How to find a person by phone number - all possible ways. How to find a person’s location by phone number: selecting a recipe

First of all, you should know that the Internet is simply exploding with offers of this kind, a whole army of people wanting to “help” in the search. It is quite natural that numerous flashy websites ask for compensation for providing services, most often through paid SMS. Don’t be fooled by flashy design, claims of police registries, the latest “hacked operator databases,” or even an incredible amount of rave reviews. This is all pure scam. The best option this “service” is the receipt of information that is in open sources and completely free. In the worst case, after sending an SMS, you will be charged an amount much larger than what was stated or even all the money that is on the phone.

How to find a person by phone number for free

Is it possible to find a person by? It is possible, but not always. And you will have to do this yourself, because no one will look for anyone for free. Free sites, of course, exist, but when you enter a phone number, you will receive minimal information: the region where the subscriber is registered, the date of registration and the operator company. It is unlikely that these data will suit anyone. To obtain information about the subscriber, you need to send a request to the operator. Firstly, the service will become a paid service, and secondly, the owner of the SIM card will be notified and information will be released only with his permission.

The easiest free way to find a phone number is through social networks. After all, there are a lot of users of social networks, and therefore the likelihood that the person you are looking for is registered in at least one of them is very high. But to receive information you need to register yourself. Start with the most popular ones, such as Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, etc. Just enter in search bar, and if a person has published personal data on his page, then you will find him.

It is possible to find a person by phone number on special portals like “KtoZvonil”. Almost all numbers are available there, and anyone can leave a review under any subscriber. Publication personal information on such portals - not uncommon, especially in cases of Internet users making claims, accusations of, for example.

It makes sense to search job sites using questionnaires. When filling out a resume, people often provide not only contact information, but also personal information.

Is it possible to get a number from operator databases?

The Internet is flooded with offers to “call the number,” but in 99% of cases such services are fraudulent, and you will be lucky if you don’t pick up viruses when downloading the database. Please note that benefit can only be derived from a database of home telephones, and only if the person has not changed the telephone for a long time. And how many of our contemporaries use the city one? Since it is now impossible to steal databases due to their operation (databases on disks have sunk into oblivion), reliable databases practically do not exist. Only having friends in the special services or among operators can you really get through the number.

If you can’t find a person by phone number for free, then all that remains is paid options. You can pay a hacker to hack the operator database mobile communications, the operator himself so that he can provide you with the information you are interested in, or the special services. Since all these actions will be illegal, the price of the issue will obviously be high. Alternatively, you can contact a detective agency.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that the easiest way to find a person by phone number is to call him on this very number. Maybe you are rejecting in vain this method, because you can make a call, as if dialing a number by mistake, and suddenly you will be able to start a conversation. If you are afraid of being recognized, you can ask for a friend’s “wrong” number. With a little ingenuity and ingenuity, you can achieve your goal much faster and without financial costs.

If you need to find specific person by phone number, there are several enough effective ways do it. There are many illegal ways complete the task.

For example, you can buy it on the radio market or find a phone database on the Internet.

But this method is illegal and you may be persecuted law enforcement. We will not consider such ways to resolve the issue.

Instead, we will find out all the legal and simple methods find out the owner of the telephone.

It is worth saying that they are quite effective and some even allow you to find out the location of the subscriber. It will be interesting!



The reasons why we may be trying to find the owner of a number can be very different.

But if these are threats that you or your loved ones receive, then you should not try to deal with this person on your own. It's better to file a complaint with law enforcement agencies.

Advice: Please provide along with your application voice recordings threats. To do this, record one or more conversations using your phone.

The easiest way is to use one of the applications designed for this. For example, there is "Record phone calls to MP4" , which can be downloaded.

Using it is extremely simple - open the application and select the switch on the right top corner to position "On"

After that everything telephone conversations will be recorded and you can copy them to a flash drive.

After that, take the flash drive and go to the nearest police station, where you can write a statement and wait for the hearing.

The fact is that law enforcement agencies have completely legal access to the above-mentioned telephone databases.

And investigators or other representatives of these authorities can calmly see who owns the phone, find this person at his residence address and/or registration, and come to him to “talk” about the threats.

And if you need to complete the task for some other reason, use one of the methods described below.

Search engines

The most banal and simple way, which literally lies on the surface, is to , or any other search engine and enter the desired number.

The fact is that phone owners one way or another post their numbers on social networks, message boards, forums, various websites, and so on.

Perhaps the person was offering some services or selling a product and posted his number for this.

In the 21st century, the situation is such that almost each of us has at least once “lit up” his number somewhere.

Even if you simply indicated it when registering on some resource, it means that it is already present somewhere and can be found.

So just enter the desired number into the search engine and enjoy the result.

Hint: Enter the phone number without +38 if it is Ukraine and without +7 if it is Russia and so on.

