How to make real friends on Facebook. Pros and cons of paid and free friends on Facebook

Most users social networks We have long ceased to perceive the word “friends” as a number of acquaintances with whom you communicate and spend time together. Now friends are a list of accounts on a social network page that helps develop a profile or community. It doesn’t matter at all whether you know these people or have never seen them before. Each user now tries to get as wide a circle of such an audience as possible.

Members of a social network like Facebook most often add friends to a page without relying on mutual interests or any common acquaintances. This is due to the fact that Facebook is used more as a platform for business development and other ideas, rather than as a network for communication. Accordingly, for many, the number 5000 becomes cherished - that’s exactly what maximum amount you can add friends. Therefore, many people prefer to use Facebook to make friends. In this case, the most effective option is to purchase them for a fee.

In this case, many will probably want to know how much such a service will cost? On this moment The following price range for purchasing subscribers on Facebook has been fixed: from 450 to 2000 rubles. for 1000 units. These are the maximum and minimum price values ​​that you can find on almost all sites and services that provide similar services. However, at the same time, you will not find almost any identical cost for the same service. This is due to the fact that each service operates according to its own internal regulations and uses its own approach to fulfilling orders. Prices, as a rule, are not taken from the ceiling and each decrease or increase in cost has its own explanation and reason. And here are a few of them:

    Initially, any price for a service depends on the initial cost at which the service purchased this resource. Typically, sites purchase material from wholesale sites that work exclusively with resellers. After the purchase, the seller adds a certain percentage to the already established cost. This is done in order to make a profit from sales. Accordingly, in this case, the price of the service will depend on which supplier the site works with and on the seller’s desire to receive more profit as quickly as possible;

    At the same time, standard competition balances this situation in the market. That is why services do not strive to inflate prices to unprecedented heights. On the contrary, most often in this case there is a reduction in the cost of services in order to attract customers;

    The price tag is also greatly influenced by the quality of the accounts that you receive as friends on your page. So, the closer the profile of the added person is to the real one, the higher it will be valued by both the buyer and the seller, since most often you can get accounts of average quality with sparsely populated pages. Therefore, a simple pattern can be traced here: what better accounts, the more expensive they are. However, some users do not at all strive to make real friends, but only to add a number to their counter. The cheapest of accounts - bots - may be suitable for this;

    Another point that influences the pricing of services is the presence of additional criteria for the ordered resource. So, for example, if you want to make friends exclusively from your target audience, you will have to invest in this process accordingly, since such a service will be priced many times more;

    And of course, you shouldn’t forget about the internal costs of any website, which are often reflected in the price tag for services. The fact is that each service strives to tell about itself through advertising, which requires considerable investment. Therefore, branding an organization gives it the right to deliberately inflate prices. Because this is an advertising product, so to speak.

Here are some of the main reasons why prices for the service of making friends on Facebook can either decrease or increase. However, do not try to find the cheapest or expensive service expecting quality that matches the price. The main option for you will be a complete analysis of the site and a search for the average cost for the proper level of work.

How to cheat friends on Facebook for free without programs

But, of course, as you understand, there is not only the option of purchasing the necessary resource through any commercial platforms. Many users achieve success completely independently without any investments or costs. However, if you just wait for your audience to find you so wonderful, you will achieve absolutely nothing. Therefore, you need to know how you can make friends on Facebook for free and what methods exist for this:

    To begin with, it’s worth taking full advantage of the options that the social network itself offers. So, for example, you can combine several audiences from different sources and networks, such as Skype or VKontakte, by importing those contacts that are also registered on Facebook;

    Also review your page carefully. Often the social network recommends friends for you that you can add to your page. In this case, the selection occurs absolutely randomly, based on mutual acquaintances or existing contacts, for example, in your phone;

    Then go to the profiles of those friends who are already on your list. If the network itself has not provided them in recommendations, then you can add any mutual acquaintances or even all the subscribers of your friends in a row;

    Then you can move on to following. To do this, open the search on the page and look for all the profiles that match your target audience. At the same time, send friend requests to everyone. Of course, not all, but a fairly significant part of users may respond and add you as a friend. Just don’t forget about the limits and restrictions of the social network, violation of which may result in account blocking and ban;

