How to open the BIOS on Windows 8. Special boot options

BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) - part software, built as a set basic commands. The purpose of the BIOS is to provide API access to hardware and connected devices for operating system.

Entering the BIOS is necessary in cases where you need to perform a number of low-level tasks. Such tasks include: reinstalling the system, setting boot priorities, and checking the functionality of slots and ports. As an example, let's try to enter the BIOS on Windows 8.

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Entering BIOS on Windows 8

In some cases (on some laptop models), the boot screen may not appear when turned on. In the operating room Windows system 8, it is possible to enter UEFI (BIOS) directly from the Desktop. To do this you need:

  • Open the settings panel - to do this, you need to slide your finger to the edge of the screen (if working with a touchpad), or move the mouse cursor to the right edge of the desktop ( alternative way- simply press the key combination “Win” + “C”);
  • Select “Settings” -> “Change PC settings”;
  • In the “PC Settings” section that appears, click on “General”;
  • Go to the “Advanced Start” section -> “Restart”;
  • After the system reboots, a menu with three options will appear. You need to select “Downloads” -> “Fault finding” (in another translation “Diagnostics”) -> “Advanced settings” (in another translation “ Extra options") -> "UEFI Firmware Settings" ("UEFI Firmware Settings");
  • To enter UEFI (BIOS), you just have to click “Reboot”.

Regular entrance

The easiest way to enter is BIOS menu using built-in resources motherboard. This method suitable for almost everyone personal computers and most laptop models. To enter the BIOS:

  • To restart a computer;
  • During the boot process (after the characteristic sound signal) a black screen appears with system information and a report on installed devices(eg mouse, keyboard, hard disks etc.). For some developers (such as ASUS), the initial screen appears blue;
  • You should take a close look at the inscriptions on the monitor. The required key to enter the BIOS usually appears after the words “Press % desired button% to enter SETUP";
  • If you still can’t see the key, you need to use one of the standard ones: “Delete” (Del), “F1”, “F2”, or “F10”;
  • When the loading screen appears, press the desired button several times;
  • If everything is done correctly, the BIOS tab will open.

Clarification: click the desired key it is necessary within 3-4 seconds, immediately after turning on the computer (without waiting for the operating system to load), that is, a second after pressing the power button.

Before wondering how to enter the BIOS on Windows 8, you should understand what is hidden under this abbreviation and whether there is a need to do this at all.

What is BIOS?

Basic input/output system, or BIOS for short, is a chip located on the computer’s motherboard and is necessary to boot it up. How does this happen. Built into the BIOS program code with primary drivers and settings, with the help of which it is launched and checked Hardware computer, it is produced basic setup and the installed operating system (OS) is loaded. Many parameters included in the BIOS system can be changed by the user. To do this, you need to go to a special interface called BIOS Setup, with which most users associate the concept of BIOS. Here, except for the mortgaged ones basic settings, the date and time are set, the components integrated into the motherboard are turned on and off, the drive from which the operating system is loaded is selected, the voltage is changed and clock speeds processor, timings random access memory and much more. To enter BIOS Setup, a specific key combination is used, which may be different for different models computers and laptops.

BIOS chip with embedded software code

Table: Keyboard shortcuts to enter BIOS Setup for various BIOS manufacturers


Key combination

American Megatrends (AMI)

ATi Radeon BIOS (ARI)

Advanced Logic Research (ALR)

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

Dalatech Enterprises (DTK)

Usually, to enter the computer’s BIOS, it is enough to press one of the keys at the very beginning of its boot: F1, F2, Del, Esc.

On modern motherboards, another chip is installed, called Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). It performs the same functions as BIOS, but has more advanced software interface, interacts better with the OS bootloader and has many other advantages.

Since Windows 8 is mainly installed on computers with modern motherboards, you should consider the BIOS - UEFI type in more detail. Entering such a BIOS is not easy because the boot process is very fast.

How to enter BIOS UEFI through the control panel

Direct entry in this case is impossible. In the Control Panel we can change some settings to increase the time it takes to test the computer by a few seconds before starting Windows boot 8. Now you will see on the screen options for loading the OS and “hot keys” for entering BIOS UEFI and any other that you can do right away.

  1. In Windows 8, click Start -> Control Panel -> Power Options.

    Selecting a power section

  2. In the window that opens, click on the links “ additional information about power management schemes -> Action of the power button."

    Selecting advanced settings

  3. On the tab that opens, next to the shield icon, enable the function for changing unavailable parameters, and at the bottom, uncheck the enable checkbox quick launch computer and click the “Save Changes” button.

