How to transfer a cut out object in Photoshop. Magic Wand Tool

Since the vast majority of all cases of work in Photoshop involve processing ready-made images, the lion's share of the program's tools are designed to perform this operation.

Filters (read about them in the previous lesson) are a fairly small and very easy to use part of them. In this article we will look at more complex functions.

Since there are many tools, I will not list the entire arsenal of the editor, but will simply analyze a common example of work - cutting out a fragment of one picture and pasting it into another.

We have the sea.

There is a seagull.

And we want the seagull to soar over the sea.

Let's get started.


At this stage, you need to open the original images and create a document to combine them.

1. First open a file with an image of the sea. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+O or execute the command File -> Open, in the Explorer window that appears, find the file with the sea, click on it and press the Open button.

2. Open the seagull file in the same way.

3. Create new document size 760x475 pixels. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+N or execute the command File -> New, in the Width and Height fields, enter the specified values ​​and click OK.

4. Now we have three documents open in Photoshop, and you can navigate between them using tabs.


Pictures from open files need to be placed on different layers of the working document.

1. Go to the sea image by clicking on its title.

2. Select the entire image. To do this, either execute the command Selection -> All of the main menu of the program, or simply press the key combination Ctrl+A. As a result, the picture will receive a frame, indicating that it is selected.

3. Copy the selection by pressing the Ctrl+C key combination or in the main Photoshop menu by executing the Edit -> Copy command.

4. Go to the working document by clicking on its title.

5. Paste the copied picture - either press Ctrl+V, or select Edit -> Paste from the main menu.

6. The program created the layer for the new material automatically. Rename it Sea by clicking the layer name in the Layers panel, entering a new name and pressing Enter.

7. In the same way, copy and paste the image with a seagull into the working document: go to the picture by clicking on its title, select the entire image (Ctrl+A), copy it (Ctrl+C), go to the working document and paste the picture (Ctrl+ v) . The layer was also created automatically, rename it Seagull.

As a result, our working document acquired two new layers on which the original images are placed.


We will talk about it in more detail, but for now we really only need one simple tool.

As you have probably already noticed, the drawing with a seagull is much larger in size than the drawing with the sea. And the seagull itself is also too large for the chosen landscape - it will not fit into the scale.

To fix this, you need to reduce the entire image with the seagull to an acceptable size.

For this we will use the tool Free transformation, which allows you to change the shape and size of the picture.

1. Using the Move tool, move the image with the seagull so that the bird does not remain behind the frame and is fully visible.

3. Select the seagull layer: make sure it is active and press Ctrl+A.

4. In the main menu, select Edit -> Free Transform, or press the key combination Ctrl+T.

5. Reduce the size of the picture to an acceptable size, paying attention to the size of the seagull - it should fit harmoniously into the seascape. To make it smaller, drag the rectangles that appear in the corners of the picture. To change the size proportionally, hold down Shift key.

6. To complete the conversion, change the tool (for example, select the Move tool) and in the question window, click the Apply button.

Select and cut

Now the most important thing remains - to cut out the seagull so that it floats above the sea. True, in fact, we will not cut out the seagull, but the entire sky around it, that is, the bird, on the contrary, will remain, but everything from its picture will be deleted.

To cut, you first need to select, and this is the hardest thing to do. There are many tools for selection in Photoshop: various types of lasso, Quick selection, Fragment selection, etc. Each has its own narrow specialization and its own subtleties.

We will use the tool Magic wand, which in automatic mode finds areas with pixels of similar color and selects them.

1. On the Tools palette, click the Magic Wand icon.

2. Pay attention to the options panel.

The number in the Tolerance field determines the width of the allocated color spectrum. For example, if the value is zero, the Magic Wand will select only those pixels in the picture that are identical in color to the selected one. If set to 16, the tool will select pixels 8 units darker and 8 units lighter than the selected one. In our case (the background contrasts well with the seagull), the value can even be equal to 100, and the excess will still not be highlighted.

The button makes the borders of the selected area smoother; it must be pressed.

If the button is pressed, the program will select pixels only in areas adjacent to the selected one, that is, it will eliminate the possibility of highlighting an area with similar shades in another part of the picture.

But it’s better not to press the button, because then the Magic Wand will select the area on all layers, and not just on one.

3. Making sure that the seagull layer is active, the Magic Wand tool is selected, and the previous selections are deselected (Select -> Deselect). When you are sure, click on the bird itself with the mouse button.