    Don't forget to talk about your profile. You can do this wherever you can and in any form: you can write a whole blog post about your loved one, you can leave a link to the page in some comment on Instagram or another social network. The main thing is for users to know about the existence of such a page. It’s not a sin to leave a link in the signature of a message sent from the mail;

    Also always take advantage of competitions. This is an extremely effective way to attract new audiences. If you have a souvenir from Aliexpress or any other funny little thing lying around, you can offer it as a prize. And the conditions of the competition can be very simple: like (inexpensive prices for likes on FaceBook are available here), subscribe to the page, repost, etc. - whatever your heart desires.

Here are the most effective options for getting friends on Facebook for free, and most importantly, without any outside help- only on your own. This will make you feel like a real guru social marketing. Just, of course, don’t forget about the content - you need to not only add users, but also retain them.

How can Facebook friends benefit your account?

We have already said above that friends help develop a Facebook page. That is why users are so eager to collect the maximum number of them. However, not everyone understands what specific benefits it can bring. big number accounts in the friends list, namely: what will happen after this list appears. And these questions concern many, since even in the media you can see and hear discussions about “dependence” on resources on social networks, or rather on their quantity. Therefore, we will try to explain what adding Facebook friends to your page will bring:

    First of all, all your friends are your audience, viewers, listeners, readers. It is for this audience that you create your content and try to offer something. Therefore, the more friends you have, the more people you can advertise something or convey some idea to;

    But on your friends list, the circle of audiences to whom you can offer something is not at all limited. The fact is that every friend who follows you can repost a post that is important to you, thereby sharing this news with their friends and subscribers. Consequently, information can spread simply exponentially;

    Friends can be subscribed not only to personal profile, but they can also become an audience for your community. To do this, simply send invitations to your entire contact list. Wherein, this method will be safer than if you used cheating methods;

    With the help of friends, you can develop your project not only within the network, but also outside it and in the offline world. Invite your subscribers to take part in various events that you can organize. The majority of truly interested people will definitely respond to your proposal;

    By adding users as friends, rather than leaving them as subscribers, you thereby increase their trust in you. This happens because, despite the fact that there are no friends on social networks as such, users still like to think that you have allowed them into your personal environment;

    If you do not maintain a profile on your own behalf or simply do not expose any personal data, having collected a large number of friends on it, you can sell the account, and for good money. Many users make money this way on this social network by selling promoted accounts, first gaining subscribers on Facebook, and after the promotion takes place, they put ready-made accounts up for sale.

Here is a short list of how friends can benefit your profile. As you can see, all your business with their increase can easily go uphill. This is why many people prefer to make Facebook friends, because this way the development process can significantly speed up.

How to choose a service for making friends on your Facebook profile

As we found out, the most effective way adding friends to a page means acquiring them on commercial sites and services. This way you can not only speed up the development of your profile, but also without spending much effort. However, it is worth remembering that any purchases on the Internet may be accompanied by certain risks. Thus, it is no secret that along with cyber technologies, cyber fraud is also developing rapidly. Therefore, very often users may encounter the fact that the service accepts payment, but does not fulfill the order itself or does it in a low-quality manner. Therefore, you need to know how you can make friends on Facebook for a fee, so as not to fall for the tricks of scammers. To do this, we tried to select a number simple rules choosing the service you are going to cooperate with:

    You need to choose only proven services. If you have not dealt with such services before, then you should pay attention to the opinion real clients these organizations. You can find various kinds of reviews about the work of a particular company on social platforms, in discussions;

    Also make sure that it is not difficult for you to get to any page of the site and perform any action there. If you are asked to register or log in through a social network account, you should look for Alternative option this service. The fact is that by leaving personal data, you risk getting into various unpleasant situations associated with cheating. So, they can send messages from your account or use it to cheat third parties, which will negatively affect the profile itself;

    If you easily get to the page with posted services and price lists, find exactly the option that suits you. To do this, you should carefully read the description of a particular service chosen;

