How to identify a subscriber by landline phone number online, through databases and help desks. Determine phone number

How to find out who owns a number via the Internet mobile phone?

  1. This doesn’t work. I constantly receive sms from the number +79025027891 of an affiliate nature. I called my operator cellular communications, but they told me they couldn’t help me. After receiving another SMS, I called this number from a landline phone and a man answered the phone; when I started talking to him, he immediately showered me with a bunch of obscenities. And what should I do next?
  2. How to determine who owns a mobile number.

    If you want to protect yourself from annoying calls and SMS from unknown numbers, try to identify the person who owns this number and punish him according to what he deserves. This is difficult to do. but still possible in several ways.

    The easiest way to determine who owns a mobile number is to call back the identified number after another annoying call. Do this from another mobile phone so that the stranger does not realize that it is you. After the caller picks up, try to talk with him for at least a minute, perhaps you will recognize a familiar voice.
    Purchase a disk with a duplicated version of the database, which can be purchased in almost every major electronic market in the city. With it, you can easily find out all the information you are interested in about the stranger who is annoying you with his calls and SMS.
    Contact the employees working at the operating company and ask them for help by explaining the situation. They may be able to help you obtain information about the owner of the SIM card. But keep in mind that requests of this kind are only available to law enforcement agencies higher order, such as the FSB, FSO, SVR, etc. Therefore, do not be surprised if operators refuse you.
    If you receive incoming calls and SMS with threats, contact the police. Explain your situation to them, and law enforcement officials will help you identify the subscriber, since they have access to cellular company databases. After law enforcement agencies have found the subscriber to whom the number belongs, you will be informed about the owner of the SIM card.
    Contact a private investigation agency, but keep in mind that it will not be cheap. Detectives working in such agencies have many years of experience in law enforcement agencies and access to all operator databases cellular network. After you file a report, the private investigation agency's detectives will notify you of the owner of the number in the coming days.
    Use the opportunity to identify yourself using modern search engines on Internet sites. Many detective sites offer services of this kind, both paid and free. First, try finding information using a free search engine. If the results are questionable, contact a paid one. Remember that no one will give you reliable information, and it may need to be double-checked.

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    1. In the special line for entering a number, enter the number of the subscriber you need and click the “get data” button.
    2. The service connects to the database.
    3. Within 10 minutes you receive the data of the owner of the SIM card of any phone online.


    The most difficult questions often have a very simple solution. The specialized MOBAZ service will allow you to obtain all the information about its owner. With MOBAZ you can easily access any operator, no matter where he is, and no matter how carefully he hides his data.


    Total globalization has significantly changed the format of human communication - instead of personal meetings and long letters, phone calls and correspondence in instant messengers. On the one hand, the flow of information exchange has accelerated hundreds of times. On the other hand, the availability of communication has significantly lowered the bar of morality: light flirting online has become almost the norm, and virtual romances sometimes put even very real families at risk.
    It is almost impossible to stop the flow of information globalization. No one will want to voluntarily limit their freedom, and any claims about excessive sociability will look stupid, to say the least. However, you should not let the process take its course. Moreover, if the communication of the other half with “girlfriends” or “friends” looks suspicious. With MOBAZ you have a great opportunity to find out exactly who is calling or texting your couple. If you are tormented by calls in the middle of the night, if you notice suspicious activity on your spouse’s phone, feel free to turn on and call suspicious numbers. If all suspicions turn out to be unfounded, you will calm down and will be able to normally perceive messages and calls at inopportune hours. If the fact of betrayal is confirmed, you will have irrefutable evidence that you are right.


    Proponents of morality may speak negatively about controlling someone else's phone. However, even the strictest moralists quickly forget about their principles when they find themselves in a similar situation. Often, people who previously preached trust and mutual respect in relationships instantly change their poles as soon as their significant other initiates dubious correspondence. They immediately try to constantly display it on the satellite’s gadget, and do not hesitate to order a printout of other people’s calls or SMS.
    How ethical it is to find out remains nameless in a lover’s gadget, everyone will decide for themselves. But we must not forget about the rule of law. According to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, every person has personal rights and freedoms. Including the right to confidentiality of correspondence and protection personal information. Technically, even trying to get into your spouse's phone can be considered a minor offense. Of course, this does not stop anyone from trying to control. However, for your own good, attempts from the number should be as subtle and unnoticeable as possible. Because the desire is considered an infringement on someone else’s personal data, which can be considered a violation of constitutional rights.


    At this point, many of you must have experienced cognitive dissonance. Because the protection of personal data, prescribed in the constitutional order, directly contradicts the latest legislative amendments, in which the government directly obliges mobile operators keep details of absolutely all calls for three years, and audio recordings of these conversations for at least a year. Otherwise, the operator will simply be prohibited from working. As you all have noticed, the market situation is mobile services has not changed one iota over the past couple of years. Which means everything cellular companies follow the dubious letter of the law.

