How to disable personal recommendations in the Yandex browser. How to remove or disable Yandex Zen on the main page of the browser

Famous company Yandex does not stand still and continues to develop rapidly, releasing new programs, utilities and software. One of these new products is “Yandex Zen”, which presents a feed of useful and interesting posts and publications.

According to the developers themselves, this feed should make searching the Internet much easier and become useful extension for users. However, as practice shows, in reality everything is completely different. Most people are sure that in this way the organization just wants to make as much money as possible more money.

Great amount annoying advertising, bulky blocks of information that only interfere with visibility, and high consumption system resources- this is what reality is. In view of this, every day everything more people trying to find out how to remove Zen from home page browser or from search. It is the solution to this problem that will be discussed in our article.

Yandex browser

If the web browser is installed specifically on a PC or laptop, then disabling Yandex Zen in this case is incredibly simple. In this case, all browser capabilities and information available in it will be preserved. To solve the problem you need:

Thus, Zen will be disabled, but you should take into account the fact that the next time you update the browser, the extensions may be launched again. In this case, you will have to disable it yourself again in the settings, following the above instructions.

Outdated version

This method is more convenient, since in the future you will not have to disable extensions and add-ons that are installed in automatic mode. However, there is a drawback, which is that the older version of the browser does not have most of the modern features, and you will be limited in what you can do. As a result, this may affect its operation and the productivity of your work.

To remove Zen on your computer from old version browser you need:

I would like to pay special attention to the choice of the site from which the software will be downloaded, since there is a possibility of installing infected software on your computer. In this case, you will no longer think about how to remove the news feed, but how to get rid of viruses and restore files damaged by them.

Shutdown on the main search page

After we have learned what Yandex Zen is and how to remove it from the browser, it is necessary to consider the situation when the extension concerns specifically search page and figure out how to turn it off. This is done very simply; scrolling down the news feed to the very bottom, you can see the “Collapse” button. Click on it and the advertisement will be minimized.

But if you clear cookies and sessions, Zen will appear again, in which case you will need to turn it off again.

Google Chrome

The Yandex Zen add-on, unfortunately, can affect not only the native browser, but also other browsers. Today there are several possible ways this problem can occur:

  • Malicious software downloaded with the program.
  • Updating the browser with third-party utilities.

We will talk further about how to solve these problems and correct their consequences.

Manual shutdown

If you get rid of the plugin manually, then you can achieve the maximum quick solution problem, but this option does not guarantee its complete elimination. In this case, Zen may remind itself again after the next update Google Chrome.

If you are not satisfied with this, let's move on to the disconnection process itself:

If this algorithm did not lead to the desired result, try the following:

That’s how you can easily and without any difficulties turn off the annoying extension yourself.

Uninstalling a program

To do this we do the following:

The above steps will help you completely uninstall the software with all data and extensions.

If automatic removal doesn't help

Why is the Zen plugin still not disabled? This is due to the fact that in some cases it is necessary to manually remove information associated with the browser, since if this is not done, then reinstallation does not bring the desired effect. All saved information is synchronized with the browser automatically.

To remove it, follow the instructions below:

If all actions are performed correctly, you will permanently delete the accompanying browser data and the Zen plugin from the scoreboard, and upon subsequent reinstallation Chrome extension Zen will not be downloaded and launched again.

When installing a browser, always pay attention to the accompanying software. This will protect yourself from infection by malware.

If after reinstalling Chrome and deleting all data the problem was not solved, then along with uninstalling Google Chrome, remove Yandex. In this case, follow the same steps with Yandex Browser, described a little higher.

Mozilla Firefox and Opera

Yandex Zen in browsers such as Mozilla and Opera can appear only in one case - when installing visual bookmarks. Most bookmarks are installed unintentionally, for example, when installing another program. Therefore, it is so important to be careful during the installation stage of any software downloaded from the Internet and promptly remove items that you do not need.

There is no point in considering separately the method of disabling Zen for Mozilla and Opera, since it will be exactly the same. So, let's get down to the process itself.

