How the buttons on the keyboard are attached. Do-it-yourself repair of buttons on a laptop keyboard

Quite often, people encounter the problem of a torn button on a laptop. If this problem has overtaken you, do not despair and do not run to buy a new keyboard. The button can be easily repaired.

If the button not only comes off, but also splits, then you will have to throw it away. You can try to glue it together with superglue, but such a design will most likely be short-lived. By contacting the service center, you can purchase a new button. Or try making it yourself: make a mold from plasticine and fill it with epoxy resin, lower the contact into the desired place. You can even out the unevenness of a homemade button using sandpaper. The key is attached to the keyboard using a special rocker (several parts connected by a hinge principle). If the rocker falls off along with the button, disconnect the rocker and carefully replace it. Now insert the protrusions on the rocker into the grooves of the lid. When the ears are in the grooves, lightly press the button and lock it in place.

In the case where a large button (spacebar) comes off, keep in mind that it has a metal stabilizer underneath it, which regulates uniform pressing. This button should be attached a little differently. First, insert the ends of the stabilizer into the holes provided for this. Secure the bottom of the rocker into the grooves. Reinstall the button itself.

The main thing is don’t rush and don’t get upset if something doesn’t work out. First, take a closer look and understand what is attached where, and then start repairing.

The keys on a Dell laptop are some of the most problematic keys you'll encounter. However, most of the problems that arise with them can be corrected at home. Most professional repair methods involve replacing the keyboard entirely, so take a couple of minutes to determine if it can be fixed another way. If your laptop is still under warranty, contact Dell technical support to see if your keyboard can be repaired for free or at a reduced cost.


Drop-down key repair

    Turn off your computer. Also unplug it from the electrical outlet. Repairing your keyboard isn't dangerous, but it's a good idea to always take these precautions before fixing your computer.

    Remove the key. Most keys are easy to release - just give them a little twist and they will release from the latch. If necessary, you can pry up the corners of the key with a flat-head screwdriver.

    Inspect the mounting points on the key. There should be up to four attachment points at the base of the key that secure the keys to the keyboard. Carefully inspect the key for a broken mount. Depending on what you find, move on to one of the steps below.

    • If you're not sure what you're looking at, disconnect the same-sized working key by prying up on the corners with a flat-head screwdriver. Compare the mounts on both keys.
  1. Replace the broken key. If the mounting points are broken, then you will need a new key. Buy a key online. Make sure it matches your laptop model and mounting point locations. To insert a new key, you need to secure one of the key attachment points to the keyboard and then press down on the key until you hear two loud clicks, one on each side of the key.

    • You can also remove a key of the same size that you rarely use and insert it in the place of the faulty key.
  2. Repair the metal bracket on the large keys. Spacebar and key ⇧ Shift are held on the keyboard with a metal bracket. If the bracket comes loose, you will have to reattach it to the small plastic hook on the keyboard. The bracket runs along the bottom edge of the key and is attached to hooks at the left and right ends. After you secure the bracket, press down on the key and check if it continues to wobble.

    Inspect the key for other problems. Keys almost always fall out due to damage to the keycap or metal bracket in the case of large keys. If you are sure that the key is in good condition, read the section on stuck keys.

    Repairing a stuck or non-working key

    1. Turn off your computer and unplug it from the electrical outlet. This will reduce the chance of damage to you and your computer.

      Lift the key with a screwdriver. Use a small flat-head screwdriver to remove the stuck key. Start by lifting each corner of the key. Listen for a clicking sound, which indicates that a key has disengaged from the keyboard. Repeat this with each corner until the key is completely removed from the keyboard. You will hear two clicks.

      • Don't use excessive force. If the key does not release, try lifting another corner.
      • To release large keys, such as the spacebar or shift key, you need to lift them up at the top of the key (the side closest to the laptop screen).
    2. Inspect the key for dirt or debris. Because of them, the key may get stuck. Remove small objects with tweezers. Remove dust and animal hair with compressed air or carefully vacuum the key.

      Wipe up spills. If you spill something on your keyboard, then wipe the spill with a lint-free cloth. Dampen a cloth with a small amount of alcohol and gently wipe the keyboard. Do not replace the keys until the alcohol has completely evaporated and the keyboard is dry.