    Disabling Fast Startup

Now it won’t be difficult to get into the BIOS when the computer boots, since all the necessary key combinations and hints will be visible.

Login via parameters

This option is used to enter BIOS UEFI.

  1. Open right sidebar and select Settings -> Change PC settings.

    Selecting parameters

  2. A tab will open where at the end of the list select the “Update and Recovery” link.

    Entering recovery mode

  3. In the new window on the left side, select “Recovery”, and in the special boot options section, click “Restart now”.

    Selecting a download option

  4. After the computer restarts, a window will open where you select “Diagnostics” and then “Advanced Settings”.

    Selecting advanced options

  5. Next, click on the “UEFI Firmware Settings” tab and confirm to restart the computer.

    Go to BIOS settings

  6. The computer will reboot once again and automatic login in BIOS UEFI.

    System Settings

Video instruction: how to enter BIOS on Windows 8

Login via command line

Go to the main page first Windows menu 8 and select "Applications".

Choice command line

In the window that opens, type in the command line - shutdown.exe /r /o and click on keyboard Enter. The computer will reboot into boot option selection mode, where you can specify the parameters necessary to enter the BIOS, as in the option shown above.

Set of executable commands

other methods

You can use reboot to enter BIOS safe mode, for which press while holding Shift key drop-down list item “Reboot” from the “On/Off” menu, which can be accessed through the main “Start” menu. After the reboot, a menu with an entry point to the BIOS will become available.

HP (Hewlett-Packard)

[from DOS -> Ctrl+Alt+F11]

Possible problems and ways to solve them

There are usually no problems logging into the BIOS, except if the login is password protected and the password is lost. Also, users often try to unacceptably increase the speed of the computer (overclock) using special programs or directly through the BIOS, resulting in hardware malfunctions that can lead to disruption Windows operation 8.

In these cases, the best way out of the situation is to reset the BIOS settings to factory settings. This is not difficult to do. Enter the BIOS using one of the methods discussed above and press the Esc key. A window will appear with a list of links, one of which will contain the word Defaults. This link will need to be clicked, after which the BIOS settings will be reset to factory settings and the computer will reboot. But if the login is password-protected, then you simply cannot enter the BIOS this way. Are there any other options.

You can also reset the settings using a jumper on the motherboard, the location of which can be found in the motherboard diagram available in the instructions that came with the computer.

BIOS reset jumper

The BIOS will also reset if you remove and then reinsert the coin-cell battery on the motherboard.

BIOS battery

The article discusses in detail the options for how you can enter the BIOS on Windows 8 and more. Having a list of “hot keys” at hand at all times, the user of any computer or laptop can easily get into the BIOS and this procedure will take very little time.

Go to Computer BIOS may be needed for several reasons. The main ones are system startup setup, sequence hard drives, connecting/disabling ports and many other different reasons. There are several ways to open the BIOS:

  • Hotkeys;
  • special download options;
  • via the command line, etc.

How to enter BIOS in Windows 8 (8.1)

In order to launch the BIOS using hotkeys, you need to restart your computer. After starting and pressing the required button, you can load the BIOS. In order for it to start, you need to press a button within a certain period of time. Depending on the model, the key to be pressed and the time period are different. You can find out information about your motherboard on the Internet. In the majority desktop computers To start the BIOS you need press F2 key, and in laptops Delete key or Esc. Fits this option mainly for old system users.

In order to enter modern models in BIOS UEFI you need to use special download options. To do this, you need to go to Settings in the Start panel, then go to the tab Change computer settings", then go to the "Update and Recovery" menu. In this menu you need to select the “Reboot now” item.

After the laptop or system unit completes the reboot procedure, a menu will appear, then select “ Diagnostics».

In it you need to select the section "".

After this, you can go to the OS settings, on the “ UEFI Firmware Settings» click on the “Restart” button, after restarting the OS will be available UEFI settings.

You can also open it using command line, to do this you need to open and enter the command “ shutdown.exe /r /o"then the laptop will start to reboot, after it restarts the BIOS will start.

Call basic system I/O can be done using Shift. To do this, you need to hover the cursor in the Start panel and hold Shift and restart the OS. After completing this procedure, you will have access to the program in question. I use the same key on home screen you'll get the same effect. This can only be done starting with operating system version 8.1 (updates 1)

Whatever method is chosen, they will all allow you to enter the BIOS on the Windows 8 (8.1) operating system. You can choose any one that is more convenient.

