How to change default browser in Android. WebView - create your own browser Additional installation of a web browser for following internal links

Dear, I am a bca student. I have to do one project for the last semester. So I decided to create a web app that runs on Android OS, but I'm all for this app. So, can anyone help me with this. I have already installed all the necessary tools like jdk, android sdk 3.0, eclipse. But now I have no idea where I should start browser development. So please help me... I only have 2 months for this project. So is this possible in 2 months or not?

It depends on what you mean by browser design...

Developing a browser + rendering engine from scratch is a lot of work, but you can easily create a browser based on Androids WebView using WebViewClient and create a new UI by changing the way the user interacts with the browser.

Webview has all sorts of hooks to intercept browser interactions, so you can easily extend it. For example, you can allow the user to flip pages (eg google fastflip), experiment with 3D by mapping the rendered web page into an OpenGL space (eg sphere browser), etc.

As a starting point, take a look at Alexander Kmetek's blog and his Mosambro project, which extends the Android browser by adding microformat support.

It sounds like a really big project and so you can't just start from scratch and record it. You should make a plan on how you want to implement all the parts, write down class diagrams, etc. If you are a computer science student, you must have heard about this in previous semesters.

First you have to ask yourself if this project is possible As you can see from the comments, most people agree that you should not underestimate this task!

I really suggest you understand the magnitude of this task, here is the Androids browser source code giving you an idea of ​​its complexity.

Creating a basic browser could be done in a day or two for those with Android development experience, just as others have stated that WebView provides almost everything you need to display a web page. There are a few settings for JavaScript and other functions to check and then after labeling the main text field for the URL and the go button, which is pretty much the main web browser.

The real work comes in all the advanced settings. Building a browser that competes with the big boys might be a little difficult for one person in a couple of months, but making something of your own that works is very possible. Try!

To create a complete web browser in Android, you use WebView.

Simple code binding:

WebView wv = (WebView)findViewById(; wv = (WebView) findViewById(; wv.loadUrl("");

We have already begun to fully provide ourselves with personal software; remember our wonderful calculator and converter. And in this lesson we will learn how to create a simple browser with which to surf the Internet. Agree, surfing the web on your own browser is many times more pleasant than doing it on Opera or Chrome (hardly more convenient, but more pleasant :)). We are creating a new project, traditionally choose the names yourself. Personally, I don’t create everything from scratch every time, but simply open what I have and clean up all the code to its original Blank Activity state. Do what is most convenient for you.

So, let us briefly outline the scope and specifics of the subsequent work. We need to create an element , in which everything will happen, write the code that creates our personal Web browser, equip it with basic functions, register permission for our application to use the Internet in the manifest file, and write a hardware button press handler "Back" on the device (that is, what will happen in our browser when we click on this button).

Let's begin. Open the file activity_main.xml. We create one single element there , which is quite enough for us to implement a web browser:

< WebView xmlns: android= "" android: layout_height= "match_parent" android: layout_width= "match_parent" android: id= "@+id/web" />

The layout window will look like this:

After that, let's immediately deal with the file AndroidManifest.xml. Open it and add two lines there, one is permission for the application to use the Internet, the other is changing the style of the application, or rather hiding the “Title” panel of the application (the panel with the application title) in order to provide the browser window with more space for displaying pages .

We write a line for permission to use the Internet before opening tag ...:

< uses- permission android: name= "android.permission.INTERNET" / >

Now let's add to the settings line of our Activity command to hide the header (bottom line in bold, this is also in AndroidManifest.xml):

< activity android: name= ".MainActivity" android: label= android: theme= "@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar" >