      Inspect the clamping plate. The clamping plate is often made of white plastic and consists of two thin square pieces attached to each other. They must be firmly attached to the keyboard and to each other. Otherwise, remove the plate by carefully opening its corners with a screwdriver. Read on for detailed instructions on how to replace them.

      Inspect the silicone rubber. This rubber band is located under the key. Make sure it is standing and press it gently with a clean, soft object. If the rubber band sticks to the bottom instead of lifting up, it needs cleaning or replacement.

      • Do not touch it with a dirty or sharp object. This part of the keyboard is very easy to damage.
      • Take a lint-free cloth, dampen it a little with alcohol and wipe the elastic. Rub with extreme care and wait until it dries.
    3. Glue on a new rubber band. Before you start, you should understand that this is quite a risky step and if you apply too much glue, it may ruin the key. For greater reliability, it is better to take the keyboard to a computer workshop and replace it all. If you decide to fix it yourself, do the following:

    Installing the clamping plate

      Inspect the plate for damage. The clamping plate consists of two parts. A large square or U-shaped piece is attached to the base of the keyboard and to the key. The smaller part, with a round hole in the center, attaches to a small groove on the base of the keyboard. The two pieces are held together by two small clips, one on each side of the smaller piece. If one of these parts is missing or broken, order a replacement key or clamp plate for your specific keyboard model. If both parts appear intact, continue to the next step.

      • Before ordering a replacement key, make sure it comes with a clamping plate. These may be specified as "loops".
      • You can also remove the clamping plate from the unused key and install it on the damaged one.
      • On some models, the clamps are separate elements. If they fall out, you can insert them back using tweezers.
    1. Examine the adjacent key. Even on the same keyboard, different clamping plates can be installed in different ways. Disconnect an adjacent key that is the same size as the key you are replacing by lifting it up at the corners. Inspect the operating key clamp plate. This will make it much easier for you to understand what the working clamp plate should look like.

      Insert the larger part into the keyboard. On some laptop models, you will have to squeeze a large part of the plate from the sides to insert it into the slot at the base of the keyboard. Do this before securing the two pieces together. Once you attach the piece to the keyboard, you can lift it up a small height.

      • Only one side of this part is attached to the keyboard.
    2. Insert the smaller part of the plate into the keyboard. Hold the smaller part with the concave side facing down, or feel which side attaches to the groove and hold it upside down. Lower it into the slot on the keyboard and snap the plate into the corresponding slot.

    3. Insert two parts. Locate the two pins on the smaller part of the plate. Gently push them into the larger piece until the two pieces are connected.

      • If you press too hard, you may break the clamping plate.

In this article we will look at the problems that occur with keyboards, their repair and restoration - the complete and currently best service manual on the RuNet is provided. The focus is on repairing and restoring laptop keyboards, but everything described below can easily be applied to desktop keyboards.

Everyone knows that in any electronic device, as a rule, mechanical parts fail. Laptops are no exception - despite the fact that manufacturers around the world are constantly working to improve their reliability (and, consequently, service life), due to the small size of these devices, it is not possible to exclude the influence of various factors leading to the inoperability of certain devices. nodes

One of these risk areas for laptops is the keyboard. The unfortunate keys are subject to unbearable stress every day. Every day, the keyboard is exposed not only to mechanical stress (impacts on the keys during operation), but also dust, crumbs, and dog and cat hair. And under the most unfavorable circumstances, it turns out to be flooded with various kinds of liquids. Naturally, all this makes the life of a laptop keyboard extremely short.


Here are the main symptoms indicating that your laptop keyboard is faulty:

  • the keyboard has changed its color
  • I started typing poorly, some keys don't work
  • after pressing the spacebar or any other key, this key does not return back

In a number of these problems, you can only get by with preventative work, but this is best done in a specialized service center. There are all the necessary tools, fluids and experience for this, because... inappropriate preventative actions can only worsen the current situation and often make the keyboard beyond repair.

The vast majority of laptops use a membrane keyboard. Conductors and contact pads are applied to the polymer film using vacuum deposition or chemical deposition. To increase mechanical strength, the contact pads can additionally be coated with a graphitized layer. Unfortunately, each manufacturer of laptop computers develops its own original topography for the layout of the film keyboard and replacing it from one model to another is impossible.