4. She stood out. But we need to remove not it, but everything around it, so in the main menu, run the command Select -> Invert so that everything surrounding the seagull becomes selected.

5. Now simply delete the selection by pressing the Delete key. There was only one seagull left above the sea.

6. Execute the command Select -> Deselect.

7. Click on the Move tool icon and select the seagull layer (Ctrl+A).

8. Move the seagull to any place, if necessary or simply desired, and deselect it.


The most important thing left is to save the result to a file. Export the resulting image to your favorite format using the File -> Export command (we already talked about this in more detail in the very first lesson). In case you suddenly want to return to editing the picture in the future, save it in .PSD format.

Do you want to cut out an object and place it on a different background? Then today you'll learn about four selection methods, each ideal for a different type of image. In Adobe Photoshop, the developers have tried to pay sufficient attention to the selection tools, some of which can be used even by a beginner, while others have more complex settings that you will have to tinker with.

For example, if your image is on a white background, then you can cut it out within a couple of seconds using the Magic Wand tool. But what about more complex elements, for example, if you have to cut out a girl with curly hair? The usual selection tool will definitely not help here.

Of course, there is much more in Photoshop more ways highlighting images, however, in this article we will look at the 4 most optimal ways, which are the most optimal and convenient for both novice users and hardcore Photoshop users.

Selecting an object with the Lasso tool.

If the object is on a white background, then you can use the “Magic Wand” tool, which will select the entire object in one click. If the object is located on a non-uniform background, but with fairly clear boundaries, you can use the Lasso tool.

1.Add original image in Photoshop.

2. Find the Lasso tool on the vertical toolbar and click on it right click mice. Several will appear hidden tools, including the Magnetic Lasso tool. The nice thing about this tool is that when you start tracing an object, the lasso becomes “magnetized” to the object’s outline. Thus, you will spend no more than a minute on selecting an object. However, this tool will not cope with more complex images, where the background almost merges with the object, and the object itself has many complex elements.

3. Now you can delete the image from the background (Ctrl+Delete), copy and paste it onto another background (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V).

Selecting an object with a quick mask.

Using this tool, you simply paint over the selected object, and then carry out the necessary manipulations with it.

1. Add an image to Photoshop and select the Brush tool. A round icon called “Quick Mask” will appear at the very bottom of the vertical panel. Activate it.

2. Paint over the selected object. It's okay if you go beyond the boundaries of the object - you can later correct the flaws using the Eraser tool. When you're done selecting, click the Quick Selection icon again. The red color will disappear and a dotted line will appear around the object, indicating the boundaries of the selection.

Wiping the background.

1. Add an image to Photoshop and convert the background into a layer. To do this, right-click on the thumbnail image and click “Convert to Smart Object.” Right-click again and select Restore Layer.

2. Select the eraser tool and simply erase background image. This selection method is useful when it is not clear which objects to erase and which to leave.

Hair highlighting.

A final selection method that is perfect for selecting something as complex as hair. Especially if your hair is curly, it is almost impossible to carefully select an object with your own hands.

1. Select the Quick Selection tool. Set the brush size to 37 px and Hardness 100% and stroke the object.

2. Now it's time to apply the Thin Edge tool, which is located in the brush settings panel.

A settings window will appear where you need to select the desired display mode. Because in our case, we need to see the outlines of the hair, then select the “Black and white” display mode. This way you will get a black and white mask. Do not close the window, because we will continue to work with him.

3. In the “Edge detection” column, check the box next to “Smart” radius and set the radius to 99.0.

4. Go back to the “Display Mode” section and in the “View” column change the indicator to “On Black”.

5. In the “Output” section, check the box next to “Clear colors” and in the “Effect” column set the value to 68%.

6. Are you satisfied with the result? Then in the “Output to” column, make sure that “New layer with layer mask” is selected and click OK.

7. Because Photoshop has created a layer with a mask, make sure that the peephole is removed opposite the original background.

Now you have selected a photo of a girl with every hair. Just copy the object using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C and paste the photo onto another background (Ctrl+V).

Cutting, separating or extracting something in any graphic editor - all these are, in fact, synonyms for one procedure, which ends with isolating the selected object. Therefore, tasks such as cutting out an object in Photoshop or separating an object from the background practically come down to selection. Isolating a selected area will not be difficult, except for copying the selection to a new layer (Ctrl+J) or dragging the cut fragment onto another document. In the latter case, it is important not to forget to click on the “Move” tool button at the very top of the toolbar.

