How to use the h1 tag in promotion.  H1, h2, h3 tags how to use headings in SEO promotion

Hello dear readers. Today I want to devote Special attention the topic of headings in tags h1 h2 - h6, because In the near future I am planning (as promised) several practical articles on editing headings in templates. But before mastering anything in practice, I think you need to understand the theory, even if not to know it. Let's define the concepts from the very beginning, what a title is in HTML document ah, the title on the site, page.

You and I all know the Russian language, and as for the generally accepted concept title– there should be no questions. A title is a word or phrase that summarizes the entire meaning of some text or information that comes after it.

Just as any book begins with a title, so any document on the Internet has its own title.

But if, when opening a book, we understand that this phrase is a title because it has a larger or bolder font, then Internet pages have slightly different rules. On the Internet, the word title has several meanings and is used for different purposes. Therefore, you need to know and understand what kind of heading we are talking about and what exactly you need.

The first and most important thing we need to understand is that in an HTML document there are three different concepts header.

Any document includes three main HTML tags:

Here it is Technical information about the document +
page title in tags
</b> Page title <b>

Here is the main content of the site, articles that have titles in the tags:

Title of the site or article

Article title

Subtitle of the article

Other blocks of information

Other blocks of information

Other blocks of information

So, from the code above, we see that the HTML document has its own title , which contains technical information, meta tags, and one of the most important tags in SEO - , which contains <b>page title</b>. This is the title that every user sees in their browser tab. This header is not directly related to the headers that are in the body <body>document, but there is a close relationship between them.</p> <p>The second most important tag in SEO is the title tag. <h>.</p> <p>So, any search engine gives great importance to this tag. As I gave an example with a book, it is he (together with the title) that communicates the topic of the page, what it is about, and summarizes the meaning of the article. It is this title that tells you what my article you are reading will be about. You and I see that such headlines are always different <a href="">appearance</a> from the main content of the page. For this purpose, special tags were invented, which are responsible for ensuring that the information in them is always highlighted.</p> <p>On the one hand, the tag seems to be one <h>, but on the other hand, there are six of them and they are all numbered in order of their significance, and what is very important is not just significance, but also hierarchy. It is from this moment that the most confusing and incomprehensible begins - how to determine significance, what is more significant and what is not?</p> <p>Let's just think logically. Here we have <a href="">home page</a> Online. As a rule, the main page reflects the entire theme of the site as a whole. And ideally, the name of the site should also reflect the entire theme of the site. This means that the name of the site should be a title, and the most important title, i.e. in the tag:</p> <blockquote><p><h1>Name of the site</h1>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Further, it is not necessary, but as a rule, on the main page there should be some kind of appeal to the visitor, and in an ideal situation, this appeal should include a title, which in turn should contain the theme of the site ( <a href="">keyword</a>, reflecting the theme of the site). So this title should be in the tag:</p> <blockquote><p><h2>The title of the article is an appeal to the visitor</h2>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Further, in this article-appeal it may (and I insist that <b>must</b>) be a subtitle that further reveals all aspects of the site’s subject matter. It also includes some keywords that may be or should be close to the name of the site or the title of the article. This subtitle should be in the tag:</p> <blockquote><p><h3>Subtitle of the article</h3>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Let's imagine such a page.</p> <p>This is how we distribute title tags. It is worth noting that if you use a banner image instead of a title, then you do not need to format it in the title tag.</p> <p>Two important questions remain:</p> <p>How to use other tags – 4, 5, 6</p> <p>And is it necessary/possible to use title tags in the menu/sidebar?</p> <p>The answer to the first question is that it is not necessary to use all title tags.</p> <p>There is no clear answer to the second question. But I have the opinion that if the sidebar has such an information block that contains information about the site, information that reflects the theme of the site, then it is necessary to design such blocks with title tags.