The main cause of a malfunction in the keyboard is the ingress of various liquids (Coca-Cola and Champagne are the most caustic), resulting in short-circuiting, oxidation or corroding of the conductive paths printed on the films. Cases of broken cable conductors and its breakage during independent attempts to disassemble the computer are still common. Almost any flooded keyboard can be repaired by restoring the damaged tracks with conductive glue.

How is prevention carried out?

First, you need to remove the keyboard. In principle, this procedure cannot be called too complicated. As a rule, to remove the keyboard, the clamps at the top of the keyboard are bent or pressed with a flat screwdriver, after which the top part is lifted, pulled up and away from itself, coming out of the lower grooves. The most important thing is to disconnect the flexible cable from the motherboard connector; it is very easy to damage a thin cable, but it is quite problematic to restore it. As a rule, the keyboard is connected to a flat connector, which consists of a fixed part into which the cable is installed, and a lock-seal plate.

Only after removing the keyboard can you determine the scale of the disaster, and understand whether it can be done simply with preventative measures or whether you will have to carry out repairs, and in the most unfavorable situation, install a new keyboard.

In the case of preventive maintenance, dirt and dust between the keys are first removed. There are special brushes for this, as well as cans of compressed air. Then you can start wiping the keys themselves and giving them their original shine. For this, there are special aerosols and liquids that remove dirt and add shine to plastic without damaging it.

Often crumbs, sugar granules, and food can be found under sticky flasks. It is better to try to remove them with a brush while simultaneously sucking them out with a vacuum cleaner.


Here are a number of typical cases when ordinary preventative maintenance will no longer help and more complex repairs are required.

1. Keys “stick” or are difficult to press

In the case when individual keys “stick” or are poorly pressed, unfortunately, simple prevention is not enough. Such defects occur when moisture gets into the mechanism, which over time mixes with dust and “cements” the moving part of the keyboard. To get rid of dirt, poorly functioning keys are dismantled.

After this, the mechanism is washed in a warm solution of a special cleaning agent. In some cases, it turns out that the silicone “blap” has worn through to holes; it is replaced with another one.

2. Spilled liquid on the laptop keyboard

Perhaps the biggest nuisance that can happen is liquid spilled on a laptop. If this happens, then under no circumstances place the computer on the battery to dry, as this will not help. Firstly, unplug the AC adapter and remove the battery, i.e. completely disconnect the device. And then take the laptop to a specialized service center as quickly as possible. If you are lucky and the liquid does not have time to corrode everything inside, you will get away with second-level preventive work (more serious). Otherwise, you risk having to replace or restore the keyboard, and sometimes even work on repairing the laptop motherboard.

To carry out the second level of prevention, it is necessary to dismantle the keyboard, rinse and dry thoroughly. Next, the film base is carefully removed from the keyboard; as a rule, it consists of several layers of film, onto which very thin current-carrying tracks are applied. It is important to note that when separating one film from another, you cannot tear it, since this will almost certainly tear the sputtered signal tracks. Each film must be washed in cold water and dried thoroughly. This procedure requires not only a lot of time, but also a lot of experience, because... The tracks are very thin and can easily be washed away during the process of working with films. Only after final drying can one assess how badly damaged the current-carrying paths are. If the tracks darkened and gaps appeared in them , then you can try to restore them with a special conductive varnish.

Unfortunately, after carrying out these steps, the keyboard is not always in working condition; this is due both to the composition of the liquids that were poured onto the keyboard and to how quickly the laptop arrived at the service center. If the second level of preventative work does not help, there is only one thing left - replacing the keyboard with a new one.

3. Broken or lost keys

Another problem that laptop owners face is broken or lost keys. In some cases, you can use a “donor” to fix this breakdown. Unfortunately, using “donor” keys is not always possible. This is also due to the fact that keys are broken in different ways, for example, if the mount itself is broken, then nothing can be done except change the keyboard for a new one. It’s the same with the fact that all laptops are different and finding a “donor” with an absolutely identical keyboard is extremely problematic. But meanwhile, such a possibility always remains.

If the “donor” could not be found, or its use is not possible, then there is only one thing left - replacing the keyboard with a new one.