Now let's move on to the most important and responsible part of the work - writing java code. Open the file and write the following (explanations are given in the code after the // signs, for those who didn’t notice):

package home.myapplication ; import ; import ; import android.content.ContentValues ​​; import android.content.Intent ; import android.database.Cursor ; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import; import android.os.Bundle ; import android.util.Log ; import android.view.KeyEvent ; import android.view.Menu ; import android.view.MenuItem ; import android.view.View ; import android.webkit.WebView ; import android.webkit.WebViewClient ; import android.widget.Button ; import android.widget.EditText ; import android.widget.RadioButton ; import android.widget.TextView ; public class MainActivity extends Activity ( // Declare a variable of type WebView private WebView mWeb; // Create a class of type Web browser (WebViewClient), which we configure // by default permission to process all links within this class, // without resorting to third-party programs: private class WebViewer extends WebViewClient ( (WebView view , String url ) ( view. loadUrl(url); return true ; ) ) public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState ) ( super. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R . layout. activity_main); // Bind the declared WebView type variable to the one we created // to the WebView element in the activity_main.xml file: mWeb= (WebView )findViewById(R . id. web); // We enable support for Java scripts for this element: mWeb. getSettings(). setJavaScriptEnabled(true); // Set up a page that will load on startup, you can enter any: mWeb. loadUrl( ""); // Set up a browser for our WebView element, connect the one we created above // Web client with which pages will be viewed: mWeb. setWebViewClient(new WebViewer()); ) // We write code for processing the click of the back button on the device, which will allow us to press // use the "Back" button to go to the previous page, rather than just closing applications. // It will be closed with the "Back" button only if we are on the start page // the page indicated above:@Override public void onBackPressed() ( if (mWeb. canGoBack()) ( mWeb. goBack();) else ( super. onBackPressed(); ) ) )

That's all! In fact, everything is quite simple and after some work we have our own browser, of course it is quite simple and does not have any options, but this is quite enough to understand the essence of creating such applications.

Android allows you to create your own window for viewing web pages or even create your own clone of the browser using the element. The element itself uses the WebKit engine and has many properties and methods. We will limit ourselves to a basic example of creating an application with which we can view pages on the Internet. The latest versions use the Chromium engine, but there is not much difference in this for simple tasks.

Let's create a new project MyBrowser and immediately replace the code in the markup file res/layout/activity_main.xml:

Now let's open the activity file and declare the component, and also initialize it - enable JavaScript support and specify the page to load.

Private WebView webView; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) ( super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); webView = findViewById(; // enable JavaScript support webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true) ; // specify the download page webView.loadUrl("http://site/android"); )

Since the application will use the Internet, you must set Internet access permission in the manifest file.

There in the manifest we modify the line for the screen by removing the title from our application (in bold):


Let's launch the application. We now have a simple web page viewer at our disposal, but with one drawback. If you click on any link, your default browser will automatically launch and the new page will be displayed there. More precisely, it was like that before. On new devices, when you launch the application, the browser immediately opens.

To solve this problem and open links in your program, you need to override the class WebViewClient and let our application handle the links. Let's add a nested class in the code:

Private class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient ( @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.N) @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, WebResourceRequest request) ( view.loadUrl(request.getUrl().toString()); return true; ) // For old devices @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) ( view.loadUrl(url); return true; ) )

Then in the method onCreate() let's define an instance MyWebViewClient. It can be located anywhere after the object is initialized:

WebView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());

Now in our application created WebViewClient, which allows any specified URL selected in to be loaded into the container itself, rather than having to launch the browser. The method is responsible for this functionality, in which we specify the current and desired URL. Return value true means that we do not need to launch a third-party browser, but will independently download the content from the link. In version API 24, an overloaded version of the method was added, please take this into account.

Re-launch the program and make sure that the links are now loaded in the application itself. But now another problem has arisen. We can't go back to the previous page. If we press the BACK button on our device, we will simply close our application. To solve the new problem, we need to handle pressing the BACK button. Add a new method:

@Override public void onBackPressed() ( if(webView.canGoBack()) ( webView.goBack(); ) else ( super.onBackPressed(); ) )

We need to check what supports navigation to the previous page. If the condition is true then the method is called goBack(), which takes us one step back to the previous page. If there are several such pages, then we can sequentially return to the very first page. In this case, the method will always return the value true. When we return to the very first page from which we began our journey on the Internet, the value will return false and pressing the BACK button will be processed by the system itself, which will close the application screen.

Launch the application again. You now have your own web browser, allowing you to follow links and return to the previous page. After studying the documentation, you can equip the application with other tasty goodies for your browser.

If you need some of the links leading to your site to be opened in the browser, and local links to be opened in the application, then use a condition with different return values.

