How to write a tweet on Twitter. How to write, send and read private messages on Twitter (Twitter)

Gone are the days when we wrote letters to each other on pieces of paper and used the postal service. Nowadays there is active correspondence using social networks. It's fast, accessible and convenient. In addition, you can easily put whatever you want into a letter: from a regular emoticon and photo to a video. There are quite a few social networks and one of the most common is Twitter. If you are a “newbie” and have just registered (if this raises a lot of questions for you, then we advise you to read the useful information about registering on Twitter), don’t worry and think: “ How to write messages on Twitter?», « How to send a private message on Twitter?" etc.

Learning how to write private messages on Twitter is as easy as shelling pears.

First, you should set up your profile at your discretion - the settings tab will come to the rescue. Most newcomers to this social network are perplexed how to send a private message on twitter so that only the recipient can read it. So, let's start to figure it out. To have someone to send these messages to, use our service to gain readers on Twitter.

The Messages tab on Twitter is in the top right corner. (in the form of an envelope - click). Next, click on “New message”, select your interlocutor and share your thoughts ahead. By the way, twitter messages You will have to write short ones, no more than 140 characters. How to send a message on Twitter, I think you already guessed - click on “send”. In such a large online service like on Twitter, write a private message you can do this: open full list friends, hover the cursor over the icon with the image of a man on the right opposite the selected interlocutor, click and select “Send private message” in the open menu. If you want to find a new interlocutor, use useful information from articles "Searching for people on Twitter." Using our website you can also promote your profile on Periscope. Just go to link .

Such a concept as private messages on twitter slightly modified. Tweet is a private message for all users. How to write messages on Twitter so that all your friends can see it? On the home page ( Home) find a window What's happening? (“What’s happening”), click and a platform will open in front of you where you can tell your ideas and mood to the whole world. To become popular, tweets must be short, relevant and original. No one is interested in reading common truths for the hundredth time. Now how to send a message on twitter? Click on Tweet and that's it. Your catchphrases will appear in your friends’ feeds; all that’s left is to accept reply tweets. By the way, we forgot about the main thing - how to read messages on twitter? To do this, find out from your friends who is on Twitter, add (open profile the right person and click on “+ read”). This is a subscription to a friend's Twi-news.

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About tweets and communication inTwitter

Twitter, like other social networks, is intended primarily for communication. Whether this will be personal communication or communication with a wide audience, it is up to you to decide, first of all, because this service provides both of these options. You can write tweets for your followers, send private messages to friends, comment on posts, and reply to comments on your posts. You can include photos and links in your messages. Twitter is very convenient in terms of communication because it is like an SMS service. You can write a tweet and get a response immediately.

How to write a tweet on Twitter?

Twitter uses tweets to communicate with the general public. These are messages of no more than 140 characters with spaces of an entertaining or informational nature that will appear on your feed and in the feed of your readers. In order to write a tweet, you need to go to your Twitter page, where you will see the “Write a tweet” window. Enter the text you want to post on your page, click the “Tweet” button. Now your tweet is visible to everyone Twitter users. To optimize your tweets for this service, use hashtags. This - keywords of your tweet that reflect its topic. Before such words you need to put a pound sign “#” and then, without putting a space, write the word (for example, #hello). Hashtags can help other Twitter users quickly find messages about topics that interest them. You can also reach out to individual users using tweets. To do this, you need to put “@” and write the username without a space; this construction can be placed anywhere in your tweet.

How to write to someone on Twitter?

The messages you send to your friends in private messages, which are sometimes called DMs on Twitter, will not reflect on your home page and will be available only to the user to whom you sent them. To send a private message, you need to click on the special pen icon in the upper right corner of the screen, then click on it and select the person you want to send a private message to. There is also a 140 character limit for private messages. In addition, you can only send a private message to the person who has not closed this function. You can send various photos and links in a personal message. Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't provide the ability to view videos within private messages, but you can send the user external link, which he will have to follow to view.

How to reply to a tweet?

Below any user's tweet there is a Reply button. By clicking this button, you can write a reply to the tweet and publish it. This tweet will appear in your feeds.