Selection is performed either manually, when the outline is traced with a pen, brush, or lasso, or automatically, using the “Magic Wand” or “Magic Eraser.” In addition, for selection they use color channels, masks, some filters and even special plugins.

Selecting simple objects

The choice of tool depends on the complexity of the contour of the selected object. For example, the problem of how to cut out a face in Photoshop (if it is not very “crumpled”) can be solved by using a regular or polygonal “Lasso”, or “Quick Mask”, or “Feather” for selection ( very labor intensive).

If everything is clear with the lasso, then when using the Quick selection tool, the call button for which is located at the very bottom of the toolbar, there are some nuances.

Quick mask

Firstly, you can completely paint over the face with a black brush, or, having selected the size, carefully outline the outline, then fill it with black from a bucket (the "Fill" tool). Errors are corrected with a white brush.

Having applied the mask, click on the quick mask button again - and the selection is ready. But it’s not the face that is marked, but everything outside the mask, so the selection needs to be inverted (Select > Invert) and transferred to a new layer (Ctrl+J) or dragged to another document. You can do without inversion by simply deleting the selected background, and then using the Crop Tool to crop the image to the desired size.

Quick selection

We cut out the face, but if anyone is interested in how to cut out an entire person in Photoshop (and this is also easy task), you should know that in this case the best option For selection, the Magic Wand's companion, the Quick Selection tool, appears.

This tool has its own brush with customizable parameters, which, analyzing the color specified when you click the mouse, automatically selects adjacent colors as you move along the path. The more contrast the border between the human figure and the background, the better the result.

Lasso with magnet

The Magnetic Lasso, which recognizes a line, also works well with the human figure. maximum difference in contrast, brightness or color, and literally sticks to it, so it’s easy to cope with such a simple task as cutting out an object in Photoshop, like a lasso, especially if the border between the object and the background is sufficiently contrasting.

Selecting complex objects

The tools discussed above can also be used for objects with complex outlines, but for such cases it is more common to use the Pen tool, color channels, or, even better, the Extract command in the Filter menu. If someone doesn’t have such a filter, you can easily download it online, then put the file in the Plugins folder installation package programs.

How to cut out an image in Photoshop? To do this, they often use the Freeform Pen tool, which is used to outline an outline, like a pencil, but for complex objects It's better to use simple.

Having created (and necessarily closed) the outline of the object, right-click on it and select the “Create Selection” command, after which you will be asked to specify the feather radius and the smoothing function, and if you open the Paths panel (Window > Paths), you can select “Load outline as a selected area" without any conditions by clicking on the icon with a dotted circle.

Special highlight

Some users, including high-flying professionals, when resolving issues of how to cut something out in Photoshop, regardless of the complexity of the object being extracted, remain faithful to the Pen Tool.

Having created a closed contour of an object from sequentially placed anchor points, right-click on it and select the “Create selected area” command, then, setting the shading radius (if necessary), press OK.

The most important advantage of the Pen is its high precision, since this tool manages to select part of a pixel, eliminating the jagged edges of the subsequent selection. The "pen" simply makes the part of the pixel outside the selection transparent.

With this tool, of course, you can highlight everything, if only you have enough patience and skill, especially since for precise contouring you can enlarge the image to the maximum. But if you are concerned about how to cut hair in Photoshop, better tool, than the Extract filter, cannot be found, although many may argue with this statement.

Extraction of secretions

Go to the "Filter" menu and click on the Extract line. In the luxurious filter dialog box, select the main tool Edge Highlighter (like a felt-tip pen) at the top left and draw around the object so that the border of interest to us is inside the “felt-tip pen” line, the thickness of which (Brush Size) and color (Highlight) are set in the toolbar on the right. If you make a mistake, the Eraser Tool will help, as well as the undo command (Ctrl+Z). If you check the Smart Highlighting checkbox, the program will more accurately determine the border, and the line will be thinner. But if you are wondering how to cut out a person in Photoshop, you don’t have to do this.

After completing the stroke, select the “Bucket” (Fill Tool) at the top left. By clicking inside the outline, we fill it with paint, thereby indicating to the program what exactly needs to be left, deleting the rest. Only after this the OK button will come to life, and you can confirm the completion of the procedure, and then make sure that the result is perfect.

Surely there will be special ones curious users who may be thinking about how to cut out a complex object in Photoshop without resorting to help standard tools, and one of these extraordinary ways is related to color channels.

