How to overlay an image with transparency in Photoshop? We cut out the image in Photoshop and overlay it on another.

Every photographer wants to make their photo special and perfect. But most often he lacks experience and knowledge. Therefore, later in the article we will tell you how to overlay an image on an image in Photoshop. In fact, this effect can be obtained different ways, but almost always it looks very beautiful. It is very easy to create such beauty. You just need to follow each step described below point by point.

First option for creating an effect

First you need to open original photo and make a copy of it. To do this, right-click on the frame thumbnail and select “Create a duplicate layer.” This will allow you to overlay two images in Photoshop as naturally as possible.

After this, the second image is loaded, which will be translucent. If this is required, then you need to enlarge the photo to the required scale so that it is not too small. Having positioned the top image as needed for further work and the final result, you can proceed to creating the effect.

How to overlay an image on an image in Photoshop: second step

On the top layer you need to change the blending mode to "Overlay" or " soft light". It depends on what effect the photographer wants to see. It is best to experiment with various settings to make sure everything is done perfectly.

That's all, so in a short period of time you can create a transparency effect without using many tools. This method allows you not only to achieve what you want, but also to increase the saturation of the image and add a certain brightness. The only thing you can do to add to the frame is to remove unnecessary details. If there are lines without which final result would look much better, they can be erased with a soft eraser.

Second way to create opacity

The next method, which allows you to overlay an image on an image in Photoshop, is also simple. First you need to create a duplicate of the source. After this, load a frame that will be on top and will become less transparent. Now that all the necessary pictures are in Photoshop, they need to be corrected.

First of all, the top layer is selected and stretched to the desired shape, you can also change the horizon. Now you should go to the background image and modify it. In this case, not only “free transformation” is used, but also “distortion”. With the help of such a simple tool you can achieve a beautiful perspective. It is necessary in order to give the picture integrity and depth. This draws attention to the main subject of the photo.

Once the initial preparation is complete, the photographer needs to start working on the opacity itself. To do this, the top layer is adjusted with a slider. If you have to work with an image of a person, you can make several duplicates. To achieve best result, it is recommended to highlight the eyes and other characteristic features.

In order to make the top layer more visible, you can create a new canvas between the images and fill it with a suitable shade, then reduce the transparency to the required level. With this point, every photographer can experiment as much as he wants. This method is perfect for overlaying an image on an image in Photoshop PS for both a professional and a beginner.

Cropping an image

When everything is ready, the photographer should decide which elements are lines in the photograph. There are two ways to remove imperfections. The first one is, of course, the eraser. But it's not that practical. To overlay an image on an image in Photoshop as efficiently as possible, you will need to use a different option.

You need to create a "mask". It's in the thumbnail panel at the bottom. Next you should take a black soft brush. By changing the diameter of the tool, you can paint over all defects and too sharp moments. You can also change the opacity level of the brush and go over more significant areas.

This step must be completed until the photograph is perfect in the opinion of the photographer.

Creating an effect using additional tools

This option perfect for overlaying an image on an image in Photoshop as high quality as possible. Preparatory work will be exactly the same as in the previous versions.

First, an additional background layer is created. The portrait is exhibited as it should look in the final version. After this, you need to set the blending mode of the top layer to “soft light” and go over it with an eraser where it is needed. Yes, the option is very similar to the two previous ones, but do not forget that the result is almost the same everywhere, so the steps can be repeated.

Thus, it is very easy to superimpose an image on another in Photoshop. We realized this by using several possible options.

Using the eraser, stamp, and lasso

It is necessary to remove everything unnecessary very carefully so that no facial features are affected. You need to be especially careful when using the eraser near the chin line and nose. If you have a choice: make it unnatural or damage your nose, then it is better to first remove all gross inaccuracies. And after that, you can greatly enlarge the image and work with problem areas in a large format. This will allow you not to hit important parts, while making the frame as natural as possible.

After work with the top layer is completed, you can move on to the background. In fact, most often there are many more flaws on it than in the top image. So, if a branch sticks out of your head, then it is better to remove it, like any other not entirely aesthetic defect. You need to perform the steps using the stamp and lasso tools. You can, for example, take required fragment, then go over the contour with a soft eraser and make the changes as unnoticeable as possible.