    You should also be sure to read the site agreement or the rules for working on it. Many details and nuances of cheating are described here, including the requirements for clients to successful implementation order;

    We also advise you to find a separate clause in the contract or on the website itself with the guarantees that the service is ready to kindly provide to its clients, such as our website. If you do not find such information on the website, please contact technical support. You should not blindly trust a service that itself is not confident in its work;

    Having responsive technical support on the site is also very important point. The fact is that these service employees will be able to help you in any difficult situation. In the event of a lack of literacy and qualified assistance, You risk being left alone with the problem;

    Pay attention to which payment organizations the selected site works with. Typically, large services cooperate with large, well-known systems that carefully check the owner of a given project and can guarantee the protection of your payments;

    Well, the last decisive factor for you is checking the site. To do this, you will need to purchase a small amount of the resource and check it for compliance with your requirements and criteria. This is the only way you can understand how well the selected resource and its quality correspond to the set price, as well as your preferences.

Here are some tips to help you choose reliable service, with the help of which you can already make friends on Facebook for a fee, but at the same time safely and without risks. Therefore, try to carefully approach your choice, since quite a large part of the success of the entire process will depend on this.

How to make friends on Facebook without blocking and other risks

Although you will find a truly reliable and quality service By cheating, this does not mean at all that you will get rid of any risks associated with this process. The fact is that a properly selected website is only part of success. Some actions are required from you. This is due to the fact that not a single social network perceives an artificial increase in counters as a normal process. So, for Facebook, this is tantamount to a gross violation of the rules of operation in this network. Accordingly, having suspected you of such illegal actions, the social network has the right (and will definitely do so) to block your account. To prevent this situation from happening to you, you need to know how you can make friends on Facebook without attracting attention and as safely as possible:

    First, you need to make sure that your profile is really suitable for cheating. This means that the page must contain all necessary information, a cover and avatar should be set, and a sufficient number of posts should be posted;

    In addition to all the above points, it is necessary to ensure that the profile is alive. That is, posts should be published regularly, and likes, comments and reposts should appear under them. All this is necessary so that the Facebook system does not mistake you for a bot, which also violates the rules. In this case, a ban will inevitably follow;

    Also try to get more friends on the page and independent actions. If the page is empty, this will also attract the attention of filters. Therefore, you can use the tips on how to make friends on Facebook for free, which we have already talked about above;

    As we said earlier, it is imperative to find exactly the service that not only suits your criteria and requests, but also can do its job safely. Be sure to contact technical support and ask about the guarantees that can be provided to you;

    Before you start working with any organization, be sure to test their work. To do this, you need to order a small amount of the resource and evaluate the form in which it will arrive on your profile. It is better to make do with small sacrifices;

    Also, do not require us to provide you with the entire ordered volume immediately after placing your order. Remember, the promotion should not be fast, otherwise it will look extremely unnatural;

    Always try to acquire a resource little by little. The principle applies here: less is better, but more often. This also affects the natural course of the process;

    Try to plan out the entire process of increasing the number of friends on your profile. This is the only way you can understand when to pause the promotion and when to resume it again.

    Try not to combine various spam actions with cheating. The fact is that this can only worsen the result. You can use such methods of making friends on Facebook for free and quickly, such as creating competitions or online events, adding familiar and recommended profiles. Anything else can also attract attention;

  1. Use this article about promoting your Facebook pages yourself.

These are the recommendations you can follow in order to avoid getting into any unpleasant situation. Always try to make friends on Facebook as carefully as possible, without raising unnecessary questions either from the social network or from your own friends and subscribers.

Pros and cons of paid and free friends on Facebook

We have already looked at two completely different options how you can get Facebook friends to your page: these are paid and free methods. At the same time, you can choose them at your own discretion, either by combining and combining them together, or using separately the one that best suits your situation. However, before making a final decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons. And for this you need to know how positive sides any process, as well as its negative ones. Accordingly, you should determine all the pros and cons of making friends on Facebook for free and paid.

