How to create a group in contact with a pinned top menu for the new VK design. There is some content that is closed from public access, because

Just recently, an acquaintance approached me and asked me to evaluate his public page. Of course, he responded immediately. There were a lot of mistakes. It was he who inspired me to write this article.

In this article I want to talk about the mistakes of novice admins in VK groups and how to create a public VKontakte account. First, let's remember what a public is? Let's get started!

What is a public?

I think many people already understand what a public or group is. However, what is a group in sales? This is where it gets interesting... Let’s imagine for a moment that you are looking for a product in Yandex search. Then you are taken to the landing page. The VK group is the same landing page. It just looks different and is a little different. Let's start identifying mistakes and changing our group towards excellence.

Step 1: Write the name of the group

The biggest mistake is made here. Do you know why? Because the group name = keyword. By keyword they search for goods or services in VKontakte search. Here's an example.

Here you see the search. Enter key query"Tamb phone repair." Where do you think they will go first? Exactly! To the one who is highest in the search. In addition, the name must match the request.

I give you a ready-made formula for writing the name of the group.

Group name = Brand + Keyword + Region

Example: | Phone repair in Tambov

Step 2: Write the correct status in the group

Each public page has a status under the group name. I advise you to fill it out. The main thing is not to leave it empty. The status should give Additional information about your product or service, and also reveal the benefits of your product.

For example like this.

We repair phones and provide a 2-year warranty. We give bonuses and gifts to our regular customers.

I think it’s clear here. The steeper the benefit, the better. Try to make everything fit.

Step 3: Draw a group avatar

An avatar is the face of your VKontakte group or public. This is what attracts and holds the attention of subscribers. But alas, many mistakes are made here too. To avoid mistakes, it is better to hire an experienced designer. But if you decide to do it yourself, here are some tips.

Tips on how to make your avatar better:

  • A logo or brand name is required.
  • A picture that matches your product
  • "Subscribe" button. (Call to action)
  • No more than 3 colors per avatar.
  • Only high quality image(5000 x 2000 px).
  • Save the image in .jpg format

Step 4: Add photos of the product or service

We are all visual people, and we are used to looking at a product using photographs. Do you have a product? Show it in all its glory. Divide products or services into albums, write a description of the product or service under each photo. Don't forget to write down the prices.

Attract attention with photos High Quality. In this regard, do not skimp on a photographer or ask a friend. And yet, pictures downloaded from the Internet only spoil it. Think about it.

Step 5: Filling the goods

This one appeared on VKontakte a long time ago useful feature. You can post not only goods, but also services. In this case, you will simplify the search for goods for your customers. For each product, describe it in detail, set a price and add photos. This way you let customers know what they are selling in this group. So you can buy it.

Step 6: Posting in public

Do you know what mistake is being made here? They immediately start selling and imposing their services. It is not advisable to do this. Everything should be in moderation.

First, post posts with secrets, tips, news about a product or service. This way you increase interest in the public, trust and appreciation. Only occasionally post your products or services. But this must be done when the group has been promoted by at least 1000 people.

Remember, the group is visited not by clients, but by users. Even when they become your subscribers, they are still not your clients. Earn their trust and in the future they will definitely remember you and buy a product or service.

Step 7: Promote the group

The content was set up, the group was formed, but there are no clients. Mmm... What's wrong? Have you launched traffic to your public? Did you invite people? No? So, why are you sitting? Take action! Invite your friends, write to them and ask them to join the group. Unwind in every possible way. Post the VKontakte link wherever you can. But from my own experience I will say that paid promotion of a group rules. But that's already it.


Now you know how to properly design your selling public page. The main thing is to delve into this and your public page can become the most popular on VKontakte. And clients will come for popularity. Many clients. I wish you success!

Today we will talk to you about how to make a menu in the VK public page. We will start with the simplest things and then end with something larger. In fact, if you decide to decorate your group, then you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to work on the task for a long time. Especially if you don’t know how to program or work in graphic editors at all. Let's quickly see how to make a menu in the VK public page.

