How to reinstall windows xp step by step instructions. Defining the system partition

How to reinstall Windows XP

This time we'll talk about reinstalling Windows XP. Do you know how to properly reinstall Windows XP? Surely you have questions. In this publication we will try to tell you step by step about all the subtle points, starting with saving important data and ending with formatting logical drive. So,

How to reinstall correctly - preparing to reinstall Windows XP

It is worth noting that these instructions are universal for those who decide to reinstall Windows XP on a computer or laptop. If you have a laptop or Acer netbook, Sony, Asus, Lenovo, Samsung or any other manufacturer, then this is absolutely not important. These instructions for reinstalling Windows XP are suitable for everyone and will help you reinstall the system on any computer. And for those who decided that Windows XP is already a little outdated, I advise you to read the instructions on how to reinstall Windows 7

How to properly reinstall Windows XP on a computer, laptop or netbook.

First, save important data to another logical drive or media.

To reinstall Windows XP, we need an installation disk with a copy Windows distribution XP or installed image this operating system onto a flash drive. Actually, where to install the operating system from is up to you - do whatever is more convenient for you.

After reinstallation, you will also need your computer's device drivers. Therefore, our advice will take care of this in advance and select necessary drivers. You can usually find them on the disk that comes with the motherboard or on the Internet on the official websites of the manufacturers of your computer or laptop components.

It is recommended to reinstall Windows XP SP3, since this is a new edition from Microsoft that contains the maximum security patches. If you have Windows XP SP2, or even SP1, then it is better to immediately reinstall it to SP3.

Pere Windows installation XP via BIOS

Let's move on directly to reinstalling Windows XP. There are two options for reinstalling the system:

1. Reinstall Windows XP from a USB flash drive

2. Reinstall Windows XP from disk

The first option provides the ability to reinstall windows xp without a disk, but from a flash drive on which the system image is recorded. Moreover, if you have a netbook or laptop without DVD drive. Fortunately, it is always possible to download a program that writes an image to a flash drive. The second is less labor intensive if you already have a copy of the operating system on disk.

The following is presented step-by-step reinstallation windows xp in pictures. Insert a flash drive or disk. Restart your laptop or computer and enter the BIOS. To get into the BIOS, as soon as the computer starts to reboot, periodically press the Del or F1 key (there is also F2 - everyone’s computers are different, and, accordingly, the BIOS is different). Find the “First Boot Device” menu item and put the flash drive or DVD drive first in the boot.

Exit the BIOS, saving the settings. This can be done by selecting “Save and Exit” in the appropriate tab or by pressing F10 and then Enter. If you have correctly selected the media from which you want to boot and saved the settings in the BIOS, then after closing it, the computer will reboot and the installation of Windows XP will begin, at the beginning of which you will need to accept the license agreement (F8 key). The installer will then ask if you would like to restore your operating system. Here you need to press the Esc key and continue reinstalling Windows XP. The following screen will appear:

As you can see, you need to click Enter key to continue with the installation. After this we get to the screen for working with sections of hard disk. Here you need to be very careful and delete exactly the partition on which you want to reinstall Windows XP. This is done with the D and L keys. The main thing is not to delete another logical drive (for example, the one on which you saved your data).

Having finished (in in a good way) with the partitions we proceed to the next stage of reinstallation. Division of a logical partition. In general, you can make it simpler and leave that amount disk space, which was. But if for some reason you want to change the size of the logical disk, then it is not difficult to do. You can see everything in the picture:

After we have decided on the partition size for Windows XP, we move on to the next reinstallation step - formatting. Everything is simple here. Choose " Quick formatting NTFS" and complete the installation of the operating system by rebooting the computer.

After reboot it will start Windows installer XP.

Further installation of Windows XP

So, the installer has started. The first thing it will ask you to do is configure regional settings. There is nothing complicated here. Just correctly determine the time zone in which you live.

After that, select the default language. In this tab, you can also add any other language and assign keys for switching input languages.

After selecting languages, the installer will ask you to enter your computer name, username and password, which is not necessary to enter if this is your home computer. You will also need to enter your license Windows key XP, as well as region and date.