Free option. Pros:

    You do not have to invest any money in implementing these methods. And if you want to hold any paid event, then only at your own request;

    You do not depend on any technical reasons and are able to independently choose any methods of attracting friends that seem most effective and efficient to you;

    Constantly working with social network, You will learn to understand it - to see all the limitations, and also to identify additional features, helping you develop your account;

    You will likely make many useful contacts as you will often collaborate with other users. This can always help you get more friends on Facebook for free and quickly in the future;

    You will also gain extensive experience in implementing this process. Many users then begin to offer their services to other, less developed pages and make good money from it.


    You will have to spend almost all of your free time, working with a social network. Each time you will have to find new opportunities to attract users;

    Once you start working with Facebook, you will learn that even in free promotion there are very few inexpensive methods, everything else will one way or another require investments and not always small ones;

    You will not have clear control over the situation, so you will not be able to plan the promotion process in detail. At the same time, the resource will come extremely heterogeneously. Some days no one will subscribe to you, and at some point a large number of people may come at once. And this is also not very safe, since such actions look unnatural;

    One way or another, you will have to work with spam. Without this, the question of how to make friends on Facebook for free will simply not be resolved. And this adds risks and the development process becomes unsafe. Each time you perform such actions, you can get your account blocked;

    If you are a supporter various programs, speeding up the process of recruiting a new audience, this can also lead you to an unpleasant situation. As you know, most developers of high-quality software try to make money on this, charging for their programs accordingly. With free installations, you can additionally receive an unpleasant virus that will disrupt all your promotion plans.

Paid option. Pros:

    Surely the main positive feature of making friends on Facebook for a fee is high speed obtaining results. Even if you deliberately stretch out the process, you will still get the required number of accounts faster than if you work independently;

    You are in complete control of the process of getting a new audience. At the same time, you always have the opportunity to pause the promotion or continue its implementation;

    You can immediately order all the missing 4-5 thousand friends and be sure that you will certainly receive them in full, regardless of the portions in which they come to your profile;

    In addition, you are not at all limited in volume and can order as many resources as you need. Moreover, the Facebook limit of 5,000 friends doesn’t even matter here. If you order a larger number, extra accounts they will simply remain as your subscribers;

    You have the right to choose those criteria and additional functions, when ordering, as deemed necessary. This could be, for example, audience targeting or type of accounts ( quality pages or bots);

    You won't have to engage in any spam activities unless you choose to choose them like additional ways increasing the number of friends. Accordingly, you no longer risk getting blocked for this;

    You won't download or install anything, which means you won't get any viruses on your device.


    There is a possibility of encountering unscrupulous sites and services that will be ordinary scammers. In this case, you may lose both the invested funds and the entire account, putting it at risk of being blocked;

    Social networks every time develop new filters to detect cheating and, unfortunately, not a single service can cope with this. Therefore, write-offs of wound material become a fairly common occurrence in such a process;

    You get the required amount of audience on your page, but you shouldn’t hope that these will be really active users who repost and like. This is due to the fact that even if these are accounts real people, in any case, they were forced to subscribe to you. Accordingly, you will have to make a lot of effort to interest such an audience.

We tried to list all the main positive and negative nuances, like paid promotion friends on Facebook, and its free version. Thus, all you have to do is compare all the points and choose the option that suits you best and suits your requirements.

How to automatically increase Facebook friends - review

On the Internet you can often find questions about automatic promotion on social networks. Indeed, such a concept exists, so many users are interested in knowing what it means. And this is nothing more than adding resources using services, that is, through automatic programs. Accordingly, as you probably already understood, there is a free and paid options such a process. And if oh paid method We've already talked enough, what can we say about alternative method? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Free automatic promotion Facebook friends is an increase in the required counter on various kinds of free services. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how this process:

    First, you need to choose the service that suits your criteria and parameters;

    After you get to the page with a choice of services, you will need to study the site as carefully as possible: what it offers, what sections exist in it and what you can do at this stage;

    Most likely, you will have an empty balance. Accordingly, in order to replenish it, you will need to complete a certain number of tasks, for which you will be awarded points or bonuses. To do this, go to the appropriate section of the site;

    After you complete a few simple micro-tasks and receive payment for them, you can return to the checkout page and compose it according to your wishes. At the same time, do not forget to indicate the price for completing your task. The higher the cost you set, the faster your order will be completed, but for this you will need to try yourself;

    After you have placed the order, you will only need to wait for the treasured counter to be replenished.

