How to turn off the computer it worked. Using the power indicator

Dear Colleagues. If you are one of the novice users of personal computers and are constantly worried about it not breaking, then the lesson discussed below will be very useful to you!

In this lesson we will learn how to properly turn off a computer. After all, this cannot be done by simply pulling the plug from the socket. Such an action in relation to your PC will be tantamount to hitting a person on the head with a stick. The computer may suffer significantly from this, completely forgetting what was in it before shutting down - all data that you did not save will be irretrievably lost. But greatest danger The problem is that this kind of shutdown can simply lead to the failure of your computer.

Therefore, let's do everything the right way: first clicking the Start button, and then clicking Shutdown. After completing these steps, a special window will open.

Note. The Windows operating system doesn't necessarily look as modern as mine. Perhaps you have its classic version installed, and in this case, instead of such a window, you will need to work with a drop-down list, from which you should select the option to turn off the computer - they are no different.

So, what are the ways to shut down your PC?

Shut down (Shut down for the classic version). When you select this function, all contained information is downloaded from random access memory computer, and all programs that were running before are closed. At next turn on You will need to re-open the documents and run necessary programs etc.

Therefore, I personally prefer to use another option in my daily practice - Sleep mode.

To activate it, in the computer shutdown window (Fig. 1), you must click Shift key, after which the Standby button will change to Sleep mode. When you press it, before turning off, the computer will write all the information contained in its RAM memory to HDD. The next time you turn on your machine, even after a day or several, you will find all the previously unfinished documents on your desktop. In this case, you will not need to waste time searching for the place where you saved them. All documents that require improvement will be in your sight. At night, when the cost of the Internet is much cheaper, I open in my browser the pages I need from various sites (sometimes there can be 20-30 of them). But it’s not easy to work with documents at this time of day, so I turn off the computer by putting it into sleep mode, and the next morning I start studying open documents. By the way, the process of turning on the computer in this mode takes much less time than after it complete shutdown.

After reading the above, you can decide for yourself: “Then I will always use similar method turn off the computer!" But the fact is that everything is not so simple. After such shutdown options, all kinds of garbage will accumulate in the computer’s memory and, after a certain time, you will find that your PC “slows down,” that is, it takes a very long time to respond to your actions. It begins to “glitch” - the trey with the clock may disappear, the taskbar may appear and disappear, and when you try to type a web address in the browser, it may not be typed. In general, you can’t list everything.

In this case, at the end of the working day, the computer should be turned off for real by selecting the Shutdown (Shutdown) function in the window. But if you plan to continue working throughout the day, and are already tired of the “glitches,” you need to perform a Reboot. Before this procedure, unless of course the computer has completely frozen, you need to save and close all applications.

Next, select the Reboot button in the window and click OK. While using your computer, you will have to restart quite often. It is required in such cases when new programs have been installed on the computer, when it is noticeably “slowing down” or when it simply “freezes”.

Waiting mode. This kind of computer shutdown is not real, or rather, it does not turn off at all. It switches to low power consumption mode and turns off the monitor.

This mode is good for use, say, during a lunch break. By the way, it is possible to customize automatic transition the computer into standby mode if it is not used for an extended period of time. To be honest, I don't find this mode very useful since the new LCD monitors consume a small amount of electricity and the savings in this case will be small. And it also happens that the computer is very much immersed in waiting and it will be possible to get it out of this state only by rebooting (with a complete loss of unsaved information), or by resorting to pressing Reset buttons, which is a real mockery of your PC.

Ending a session is a mode that involves changing the users registered on the computer. You end your work session and your colleague starts it. If you don’t like the settings he has chosen for his work (you may be annoyed by the installed background image desktop), you can easily set your own for the session under your name. You can also put a password on your account so that no one can work under your name.