Having done all these simple steps You are almost done with the reinstallation. As you can see, reinstalling Windows XP is not that difficult. The computer will restart again and you will be taken to the desktop. So, welcome to you new Windows XP. What to do next? Configure, install drivers and necessary programs

For Windows reinstallation XP you will need a flash drive or CD-Rom with installation files Windows files XP and about half an hour of time.

The process for reinstalling Windows XP is as follows:

1. Copy everything important files and documents with system disk to NOT systemic. In progress Windows installations the entire system disk will be formatted and your data will be lost.

2. Restart your computer. During the reboot process, press the "Delete" button. The BIOS will open.

3. In the BIOS, find the Boot tab and select "1st boot device" the device on which you have the installer for Windows XP installed.

4. Press F10 - Enter. The computer will restart and the Windows installation process will begin.

5. When the window for selecting the drive on which Windows will be installed appears, select drive “C” and press “Enter”.

6. Format the selected location for installing the system in NTFS format. It is better to do this in full format mode (not fast).

Wait for the formatting process to complete. This may take a few minutes.

7. After formatting, the program will begin to copy new files and install the OS.

8. After copying all files, the computer will reboot. Make sure it does NOT boot from installation CD or a flash drive, but from a hard drive (hard drive).

9. If you boot the PC correctly, the further installation of Windows XP will begin.

Be patient. This process can take quite a long time. It requires almost no attention from you - you can go about your business, periodically returning to the installation.

Some versions of Windows require entering a license key, as well as selecting the primary and secondary system languages, setting up a user profile, etc.All these settings, except the key, can be changed after installing the system.

10. After a long installation, your computer will reboot - again you need to make sure that it boots from hard drive, not CD-rom or flash drives. And you will see this picture:

All is ready! Now all that remains is to install the various office programs, some drivers, but Windows XP itself is installed.

Every computer user should know how to reinstall Windows XP. Why should I? Yes, because such a need may arise for any PC user. It is not always possible for a specialist to come to you quickly. And is it worth paying for something that you can do well yourself? Just explore this information, and I assure you that reinstalling Windows XP will become commonplace for you. In addition, this is a very exciting process for those who love their Personal Computer And comfortable work On him.

Today it is fashionable to publish so-called instructions “for dummies”, teaching how to work on a PC, create web pages, use computer programs. Our instructions, in a way, are also “for dummies”, therefore they are written in the most accessible form. Now you can assume that reinstalling the operating system from today is not a problem for you and in this area you are no longer a “newbie”, but an advanced user. Well, shall we study?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. However, during the reinstallation process certain nuances may arise that at first glance may even seem like problems. Keep calm, then reinstalling Windows XP will be simple and comfortable.

So what do we need first? Of course, an installation disk with Windows XP. If installation or reinstallation is performed on a netbook, then you need a flash drive instead of a disk. The disk itself can be purchased, or you can download the operating system from the Internet. It’s up to you to decide, since there are plenty of possibilities and ways.

The next step is we need to get into the BIOS. This is done extremely simply. At the very beginning, you need to press several times (when you get used to it, once is enough). Delete key. In the BIOS, in the boot menu, find the CD-ROM and move it to the top. BIOS versions are slightly different, but the point is that we need to set it to boot from a CD-ROM (or flash drive, of course).

Save and exit BIOS. The reinstallation of Windows XP continues, and the OS installation menu appears in front of us. Now select the desired partition to install the system. Usually this is drive "C". The disk should be formatted simply by following the prompts. It is simply impossible to get confused, but if this happens, just calm down and carefully look at the installation menu.

That's it, the disk is formatted, installation continues. The system copies to HDD(Winchester) setup files and then automatically restarts the computer. Now the actual reinstallation of Windows XP begins. All necessary drivers are installed. Although you may not have to install them additionally.

But in any case, you must have disks that, when purchasing a PC, came with the motherboard, video card, monitor, sound and network cards. Simply, after installing the OS, you will insert the CD into the drive one by one and follow the prompts. Often all the necessary drivers are located on one disk, and in your case everything will probably be installed along with the OS.