Coming up with an idea

So, let's start with, perhaps, the simplest thing that we can come across today - this is nothing more than thinking through the idea and general appearance of your menu. Without this, you will not be able to create something beautiful, attractive and interesting.

If you are thinking about how to make a menu on the VKontakte public page, then it is best to take some time and think about all the points in your “guide”, as well as how our final object will visually look. Did you come up with it? Great, then let's open it graphics editor and draw buttons with you. We put appropriate inscriptions on them. In other words, we are preparing a layout. For each button - separate file. You can initially do everything in one document, which you then “cut” into parts. After this step is completed, we can look further at how to make a menu in a public page on VK. Step-by-step instructions can help you in this difficult task.

We include materials

Well, we move on with you. We already have an idea for a “menu” - all the items are written out, the buttons are made. All that remains is to introduce them into the public and secure them. To do this, you will have to enable the so-called “materials” in the group settings.

If you have just decided to create a public page, then after entering the name, the settings will pop up automatically. There you will have to find the “materials” item and switch them to the “Connected” state. After this, save the settings. Only then can you think about how to create a menu in the VK public page next.

If you have already created a group and are now thinking about its design, then you should click on “Community Management”, and then select “Community Settings”. Next, a window that is already familiar to us will open in front of you. There, “connect” the materials, save the changes and continue working on the question. In fact, if you are thinking about how to make a menu in a public page on VK, now you need to prepare for the most difficult moments.

Working on the background

But first, let's deal with more pleasant moments with you. In particular, we will work a little on the design of our menu. The buttons are already ready - that's great. But they need to be placed on something. Naturally, you have the option of placing it on a “white” standard background. In this case, you can skip this point. If you want to know how to make a menu in the VKontakte public, step-by-step instruction will definitely help you create something special.

So, let's assume that we decide to create an avatar and the general background of the group in the same color. That is, our menu seems to follow from “ava”. To do this, you need to show not only imagination, but also some knowledge. In particular, the user will be required to know the size. You must clearly understand that your avatar will be a rectangle measuring 200 by 710 pixels, and the menu background will be 382 by 442 pixels. Once you create these “canvases,” you can paint them.

But it’s too early to rejoice - our torment with the editor does not end there. Now the background should be divided into lines. Cut the picture using the "Slice Tool", place your buttons on each sector, then click "Save for Web Page". We can move on.

Loading materials

Let's return to our group on the social network. So, we have already received buttons, a background and an avatar. Now all that remains is to load it all onto the page and make it work. If there are no problems with loading Ava, then the group will have to suffer a little.

In order to install an avatar on the page, you should simply click on “Upload a photo” under the place where it should be located this object. Now upload a 200 by 710 pixel file there and save. Look what happened. You can think further about how to make a menu in the VK public page.

Now we can start working with the items on our “menu”. We have already saved a "cut" version of the background with buttons. We will now download them. On the group's main page, look at the "Latest News" section. On the right side of the line, find "Edit". After this, the wiki editor will appear in front of you. It just requires placing our menu in the correct order. Before this, you need to create an album in which all our graphic files. Ready? Then you can place all the necessary links in the appropriate field, then save the changes and see what you got.

Cleaning up the "tails"

When a user thinks about how to make a menu in a public page on VK, he often has to remove the “jambs” made automatically by our editor. In principle, you don’t have to do this, but if you don’t want to get confused later, you’ll have to work hard on the internal code.

It should be remembered that the general appearance of our menu links should look like this: [-]. After this there shouldn't be anything extra. No codes or tags - otherwise you will not be able to implement your idea.

It is worth noting that the option usually specifies the size of the uploaded photo, and then assigns the function of merging images (to obtain a monochromatic and coherent list). "nopadding" is responsible for this matter. Afterwards you can add a description (a rather useless thing), and then a link where you will be redirected when clicked. Save all the resulting changes, and then see what you got.


Today we learned how to create and edit a menu on the VKontakte social network. As you can see, this is not a particularly difficult task if you have certain skills. In particular, in the creation of graphic files.