</p> <p>For example, this could be a block: <i> </i>. The title of such a block contains a keyword that reflects the theme of the entire project. Therefore, such a block should be included in the title <h4>.</p> <p>Here the following question may arise: Why not put it in a higher-ranking tag? You can also try to get the answer in a logical way.</p> <p>As a rule (I emphasize, as a rule), <a href="">modern layout</a> The site has the following structure:</p> <p>Site title <br> ↓<br>Main page content <br> ↓<br>Sidebar <br> ↓<br>Page footer/footer</p> <p>Those. This is the order in which the search robot sees all the information on the page.</p> <p><b>Second</b>, what we need to know is that all title tags have their own hierarchy (I wrote about this above), and it is not acceptable for a third-order tag to be higher than a second-order tag.</p> <p>It would seem that all questions have been answered, and the topic should be exhausted, but not everything is so simple. The point is that, as a rule, <a href="">internal pages</a> differ from the main one, at the same time, it is also important that they are also well optimized so that we receive traffic from them with <a href="">search engines</a>. Therefore, it is very advisable for them to use their own heading hierarchy.</p> <p>From my picture in the example, if the site has separate articles about <i>Promotion in search engines</i> And <i>Promotion in <a href="">in social networks</a> </i>, then, for the internal structure of the headers should be like this:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Those. the title of the site is not as important as the title of the article (maybe my example is not the most obvious, because the word “promotion” is present everywhere). This arrangement of headings significantly improves the ranking of pages in search engines, thereby increasing user traffic from them.</p> <p>I wrote above that this is <b>preferably</b>, but don’t beat your head against the wall if it’s impossible to do. Everyone’s platforms, templates and knowledge are different, and if it doesn’t work out, then it’s better to concentrate on something else, direct your actions to improve what you can do better. After all, successful promotion in search engines depends on a combination of a number of factors. The more we pay attention <a href="">internal optimization</a>, the less we need external. If internal optimization has already exhausted itself, then you need to switch to external optimization.</p> <p>This article is aimed primarily at understanding the topic and theory. In the age of CMS, making headers correctly is not difficult, but unfortunately, for this you need to have more in-depth knowledge of website building and programming. And if for the vast majority of my readers this article is more for information, then for those who will someday order the creation of websites in Cheboksary or in any other city in the world, it will be <a href="">technical task</a> for a layout designer, programmer, who can create their own website on their own, will be able to either explain or apply this knowledge in practice.</p><p>For example, I’ve been planning to experiment with the template for a long time, and do it exactly as I described in the article, because I think it’s the most <a href="">the best option</a>. But I’m not yet so strong in XML (for Blogger) and PHP (for WordPress) to immediately figure out how to <a href="">different pages</a> make different headings. But after this article, I will have more incentive to put my ideas into practice, and I will definitely tell you how I did it. Naturally, I will not only tell you, but also share.</p><p><b>Articles about that are ready.</b></p> <p>If I haven’t answered any questions fully enough, ask in the comments and I’ll add them. I am writing these words because... I feel like there’s still something left unsaid in my head, but I just can’t remember what. So ask.</p> <p>Have you ever thought about starting a group blog or at least finding a second author for your blog? If such thoughts come to you, then you should pay attention to the article Disadvantages of several blog authors. There, on the blog, you can find an article about the advantages.</p> <p>I wish you good luck in developing your blogs.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>What does h1-h6 mean?</h3> <p>In any case, you need to start with theory, because without it it is impossible to move on. So, these are html tags that contain the text that should become the title. H1 is <a href="">main heading</a> page, it must be the only one, h2 is the subtitle of the article or section of the chapter (if <a href="">we're talking about</a> about the book), h3 – section heading, etc.</p> <p>In website building, as a rule, h1-h3 are most often used, the last three tags are used extremely rarely, since there is no need to break the text into such small parts, unless we are talking about a huge text publication.