Public class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient ( @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) ( if(Uri.parse(url).getHost()..ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); view.getContext().startActivity (intent); return true; ) )

A universal method that will open all local links in the application, the rest in the browser (we change one line):

Public class MyAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient ( @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) ( if(Uri.parse(url).getHost().length() == 0)( return false; ) Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); view.getContext().startActivity(intent); return true; ) )

Now let’s complicate the example a little so that the user has an alternative to standard browsers.

To make it clearer, let's rearrange the example as follows. Create two activities. On the first activity, place a button to go to the second activity, and on the second activity, place a component.

In the manifest we specify a filter for the second activity.

Code for the button to go to the second activity.

Public void onClick(View view) ( Intent intent = new Intent("ru.alexanderklimov.Browser"); intent.setData(Uri.parse("http://site/android/")); startActivity(intent); )

We created our own intent with a filter and provided data - the website address.

The second activity should receive data:

Package ru.alexanderklimov.testapplication; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.webkit.WebViewClient; public class SecondActivity extends AppCompatActivity ( @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) ( super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_second); Uri url = getIntent().getData(); WebView webView = findViewById(; webView.setWebViewClient(new Callback()); webView.loadUrl(url.toString()); ) private class Callback extends WebViewClient ( @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading (WebView view, String url) ( return(false); ) ) )

In the filter for the second activity, we specified two actions.

This means that any activity (read: application) can trigger your mini-browser activity in the same way. Launch any old project in the studio in a separate window or create a new one and add a button to it and write the same code that we used to click the button.

Launch the second application (the first application can be closed) and click on the button. You will not start the first application with the start screen, but immediately the second activity with a mini-browser. This way, any application can launch a browser without knowing the class name of your activity, but using only the string "ru.alexanderklimov.Browser", transmitted to Intent. In this case, your browser activity should have a default category and data. Let me remind you:

You can represent your string as a string constant and tell all potential users of your browser how they can run it for themselves. But Android already has such a ready-made constant ACTION_VIEW, which according to the documentation is the following:

Public static final java.lang.String ACTION_VIEW = "android.intent.action.VIEW";

Let's rewrite the code for the button in the second application

Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://site/android/")); startActivity(intent);

What will happen this time? We remember that we have two actions prescribed, including android.intent.action.VIEW. This means that our first application with a browser must also recognize this command when some user application uses this code. The emulator has at least one such “Browser” program, and now our second activity from the first application has been added to it. A choice of two applications will appear on the screen.

And if you delete all alternative browsers and leave only your program, then there will be no choice. Your browser will become the main one. And if some application wants to launch a web page in the specified way, then your program will open.

A small note. If you replace the last line with this:

StartActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Meow..."));

Then in the program selection window, instead of the top line “Open with” or its local translation, your line will appear. But this is not the main thing. If for some reason there is not a single browser on the device, then this version of the code will not cause the application to crash, unlike the original version. Therefore, use the proposed option for the sake of reliability.

Standard browsers on Android devices often do not meet the everyday needs of demanding users. There are a lot of high-quality and functional Internet browsers on this operating system. We have collected the best browsers for Android in this article.

Firefox rightfully bears the title of one of the best mobile browsers on Android. Over the years of presence on this operating system, Mozilla's development has acquired a lot of functions and received an improved modern interface. Firefox for Android is a balance of functionality, convenience and speed of use. The mobile browser from Mozilla is inferior in speed to the same Google Chrome, but many of the features of Firefox are made much more pleasant and convenient.

Firefox's own Gecko engine supports almost all modern web standards, and there are also extensions for it with additional functionality, just like in the desktop version of the browser. Among the main functions of Fiefox: synchronization of all data between browsers using a special account, safe surfing, convenient start panel, a lot of extensions, reading mode.

The most popular browser not only on computers, but also on mobile devices is Google Chrome. Not surprising, since it is almost always pre-installed on the most popular mobile OS. Chrome has deservedly gained its popularity - it is fast, relatively functional, simple and convenient, and it is also well integrated with Google services and the desktop version of the browser (there is full synchronization of data and tabs). Integration with Google services can sometimes be useful, for example, translating text on pages using Google Translate or voice search.