Here are the main ones simple steps, which you can do to fully interact on Twitter with other users. With a little practice, you will realize that this service is very easy to use and intuitive. Enjoy your Twitter chat!

Hello! Today our short article will be for Twitter beginners, for those who are new there and don’t know how to use it. We will learn to write tweets, that is short messages in your profile.

How to create a tweet through the official website from a computer

We go into our account. At the top of the page we see a text input field, enter the required message into it (this will be the tweet). After the message is ready, click on the “Tweet” button.

Pay attention to the number of characters next to the button. The system tells you how many characters you have left, because the number is limited. You won't be able to write posts in the form of entire sheets.

That’s it, after pressing the button a new tweet appeared, that’s what was needed.

Now let's look at how this is done in mobile version At the same time, we’ll also think about what we can do with them.

How to tweet via phone on Android

Launch the application and look in the lower right corner. There is a treasured blue button with a white feather. This is exactly what is needed. Click:

We write the text and click on the “Tweet” button:

After this, it is added to your account. Below I am posting a picture in which I have signed what we can do with it, which button is in the menu under the entry, what it means.

1. We can reply to any tweet by automatically indicating its author.
2. Retweet.
3. Like it.
4. Send it by message. Tweets can only be sent as a message to people who follow you. (

Correspondence on this network can be public or private. Before sending a message (Tweet), the user selects a method in his profile, from the news feed or the list of messages.

For example, to send a Tweet to a specific recipient, you need to find him (read search_people) or select from the list of news, click on the avatar or nickname in the profile - you will go to desired page. There at the top right there is the word “reading” and next to it there is a button “man with an arrow”. Clicking this button brings up a menu where you can select the “send private message” option, type Tweet and send it.

High quality and not expensive boost readers on Twitter

Direct messages on Twitter shipping is very easy

How to Read Twitter Messages from Your Personal Profile

You should start with registration (everything about creating an account using link) - set up a profile, write your first Tweet. From any page account an arrow icon is visible top menu(right) - clicking it displays a message window where you can write something, post pictures and links. The entire length of each Tweet is subject to the aforementioned 140 character size limit. Images are loading separate button with a camera (located below, in the left corner of the menu). You can read more about this on the next page. page. Before, how to send a message on Twitter, it wouldn’t hurt to re-read it again to make sure there are no errors, making the right choice attached picture, etc.

Registration and the entire interface have long been translated into Russian, so that it is convenient for users not only to read and write Twitter messages, but also to understand the options, look for the most interesting things in the lists, and spend time usefully on the Internet. You can change the interface language in the settings; Twitter clients (automatic translators) also help with translation.

You can also read messages from hidden users on Twitter

Send a direct request to the person who has blocked access to your feed so that he adds you as a friend, or ask his friends to reciprocate.

Let's move on to how to correctly create posts on Twitter, or, in other words, tweets - the main way of communication in the microblogging service. To do this you need to go to home page your account.

On the right, you will see the system asking “What’s going on?” Below it there will be a special field for entering text of no more than 140 characters.

To make a field active, simply click on it with the left mouse button. Now enter the text you need. You can attach to what you wrote either graphic image, or the place where the described event occurred.

So that you can add an image, click on the button with the camera image. The button is located on the left under the text field. The downloader will open, through which you select the location on your hard drive from where the photo will be downloaded.

If you attach a place, then click on the button next to it, in the form of a target, and enter the name of the city and country in the search engine.

Now look, if you haven’t forgotten anything, then click on the “Tweet” button, it is located at the bottom, to the right of the entered text.

Now a new message - tweet will appear to the right of the input field below. Users social network after that they can read your tweet.

New messages can also be written in a special pop-up window, which will appear in front of you if you click on the “New Tweet” button. You will see this button on the top panel.

A window will appear in front of you, which is exactly the same as the window for creating a tweet on the main page.

You should be aware that the site's management has not developed a privacy system for the information you publish.

Therefore, take this into account if you share any news that concerns you personally, friends, or relatives. Such information can be shared through private messages on Twitter.

Read in the next article