How to reboot a frozen phone even with a non-removable battery. The laptop freezes stupidly, what should I do, I rebooted, it didn’t help.? Battery to the rescue

When problems arise with the computer, most often it is turned off and turned on again after a few minutes, or simply rebooted. Why does restarting the computer in some cases help and restore its operation, but sometimes does not help at all?

First, about what it means to “reboot” a computer and where to look for it.

The computer restart button in Windows can be as indicated by number 2 in Fig. 1.

1 in Fig. 1 - complete shutdown computer.

Rice. 1. You can turn off the computer (1)/ Or reboot (2) without turning it off.

What is rebooting a computer?

To understand the concept of “rebooting,” you first need to understand what rebooting actually means in relation to computers. The term “bootstrap” itself comes from the expression “lifting yourself by your boot laces.” This idiomatic expression means “to improve one's condition through one's own efforts.”

The computer hardware has one built-in small program, called the “bootloader”. When the computer is turned on, it is this small program that controls the computer and loads another one, big program, which serves the computer as an “operating system”. We know these systems by names such as Windows, Android, and Unix.

An operating system does for a computer what parents do for their child during the first five years of his life. The mother brings and arranges the things necessary for the child. In much the same way, the operating system organizes the allocation of computer resources and controls what programs can and cannot do.

However, parents of a small child experience unexpected, sometimes even emergencies, for example, when they hear the doorbell ring at the moment when the leak washing machine, and the domestic rabbit got out of the cage.

Now imagine that a similar, unforeseen situation occurred on the computer, when the system “gets lost” and cannot cope with it. Let's take a closer look at what unexpected things can happen to a computer.

When and why restarting your computer helps

A common situation is when many tasks are running on the computer at the same time, requiring large resources for their normal functioning.

For example, simultaneously launched in video communication mode with your interlocutor, powerful game program, as well as photoshop and everything social media configured to communicate in text and video format. It's possible that powerful computer will cope with this, but not all computers, especially laptops, will be able to handle such a load.

As a result, if we overload the computer with tasks, or such a sequence of events occurs that software did not expect, and therefore did not provide for this in the operating system, then tasks can simply “get stuck” in memory.

For clarity, let's call the first program running on the computer task A, and the other, second program, simultaneously operating with the first program, task B.

Sometimes a situation arises when task A is waiting for task B to do something. At the same time, task B can’t wait for task A to do something. In such a situation, computers talk about a “clinch” or “deadly embrace,” which occurs when both tasks expect a result from each other and cannot get it. As a result, both tasks get stuck or frozen.

Many parents scold their children for untidy things for the reason that finding something in a mess quite often becomes a problem. A similar glove compartment can occur in computer memory.

The point is that as you complete various tasks, they receive and use a resource such as a computer. Simply put, when launched, each task, in order to be completed, receives a certain part of the computer’s memory, that is, it gets its own piece of the pie. But over time, when the computer works for a long time on many complex, “heavy” programs, the memory organization becomes fragmented, fragmented and difficult to manage.

This is why restarting your computer can be a temporary measure to fix such problems. Especially in those cases that are related to hardware (hardware). It is known that the operation of hardware becomes unreliable, for example, when computer components heat up. In laptops, overheating occurs, for example, due to dust accumulated in it.

Modern operating systems have good opportunities to detect and remove “ ” processes, and also do a lot of work to maintain order in system resources, in particular, in computer memory. But sometimes the computer can reach a point where it's best to start from scratch.

Computer experts always look for the simplest way to solve problems. This is why restarting your computer is good decision for a first step that can be applied before looking for more complex reasons why the system doesn't work well.

By the way, I suggested a similar simple way - programs after finishing working with them, and also leaving sites where there is registration. Moreover, do not exit using the cross on the right top corner, namely through “Exit”. It turns out to be a kind of prevention so that as the computer operates, it does not accumulate problems in it, but quickly solves them.

Is everything fixed by rebooting?

There are two reboot options, often called “hot” and “cold”.

A cold boot is performed by turning off the computer and then turning it back on. Probably, it can be called “cold” for the reason that the computer has time to “rest” a little and cool down.

Sometimes a hot boot can fix problems. But if the computer hardware has reached a state in which it does not respond to signals outside world, then you may need to use the power switch, that is, a cold boot is needed.

A reboot cannot fix problems associated with such evils as computers. These malware are usually embedded in the boot process, allowing them to take control every time the computer starts.

The only way to get rid of these annoying intruders is to scan your system, detect viruses and remove them. And, of course, you need a constantly running antivirus. One-time check and curing your computer for viruses does NOT guarantee that they will not appear in the future.

From experience, the need to reboot decreases over time. Today, the main reason for restarting a computer is installing system updates. This is because it is very difficult for the operating system to update its parts while it is running - in some ways, it is like trying to repair an airplane while it is flying.

Of course, some systems never do. Systems such as air traffic control or nuclear reactor control must operate continuously. These systems perform one specific program, and the computer's operating system can be built into this program.

But for computers general purpose, such as desktop PCs ( personal computers) or mobile devices, the need to reboot still remains. This is an inevitable consequence of having such powerful and compact devices at our disposal.

