How to send an email at a specified time. How to send a letter to yourself in the future or right now using Yandex.mail and why is it necessary? How to set up delayed sending of a letter in Yandex mail

Through this service, you can write a letter with a delay from 1 day to 100 years - not only to yourself, but also to a friend or even a stranger. You are free to attach a file up to 500 KB in size or a snapshot from a webcam to the news. By paying $7, you have the option to send a letter in paper form.

To use the site, you will have to register on it. Future-mail also has a section with letters that their senders chose not to hide from the public eye.

One of the simplest services of this kind. Write a message, indicate the recipient's name and email, as well as the delivery date, and then wait.

The letter can be sent a maximum of 100 years in advance, but you should choose a shorter period: the site is based on pure enthusiasm, so it can cease to exist at any moment. However, the authors say that the costs of maintaining the service are minimal, so it is unlikely that it will close soon.

The project from St. Petersburg was born quite recently and has a much nicer design than many other services. The site stands out in that letters on it can only be sent a year in advance. Despite this limitation, more than 270,000 people used the service in a few days.

You can delay delivery of an individual message or use rules to delay delivery of all messages by opening them in outbox folder within a certain time after pressing the " Send".

Message delivery delay

After pressing the button Send the message will remain in the folder Outgoing

If you later need to send a message immediately, follow the steps below.

Note: This feature only works if Outlook is running in interactive mode.

You can delay the delivery of all messages by two hours by creating a rule.

    Open the tab File.

    Select an item Manage Rules and Alerts.

    Select a team Create a rule.

    In the dialog box Step 1: Choose a template in Group Start with an empty rule select an option Applying a rule to messages I send and press the button Further.

    On the list Further.


    On the list Step 1: Select actions check the box delay delivery by [date] min..

    In the dialog box, click the underlined word number

    Select the check boxes for any exceptions you want.

    In the dialog box Step 1: Set a rule name

    Check the box Enable rule.

    Click the button Ready.

After pressing the button Send Outgoing for the specified time.

Single message delivery delay

After pressing the button Send the message will remain in the folder Outgoing before delivery time.

Note: Service click Setting up accounts. On the tab Email in column Type

Delay delivery of all messages

    On the menu Service click Rules and Alerts and press the button Create a rule.

    In field Step 1: Choose a template In chapter Start with an empty rule click Check messages after sending and then click the button Further.

    On the list Step 1. Select selection conditions check the boxes for the options you want and click the button Further.

    If no check boxes are selected, a confirmation dialog box will appear. If you press the button Yes, the created rule will be applied to all sent messages.

    On the list Step 1: Select actions check the box delay delivery by [number] minutes.

    In the dialog box Step 2: Change the rule description (click the underlined value) click the underlined word number and enter the length of time to delay messages before sending (in minutes).

    Dispatch may be delayed up to 120 minutes.

    Set the required exceptions.

    In the dialog box Step 1: Set a rule name Enter the name of the created rule.

    Check the box Enable rule.

    Click the button Ready.

After pressing the button Send every message will be delayed in the folder Outgoing for the specified time.

Note: If you are using a POP3 account, Outlook cannot be closed before the message is sent. To determine the type of account you are using, in the menu Service click Setting up accounts. On the tab Email in column Type Lists the account types in the active Outlook profile.

There are situations in life when we need to send an email not immediately, but after some certain time. Some mail servers, for example Yandex, allow you to send a letter automatically. How exactly to do this?


  • Log in to your Yandex mailbox. To do this, enter in the address bar of your Internet browser. On the main page of the site on the left side there is mail, enter your username and password to log in to your mail.
  • A page with incoming letters will open in front of you. Just above the letters there is a “Write” button - click it.
  • Now write the letter itself. First, indicate the mailbox address of the person to whom you are sending this letter. Next, indicate the subject of the letter; it should reflect a summary of what you are writing. Finally, enter the text of the letter in the largest window. If you want to format your letter in a special way, click the “Format letter” button on the right. Clicking this button will open the text formatting panel. If you wish, you can check the text for spelling errors by clicking the “Check Spelling” button. If you need to attach any files to the email, click the “Attach Files” button, upload them from your computer and attach them to the email. You can also set one of the additional functions, for example, notification of receipt of a letter, SMS notification of the recipient of receipt of a letter, etc.
  • Now comes the fun part. When you have finished working with the letter itself, you need to send it. So that it is sent to the recipient automatically, i.e. not immediately after you wrote it, but after a certain time, below the text of the letter, find the inscription “Send today to...”. Check the box next to it to activate this function. Set the exact date and time of sending. By clicking on the icon with a question mark, you can read help for this function. Attention: sending a letter can be postponed for no more than one year from the current date. Once the entire process is complete, click on the “Submit” button.
  • Gmail had enough standard features for me, with one exception. I didn't know how to send an email at the specified time.

