How to clear your browser cache and why is it necessary? What does clear cache mean and how to do it? Where to find the cache and how to clear it.

During long and intensive work with any browser, sooner or later the question arises of how to clear the browser cache. The reasons for this may be different.

First. Too large a cache slows down the browser. The reason lies in the fact that with each Internet request, the browser first checks the presence of a particular file in its cache and only if it is missing or the version is outdated makes a request to the site. If the cache folder is too bloated, then this process will not only slow down the entire Internet, but also create additional load on the hard drive. Which inevitably leads to premature wear of equipment and energy consumption (this is especially true when the device operates autonomously from a battery).

Second. A large browser cache takes up extra space on your hard drive. Sometimes the cache folder can grow to an impressive size, several gigabytes.

Third. Maintaining the anonymity of visits. In theory, anyone can go to the browser cache folder, where all previously viewed Internet pages are stored and view its contents. Therefore, if you don’t want anyone to look where you went, what you watched, listened to and read, then you need to clear the cache.

How to clear your browser cache or how to clear your browser cache

How to clear the cache in Yandex browser or how to clear the cache in Yandex browser

Here are the instructions in the picture. Watch and repeat, there is nothing complicated here.

Just go to the Yandex browser settings, click on the “Show additional settings” option (otherwise they are hidden), click “Clear download history”, check the box next to the “files saved in cache” option and click the “Clear history” button. After which, the Yandex browser cache will be completely cleared and all files will be deleted.

How to clear Chrome or Google browser cache

Also a picture. We watch, repeat and rejoice.

To clear the Google Chrome browser cache, go to the settings, then activate the “Show advanced settings” option, then click “Clear history”, check the box next to “Images and other files in the cache” and click “Clear history” again. All! Chrome browser cache has been deleted.

Cache memory began to be used in the earliest versions of Windows. This system storage allows you to temporarily store information that may be needed by the computer's RAM. Access to data located in the cache is much faster than access to data on an external memory module.

Most often, files containing the results of calculations and operation of system programs are stored in cache memory. In addition, the system saves files here with information about current processes and the operation of all components.

What's the catch with the cache and why does it need to be cleared periodically?

Cache memory allows you to organize quick access to popular files. However, what to do if there are too many such files? Each video is perceived by the computer as important and is saved in this folder. As a result, the computer's cache memory becomes a real dump, where documents and multimedia files that are unnecessary and have lost their value are stored.

If the computer starts to freeze, then perhaps the problem is in the CACHE and before you run out and buy more RAM and an even more powerful processor, you should try clearing your cache.

In what ways can you clear your computer's cache?

To clear the cache of your personal computer, you can use standard Windows tools or resort to the services of third-party programs.

Standard Windows cleaning is an effective but painstaking option that is not suitable for all PC users. The entire process of clearing the cache using built-in tools is divided into 3 stages:

  • clearing DNS cache;
  • clearing thumbnails cache;
  • Clearing cache memory directly.

First things first.

The DNS cache is used to store a record of the computer's requests to various servers. When a specific server is contacted again, the cache entry is retrieved, thereby avoiding unnecessary requests. We update DNS if it is necessary for all data on the site to be updated.

To clear the DNS cache, open the command prompt.

There are several ways to do this. The simplest of them is: Click Start – All Programs – Accessories – Command Prompt

After selecting, a DOS window will open in which you can enter all kinds of commands.

Enter the key - ipconfig /flushdns , which is designed to clear the computer's DNS cache.

!On Windows 7, the command line should be run as Administrator.

The first step has been successfully completed. Next we need to clear the thumbnails cache. This cache option is a file that contains saved thumbnails of pictures on computers. Thanks to this, after re-accessing the folder with pictures, their loading is much faster. This type of cache memory is not particularly important, and if desired, it can be completely disabled.

To clear the thumbnails cache, use the system Disk Cleanup utility. To call it, press Start – All Programs – Accessories – Utilities – Disk Cleanup

In this program you need to select the disk on which the operating system is located. In our case, this is drive C, select it from the list and click OK.

That's it, thumbnails cache is cleared. If you think that this is an unnecessary luxury for a computer, then you can turn it off at any time.

To do this, let's go to My computer and in the tab Service select an item Folder properties.

A dialog box will open in which you can configure the appearance of folders, associate files with programs, and configure the operation of offline files.

We are interested in the tab View . We go to it and in the list of options we find the item: Don't cache thumbnails . Mark it with a checkmark and click OK .

Now thumbnails cache will no longer be saved on the computer.

It's time to move on to the main thing - clearing your computer's cache memory. You can clear your computer's cache using the built-in operating system program.

