How to transfer a song to another phone. How to transfer files via Bluetooth on an Android phone

Broadcast multimedia files Bluetooth is not amazing in speed, but continues to be a fairly popular method, which is used by many users of mobile devices with Android OS. Let's see how you can transfer music via Bluetooth from Android to another phone or tablet.

Transferring files

To receive a song, you must turn on Bluetooth. You can do this in two ways:

  • Open settings and move the switch to the “On” position;
  • Lower the shade and click on the Bluetooth icon.

The module does not turn on immediately, so wait a few seconds before sending the file. Make sure other devices can detect you. For this:

The receiving equipment is configured, now pick up the smartphone or tablet from which you want to send music.

After turning on Bluetooth, start searching for available devices. The transmitting phone will detect the receiving device on which you have previously activated the wireless module. Select it to start the file transfer. A window will appear on the receiving device notifying you that a file has been sent from another phone. Click "Accept" to save it to memory.

The duration of the transfer procedure depends on the file size. The transmitting and receiving devices must be in close proximity (preferably no more than 10 meters) for pairing to be established without problems.

If a song refuses to transfer, then the first thing you need to do is determine which device the problem is on. Bluetooth has no special settings. But if you have custom firmware on your smartphone or tablet (that is, unofficial build Android), then it may well have errors that interfere normal operation module. If standard client data transfer does not work, install one of the applications to send files via Bluetooth.

But before you add third party applications, try the following:

  1. Turn on Bluetooth on the receiving device.
  2. On the sending phone, open the “Bluetooth” section in the settings and click “Search”.
  3. After finding the receiving device, tap on its name and click “Connection”.

After establishing a trusted connection, the equipment must be paired, as a result of which errors will no longer occur during data transfer.

iPhone users are happy with everything possible functions smartphones, including the revolutionary fingerprint scanner on iPhone 5S. But they are definitely deprived of one feature - unfortunately, you cannot transfer files via Bluetooth from an Apple smartphone. Such injustice becomes a stumbling block to potential buyers iPhone, but few people know that you can transfer files from iPhone via Bluetooth using the AirBlue Sharing tweak from Cydia.

Adherents of jailbreaking can rejoice, because only they will discover such a simple, but in the case of the iPhone, amazing function. And those who have not decided to “hack” their device can think about it again by reading ours. By the way, it comes with it, and having studied it, no one will have any questions about the Jail.

As for transferring files from iPhone via Bluetooth, everything is simple - we buy the AirBlue Sharing tweak from the BigBoss repository for $4.99 and use it for our pleasure. Yes, expansion is not cheap, but the alternatives are this moment No.

Using the AirBlue Sharing tweak is very easy - in order to transfer a file from your iPhone via Bluetooth, you must touch the desired file for a few seconds until you see a pop-up window. You can select and transfer absolutely any files, be it music, photos, videos, contacts and much more. By "other" we mean files with any extension that you can find using the iFile tweak, which gives access to file system iOS.

AirBlue Sharing works without the need to configure anything; immediately after downloading, the ability to transfer files via Bluetooth is activated on the system level. If we talk about the capabilities of the tweak, then everything is really cool: the data transfer speed reaches 1.7 Mb/s, the connection is automatically turned off after transfer, thereby consuming less battery power, and support for many third-party applications is provided. Users also note the ability to transfer multiple files at the same time.

AirBlue Sharing allows you to transfer files to almost any device equipped with . Both desktop operating systems are supported: OS X, Windows and Linux, as well as mobile operating systems: Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry OS and iOS. Transferring files to other iOS devices is only possible if they have the AirBlue Sharing tweak installed on them.

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Have you bought an Android smartphone and don’t know how to transfer files via Bluetooth? On this page we will look how to transfer files via bluetooth on android for example on a computer, laptop, tablet or other phone.

You can transfer photos, videos, music and other files via Bluetooth both from Android to Android and to other devices that support Bluetooth technology. In our example, we will see how to transfer a photo from an Android gallery via Bluetooth to another device. All other files are transferred the same way.