WITH the advent of Windows 8 owners of new computers also became acquainted with another innovation – UEFI. UEFI (translated and stands for “Unified Extensible Firmware Interface”) is motherboard firmware designed for the same purposes as BIOS and replaced it.

UEFI and BIOS are a software “layer” between the operating system and the computer hardware. And this is where their similarities, one might say, end. The differences between them are about as big as between Windows 98 and Windows 8.

This is what it looks like graphical shell UEFI motherboard Gigabite:

For comparison, here is an image of the BIOS:

There are changes, aren't they? And they affected not only the appearance.

The main differences between UEFI and BIOS

  • Support for GPT drive partitioning. Tough and solid state drives, partitioned according to this standard, can address more than 2.2 TiB of space and contain an unlimited number of partitions. Old markup type MBR new The interface is supported only indirectly - through the CSM extension (BIOS emulator).
  • Built-in boot manager for operating systems different types. UEFI allows you to boot OSes that do not have their own bootloader at all - to do this, just add them to the boot menu.
  • Technology secure boot Secure Boot, which prohibits the execution of unauthorized code at the OS startup stage. Provides protection against viruses that become active before Windows boots.
  • Supports device drivers with 64-bit firmware and has its own platform-independent driver environment.
  • Ability to install extensions that complement standard features UEFI. Extensions can be added by the computer manufacturer or by the user.
  • Colorful GUI(so far only on desktop motherboards), which allows you to use a mouse.
  • Support for Russian and other national languages.
  • A significant increase in the speed of loading the OS and exiting hibernation.

Speeding up the system startup from the moment the computer is turned on, on the one hand, is convenient for the user, but on the other hand, it makes it difficult to enter the BIOS when necessary. Because the time in which you need to press Delete key, F2, etc., is reduced to an instant. However, now you can enter the BIOS from under the OS itself, but not any, but only pre-installed on Windows computer 8. We’ll talk about how this is done further. So…

How to enter the BIOS from a running Windows 8

  • Click Windows keys+ C or move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the screen and move it down a little to open the sidebar. Click the “Options” icon.

  • Next, click “Change PC settings.”

  • Select “Update and Recovery” from the list of PC options.

  • Click “Recovery”, then in the right half of the window, in the “Special boot options” section, click “Restart now”.

  • The computer will restart and you will see blue screen The “Select action” menu will open. Click “Diagnostics”.

  • Then click “Advanced Options”.

  • And then – “UEFI Firmware Settings”.

  • After this, the UEFI main menu (BIOS) will open to you.

If your PC does not have the “UEFI Firmware Settings” item, then you cannot enter the BIOS settings from Windows on it. This happens because:

  • Windows 8 did not come pre-installed on this computer;
  • The disk on which the system is located is marked as MBR (UEFI is used in BIOS mode).

In such cases, you will most likely be able to get into the UEFI settings as you did before - by pressing the key indicated on the motherboard splash screen after turning on the PC. You will have enough time, since in this mode the system does not start at an accelerated pace, but at a normal one.

How else can you access “UEFI Settings”

There are several other ways to go to the “Select Action” menu, from there to “Advanced Settings” and “UEFI Firmware Settings”.

Using the command line

  • Open your desktop. Click right click By Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen or press Windows keys + X. From the menu that opens, select Command Prompt.

  • Type the command in the console shutdown /r /o and click Enter. The computer will restart and you will find yourself in “Advanced Options”.

Using the “Reboot” item

  • Open the right sidebar, select Options and then Shut Down.
  • Press keyboard Shift and click “Reboot”.

  • Once in the “Select Action” menu, go to the “Diagnostics” and “Advanced Settings” sections.

Using a shortcut

If you often need to switch from Windows to UEFI, it is most convenient to create a shortcut for this. It will take you to the “Advanced Options” section with a mouse click.

  • Right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop. Select “Create” and “Shortcut” from the context menu.

  • In the line “Specify the location of the object” enter C:WINDOWSsystem32shutdown.exe /r /o /f /t 00 and click “Next”.

  • Give the shortcut a meaningful name and click “Done.” It will be created and saved on your desktop.

  • Now you can go to “Advanced Settings”, and from there to UEFI without going to the desktop.

Before wondering how to enter the BIOS on Windows 8, you should understand what is hidden under this abbreviation and whether there is a need to do this at all.

What is BIOS?