When writing this material, we entered one number and, to everyone’s surprise, we managed to find the owner very quickly - he “spotted” it in one of the groups. As you can see in Figure 2, he entered it when collecting the fan club. Actually, when going to the first search result, I was able to see what kind of user this was. When I went to his page on a social network, I was also able to find out where he lives, what he is interested in, and so on. Everything is extremely simple!

But it happens that using search engines gives nothing. Then you should try to search directly in places where the person could be “exposed.”

Social media

Judging by the search results, users from this country most often post advertisements on this resource. Also, check out the following sites:

  • classifieds.rf;
  • businessmarket.rf.

If you do not agree with the above lists and, be sure to use the search on them.

As for forums, there are quite a lot of them and they are all thematic. It simply doesn’t make sense to search for everyone.

If a search in a regular search engine yields nothing, but you at least have a rough idea of ​​what kind of person you are looking for, you can try to find him on a thematic forum that you think might interest him.

But this method is ineffective.

That's all!

Actually, that's all legal ways the search for a person, that is, the owner of a particular phone number, ends.

Everything there is also paid and the prices are almost the same as

In addition to sites, there are also quite regular rates from various mobile operators, which allow you to track the location of a person.

Today, most people around the world use mobile phones. telephone communication, due to its mass availability and convenience. No less of them use social networks, thanks to which everyone can search for any person registered there.

By opening up the convenience of communication, the social network also allows you to quickly find people if you don't know about them complete information or they are hiding. With only your personal number in hand mobile phone or some combination of mobile phone numbers, you can find an account and contact. This will be much more convenient than sorting through numbers, calling or writing SMS. How to find a person by phone number in in social networks read this article.

A way to find a person by mobile number on VKontakte that has stopped working

The registration process on VK.COM occurs through a mobile phone, which previously provided access to simple way searching for people. Today it stopped working as additional checks were introduced.

First, go to the VK.COM website, log out of your account and click on the link below to go to mobile version website:

Let's say we know a certain number 89225763248 - enter it. If a user with such a mobile phone is registered, the system will allow you to proceed to the next step. This step is to verify the last name specified in the profile. If you know, in addition to the number, the last name, then you can find the account. Without specifying the last name, it is impossible to find a profile in this way - this is the security innovation that blocks access to a simple way to find a person by phone number:

But do not despair, as there are other methods of obtaining the necessary information.

Search news and posts on

It happens that VKontakte users leave their profile public - available for internal and external search, and also indicate personal number mobile phone. The probability of such an outcome is small, but it should be used.

To check this: log into your personal account, go to the profile page and indicate your existing phone number in the search bar:

As a result, we receive a list of news, records and publications that are in one way or another related to the desired numbers. Let's say, after looking through all the information found, we managed to find the necessary information - we rejoice!

If necessary information no (as in our case) - we move on to another way of searching for a person.

We are looking for people through synchronization of device contacts and

To use this method, you need to do a few things: simple steps. However, to perform them on your mobile device The application from must be installed in advance and logged into your account.

To find people through contact synchronization, you need to first create these contacts on your device. To do this, dial the number (89225763248 - our test), save it in phone book devices:

Then launch the application, go to the “Settings” - “Account” section:

And let's go to synchronize contacts:

In the window that appears, select “Contacts only” instead of “Do not sync”:

p.s. After a while, a notification was sent to the mail that among the imported contacts it was possible to find a person with the required mobile phone number:

If you were interested in this topic in a search engine, you saw services offering to find a person by number. But don’t rush to throw money at the monitor: there are probably scammers in front of you. Some scammers even have presentable websites that create the appearance of a search process. But in the end they give out randomly generated coordinates or report a temporary failure.

In general, it is unlikely that anyone other than operators and special services owns the necessary technologies. But there are still some ways to find a person by number.

Using open sources

And if this person is public or on duty has a website or business card on the Internet, then this increases the chances of detection. Moreover, there are sites such as bulletin boards or business directories and other online directories, which may also contain information about the subscriber.

Therefore, it would not be superfluous to simply enter the phone number into a search engine and look at the results. If such a combination is found, then along with it there may be other contact information, including photographs with geotags. Any of this could give away at least the approximate location of the subject.

As part of special operator services

Many operators offer official services by determining the position of one’s own, and less often of other, subscribers. By connecting one of them, you can request the bot via SMS for the coordinates of the person you are interested in and receive them in response messages. Most operators also allow you to track people's movements on a map. mobile applications or web services.

But, of course, the operator will not provide such information without the client’s permission. Therefore, the system finds only those subscribers who consent to this. If the person approves your request, in the future you will be able to receive coordinates without asking. Convenient for finding loved ones and friends, but it will be difficult to find a stranger this way.

Among such services are “Locator” from MTS, “