift the lid. Concentrate your attention on the area where the wire is located, as there is a small microcircuit there. The main task is to do no harm!
  • Carefully remove the plate and turn it over:

What do we see here and how does it all work?

We click on the buttons, with the help of small rubber bands a signal is transmitted to a large microcircuit (when you press ordinary buttons, the rubber ones bend down and close the contact), then to the small (green) one and is sent as a command to the computer.

When removing the plate, some of the rubber buttons may stick to it, and some may simply jump out of their places. No big deal, we still need to film everything!

P.S. And here is another point of malfunction - the rubber bands could have left their rightful places...

  • We collect all the rubber bands and remove the microcircuit.

P.S. I didn’t want to complicate my life, so I didn’t remove the buttons! I just picked up the keyboard and shook out all the trash onto the table!

It went something like this:

In fact, the buttons are removed in approximately this way:

Take a screwdriver and pull out each key individually. Each button has a special latch. The latch must be disconnected and the key pulled out. Everything should be done gently and carefully. Because there is thin plastic that breaks very easily. Pay attention to Shift and Space. They have a metal retainer, not a plastic one.

Does each keyboard have similar latches and retainers?

I cannot confirm this fact! I think that most keyboards have them and their system is generally the same...

For example, I have metal latches on the Spacebar and the Enter button, and on Shift there are just additional plastic latches.

P.S. If you decide to remove all the buttons, then before doing so, take a photo of your keyboard or find an image on the Internet, so that later you can restore the correct order - there is no way without it!

You can, of course, fold the keys in the order in which they are placed on the keyboard... But what if you decide to wash them? Should we do everything in order?

In fact, everything is simple: take a screwdriver (or something like it) and carefully try to pick out the buttons! You will succeed and you will be able to understand the system of their fastening!

Watch how the guy confidently removes the buttons (by the way, useful video):

  • Using a damp cloth (we used regular ones, not computer ones), we wipe the large microcircuit (it’s better not to touch the green one, you can just blow off the dust from it).
  • Everything else (back cover, front cover, buttons) can be washed in water or also use napkins.

How to properly clean a computer keyboard if various fatty deposits have formed on it?

It is enough to purchase special wipes for caring for your computer. They are impregnated with a special liquid, which simultaneously removes grease stains from the surface and provides antistatic treatment.

After all the cleaning procedures, you need to dry everything a little (especially if you did water procedures) and feel free to start reassembling it!

First we put the rubber buttons in place:

There are no numbers on them etc., they are all the same. One button differs only in color, I put it in the same place...

If after assembly something does not work, you need to disassemble everything again, recheck and reassemble!

Attention, consistency of actions and remembering them are the main priorities of your success!

Anyone can disassemble and clean the keyboard! No special professional skills are needed here!

When my Chinese one flies, I plan to buy some kind of keyboard with colors:

Even though they say that you need to protect your eyesight and work at the computer in normal lighting, we still do it as it’s convenient for us...

Good luck to you! Do not forget subscribe to update blog by mail!

Best regards, Vlad Lemishko

We all use our computer keyboard every day, and of course, we pollute it. After all, admit it, it happened that you touched the keys with greasy fingers or ate a sandwich right above it, in which case the question arises of how to clean the computer keyboard from dirt, grease and other things. Let's look at how to do this.

Cleaning the PC keyboard

There are quite a few ways to do this. There are even some where you don’t need to disassemble the input device. We will try to consider all possible and relevant methods.

Removing the keys

We will consider methods where it is necessary and not necessary to remove buttons from the keyboard. Therefore, I have written brief instructions on how to remove keys from the keyboard:

  1. Calm down, you need to concentrate all your attention on the buttons.
  2. Take a small knife or screwdriver (not Phillips).

  3. Now you should pick out the keys and carefully remove them, holding them with your hands.

  4. After the first button is removed, you will understand how to proceed further.
  5. Be careful, otherwise you may break the fasteners. Take a photo of the location of the keys before removing them.

    Method 1: Wipe with a brush or rag

    This is only suitable if you are a very neat person and do not dirty the keys with grease or fall asleep with crumbs.

    Use a soft cloth and a brush to clean the furniture from dust. You can easily clean the dust that has accumulated between the keys with a brush, and remove the dust that is on the surface of the buttons with a rag.

    You can buy special wipes at computer stores.

    Method 2: Vacuuming

    Another way when you don’t need to disassemble anything is to use a handy tool, a vacuum cleaner. It can be found in every home.

    Turn on the blowing mode (if available) and go over the keyboard, thoroughly blowing out all the cracks. You can also do this in suction mode. Here's how to clean your keyboard without taking it apart.

    Method 3: Use special cleaning products

    In special stores you can purchase various products for cleaning the character input device. These can be a variety of gels or special sets.

    It is worth noting the Velcro gel. This is an excellent product; you just need to roll the gel into a cake and then stick it to the surface to be cleaned. Next, you need to sharply peel it off; dust, dirt, crumbs, etc. will be pulled out with it.

    Method 4: Large-scale cleaning

    This method involves completely disassembling the keyboard. We wrote above about how to remove the buttons. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    1. Disconnect your device from your computer.
    2. Disassemble it by removing all the buttons.
    3. Collect all the keys in a small package.
    4. Add some detergent or powder and water.
    5. Now tie the bag and shake it well.
    6. Then open it, drain the water, and rinse the keys with plain water and dry.
    7. Key connectors should also be cleaned with cotton swabs soaked in alcohol.
    8. All that remains is to assemble the device for entering characters, placing all the buttons back.

    Here's how to clean your computer keyboard from dust or any other contaminants.

    Cleaning the laptop keyboard

    If you are interested in the question of how to clean a laptop keyboard, then essentially the same methods as for a regular input device will do. You can wipe it, blow it with a vacuum cleaner, use Velcro gel, or remove all the keys and clean them, the choice is yours.


    Now you know how to clean your keyboard without removing the buttons or removing them. Please note that all this should be done carefully so as not to damage the key mounts.