And now it’s worth talking about how profitable and safe this kind of automatic winding up of Facebook friends is. The fact is that we deliberately did not mention this process in the free options, since we strongly do not recommend using it. And this is due to the fact that this option cheating is a very tedious and truly dangerous process.

Let's start with the fact that one way or another you will have to provide the service with your account information. And this threatens with many consequences. For example, it often turns out that your profile also takes part in recruiting other subscribers. As a result, you find yourself extra subscriptions and other actions that were clearly not committed. In addition, such unnatural activity can be observed not only by you, but also by social network filters, which will certainly impose certain sanctions on your account for such a violation of the rules. Accordingly, this may result in the profile being blocked.

And of course, you shouldn’t forget that the more you want to get friends on your page, the more microtasks you will have to complete, and this is far from the most fun activity, although it is not the most difficult. Therefore, you will simply get tired of clicking the mouse.

You, of course, can use this option for cheating, but remember that it is suitable only for beginners who do not want to replenish the counter with a large amount of resources, and the security of your account will be zero.

The main differences between subscribers and friends on Facebook pages

When visiting any sites and services for boosting Facebook, you will probably notice that the service for increasing the audience on a page can be called differently: “getting friends” or “getting subscribers.” You should not be confused by such confusion, because it is still the same service. Thus, we can say that making Facebook friends is the same as increasing the number of subscribers. However, in fact, these two types of resources still differ in the social network itself. Therefore, let's find out what are the similarities and differences between these counters:

    Let’s start with the similarities: both subscribers and friends will be able to easily view all your updates in their feed;

    But the main difference is the limit on the number of accounts in these counters. So, for example, you can add no more than 5,000 people as friends, while there is no limit at all on the number of subscribers;

    You can easily restrict access to your data, both to friends and subscribers;

    If you click on the “Subscribe Idea” button, a link will be automatically generated for you, which you can use to attract more subscribers;

The next step after you create your own community on social media is Facebook networks, there will be its promotion. Getting followers on Facebook is The best way quickly increase your audience required page. In a few days you will be able to reach the TOP of searches by keywords. Facebook is a unique advertising platform that allows you to attract new customers, but this is virtually impossible to do unless you have your own platform with live subscribers. This page lists proven services that provide a unique “cheat” service. Facebook subscribers" Good luck with your promotion in the largest social network in the world!

Getting Facebook subscribers is real here thanks to the many live subscribers. The site positions itself as a service for free and paid exchange of followers. This way you don’t have to work in the system, but simply place an order and get subscribers.

It’s quite easy to increase your group’s audience; to do this, go to simple registration on the site and create new order. In a few minutes you will get the subscribers you want. The service works quite quickly and has an active audience.

Popular free online exchanger for subscribers to social platform Facebook. Absolutely every participant in the system can create a new task and get several hundred or thousand followers per page in a few days.

After authorization, all users have access to various useful tools Online. First of all, you can find out how to get free Facebook subscribers to your page and evaluate the performance of the service online.

A popular foreign project that offers free boost of subscribers on Facebook. You can attract not only English-speaking, but also Russian-speaking audiences. You can place an order in the Facebook Followers section.

Getting subscribers to a Facebook group is not only the best way to increase traffic, but also effective method promoting the community in the internal search of the social network. High search rankings are the key to success for every group!

There are many methods on the Internet for promoting your own pages and communities. Using cheating Facebook groups you must use all available to you virtual instruments. Currently in open access there is a mass free services for subscriber exchange. We have listed the most popular and proven ones above. Start working with all projects at once, since each of them has its own audience. If you think that Facebook has not yet gained great popularity in RuNet, you are mistaken. Every day the Russian-speaking audience among registered users is growing, which means there is interest in this site not only among full-time users, but also among advertisers, sellers of services and goods, large companies, etc. It is no secret that various international companies prefer to use Facebook as its representative among social networks.