So, after the simple manipulations we have done, in particular after reinstalling Windows XP, it will continue on its own automatic mode. It will end on its own, and you just have to manually enter the computer name of your choice and set the region in which you are located. That's practically all - and soon you will see the OS welcome window in front of you.

Now, most likely, you will need to update your Windows XP system, since all previous similar operations were lost during the reinstallation. For this purpose, you simply need to run the OS through the Start menu. At the same time, you can update other programs, in particular Microsoft Office. Naturally, you must have access to the Internet. Then, with the appropriate settings, each subsequent Windows XP will occur automatically. That's all the wisdom. Congratulations on your new knowledge!

Detailed description of reinstalling Windows Xp on a computer or laptop
Perhaps you were looking for:
How to install/reinstall Windows Xp without a disk (from a flash drive)

Step #1. Burning a disc

If you have a disk with Windows XP, then you can safely skip this step and go to [step No. 2] since here we will talk about what to do if you do not have a disk with Windows, but have a key (for example, you bought a laptop with on which the OS was installed, there is a piece of paper pasted on the back or side of it, on which is the key that we need, or another situation, but as a result you should have a key to Windows). We copy the key number onto a piece of paper so that it is at hand, and move on. Select one of the versions of Windows Xp. Both versions are time-tested


Now search the Internet licensed Windows disk Xp Sp2 Professional. Since distribution is illegal, we have no right to provide a link to Windows. But I will give you a link to the ORIGINAL VERSION of Windows xp sp3 proffessional - By the way, if you want pirated version I’ll give you a link, but considering, again, that I don’t have the right to post files on my resource, I’ll give you a link to a torrent with Windows Xp sp3 Simplix Edition
Original version of Windows Xp Sp3
Download Windows Xp Simplix Edition
After you have downloaded Windows image Xp, download the program to burn our image to disk
To do this, download a program to burn our image to disk
Download Portable ImgBurn
After the Windows image and our ImgBurn program loaded:

Step #2. The disk is ready. We set First boot device CD-Rom in BIOS

So, after Step #1 we have a disk with Windows Xp. On at this stage our
the task is to get into the BIOS and set it to initially boot the disk with
installed Windows XP. To do this: Reboot or turn on
computer and press the delete key (there are other options, for example

The initial splash screen should usually show you which key to press to enter the BIOS

As a result, we must get to blue screen BIOS, in our case it looks like this

We set the first boot from the Disk to do this, go (with the usual arrows) to Advanced Bios Features -> First Boot Device, select CD-Rom, press enter, then esc, go to save&exit setup, press enter, then Y and enter again.

Note: if you have a different BIOS, the essence does not change. The main thing is to find the First Boot Device and select CD-Rom. After step 2, the computer reboots itself and if you did everything correctly, then when you reboot, the message Boot from Cd/Dvd will appear on a black background:

And after a while Press any key to boot from Cd..

(press any key on the keyboard to boot from the disk), press the key. If a blue screen appears with the Windows installation at the top, then at this stage you have done everything correctly. If the keyboard cannot be pressed, you need to go into the BIOS and set SUPPORT USB: YES

Step #3 Formatting the partition. Installing XP or answering the question: " How to install Windows Xp for a teapot«

Now we wait (2-5 minutes) until a blue window appears with the inscription “Welcome to the installation program”

Press Enter, then read the agreement and then press the key F8

A) If you already have a partition where we will install Windows Xp formatted and created (if not, read point b) -> select the partition

If you see the message “The installation program is copying files,” everything is done correctly! Let's move on to point c

B) If the disk is not formatted

Select it and click on D

Attention: with this action we delete all data that is on the disk C:

Click L

Next, click “Unallocated area” WITH to create a new partition

Enter the size of our partition in megabytes

Select it from the list

Format in NTFS system (fast)

If the message “The installation program is copying files” appears, everything has been done correctly and you can now continue starting from point in

C) When the installation load reaches 100%, the computer will reboot itself. (When the reboot is in progress, we DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING, we just wait)

At the 33rd minute, fill in the language parameters

Enter Name and Organization

Product Key

After you have entered the key, the installation will continue and Windows will be installed for at least 10-15 minutes and we will not take part in this. When Windows is installed, the computer will reboot again and we will only have to fill in the name account, what kind of Internet you use, etc.

