How to change marital status in a contact. How to hide marital status on VKontakte from friends

Within the VKontakte social network, you have the opportunity to put the so-called Family status. This allows you to quickly find out what the user's relationship status is. And this worries many participants, believe me.

So, how to put SP in VK?

What is sp

Marital status - this is how this abbreviation stands for. This status can take the following values:

  1. Actively looking- it's time to meet such a user
  2. Everything is complicated - and who has it easy now?
  3. In love
  4. Not married (not married)
  5. Dating
  6. Engaged
  7. Married

It's time to decide which of the proposed options is right for you. Now we will put it on our page.

How to put SP on VKontakte

Go to your page, find the link under your profile photo "Edit Page". Click on it.

Have you already decided which status suits you? Now select it from the list "Family status".

Please note the following point. If you set a status that implies a relationship with another person, then another menu item is automatically added. It asks you to indicate the page of your chosen one.

If you wish, you can specify a person, or leave this field empty. When finished, click the "Save" button.

Your marital status information will now be displayed on your profile page.

Install SP from your phone

Here the process is almost the same. In the main menu, click the link “Settings”. Further "Edit Page". And here we establish marital status.

If you want to hide this information and hide it from the block of basic profile data, go to your privacy settings and disable the item from being viewed “Who sees the basic information of my page”.



In contact with

Although, as stated above, this function in VK is quite common; not everyone knows how VKontakte marital status works. This is where the question arises: - how to change marital status in VK, and is there any further opportunity to change it to any other...

What to do if there is no line, marital status?

First, let's look at one small problem that appears mainly among new, newly registered users. This trouble manifests itself in the form of the absence of the joint venture on its page. To solve this, you need to go to the page settings, or rather, to the page editing section.

Then, staying in the “Basic” section, select your gender: the guy is male, and the girl is female, respectively.

After this, the SP will appear in your settings.

How to set or change marital status on VKontakte

Since the VKontakte platform for many users is not only a messenger or a news site, but also a dating site, putting a joint venture on your page can be the only right decision if, for example, a young and pretty girl is constantly tormented by so-called suitors. Another example would be a couple of lovers who do not need the extra attention of the opposite sex.

And so, in order to put a joint venture in VK, you must be on the main page of the site (home) and through the main menu of the site go to the “Editing” section.

Now, remaining in the “Basic” section, find the line “Marital status”. LMB click on this line (by default it is “Not selected”) and select the type of relationship you need.

Important! VKontakte, although a loyal social network, still has some gender restrictions. That is, the options “Dating”, “Engaged”, “Married” or “In a civil marriage” can only be set to the opposite sex.

Na have a boyfriend/girlfriend

If the joint venture says “There is a friend” or “There is a girlfriend,” then this mainly indicates a relationship at the initial stage of development. Or, as an option, such a choice of family status implies a free relationship between partners. That is, nothing serious.

Important! Such a joint venture does not require confirmation from the other half of VKontakte.


I think everything is clear here. Two loving halves decided to start a family and seal their relationship by marriage, which is good not only for those getting married, but also for the country as a whole. That is why their status is now marked married.

Important! If you choose this joint venture option, then you must choose who exactly you are married to. To further display the joint venture on the page, confirmation by the second party is required.

To other

The remaining marital statuses are much more common than those listed above:

Meeting is essentially the same as “Have a boyfriend/girlfriend”, only confirmation by the other party is required and this status implies that the couple is in a serious love relationship.

Engaged/Engaged – this type of joint venture is made by couples who truly love each other and who have been in a relationship for quite a long period of time. Perhaps such couples even live together, but the possibility of marriage in such relationships is not even considered.

Everything is complicated - with such a joint venture, everything is not always clear, perhaps the couple is in a disagreement, or one of the partners decided in this way (changing “Dating” to “Everything is complicated”) to hint to the other half about his resentment.

In active search - this option of marital status is suitable for those VK users who are this moment are not in a relationship at all and thus show that they are ready for new acquaintances.

How to confirm marital status in VK

As soon as you have chosen the marital status “Dating”, “Married”, “Engaged” (in general, any couple joint venture), then you need to inform your significant other about this.

Next, your significant other needs to go to the “Editing” section of your page and, remaining on the “Basic” tab, find the line “Marital status”.

Now she (the other half) just has to choose the same status and indicate you as her partner. Then click “Save”.

Done, now you are the owner of a paired joint venture with your lover/lover.

How to remove or hide VK marital status

But it also happens that you want to hide your marital status in VK, but let’s say not from everyone, but only from unknown users. This is where the question arises: how to remove SP in VK?

To do this, go to the page settings and go to the “Privacy” section. Next in the very first setup menu Click on “Who sees the basic information of my page” and select “Only Me” from the list provided.

Done, in this case the save will be completed automatically.

Important! This will hide information about your joint venture on your page, but when you go to your partner’s website (if she has not gone through the same procedure), all users will see information about her joint venture.

Here the process is almost the same, the only difference is that all actions have to be performed not by pressing the keys of your mouse, but by using your fingers on the touchscreen.