Keyboard recovery

The vast majority of keyboards are made using film technology. Two films on which contact pads and connecting conductors are applied by vacuum deposition. Between them, an insulating gasket is made from the same thin film with holes in the places where the contact pads are located. Under the keys there are rubber washers, which, when you press the button, compress the film sandwich and create electrical contact between certain contact pads. The conductive paths on the films are made of aluminum. When moisture gets in, aluminum oxidizes very quickly and the track breaks. In this case, both individual keys and entire groups of buttons stop working.

If the keyboard is flooded, you must first turn off the computer, disconnect the power and remove the battery. Then we wash the keyboard with cool water (not alcohol!), dry it, put it back and check. When washing, thin films of a flexible printed circuit board should not be rubbed - the conductive traces can easily be completely erased! Drying the keyboard should last at least a day. If, nevertheless, the keyboard partially or completely does not work, you will have to disassemble it and re-draw the rotten tracks. To work, we need conductive paint, glue or varnish. You don’t have to look for this liquid in specialized stores; its analogue for repairing rear window heating filaments can be bought at an auto parts store.

Most modern keyboards can be disassembled starting with the keys. The first step is to make a photocopy or photograph of the keyboard. Herself the key most often consists of two parts: the elevator and the platform keys, but on some keyboards you can add a spring-loaded element here. For removing keys, a dental hook or a tool of a similar shape from engineering kits is best suited. In principle, you can get by with a thin watch screwdriver. The key pad is connected with latches to the elevator; there are three to four connection points in total; it is worth noting that in the case of three there is one, and in the case of four there are two movable connections. The elevator itself is an X-shaped structure, which on the bottom side is attached to the key of the metal base of the keyboard, and on the other side - in the grooves of the platform. We are primarily interested in the fixed connection; it is necessary to insert a hook between these fixed connections into the gap between the platform and the elevator.

On which side are the fixed fasteners located? ? You can already find out by removing at least one key, but most often this is the lower part of the key. It is better to start by lifting one key from one side and then from the opposite side in order to find out which half of the elevator is fixed on the keyboard backing and which is latched into the key grooves. Typically, the keys are removed by prying them off from the top.

In the photographs you can see the elevator in a raised and lowered state. When elevated, the attachment points to the platform are clearly visible (the upper ones are movable, the lower ones are fixed).

We send plastic parts and rubber washers to soak in a bowl of warm water, to which a little washing powder or dishwashing detergent has been added.

Next you need to remove all the elevators. Since everything here is already visible, no difficulties should arise, there are also movable and fixed mounts (in the photo the top one is movable, the bottom ones are fixed), it’s easier and faster to remove, as a rule, from the fixed ones, but there are exceptions. On more or less modern keyboards, elevators have more degrees of freedom; they can not only fold (raise and fall), but also move relative to each other when folded . In this case, it is easier to extend the movable part of the elevator to the maximum (its fastening will go beyond the holding frame) and lift the elevator as a whole, and then release the stationary part from the “vice”.

Having removed all the elevators, it will be possible to remove from the aluminum substrate part of the keyboard with spring-loaded elements, and the polyethylene board with the tracks drawn on them. On fairly old keyboards, the disassembly method may be slightly different; an intermediate stage of removing the plastic edging will be added. In this case, you will need a hair dryer or a soldering iron with adjustable temperature. You need to melt the plastic on the back of the keyboard. When assembling, if possible, then melt the fasteners again to form caps; if not, then drop a quarter of a drop of super-torque or its analogues in the places of fastenings. Such keyboards most often do not have a layer with spring-loaded elements; these elements are made in the form of separate rubber caps.

You cannot use a soldering iron to repair damaged tracks. The film on which they are applied melts at the touch of a heated soldering iron, and to solder aluminum you will have to use a special flux. Therefore, to repair the keyboard, let’s put the soldering iron away and pay a visit to the nearest auto shop. There you will need to purchase an electrically conductive glue brand "Kontaktol" (Kontaktol-Auto, Kontaktol-Radio). This adhesive is used for quick repairs of car rear window heating filaments and for quick tracing of traces on small printed circuit boards. Other adhesives can be used, but they have greater resistance.