To get started, you need to go to any project and register, you can do this quite quickly using the address Email or your own Facebook account. After gaining access to the service, you will be able to see how many tasks are already in the system, all of them are gradually being processed. You can gain followers on Facebook immediately after registration, there are no restrictions! Jobs are being processed real users in online mode. All sites accept orders around the clock, which means you have the opportunity to get live subscribers within a few minutes after adding an order to the system. Getting Facebook subscribers plays a significant role in promoting a page. When new users subscribe to the community, it begins to gradually rise up in the internal search results website - this in turn guarantees a natural influx of new subscribers.

There are still some disadvantages to working with these services; we cannot say that everything is perfect:

We hope you understand how to get followers on Facebook for free or with investments. Get to work now, no need to waste a minute! Good luck!

Social networks are the whole world, in which people communicate, exchange information, and share their achievements. This is where you can achieve enormous popularity and become the idol of hundreds of thousands of people. To achieve this goal, it is enough to create interesting page on Facebook and start promoting it.

How does it work to get likes on Facebook?

A like on Facebook is a kind of indicator of the mood of users, an opportunity to quickly express their agreement or disagreement with the author of a post. Depending on the number of likes, the post will move around the Internet, attracting the attention of different people. In order for the post to be noticed faster, likes are used on Facebook.

Bosslike has online get likes on Facebook. In order to get the coveted thumbs up, you only need to go through the standard registration procedure and indicate an entry for promotion. This will be enough to get a lot of likes in a short time and make your page popular.

Why do you need to increase Facebook likes?

But even a child understands that boost likes Facebook will lead to the growth of users who are absolutely not interested in the promoted topic; they will not be able to appreciate the quality of the photographs or the fascination of the video files available on the page. Therefore, a completely logical question will be: Why is such a promotion needed?

The point is that the principle of initial course psychology. It is much easier for a person to express his opinion and show interest in a particular subject if other people have already appreciated it. This principle follows a person throughout his entire life, including virtual life.

It will be easier for the user to like a post that has already been liked by several thousand people. Also, new comments will begin to appear under the post, and you will no longer have to use comment cheating.

Cheat facebook like becomes a kind of red rag for the bull, the main thing is that the bullfighter can respond in time to a large influx of users and satisfy their interest or curiosity.

Therefore, when wondering how to get likes on Facebook, you need to simultaneously look for ways to expand the page, to fill it with high-quality content and retain those users who took the bait.

How to get likes on Facebook using the website service?

The main advantage of the site is that it allows you to achieve desired result without investing money. This is very important especially for those new to promotion. No fees and a guarantee of high-quality results are best helpers in this difficult matter.

In addition, we must not forget that the service works online, so the user does not need to install specialized software or perform some other actions.

Now, while searching for an answer to the question of how to get likes, you can immediately go to the Bosslike website and enjoy the results.

Cheating friends on Facebook is a hotly debated topic on the Internet, and there are reasons for this. Facebook counts the best platform, where the promotion of your brand, company, business takes place. This social network is also great for promoting goods and services. The main reason for this is the audience that lives there. As a rule, these are people with good incomes aged 18 to 35 years. Our online service SocLike is ready to help you attract this same audience. Making friends on Facebook will improve rankings and results in internal search engine Facebook when using a particular request. You also need to remember that Facebook became the birth of the era of development of social networks on the Internet, which means that the vector alignment of most people goes precisely in its direction. Russian user did not immediately pay attention to this social network, however, after the realization came, he quickly rushed into battle and set an unimaginable pace of development in Russia. That is why, making friends on Facebook is considered one of the right directions in the development and promotion of one’s own ideas.

