How to send a document by email for dummies. I receive letters in the mail about the transfer of money - what is it? What to do

How to send a document by e-mail for dummies, three simple ways.

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With development World Wide Web appeared and more ways communication between people at a distance. Now you can not only call someone without leaving your home, but also send an email.

At the same time, with via email you can send letters with attachments in the form of various text documents, presentations, photos, videos and more. Of course, the whole process of sending an email with an attachment is quite simple.

However, it is sometimes difficult for novice users to cope with this task without outside help. This article will take a closer look at sending emails with attachments.

How to send a document by email

Despite the many different services that provide the ability to send letters to in electronic format via the Internet (Yandex.Mail, Gmail,, Yahoo, Rambler and others), they all work according to the same algorithm.

Only attaching a file on such services may vary slightly. But in general, to send an email with an attachment, you can follow the following procedure:

  • First, you need to log into your account on the service and click on “Write” or another button provided by the mail service for writing a letter electronically.
  • Then indicate in the “To” line the email address of the recipient.
  • If necessary, you can specify the subject of your letter in the “Subject” field.
  • Next, in addition to plain text, if you need to send a document or other file from a computer, you need to find the tool that is responsible for this on the service you use and click on it. For example, if you use Yandex.Mail, Gmail or Yahoo for these purposes, then you need to click on the icon in the form of a paper clip, and on and Rambler there is an “Attach file” button.
  • After you find the document you want to send, click on it with the mouse to select it and click on the “Open” button.
  • After uploading files to Post service, check that the letter is formatted correctly (to whom you are sending it and what exactly). If there are more documents than you need or you have chosen the wrong thing, then next to it, as a rule, a trash icon appears on the right side, clicking on which deletes it unnecessary file. To add a document, again click either on the paperclip or on “Attach file”.
  • To send an email to the recipient, click on the “Send” button.

It is also worth noting that when using mobile version mailboxes, the algorithm of actions is similar to the extended one. That is, if you are on the road, and required document available on your phone or tablet, then if available mobile application, it can also be sent by e-mail.

In this case, also fill out all the required fields, and then click on the paperclip or “Attach file”, thus adding the document and sending. As you can see, everything is quite simple and convenient.

Send link

If your document is stored on cloud services, such as Google Drive, Yandex Drive, and others, or you created a document in Google Doc, then you can send a link to the document.

To do this, open the document, click on access settings and copy the link, which can be sent in an email. If these are documents stored on Drive, then you can download them to your computer; if this is a document in Google Docs, then you can jointly edit it, make amendments, comments, and so on.


If you use the Word program to create and edit documents, you can set up the email sending function once and then use it.


pay attention to top panel, namely on the tab - mailings. Should appear there new icon, with the name you gave him.

Now, after creating or editing a document, click on this icon. You only need to indicate the recipient's email, and the document will be sent to the specified address.

How to send a document by email, summary

I showed you three ways to send a document by email, choose the one that is most convenient for you. Once you send a letter, you will understand that there is nothing complicated in this process.

The main thing to understand is that you do not send the paper document, it remains with you. you send it electronic copy, and the recipient will print it himself if necessary.

But to send the paper original of any document, you should use our regular, all-usual mail and send the document by registered mail.

Majority mail clients, including Gmail, Yahoo,, Microsoft Outlook , Mozilla Thunderbird , provide the ability to send one email a large number recipients. Usually you can do this using the function Copy(on English language the abbreviation used to denote it SS), or Hidden copy (CCB). When sending a message to Copies recipients can see email addresses other people to whom this letter was also sent. In the second case, the identity of additional recipients is hidden.

Adding a recipient's address

To specify the recipient(s) of the email, enter their email address in the field To whom (That):

Some email clients allow you to simply enter your username into a field, which is then automatically filled in by the program.

If you use this field to send an email to multiple people, each of them will be able to see full list other recipients.

How to create a copy of an email

Field CC or Copy used for exchange by email in a more indirect way than the field To whom. If you are in your email are not addressing the person directly, but would like that person to follow the discussion in the email chain or simply be aware of this topic, field Copy would be a great option. The addressee, who is in Copies letters, receives unread letter on your own Mailbox e, like the one who was placed in the field To whom; the only difference is who you address the letter to first in the body of your email. In the professional world, mailing to Copies is used very widely and serves to keep colleagues informed about various events and topics.

You can list email recipients by simply entering a list of addresses in the field Copy, which is usually located immediately below the field To whom. Everyone in this chain of recipients will be able to see the names and email addresses of all other recipients:

How to BCC an Email

Every email client (Gmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo, etc.) allows the sender of an email to reach a large number of people without exposing their information to other users in the email chain. This function is called BCC or Hidden copy. You can hide recipients by entering their addresses in the field Hidden copy instead of using fields To whom And Copy:

You can use this feature for both individual and group emails. This is especially useful if you want to keep your contacts private, protect them from spam and unwanted emails, or simply if you don't want your recipients to know who received the same message.

Field Hidden copy not always available by default for all email clients. For example, in Outlook You will need to go to Options to access settings; V Thunderbird you will need to select this function from the drop-down menu; V Gmail need to press a button Copy And Hidden copy; V Windows Live Mail You will need to press the keys simultaneously Alt + B.

Image: © Ruslan Nesterenko -

FinExecutive Russia website 2019-03-17

8 life hacks: how to work effectively with email

We use email to resolve a lot of work issues every day. But at the same time, many people, in the literal sense of the word, become dependent on their mailbox. If you think that it takes up too much of your time and even your productivity suffers as a result, listen to our advice.