To do this, you need to go to the system32 system folder and run the rundll32.exe program or do something a little differently.

Create on desktop Label , the path to which will be “%WINDIR%\system32\rundll32.exe”.

The first parameter in this case points to the system directory. Having specified the path, the shortcut should be saved and named under a name convenient for you. After this, clearing the cache on your computer can be considered complete.

In order to automate cache clearing, third-party developers have created several system utilities that will allow you to clear your computer's cache in a few clicks, as well as configure and optimize it.

Clearing cache in Windows7, video.

If you find it easier to understand lessons in video format, then you should simply watch the following video.

Programs for clearing computer cache.

Among such programs are:

  • TuneUp Utilities
  • CCleaner
  • nCleaner second
  • Glary Utilities
  • AusLogics BoostSpeed
  • Revo Uninstaller
  • Advanced SystemCare Pro

Each of the programs has its own cleaning algorithm, but in general their action is the same. How clear computer cache Using CCleaner we will consider further.

CCleaner is a lightweight and functional program that is designed to remove unnecessary files and clean up system folders as quickly and painlessly as possible. If you wish, you can download the Portable version and run the software without installing it on your computer. After the program has been downloaded, open it and go to the Cleaning tab, which is usually selected by default.

In the dialog menu Windows , which is located in this tab, you can choose which elements on the computer should be cleaned and which ones can be left. The settings can be left as default.

Click Analysis and wait for the indicator to fill to 100%.

After the scanning process is completed, the program will provide a complete list of found files and once again ask the user which of them should be deleted. If you need to delete everything, click Cleaning.

All unnecessary data on the computer has been deleted. At the same time, the cache of browsers and other third-party applications was deleted.

By the way, there is a separate one. If you regularly use this browser, then it is advisable for you to read this article.

Now you will know how to clear computer cache in case of slow loading or problems with navigating the Internet, you will no longer be bothered by unnecessary files and saves.

First of all, let's figure out what it is browser cache. The web pages you view on the Internet consist of many files:

  • CSS styles,
  • JavaScript scripts,
  • pictures and photos,
  • audio and video,
  • the web page itself is a text document, marked up in a special way, collecting all these files into a common whole.

When you first visit a site, the browser saves the files that make up the web pages to disk. This special storage on your computer is called browser cache. When you visit the site again, there is no need to download all this stuff to your computer again, since the browser has already saved them in cache. This saves traffic and precious time.

Over time, however, this storage can grow to monstrous proportions. And even if you no longer visit the pages to which most of the files belong, they are still stored on your computer. Do you need it?

So if you ask me: “Should I clear my browser cache?” I will answer you: “We must!”

How to properly clear your browser cache

So how do you clear your browser cache? It’s very simple: read the section dedicated to your favorite browser, follow the instructions and enjoy life.

Select browser:

How to clear Yandex browser cache

1. You can clear the Yandex browser cache by clicking on the button at the very top of the program window:

2. Hover your mouse over the item “ Additionally" and in the drop-down menu click on the line " Clear the history».

However, you can also call this window using a hotkey combination Ctrl+Shift+Del from any open tab.

4. In the drop-down list, select the time for which you want to delete your browsing history, and also check the boxes “ Files saved in cache", and also optionally " Cookies and other site data" All other checkboxes can be cleared.

5. Press the button " Clear the history».

How to clear Google Chrome browser cache

1. You can clear the Chrome browser cache by going through the main menu to the “Settings” menu item

2. On the page that opens, click on the button “ Clear the history" In chapter " Personal data" For this section to appear (hidden by default), you must click on the link at the bottom of the page “ Show advanced settings».

3. In the window that appears “ Clear the history» Specify in the drop-down list the period for which you want to delete your browsing history. Then check only the checkboxes " Images and other files saved in cache" If necessary, you can also check the box “ Cookies and other site and plugin data».

4. Confirm your actions by clicking on the “ Clear the history»

How to clear Opera browser cache

1. Go to the main menu, find the item “ Settings» ( Alt+P)

2. Click in the left menu the item “ Safety»

3. In the section " Confidentiality» click on the button « Clear browsing history...»

Call the window " Clear browsing history"You can also use hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+Del

4. In the drop-down list next to “ Destroy the following items“Select the period for which we want to destroy this data.

5. Leave only the “ Clear cache", and if necessary, also delete cookies " Delete cookies and other site data»

6. Press the button " Clear browsing history».

How to clear Mozilla Firefox browser cache

1. Look for the settings icon in the right corner and click. A drop-down window with menu options appears. We find the item “ Settings».

