What was the name of the first Soviet serial TV? What was the name of the first Soviet TV? The beginning of electronic television

The first experiment in television transmission was carried out on May 22, 1911 by Boris Lvovich Rosing, he managed to transfer the picture to the screen of the kinescope he invented. But another 17 years passed before Rosing’s student, the talented Russian engineer Vladimir Zvorykin, who was forced to go abroad, created the first mechanically scanned television in the United States. The production of televisions with cathode ray tubes began in the United States only in 1939.

The Soviet Union did not lag behind other countries in the field of creating television equipment. Already in 1932, industrial production of the B-2 television, developed by engineer A.Ya., began. Breitbart. By modern standards, it was a rather primitive optical-mechanical device with a screen measuring 3 by 4 cm. The first Soviet television was not even an independent device, but was an attachment to a radio receiver.

The production of the first electronic televisions in the USSR began in 1938 - that is, a year earlier than in the USA. The TV was called "ATP-1", the design used nine vacuum tubes. For those times, its design turned out to be very successful, the image quality was very high. The designers also developed a more advanced model, but its release was prevented by the war.

After the war, a new model of the KVN-49 television was developed and put into production in 1949; it can be considered the first mass-produced Soviet television. The screen size was 10.5 by 14 cm, the TV could receive three channels. To increase the size of the image, a special hollow plastic lens was used that was filled with water. It was placed in front of the screen and could be moved back and forth to achieve a high-quality image. In total, about two million of these televisions were produced; for many Soviet people, it was the “KVN-49” that became the first television receiver in their lives.

Since the 50s, many TV models were produced in the USSR, but they were all black and white. Soviet designers actively worked on the transition to color television, and in 1967 the first domestic color televisions, Record-101, Raduga-403 and Rubin-401, went on sale. A little later, large quantities of 700 series TVs began to be produced, which became very widespread. The first models had a screen with a diagonal of 59 cm, a little later the screen size increased to 61 cm.

It was these color televisions, along with the black and white models that continued to be produced, that made up the main stock of television equipment in the 70s.


  • what year did television appear?
  • History of television development

Since ancient times, fairy tales of different peoples of the world have mentioned magical objects, with the help of which one could not only see what was happening somewhere in the distance, but also transfer one’s image there. But only in the 20th century a device appeared, called a “TV” (that is, “far-seeing”), which truly brought the fairy tale to life. How was it invented?


In order to be able to transmit an image over a long distance, it is necessary to convert the optical signal into an electrical one. This conversion is based on a phenomenon called the photoelectric effect. This phenomenon was discovered (albeit without being able to explain it, since the concept of “electron” did not exist at that time) by the German Hertz at the end of the 19th century.

The Russian physicist Stoletov conducted an experiment in 1888 that confirmed Hertz’s conclusions. Stoletov called this phenomenon “actino-electric discharge”. And soon after this, Thomson introduced the concept of “electron” and convincingly substantiated the electronic nature of the photoelectric effect.

At the beginning of the 20th century, physicists and engineers began to think about the practical application of the photoelectric effect. In particular, they began to consider the possibility of transmitting a light image by converting it into a sequence of electrical signals. However, solving the problem of such a transformation was only the first stage. It was also necessary to transmit these signals over a long distance, and also to create a receiving device in which the reverse conversion of electrical signals into a light image would be carried out. If radio transmitters, which had reached a high technical level by that time, were ideal for transmitting signals, the creation of a receiving and converting device was fraught with great difficulties.

A number of interesting optical-mechanical designs of such devices have been proposed, of which the so-called “Nipkow disk” is the most widely used. However, the real flourishing began after the creation of televisions with a cathode ray tube (CRT). The cathode ray tube was invented back in 1897 by the German physicist Braun, and the Russian physicist Rosing was the first to suggest its suitability for television imaging in 1907. The original design of the CRT was proposed in 1930 by the Soviet physicist Konstantinov. Although it did not find practical application, it served as a starting point for further work. In the USSR, the first TV KVN-49 with a screen size of only 145x100 mm was created in 1949. Now, when you look at it, you can only smile, but then it was considered a miracle of technology.

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  • History of television development

The scientific concept underlying modern television was laid down at the end of the 19th century. In 1980, independently of each other, the Frenchman Maurice Leblanc and the American William Sawyer proposed an idea that involved rapid sequential scanning of images.

The invention of the television lasted for several decades and required the efforts of several dozen world-famous scientists. As a result, television could become one of the main achievements of mankind in the 20th century.

History of television development

In 1984, German scientist Pual Gottlieb Nilkov patented his method of mechanical image scanning, which became fundamental for the further development of television technology.