Quite often, in order not to bother with group design for a long time, users choose ready-made menus or backgrounds with avatars. They are quite easy to download. This move will ease your pain with creating and editing menu items. True, such files are not particularly original. It’s better to hire a specially trained person who can develop something special for you and create a beautiful avatar and menu background.

Please note that the entire description text is visible at once and does not go to “Show in full”. Arrows help to break all the information into blocks that are easy to read.

In the description I tried to reflect my unique trade offer— the reader immediately understands that in this group you can find all the tricks of working with the VKontakte social network from a specialist.

How to write a description for a VKontakte group

So, you want to make your description readable, but you don’t know how to add emoticons to the description of a VKontakte group. There is nothing complicated here either. You can take the emoticon you need in the group. You can see how this is done in practice in this video tutorial.

IN Lately an increasing number of VKontakte communities are using a pinned banner, which is made in uniform style with a community avatar.

It looks very nice, but the whole point is that visitors no longer see the description of the group, since it is hidden behind the pinned banner. In this case, you can take out important information message that you want to convey to your visitors directly on the banner.

In my group, I put on the banner information about what interesting things my subscribers can find in the group, and these are step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, webinars and news.

As an example, I would like to give another community, the design of which I designed some time ago. In this group, the description is also covered by a banner. Please note that the benefits and interests of customers are reflected directly on the banner.

The question arises: is it worth writing a description at all if you plan to pin the banner right away? We can definitely say that it is worth it.

If you correctly inserted into the description of your VKontakte group keywords, then both Google and Yandex may well bring you to the top search results. So, in any case, you should not neglect the description of the community.

Let's sum it up

  1. The description should be short, meaningful and succinct;
  2. It must be readable;
  3. The description should contain keywords and reflect your USP (unique selling proposition);
  4. The description should read the benefits, interests and pain of your target audience;
  5. There is no need to overload the description of the VKontakte group with various decorations in the form of hearts and arrows - this distracts attention from the essence of your project;
  6. The description contains a call to action.

What is the description of your community? If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! I'll be happy to answer.

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Discussion: 8 comments

    1. Julia, you did a good job describing the group!)

Considering that this menu is not in a group, but on a VKontakte page (public), I decided to show you how it’s all done! For a long time now I have been asked questions: how to make a menu in a public page, how to make the menu open, how to make it sticky, etc.. Here are the instructions for you!

So how is it even possible make a menu on public page in contact with? We all know that it is possible to add a built-in wiki menu only in group, I wrote about this too. But how can you create a menu in a public page if there is no such function in the settings? There are no restrictions for an inquisitive mind! This is what the menu looks like in our corporate public page:

Menu in public? As easy as pie!

Review the articles again: and now we will need this knowledge!

3 steps to a beautiful public menu!

You probably already guessed that the basis of such a menu is… pinned post with inside page! Personally, I really like this method, even in my blog group I abandoned embedding and use the “pinned menu”. And now I will give you clear instructions “how to do it”!

Step #1: Create an internal menu page

So, in order for a menu to appear in our group, it needs to be created on a separate internal page. And as you remember, in public pages we do not have the opportunity to add a menu, but we will go the other way and create inside page. In order to create it, we must enter the address correctly in the browser line. Here's a link template:

Option 1: (regular) XXX &p= Page_name

where XXX is the ID of your public page,

and “Page_name” is any word that will be used to name the page

Option 2: (lightweight, but)

So, we create a wiki page and fill it out in the same way as if we were filling out a menu for a group. That is, we write all the images and transitions there. We should get something like this:

This is the menu wiki code

Attention! If you don’t yet know how to create visual menus in contact, then I’ll repeat the article! If everything is ok. then you will get a picture like this:

And this is the finished menu page

Step #2: Create a post on the wall

Now we need to add our menu to the VKontakte community wall. To do this we copy link to internal page and add it to the post, like this:

You probably already know that a link to a post is attached automatically and after the link is attached from the post itself, the page address can be deleted. If you publish a link, the menu will not appear on the wall, but there will simply be a link, by clicking on which a person will be taken to our menu. This is only half the battle! We need the menu to be noticeable and hang in place, i.e. in the most visible place.