Open the gallery and select a photo or picture and open it. Immediately on the top of the Android screen you will see a small menu. If the menu has disappeared, touch the picture again and the menu will appear again. On some Android devices, an icon for file transfer via Bluetooth, and on some there is an icon where you need to open extra menu, where there will be a Bluetooth function. Look at the attached screenshot below, on the first one you see an icon with bluetooth, and on the second one we click on another icon, where an additional menu will open.

If a menu icon immediately appears on your Android, then click on it and the smartphone will begin searching for available devices for transferring the file.

If you do not see the bluetooth icon as in the first picture, then you need to click on the icon shown in the second screenshot. After this, a menu will open where we also select the Bluetooth item. Look at the screenshot below.

By selecting Bluetooth, your Android will begin searching for available devices, select required device in the list of available ones. If you don't find the device you need, you may have forgotten to turn on Bluetooth on the receiving phone. Sometimes it is also necessary enable bluetooth visibility in android or on another accepted device, to do this, on a device that you cannot detect, go to bluetooth settings and turn on the visibility of the phone, usually the visibility lasts two minutes during which the device is visible for Bluetooth search. If we didn’t manage to find it, then we open visibility again. To receive a file via Bluetooth, confirm on the receiving device.

As you can see, nothing complicated, basically problems transferring files via Bluetooth from Android occur among those who use Android for the first time. If you don't use bluetooth, turn it off so you don't waste your battery power.

  • I hope this article helped you how to transfer files via bluetooth from android on a laptop, tablet or phone.
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If you have a feature like Bluetooth on your phone or tablet, but you have no idea what it is or how to use it, then you've come to the right place. After reading the article to the end, you will finally be able to turn on Bluetooth yourself and transfer a song or video to someone you know.
The first thing you need to do is turn on Bluetooth on your device and on the device where you want to transfer required document or music.

If you are using a tablet, then you need to go to its settings and turn Bluetooth to “on” (enabled). On the device where you plan to transfer information, you need to do the same. After this, you can start selecting the desired file to send. If this is a regular document or music, you can do this through file manager. You can send a photo or video by going to the gallery. For example, if you need to send a photo, you go to the gallery where all the photos on your tablet are displayed and select the one you need. Next, you should call up the action menu, in which select the “Bluetooth” command.

After this, a window will appear in front of you, where you will search for all available devices within range that also have the this function. For example, you have found a Nokia 5530 phone. Next, select it and wait until the desired photo is transferred. As soon as the file transfer is completed, you will receive a corresponding message that will appear in the notification shade.

In fact, that's all. However, sometimes unexpected difficulties arise; more on them below.

Possible problems when transferring files via bluetooth on a tablet

You may see the message “The transfer device cannot be found.” To fix it, you first need to go to the settings on your tablet and see if your device is visible to other devices.

If you see “Not visible to other Bluetooth devices” on the screen, then click on this message once. Now your tablet will be visible to other devices. The same procedure must be done on the device where you are going to transfer.

You will then see it in the list of possible recipients for your file.

There is another issue that may prevent the file from being transferred. In this case, the device cannot accept a certain file type. To fix the problem, you need to go to the menu and select “accept all file types.” The same operation must be performed on the second device. After this you will be able to transfer.

For example, we have a game “thezhe.jar” that we cannot transfer in any way in the usual way. How can I move it to someone else’s phone? Maybe not at all? but no, it can be conveyed in a very clever way, which is described in detail below...

Step 2

You just need to remove the prefix.jar
Let's rename the game: we got “thezhe” without the prefix.jar
Let's try to transfer it to another phone, maybe it will work?

Step 3

Hooray! Now we can transfer this file, but not the game. We convey……. . If the game does not transfer, transfer again, the interference may be an old version of Bluetooth on your mobile phone. Perhaps the file will not be transferred if you have not completely removed the prefix.jar. And keep in mind that the dot in the prefix.jar must be removed! Also, your haste in which you could remove several letters in the original name of the application may become an obstacle.

Step 4

The file was transferred successfully. How can I open a game or application now? It’s simple: after the transfer, on another phone you just need to add the prefix: .jar deleted in the second step!

Step 5

The problem is that the phone cannot rename the game, this attachment.jar cannot be deleted, what should I do? No problem, we’ll just rename our application/game on the computer. All the problem is solved, now you can transfer our toy to a friend.