Let's summarize this lesson. There are two main modes for shutting down your computer: Shutdown and Sleep mode. Both of them are equivalent to disconnecting the computer from the network. The remaining existing modes do not provide complete shutdown PC. I would also like to warn you that on some machines the sleep mode function may not work due to an outdated computer configuration. In addition, for this mode to work, an additional 500 MB is required. disk space, so it is possible that this mode was not enabled when Windios was installed on your computer. If you want to enable it, here's how to do it. First, you need to click the Start button that is already familiar to us, and after it - Control Panel.

The control panel can be of two options: made in the classic version or with buttons grouped by category. I find the first option the most convenient. Therefore, if you have grouped buttons into categories, in order to get rid of the lengthy search for the required button, you need to move the control panel to classic look by clicking on the link I circled in red pencil.

In it you need to click on the Sleep tab. Here, check the box next to Allow the use of sleep mode. Next, click Apply and OK.

That's all, your sleep mode function is active and you can use it successfully! Read more...

  • Article "How to properly turn off your computer"

Properly turning on and off your computer

Home → Programs for beginners → Computer from scratch

Turn the computer on and off, it would seem simple task, businesslike, I pressed a button and that’s it, it turned on, clicked on another button and that’s it, the computer turned off. But don't forget some subtleties

Turning on your computer correctly

1. Make sure that the surge protector (a device that protects electrical appliances from overcurrent) is turned on; the most common model looks like this:

Make sure the indicator is red (or another color)

2. Press the computer's power button (the “power” button), usually the largest and most visible button on the computer (also make sure the monitor and speakers are turned on).

3. After turning on, you will hear a squeak indicating that no errors were detected during startup. If there are several such sounds, then some kind of failure has occurred.

4. Either the desktop or the user selection window will appear, then you need to go under by the desired user and after that the desktop will start loading.

5. After the desktop appears, the mouse cursor will take the shape of a circle (or a circle will rotate near the cursor) - this means that operating system still loading. Important: you don’t need to immediately open folders and programs or point at everything. Wait 1-3 minutes, let the computer wake up and collect its thoughts

5. Once the cursor icon has become normal, you can start working.

Properly shutting down your computer

There are several ways to shut down your computer, but to ensure the safety of all your data, we recommend using the “Shut Down” button, which is located in the “Start” menu.

Another possible way to turn off a laptop is to simply slam the lid. But remember that for most devices, this method does not turn off the computer, but puts it into sleep mode, in which battery power is still consumed.

Always save necessary data before shutting down

It is not necessary to turn off the surge protector, just like turning off the monitor or speakers separately. However, if the light from the indicators (light bulbs that indicate that the device is on) bothers you, then you can turn off the electrical appliances.

Should I turn off my computer at night?

That's a moot point. Microsoft Company published data on its research, which reports that about half of Americans do not turn off their computers at night, but put them into sleep mode. The reason for this behavior is a simple reluctance to wait for the computer to turn on. How harmful is this for system unit and is it costly in terms of electricity?

In sleep mode, the computer consumes around 2.3 Watts; remember that when turned off, the computer does not consume energy at all if it is not connected to local network. So the energy consumption is small.

Remember that most often the computer breaks down when turning it on and off, more often when turning on the computer, when power surges and interruptions may occur. Therefore, try not to turn off your computer too often during the day.

The disadvantage of continuous operation of the computer may be faster wear of the components of the system unit, but it usually takes more than two years of uninterrupted operation of the fan before it requires lubrication. Which option to choose - whether to leave the computer on or turn it off every night - decide for yourself which is more convenient for you.

So, with this lesson we finish studying the most basic functions computer and move on to exploring the possibilities of the Internet, as well as learning even more new things in the program for advanced students.

How to properly turn off your computer

When you finish working with the computer, turn it off. Shutdown is an event. It initiates a process called shutdown. This process occurs differently in different operating systems. Windows XP has special procedure completion of work. When executed, all programs and services of the operating system are terminated correctly, data and settings are saved, and files are closed. This process takes some time, which is why you should not turn off the computer by turning off its power. Shutting down the computer without performing the shutdown procedure can cause data loss and sometimes damage to the logical structure hard drives.