The laptop freezes stupidly, what should I do, I rebooted, it didn’t help.?

The issue is resolved and closed.

    If the whole computer freezes, it's either the hardware or the drivers. If the first, then to the workshop, if the second, then here

    If you have 1 gig random access memory and not really powerful processor + Intel video card HD - there is no need to be surprised here. It is better to install the OS that will work normally on this hardware. Most likely, you need to install XP.

    HDD is dying

    Each component (RAM, video card, etc.) has a data processing speed.. You need to look at this, maybe the RAM has a low data processing speed, which is why the game quickly clogs it up and there are not enough resources. Or maybe you need to download patches

    u menja tak zhe bilo,toljko u menja personaljnij a ne noutik,ja prosto laziju po kompu,u menja on zavisaet i vse,mishka na meste,neljzja ej bilo poshevelitj,pereustanovil windows vrode vse proshlo,poka takogo eshe ne bilo s momenta pereustanovki ,poprobuj tozhe pereustanovitj,mozhet pomozhet,udachi!))

    yes from overheating, also clean the registry

    so that it doesn't break- smiled, nothing is immune from this, even a cool laptop from 500+ lats can break... and in general, everything in the world tends to wear out and subsequently break.

    there are a lot of offers on, about companies I will say that there were no problems with Asus, Acer (for me and my relatives), but about HP sad stories and 2 whole ones (I don’t recommend taking this company’s laptop). But how many people will have so many opinions, choose a laptop for yourself using the link below, and then ask how it is and whether the price that is being asked for it corresponds to it :) - this option will be better.

    Perhaps the boot order in the BIOS is incorrect.
    go into bios and set everything to default.

    Put and check availability
    left processes loading the percent, as well as its
    temperature. If the computer is older than 2 years, it is possible
    will show the processor overheating and then
    it will be necessary to remove the housing cover in the area
    radiator, unscrew a couple of bolts on the cooler and
    pull out the dust compacted into the felt between
    radiator grille and fan.
    There is terrible felt there that interferes with the outflow of air.

    download Everest and see the temperature and in general how all the guts work

    I think it's due to overheating

Is the user's laptop frozen? What to do? We will have to answer this question further. After all, every user may experience a freezing operating system. Often, in the case of laptops, rebooting a PC can be done using a more extensive list of techniques. They will be discussed further below. Unfortunately, restarting the OS in the event of glitches is not always safe. And this must be taken into account first of all. Therefore, we will try to learn safer reboot techniques first.

Sources of problems

Problems with your laptop can happen at any time. Typically this leads to slow work OS, and then the computer completely freezes.

The most common causes of glitches are the following factors:

  • software incompatibility;
  • lack of RAM;
  • CPU load;
  • system failures;
  • viruses;
  • incorrectly installed operating system;
  • broken OS settings.

Often, a system rollback or increasing RAM can help correct the situation. But first you will have to turn off your PC. Laptop frozen? What to do? How to reboot or turn off a laptop? About everyone possible options The development of events will be described below.

Normal reboot

Let's start by learning how to simply restart your computer. It helps only when the OS responds to user actions, but very slowly.

Required the following actions(on Windows example 7):

  1. In the lower left corner, click on the Windows image.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the “Quit” line.

All that remains to be done now is to wait. The computer will shut down all processes and then restart the operating system. Laptop frozen? What to do in this case?

Force reboot

If your computer crashes and won't reboot in the usual way, it is necessary to implement forced restart OS. This is a normal phenomenon and is used quite often in practice.

You need to do this:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del on your keyboard.
  2. In the lower right corner, click on the arrow button. Next to it there will be an image of the PC turning off.
  3. Select the "Reboot" function in the menu that appears.

It is done. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And now it’s clear what to do if the laptop has a black screen or a simple freeze. But this is just the beginning. In fact, there are several more ways to deal with laptop glitches.

Reboot without shutting down

Laptop frozen? What to do? If the operating system is still responding to user input, you can try to restart without turning off the computer. This practice exists, but it is not used very often.

So, it is suggested to act like this:

  1. Open the functional menu in any way (via Start or Ctrl + Alt + Del).
  2. Select the "Log out" option.
  3. Wait a while.

This way the user will be able to restart the operating system without turning off the computer. Although, as practice shows, logging out of the OS is used extremely rarely in practice.

Power buttons

How to restart a laptop if it freezes? Sometimes it happens that the operating system stops responding to any user actions. In this case, as a rule, rebooting does not help. I have to urgently turn off the laptop.

This can also be done in several ways. We found out why the laptop freezes. Regardless of the cause of the "glitches", in some cases the user must urgently shut down the OS. To do this, just press the power button on the laptop and hold it in this position for several seconds (5-10).

What will happen? The computer will be shut down immediately. After turning it on, the user will be offered several options for loading the operating system - for example, in safe mode and in normal.

Battery to the rescue

What to do if your laptop has a black screen? The previously listed techniques will help correct the situation. What if they didn't work?

Under certain circumstances, the user can try to turn off the laptop like this:

  1. Disconnect the power cord.
  2. Turn the laptop over.
  3. Disconnect the battery from the main body.
  4. Put it back.