Now let's move on to the main part of the keyboard - flexible boards with drawn tracks. There are three polyethylene parts (sometimes 4), two with tracks and one empty to provide clearance. Two parts with tracks are most often connected to each other along one of the edges and form, as it were, one part, this part is simply folded in half (at the fold there are connecting tracks), but there are exceptions, for example, in the photographs there are three separate parts, just there contact pad for connection. As a rule, on old keyboards these three parts are not glued together (there are two or three spot gluing points), but on more or less recent ones this can be a problem. You can’t just disconnect it, just by pulling you can tear off the tracks where they intersect with the glue. Therefore, we arm ourselves with a hairdryer and a scalpel (or a utility knife), and slowly, starting from the corner of the keyboard (when I say keyboard, I mean the polyethylene part) we begin to separate the layers. The glue is most often blue. Don’t forget to warm up the glue well with a hairdryer before dividing any area. Don’t rush - even if you break a track somewhere, it can be restored later, but if a lot of tracks are torn off, restoring them will be a big problem. However, modern keyboards with non-glued layers are often found.

So, the layers are corroded. If you can see the remains of a liquid that was spilled, it is better to rinse this part of the keyboard again and dry it again. If there is obvious corrosion and adhered organic matter, wipe the layers with wet wipes for wiping LCD monitor screens. They are impregnated with a solution of isopropyl alcohol (but not alcohol itself - a very high concentration can corrode the coating) and are good at cleaning all kinds of organic contaminants.

Most often, damaged tracks can be seen with the naked eye, but you should still check them with a tester. Theoretically, all damaged areas need to be redrawn, but this is not always possible (the tracks are too close), and this is not always necessary, on a well-washed and dried keyboard, the corrosion process practically stops . All tracks should have a resistance close to 0 Ohm, most often several Ohms if the points being measured are far apart - not critical, but in theory, the tester should show short circuit . A damaged track may not ring at all or have quite a lot of resistance, in which case it is necessary to lay a track over the rotted one. If the track has rotted right up to the contact pad, then you will have to carefully clean the area directly next to the pad with a scalpel.

Practice has shown that all conductive adhesives differ in the specific linear resistance of the material. The glue introduces a resistance of 0.3 to 0.8 ohms per cm. The less, the better.

We find the damaged conductor. Usually, the metal on the current-carrying path in this place turns black or dissolves completely. Using a pencil eraser, you need to restore the metallic shine to the edges of the damaged area.

If such a damaged area is small, then you can immediately put a small drop of glue on the tip of a match or toothpick to restore the current-carrying path. But it’s better to do everything carefully. Along the damaged track on both sides I stick regular electrical tape. You can also use stationery tape, but it usually sticks strongly to the film and is subsequently more difficult to remove.

The glue is applied in a thin layer on the damaged area, so that the glue covers the undamaged areas of the contact track by 3-5 mm . After pre-drying for a few minutes, a second layer of glue is applied.

The actual drawing process can be seen in the photographs. After the glue dries, be sure to check the resistance. The adjacent paths are restored one by one: first we repair one path, then, after the glue on it has completely dried, we repair the adjacent path.

After finishing drawing and drying of the new tracks (for different adhesives from 15 minutes to 1.5-2 hours), it is worth assembling the polyethylene part, placing it on an aluminum pallet and placing the part with spring-loaded elements on top. In this form, carefully connect it, start the laptop and check whether all the keys work. To check, you can use a regular notepad or a special program Keyboard test.

If all the keys work normally, you can turn off the laptop, disconnect the keyboard and finish assembling it. Perhaps there is one nuance left with the installation of the keys, or more precisely with the key pads. After installing the elevators, platforms are installed; as a rule, the platform must be lowered onto the spring element in the center, and then press the platform strictly vertically down until it clicks.

Note: If after repair, when you turn on the laptop, it beeps and a key gets stuck, while pressing any other button removes the sticking, and all other keys work without problems, then There was some resistance left between some tracks - apparently they hadn't cleaned it well. If when you press one key a different symbol is displayed, then you have a short circuit. Study how the tracks of the key you pressed and the one whose symbol was displayed are connected.