In this way you can edit any interference. It is best to remove all small distracting details and sharp transitions between colors if they fall into the photo overlay area. Don't be afraid to wash beautiful objects. More often than not, what looks aesthetically pleasing on its own only becomes a nuisance when added to the overall picture.

You can overlay images in Photoshop CS6 in exactly the same way as in other versions of the program.

Have you ever dreamed of learning how to cut out objects from photographs and paste them into other frames? Do you want to create cool pictures for social networks? Use your imagination and create your own unique images with Photo editor Movavi. The program is ideal even if you have never edited pictures. You don't have to spend hours figuring out how to overlay a photo on a photo. Get creative shots in a few clicks and share your masterpieces with friends.

In this step-by-step photo tutorial you will learn:

How to insert a picture into a picture

With Movavi Photo Editor you can easily add an entire photo to a photo or cut and move an object from one image to another. Combine photos of yourself with your favorite actors. Place pets on an original background. Add a company logo so that everyone knows the author of the photo. Friends and family will be delighted with your unusual photos. All you need is to download the Windows or Mac version of the program and follow the instructions below.

Option 1: IMGonline

The site allows you to work with images of any format. Both images should be uploaded to the server, and then select how the overlay will be done and wait for it to complete.

1. Go to the IMGonline website. We are loading necessary files to the site by clicking on the “Browse” button.

2. Then we decide on the overlay parameters and adjust the transparency of the second image. If you want the image to simply be on top of another, then set the transparency to “0”.

3. We adjust the parameters of one picture to another.

4. We decide on the location of the second image relative to the first.

5. The resulting file is customized according to parameters (format and percentage of transparency).

6. Click on the “Ok” button to carry out automatic processing.

7. You can view the converted image directly in the browser or save it to your computer.

Option 2: Photo Street

Online service in Russian. The interface is nice and simple. You can superimpose one photo onto another not only downloaded, but also simply from the Internet (by pointing to a link to them).

1. Go to the Photo Street website. Click on “Open photo editor” (the button is located on home page site).

2. An editor window opens.

3. Click on the “Upload photo” button, and then on “Upload from computer”.

4. In the sidebar that appears, you can resize the first image.

5. Then click on “Upload Photo” again to add a second picture.

6. The second image will be superimposed on top of the first image. You should adjust it to the size of the first one on the left side menu (described in point 4). Go to the “Add Effects” tab.

9. Click on the required option and click on the “OK” button.

10. Decide on the size of the picture, remove or leave the service logo. Then the process of mounting and saving the image will begin. When choosing " High Quality" will have to wait. Until the download is complete, do not close the browser window.

Option 3: Photoshop Online

It is possible to connect only individual elements Pictures. The functionality of the server is reminiscent of the Photoshop application.
1. Go to the Photoshop Online website. In the window that appears, click on the “Upload photo from computer” button.

2. Add a second picture - go to the “File” menu, click on “Open image”.

3. In the left sidebar that appears, select the “Selection” tool. In the second picture we determine the overlay area. Go to the “Edit” menu and click on “Copy”.

4. The second window can now be closed (no need to save changes). Let's go to main picture through "Editing" and "Insert". Add a second photo to the image. Then in the “Layers” menu, click on the one that we will make transparent.

5. Click on “Options” in the “Layers” menu and select the required transparency of the second image.

6. Save the resulting result. Click on “File” and “Save”.

Hi all! Today I will talk about how to overlay one image on top of another with transparency in Photoshop. Of course, most people who at least somehow work in Photoshop know how to do this, since this is really the basics. But I’ve already received messages several times via email and PM on VK asking me to explain how to overlay fragments on a separate photo. Some people want to put on a beard and a suit, while others just want to transport themselves to Paris. You can download all materials used in this lesson.

If you need to move any object to a different background, then this function will certainly help you. For this you will need background image and an object on a transparent background in PNG format. If your subject is on a regular background, then you will have to, and after that you can combine the two photos.

I decided to move the duck onto the pond image.

How to cut out a face in Photoshop and paste it into another photo

Naturally, you can not just superimpose one picture on another, but do it with faces. By at least you can transfer the face of a friend to a completely alien body, or see how you will look in a skirt. In fact, face swapping is also used in more professional fields.