Cutting using color channels

The essence of the method is to determine the most contrasting channel for the selected object (the “Channels” tab on the layers panel) and subsequent image processing in order to reveal the smallest details of the contour.

Having determined the appropriate channel (often blue), desired layer are duplicated, and then on the copy (depending on the characteristics of a particular image) they use one of the brightness-correcting functions ("Curves", "Levels", "Brightness/Contrast") to obtain the maximum contrast border of the selected object, extremely darkening it (up to black) against a heavily lightened background. You can use the burn/dodge tools, as well as black and white detail brushes.

Having achieved the desired result, click on the channel duplicate layer on the image thumbnail with Ctrl key, switch to RGB mode, return to the “Layers” tab to the finished selection and delete the background (Delete). You can put a dark background under the cut-out object and work on the outline by going to “Layers” and selecting the “Layer Processing” command, where you can remove the border and remove halos (black or white).

Cut out, specifying the edge

It’s no wonder that many users are interested in how to cut in Photoshop CS6, because starting from version CS5, the editor has acquired the amazing “Refine Edge” function, which is available in the “Selection” menu when an object is actively selected. In addition, you will see such a button on the far right in the settings panel if you enable any of the selection tools.

This feature can bring any highlight to life. The “clarifier” settings are simple and straightforward.

Having chosen the View of the border between the background and the object to your taste, we move on to the settings for its detection. If you select “Smart Radius”, the program itself will understand the nature of the selection and adjust it according to its own considerations. In difficult cases, it is better to rely on the intelligence of Smart Radius, which is quite enough to easily solve the question of how to cut out an image in Photoshop.

The “Radius” adjustment slider determines the size of the width of the refinement zone (in pixels), which depends on the image resolution and the detail of the contour.

In the group of edge settings (Adjust Edge), the names of the functions (Smooth, Feather, Contrast and Shift Edge) speak for themselves.

Tools that refine the edge (“Refine radius tool” and “Erase Refinements Tool”) are opened with a button with a brush icon.

We move a brush, pointed in the right way, over the problem area (not detailed enough), and the program will obediently deal with it, and if it overdoes it, the eraser will intervene.

In the “Output To” drop-down list, we are offered to select a convenient type of presentation of the result, but we are interested in the “Selection” option, because you can cut out an object in Photoshop only by first selecting it.

Clicked OK, removed the background (cut out the object), placed it on new basis, and the object is “decorated” with an unsightly fringe of incomprehensible colors? Select it again (Ctrl+click on the image thumbnail), call up the Refine Edge window and select “Decontaminate Color”. In response, Photoshop will remove (or at least try to) remove the colored fringe, recoloring as many pixels as you specify with the Amount slider.

Many users who just need to crop an image use a rectangular selection or a clipping mask, but this is not the most rational solution, since you can cut a photo in Photoshop using the Crop Tool, for which it is, in fact, and invented.

Cut to fit the frame

Having turned on the crop tool "Frame" (Crop tool), stretch the frame on the image with the mouse the right size and click on the checkbox in the settings panel at the top right (with the prompt “Crop”) or press Enter. The frame will expand from the point at which you click the cursor cross. Then you can stretch/compress it by holding the corners or sides with the mouse, but you won’t be able to move or tilt it, but you can move and rotate the image itself.

Pictures for the site

Obsessed with the desire to quickly create his own website, sometimes a user cannot resist the stunning PSD layout he comes across, downloads it, eagerly opens it, and suddenly freezes in bewilderment, discovering that he does not know how to cut out design elements in Photoshop.

Let's say we need to cut out a rectangular object (logo, header, drawing, etc.). If the element consists of two or more layers, select them simultaneously in the palette (with the Ctrl key pressed), merge them (Ctrl+E), and then, turning on the Rectangular Marquee tool, carefully create a precise selection around the object.

Now go to the "Edit" menu and select either "Copy" (if there is one layer) or "Copy combined data" (if there are several layers). Next, create a new document (File > New), go to “Editing” and click on the “Insert” line. All that remains is to select “Save for Web” and continue in the same spirit.

Amazing Photoshop program gives the user unlimited possibilities for working with photographs and images. Almost all graphic display on the Internet, books and other sources was made using this wonderful software. But, as everyone knows, these graphic elements prepared by special people who are fluent in Photoshop. Very often people ask these same people for help with basic things that even an ordinary user can do.

