How to disable paid services on MTS. Getting a list of active options

Situations when operators cellular communications imposed on clients paid services not at all uncommon. In addition, subscribers themselves often inadvertently connect unnecessary options, for which additional fees will be charged in the future. If you notice extra charges from your account, it is worth checking the availability unnecessary connections at your rate. And about thatwe'll talk in more detail.

So, have you noticed that extra money is being debited from your account regularly? You don't make calls subscription fee has been paid for a long time, but the bill is getting smaller and smaller? The first thing to check is availability paid options in the list of connected ones.

There are several methods to solve this issue:

  • Via SMS sent to service number 8111. It doesn’t cost money, you don’t need to write anything either, just, empty message enough. In response, you will receive a list of all services connected to the number. If you send the number 1, you will receive a more specific answer - a list of paid options only.
  • USSD request *152# will also help you get necessary information. After processing, a menu will appear in which you need to select the “Your paid services” section. In response, you will receive an SMS with information about the services and instructions on how to disable them.
  • Call the operator or visit the sales office. You need to take your passport with you; it will be needed to identify the client.
  • In your personal account on the operator’s website. In the services section, find the tab with connected products, there you can see which of them are charged for and in what amount.

This way, you can find out exactly where the money is going from your balance and, if necessary, take action.

How to disable paid services on MTS

Now we will answer the main question that interests readers. To disable paid options, the operator offers customers many options. Each of them is quite effective, the choice depends on the circumstances and preferences of the user.

In your personal account

The subscriber’s personal account is a full-fledged tool for managing your own tariff, connecting and disconnecting necessary services. This service allows you to independently resolve almost all possible difficulties without contacting an operator representative.

Let's figure it out how to disable paid services on MTS.

If the option is not disabled in your personal account, then this can only be done by calling the operator or visiting the sales office. After successful execution of the order, the client will receive an SMS notification that the service has been successfully disabled. If it is not received, we recommend that you additionally check that the shutdown has been completed.

Via mobile application

And subscriptions to MTS, without knowing which ones are on your this moment. To do this, dial the command *152*2# using the keys and press the call button. Information about paid services, which are on your number. To disable all paid services on MTS yourself, use the combination *152*2*2*3#. After this you will receive a notification about successful completion operations.

You can disable all paid services on MTS via Personal Area on the company's official website. The entrance to the office is at the bottom of the page. All recommendations upon receipt personal login and the password will be given on the screen, and the procedure will not take much time. Appearance-the assistant changes periodically, but in any case you will see a section of current services. Through service management, select those that are unnecessary and disable them yourself.

Contact help desk operator at 0890 by selecting voice menu direct connection section. First, ask your operator to name the connected paid services, and then tell them which of them you want to disable. The operation is performed right on the spot and upon completion everything will be turned off.

How to disable all subscriptions to MTS

The “Expense Control” service will help you disable everything on MTS, and USSD-*152# will help you switch to it. Using the text menu instructions, you can deactivate unnecessary mailings. You can also find out information about connected services through an SMS request with the number 1 to number 8111. As soon as you find out which information Services active on this moment, look on the Internet or on the operator’s website for codes that disable them, for example, *111*29# for the “Beep” service, *111*20# for WAP and *111*4751# for weather forecast.

You can completely disable all paid services and subscriptions to MTS, even refusing the MTS newsletter. Just enter the command *111*375#. You will receive an SMS notifying you of successful deactivation. It is worth considering that in the future this may prevent you from learning information about your balance.

Contact any MTS communication store and ask employees to disable all paid services and subscriptions. A passport is required for this. However, in Lately office employees are increasingly redirecting subscribers to their personal account on the operator’s website, citing the fact that some services can only be disabled there. As a subscriber, you have the right to insist that everything unnecessary is turned off immediately in the salon.

In order to disable paid services, you need to find out if there are any on your number:

  • For help please dial *152*2# and press the call button.
  • Or send an SMS with the text 1 to the number 8111 . This free service It's called "My Services".

Having received all the comprehensive information about the services used in the response SMS, and realizing that you no longer need to use some of them, follow these steps:

1. The most reliable way disable MTS paid services - this is by finding out at the above number the names of your “paid services” and “ paid subscriptions", open the official MTS website. Then enter this name in the upper right corner in the search bar. For example, " Free time". In the search results that appear on the page, select the description of this service, follow the link. The cost of using it per day, a description and a command to disable it will be indicated there. Type the command on your mobile. For example, for “Free time” this *111*2121# and then “Call”. That's it, they won't charge you any more money for it.

2. Option two: contact the service technical support and ask the operator to disable all services provided to you for money. Dial toll free number 0890 from your mobile, follow voice prompts and wait for the operator's response. Be prepared to be stuck on the phone for quite a long time.

3. Contact a consultant at any MTS communication salon, taking your passport with you. Remember that this method requires that you are the owner of the SIM card.

5. If MTS-Service is installed on your phone, by typing the symbols on your phone *111# and then “Call”.

Commands to disable some services

For convenience, here are a couple of commands. If among them there are no symbols to disable the service provided to you, then open the MTS website and follow our tips from point 1. Don’t forget to indicate your home region on the website (the one where you bought your SIM card): you can select it at the top of the page, just below the site title.

So, to say goodbye to services:

  • "They called you!" dial *111*38# and challenge;
  • "I'm in touch" dial *111*211420# and challenge.

The new service from MTS “Discount of the Day” allows you to purchase a discount coupon to save on offers and purchases. But if today, for example, there is no need to make purchases, or if the subscriber has left the Russian Federation, there is simply no need for it. Next, we will tell you how to disable the “Discount of the Day” service on MTS in a couple of clicks.

Specifics of the service

Why is there a need to disable the service?

Cost of coupons for different kinds products are different. On the website, coupons are sorted in a catalog and, depending on the cost of the offer, their price varies from 1.5 rubles. up to 305 rub.

  • Ordering the coupon itself is free. However, if the site is viewed from a phone, then traffic is paid based on tariff package subscriber In addition, the offer itself is paid and costs from 5 to 10 rubles. The cost is determined by the selected catalog section. For all clients who have ordered the service, a mailing is carried out with offers of the most profitable promotions. This takes into account the selected catalog of goods and services.

If the “Content blocking” option is activated on your phone, it is impossible to activate the “Discount of the day”.

Sending SMS messages is free, but only when the client is in home region. A short command also costs 0 rubles, but if the MTS client is in international roaming, alas, outgoing SMS messages will have to be paid according to the tariff package.

Naturally, in such a situation an offer is not required.

How to refuse the service

Disabling the “Discount of the Day” service on MTS is very simple - using an SMS message or short command. The service will cease immediately.

  • To number 8877 an SMS message is sent with the text – STOP88.
  • The same can be done by typing the command on your phone *887*8800# .

It is better to do this before the subscriber leaves the territory of the Russian Federation, since sending SMS messages will no longer be free while roaming.