So now we have to remove link from the “body” of the post (the attached page will remain), and add to the post image, which subscribers will see. The trick is that if there is a link and an image in one post, then when you click on the image, the following a link! Everything ingenious is simple!
The picture may partially or completely repeat the menu itself, it’s up to you to decide. If you order a menu for a public, then you also need a banner, i.e. a picture that will hang in a clip. This is what we will get when publishing a post:

The picture repeats the menu and attracts the attention of page visitors

Step #3: Pin the post

Finally, we have everything ready and the post is hanging with a picture and a link on the wall! Now we need to move it to the group header, pin the post to the main page, pin it... To do this, click on the date/time of the post (under each post there is a publication date), we get to the internal page of the post, scroll down and look for the “pin” button there " Look at the picture to see what you need to find:

Click on this button and refresh the page. Voila, you're done! Enjoy the beautiful menu!

You can even choose a picture that would become a continuation of your avatar - this design looks very nice.

So, with the help of three simple steps we managed to create beautiful menu, which can be used in any VK community!

That's all I have for it! Share the article with your friends, add it to your favorites and follow the blog updates so you don’t miss new interesting articles!

If so, then you have come to the right article. Here we will discuss how to create a group [um, I’ll correct you, community] on the VK social network and users will have a good impression of you. Times change, and people become smarter and can immediately solve

As you probably already know, VK provides 3 options for creating groups [communities]:

  • Group
  • Public page
  • Event

Based on your goals and objectives, determine for yourself which option suits you best. Naturally, events are created for certain events. Let's figure it out - what to choose - a group or a public?

In fact, the capabilities of a VKontakte group and public are not too different.

Create a public page, not a group.

There are a number of advantages to a public instead of a group. The public is easier to design and use, it is also included in the block interesting pages users. Based on this, you can find out the user's interests. IN in this case– this is photography and everything connected with it.

As for the group, questions can be asked on its wall potential clients. At first, this looks like an advantage, but only if you don’t have a content plan and your goal is only that people will start asking. But in such groups, engagement is very weak.

Also in groups there is an opportunity to invite friends. In the public this function has been reduced. But it’s unlikely that your friends are your target audience to whom you are going to sell services or goods. Therefore, focusing on inviting doesn’t make much sense either.

Another advantage of the group is the ability to add an online store application on a secure https protocol through an iframe application, which will allow the user to place an order without leaving the social network.

Community Header

Now let's touch on the topic of the title of our community. How to make a headline correctly so that it works for our business and starts generating traffic. For example, your type of activity is sales women's clothing In Nizhniy Novgorod.

By logging into Yandex you can see that...

The group got to the top of the search results for this request and is somehow ranked for this request. Accordingly, it would be reasonable to name your group this way in order to get into the search results of both Yandex and VKontakte search.

Occupation - a keyword by which users could potentially search for you - if your occupation is tied to a city, then in the group itself you can also indicate the city where you are located, search engines will identify your group by geolocation.

Ideally, the title format looks like this:

Online women's clothing store | Lovandzzoo

where, “Online women’s clothing store” is the key query

Lovandzzoo is the name of your brand

Avatar and cover

Design is not an important cog in the mechanism of an online business, but a nicely designed group without suspicious or cheap design inspires more trust. And the design of the community begins with a well-designed avatar and community cover.

A community avatar is the face of your company and it should reflect both the company’s positioning and contact information. You must indicate:

  • occupation
  • logo and brand name
  • telephone
  • call to action - for example, “Subscribe to take care of your health and appearance.”
  • arrow indicating subscribe.
  • also indicate the address and external resource - website.

An example of a good ava:

Now let's talk about the cover design, which has now gained popularity after the innovations on VKontakte. In principle, the approach is the same as for designing an avatar, only now we translate everything into horizontal position. Here are some examples of good covers with different design styles. One thing they have in common is that it is clear where a person has ended up and what he sees. The cover should answer questions "What is this?".

Please note the back cover and the arrows pointing to:

  • logo
  • brand
  • what is the public about
  • how content is useful for subscribers
  • and what the user will receive if he subscribes

You can do the same - this is a standard working structure for competently designing the cover of communities.