Before shutting down, save all open documents and close all windows. Theoretically, after a command to turn off the computer, the operating system itself can shut down all programs, but this procedure is slightly different from the normal exit from a program. Although you will usually be prompted to save documents, changes to program settings may be lost. In general, you shouldn’t trust automation to do things that are better done manually.

Give the command Start - Turn off the computer (Start Shutdown). You can also press ALT+F4 on an empty desktop (when no windows are active). The Shut down computer dialog box appears on the screen. Click the Shutdown button.

The operating system will shut down and prepare the computer to turn off the power. The latter is usually also done automatically. If the computer does not turn itself off, turn off the power manually.

Many modern computers have the ability to quickly turn off using a button located on the front panel. Pressing the button starts automatic execution shutdown and power-off procedures. The presence or absence of such a feature on a particular computer is determined by the functionality motherboard. If it has such a function, then the Windows XP operating system enables the corresponding setting during its installation. But before you use this feature, be sure to check that it is actually enabled.

Preparing to turn off the computer using the power button

  1. Open the Properties dialog box: Power Options (Start - Control Panel Power Options).
  2. Open the Advanced tab.
  3. If this tab has a Power Buttons panel, the computer can be turned off using the button. If there is no such panel, configuration is impossible.
  4. If required panel yes, select “Shut down” from the list that opens after clicking the “turn on the computer” button. Now, when you press the power button, the shutdown procedure will start.


How to turn off your computer and laptop correctly

Today we will learn how to properly turn off a computer. After all, the computer cannot be turned off by unplugging the plug from the socket. It's like hitting a person over the head with a stick.

The computer may also forget everything that happened before such a shutdown - all unsaved data will be lost. And most importantly, such a shutdown can simply disable the computer.

Therefore, we do everything according to science: click the Start button, and then Shut down.

A special window opens.

Note. The Windows operating system can look not only in such a modern style as mine.

Perhaps you have it presented in a classic style. Then, instead of such a window, you will have a drop-down list. From that list you select the option to turn off the computer - the options are the same.

So, what options are there for turning off your computer?

Shutdown (in the classic version - Shutdown). With this option, all information is unloaded from RAM, all programs and open documents are closed.

When you turn it back on, you will have to start programs again, open documents, etc.

Therefore, personally, I most often use another option - Sleep mode.

To do this, when you see the computer shutdown window on your screen, you press the Shift key and immediately the Standby mode button will be replaced with Sleep mode.

In this mode, the computer saves all information from RAM to the hard drive before turning off.

When you turn on your computer the next day, you will see on your desktop all the documents that were unfinished yesterday. There is no need to look for where you saved them yesterday, and what documents still need to be completed - they are all right before your eyes.

I often open it in a web browser at night, when traffic is cheapest. necessary Internet pages on various sites, sometimes it turns out to be 20-30.

But working with documents at night is difficult, so I turn off the computer by entering sleep mode, and in the morning, turning on the computer, I begin to study these documents.

By the way, the computer turns on in this mode much faster than after a complete shutdown.

You will say: “Then I will constantly turn off the computer like this!”

But not everything is so simple! The fact is that after such shutdown options, all sorts of garbage will accumulate in the computer’s memory and after a while you will notice that the computer “slows down” - it responds slowly to your commands, it begins to “glitch”: either the trey will disappear along with the clock, or it will stop disappearing or vice versa, it will disappear and the Taskbar will not appear.

When you try to type a web address in a web browser, it cannot be typed.

In general, all possible “glitches” cannot be listed.

In this case, at the end of the working day, you need to turn off the computer for real, selecting Shutdown (or Shutdown) in the window, and not sleep mode.

If you still need to continue working today, and you’re already tired of the “glitches,” then you’ll have to reboot. Before this, unless, of course, the computer is completely frozen, you need to save and close all documents and programs.