2. On the tab " Privacy" looking for the link " delete your recent history».

3. However, the fastest way is to use hotkeys to clear the browser cache: Ctrl+Shift+Del.

4. In this window " Deleting recent history" in the drop-down list " Delete» select the period for which you want to delete the history.

5. Next, expand the menu “ Details" and check only the box " Cache" if you want to reset your Firefox browser cache. If necessary, check the box next to " Cookies"if you want to clear your browser cache and cookies.

6. Confirm your actions by clicking on the “ Delete now».

How to clear Internet Explorer browser cache

Depending on the version of Internet Explorer, the settings responsible for clearing the cache may be located in different menu items.

How to find out your IE version:

  1. In the main menu of IE, look for the item “ Reference"(Help). If you don't see the menu, hold down Alt.
  2. In the drop-down menu " Reference"find the item " About the program»
  3. The window that appears will tell you your version of Internet Explorer.

IE 6

Service Alt.
Internet Options»
3. In the tab " Are common» press the button « Delete files»
5. To close the window " Internet Options", click again " Ok».

IE 7

1. In the main menu, select the item “ Service" If you don't see a menu item, click Alt.
2. In the menu that opens, click on the line “ Delete browsing history»
3. In the section " Temporary Internet files» press the button « Delete files»
4. Confirm your actions by pressing “ Yes»
5. To close the window " Delete browsing history", click " Close».

IE 8.9

1. In the main menu, look for the item “ Service" If you see it, try holding down the key Alt.
2. In the menu " Service"find the item " Delete browsing history»
3. Check the box “ Temporary Internet files" Uncheck all other boxes.
4. Confirm your actions with the “ Delete».

IE 10.11

1. Go to the menu “ Service" by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner:

On a note: to clear the browser cache, hotkeys are very useful: press and hold simultaneously Ctrl+Shift+Del, we see the same window.

  • Even more useful

2. In the window " Deleting review history"Uncheck all the boxes, leaving a checkmark only in the item" Temporary Internet and Website Files" If you want to clear your browser cache and cookies, then you need to leave the checkbox next to the “ Cookies and website data».

3. Press the button " Delete».

How to clear Amigo browser cache from

1. How to clear the Amigo browser cache, if you suddenly happen to become the unfortunate owner of this, so to speak, “browser”.

2. Just delete it - that's my sincere advice!

How to Clear Safari Browser Cache

1. In the main menu of the Safari browser, find the item “ Safari", and then " Reset Safari»

2. In the window that opens, check the box “ Delete all website data", it is better to leave all other checkboxes unchecked.

3. Press the button " Reset».

Have you encountered any difficulties while clearing your browser cache?

Hello, friends, today I decided to write this post, since this topic will be of interest to many. In my previous article, I talked about how you can connect to your site using the program.

In this new post, I will tell you how to clear the cache on your computer and make it work 200%. Tell me, how often do you notice that your browser (Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Chrom) starts to freeze? I think all of you have encountered this problem. So, these can be viruses, as well as cache memory overflow, so in this article, you will learn how you can simply clear it.

Well, friends, since you decided to continue reading this post, then you really have a problem with cache memory, but I am sure that soon this will not be a problem for you. Of course, if you see that your computer has started to seriously glitch, then it is quite possible that you need to contact a specialist.

But, if you are sure that your computer’s memory is very clogged, then you will need to clean it. First of all, it must be said that cache memory is ordinary computer memory that stores temporary files. For example, today you have probably visited a number of sites. So, now, when you click “journal” in your browser, your last sites that you visited will be displayed.
Here are temporary files, which also require memory.

On any computer there are several types of such memory, namely:
1. Regular cache.
2. Memory called thumbnails.
3. DNS.

So, in order to remove all these types of memory that you do not need and which greatly pollute your computer, you need to use different methods. Honestly, they are all very simple, even if you are not very computer friendly, you can still master them, I am 100% sure of this.

First, let's remove DNS memory, which is heavily loading the computer. You need it clean, and if you didn’t even know about it, then most likely it’s clogged, just like mine.

How to clear DNS on your computer

Damn, I thought that such a terrible name, you probably need to read whole books to clear this memory. But everything turned out to be as simple as shelling pears, I cleaned it in 20 seconds and now I’ll tell you how to do it. Go to the command line and enter the following command "ipconfig /flushdns". If you don’t know how to enter the command line, then just go to the search and enter the phrase “command line”. If you got the letters right, you will get the following image on your screen.

Well, you must admit that this is very simple, even a schoolboy can do it. The main thing here is to be careful and not make mistakes with the letters. So, now the next memory is called thumbnails. We also need to remove it, because it also interferes with the normal operation of your computer or laptop.