It is done! After the above steps, the user can turn on the computer again. This technique is not relevant for all laptops. It is not suitable for devices whose batteries cannot be removed. Therefore, removing the battery does not always help get rid of glitches and freezing.

Power off

Is your laptop frozen and won't turn off? Next tip may be suitable for users who work with laptops without batteries, that is, with the battery disconnected.

If you are unable to restart your computer, you must turn it off. Not the best, but quite effective method is to disconnect the laptop from the power source.

Speaking in simple words, the user will simply have to unplug the power cord from the laptop. If the laptop was not initially connected to the battery, an emergency shutdown of the OS will occur.

Attention: this technique used in extreme cases. It can cause quite serious damage to the computer and the operating system as a whole.

This does not mean that turning off the laptop’s power is contraindicated. Sometimes this approach is the only method to solve the problem. Therefore, every modern user should know about it.

Food and waiting

How to restart a laptop if it freezes and does not respond to user actions? It all depends on the circumstances. After all, sometimes it is possible to reboot by simply disconnecting the laptop from the network.

What to do if the laptop has a non-removable battery and runs directly on power? Similar circumstances, if you exclude shutdown using Power buttons, provide only one option for the development of events - waiting.

What does it mean? You need to follow these instructions:

  1. Disconnect the laptop from the power cord.
  2. Try to restart the computer using the previously listed methods (using the keyboard).
  3. Wait a few hours.

You can do without step 2. That is, just unplug the laptop from the power supply and wait. True, you need to be patient - the wait will be long. Until the device's battery is completely discharged. Even when frozen, the OS consumes energy.

What will happen? The computer will simply discharge and turn off. After this, all you have to do is connect the laptop to power via the wire, wait a few minutes (not necessary, but desirable), and then turn it on using the Power button.

Old OS and reboot

We managed to find out why the laptop freezes. And we also had to familiarize ourselves with the main methods of rebooting the OS. How exactly to proceed? Each user decides this independently, taking into account the situation that has arisen.

Laptop frozen? What to do? If we're talking about about old ones operating systems, you can restart the computer only through the keyboard. Not always, but very often.

The user just needs to press Ctrl + Alt + Del several times (with short pauses). After this it will be carried out emergency reboot PC.

For desktop computers

We found out what to do if your laptop freezes. And why such situations arise, too. A few words about what additional trick can only be used on desktop computers.

On the back system unit(near the power supply) there is a special toggle switch. You just need to turn it off and then turn it back on. The computer will be turned off. Then you can turn it on and continue working with the operating system.

If your Android phone (Samsung, Xiomi, Lenovo, Asus, ZTE, Huawei, Sony, etc.) is frozen and it has a non-removable battery, this is not a big problem.

Modern phones with Android OS have hidden function to manually restart the operating system.

It consists in holding the power button on the device not for five seconds, as usual, but for 20-30 seconds.

This prolonged action actually causes the phone to reboot. Of course, many owners mobile devices With non-removable battery If the phone freezes, they feel completely helpless. That's why this guide was created.

There is absolutely no need for you to panic in such a situation. Just hold the off button for longer than the usual period of time.

Sometimes you need to simultaneously press and hold one more (volume down and power) or even two buttons.

If nothing happens - there is absolutely no reaction, then you just have to wait complete discharge batteries.

Of course, you don’t want to wait, but it’s better than taking it to the repair shop to have it disassembled and reloaded. Let's dig a little deeper.

How I rebooted my frozen phone with a non-removable battery Samsung A3

Although phones are improving all the time, sometimes progress can work against us. This happened with devices that have a non-removable battery.

Previously, if it froze, I quickly pulled out the battery, plugged it in again, turned it on and that’s it - the problem was solved.

Today, such resuscitation will not work on many Android devices, such as on my Samsung A3.

What helped me was pressing the “Power” + “Volume Down” buttons for about ten seconds. The device turned off and on.

Why does my Android phone freeze and not reboot?

If the phone freezes and does not respond to touch, then this is either a system glitch or a screen problem - in the touchscreen.

In practice, the phone freezes most often due to applications - they may not have enough RAM and some kind of error may occur.

If the battery is removable, then don’t fuss, just take it out for a minute - a 100% working way to get rid of the freeze.

When the classic option does not work, the forced option remains: simultaneously pressing the “Off” and “Volume” buttons (what volume and even two at once depends on the device - Xiomi, Samsung, Asus, Sony, ZTE, Lenovo, Huawei)

What to do with your Android phone to get rid of freezes

Sometimes the phone can be rebooted, but the freeze keeps coming back. Then try

One of the main reasons for freezing is low performance (weak device), so in such devices it is advisable not to use effects, such as animated wallpapers - they heavily load the memory and processor.

Also, do not even overload the memory card - this also contributes to freezing. The optimal balance is when 10 percent of the memory remains free.

NOTE: manufacturers of phones with an unearthly battery are well aware that the phone may freeze and not respond to anything, so they provide a way out of this situation - holding the power button until the Android OS reboots. Good luck.