Using graphic editor tools

At first sight software Adobe may seem a little complicated for a beginner: great amount tools, various panels, tabs and other interface elements. But over time, you will be able to understand the principle of their display and, therefore, be able to predict where this or that instrument could be located. Since without experience nothing will come to you just like that, you can start doing simple actions using tutorials (instructions) from our website. And today we will learn how to cut out an object in Photoshop. But first we need to learn how to insert a photo or drawing into the program itself. If you already know how to do this, you can skip this paragraph.

Let's take Photoshop CS6 as an example.

How to Open an Image in Photoshop

To begin with, we will certainly need Adobe program Photoshop. If your computer does not have this software, then you can purchase it on the official Adobe website. Like any quality product, Photoshop is provided to users at on a paid basis. But Adobe also gives you the opportunity to try its product for free for 30 days from the date of installation. That is, you can try out Photoshop a little first before you buy it.

If you installed our magic program to your computer and you can open it, then we will try to open any image file there. Let's start:

  1. Open Adobe Photoshop from the desktop shortcut;
  2. On the most top panel select the “File” tab, then click “Open”;
  3. In the window that appears, like in the menu Windows Explorer, are looking for required file and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Click the “Open” button or double click mice

If you perform these steps correctly, you will see that the image has opened in our program. In addition to this method, there is an alternative option:

  1. We look for the file needed to open and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, select “Open with...”.
  2. Now find Adobe Photoshop in the list of applications. If it is not there, then click the “Browse” button in the right corner and in the folder with installed program select Photoshop file(.exe format). As a rule, after correct installation, such manipulations are not necessary.
  3. Now left-click once on Photoshop icon in the list of programs and click OK. But first, check if there is a checkmark next to the item in the lower left corner “Use for all files of this type.” It shouldn't be there, otherwise all your images will be opened in Photoshop in the future.

Cutting out objects in Photoshop

  1. Open the required file with a photo or picture in the program.
  2. Select a selection from the toolbar. There are several types of them, so let's look at everything.
  3. Lined rectangle icon. By right-clicking on it, you will see a selection of a rectangular shape, an oval area, a horizontal and vertical line.
  4. Below is the Lasso icon. Here are lasso (you select the exact area with the mouse): rectangular lasso (selection using broken lines), magnetic lasso (similar to a regular lasso, only it is attached to points on the image like a magnet).
  5. The next tool, just below the lasso, is a quick selection and a magic wand. There is no need to explain how they work; you should just try them in action.
  6. Now, using one of the listed tools, select the area that you want to cut out.
  7. Then click on top tool left panel “Move” (arrow with icon) and move the cut object to the desired location.
  8. If you want to completely delete an object, press the delete key and then OK. Now there is a white spot in our area that you can fill with anything.

The choice of tool depends on the intended purpose

In the same way, you can cut out absolutely any objects (for example, cut out hair in Photoshop). The main thing is to carefully select the required area with tools.

Processing a cut object

In our case, we insert the logo into the photo of the car.

What if you need to cut out an object and make it a separate drawing? Then you need to do the following:

  1. Open another image in an additional tab on which you want to superimpose the cut out object.
  2. Let's go to our first drawing and select an area, as in previous instructions. Now with the “Move” tool we move this part of the picture by holding down the left mouse button to another tab and after moving to the next image, release the mouse button.
  3. Now you have a combination of two images. If you think that the photo is too crooked or ugly, then you can smooth the image along the contour. You can do this using the Eraser tool in the left panel. Carefully erase the corners and edges to ensure high quality. By right-clicking on an image with the Eraser tool, you can adjust its size and hardness (erasing strength). The lower it is, the lower the erasing radius around which the blur effect will be. Make sure that the edges of the cut object are normal quality(you need to sufficiently smooth all parts of the figure).
  4. After processing the file, save its finished image: “File”, then “Save As...” and OK.

Small summary

Today we have added to our knowledge base by learning how to cut out absolutely any objects and shapes from a photograph. We also learned how to process the cut-out area so that its edges and corners do not look unsightly. Now you can easily see what hairstyle might suit you. Make a funny cut from photographs and pictures and share with us in the comments. Let's all have fun together! Have a successful and fruitful work, friends.

There is a whole group of selection tools in Photoshop. For any object, you can select one or another tool, with which you can make the most accurate selection. Then all that remains is to drag the selected object onto another picture. The Magic Wand and Quick Selection tools are designed for monochromatic objects. If you select a person, then you need to use a magnetic lasso.