And then select Reboot in the window and click OK. You will have to reboot often, as after installation various programs, and in cases where the computer “freezes” or begins to “glitch” shamelessly.

Waiting mode. This is not a real computer shutdown. More precisely, it does not turn off at all, but goes into low power consumption mode. In particular, this turns off the monitor.

The computer can be put into this mode, for example, during a lunch break. By the way, you can configure it so that the computer itself will enter this mode when it is idle for a long time.

True, I don't find this mode particularly useful. Modern LCD monitors consume little energy, so the savings are negligible.

In addition, sometimes the computer gets so tired that it can only be brought out of this state by rebooting with the loss of unsaved data or even by pressing the Reset button (and this is generally a mockery of the poor computer!).

End the session. This mode allows you to switch between users registered on this computer: You end the session and your colleague starts.

If you don't like the settings that your work colleague sets (maybe even the ones he set) screen saver annoying you), then you can set your preferences and start a session under your name. At the same time, you can even set a password so that no one can work under your name.

Let's summarize today's lesson. There are two main shutdown modes: Shutdown and Sleep mode. In these cases, you unplug the computer. The remaining modes do not provide for a complete shutdown of the computer.

The only thing I want to warn you is that sleep mode may not work for some of you. Why? Perhaps the outdated computer configuration does not allow it.

In addition, to work in this mode you need an additional 500 MB of disk space, so you may not have had this mode enabled when Windows installation on your computer.

Connecting the Sleep function

We press the button Start 1, which we already know,

then – Control Panel 2

The control panel can look in two versions: in a classic form or buttons grouped into categories. I find the first one more convenient.

Therefore, if you have buttons grouped into categories, so as not to search for a long time the desired button, switch the control panel to classic view by clicking the link I circled in red pencil.

Now click on the Power button (shown by the red arrow).

The Properties dialog box opens: Power Options

Click on the Sleep tab.

And here we put a check mark or simply check the box Allow the use of sleep mode 1.

Now click Apply 2, then OK 3.

That's it - sleep mode is enabled! Enjoy it for your health!

Chapter 2 How to properly turn on and off your computer | Read online, without registration

Chapter 2 How to properly turn on and off your computer

Did you know that turning your computer on and off incorrectly is one of the most common mistakes novice users. What does this mean? Illiterate start and completion of work promises you frayed nerves, wasted time and, most importantly, problems with your PC. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you use desktop computer or a laptop - technology does not tolerate disrespectful treatment and will not serve for long to those who do not know how to handle it. In addition, illiterate completion of work may prevent you from saving the results of your work and lead to a number of system errors that will interfere with your work.

Before turning it on, you must make sure that your system unit is connected to a 220 V power line. Some types of power supplies have an “On”-“Off” toggle switch, which is located directly on the device itself. Also making sure it is in the “ON” position.

So if your Personal Computer connected to the network via a source uninterruptible power supply(UPS), then you first need to supply voltage to the computer. If the computer is connected through a voltage stabilizer, then you need to turn it on. Then you need to turn on the computer monitor and peripheral devices (printer, scanner, modem)... After that, turn on the system unit with the button, which in most cases is located on its front wall. If after this you hear a uniform hum of working coolers. Letters and numbers running across the monitor means that the first stage of turning on the PC was successful. And the computer performs an initial self-test and then boots into the Windows operating system.

After the operating system starts loading, you will then need to enter the account password, if you previously set a password.