Turn off third-party extensions

If you don’t use visual bookmarks, you can disable them or delete them altogether, and Zen will follow them.

How to do this in Mozilla Firefox:

How to do this in Opera:

Universal method – Adguard

Universal method - complete removal

Whatever browser you have installed, and if it has the “Zen” news feed, you can disable it in the following way.

After this, restart your computer and download the web browser again. This time it will be without advertising. You can also use the method manual removal, analyzed using Google Chrome as an example, when we manually cleared folders. It will be completely similar, only the folder names will differ, for example “Mozilla, Opera, etc.”

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Recently, Yandex has been promoting its “Zen” service in every possible way, which, according to Yandex itself, is very useful to users, because offers them up-to-date information from the Internet. And although the original goal of this service– find and offer users new interesting sites to familiarize themselves with, but sometimes we see links there that may not be interesting to you - LJ (LiveJournal). Some users don’t like this, and therefore they are looking for information on how to disable Zen in the Yandex browser.

In addition, there is the official website of the service, which, if you are in the browser under your account, also offers you a variety of sites, or if there is not enough information yet, it writes that it is not yet possible to show you recommendations and you need to use the browser more for Zen to work.

How to turn off Zen service on PC

First of all, you need to go to the Yandex browser settings. To do this, left-click on the corresponding icon and click “Settings”.

If you want the Zen service to stop collecting information about you and your movements on the Internet altogether, you will have to log out of your Yandex account (though in this case you will sacrifice password synchronization, selection of music recommendations for you, and a number of others useful functions). To log out of your account, you can simply reinstall the application. That is, remove the Yandex browser from your device, and then install it again. If you used the Zen service through its official website, then you just need to close the tab with this web resource and that’s it.

How to turn off Zen service on Android or iOS

To disable Jen in Android or iOS, you need to go to the Yandex browser and click on (three dots). Next, select “Settings” and go to “Advanced”.

After that, you will go to settings, where you can remove the option “Display Zen recommendations feed”.

Finally, I would like to note that it is still very early to talk about the benefits or definite harm of this service, but it has definitely already found its audience, which considers this approach to finding new information resources very convenient. In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether to use Zen or not. On this moment you can disable this service, and if you need it, you can enable it in a couple of clicks.

Products from Western developers. True, such a product is based on the Chromium platform, the work of Western specialists in the person of Google. But Chromium is only a platform; Yandex.Browser is very different from the mass of other Chrome clones thanks to the careful work on it by the Russian search engine development team. Their developments on top of the Chromium platform concern not only a modified interface, as can be found by launching that other clone Chrome browser. Implemented in the Yandex browser own system security and its own separate functionality. Yandex.Browser is the leader in the number of extensions that can be installed, since it supports work with both the Chrome store and the Opera store. And, of course, Yandex.Browser has its own unique interface, tailored to work with the creator’s services.

One of these services is the Yandex.Zen news collection integrated into the browser, which, alas, has not received adequate public support during its existence. Not appreciating the efforts of the browser’s creators, many users are looking for ways to disable Yandex.Zen. We’ll look at how to do this at the very end of the article. First, let’s talk about what this function is and whether it needs to be disabled.

About Yandex.Zen

The service of the Russian search engine, also known as the standard functionality of Yandex.Browser, ornately named, is nothing more than a regular news collection displayed on home page web browser "Tablo" previews new articles from certain sites.

The news selection is endless; scrolling down will reveal more and more previews of materials from the Internet.

The service is available in desktop and mobile versions of Yandex.Browser, as well as in the form separate application for Android - Yandex Launcher.

A service created from contradictions

Why is this completely harmless functionality so displeasing that many people want to disable Yandex.Zen? It is woven from contradictions, perhaps because the efforts of the developers are not destined to be appreciated by the browser audience.

In pursuit of beautiful names In this case, the company clearly overdid its services, naming the chaos of incoming information in honor of Zen - the school of Buddhism, the teachings of which deny, if not all, but many things from worldly life, and prefer meditative practices to social aggression and news chaos.