    We're just talking about complex things. To use MOBAZ, you only need a computer (or other smart gadget) and internet access. We provide you with a state-of-the-art search platform, and you use it in a comfortable environment.

    Only MOBAZ maintains high security standards for each client. With respect for the norms of Russian legislation, we make sure that no one finds out about your interests or tries to admit to administrative liability.

    Extensive experience in specialized mobile service made me a true data mining expert. We are ready to answer any of your questions and give advice on how else you can monitor a suspicious number.


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Today, fraudulent transactions related to mobile communications are quite common. To successfully avoid these situations, it is advisable to know who is the owner of the number from which, for example, you may receive an offer for services.

With the development of the Internet, it has become quite easy to find out who owns a mobile number. real task. Certain online sources will help you with this.

In order to find out who owns a mobile phone number, first of all, you should pay attention to the number itself. And specifically on its first digits. Using these numbers, you can determine the regional location of the person calling.

You can find out which region a certain number belongs to from the information on the websites of mobile operators. You need to determine which operator the number belongs to, go online and check it by region.

When you make inquiries and understand which operator the phone belongs to, it may turn out that the call was from the city or populated area where your relatives live. Or maybe close friends or good acquaintances? Don't be afraid to call back.

If you find that this number ok applies to your home region, then you should contact the salon mobile communications. If your desire to find out the owner of the phone is dictated by simple curiosity, then, of course, you may be refused. But if you sense a fraudulent scheme or receive a threat, then cellular communications specialists will definitely help you find the owner.

Using the Internet yourself

You can find out who owns a mobile phone number completely independently by using the Internet. There are special Internet sources for these purposes. Which contain telephone directory data.

But, if you decide to use this method, then be very vigilant. The fact is that scammers are also developing such sites. Therefore, this should only be done on trusted sites.

By the way, the shorter the number from which they call you, the greater the likelihood of identifying its owner. The fact is that short numbers, as a rule, are registered privately.

It is very convenient to notify using such short numbers a large number of clients via SMS. In general, they are very convenient for the service industry. So, it is quite possible that you will find information about the owner of the phone in similar lists registrations. They can also be found on the World Wide Web.

When you search, don’t forget to look at the reviews of people who fell into the scammers’ networks.

Popular resource

You can find out who owns a mobile phone number through a trusted resource. Such an Internet resource is Poisk.goon. When you go to this site, you will need to enter the number from which you received calls.

Information about this number will immediately appear on the screen. An exception may be numbers that were registered quite recently; information about them may not be available.

The advantage of this method is that this resource is absolutely free.

Let's try to cheat

You can also play a little detective. You can call back the number from which you were called from another SIM card or from your home telephone.

If they answer your call, you can:

  • directly state that you are interested in the owner of this phone, but there is a chance that the other end of the line will hang up;
  • it would be more reliable to say that you are a mobile operator;
  • feel free to ask any questions you are interested in, you can say that there are complaints about this number.

Perhaps, by the voice that comes through the receiver, you will immediately understand who you are talking to. If this does not happen, then you can introduce yourself not only as a mobile operator. Your task is to make the person enter into a conversation with you.

We can say that you are an interviewer and are conducting a sociological survey. In this case, it is better to come up with several questions in advance so as not to get into trouble. At the end of such a survey, ask the interlocutor his first and last name, it is quite possible that he will tell you it.

Radio market to help

There is another way to find out the owner. Go to the radio market and buy a disk with the database there mobile numbers. This is an illegal way.

Behave carefully so that you are not mistaken for a representative of the authorities. If a person calls you from a number that is registered to him, then you will find him.

When your phone starts ringing, most people usually already know who wants to talk to them. In many modern phones there is a possibility to put separate melody contacts stored in your phone book, and you often don't even need to look at the screen to understand who is on the other side of the line. But sometimes strange calls may come to your phone: when receiving them, the phone displays the message “Number not identified” or “Hidden number” on the screen.

It is unlikely that an ordinary person will hide his phone number when calling about a trivial matter, right? Therefore, people often try not to answer such calls so as not to get into trouble. But what to do if an unknown person bombards you with calls with enviable regularity?

Anti-Caller ID and Super Caller ID

As a rule, a number connected to the Anti-Caller ID service or anti-caller ID is not detected during a call. This service is available from all mobile operators and allows you to make the number of the person who ordered it indistinguishable to regular phones.