</p> <p>By default, headers already have some styling. For example, letters in headings are highlighted <a href="">in bold</a>, and their size is 1.5 - 3 times larger than ordinary text on the page.</p> <h3>Basic rules for working with headings</h3> <p>How many h1 can there be on a site? As many as you like, because an Internet resource can consist of many pages. Here it is much more important to adhere to another rule - on each <a href="">separate page</a> your site should have ONE h1. This is because this is the main heading, and there should always be one main heading.</p> <p>But what happens if you ignore this rule? As real practice shows, nothing catastrophic is likely to happen. I wouldn't write about this, but I know of several cases where webmasters had several h1s on the page, while all their articles retained their positions in search engines.</p> <p>This may be true, but you don’t need to specifically create several h1s on the page. All the same, this is not correct and it can still cause harm. For example, in the above situations, the webmasters had already promoted sites of age, so several h1s on the page did not worsen the situation.</p> <p>However, when promoting a young site, it is very important to observe various subtleties so that the resource quickly receives the approval of search engines and begins to bring traffic.</p> <p>Obviously, h1 should be at the very beginning of the article. This is not the same as a meta title tag. Title is visible when <a href="">search results</a> and in the title of the browser tab, and h1 – directly on the page. The remaining headings (h2-h6) can be as many as you like, in any quantity.</p> <h3>How to check the presence of h1 on a page?</h3> <p>Now we come to the most important thing. How can you determine whether everything on your website with a title is normal? There are at least several options for how you can do this.</p> <p>First, open the source code and search it. <a href="">Source</a> opens with a combination <a href="">Ctrl keys</a>+ U. Next you will need the combination Ctrl + F to open the search. Enter a name in it <a href="">the desired tag</a>, namely – h1.</p> <p>It will be correct if it finds two results - an opening and a closing tag, respectively. If there are more results, you need to make changes to the site template code. If h1 is missing at all, you also need to take measures to make it appear.</p> <p>Secondly, you can use some service that analyzes the site for its indicators <a href="">search engine optimization</a> and issues a report. There are a lot of such services, I will give just a few:,</p> <p>The Megaindex service allows you to check the relevance of a page, that is, how optimized it is for a specific key phrase. Enter the address of one of the pages on your site and the main keyword phrase. In the case of checking only h1, this <a href="">key phrase</a> could be anyone.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="247" width="371" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>As you can see, the check showed that there is only 1 h1 on the page - this is good. If there were more, the check would definitely determine it. As you can see, this is <a href="">important factor</a>, although not critical. Failure to comply will not lead to anything catastrophic, but with search engine optimization <a href="">similar problems</a> must be removed first.</p> <h3>If a problem is found, how to solve it?</h3> <p>The solution is very simple, you just need to slightly tweak the code of your template. First of all, you need to know what engine your site is on. The structure of templates for all engines may be slightly different, but there is still a lot in common.</p> <p>For example, in WordPress you will need to edit the page.php (page template) and single.php (post template) files. It will also be useful to look at the files index.php (main page) and archive.php (archives by date and author), and sometimes topics also have category.php (entries for a separate category).</p> <p>Well, let’s say you found and opened <a href="">required file</a>, what to do next? Then use the same search (Ctrl + F). Enter the tag name there again. If there is not much code in the file, then you can look through it yourself and find the lines you need. Here your actions depend on what exactly needs to be fixed.</p> <p>For example, in one template the title of the post was displayed in h2. Perhaps its developer does not understand SEO, which is why he made such a mistake. But this is easily fixed. We edit single.php and change h2 to h1 in it. This can be done either manually or using the function <a href="">automatic replacement</a>.</p> <p>You may also need to edit the sidebar (sidebar.php). Actually, extra h1 can be anywhere: in widget headers, in menus, and even in the footer (footer.php). All this needs to be found and removed.</p> <p>Well, what should you do if there are several h1s in the article itself? Then the problem can be solved even easier - by editing the article itself. Remove all extra h1s, leaving only one main top heading.