    In a standard mailer, we click the “Send” button and the letter goes to the recipient. We save the letter as a draft and it waits for the appointed time. But how to write a letter and delay sending?

    For me, this function is important because it allows me to unload the list of tasks in MyLifeOrganized. It seemed to me faster to convey information to the recipient using a letter at a specified time than recording this task in MLO and then performing the action.

    Google will help me. There were many proposed options, but they were shareware:

    • number of letters per month no more than 10
    • limited functionality

    For full-fledged versions it was necessary to pay monthly in conventional units. The function of delayed sending of letters is necessary, but not so necessary that you pay money for it. I continued my search and found a free option that was easy to use.

    My find was the SndLatr extension, which is currently called a beta version and is completely free.

    You can watch technical aspects of how to install and use SndLatr in this short video:

    I will focus on the issues of using the tool in conjunction with MyLifeOrganized.

    Options for using SndLatr to send an email at a specified time

    1. For assignments that I previously recorded in MyLifeOrganized and tracked using flags.

    Making a pending letter takes the same amount of time as writing a task in the MLO. It is much easier to write a letter right away and set a delay than to create a reminder about the upcoming letter. In the second case, we also need to respond to the reminder.

    Now in the MLO we write down what we expect from the person after receiving the letter. Everything has become simpler.

    Usage example:

    An application for money for household expenses is submitted to the accounting department every Monday. There is no point in sending a letter on another day, as the letter will be lost.

    Previously, I wrote down tasks in MLO:

    • Submit your application on Monday
    • I'm expecting money on Tuesday

    Now I immediately write a letter and set it to be sent on Monday. In MLO I set myself a reminder to wait.

    2. To remind yourself.

    When you don’t make a decision right now and want the letter to arrive later.


    A letter arrived this afternoon announcing an interesting event. I want to discuss it at home with my wife in the evening. I put off receiving it for a few hours and remove it from my inbox. In the evening I will receive a second reminder that this letter has arrived. Everything is done with 1-2 clicks.


    • Opened MLO
    • I wrote down the task
    • I set a reminder and chose the time.

    3. Use as a reminder to others about appointments.

    In MLO you can set up a reminder by sending mail to other people.

    Everything is great, but there are some disadvantages:

    • Difficulties setting up regular mail (I was able to link only mail from my website to my profile)
    • To send, the Windows program must be enabled (with the development of MLO mobile applications for Android and iPhone, I use the Windows application mainly for data processing)

    With delayed sending, the email will be sent regardless of whether you are online or offline.

    I consider using the SndLatr extension an excellent addition to a personal efficiency system


    • Fast
    • For free
    • Reduces the effort and time spent on planning such reminders


    • It takes time to check reliability and reliability. Although this is not a minus, but additional control.

    If you use a tool for delayed sending of letters, which in your opinion is better than SndLatr, write about it in the comments. Let's see. Let's sort it out piece by piece. Let's choose the best.

    Thanks for reading this article - I spent a lot of time creating it for you. I would be grateful if you give your feedback. This blog cannot be complete without information from you. So let's stay in touch!

    Delayed sending of emails today is provided by the mail services Mail and Yandex, and in Gmail it is possible to set up the sending of emails on a schedule through an application for modern browsers.

    This useful feature saves time and allows you to schedule emails to be sent on a schedule at a given time. For example, you need to send an important letter tomorrow, but you know that you will be traveling. In this case, you can prepare a letter and attached materials, specify the date and time of sending, and the mail service will send the letter according to schedule.

    How to schedule a letter to be sent in Mail

    In order to schedule a letter to be sent in the service, you need to click enter your mailbox and click the button "Write a letter".

    Specify the recipient, subject, text of the letter (if necessary) and add attachments.

    To schedule a shipment, click on the clock icon in the toolbar, as shown in the screenshot, and specify the date and time of shipment.

    The scheduled email will be stored in the folder until sent "Outbox", where you can cancel the sending or change the date and time.

    How to set up delayed sending of a letter in Yandex mail

    Also enter the mail, prepare the letter for sending and next to the button "Send" Click on the clock icon.

    Set the date and time and press the button "Send".

    The letter can be found and edited in the folder "Outbox".

    This is how you can quickly schedule your email to be sent on a schedule. Nothing complicated, but how they will help out. Especially when you know in advance what and where to poison. So much time is freed up at work))

    Delayed sending of emails in Gmail

    Unfortunately, users of the Gmail mail service do not have standard tools in their mailbox to schedule the sending of letters. At least at the time of writing this article there is no such possibility.

    But it is possible to install the Boomerang for Gmail plugin, which does an excellent job of scheduling emails to be sent. In addition, it integrates perfectly into the Google Mail inbox.

    You can download and install the plugin from the link above. And this video from the official page will show how this tool works.