Let's leave aside the purpose of the person ordering such a service - perhaps he is motivated to spend his money (the service is paid) by the usual desire to stand out and be a little rowdy. But when you get a call like this on your phone, for some reason you don’t want to answer it. And if calls begin to arrive regularly, and even with incorrect statements addressed to you or, God forbid, threats, you come to the understanding that the situation needs to be resolved somehow.

But for every action in the world there is an adequate reaction. If you are an MTS subscriber, all you need to do is order the “Super Caller ID” service to “decipher” the mysterious stranger. “Super Caller ID” connected to your number allows you to recognize any incoming numbers, even those hidden under the “Anti-Caller ID” function. Of course, you have to pay for it, but peace of mind is more valuable, isn’t it?

To connect “Super Caller ID” it is enough:

  • type just one on the keyboard USSD command *111*007# and press call;
  • go to your Personal Area and activate the service;
  • go to the application installed on your phone "My MTS" and give the command to connect "Super Caller ID".

With the help of “Super Caller ID”, MTS guarantees full recognition of all MTS subscriber numbers without exception. If you receive a call from a number of another operator, recognition is also carried out, but the telecom operator does not undertake to guarantee its operation.

You have a phone number, what to do next?

Having received the phone number of an unknown hooligan, you can try to “figure out” him yourself or contact people who are obliged to deal with such matters as part of their duties. Let's look at what you can do yourself:

  • search on the Internet - perhaps this number has “lit up” somewhere - for example, an advertisement has been advertised for it, or someone has already encountered telephone hooliganism from this number and left a message about it online;
  • call this number from another phone and try, by changing your voice and manner of speech, to get the bully to talk - “they are calling you from the clinic to clarify your passport details,” etc.;
  • try to buy a mobile operator’s database on the radio market and look for the number in it - but it is possible that he did not get the SIM card through legal means, and this purchase will not cost you a lot.

All these attempts do not at all guarantee you success, so it is much easier to turn to where there are resources and people specially trained for such actions - to your MTS operator at 0890 .

Call the call center, explain the situation and ask to be connected to a security representative. You may have to drive up to the operator's office to write a statement about telephone hooliganism, but most likely this will not be necessary - a phone call is enough.

Curiosity drives evolution. It forces you to do many different things. Interesting information is how to find unknown subscriber by phone number. Sometimes it’s interesting to know, and sometimes it’s simply necessary. In a situation where threats are coming from an unfamiliar telephone, you need to find out who its owner is.

How to find out who owns a landline number

There are several ways to dial a landline phone number. The easiest method is to call the subscriber back and ask him. If this does not work, you can try to determine who owns the phone number using a landline machine that shows the incoming call digits (identifier). Another option is paper phonebook which is in everyone locality. However, without a last name, it is very difficult to find who owns a landline phone number.

Phone number database

Another way to find out a subscriber by landline phone number? You can find out the name, surname, and patronymic of the owner using the database of city residents. Download the application from the Internet for the region in which you live. The code is easy to find out – the first few digits. The phone number database is easy to use. After installing the program, you must follow the instructions. In order to find out who owns a landline telephone number (full name), you just need to insert a combination of numbers into the proposed window.

Which organization owns the phone number?

It is easier to identify a subscriber by free landline number if he called from work. The most effective option is to use electronic directory"Double Gis." The product must be downloaded and installed, then used online. You can also identify a person using a catalog of companies in the city. Remember that Internet resources do not always provide reliable information. Often, people who engage in fraud offer to buy a database of businesses, so weigh the risks before trying to identify a company by phone number through paid sites.

Search for a person by phone number online

If the owner of the required number is verified by address book did not give results, you can use numerous online services. You can call a person by phone number for free online on the Internet without downloading the program. First enter the query into any search engine, then search engines will give out a large number of proposals. The services provided are an excellent opportunity to find out the name of the owner of a stationary device.

To find out a subscriber by landline phone number for free, you need to go to the website and enter the combination of numbers of the calling subscriber in the window. In this way you can determine any license plate registered in the Russian Federation mobile operator or landline connection. Data must be entered in international format. If this method does not help you find out who owns this landline phone number, then try checking the owner in the following ways.

Determine address by landline phone number

You can check the address of the subscriber you are interested in using several methods. Although personal information It's confidential, but it's still worth a try. Determining an address using a landline phone number occurs in several ways:

  1. Call help desk. Introduce yourself as the owner of the stationary device you are interested in. Tell them that there have been changes in the name of the street and ask for it to be announced old address. It is possible that the operator will give you necessary information.
  2. Check social media. To register, you need to attach your data, so the owner can leave the information you are interested in on the account page.
  3. Contact the police. Authorities have the right to officially find a person based on your application. Out of idle curiosity, no one will give a person’s data. Obtaining information requires serious motives.