The news selection is based on a self-learning mechanism that shapes it in accordance with the interests of users. This is achieved by analyzing the Internet resources they visit. But the creators of the service forgot to provide for the possibility of users adding new materials from their favorite sites to the selection. News can only come from sites provided by Yandex.

This nuance is largely responsible for the desire of many to disable Yandex.Zen.

Activation of news collection

A little earlier, the news selection was embedded in the browser by default along with its installation in Windows. As of the date of writing this article, the rules of the game have been changed: Yandex.Zen is activated only at the request of the user - if he turns it on when initial setup web browser.

Is it necessary to disable the news selection in order to save system resources?

If the news selection is not annoying, but we are talking about a device with problematic hardware characteristics, do you need to bother with the question of how to disable Yandex.Zen? On a computer with a weak processor or a slow HDD, this kind of functionality will not play a special role. But on devices with low RAM (2 GB or less), any unnecessary browser functionality - unnecessary extensions, standard news collections, built-in RSS aggregators, etc. - it is advisable to disable it. Since all Chromium browsers are designed for active use namely RAM.

in Yandex.Browser

On a computer with installed browser You can disable the news collection from Yandex in the settings.

Going to the settings section, look for the “Appearance Settings” column.

Here, by removing the option to display the news feed, as shown in the screenshot above, you can actually disable Yandex.Zen.

Today we will talk about what Yandex Zen is and how to remove it, you will learn how to enable it……..

More recently, Yandex began testing new service « ZEN", originally used in mobile version. It offered an endless news feed, using information collected from the user’s profile to select it. This approach is designed to find new interesting pages for reading.

As mentioned above, the Zen service only worked with mobile platforms Android And iOS. It is also worth saying that it was not available to all users, although the list is constantly expanding and more people gain access.

Designed for Zen special system, which selects information from Yandex services, resulting in the user being provided with a list of interesting websites.

But, despite all the efforts of the Yandex company, some users did not like the service into which they invested their efforts and they hastened to get rid of it.

Many people have decided to remove Zen from mandatory, guided by the fact that it only clogs up the “browser”, and this is just another attempt to make money. Abundance of news on home page can distract you from important matters.


To stop using Zen in mobile version browser, you just need to close the page, then the service will stop bothering you. If you do not want the service to continue collecting information about you, you will need to log out of your Yandex profile, losing other browser capabilities (synchronizing your browsing history and logins, selecting recommendations for music services, and others). You just need to uninstall Yandex browser from your mobile device, and then reinstall it.

Disable Zen V computer version Yandex browser is also not difficult. Necessary:

  • open the settings tab;
  • then uncheck the “Show Zen personal recommendations feed in a new tab” section.

After disconnecting the service (you can read everything about other services) it will stop bothering you.

Remove Yandex Zen from Google Chrome

Yandex Zen also gets into Google browser on the start page, to remove it you need to click on “Settings”, which are located under “ Visual bookmark" in the lower right corner. Under " Additional parameters» There is an option “Show Zen Feed in a new tab”. So we turn it off.


In conclusion, it can be noted that it is too early to talk about the further success of the developed service. This is only a test version, the situation may change upon full release. Some are skeptical about its use, while others consider it just useless trash, guided by the fact that unnecessary news only distracts from the most important thing.

There is one harmful function in Yandex Browser - Zen. The name is strange because the point is to constantly feed you a tape popular articles and news.

In this article I will show you how to disable this Zen in Yandex Browser.

About the service

So what is this service? An endless feed of news tailored to your preferences.

According to Yandex's idea, you not only read articles, but also evaluate them. And this allows smart algorithm Feeding articles to you more and more accurately. It also takes into account which articles you visited at all. Apparently, this only works for users of the Yandex browser.

and for a tablet or smartphone:

Where do news and articles come from?

Lenta, Lifehacker, RBC, Echo MSK, NTV, ADME, Snob and other giant portals of the Runet.

First, you are asked to select at least 5 sites that you will especially monitor.

After that, when you open a new tab, you also see suggestion cards from Zen:

This feed can then be customized.