IN general process next: go to “Settings”, then “Edit Page” and change your marital status to the desired one. Confirmation of a paired joint venture is carried out using a similar method.


Well, having studied this article you can easily choose not only the marital status that suits you, but also, if you wish, hide it from prying eyes.

And finally, a little life hack. If you wanted to write your marital status, then you need to go to edit your profile and select the joint venture “In love/in love”, and in the partner selection cell write the following values:

1 - in Pavel Durov; 13, 66 or 999999999 - in Deleted; 100 - to the Administration; 154170472 - in Football; 142868775 - in Volleyball; 209071016 - My beloved self.

I noticed that many users of the social network VKontakte They ask “How to set marital status on VKontakte?” Of course, I don’t understand why they have this problem this problem, because everything is very simple there. But if a problem appears, it is my responsibility to fix it! In this article I will not talk about the secrets of Vkontakte with the help of which you can edit your marital status. I’ll just tell you and show you how to make your marital status in VKontakte!

Marital status VKontakte

Next you will be taken to the information editing page. Find the term “Marital status:” and select the one you need. When you decide on your marital status, choose your soulmate below. The information will not change immediately; you will have to wait until your significant other does the same.

What to do if there is no line, marital status?

It is necessary to select the gender in the line, male or female. When you do this, a marital status line will appear.

How to hide marital status in VK?

To hide your marital status, go to Settings > Privacy. And in the section: " Who sees the main information of my page» select those people to whom you want to show your marital status. You can completely prevent everyone from seeing it if you select the “Only me” option.

VKontakte has a column "Family status", where you can indicate the status of your relationship with the person and generally reflect « degree of freedom» . Let's take a closer look at this opportunity.

How to choose marital status

On home page look for a button under the avatar "Edit" and go to the settings mode for the most basic data of your account. Under the gender selection field, there is an opportunity to change your marital status by choosing one of the options:

  • not selected - leave it as is and this item will not be displayed
  • not married (not married)
  • dating
  • engaged
  • married)
  • in love
  • it's Complicated
  • Actively looking
  • in a civil marriage

For the dating options, you can choose with whom, engaged - the groom or the bride, married - respectively the wife or husband, in love - with whom, everything is complicated - the partner with whom you have a strained and unclear relationship. As we can see, the choice is not small, there are many opportunities to express your range of feelings and life status. There is also interesting features, when choosing a partner with whom you want to associate the status, for being in love, you can choose any person, just indicate a link to him and that’s it.

For other points where the choice of a partner is implied, the user you indicated must confirm on his page the fact of your relationship. And you can only choose from friends, so make sure you have a future partner in your friends list and if not, add him.

How to hide marital status on VKontakte

There are two ways. You don’t have to select your marital status, that is, we go back to the main page settings mode and select in the column "Family status" paragraph « Not chosen » . Don't forget to press the button "Save". After refreshing the page, you will see that all relationship statuses are missing.

The second method involves working with privacy settings. Please note that there is no option in the main menu "Settings". The standard display of all main points looks like this:

Therefore, to go to the data settings, you need to go to the right top corner Click on your name and a drop-down list will appear - it contains exactly what we are looking for:

Click "Settings", select the tab on the right "Privacy" and adjust the display parameters of your page.

In order to hide marital status, use any of the above methods, there are no other options.

VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Newbies to the site sometimes have various questions. For example, what does SP mean? Or how to change it?

What does SP mean on VKontakte?

SP is the user’s marital status, which he can choose to report or not report. Using this option, you can identify yourself as a person in a relationship, married, indicating the name of your partner. You can also say that there is no relationship, but the person is in search of a soul mate.

Possible options SP:

  • Single/not married;
  • Dating – you can also indicate with whom exactly you are in a relationship;
  • Engaged/Engaged – similarly, a partner can be specified if desired;
  • Married – allows you not only to indicate that a person is married, but also to indicate the name of the spouse;
  • In love / in love - allows you to express your feelings for a certain person, or is used without indicating the name of the beloved;
  • Everything is complicated - means that a person has a difficult relationship (you can indicate the name of the partner) with some person, or the relationship does not work out;
  • In active search - indicates that the user is open to a relationship.
  • Previously there was an option I have a girlfriend/have a friend, but today it does not exist.
  • VK also allows you to hide your marital status from unwanted visitors to your account using privacy settings.
  • How to change marital status in VK?

    In order to change the SP in VKontakte, you need to click on Edit page - this menu item is located immediately below the avatar (under the main profile photo). Information about the user from top to bottom will appear before your eyes: First name, Last name (optional Maiden name), Gender, Marital status, etc. After clicking on Marital status, a list appears, from which follows the one that the user wants to set. Next, if the appropriate SP has been selected, you can select a friend with whom the user is in a relationship a little lower. After this person takes a similar action, the joint venture will appear on the page indicating the name of the partner. To confirm the changes, click the Save button at the very bottom.

    For VK users there is also a Help option, after clicking on which the user is taken to a page with frequently asked questions. Next, click Page and then How to change marital status. A link with explanations that appears allows you to proceed to editing the joint venture.