Chrome also takes care of user safety - the browser has a built-in filter for sites that may be dangerous for Android devices. There is some kind of data compression technology. It is not as perfect as Opera's, but it still saves a lot of data transmitted both over Wi-Fi and the mobile Internet. There is an incognito mode for anonymously visiting sites. Perhaps the only drawback of Chrome at the moment is the lack of extension support. For those who want to try all the new features first, there's Chrome Beta and Dev. These browser versions are updated faster and more often - all innovations are tested in them.

Mobile browsers from the Norwegian company Opera are also one of the most popular, functional and fastest growing on the Android platform. Over the many years of their work, these guys have definitely been able to come up with a formula for an almost perfect Internet browser for smartphones and tablets. Opera has almost everything that an ordinary user needs: fast surfing, a convenient classic express panel, data synchronization with the desktop version, anonymous mode, convenient search with hints from the address panel, and one of the main features is traffic compression.

The guys from Opera have done their best with traffic saving technologies. Mobile Opera with Turbo mode activated can reduce mobile Internet costs by two or even three times. For those for whom traffic consumption is especially important, there is Opera Mini - in it, saving is enabled by default, but this sometimes affects the appearance of sites. Also, the mini version is much lighter and faster than regular Opera. Another strong point of the browser of the same name is its beautiful and pleasant appearance. Opera has always been famous for having one of the most stylish interfaces in browsers. If you want to compress all traffic on your device, then pay attention to the application.

Dolphin is an alternative browser for Android with a lot of additional features and functionality out of the box. Among these, it is worth noting support for Adobe Flash, which almost everyone has abandoned, but is still used in many places, the use of various themes to change the interface, support for unique add-ons, and control of convenient and simple gestures. All this is available immediately - no additional settings. Dolphin is also fast, secure, free and always up-to-date - the developers release browser updates almost every week.

Puffin is a mobile web browser that is similar in concept to Dolphin. Here, too, there is a beautiful and convenient interface, there are many possibilities, and Puffin is as fast as the “dolphin”. Basically, the Puffin browser is suitable for weak devices, since it provides a special technology for “lightweight” web surfing - pages are first uploaded to the Puffin cloud service, optimized there and then appear in a lightweight form on the device’s screen. At the same time, the quality and appearance of the pages practically do not suffer from broken layout or reduced quality.

Also worth noting in Puffin are a number of additional features:

  • full Adobe Flash support for games (virtual joystick on the screen);
  • traffic encryption via cloud service;
  • mouse emulation;
  • the ability to upload files first to the cloud and then to the device;
  • installing extensions;
  • interface themes.
The Puffin browser is an excellent choice for weak devices, but the functionality in this Internet browser is not limited.

The Russian company Yandex has succeeded in creating its own browser for Android mobile devices. Yandex.Browser for this platform is an excellent solution for users from the CIS. This Internet browser is absolutely imbued with integration with the services of Yandex itself and other local social networks/portals. For example, the search bar in the browser suggests the necessary sites and understands queries perfectly, and inside the application you can also view information about the weather and traffic jams.

Good day!

It just so happened that having written a review of one browser and comparing it with others, I wanted to write more about each of them, because each of them is good for something specific (although, it would seem, what could be more specific than web surfing ☺) . One browser has an excellent, clear interface, but it takes a long time to load, another uses a lot of energy and often crashes, but it is convenient to work with a large number of tabs, and the third is perfect for quickly viewing a link of interest. You don't have to choose. Download all the ones you like. As for synchronizing bookmarks, this is not a problem; I will describe in detail several ways how they can be saved for all browsers at the same time. And if you don’t like the interface of any of the browsers (which, given the number of them, is unlikely ☺) - create your own. Just create your own browser!!! This opportunity is provided by the browser I marked in the list as my favorite.

To make the description of the programs useful, I will write in two sections:

  • description of the program: how to save and sort notes, speed up loading, customize the appearance and necessary functions using themes and settings, and little things that distinguish the browser from others;
  • personal experience of use: what I like about this browser and what shortcomings I found.