This function is inactive by default. That is, they will not forcefully show you anything - and thank you for that.


On this site, a large number of articles are devoted to the information diet, when you limit the amount of new information incoming. For what? To focus on what really matters to us. And all these news and articles, as a rule, are just another type of procrastination.

But even for receiving information, this new service, in my opinion, is not as convenient as regular RSS (I wrote about it). If you know how to use it, it’s not at all clear why this Zen is needed. To litter your brains even more? No thanks!

So, it’s decided - we’ll delete it!

But how to remove Yandex Zen from your PC (or laptop) and smartphone?

1. How to disable it on your computer

Let's go to settings:

Uncheck the box “Show personal recommendations feed in a new tab”:

2.How to remove Yandex Zen on an Android smartphone or tablet

Disabling the service on a smartphone will also not cause you much trouble:

Bottom line

Now you know how to turn off this feature.

Write in the comments!

Were you able to disable harmful Zen according to my instructions? If not, describe your problem and we’ll solve it together.

In this article you will learn how to download, configure and install Yandex.Zen.


Yandex.Zen is an excellent tool for following news and media, as well as learning about what is happening in the CIS and Europe. Thus, with the help of Yandex.Zen, you will instantly receive information about a particular event, which at the same time will allow you to save time on searching for the necessary news.

Worth noting that Yandex.Browser is the only and first browser in the world that comes with a lot of functions and capabilities, including Yandex.Zen, Yandex.Money, Yandex.Weather and other necessary tools. Therefore, this browser is suitable for any user, regardless of what he is interested in, hobbies or does, since flexible settings browser will allow you to customize it based on your interests and preferences.

Yandex.Zen - news feed: what is it, what does it look like?

As you can see in the picture above, the browser has a customizable panel, on top of which are the user’s most visited resources, or favorite sites added to bookmarks. Of course, you can remove them and add others if necessary.

How does the Yandex.Zen news feed work?

At the time the Yandex.Zen service appeared, work was carried out only on the mobile version, and only after some time did Yandex.Zen appear on PCs, laptops and PDAs. The algorithm of Yandex.Zen is very simple; the service remembers the user’s actions, which sites he visits, and on this basis creates an assessment of interests and preferences. As a result, the user will be offered a news feed that will be suitable for him.

How to install and configure Yandex.Zen?

So, before you install and configure Yandex.Zen, you need to download Yandex.Browser, you can do this at official website.

How to set up a personal Yandex.Zen feed?

Well, after you have downloaded and installed Yandex.Browser, you will need to install and configure Yandex.Zen. To do this correctly and properly, follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to open Yandex.Browser, and after that you need to click on the tab "Turn on", which is located at the bottom of your screen.

  • After this, you will be offered various news and popular Internet resources, which will be divided into categories and subcategories.

  • Now you need to select five Internet resources and news portals, otherwise Yandex.Zen will not be able to create a news feed for you.
  • After selecting a minimum amount of resources, your activities will be tracked, and based on this data, your news feed will be filled with interesting content.

  • After completing the above steps, you can assume that your news feed, or simply Yandex.Zen, is configured.

How to delete a Yandex.Zen news feed?

If the Yandex.Zen news feed bothers you, or you are not interested in it at all, then you can easily delete it. To do this, you just need to follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to go to the tab "Additions" after which you will be taken to the Yandex Browser settings.

  • Now you need to uncheck the box next to the inscription “Show in a new Zen tab - a feed of personal recommendations.”

After this, your news feed will be removed from the initial tab and will no longer be displayed.

This is where we will finish our article.

Video: How to enable or disable Zen in Yandex Browser?

Back in 2016, Yandex introduced a new personal recommendation service called “”. We discussed what it is in a separate article.

With the introduction of a new service, in which by default, a news feed and posts appeared on the start page. Many users didn't like this and decided to remove Zen from the browser, jokingly calling it "Jen".

In June 2017, publishing in Zen became available not only to large players in the IT market, but also to ordinary webmasters. Thanks to this, users’ feeds were filled with identical posts that had nothing to do with their interests, which further aggravated the problem.