Another step towards the invention of modern television was the development of a professor at the St. Petersburg Technological University, Boris Lvovich Rosing, who on May 22, 1911 received an image of a geometric figure on the screen of a picture tube he designed, which was the world's first television broadcast.

The next developer to make a significant contribution to the development of television was the Scottish engineer John Lodge Baird. In 1925, he was able to transmit the first recognizable image of a human face. A year later in London he was able to demonstrate the first television system transmitting moving images.

In the late 1920s, General Eletric pioneered television production by demonstrating the first workable system. It was developed in its own research center under the leadership of Swedish engineer Ernest Alexanderson.

The beginning of electronic television

In 1932, the American research laboratory RCA was the first in the world to demonstrate a television with a transmitting electron tube. This marked the beginning of electronic television. The presented prototype used an iconoscope in its design, which was patented back in 1923 by Russian emigrant Vladimir Zvorykin.

At the end of 1936, the RCA laboratory demonstrated the first electronic television suitable for practical use in the United States.

The first mass-produced TV

3 years later, in 1939, in the USA, the RCA laboratory demonstrated the first television intended for wide sales. It was presented at the New York World's Fair. This TV was presented in four versions at once - three console and one desktop, which had a five-inch screen and was called RCA TT-5. All models were produced in handmade walnut wooden cabinets.

Television has long become a familiar attribute of modern life. The possibilities of television are constantly expanding, and the abundance of channels can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding viewer. It’s hard to imagine that just a few decades ago, television was considered exotic, not accessible to everyone.


The impetus for the implementation of the idea of ​​television broadcasting was the invention of radio. The Russian inventor A. Popov, the Italian Marconi, and the American scientist Tesla are related to the appearance of the first radio receiver. Each of them contributed to the development of the theory of radio wave propagation. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, fairly stable radio communications were obtained. The basis for the emergence of television was created.

Soviet television began its activities in 1931, and it was then that television broadcasts took place for the first time. But it was black and white television.

Let's find out in what year the first color TV was put on the shelves in the USSR, and find out what brand it was. And this is Rubin-401. The first color television of the Soviet Union. It was released in 1967 and worked on French SECAM technology.

Although experimental development began much earlier, and test televisions were demonstrated in 1951.

The colors were faded, and it was possible to watch the broadcast in a darkened room. But over time, the screen size has increased noticeably, and the clarity and contrast have also improved.

It all started with the production of simple units. Soviet designers of the Comitern plant presented a test black and white version B 2. The receiver was equipped with a special plastic lens.

And the name of the color television, designed in the States, was CBSRX - 40. It was mechanical. It was a compact product, and the size of any side did not exceed 14 cm. In America, this technique did not immediately become popular. Much depended on how much the TV cost, since the first developers wanted to sell their invention at a very high price.

The Soviet Union tried not to yield to the States in anything. And therefore, the emergence of new technology in the two countries occurred almost simultaneously. E Stages of production of color TVs:

  1. In 1950, a picture tube with electron guns was invented, which were located at a certain angle relative to each other. The device was equipped with an electronic sweep variation. Three beams appeared from the cannon and accumulated in the mask. Then they penetrated the screen, where they glowed in different colors.
  2. In 1954, Westinghouse in America offered the H840SK15 for sale. Out of 500 devices, only 30 were sold, since the price was quite high - $1,295.
  3. Serial production in the States was launched in 1954. The RCA CT-100 model was equipped with a 12-inch screen. 5 thousand copies were sold at a price of 1 thousand dollars. Then screens appeared, 15, 19 and 20 inches.
  4. In 1965, the Temp and Rainbow models were created.

In the 70s, all kinds of programs designed in color began to appear in America. This made it possible to significantly reduce the cost. And in 1967 in the USSR it was also possible to watch the program in Secam standard color.
After Rubin 401, Rubin 714 was produced. This technology was based on lamps. The 714 featured a larger screen. The diagonal value reached 60 cm. This device was not convenient due to its heavy weight.