It would seem that everyone knows the rules for working with email. But even this does not always help to use your time rationally. A flood of incoming messages, an overabundance of unverified mail, a lack of time to properly process electronic correspondence and the desire to always remain obligatory and reliable in the eyes of your business partners often causes stress.

Common situation? In this case, our life hacks will help you find a way out. difficult situation and thereby increase work productivity.

  1. Make checking your inbox part of your work schedule. Make it a rule not to monitor incoming messages, but to process them twice a day. After all, mail processing is the same job as any other included in your work schedule. Before using this life hack, analyze the flow of incoming messages to understand what 2 hours you receive greatest number letters. Record these two periods of time in your diary and use them to read correspondence and respond to messages received.
  2. Minimize anything that reminds you of the existence of email. If the specifics of your work allow this, close (not just minimize) the program, disable the function of pop-up notifications about receiving a new letter and remove the icon from the desktop. Do everything to protect yourself from any additional reminders in your inbox.
  3. Clear your inbox. Once you minimize the amount unread messages, you will understand how much easier it is to process new letters when you don’t have to search for them in a stream of mixed information. You can process incoming correspondence faster if:
  • You will leave only unread messages in your inbox;
  • For each project or category of letters, create separate folders. This technique will help you quickly find the information you need;
  • Start using labels and color coding of incoming messages. This way, for visual perception, the sorting of letters will become more noticeable;
  • Study the functionality in detail mail account to manage its work more efficiently;
  • Block the delivery of letters from unwanted users;
  • Once and for all, unsubscribe from unnecessary email campaigns. At first glance, this seems like a hassle, but if you don’t want to continue receiving piles of useless information, you’ll have to reconsider all your subscriptions;
  • You will use filters to sort letters received from the remaining mailings;
  • Mark with a star those messages that are very important or require a detailed response.
  • Send copies of letters only to those who need them. The logic is simple: the less correspondence you send, the fewer incoming messages you will have. Therefore, if possible, include as few people as possible in the copy of the letter and do not use the “Reply all” function.
  • Don't use your inbox as another to-do list. Some people send themselves letters to remind themselves to do something important. If you also use this method, try to get rid of it, because this way you will definitely not be able to increase your productivity. Make it a rule to write down a task on your to-do calendar, immediately choosing a date and time when you can do it.
  • Use templates. If you often receive emails with the same requests or are asked the same questions, try automating your work. Formulate your ideal answer and use it as a template. This way you can save time and use it to complete more important or interesting tasks.
  • Save emails in your Outbox folder. Do not delete sent correspondence, because you may need the information contained in it at any time.
  • Tell your colleagues about the change in your routine. To make it easier for you to adhere to your new email rules, let others know your plans. Tell your management that you want to increase your productivity and to do this you have turned off notifications about receiving new emails, and you will sort out incoming correspondence at the allotted time. Also discuss other means of communication when someone needs to contact you urgently.
  • In Microsoft Outlook, you can specify that for all messages you send, an automatic Bcc (Bcc) will be sent to other distribution lists or users.

    One scenario in which this rule is useful is when all group members reply to incoming email messages, such as Center technical support. When one group member replies to a message, other group members automatically receive a copy of the reply, keeping all outgoing messages up to date.

    client rules

    Create a rule

    Now, every time you send a message, be it a new message, forward a message or reply, people or groups that are specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or groups do not appear in the Cc line of the compose message, but those names will appear to all recipients of the message.

    Disable a rule

      In the Mail view, on the tab home click the button rules > Manage Rules and Alerts.

      On the tab in the section Rule

      Click the button OK.

    Rules and Alerts.

    Advice: additional information on how to quickly disable this rule for individual messages, see next section ("").

    Use a category to disable automatic CC for individual messages

    If you want the flexibility to turn off automatic new copy rules based on a single message without having to navigate through the dialog box rules and alerts, you can use the categories feature in Outlook, along with a rule.


    First, you need to create a rule to automatically send blind carbon copy (CC) for all email messages you send.

    This specific rule is called client rules. Client rules are executed only on the computer on which it was created and executed only if Outlook application launched. If you were to send an email using account email on another computer, the rule will not be executed from that computer so that it is created on this computer. This same rule must be created on each computer that plans to use it.

    Create a rule

    Now every time you send a message, be it a new message, forward a message or reply, people or distribution lists specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or distribution lists do not appear in the Cc line of the compose message, but those names will appear to everyone who receives the message.

    Disable a rule

    To prevent a copy from being sent automatically, you must first disable the rule.

      In Mail in the menu Service click the button Rules and Alerts.

      On the tab Email Rules In chapter Rule uncheck the box corresponding to the rule you created.

      Click the button OK.

      Now you can send a message without automatic sending copies of it to other people or mailing lists. The rule will be inactive until it is restart in the dialog box Rules and Alerts.


    Use a category to disable automatic CC for individual messages

    If you want to disable the new automatic Send CC rule for individual messages without calling the dialog box Rules and Alerts, you can set the rule to a category that is available in Office Outlook 2007.

    Change the rule you created earlier so that when you add specified category The rule did not automatically send a copy to the message.

    Whenever you want to disable the auto-cc rule for a message, apply a category to it.

    Advice: You can use a keyboard shortcut if you specified it when creating the category.

    When you send a message, the auto-copy rule will not apply.