Our offers

How to get subscribers through the SocLike service

Every user who has at least once been interested in promotion on social networks has wondered - How to get Facebook subscribers? There is nothing ordinary about this, the main thing is to understand the basic methods and tools used in the work. Many people guess that the methods of cheating on Facebook are not much different from cheating on the social network Vkontakte. And this is not at all surprising, since Vkontakte is a Russian-language copy of Facebook itself, so their development proceeded in an identical vein. In fact, nothing has changed, the same communities, groups, friends, subscribers, likes and reposts - only there are different names for all this. Returning to the question - how to gain subscribers on Facebook, you involuntarily come to the only and correct solution. Everything is quite simple and you don’t need to have a family of brains to use it. Use specialized promotion services as your main promotion tool. You can enjoy the promotion process in just 3 clicks, after your first acquaintance with the SocLike service. You will feel comfortable in every moment, and the rapidly rising counter, the number of likes, friends, participants and reposts will not leave you indifferent. By saving your precious time, you save your nerves, and as a result, prolong your life. This is what happens when you cheat Facebook in our online service SocLike - You extend your life.

Cheat friends and subscribers on Facebook for free

Cheat friends and subscribers on Facebook for free– this is not a myth, but a reality, and this has its pros and cons. But if you still decide that Facebook promotion is within your control “with your own hands,” then have patience, strength and free time.

  • One of the most common methods of cheating is to write a message to your friends and friends of friends, asking them to join you. Develop your original message, without the banal “add as a friend”, with intrigue and interest. This will help to win over the person and not fall under the spam filters that exist on Facebook. Also, before sending a message to a user, read his personal page, in case you ask him to subscribe to a group dedicated to “making money on the Internet,” but in his profile, in black and white, it says “do not offer earnings on the Internet.” Watch, think, analyze and don’t descend to simple spam.
  • Another significant cheating method is installing a special plugin from Facebook on a website or blog. If you run a blog or have your own website, then don’t be lazy and install a specialized widget on it. An attractive frame will appear on the site/blog in which your subscribers will be displayed and a button thanks to which, in one click, a user from the site becomes a member of your group. Learn to convert people who come to your resource into active users of an existing Facebook group.
  • A specific method of cheating on Facebook is considered to be live communication in thematic groups and communities. Enter in search bar key phrases that will relate to the topic of your page or group, select the closest topics for yourself. Study what a particular community is and what topics are discussed. Start communicating with users who are in these groups, comment on posts and publications, ask and answer questions, find a common language with the moderators. Show yourself as an experienced and interesting user with whom it is pleasant to chat on various topics. After some time, when you move from the category of “random passer-by” to the category of “insider”, trust, respect and interest will appear in you, people themselves will begin to be interested in your profile and subscribe to your Facebook page. You yourself will not notice how, having immersed yourself in this process, cheating will become something exciting and positive for you.

We offer free promotion pages on social networks using the services of the online service SOCIAL GAINER. Our list of capabilities includes making friends on Facebook. It's simple, inexpensive and absolutely safe! Making friends on Facebook allows you to quickly achieve popularity and get a relevant tool for developing your own business.

Unique opportunities to realize personal potential

Own page in a social network is an integral attribute of a modern user aged approximately 18 to 35 years. Here we actively correspond with friends, study interesting topics, let's learn about latest news and upcoming events, share photos, achievements, thoughts and plans.

Besides virtual communication, social networks are one of the most popular ways to develop your own business or hobby today. You need to promote your page and have many subscribers. This is where making friends on Facebook will help. Want to try?

Of course, you can gain subscribers yourself, but this will take a significant amount of time and effort. It’s much easier to order more friends on Facebook using our service. In this case, adding subscribers will be quick. This service is inexpensive.

How does it work?

We offer a clearly established system of mutual exchange between users of social networks. For each like you receive a certain number of points, which you can use at any time to promote your page. This applies not only to Facebook, but to other popular social networks: Instagram, VKontakte, Periscope, etc. You can also order points on our website without registering or entering personal data.


We have developed a simple and understandable algorithm that will allow you to achieve a significant increase in the number of friends without extra effort. To do this you need:

Everything is very simple!

We are offering to you:

  • a convenient site structure that will easily help even a beginner understand the procedure;
  • daily bonus when visiting the site - you receive a reward of 10 points for entering our service;
  • instant promotion of live users in as soon as possible;
  • universality of the service - you can choose one of the 5 most popular social networks;
  • answers to any questions you may have while using the resource.

We provide you with a unique and profitable opportunity to gain subscribers completely free of charge. We guarantee excellent results, saving time and money..