To do this we need photographs of two different people. I decided to take a photo of two Hollywood actors Nicolas Cage and John Travolta. Together they starred in the film “Face Off.” But there it looked very implausible, since not only the faces are different, but also the physique, shape of the skull and much more.

  1. Let's open two photos in different tabs. I prefer the Drag and Drop method most of all, that is, select the desired images and transfer them to Photoshop while holding down the left mouse button. After that, they will open in different tabs one by one.
  2. Now take any selection tool, for example “ ”, and begin to select John Travolta’s face, capturing the frontal part and chin. But we don't need hair.
  3. Now take the “Move” tool, and then hold down left button mouse inside the selection, and then drag it to the Nicolas Cage tab until it opens. After that, point our selected part somewhere at the picture and release the mouse button.
  4. Once Travolta's photo is on a new layer, reduce its Opacity by at least 25-30 percent. to make it easier for us to work.
  5. Now let's start making adjustments. As you can see, the photo with John was larger, and his head was tilted slightly. Therefore, we need to adjust everything. To begin, call Free transformation by pressing the key combination CTRL+T, and then pull the corners, remembering to press the key SHIFT to approximately adjust the size.
  6. Now move your cursor just above the corner so it changes to rotate mode. After this, hold down the left mouse button and begin to rotate the transferred object in that direction so that the face stands as straight as Cage’s.
  7. Now transfer Travolta's translucent face onto Cage to see how the nose, mouth and eyes match the right size. Great, we've done everything on the same level. after that you can click Enter to apply the transformation.
  8. Now we need to remove or trim the remaining skin that extends beyond the skull. To do this, you can use the eraser tool and simply erase the unnecessary area. It is only advisable to press right button mouse and set the hardness to 0 percent so that the borders have the softest possible transition.
  9. We managed to superimpose one photo onto another and the face seems to be ready, but their shade does not match a little, so we will have to change the tone a little. You can use the same method that we used to remove redness from the face in Photoshop, or use the patch tool. To do this, select “Patch” and outline the frontal part that belongs to Nicolas Cage. After this, hold down the right mouse button and drag it onto a piece of travolta leather to replace that part.
  10. That's basically it. You can only move the restorative brush along the frontal fold so that it does not duplicate an existing one.

Now we have a real John Cage or Nicholas Travolta. Yeah. Of course, they have absolutely different type persons, but I think you understand.

Cutting out a face in Photoshop and pasting it into another photo is not at all difficult. All that remains is to correctly adjust the size, matching the nose, eyes, mouth, skin color and other factors. Unfortunately, we ended up with a very large forehead, but that's not surprising based on their head shapes.

How to apply a suit in Photoshop

You can overlay one picture on top of another with transparency in Photoshop not just for fun. Today this method is used in various photo salons and more. This is especially true when you need to take a photo for documents. Yes, now you don’t need to wear a special suit or police uniform to take a photo for your passport or ID. You can even come in a torn T-shirt, but they can easily create a suit for you in Photoshop.

Now you can paste Justin Timberlake into documents. We do the same with other costumes, with hairstyles, mustaches, beards or even scars. It is enough to find on the Internet in any search engine and ask something like "Police Costume png" or "Men's hairstyles with transparent background» . The principle of operation is the same: open, transfer, adjust the size and deform.

As an example, I'll take the same photo we just worked on and then add Timberlake's new hairstyle, beard, and scar.

Now, I hope that you understand how to overlay one image on top of another with transparency in Photoshop to add the necessary elements and radically change the photo. With overlay, you can make collages, overlay document suits, change hairstyles, add pieces that weren't there before, and much more. As you can see, there are a lot of applications.

By the way, I remembered one funny incident. About 10 years ago, one of my friends needed to load a truck with cargo (some bags with something unknown) by a certain time. But he did not manage to do anything by the appointed time. Then he photographed separately the empty body of the van and the pallets with bags, after which he asked a friend to put them there using Photoshop. He did everything without any problems, after which the photo was sent to his superiors. The photo went viral and no one knew that the loading was late.

That's all for me. But if you don’t know Photoshop well or don’t know it at all, then I recommend that you look at these wonderful video tutorials. This best course for beginners what I saw. All lessons are structured and go from simple to complex. The material is simply amazing and is absorbed literally on the fly. And the most important thing is that everything is told accessible language for any category of users. Highly recommend.