Basic input/output system, or BIOS for short, is a chip located on the computer’s motherboard and is necessary to boot it up. How does this happen. The BIOS contains software code with primary drivers and settings, with the help of which the computer hardware is launched and checked, its basic configuration is performed and the installed operating system (OS) is loaded. Many parameters included in the BIOS system can be changed by the user. To do this, you need to go to a special interface called BIOS Setup, with which most users associate the concept of BIOS. Here, in addition to the basic settings, the date and time are adjusted, the components integrated into the motherboard are turned on and off, the drive from which the operating system is loaded is selected, the voltage and clock speeds of the processor, RAM timings and much more are changed. To enter BIOS Setup, a specific key combination is used, which may be different for different models of computers and laptops.

BIOS chip with embedded software code

Table: Keyboard shortcuts to enter BIOS Setup for various BIOS manufacturers


Key combination

American Megatrends (AMI)

ATi Radeon BIOS (ARI)

Advanced Logic Research (ALR)

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

Dalatech Enterprises (DTK)

Usually, to enter the computer’s BIOS, it is enough to press one of the keys at the very beginning of its boot: F1, F2, Del, Esc.

On modern motherboards, another chip is installed, called Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). It performs the same functions as BIOS, but has a more advanced software interface, interacts better with the OS bootloader and has many other advantages.

Since Windows 8 is mainly installed on computers with modern motherboards, you should consider the BIOS - UEFI type in more detail. Entering such a BIOS is not easy because the boot process is very fast.

How to enter BIOS UEFI through the control panel

Direct entry in this case is impossible. In the control panel, we can change some settings to increase the testing time of the computer by a few seconds before Windows 8 starts loading. Now you will see on the screen options for loading the OS and “hot keys” for entering BIOS UEFI and any other that you can do right away .

  1. In Windows 8, click Start -> Control Panel -> Power Options.

    Selecting a power section

  2. In the window that opens, click on the links “Additional information about power management schemes -> Power button action”.

    Selecting advanced settings

  3. On the tab that opens, next to the shield icon, enable the function for changing unavailable parameters, at the bottom, uncheck the checkbox for enabling quick computer startup and click the “Save changes” button.

    Disabling Fast Startup

Now it won’t be difficult to get into the BIOS when the computer boots, since all the necessary key combinations and hints will be visible.

Login via parameters

This option is used to enter BIOS UEFI.

  1. Open the right sidebar and select Settings -> Change PC settings.

    Selecting parameters

  2. A tab will open where at the end of the list select the “Update and Recovery” link.

    Entering recovery mode

  3. In the new window on the left side, select “Recovery”, and in the special boot options section, click “Restart now”.

    Selecting a download option

  4. After the computer restarts, a window will open where you select “Diagnostics” and then “Advanced Settings”.

    Selecting advanced options

  5. Next, click on the “UEFI Firmware Settings” tab and confirm to restart the computer.

    Go to BIOS settings

  6. The computer will reboot once again and automatically enter the BIOS UEFI.

    System Settings

Video instruction: how to enter BIOS on Windows 8

Login via command line

First, go to the main menu of Windows 8 and select “Applications”.

Command line selection

In the window that opens, type in the command line - shutdown.exe /r /o and press Enter on the keyboard. The computer will reboot into boot option selection mode, where you can specify the parameters necessary to enter the BIOS, as in the option shown above.

Set of executable commands

other methods

You can use a reboot in safe mode to enter the BIOS by holding down the Shift key and pressing the “Reboot” drop-down list item from the “On/Off” menu, which can be accessed through the main “Start” menu. After the reboot, a menu with an entry point to the BIOS will become available.

HP (Hewlett-Packard)

[from DOS -> Ctrl+Alt+F11]

Possible problems and ways to solve them

There are usually no problems logging into the BIOS, except if the login is password protected and the password is lost. Also, users often try to increase the speed of the computer unacceptably (overclock) using special programs or directly through the BIOS, as a result of which hardware malfunctions occur, which can lead to disruption of Windows 8.

In these cases, the best way out of the situation is to reset the BIOS settings to factory settings. This is not difficult to do. Enter the BIOS using one of the methods discussed above and press the Esc key. A window will appear with a list of links, one of which will contain the word Defaults. This link will need to be clicked, after which the BIOS settings will be reset to factory settings and the computer will reboot. But if the login is password-protected, then you simply cannot enter the BIOS this way. Are there any other options.

You can also reset the settings using a jumper on the motherboard, the location of which can be found in the motherboard diagram available in the instructions that came with the computer.

BIOS reset jumper

The BIOS will also reset if you remove and then reinsert the coin-cell battery on the motherboard.

BIOS battery

The article discusses in detail the options for how you can enter the BIOS on Windows 8 and more. Having a list of “hot keys” at hand at all times, the user of any computer or laptop can easily get into the BIOS and this procedure will take very little time.