Sometimes among novice users, and not only others, discussions arise about the need to install a UPS (uninterruptible power supply). The answer is clear - it needs to be installed. Even if you have installed an apartment stabilizer electrical voltage, this does not guarantee protection of the area to which your hardware is connected. After all, the main tasks of the UPS are:

1. Protection against shutdown during short-term power failure.

2. Correctly switching the computer out of operating mode and into shutdown mode in case of emergency.

3. Protection and time to successfully save files when working in Microsoft programs Office and various text notepads.

To ensure long-term uninterrupted operation of any computer, be it a home desktop PC or laptop, it is necessary to shut it down correctly. Many novice users neglect this point, not knowing or forgetting that incorrect actions at this stage can lead to the loss of working information. And over time, it threatens to require reinstalling the operating system. Not to mention the hardware failure of your PC. This happens quite rarely, but such a risk cannot be completely eliminated.

The shutdown procedure is very simple and can be done in several ways. Let's look into the details.

Do I need to turn off my computer?

You may think: why doesn’t someone turn it off? Yes, and there may be several reasons:

  • the computer is sent to sleep or hibernation mode rather than turned off;
  • the computer is simply not turned off so as not to waste time turning it on;
  • The computer is not turned off at night so that movies or other files can be downloaded at night.

However, there are plenty of objective reasons for switching off. Below are just a few of them:

  • Working modern computer A rather “gluttonous” device in terms of electricity consumption. Therefore, its aimless operation leads to a significant increase in the monthly electricity bill.
  • The slight noise of the coolers of a working system unit, as well as the burning indicators of the system blog at night can interfere with restful sleep (if the computer is in the bedroom). Therefore, it is better not to download large files (torrents, movies) at night.
  • It is undesirable to leave electrical appliances turned on in a house, apartment or office when no one is there.
  • Long-term continuous operation of the computer reduces the service life of the equipment.
  • All components of the system unit located in it are installed only with the power off. These are RAM modules, sound cards, processor, most hard drives, etc. detailed device system unit we understood . Therefore, if you need to install an additional module in the system unit, the computer will need to be turned off.

Forced shutdown of the computer

Constantly using the methods described below to turn off the computer is extremely contraindicated for the “health” of the computer. However, many novice users due to ignorance the right ways handling computer equipment, abuse this method of turning off the computer, and then wonder why their computer does not start.

Unplug the cord from the outlet... Caution!!!

The usual action of pulling the plug of an electrical appliance from the socket is not applicable to a computer. No, of course, you can experiment...

Just for the future normal functioning I can't vouch for the device!

The fact is that during operation, all the necessary data from operating system programs (you can find out what an operating system is and why it is needed at all) and documents are stored in the computer’s RAM. The hard drive is primarily used for persistent storage, and the correct steps must be taken to write data to it when it is turned off.

And suddenly turning off “from the socket” is an emergency option for stopping the computer, in which system files may be damaged, preventing your computer from starting the next time.

Imagine yourself thinking important task and suddenly you fall asleep! About the same effect will happen with a computer.

Similar consequences may occur when sudden shutdown uninterruptible power supply. If you are not yet “familiar” with this life-saving device, then let’s briefly understand its purpose.

An uninterruptible power supply (aka UPS) can provide continuous power to your computer in the event of a sudden power failure. electric current online. Usually, it is not intended for long-term work, but only allows you to correctly save all open documents, close programs and turn off the computer within a few minutes. All working data will not be lost.

By the way, often in tests on computer literacy there is a question: “When you turn off the computer, all information is erased in...”

Answer: in RAM. Everything is saved on the hard drive.

Forcing the computer to shut down using the power button

You can turn off a frozen computer (which does not respond to keyboard or mouse presses) by pressing the power button (also known as the power button) on the system unit and holding it down. Shutdown will occur after approximately 3-4 seconds of holding the button pressed.

It is also undesirable to abuse this method, since this shutdown option is an emergency and can damage system files and lead to the loss of information important to you.

I use it only when the computer is really hopelessly frozen and does not respond to any actions for 15-20 minutes.

Therefore, I once again draw your attention!

Turning off the computer by unplugging the power cord from the socket, the button on the extension cord, or the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) button without shutting down the operating system correctly will result in the loss of all unsaved data, and eventually in the termination of normal operation operating system.