Wiki menu

You can implement popular wiki menus into your community design. The main thing is to think about the menu structure, because in a sense, by creating a menu using wiki markup, you are creating a mini-site on a social network and the user should not get lost in it. Look at this wiki menu and understand what a competent wiki menu structure means.

An example of a good and attractive menu.

Depending on the niche, the wiki menu may contain the following sections

  • if this is a sale of individuals. goods and services - delivery conditions, product categories, price lists, how to order, description, etc.
  • if the sale of information products
    is a structured content base, such as

Another example of a good menu:


In the links, indicate all your external resources - lead magnets, main sites, channels on other social networks where the audience will go. This will help increase traffic to your resource from social networks.

Read also>>>>

Content is King

Content is King

Bill Gates once said and he was right. Social networks exist and are popularized due to the presence of constantly generated content on them. Without him, the group is burned out and forgotten about. Therefore, you need to post regularly to remind yourself.

But how to properly format posts so that they are liked and shared?

Everything is very simple here - you don’t need to use pictures with cheap design and dull copywriting in posts - not only do users not like them, the social network itself ignores this content format. This is roughly what the picture should look like.

Nobody demands design work from you, but only a design that is pleasant and not irritating to the eye. If the content is visually perceived well, then the likelihood of it being shared is high.

CHPS (Humanly Understandable Links) in posts

Try not to indicate original links or links with UTM tags, but shorten them using the service in the title, under the post title. VK users ignore posts with long links (especially at the beginning). They are interested in content. Compress links in posts using vk. com/ cc

Here on specific example you can see how this link looks in the post:

Also try not to use obvious and trivial headings. The purpose of headlines is to attract the attention of community subscribers in news feed. For example, title “16+1 Effective and Healing Properties of Pumpkin Seed Oil That 95% of People on the Planet Don’t Know About” will work better to attract the attention of the audience than the nondescript “Properties of Pumpkin Seed Oil.” Try to add numbers and specifics to the title. Then the post will attract attention.

Are you ready to challenge your dream and realize your ideas and ideas on the Internet, and start making serious money online?

Diversify your content

Identify at least 30 topics (needs) that may be closely related to your direction and use a timer to start posting.

Compose interesting content according to your niche. For example, in the topic of sports, you can write motivational content, educational and expert content. The list of needs can be made endless and the problem is choosing a format, so that posting by itself will disappear. In each post, use different calls to action with justification for the reason - “Like it if it was useful”, “Repost if you think all your friends should know about it.”

Add emoji to your posts to make them more colorful and attractive. But don't overspam.

Find out,


In all videos uploaded to YouTube, insert a cover so that there is packaging and wrapping that will catch the user’s attention. Videos without a wrapper look very crude, in which it is already clear that there will be no interest in downloading them.

Here's an example of what a video cover should look like:

The click-through rate of a video with a cover is many times higher, because there is packaging - a wrapper that attracts the audience. The picture should play its role – arousing interest in what’s inside.



Products section - prices are indicated in ascending order - the lowest prices should be on the display.

Detailed description in the product card itself. And if there is a website, add a link to the product card. The “Write to seller” button is linked to personal messages the person who leads the group, or the manager who monitors the group

We're reaching out to the community

We fill out the discussion section and create subsections in it - “Your questions”, “How to order”, “Vacancies”. You can also create a questionnaire for variety.

Don’t forget to fill out your contact details too. So that a person understands who to contact - regarding ordering goods, advertising or your services.

To understand who to ask a question, write down the position - manager and the person’s responsibilities. This way you will quickly let the user know who he should contact with his question.

The most important thing, I almost forgot :) - filling in the group description necessary information with all outgoing links. Be sure to separate the description into blocks of text of 3-4 lines so that the text is readable - no one has yet canceled the copywriting rules for text readability.

Here is an example of how well a description in a community should be:


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Do you understand how to create a group on VKontakte?

If yes, then I'm waiting feedback in the comments - I answer instantly. You won't have time to blink. I like to discuss the topic of promotion in in social networks. If I don’t have time, then write