    If the first is useful after downloading the program to make it easier to understand the controls, then the latter will just help you decide whether it’s worth downloading at all.

    Please note: Browsers were used on a Sony Xperia Tablet S. Other devices may have different speeds and specifications. But according to observations, the interface and functions remain the same.

    I have 12 browsers on my tablet. If we exclude the standard Android browser and Google Chrome, exactly ten remain:

  • UC Browser;
  • Boat Browser (standard);
  • Boat Mini;
  • Opera Mini;
  • Opera Mobile;
  • UltraLight Browser;
  • One Browser;
  • Firefox;
  • Maxthon;
  • Maxthon HD (my favorite).

    1. UC Browser


    The appearance of the program is minimalistic and is intended more for smartphones.

    By default it works in portrait mode. Theme installation is not supported. The maximum number of downloads is limited to 5... However, if you make the settings, the browser can be well adapted for other devices. The menu is quite convenient, and it’s easy to figure out!

    This browser displays pages that are often used very unusually, for example Yandex:

    Thanks to this, the page loads in a matter of seconds.


    Tabs don't take up the top of the screen; To see open pages, you need to click on the button at the bottom of the screen:


    To add a bookmark, just click on the yellow star (it seems to me that this star is the same in all browsers ☺).

    You can choose to save any previously created folder or save it to the root and then sort it at your leisure. It’s very nice that you can send a bookmark directly to your desktop.

    Pleasant trifles

    Landscape mode controls are very unusual! You've probably never made such gestures before. To close the current tab, you need to touch with two fingers and... just swipe down. And to open a new tab, vice versa, up.

    My opinion

    Overall a great, fast browser that's hard to compare to anything else. Despite the fact that the first impression is not always good, as it was for me due to the large elements. But the interface can be changed almost beyond recognition only with the help of settings. I think this browser undoubtedly deserves attention and some space in the memory of your device.

    2. Boat Browser Mini

    First, a general description and a short instruction manual.

    Appearance of the program

    The program interface is quite simple, but it can hardly be called intuitive. The control buttons for calling up the menu are too small for touch control, although you can get used to it.

    But the screen is not cluttered and it’s convenient. There are six buttons, and they are for the most popular actions: saving bookmarks or going to the previous or next page.

    A more advanced menu is hidden behind the rightmost button. When you first launch it, a blank tab appears, which you can later replace with any site by setting it as your home page.

    Unlike most browsers, whose mobile versions do not support the installation of themes, the Boat browser does: all themes are divided into installed and online themes. The first ones can be changed at least every day; they are already installed in the browser, but they are not original. If you want more beautiful solutions, themes can be downloaded from the Play Market completely free of charge.

    But this is in theory. In practice, I was able to download only one theme, and only on the first launch. In other cases, I simply ended up on the main page of the Play Store.


    The browser supports up to eight tabs, which is usually enough. Unlike Chrome, they don't take up the top of the screen and are accessed via a small button at the bottom. Tabs are presented as miniatures of open web pages and are easy to scroll through.


    It’s very nice that bookmarks can be sorted into pre-created folders when adding or changing an existing bookmark.

    Managing bookmarks is intuitive: if you swipe from left to right in the list, you can quickly select several bookmarks,

    from right to left: move them.

    Pleasant trifles

    A very interesting feature that is not found in standard browsers: User Agent.

    It can convince the browser that you are on a home computer or device with a different operating system.

    Often mobile versions of sites are cut down for faster loading and correct display. By default, UA is Android,

    but you can change it with one click. Here's an example of a Google page loaded with different agents:

    Another interesting, but, in my opinion, a little useless feature: night mode. It simply turns the page gray and black, and some posts and pictures simply disappear! But this function can be used to adjust the brightness. To switch to the normal screen, just press the "day mode" button.

    You can take a screenshot (screenshot) directly in your browser in a couple of clicks. In this case, only the program window is removed.

    Personal experience


    Page loading, even on a slow connection, is quite fast. On average, sites load 3-12 seconds faster than in the Android browser, and 4-6 seconds faster than in Chrome. However, for example, UltraLight Browser has much better speed, but does not support tabs.

    When loading several pages at the same time, for example in different tabs, I noticed a decrease in speed by about half, and sometimes even Google took as long as half a minute to load!