</p> <p>As you can see, you can deal with this problem yourself without any problems. To do this, you don’t even need knowledge in the field of website building, but just the basic ability to find and open files, use the search and change a little necessary lines. Yes, and there is no need to contact a SEO specialist now, <a href="">at least</a>, regarding the issue we considered today.</p> <p>Well, now you know how to check the h1 heading on a page and set up the template correctly. Of course, this is just one of many settings that will help you promote and monetize your site. Much <a href="">more information</a> you can find it if you study it and withdraw it to an income of 20 thousand rubles per month in the shortest possible time. Good luck to you in everything and good positions in your search!</p> <p>Hello, friends! We are glad to welcome you to Andrey and Dasha’s blog – Thebizfromscratch. It’s been a while since we wrote anything about SEO, and in this article we want to catch up, because the topic for today is the Impact of Headings H1, H2 – H6 on Website Promotion. We will tell you what rules and principles we use to write headings on our blog and hope that our experience will be useful to you.</p> <h2><span>How to correctly place meta tags H1, H2…H6</span></h2> <p>So, when creating a publication, we write meta tags in the following order:</p> <p>It is the most <a href="">meaningful headline</a>, therefore, it is customary to include in h1 tags the main search key, preferably diluted with neutral words, i.e. diluted title.</p> <p>The next most important heading is the one used to highlight the one matched to the main query. <a href="">low frequency request</a>.</p> <ol><li><b>H3, H4,H5, H6</b></li> </ol><p>In fact, they do not have much influence on promotion. However, including keywords in them can lead to over-optimization, which will only cause a negative response from search bots. Therefore, we use these meta tags only for the beautiful structuring of the article. To make it more convenient for visitors to read and immediately understand where one thought ends and another begins. Moreover, do not forget that all posts are written exclusively for readers and you should not get carried away with the frequent repetition of the same words/phrases.</p> <p>And so that the information mentioned above is correctly understood, let's look at an example! Let's say you wrote an article for the search query - “How to make a website.” This phrase must be entered in the Title field and repeated at least 2 times without changes in the text itself. Or, as many people do, they repeat the search query once every 1000 characters. <br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If you further need to highlight the structure, then feel free to use H2 containing a low-frequency query. Again, within the framework of the example - “How to make a high-quality website on <a href="">WordPress engine</a>" Write the rest of the meta tags without keywords. <br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <ol><li>Do not include links to other promoted pages in your titles. The link code will be considered <a href="">search engines</a>, as keywords, and will only hurt your rankings.</li> <li>Don't place lower order headings above more important ones. H1 should come first, then H2 and then in increasing order. A tree structure should emerge.</li> <li>It is recommended to use H1 once, H2 no more than 3 times, and H3-H6 as many times as necessary (only without keys and only if necessary).</li> </ol><p>Perhaps these were the basic principles and rules that we use when preparing articles. We hope that the topic - the influence of headings H1, H2 - H6 on website promotion - has been covered and you have found it for yourself <a href="">useful information</a>. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments, we will try to help.</p> <br style="clear:both;"> <p><b>H1 tag or H1 heading</b>- this is the first level heading and it has <a href="">highest value</a> and importance among all the headings. <b>H1 tag</b> should be used once on the page, placed above all other headings and have the most <a href="">big size</a> font.</p> <p>There are six title tags in total. These are h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6. These tags are used to format text on a page. H1 is the most significant among them both for visitors and search engines.</p> <p>I welcome you to the pages. In this article I will share with you some points when using the H1 header on blog pages managed by <a href="">CMS WordPress</a>.</p> <h2>H1 tag - value for promotion</h2> <p><img src='' align="left" height="150" width="150" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Search engines use the words and phrases used in this tag to determine the relevance of pages <a href="">search query</a>. This tag is one of the most <a href="">significant elements</a> relevance. When optimizing page text, search engines only value the TITLE tag more than the H1 tag.