Modern operating systems will warn you about open programs before shutting down your computer.

Properly shutting down your computer

Preparation before shutdown

To ensure the safety of open documents and files that you directly worked with, before turning off the computer, you must perform a number of actions:

  • save the results of your work in open source software Oh;
  • remove the disk from the drive, if it is there;
  • close running applications/programs;
  • give a command to turn off the computer using one of the methods that we will discuss below.

How to turn off your computer in Windows 7 via the Start menu.

Click on the button. It's located in the Start menu:

If there are open programs and unsaved documents, after clicking the button, the system will issue a warning asking you to close the programs.

If unsaved documents are not important to you, then you can speed up the shutdown process by clicking on the “ Force termination work."

If the documents are important, click the “Cancel” button, save the documents and close the programs and again click on “Shut down” in the “Start” menu

Next, wait until the system unit turns off (the screen will go dark, the system unit will stop buzzing, and the system unit’s power indicator will go out). After which you can turn off the UPS (uninterruptible power supply), if available, or the power strip key.
By the way, to protect your computer, another useful acquisition can be a surge protector (), just don’t confuse it with a simple extension cord!

How to turn off your computer in Windows 8 via the Start menu

To turn off your computer in Windows 8, just click on the start button (usually in the lower left corner of the Desktop). And then click on the computer shutdown icon on the right top corner window.

From the menu that opens, select “Shut down.”

We wait for the system unit to turn off and turn it off by unplugging it from the outlet or using the button surge protector or on the UPS.

Alternative options

Method 1 - start shutdown by briefly pressing the shutdown button

Switch off desktop computer You can do this by briefly pressing the power button on the system unit. Further actions in case of open programs, the steps are similar to those described above.

If there are none, the computer will turn off automatically.

A short press on the computer's power button will begin the shutdown process (equivalent to selecting the Shutdown option in Windows, as described above).

Method 2 - How to turn off your computer using the keyboard

While on the Desktop, press the key combination “Alt+F4”. A shutdown window appears.

Click the “Ok” button. We wait for the system unit to turn off and turn it off

Turn off the laptop

When turning off the laptop, the methods discussed above are available, but there is an easier way. You simply close its lid. It automatically goes into “sleep” mode, and in case of further prolonged “rest” it will automatically turn off, saving everything stored in RAM to the hard drive. When you turn on the computer again, all data will be restored to the state it was when you closed the laptop lid. This is the default behavior of the laptop, however, it can be changed.

Be careful, your laptop may behave differently when closing the lid!

The behavior of the laptop when the lid is closed can be customized and we will talk about this in a separate article.

Automatic computer shutdown according to schedule (timer)

In your daily interactions with your computer, you may need to turn it off while you are away. For example, the process of copying a CD or hard defragmentation disk, or processing a video file takes a long time, and you need to leave or just go to bed. How to optimally organize the computer shutdown in this case?

There are several options:

  • Some programs have a designed function to automatically turn off the computer after completing assigned tasks (for example, uTorrent, Download Master);
  • standard Windows tools allow you to set the shutdown automatically according to time;
  • exist third party programs to automatically turn off the computer.

If you are still wondering what is computer programs, read .

As part of our “dialogue”, we will only consider using the standard “Task Scheduler” of the Windows system to organize the daily shutdown of the computer in certain time days. This is convenient, for example, for turning off the computer in the evening or at the end of the working day without your participation.

To start working with this program, go to the “Start” menu -> “Accessories” -> “Utilities”, select “Task Scheduler”.

We left-click on it and in the window that appears, select “Create a simple task...”

We call it arbitrarily, but it is clear to us, the planned action. Click the “Next” button...

We define the task trigger, that is, we set the mode of its execution.

Let's specify the time parameters.

In the next window we define necessary action. We are interested in “Running programs”.

We indicate the command to be executed and its additional parameters.