    Working with slow internet

    I used the browser for both Wi-Fi and 3G. My operator has a fairly low connection speed during the day, but in these conditions the Boat Mini shows the best speed results, which is why it has become my main assistant in difficult conditions ☺.


    The browser crashes infrequently: in a month of use it froze only once. The response to pressing is always impeccable, although sometimes you can simply miss the button!


    It's all about merit. But, of course, not without drawbacks. I wrote about one of them at the very beginning: small menu buttons. However, they are located far from each other, so it is difficult to miss. But the context menu is not so easy: you can easily add a shortcut instead of saving the page.

    Another drawback is that if you press the “home” button (meaning the standard hardware button of the system), then after returning to the browser all open pages are loaded again. While this usually doesn't happen often, it can be quite annoying if you have a lot of tabs open. However, if you switch between open applications without returning to the desktop, this does not happen.

    It’s also not encouraging that bookmarks cannot be synchronized, so that if you leave a bookmark on your computer (in the Windows version of the browser), you can find it on your tablet and smartphone. However, you can transfer all your bookmarks from the standard Android browser in a matter of seconds. Although for people who actively use several devices, this browser is unlikely to become the main one.

    3. Boat Browser

    Almost the same browser, only without the "mini" prefix in the name and with slight differences in the interface. Here are some screenshots that demonstrate this:

    The tab organization is more reminiscent of Google Chrome than Boat Mini.

    In addition to the usual tabs at the top, there is also a page manager:

    In general, the organization of pages is beyond praise: in addition to tabs and a page manager, you can control it using gestures.

    Gesture control

    Draw directly on the page, although by default it will not be visible, but if the gesture is drawn correctly, you will get where you want.

    If you want to see it when you draw a gesture, just change it in the settings. True, then you will constantly have traces from zoom and scrolling and soon disappear. There are few preset gestures, and they are mainly for managing tabs. Of the sites, only Google and Facebook can be opened using gestures.



    The first big advantage of the program: a user-friendly interface, which in landscape orientation is very different from all the browsers I have ever dealt with. In order to leave a bookmark or see the address bar, just pull the translucent arc at the very top.


    To access the tabs, you need to touch the small circle in the bottom corner and pull up.

    To close an open page, just pull its thumbnail up.

    This control is very convenient when you don’t want to clutter the screen, but if, on the contrary, you want to see all the tabs as usual at the top of the page, you can change the display settings by clicking “restore” or simply rotate the device.

    Pleasant trifles

    The biggest advantage of the browser is cloudiness. This is what the developers say. This is not important for me, but it’s nice to think that all my bookmarks, and even downloads, are safe. Maxthon was the first browser to allow all devices to sync using the cloud. Now, on the contrary, it is more difficult to find a browser without synchronization and this is no longer the most important difference between the browser. Although, unlike other browsers that save only bookmarks and, at best, settings, Maxthon syncs everything. Even downloads are saved in the cloud; you just need to leave the checkbox in the pop-up window before downloading.

    A spoon of tar

    If it weren't for her, the browser would be perfect, but nothing is perfect... The tar here is represented in the form of constant crashes. Well, okay, not so regular, but it still spoils all the joy; it’s especially unpleasant to go into a previously minimized program and find that all the pages have closed, like the browser itself. It flies out not only after folding, but also just like that, for no apparent reason. All open tabs simply disappear, leaving the already boring quick access page. But still, the overall impression of the browser is pleasant, although I didn’t use it to write this review ☺.

    5. Maxthon HD

    A version of the previous browser designed specifically for tablets.

    The interface is a little different from the regular Maxthon browser, and here are some skins for comparison.

    Night mode:

    Adding a bookmark:

    When you first open the browser, you are prompted to register or log in under your name and select a user photo, which will always be displayed in the upper left corner. As you can see, I placed my parrot ☺.

    The site is not just about the browser. If you understand English, it can be a great source of engaging articles. From there you can go to the most popular sites, social networks, online stores and search engines.

    Both Maxthons are great friends with each other: they can be synchronized in the cloud, if you log into each under the same name, bookmarks and history will be the same, and extensions downloaded for one browser will automatically appear in the other.