The Magnetic Lasso tool has been used in Photoshop to select an object for quite some time. This tool was absent only in the very first versions of the program, when its implementation would have required too many computer resources.

How to move an object in Photoshop

Whatever you are going to transfer from one image to another, you must first open these two images in Adobe Photoshop. You can place these pictures next to each other, like in the following screenshot. Or leave them in Photoshop as tabs - it doesn’t matter at all. In any case, first you will work with the photograph from which you want to cut out this or that object.

For a more accurate selection, you need to display the image at 100% scale. The image is enlarged using the mouse wheel. If you have this function is not enabled in the settings, then hold down the key combination “Ctrl+Space” and left-click on the photo. When you see “100%” in the lower left corner, stop.

Separate an object from the background in Photoshop

Now you need to select the object. In the case of man and others complex objects"Magnetic lasso" is used. When you select it, the cursor will turn into an arrow with a magnet. Start selecting the object along its outline, click by click. Selection points will be created on the outline of the object. If one of the points accidentally goes beyond the contour, cancel its creation by pressing the “Backspace” key. Moving around the picture is done by holding down the Spacebar and the left mouse button.

Selecting a person in Photoshop is painstaking work. Try to give this your maximum attention. Use the Magnetic Lasso tool until you connect the last point to the first. After this, you will see the usual dotted selection, which is located along the contour of your object.

Change the color of an object in Photoshop

When the selection is obtained, Photoshop allows you to move the object or perform other actions with it. You can even change the color of the object. In Photoshop, to do this, you need to follow the path “Image>>Correction>>Hue/Saturation”. A dialog box will pop up allowing you to change color scheme selected object. Your actions will not apply to the rest of the image.

How to remove and move an object in Photoshop

But our lesson is about moving an object, so let's move on. Once you've finished making your selection, select the Move Tool ( hotkey"V") If the model was photographed against a uniform white or black background, then you can now move the object to another area of ​​the frame in Photoshop by holding down the left mouse button. This will save you the hassle of cropping while losing image resolution or shading. Most often, separating an object from the background is still required not to move it, but to replace the latter. Use the path “Selection>>Invert Selection”. Press the "Delete" key, after which your object will remain on transparent background. Now create a new layer and place it on it new background(you can even create it yourself using fill and gradient).

How to insert an object in Photoshop

If you want to cut an object in Adobe Photoshop and paste it into another image, you can use the same method. Clamp left button mouse, while hovering the cursor over the selected object. Now move the cursor to the second open photo(place your cursor on the tab with it if necessary). Release the left mouse button. The previously selected object will appear in your second image.

There is another way to insert an object in Photoshop. When the object is selected, press the key combination “Ctrl+C”. In the second image, you need to paste an object using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+V”. If in the previous case the object from the first photo disappeared (this applies to older versions of the program), now it remains in place.

How to cut and delete an object in Photoshop

You can delete an object in Photoshop in the same way. Once selected, press the Delete key. But this will leave a bit of a hole in your photo unless you are working with a multi-layered image. If the object is very small (a beer can, a pack of cigarettes and other garbage lying on the ground), then you can use the function of filling the picture taking into account the contents. This opportunity first appeared in Adobe Photoshop CS6. IN latest version you can use it directly in the dialog box that pops up after pressing the “Delete” key. When using this function, Photoshop cuts out an object and fills its empty space with an area similar to the surrounding space. After this, it is very difficult to notice the absence of this or that object, and in some cases it is completely impossible.

How to make an object smaller in Photoshop

How to remove an object in Photoshop or move it - we figured it out. But regularly, novice users require a different operation. They want to use Photoshop to make an object located in a photograph smaller. This action most often needs to be done after you have inserted a person into the second image. In our case, you saw that the girl in the picture turned out to be very large. This happened because the second image was of lower resolution. To make the girl smaller, you need to switch from the “Move” tool to any other. Now right-click on the inserted object. IN context menu select "Free Transform". A frame with markers will appear around the object. Pull any of the corner markers, while holding down not only the left mouse button, but also the “Shift” key (this will allow you to maintain the proportions). When the size suits you, release the left mouse button and click on any other area of ​​the image.

Adobe Photoshop can do all this and much more. After taking a closer look at its capabilities, you will be able to move an object from one picture to another very quickly. You will also gradually improve the quality of this process (in our case, the girl has too smooth edges, since we did not use additional tools like shading).