In the next window, after checking the entered data and clicking the “Finish” button, we will create a new task for the system.

Double-clicking with the left mouse button on it will open the task properties for editing.

The task will be completed at the appointed time. A minute before shutdown, the system will display a message on the screen about the upcoming shutdown of the computer. You can cancel the shutdown if you have time to perform a number of actions:

  • Press the key combination “Win+R” to open the “Run” command line window;
  • Type the command “shutdown –s” and press the “OK” button or just the “Enter” key.

The task will be cancelled. You can continue working further.

I hope that this information will help your computer to be “healthy” and efficient.

Many people think that there is no simpler task than turning off the computer. However, if you installed on your PC Windows system 7, then in its settings you can find several various options shutdown Before doing this, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of Windows 7. How to turn off your computer - using standard means or set up auto shutdown - it’s up to you to decide, after familiarizing yourself with both methods.

Standard system shutdown

It is worth remembering that all basic system settings are similar to all previous versions Windows, remember this before turning off your computer. Windows 7 “stores” data about the shutdown process in the same way as other systems in the Start menu.

  • Click the Start button on Windows panels 7, after which you will see a triangle, which is located next to the shutdown button. If you click on the triangle, the options to turn off the system will open. The first option is to turn off the computer. If you press this button, the system will close all previously open applications and turn off the computer's power. This is the easiest way to turn off your computer. Windows 7 and other operating systems use this option to shut down work at the end of the day.
  • You can also use a reboot. There is also a universal “Hibernation” mode, which combines the “Sleep” and “Shutdown” modes. This mode remembers the current state of the desktop and all enabled applications, and then completely turns off the PC power. This is convenient, for example, if you had a browser, chat window, or text editor, then turning off the computer, Windows will save and remember this data. And when you turn on the computer, applications will open as if the computer had not been turned off. The Hibernation mode is usually used by owners of laptops and netbooks.
  • Sometimes there is a need to quickly turn off the computer. In this case, it is best to use the keyboard. The simplest and most reliable way to turn off a PC using the keyboard is a key combination such as ALT + F4. If you use it, you can quickly close all open windows, and when open windows does not remain at all, the system will issue a warning about the completion of work. To do this you will need to click ENTER key, after which the computer will turn off itself. Unfortunately, the method of turning off the PC using the keyboard is not fast enough. And you will have to spend time closing open windows.

Automatic shutdown

It’s good if the system allows you to turn off the computer quickly. If, for example, you download big file, knowing the download completion time, and you urgently need to leave, then you can configure automatic shutdown PC. To do this, you need to use the Shutdown utility.

  • First you need to run it on the command line panel and view all the functions available for this utility. In Windows 7, the utility works similarly to other operating systems.
  • You need to open the Start menu, open the All Programs tab. After that, you need to select “Standard”, where open the item “ Command line" This will display the command line.
  • There you need to enter the command “shutdown /?” and press the Enter button. This will open all the parameters of this utility, where “/s” is the shutdown of the computer, “/t” is the time in seconds after which the system will shut down, “/a” is the cancellation of shutdown.
  • As you can see, in order to automatically turn off the computer after one hour, you need to enter the command “shutdown - s - t 3600”. If you want to cancel the shutdown process for some reason, you need to enter the command “shutdown –a”.

Topic number one for novice PC users. Today on the site, you will receive detailed instructions about this question.
I intentionally combined these two actions used in one post. In order for a person who comes to the site to receive as much as possible more information on this topic and in one place.
So let's get started:

How to turn on your computer correctly

In order to turn on your computer correctly, you must:

  1. First make sure that it is connected to a 220V voltage network;
  2. That there is voltage in this network;
  3. All cables and connecting cords are firmly in place;
  4. Press the power button on the power supply (if available);
  5. Press the Power button on the front panel of the system unit;

If you are the only one working on your computer, then there is no practical need to configure login.
If there are several of you on one PC and you have something that needs to be hidden from prying eyes. Set a password to enter your account.
To do this, we follow the path: —Start—User Accounts—Select yours and clicking—Create a password— come through this procedure. And take care of its safety, in a place inaccessible to other users. Usually this is your head, or your personal notebook.