</p> <p>And to be more brief and specific, then <b>H1 tag is recommended to be used for page titles of our websites</b> and they must contain the key phrase for which this page is promoted. <br>Page relevance, along with , is one of the most significant indicators for winning search engine loyalty.</p> <h2>Rules for filling out the H1 header</h2> <p>For getting <a href="">good result</a> When promoting website pages, you should follow the following rules for filling it out:</p> <ol><li>Each page must contain ONE H1 tag.</li> <li>The tag must contain one keyword for which the page is promoted.</li> <li>The H1 header content must be unique for each page.</li> <li>The H1 tag should not be a hyperlink.</li> <li>It is advisable that the tag does not contain classes, identifiers and other <a href="">CSS elements</a>, but was in a “naked” form.</li> <li>It is not recommended to use punctuation marks, commas, colons, etc. in the content.</li> <li>The tag size should not be more than two sentences, one is better.</li> </ol><p>In the html code, the page title should look like this:</p> <blockquote><p><h1>H1 tag is the page title</h1></p> </blockquote> <p>Most typical <a href="">gross mistakes</a> is the absence of an H1 tag on a page or the presence of more than one heading. Such errors are usually typical for section pages that list the articles included in those sections.</p> <p>Control of filling of the H1 tag throughout the site is carried out within the framework. There are many worthy tools for conducting such an audit. I will recommend you the service from Megaindex - <i></i> .</p> <h2>H1 tag, application in WordPress</h2> <p><img src='' height="150" width="148" loading=lazy loading=lazy>The theory has been repeated and now we will dwell on some technical issues related to the use of the H1 tag on sites using the WordPress CMS. Since most new bloggers use <a href="">free templates</a>, then they may contain some shortcomings. <br>In particular, there are options when the page title is highlighted not with the H1 tag, but with another tag, most often it is H2.</p> <p>The same flaw showed up on my blog after I created it using the Artisteer program. When reviewing the HTML code, it was discovered that all page titles are displayed with the H2 tag.</p> <p>To fix this I had to edit the file <i>single.php</i>, this is what most templates call files that display information for each individual record. I will now demonstrate clearly how I did this. <br>In the body of the file <i>single.php</i> We are looking for the part of the code that displays the title. In my case it looked like this:</p> <blockquote><p><h2 class=»art-PostHeaderIcon-wrapper»><br> <span class=»art-PostHeader»><br> <?php the_title(); ?><br> </span><br> </h2 ></p> </blockquote> <p>Change the h2 tags highlighted in red to the required h1 and file <i>single.php</i> fixed and ready to use. It turned out that it was quite simple, I changed a couple of characters and it was done. Now this block looks like this:</p> <blockquote><p><h1 class=»art-PostHeaderIcon-wrapper»><br> <span class=»art-PostHeader»><br> <?php the_title(); ?><br> </span><br> </h1 ></p> </blockquote> <p>In your case, the expression may be of a slightly different type, but I hope you understand the meaning.</p> <p>I had to make similar changes to another theme file <i>page.php</i>, which is responsible for displaying blog pages. As you know, a blog on CMS WordPress contains posts and pages.</p> <p>The functions for creating and changing them are located in different sections of the blog administration, they are stored in different places and, accordingly, different software modules are responsible for their output.</p> <p>As a result, a piece of code in the file <i>page.php</i>, which displays the page title now looks like this:</p> <blockquote><p><h1 class=»art-PostHeaderIcon-wrapper»><br> <span class=»art-PostHeader»><a href=»<?php the_permalink() ?>» rel=»bookmark» title=»<?php printf(__(‘Permanent Link to %s’, ‘kubrick’), the_title_attribute(‘echo=0’)); ?>»> <br> <?php the_title(); ?><br> </a></span><br> </h1 ></p> </blockquote> <p>But that was not all, on my template I discovered that the H1 tag is used to display the title of the blog itself. And I had to decide whether to leave everything as is or to achieve the display of page titles with an H1 tag.</p> <p>After all, using two or more headings of this type on one page is not recommended. Search engines may regard this as over-optimization and draw appropriate conclusions.</p> <h2>H1 tag, WordPress template adjustment</h2> <p>In the end, I decided to correct this defect, especially since it did not bring much trouble. Now I will tell you about everything in detail.</p> <p>To do this, it was necessary to make amendments to only two files.</p> <p>First <i>header.php</i> is the blog header output file.</p> <p>Second <i>style.css</i>— blog style description file.</p> <h3>header.php changes</h3> <blockquote><p><div class=»art-Logo»><br> <h1 id=»name-text» class=»art-Logo-name»><br> <a href=»<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>/»><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></a></h1 ><br> <div id=»slogan-text» class=»art-Logo-text»><br> <?