The following models were popular in the USSR:

  1. Model B 2 1931. Production on a large scale continued from 1933 to 1936. The screen parameters were 16*12 mm. Initially, it was not an ordinary device, but a set-top box that was connected to a special radio operating in the medium wave range.
  2. At the end of the 30s, American technologies were also used in the USSR. Several models were tried to be created under US license. But they were not put into production because the war interfered.
  3. The legendary KVN-49 enjoyed special love among the people; it was in his honor that the most famous program was named. It was developed at the Leningrad Research Institute. It gained popularity thanks to its non-standard mounted lens that magnifies pictures.
  4. In 1957, they began to make equipment under the general name Ruby. The Rubin 102 device could demonstrate up to 12 TV channels. It provided connectors for tape devices. Rubin 714 became a popular model.
  5. Dawn 307 is known for even greater popularity. In total, 8 million models were sold. Black and white equipment has been produced since 1975.
  6. Other well-known options include Record 312.
  7. The Horizon TV has been produced at the radio equipment plant since the 80s, in the city of Minsk. Such a unit was a scarce commodity.
  8. The Electron plant offered excellent technology to consumers. In the 80s, Electron Ts 382 was produced on its territory, which was distinguished by excellent picture clarity, good technical performance and modern design.

How was television invented?

Attempts to produce a television receiver began in the 19th century by mechanic Paul Nipkow. The ability to transmit pictures over long distances arose in 1880.

At that time, the models were of the electromechanical type. Nipkov designed a special disk that made it possible to scan pictures.
Then in 1895, Karl Braun from Germany created a kinescope, which is known as the Braun tube.

The scientist underestimated his brainchild, but in 1906, another scientist Max Dieckmann acquired a patent for this tube and used it to broadcast pictures. A year later, he created a television receiver with a 30*30 mm screen and a scanning speed of 10 frames per minute.

In the 1920s, John Loggie Brad of Britain used a Nipkow disk to create a mechanical device that could operate without sound, but provide a full picture without distortion.

He was able to broadcast footage using a different color filter.
The first experience of television broadcasting was made by Boris Lvovich Rosing. This was done in 1911. This development was an electronic type television receiver.

He managed to create a picture on the kinescope screen. 17 years later, the inventor’s student Vladimir Zvorykin in the USA came up with a unit with a mechanical version of the sweep.

In 1923, he was issued a patent for the design. It was television based on electronic technology. The production of equipment equipped with a cathode ray tube was launched in America at the end of the 30s.
Television developed at an intensive pace in the Union. In 1932, samples were made for sample -B 2.

It was a mechanism with the simplest structure and a small screen measuring 3*4 cm. The production of television devices in the USSR began a year earlier than in the USA - in 1938.

The ATP 1 model was designed, the body of which contained 9 electronic tubes. The release of a more advanced design was prevented by the war.
As for color TVs. In 1940, scientists from America introduced the Triniscope system, in which pictures from three picture tubes were combined with phosphor glow colors. In the USSR, such developments began in 1951.

What was the name of the first TV in the USSR?

If we do not touch on test developments, the first mass-produced color TV was the Rubin 401. But even before it, the Rainbow device was created at the Kozitsky plant, and the Temp 22 was created at the radio plant in Moscow.

About 4 thousand of them were constructed, but they were not made available for sale.

The first broadcast in color for public viewing was made on November 7, 1967, thanks to agreements formalized between France and the Soviet Union. The French technology was called Segam.
Consumers especially loved the Rubin 714 brand with a large diagonal.

By the end of the 80s, more than 50 million televisions were sold in the USSR. At this time, inventors were working on new models of equipment.
Here's how the television apparatus was designed at this time:

  1. Inside the case on the left side there was a main block with settings, a radio channel, and a transformer.
  2. On the right were scanners with lamps.

The device was designed for the meter range. A special attachment was created for decimeter channels. Then SKD blocks were produced.

A new stage in the creation of color televisions was the transition to transistors, which were assembled from microcircuits.

Today, humanity cannot be imagined without television. Who among us doesn’t like to lie down on the sofa after a busy day of work, relax and completely immerse ourselves in watching our favorite movie or show? Many years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, during which time technological progress has made an incredible leap forward.

First developments

Not many people remember how it all began, and only a few know the name of the first color TV in the USSR. It is worth noting that scientists had to spend a lot of time to create devices suitable for viewing. However, it is impossible to single out from a large number of inventors the one who invented the first Soviet color television, since each of them made his own unique, tangible contribution to the development of television.

In 1951, experimental devices were released that broadcast television programs in color. Their quality, of course, cannot be compared with modern technologies, but it was at that time that the first color television of the USSR was “born”. Experimental developments that were carried out in Leningrad at the plant named after. Kozitsky, allowed the production of a limited number of electronic-mechanical and electronic televisions with color images called “Rainbow”.

Mass production

“Rubin-401” is the name of the first color TV in the USSR, which began to be mass-produced. The low quality and dull colors of such a device made it possible to see the image only in darkened rooms. Subsequently, the screen sizes increased, which significantly improved clarity, brightness and contrast.