Do you often encounter a situation where you urgently need to transfer photos from one Android to another? There are many tools available for this purpose. You can upload photos using the following methods: operating system, and using third-party applications. However, which method is most effective in a given situation? We will try to answer the question in this article.

So, how to transfer photos from Android to Android and what will the user need for this?

This method will be most relevant if you have two Android devices (and on both you are logged in using your account Google entry) and you need to transfer photos from one to another.

The convenience of this method is that the Google Photo application synchronizes all photos in the cloud and opens them general access from all the user's Android gadgets. This way, you can access any of your photos from any device.

To sync photos this way, you just need to download the app from Google Play on both devices and activate synchronization on first launch.

Important! When synchronization is activated, you can set the type of Internet connection that allows you to save photos to the cloud. If you have a dear Mobile Internet, then it is recommended to transfer exclusively using Wi-Fi.

Transfer photos using Bluetooth

Another popular method, which has been familiar to everyone since the early 2000s, is to transfer via Bluetooth.

Despite the fact that mostly this technology Now used to connect various peripherals to the device, it can still be used to transfer photos. Of course, using this method, you can transfer not only photos, but also any other files to which you have access.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, almost as easy as sending an SMS. However, this technology is already quite outdated and the data transfer speed when using this method is not too high. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only if it is not possible to transfer photos via the Internet or Wi-Fi.

Transfer photos over Wi-Fi

Of course, Bluetooth is very convenient technology, however, the speed of its operation leaves much to be desired. What if there are a couple of gigabytes worth of photos? It cannot cope with large volumes of information, no matter how hard you try, the speed will not become higher.

If you plan to transfer photos to large volumes, then in in this case It's best to use Wi-Fi.

There are great apps called TapPouch WiFi File Transfer for Phone and WiFi File Transfer. They make it easy to transfer photos using Wi-Fi technology.

Instructions for working with TapPouch Wi-Fi:

  1. First of all, download and install the application from Google Play on both devices.
  2. Now connect both gadgets to one Wi-Fi networks.
  3. Launch the application.
  4. In order to open access to photos, it is enough to “share” them. This can be done using the “Share files” option. Of course, you need to share files on the device from which the sending will be carried out.
  5. When the files are selected, you need to use the “Share” button and confirm the transfer.
  6. On the receiving device, you must confirm the receipt of files by pressing the “Receive” button. In this case, a six-digit code is created on the device from which the shipment is sent. This code must be entered upon admission (for security reasons).
  7. After the transfer is confirmed, the files are saved on the memory card.

Overall, the application is very convenient and can be useful not only when transferring photos, but also other types of files.

Video instructions for working with:

Special software for this task

There are many available on the Play Store useful software, designed both for entertainment and for carrying out various user operations with Android. So, to carry out the task of transferring photos, you can use the convenient and wide functionality special applications, among which:

  • PhotoSync - Transfer Photos;
  • Photo Transfer.

PhotoSync - Transfer Photos

This is a development by Touchbyte. It was created precisely for this task. In addition to the main function, maximum fast movement photos from one device to another, can move video files, not only between Android, but also on iOS, Windows, Mac.

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. After installing the program, you need to register your account. The procedure is quite simple and takes no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Then you need to open the gallery through the program interface.
  3. Select the desired images by checking them, and by activating a special function, send everything to cloud service.
  4. Now run the software on another device and after logging in using the previously registered account just move these images from the "cloud" to internal memory or to the device’s memory card.

A similar application to the one discussed above from the developer Bitwise Software SL. Can easily and quickly transfer photos from a device to an Android device or to gadgets Apple– iPhone and iPad, as well as on PC under Windows control and Mac using transfer technology Wi-Fi data., transfer all photos from old to new Android. That is, it is convenient if you purchased new smartphone and want to quickly transfer your entire gallery to it.

The application stands out as simple and clear interface, in which the process is easy to manage on an intuitive level. The transfer is carried out in background, and at the end of the process a corresponding notification will be displayed on the screen.

The operating principle is similar to the software discussed above:

  1. Photo Transfer must be installed on both devices between which you plan to carry out the transfer procedure.
  2. Connect devices to the same Wi-Fi network and complete the operation.