So, in order to clear this memory, we will need to go to “Utilities” and there select the disk that we want to clear. Select drive C and set everything to cleanup, as shown in the picture below.

Now, you've removed the extra junk that your cache was storing, so I'm sure your computer will already start working a little faster, but it will take a little more of your time to clear it at all.

So, in order to completely clear the cache memory, you will need to create a regular shortcut on your computer. Everything is done like this:
– right-click on your desktop and select “create shortcut”;
– then select the path to our file “% WINDIR% \ system32 \ rundll32.exe”, just make sure that instead of WINDIR% you enter the path to your Windows. Here, look at the screenshot of how I did it:

After that, you can click “next” and name this shortcut as you wish. I’ll call it “cache clearing” so as not to confuse it with anything else, I also recommend it to you. As you can see, everything is simple and clear, now I will tell you about a program that allows you to clean your computer of various garbage, including a good cache cleaner.

Removing the cache using the Cleaner program

Friends, a very cool program for which I will definitely write a detailed review is Cleaner. It will help you delete all unnecessary files, and also clear up the memory on your computer.

To get started, download it, it’s very easy to do, just go to the search engine and enter download Cleaner. It takes up very little disk space, so you won’t even notice its presence on your computer.

And so, to clean up, we need:
1. Launch the program.

2. At the bottom of the program, click on the “Analysis” button

3. After this, the program will analyze everything unnecessary on your computer; you will need to click on the “clean” button

4. That's it, the program will do everything for you. By the way, I recommend everyone to clean their computer. I run this program every day to clean up everything unnecessary that is on my computer.

How often can you clean your computer's memory?!

I’ll tell you honestly that I clean my computer’s memory almost every day. Moreover, I usually do this in the morning, since I spend up to 3-4 hours on the Internet and very often there is a lot of rubbish from social networks (I communicate a lot), bookmakers (I like to play for money) and so on.

Therefore, I recommend that you also clear your memory, at least 1-2 times a week, although you can do it, like me, a little more often. If you have any more questions about this program, then ask me, I will be glad to answer everything.

Why you need to clean your computer:
– you will be able to perform many more functions on it than before;
– the speed of your computer will increase several times;
– you will know that there is no garbage on your computer.

Well, my readers, this is where I will end this review, I hope you liked it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, I will be very pleased. All your criticism, thoughts, all this can also be poured out in the comments, so I expect activity from you. By the way, friends, I am discovering a new type of income for myself, namely, if you have knowledge about this industry, then write to me, thanks in advance.

By the way, if it’s not difficult for you, you can also watch my short video on this topic:

In order not to miss anything on my blog, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates. I will finish this topic of how to clear the cache on a computer; it seems like it turned out to be a detailed and interesting article.

With that, let me take my leave, so have a nice day everyone while I move on to other things. Thank you for taking your time to read this post.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

For those who don't know, the browser caches a lot of things. Let me explain what this is with an example: when you first visit the site, the browser downloads pictures from the site, videos, and other files (styles, scripts). All these files have a size, and in order to avoid loading identical files when moving from page to page, the browser saves them in its memory (on the computer disk) and later takes them from there. This procedure is called caching.

Sometimes you need to clear the site's cache, for example, this is necessary when work is being done on the site and static files are changing. The changes made are not visible due to the fact that you do not see the real file, but the file from the browser cache. To see the real picture, you need to clear the cache. Google Chrome has the option to clear the cache completely. This type of cleaning deletes the cache of all sites you have visited. Typically, this type of cleaning deletes all data: cookies, images saved from the site and other static files, browsing history, etc.

Completely clear Google Chrome browser cache

To completely clear the Google Chrome cache, you need to go into history (Ctrl+H), then click “clear history”, in the window that appears, click “Clear history” (in the same window you can choose what exactly to clear):

Clearing the cache of an individual site in Google Chrome (selective clearing)

Sometimes there is no need to clear the entire cache; a lot is still stored in it and this creates a lot of convenience. For example, authorization on some sites, search history, etc. But at the same time you need to delete the cache of an individual site. You can do it like this:

  1. Open developer tools: Ctrl+Shift+I
  2. Now, leaving the panel open, left-click on the “Update” button (next to the address bar) and do not release the button.
  3. After a few seconds, you will see a drop-down menu with the following item: Clear cache and hard reset.

To reload the page without using cache files, you can use the key combination Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R.

Deleting cookies of an individual page

To delete cookies for an individual site from the history:

  1. Type in the address bar: chrome://settings/cookies ;
  2. Enter part of the site domain in the search field;
  3. Delete any cookies found;

In the same window, you can conveniently delete cookies individually and not all at once:

Deleting an individual cookie for an individual site