Kontaktol glue in St. Petersburg was found in the following stores:

  1. Mikronika. Novocherkassky, 51. 444-04-88
  2. Radio components. Tramway Ave, 12. 377-17-25
  3. Samodelkin tool. Tipanova, 5. 371-83-17; Slava, 52. 453-03-44.
  4. Electronics Base. Bolshoy Prospekt, P.S., 100, letter A. 337-25-52

Partially used materials

The keyboard of a laptop or desktop computer is one of the most frequently used technical inventions. Write a letter, fill out a form on the website, play a game - for all this it is simply necessary. But the keyboard buttons break due to prolonged use. Can I fix them myself?

You will need

  • - thick needle;
  • - curved paper clip.


  • Inspect the keyboard and determine the cause of the breakdown. Usually, when a button breaks, it simply pops out. It is necessary to consider in detail what exactly is broken at the moment. Pay attention to the principle of attaching the buttons on the keyboard. The base for the button is a small square-lock, which folds out like a clamshell. Places for fastenings are also marked on the base. The button itself has pins that match the size of the base fasteners.
  • Take a thick needle to correct the situation if, when the button breaks, its “clamshell” loses its properties because the frames come off. The task is to connect the two base frames again. Carefully and carefully, measuring the force of movement, insert the fastening pins of one part of the base into the recesses of its other part and fix this position.
  • After that, take a curved paperclip. It is needed so that after fixing the clamshell in the correct position, install the button. Use a paper clip to slightly lift the clamshell and place the button on top in this position. Press lightly until the latch clicks.
  • If a keyboard button “exploded” under your fingers and flew out along with the latch, then you need to disassemble the button. To do this, disconnect the “clamshell” clamp by snapping one end and pulling the other out of the ears.
  • On the keyboard, find three ear mounts for the latch - one larger and two small. Take the clamp and slide it onto the fasteners, starting with the large one. Please note that the lugs are made of aluminum and break easily, after which button repair turns into keyboard repair.
  • After the fastener is hooked onto the large eye, lightly press until it clicks until the other two fasteners click. Then install the top of the button by simply aligning the grooves of the clamshell retainer with the protrusions of the lid.
  • If something happens, you can replace a regular desktop computer by asking a friend or neighbor, but things are much more complicated. Fortunately, in some cases it can be repaired with due diligence and accuracy, as well as with an approximate procedure in mind. Let's look at the most common problem with a keyboard failure, caused by something hitting it.

    Then carefully remove the keyboard from the keyboard and wash it with water, but do not use any cleaning agents to avoid damaging the conductive paths and insulation of the conductors. Next, dry the keyboard, reinstall it and check if it works. It takes a long time to dry: it should lie in a moderately warm place, away from direct sunlight, for about a day. You can speed up drying with a fan. Remember: if there is no moisture on the surface, this does not mean that there is no moisture under the buttons.

    If your keyboard still refuses to work (partially or completely), it can still be repaired. To do this, restore the conductive paths. Computer stores sell special conductive paint. However, if you can't find it anywhere, try your luck at a car dealership by asking if they have a fluid for repairing rear window defroster filaments. This liquid will do just fine.

    Remember the location of the keys by taking a photo of the keyboard or at least writing down the location of all the keys on a sheet of paper. Next, proceed to remove them. This is easily done with a dental hook or a thin watch screwdriver. Next, remove the elevators that are used to attach the keys to them. You will have access to polyethylene boards located on an aluminum track. Conductive tracks are applied to them. If they are glued together, use a hairdryer to heat them up and gently separate them.

    Apply paint to the damaged areas of the conductive paths, then dry the keyboard, then reassemble it by performing the above steps in reverse order and test the keyboard.

    Video on the topic


    Causes of damage and options for how to repair a key on a laptop. The keys on the laptop have little travel, and the keyboard itself is quite thin. How to fix a button on a laptop with your own hands. All laptops are different from each other, but the fastening of the buttons is almost always the same. The key is usually equipped on the reverse side with two pairs of latches and two grooves into which the “ears” of the rocker fit.

    Helpful advice

    Laptop owners can confirm that quite often the keyboard fails - the keys stick or do not work at all. Repairs can cost quite a tidy sum, especially if the warranty period has already expired. However, you can try to repair the keyboard yourself and save money. We will talk about how to repair a laptop keyboard yourself.


    • laptop repair