    For translucent buttons to appear, it is not enough to touch the screen: you need to zoom or scroll, i.e. scroll or enlarge the page. You can quickly scroll through the page both using the interface itself and using the volume buttons.

    The functions and capabilities are the same as in the previous browser, so I will not repeat them. Although, of course, this browser has its own

    Pleasant trifles

    In addition to regular tabs, pages can be displayed as small thumbnails. To do this, just click on the second button from the bottom.

    The browser is very fast and great for viewing large pages. Zoom and scroll are instant and the page looks like it’s alive! During all the time I used it, it never crashed. The feelings are only positive!

    A unique browser in 5 minutes

    One of the most interesting offers from Maxthon is creating your own browser! And you don’t even need to download a regular browser to do this. Just go to from your favorite browser.

    I advise you to prepare in advance an icon for your future browser (image 72 by 72) and background (480 by 800).

    If you are too lazy to seriously look for images and just want to try out the function, you can select standard settings everywhere, and you will get a regular Maxthon browser, only with your own name. You can download the finished work of art using the link that will be sent to your mailbox. I advise you to check in advance in the settings next to the item that allows the installation of applications not from the Play Store.

    6.UltraLight Browser

    An ultra-light browser, in a minimalist style, without unnecessary functions. Ideal for quickly viewing a link or, for example, simply checking the weather and exchange rates. You can leave bookmarks. But there is always only one tab.

    The page is completely blank, except for a small blue... what should I call it... a small blue thing.

    You just need to pull it to see the address button, settings button and adding a bookmark.

    There is no history. In theory, this “thing” can be not only blue, but also metallic or black. But I can’t change it, I hope it will get better after the update.

    Pleasant trifles

    Speed. This, of course, is always pleasant, although it is far from a trifle. Page loading is quite fast, and, of course, I would like good web surfing at this speed. Alternatively, you can browse Wikipedia by clicking on links in the article. Although there are many separate programs for it that allow you to save the page and show articles nearby on the map (thanks to this function, I learned that I pass by the attraction twice a day ☺).

    In general, the browser does not claim to be the most important and favorite, but with its “quickly view a link” function it copes with an A plus!

    7 and 8. Opera Mini and Opera Mobile

    Many people know that the most popular mobile browser is Opera. But which one? Which is better: Mini or Mobile? For myself, I decided a long time ago that they were both good, but I downloaded Opera Mobile later and became more attached to the Mini. I have it on my old Sony Ericsson phone, it was the only normal browser. It seems its operating system was Symbian. Pages loaded quickly enough for GPRS, the interface was nice, and there was good integration with the computer. Everything is better on Android! The browser is simply designed for pleasant touch control. I’m already talking about both versions ☺.

    What's the difference?

    Well, first of all, different application icons:

    Secondly: Opera Mobile seems more tablet-like...

    Opera Mini's speed is a couple of seconds better, although this is not so noticeable if you do not compare it with a stopwatch in your hand ☺.

    But there is still a difference: in Opera Mini you can immediately search for Yandex and Wikipedia services from the search bar. This adds benefits to the browser.

    The organization of tabs in both browsers is equally convenient; I did not notice any restrictions in their number.

    In general, both browsers can successfully claim the place of the default browser, but personally, of the two, I prefer the first option.

    9. One browser

    Very interesting, nice browser. True, without support for the Russian language and the sites offered for quick access are also all in English, the browser attracts with its cute icon, good speed and stability.

    But first things first.


    Like the old UC Browser, nothing special. The address and search bars are separate, and it seems a little old-fashioned. There are no such pleasant elements that can be moved, pulled, stretched as in Maxthon. There are no serious complaints about the appearance, but there are nicer interfaces.


    The organization of bookmarks is normal: you can bookmark a page you like, add a shortcut to the quick access panel or to the desktop.


    To access the tabs, you first need to click on the translucent button on the right and then in a jewelry way get to the tabs icon, where thumbnails of open pages are presented. Among them there will definitely be a quick access panel, unless, of course, you specifically closed it.