Some time later, a second improved model of color TV called “Rubin-714” was released. From that moment on, the era of mass production of television equipment began. Now everyone could buy a Rubin-714 lamp with a diagonal of 61 centimeters. It should be noted that this device was very heavy, so its transportation required the efforts of at least two strong men. Despite such a bright name for the first color television in the USSR, we were still very much behind other developed countries, since modern television was just in its infancy.

The first color television broadcasts

The first color broadcast in the Soviet Union was broadcast on November 7, 1967. However, televisions remained black and white for a long time and only on holidays could they please their owners with multi-colored images. The name of the first color television in the USSR was first heard in a special report on the country's main channel, broadcast in color. By the beginning of the 90s, almost every family could fully enjoy watching their favorite films and programs. The country has stepped far forward - color television has firmly entered our lives.

Today in the world there are a great many models of modern televisions, in which designers embody the most advanced ideas of technical creativity. Currently, plasma, liquid crystal, LED and projection devices are produced, which can be either portable or stationary. In addition, TVs with different sounds are produced, which once again proves the limitlessness of technical progress.

Modern life cannot be imagined without TV. It's hard to believe that once upon a time there was no television at all. The first broadcast of images at a distance appeared in the distant 1880s, and televisions then were electromechanical. It was only in 1907 that a method of electrical image transmission appeared, and in 1932 the Americans invented an electronic television. Soon after the first black-and-white models appeared, scientists developed the first color television. Black and white tones did not allow us to fully enjoy the beauty of the outside world. Our ancestors installed three-color film in front of the TV screen, thereby trying to diversify the color gamut of the image.

First patented design

At the end of the nineteenth century, Russian inventor and industrial engineer Alexander Polumordvinov suggested the possibility of color television. At the end of 1899, he managed to obtain a patent for a genuine multi-color television system. This system was analogous to today's. Throughout history, about twenty-five color transmission projects have been known, put forward by various inventors. Alexander Polumordvinov proposed the theory of three-component multi-color vision. This theory of color perception was called Lomonosov-Jung-Helmgontz.

The essence of the theory of color perception

The meaning of this theory was that when using a light filter (three colors), a multi-colored image of various shades is obtained. These colors - red, blue and green - are still used today.

Two disks were used to obtain the image. They rotated at different speeds parallel to each other. In the first disk, slits were made along the lines of the radius, that is, from the center to the edge, and in the second, slits were cut in the shape of a logarithmic spiral. The number of slits was a multiple of three.

When the slots on both disks intersected, a diamond-shaped hole was created, which acted as a spreading element as the disks rotated. To obtain an image signal, the slits were sequentially closed with light filters. They were purple, green and red. Using a selenium photocell, the light that leaked through the diamond-shaped hole was converted into an electrical signal. Between the visual projection of the transmitted image and the photocell in each time interval there was one hole, which was closed with a light filter of some color. At the moment when the hole went beyond the image frame, another hole was moved on the opposite side, which was shifted by a distance equal to the width of the slit. This hole was closed with another light filter of a different color.

Find out when the first color TV appeared

Adamyar, Zvorykin and many other inventors were involved in the color television project. When figuring out what the first color TV appeared in the world, you should go back to the fifties, when in the USA the RCA company released the first TV with color broadcasting, the CBS RX-40, which had a mechanical scan. The screen was 14 by 10 cm in size; in front of it was a disk with light filters, which had a synchronized electric motor. But the image quality was very poor. In Russia, the first color television was released in 1954 in the city of Leningrad. The name of that model is "Rainbow". The advantage of the Soviet TV was that the rotating disk was hidden in the housing. The television receiver also had an external magnifying lens made of plastic, which was filled with distilled water.

Electronic scan development

In 1950, a kinescope was developed with three electron guns located at an angle of 120 degrees relative to each other. This TV had an electronic scan and a mask kinescope covered with a mosaic phosphor. Three beams emerged from three cathodes (guns) and were collected in a “mask”. Then the rays hit the screen and the segments glowed in green, red and blue.

Westinghouse period

Using this principle, in 1954, Westinghouse released the first color television and introduced it for sale as the model H840SK15. But out of the five hundred produced, only thirty were sold in a month; most remained unsold. This failure was explained by the high price - 1295 US dollars, in today's money - 11200 dollars. Even the advertising campaign, which was supposed to create a strong desire to buy the world's first color TV, did not help. Also, the first color TV was not needed due to its irrelevance, because most programs were shown in black and white.

Second TV brand

The RCA CT-100, released in April 1954, was more popular. This was the first mass-produced color television. Its screen was 12 inches. 5,000 televisions were sold at a price of $1,000. A couple of weeks later, the same company RCA released a TV with a 15-inch screen. Later, models with 19- and 20-inch screens were introduced.