Disabling Zen in Yandex browser

Based on this, you can remove Zen from FireFox only together with other Yandex services.

1. Go to the "Add-ons" section in the Mozilla browser, and remove the "Visual Bookmarks" extension.

2. If you don’t want to say goodbye to all services from Yandex, but only need to disable Zen, then in a new tab, find the “Settings” button and click it.

3. In the side menu that opens, find and uncheck the item shown in the figure.

Removing "Zen" from Google Chrome

The Chrome browser is developed by Google, so “Jen” gets into it exclusively with third-party extensions, for example, Visual Bookmarks.

1. Open new tab and click on the settings button.

2. Disable Zen in the menu that appears, as indicated in the screenshot.

You can completely get rid of it only by removing all Yandex-related browser add-ons.

How to prevent it from happening again

  1. “Zen” comes only with other Yandex services, so do not install add-ons from this company in your browser.
  2. Pay attention to additional software that is installed with a number of programs downloaded from the Internet. We came across such an example recently in a review.

Yandex Zen, or the original name Zen, is a recommendation service and allows you to minimize the time spent searching for such information. This is especially true for people who need to deeply study any issues; based on your searches, you will be offered not only a similar article, but also one that is popular in your community.

Yandex Zen - what is it?

Yandex Zen is an endless news feed; as you scroll, more and more new publication options will appear. It is located on the main page of the Yandex browser, immediately after the selected tabs at the bottom. Zen represents some alternative to a search engine, the main difference is that there is no need to set hard search phrases. Thus, even if you don’t know what you need at the moment, Zen will try to interest you in the proposed articles.

And yet, how to disable Zen in the Yandex browser, because in any case, a large number of users will be provided with an incorrect selection of information. Thanks to the “artificial” intelligence of the service, you can help it provide personalized results for you.

An important question: “How to set up Yandex Zen?” - it has a system for evaluating the material, some system tips. Such likes and dislikes are located directly in each window with the news. Thus:

  • If you click like, you will be shown more news on the specified topic and you also indicate a preference directly for the site. Also, there will be more similar articles in the search results not only for you, but also for people with your preferences in general;

  • If you click dislike (thumbs down), then on the contrary, information on similar topics will appear less frequently;
  • Also, if you click dislike, you can additionally select “Block this source.”

Recently, Yandex has been promoting its “Zen” service in every possible way, which, according to Yandex itself, is very useful to users, because offers them up-to-date information from the Internet. And although the initial goal of this service is to find and offer users new interesting sites to familiarize themselves with, sometimes we see links there that you may not be interested in - LJ (LiveJournal). Some users don’t like this, and therefore they are looking for information on how to disable Zen in the Yandex browser.

In addition, there is the official website of the service, which, if you are in the browser under your account, also offers you a variety of sites, or if there is not enough information yet, it writes that it is not yet possible to show you recommendations and you need to use the browser more for Zen to work.

How to turn off Zen service on PC

First of all, you need to go to the Yandex browser settings. To do this, left-click on the corresponding icon and click “Settings”.

If you want the Zen service to stop collecting information about you and your movements on the Internet altogether, you will have to log out of your Yandex account (though in this case you will sacrifice password synchronization, selection of music recommendations for you, and a number of other useful functions). To log out of your account, you can simply reinstall the application. That is, remove the Yandex browser from your device, and then install it again. If you used the Zen service through its official website, then you just need to close the tab with this web resource and that’s it.

How to turn off Zen service on Android or iOS

To disable Jen in Android or iOS, you need to go to the Yandex browser and click on (three dots). Next, select “Settings” and go to “Advanced”.

After that, you will go to settings, where you can remove the option “Display Zen recommendations feed”.

Finally, I would like to note that it is still very early to talk about the benefits or definite harm of this service, but it has definitely already found its audience, which considers this approach to finding new ones very convenient. In any case, it’s up to you to decide whether to use Zen or not. For now, you can disable this service, but if you need it, you can enable it in a couple of clicks.