Well, this is where I end. I hope that my article was useful to you. Therefore, be sure to subscribe to my blog updates, as well as my public pages in in social networks, whose icons are located in the sidebar. I look forward to seeing you again as a guest. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Currently, it is considered a very popular trend to share your best shots of life moments on social networks. Sometimes you want to brag about places you visit to your friends, about visiting new places, and sometimes photo editing is a hobby or a profession.

Frequently asked questions: “How to insert a photo into a photo in Photoshop?” or “How to overlay a picture on a picture in Photoshop.” We will consider the answers to them with step by step algorithm actions. In addition, this information will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced Photoshop users.

Let us list the given algorithm of actions:

  • Open the required images through the “Files” folder (the names of the folders can be seen in the panel at the top);
  • First of all, it is taken into processing the photo that will be inserted onto the photo background. Since the size of the inserted fragment will be smaller, it is first reduced. Go to the “Image” menu, then “image size”, in the width cell we set the required pixel value (height and other parameters are set automatically symmetrically).
  • select the fragment area using lasso or frame tools and press CTRL+C, or select “copy” in the “Image” folder;
  • switch to the main photo and insert our picture using the CNTRL + V keys. Although the fragment was previously reduced, further editing may be necessary. To do this, press the CNTRL+T keys; the fragment can be reduced and rotated at the desired angle (to save all original forms when moving or adjusting the image, press the SHIFT+ALT keys simultaneously), save with the ENTER key. You can also move the selected fragment using the “move” tool in the left panel.
  • for further editing, the main background is enlarged to the size that is most convenient for adjustment. Click ALT key and use the mouse wheel to increase it to the required size;
  • To correct the layering of two images, use the eraser “tool”, and it can be reduced or enlarged depending on the required cleaning parameters.
  • We save the resulting photo using the “save as” instruction in the “Files” folder.

How to apply multiple layers in Photoshop?

The algorithm of actions is almost the same as when overlaying a picture or photo on another photo, but the difficulty of execution lies in layering one layer on top of another. Therefore, you should upload photos in the same sequence in which the layers will be added. First, select the “insert background” function and select the required image. Next, open the photo, which should be the first layer (only the first photo will be visible in the layers panel), drag it onto the main background, make the main background active (there will already be two images in the layers panel - the main background and the layer above it) and just like that we produce with other images.

You can adjust photo layers using the CNTRL+T keys. There is also a process of combining two photographs into one, etc. To better understand all the intricacies of the work, use our video lessons on teachvideo.

Beginning of work
1. Introduction to raster and vector graphics 3:18 0 52281
2. Program interface 2:34 1 27136
DIY image
3. Introducing the brush tool, drawing a clearing 4:25 4 45695
4. Working with the Filter menu (Wooden surface) 4:42 0 21015
5. Ice thorn - drawing a screensaver for your computer 2:21 0 23140
6. Transformation - changing the picture 3:50 2 20178
7. Dandelion - draw a flower 5:01 0 23490
8. Funny fluffy, lesson 1: learning to draw from scratch 3:23 1 63478
9. Funny fluffy, lesson 2: drawing eyes 5:45 0 20330
10. Funny fluffy, lesson 3: draw a nose and mouth 2:43 1 14426
11. Sun Edge Lesson 1: How to Create a Layer 3:56 0 25257
12. Sunny edge, lesson 2: drawing a tree 4:03 0 13112
13. Sunny edge, lesson 3: draw grass and rays of the Sun 4:36 0 22728
14. Filling text with a pattern 2:41 0 33053
15. Transparent text 3:56 3 25069
16. Green text 2:58 0 5477
17. Coloring, volumetric text 3:07 0 28423
18. Fire text lesson 1 3:36 0 19701
19. Fire text lesson 2 2:43 0 17554
Photo processing
20. Elimination of skin defects 3:13 3 112242
21. Removing red eye 2:29 2 14555
22. Changing eye color 2:09 0 44443
23. Teeth whitening 3:56 1 50911
24. Creating a frame, cropping 2:42 0 14726
25. Plastic surgery in Photoshop 2:45 0 52310
26. Combining two images 3:28 8 237822
27. Converting a color photo to black and white 1:58 1 24074
28. Coloring fragments of a black and white photograph 3:11 1 12214
29. Antique photo processing 1:58 0 21970