Thus began the intensive development of increasingly advanced televisions. The color television market has expanded and now, when trying to figure out when color televisions appeared, some historians give different dates. But the fact remains that new functions appeared in them, capabilities changed. General Electric sold 15-inch TVs for $1,000, and Sylvania sold 15-inch TVs for $1,150. Some companies rented TVs. For example, Emerson charged two hundred dollars for the first month of rent, and the subsequent ones cost only $75. Then there was the price of $795 for a model with a diagonal of 21 inches. And by the end of 1957, one hundred and fifty thousand color televisions had been sold. In the sixties, many television models were developed, among which were the Rainbow and Temp. In the early seventies, the number of color broadcasts in the United States increased, and the cost of televisions decreased significantly. In 1967, the first color transmission of the SECAM standard appeared in the USSR, and the first Soviet color TV appeared on store shelves, it was called “Rubin-401”. It was completely Soviet designed.


The mass sale of televisions with color images in the USSR occurred in the seventies. For example, the Electron TV had dimensions of 77.5 * 55 * 55 cm. Such a TV was a full-fledged part of the interior, because it was also used as a shelf. The diagonal of the "Electron" was 59 cm, and the mass was 65

kg. The TV body is covered with valuable wood and varnish.

Earlier, in February 1957, the Council of Ministers decided that broadcasting on the joint system should begin in 1958. OSCT-2 was manufactured at Shabolovka in November 1958. And in January 1960, it began broadcasting regularly using the NTSC system. At that time, only two factories were producing televisions. This is the Leningrad plant named after. Kozitsky - "Rainbow" and the radio plant in Moscow - "Temp-22". The TVs have not yet gone on sale, although 4,000 of them were produced.

First color broadcast

The first color broadcast took place in 1967 on November 7 thanks to the agreement between the USSR and France. The French system was called SECAM. The brand of the first color TV was also French - KFT.

“Rubin-714” appeared, which turned out to be the most popular at that time, since the screen diagonal was already 61 cm.

For a long period, color televisions were sold at reduced prices to provide consumers with the opportunity to obtain color television at an affordable price and appreciate its benefits.

By the end of the eighties, about fifty million color televisions were sold in the USSR, and inventors were developing more and more new models of their favorite equipment.

The structure of TVs from the 70s and 80s

Inside the case on the left there were a transformer, a settings block, a radio channel and a channel switch, and at the bottom there was a color block and a condenser block. The most dangerous and powerful part was installed on the right - a scanning unit with high-voltage lamps and a TV receiving the meter range. To receive decimeter channels, a set-top box was released that converted the channels into one of the meter ones. Later they released SKD blocks that existed until the mid-nineties, that is, almost twenty years.

The next step was the transition to transistors assembled from microcircuits. Lamps were no longer used. Televisions became smaller and smaller and more technologically advanced. Manufacturers now present a huge number of TVs of different sizes. The possibilities of television are growing every year - progress does not stand still.

Soviet television dates back to the distant 1931, when a television broadcast was carried out for the first time in the Soviet Union. But the production of Soviet mass-produced televisions began four years later, and they looked quite funny. It was a huge wooden box with a small screen the size of a matchbox. Although these were not quite a full-fledged television, but a kind of combination of radio and television, this miracle of engineering was called B-2.

It was a TV with a complex, at that time, design, which was based on 33 radio tubes. By the way, the license for the production of these TVs was purchased by the United States. It was produced at the Comintern plant in 1938.

This is the next generation of Soviet TVs. It was released in the post-war years, in 1948. A distinctive feature of this TV was that there was a special lens opposite the screen, which magnified the image coming from a small kinescope. Rumor has it that Joseph Stalin himself sometimes looked at this TV.

Record A
The production of this TV began in 1957 at the Aleksandrovsky Radio Plant and at the Elektrosignal plant in the city of Voronezh. The technical breakthrough of these TVs was that they could receive up to five TV channels.

TV "Evening"
This TV was also a novelty of its time, since the brightness of its picture automatically changed depending on the lighting in the room. The TV was released in 1965 at the Kozitsky radio plant in Leningrad.

Electronics - VL100
The first portable Soviet TV. It went into serial production in September 1969. The name “VL” means Vladimir Lenin, since its production was dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the “leader” of the proletariat.

This TV is the first color TV of the Soviet era. It was released in 1967 and was designed for the Soviet-French SECAM analogue color television system.

It was a continuation of the “Rubin” series and is characterized by the fact that it became the first mass-produced color television in the USSR. It was released in 1976 and had a picture tube diagonal of 61 cm.

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