Photo Transfer disappeared from the store in 2018 Google applications Play. You can download it from other resources, for example,

Among the users there are also connoisseurs classic way listening to music when the track is downloaded to your smartphone and played through the built-in player or application. The question arises: how to transfer music from phone to phone? Of course, you can send the file via e-mail or via a cloud service. But this may take a lot of time. There are two simple ways to quickly and conveniently transfer tracks:

  • Transfer a music file via Bluetooth
  • Use a special application

Quick navigation

Method 1: Transfer music via Bluetooth

  • Equipped with Bluetooth module
  • Located within a radius of 10-20 meters from each other

Make sure that all conditions are met, after which you can proceed to setting up your phone:

  • Enter the phone menu
  • In chapter " Wireless network» select Bluetooth
  • Press the power button
  • Turn on Bluetooth on another phone
  • If one of the devices does not automatically find the other, click “Update” in the drop-down menu
  • On OS up to version 5, enable visibility by other devices in the settings
  • On one of the phones, select the “Pairing” command
  • Click OK.

If pairing is established, you can transfer music from Android to your phone, which is displayed in the list of connected devices. It is also very convenient to use a file manager to search and transfer a music file, for example, Total Commander. Find the directory with your playlist, select music track, long press to bring up the dialog box, click “Transfer” and select the Bluetooth method.

Method 2: File Transfer Applications

The the method will work for those users who prefer to solve any problems using special applets. Applications must be installed on both devices, and on one of them you will need to launch the mobile device and configure a Wi-Fi access point.

The most popular programs for transferring all kinds of files, from music and videos to contacts from phone book are SHAREit and Xender.


Using this application, music can be transferred from phone to phone not only as individual tracks, but also as entire albums. The program is different intuitive interface. To transfer a file, you need to go through a few simple steps:

  • Log in to the program using a login from any available social network
  • Click on the “Send” button
  • Select a file
  • Find recipient.

After which, in a matter of seconds, the selected music track will be on another phone.


OS version: Android 2.2 or later

For true music lovers who are ready for everything free memory fill your smartphone with your favorite music, you will need a reliable, powerful and affordable smartphone, on which listening to tracks can easily be extended over several tens of hours. In such a smartphone, it is important to take into account several technical characteristics:

  • Long lasting battery for long audio playback
  • Powerful, which will provide stable work audio applications and will not slow down the system when transferring music files.
  • LTE 4G module. High speed connection will not only help you quickly download the desired track from the Internet, but will also ensure reliable pairing via an access point when sharing music using applications.

Transferring multimedia files via Bluetooth is not amazingly fast, but continues to be a fairly popular method used by many users of mobile devices running Android OS. Let's see how you can transfer music via Bluetooth from Android to another phone or tablet.

Transferring files

To receive a song, you must turn on Bluetooth. You can do this in two ways:

  • Open settings and move the switch to the “On” position;
  • Lower the shade and click on the Bluetooth icon.

The module does not turn on immediately, so wait a few seconds before sending the file. Make sure other devices can detect you. For this:

The receiving equipment is configured, now pick up the smartphone or tablet from which you want to send music.

After turn on bluetooth start searching for available devices. The sending phone will detect the receiving device on which you previously activated the module wireless communication. Select it to start the file transfer. A window will appear on the receiving device notifying you that a file has been sent from another phone. Click "Accept" to save it to memory.

The duration of the transfer procedure depends on the file size. The transmitting and receiving devices must be in close proximity (preferably no more than 10 meters) for pairing to be established without problems.

If a song refuses to transfer, then the first thing you need to do is determine which device the problem is on. Bluetooth does not have any special settings. But if you have custom firmware on your smartphone or tablet (that is, an unofficial build of Android), then it may well have errors that interfere with the normal operation of the module. If the standard data transfer client does not work, install one of the applications for sending files via Bluetooth from Google Play.
But before you add third-party apps, try the following steps.

Today we have to figure out how to transfer a file from phone to phone. Everyone should be familiar with this process. modern man. After all, this operation is one of the main ones when working with gadgets. Data exchange between phones today is carried out in several ways. A person can choose for himself exactly how to act. What options for the development of events take place? What and how will help exchange information between phones? Answering all these questions is not difficult!