Congratulations, Windows XP has been successfully installed!

Need for reinstalling Windows may be required for a number of reasons: data corruption of the previous OS, the need to clean the computer, installation of an update, solution various problems and so on. Let us consider in detail the nuances of this procedure.

Preparatory stage

Reinstalling Windows XP involves complete removal data from the system disk. Therefore, you must first save all valuable documents. You can archive them and transfer them to removable media or upload to cloud storage. All programs, saved passwords, personalization settings, license information and any other information will be erased. It will be impossible to restore them in the future, so the files must be saved.

You also need to prepare drivers in advance for network adapter if it's not built in motherboard. Typically, devices of this type are supplied with installation disks. But you can download the corresponding files from the Internet. Otherwise, it is possible that the PC will not have access to the Internet.

Creating a boot disk

To create boot disk, first of all, you need to find a working Windows assembly XP and download it to your computer. Further actions will vary depending on the media on which it is planned to be recorded.

Option 1: USB flash drive

Exists a large number of programs that can write an OS image to removable media. IN in this case will be considered WinSetupFromUSB.

Option 2: Optical disc

Ultra ISO - popular program for working with disks. With its help, you can easily write a system image onto a blank. To do this, follow these instructions:

PC setup

When the preparatory steps are completed, you can proceed directly to pre-setting computer. To begin, insert the OS disk into optical drive or connect a flash drive. Now you need to activate the PC boot not from the hard drive, but from a removable device.

To do this, open BIOS. This is done when the computer is restarted. Once the image appears on the screen, press the button repeatedly Delete on keyboard. If this does not work, then look at the inscription when you turn on the PC, there should be tips on how to enter this mode.

In the BIOS, open the Boot tab and go to Boot Device Priority. In the menu that opens, you need to put a USB flash drive or disk in the first place.

Then return to home screen and exit saving the settings (Save Changes).

The computer will restart. After some time, the main part of the procedure will begin.

Note: Most versions BIOS There is no possibility of mouse input. Use arrows and other keyboard keys. But it may not work if connected via USB. In this case, you need to connect a device with a PS/2 connector.

Reinstallation procedure

When the inscriptions appear on a black background, select the installation item (keyboard arrows) and press Enter.
Now all you have to do is follow the prompts on the screen. The process may seem complicated, but in reality everything is very clear.

To get started, accept the terms license agreement(button F8 on keyboard). In our case, the PC already has an operating system Windows system XP, the computer will offer to restore it. You need to opt out by clicking Esc.

Now comes the selection of the system disk for installation.
Assign the one on which Windows was previously installed. Messages will appear stating that it is not advisable to install two operating systems on one partition. Ignore this warning (button C).

And here you have a choice: the first option is to leave all data on the disk, including system files, the second option is to completely erase it. It is advisable to use the last option, in which case the procedure will definitely be successful.

Preferably choose standard method formatting. It takes longer (about 10 minutes) but does the job complete cleaning HDD with recovery bad sectors, if possible.

When the formatting procedure is completed, copying will begin. system files.
The computer will then restart. Wait for it to start, then the installation will continue.
In the process there will be various windows with parameters: setting the language, username, system revision, password, and so on.

Note: The password will be required each time the PC is restarted or the user is logged out. But you can leave the field with it empty, then secret combination will not be asked. This will speed up the computer startup.

A simple way to reinstall Windows XP is described. Any user can handle it without any problems. Simply follow the instructions and recommendations from the article. At this point, the procedure can be considered complete; all that remains is the first launch and setup of the computer.

First start

First Windows launch XP will last longer than subsequent ones. During this time the computer will be setting up various parameters, and also apply the settings. If a password has been set, it will be required to log in.

The first step is to set the screen resolution. To do this, right-click on an empty area on the desktop and select "Properties". This item is being changed in the section "Options".Then you need to update the drivers and configure the PC as you wish.