How to turn on a laptop correctly

In order to properly turn on your laptop at home you need to:

  1. Check the availability of power in the 220V network;
  2. Connecting a removable (portable) power supply;
  3. Raise top panel laptop (display) at 90*;
  4. Press the power button;
  5. Wait for the operating system to load.

Well, if you are away from home and there is no 220V outlet nearby, then to properly turn on the laptop, follow steps 3 to 5.
And while working, do not forget that the capacity of your power supply is not unlimited.

How to properly turn off a computer or laptop

After you have completed all the intended work and you need to turn off your computer or laptop, you need to do the following:

  1. Point the cursor at the start button (lower left corner of the monitor) and click LMB (left mouse button) to open it, or press the windows button on the keyboard - Windows XP. In seven, click on windows icon on the monitor, or press the same icon on the keyboard;
  2. In the menu that appears on the monitor, select -switch off- by left-clicking on it;
  3. Wait until the computer completely exits the working state.

All these steps also apply to turning off the laptop..

When turning off the computer and laptop, pressing the button Power For of this action, is regarded as an emergency stop. And it should only be done in emergency cases.

Because it can have extreme Negative consequences, for trouble-free operation of the OS (operating system). Up to the appearance blue screen death, upon subsequent startup. And if, in addition, you are not ready to install the OS yourself. And in addition, you do not know how to connect your network to the network. Then the line of unforeseen expenses of your budget will increase by a certain amount.

Agree, the rules described above are quite easy to implement. And the topic: can be considered closed for today.
And if you found this information useful. Then please click the Twitter button to notify all your friends and acquaintances about it.
Thank you and Bye..Bye.

Improperly shutting down a laptop can damage operating system files, including significantly reducing its service life. hard drive. Laptops are no less demanding to shut down correctly than regular desktop computers.
There are several ways correct shutdown laptops, their choice primarily depends on for what purpose and for what period of time you are going to turn off the laptop.

1. Traditional shutdown.
Start/Shutdown. In Windows 7, 8, the laptop will turn off without further questions. At the same time, everything open applications will be completed automatically and the data will be saved. The shutdown itself will take about a minute, restart– a few minutes that will be needed to load the operating system and scan executable files with an antivirus.
In Windows XP, the operating system will specify what action needs to be performed, and only after secondary confirmation will it turn off the laptop.

In principle, you can always turn off your computer in the traditional way. But in cases where you are going to connect to a laptop external device(for example, a second monitor) or you plan not to use the device for a long time, this method is the only correct one.
2. Power off using the Power indicator button, which is usually located under the monitor.
This button, if configured to shut down, allows you to correctly turn off the laptop with one short press while preserving all the settings of the previous session.
3. Closing the laptop lid.
Under certain settings, closing the lid puts the PC into sleep mode. In this case, the programs may not be terminated. After turning on (short press on the Power Indicator button), all unfinished programs will continue to work, with the possible exception of the network connection.
When powered from the mains, the laptop can be in sleep mode for a long time, and if you use it constantly, then sleep mode will allow you not to turn off the computer at all.
If the battery runs out during sleep mode, the laptop will shut down all applications and turn off automatically.

4. Shutdown using the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del.
The method is indispensable in cases where the laptop does not respond to user commands, i.e. “freezes”. Pressing this combination once brings up the Task Manager, and pressing it again leads to a reboot.

5. Forced de-energization of the laptop.
This method cannot be considered correct; you have to resort to it when the laptop completely freezes, the keyboard is blocked and does not respond to any user commands. You can turn off the power to the laptop by long pressing the Power indicator button. In the worst case scenario, you will have to unplug the laptop and remove the battery for a few seconds.