Ways to share information

Transferring a file from your phone to another mobile device is much easier than it seems. Each person can bring an idea to life through decisions such as:

  • transmission via Wi-Fi (using special programs);
  • data exchange via MMS;
  • work with Bluetooth;
  • uploading a document and downloading it through a file sharing service;
  • via PC;
  • specialized services (not to be confused with programs).

How exactly to proceed? In practice, Bluetooth is being used more and more often, as well as Wi-Fi and a computer. Previously, the method of transmitting documents via infrared was popular. But today this component is missing on smartphones. How to transfer a file from phone to phone? Each method will be described in more detail below.


Not the best, but a very common way to exchange information. Suitable for exchanging small documents. As a rule, they are photographs, short videos, animation or ringtones.

The process boils down to the following points:

  1. The sender sets up on his mobile phone MMS. After that he writes a message.
  2. The required document is loaded into the MMS. Next, the message is sent.
  3. The recipient opens the sent letter. To work with a document, a person must also have MMS support enabled.
  4. In the function menu, the recipient selects the "Download" or "Save" function. The inscription will directly depend on the phone model.

This is just one method. It requires a lot of expenses if the document is heavy. Additionally, not all files are transferred this way.

File sharing services

Now let's move on to more successful decisions. Possible by phone. For example, through file-sharing sites. This is the most correct and safe solution.

To bring your idea to life, you need to:

  1. Enable Wi-Fi on your mobile phone.
  2. Go to the file hosting page from the gadget. For example, on Yandex.Disk.
  3. Upload the required document, previously created on your phone.
  4. Send the download link to the recipient.
  5. Turn on Wi-Fi or Internet on the second phone.
  6. Using the link from the file hosting service, download the document to your device.

Now it’s clear how to transfer a file from phone to phone. This scenario is well suited for large documents. Its disadvantage is that for a trouble-free implementation of the approach, it is often necessary to use not just mobile Internet, but Wi-Fi.

Via Wi-Fi

But this is far from the only approach. Transferring documents from one mobile phone to another sometimes involves the use of special exchange programs. For example, if we're talking about about working with smartphones based on Android.

In order to transfer a file via phone this way, you will have to:

  1. Download to both smartphones specialized application. For example, for "Android" there is Wi-Fi utility Explorer. It is important that the same program is installed on both phones.
  2. Launch the application on smartphones. Enable Wi-Fi first.
  3. Using the application, find the document you need and upload it. For this purpose, a separate button appears in the program.

This approach is not used very often in practice. After all, there are simpler and more universal solutions!


But first, a few more words about non-standard options for the development of events. How to transfer a file from phone to phone? For this, various specialized services are sometimes used. For example, BitTorrent Sync. To use the method, you must have an Internet connection.

The algorithm of actions in this case will look something like this:

  1. Install an access program to a particular service.
  2. Upload the required document to the application synchronization folder.
  3. Pass the identifier key (needed to download the file) to the recipient.
  4. Log in to the application from another device. Download the document from using the key.

From now on, it’s clear how to transfer a file from phone to phone. Now you can move on to more familiar solutions.

Via PC

The next approach is to use a computer to bring the idea to life. Not the most convenient method, but it allows you to exchange large documents. It boils down to the following steps:

  1. Connect the first phone to the computer using a USB cable.
  2. Find on mobile device the desired document and transfer it to your PC.
  3. Disable the first smartphone. Connect a second phone via wire.
  4. Download a document to your device. To do this, you need to drag it to a specially designated place on your mobile phone from your computer.
  5. Disable the gadget.

This solution is not suitable for everyone. Fortunately, today you can use a universal wirelessly transfer of documents!

Working with Bluetooth

If a person is wondering how to transfer a file from phone to phone, he can use Bluetooth. An excellent approach for those whose gadgets are located close to each other.

In general, the algorithm of actions for exchanging documents via Bluetooth comes down to the following manipulations:

  1. In the settings of both mobile phones turn on bluetooth.
  2. On the smartphone from which the document is being transferred, find required file. In its settings, select the “Transfer” - “Via Bluetooth” function.
  3. In the list of devices that appears, select the recipient's phone.
  4. On the second smartphone, confirm acceptance of the document.
  5. Wait while the file is transferred over the wireless network.

How to transfer files? The other phone will accept all documents sent using one of the suggested communication methods.