    Context menu. It is one-to-one similar to the Boat browsers:


    Personally, it was interesting for me to surf the Chinese Internet using the built-in Naver search engine ☺.

    10. Firefox

    One of the most popular browsers.

    The interface is beautiful and animated. But the controls are not very good. For example, having pulled out the list of tabs on the left (to do this you need to hit the small button with precision), you will want to close it by simply pulling it back. But it won't work. You need to hit the same button again. And if you want to always see your tabs, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the open page will be half visible.

    Why did I start with the shortcomings? I just wanted to quickly write about them and move on to describing the many advantages of the browser.


    As I already wrote, he is simply excellent! For example, if you try to make a non-enlarged page smaller, the program will not simply ignore your actions. The page will shrink until you release it and return to its normal shape. A trifle, but nice ☺ .

    The speed is simply amazing, no comparison with the standard Android browser.

    Reliability at the highest level. Never taken off yet. Sites can load in all tabs simultaneously and even when the browser is closed.

    There are such pleasant sensations from using the program that cannot be explained, because the general long-term opinion is made up of little things. And Firefox is one such case. (Another case of browsers are Maxthon browsers, which I absolutely adore ☺.)

    All bookmarks in all browsers

    So, if you followed my advice and downloaded several browsers and actively use all (or at least most) of them, organizing your bookmarks will seem like a problem. Or you already have dozens of bookmarks in each browser, and if you want to go to your favorite site, you have to remember which browser you left the bookmark on. This was a problem for me too, but I found a solution. And not just one. ☺

    Firstly, you can simply copy the link address and save it in any notepad. The best option is, of course, Evernote.

    The fourth way to synchronize bookmarks is the site "One Hundred Bookmarks".

    It is enough to bookmark the site itself once in each browser and save the bookmarks there. You can also view other people's bookmarks, and if you don't want yours to be viewed, just make them private.

    The fifth way to save is the website and the Android application for it. The program is very convenient, organizes bookmarks perfectly and has social networking capabilities. To leave a bookmark on your computer in a couple of clicks, just add the site to your favorites.

    Working in the program is also quite comfortable, with an intuitively simple, minimalistic interface. And one more nice detail: it is possible to import already created bookmarks, although only from a computer and only through the website.

    The first is, of course, the text editor itself. I used Kingsoft Office.

    The only completely free multifunctional office for Android. Here are the formats you can create:

    I specifically put a beige background and brown letters. But I won’t describe all the functionality, otherwise I’m unlikely to manage it until March. Until the next one.

    ☺ ). This is great because you can see how great you are for doing so much ☺ .

    Of course, you couldn’t help but notice (if you looked at the screenshots under a magnifying glass) the small icons on the left. This is the Floating touch program.

    It does not open like a regular application, but remains on top of all applications. They're basically just stickers. Very cute stickers.

    Last thing: I described 10 browsers, but which one did I use myself? For example, to upload screenshots. The one I was writing about at a specific moment? Romantic, but uncomfortable. Why register on Yandex 10 times?! Standard? No, too clumsy. And my beloved Maxthon uploads, of course, but no more than one photo per day ☺ . If I had used it, I probably wouldn't have finished it before the summer holidays... I used Boat Browser Mini. Yes, that’s probably why his review is the longest ☺. The speed is average and loads consistently. Unlike UltraLight, which refused to insert photos at all...

    I'm just obsessed with downloading everything that is bad (no, on the contrary, what is good. Without any file hosting services ☺). And I download everything in sets. Books (already 1600 on the reader), magazines (a little less), videos (well, you yourself probably know thousands of ways to download from VK and YouTube) and Internet pages (thanks to the most wonderful application Pocket, which is recommended by Google itself. I’m probably talking about this I’ll also write a whole separate review ☺). Somehow I wanted to add to the collection of applications for saving notes, and I downloaded 20 applications for this. Yes, exactly 20.

    Then the Internet went out (my operator loves round numbers ☺). So this time I got my hands on browsers (warmed by an already hot tablet). But before writing a review, I tested them quite well. For a whole month this has been an interesting activity of mine, to which I now have to say goodbye, and I sincerely hope that my observations will be useful to you. Thank you for reading.

    Girl With a Silver Ring