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></div><br> </div></p> </blockquote> <p>We find in <i>header.php</i> a fragment that displays the blog title and change the h1 title tag (highlighted in red those characters that I change) to the p paragraph tag. As a result, we got the following code.</p> <blockquote><p><div class=»art-Logo»><br> <p id=»name-text» class=»art-Logo-name «><br> <a href=»<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>/»><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></a></p ><br> <div id=»slogan-text» class=»art-Logo-text»><br> <?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></div><br> </div></p> </blockquote> <h3>Changes to style.css file</h3> <p>I have highlighted the name in blue <a href="">class css</a>, which we will have to correct in the file <i>style.css</i>, so that the font and display size of the blog title remains the same as before the changes. Next, open the styles file, search for the required class “art-Logo-name”, fragment below</p> <blockquote><p>h1 .art-Logo-name, h1 .art-Logo-name a, h1 .art-Logo-name a:link, h1 .art-Logo-name a:visited, h1 .art-Logo-name a:hover <br> {<br><br>font-size: 29px; <br>text-decoration: none; <br>padding:0; <br>margin:0; <br>color: #E0EDF0 !important; <br> }</p> </blockquote> <p>I change all h1 highlighted in red to p and get the result</p> <blockquote><p>p .art-Logo-name, p .art-Logo-name a, p .art-Logo-name a:link, p .art-Logo-name a:visited, p .art-Logo-name a:hover <br> {<br>font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; <br>font-size: 29px; <br>text-decoration: none; <br>padding:0; <br>margin:0; <br>color: #E0EDF0 !important; <br> }</p> </blockquote> <p>That's basically all I wanted to tell you about the H1 tag as one of the elements. <br>I will only note that I carried out all the work on <b>test subdomain</b>, so that visitors to my blog do not experience difficulties when problems arise that may arise from this kind of manipulation. And from the point of view of security and safety of the site’s functionality, this will be the right decision.</p> <p>In conclusion, I would like to invite you to watch a short video, it is, however, voiced on <a href="">English language</a>, but everything was clear to me, I hope it will be easy for you to understand. This video complements the text of the article well and will be a good help for beginners or those who are not good at programming. Enjoy watching.</p> <p><span class="zgOuilSChgY"></span></p> <p>Let me finish here and wish you success.</p> <h3>Useful Materials:</h3><img src='' height="87" width="150" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <p>We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.</p> <form onsubmit="return false;" class="innerContentSubscribe_form swpmc-js-form" data-container=".innerContentSubscribe" data-on-success="swptEvents.blogSubscribeSuccess()"> <p> <input class="inputText js-placeholder" type="text" name="email" id="innerContentSubscribeEmail" value=""></p> <p>Subscribe</p> </form> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><i><span>In mind <a href="">latest events</a> in the world of SEO, <a href="">text factors</a> began to have significant weight in the ranking. And if a couple of years ago you could give up on text design, now you will pay for it.</span> </i></p> <p><i><span>So, let's start with the basics -.</span> </i></p> <h2><span>Meta tag H1: design example and basic information</span></h2> <p>Offers 6 multi-level headings that indicate how important the text block following the heading is.</p> <p>So the tag <h1>is the most important first level heading, and the tag <h6>denotes sixth-level headings, the least significant.</span> By default, the title tag is h1 <span>displayed most <a href="">large print</a> and stands out as “bold”, headings that are lower in rank should accordingly be smaller.</p> <p>Heading tags are classified as block elements: tag <h1>always starts with <a href="">new line</a>, and already behind him on <a href="">next line</a> other elements are coming. Moreover, to make your text look aesthetically pleasing, I recommend indenting it before and after headings.</p> <h3><span>How to insert an H1 heading tag into text on a website?</span></h3> <p><h1>First level header</h1></p> <h2><span>Using a Key in a Tag: H1 Tag Optimization</span></h2> <p>Meta h1 tags <span>-h6 must be used for its intended purpose, strictly observing the hierarchy.</p> <p>The fact is that search robots are very sensitive to headlines and what they contain. The importance and degree of attention of the search engine is determined by the level of the heading (decreases from h1 to h6). Therefore we strongly recommend</span><span>use the key in the h1 tag</span><span>and phrases in the text of headings.</p> <p>Title tag <h1> </span><span>(the first level heading) has the greatest weight, of course. Therefore, its textual content must be taken with particular seriousness.</p> <ul><li>Insert tag <h1> <span>It is possible only at the top of the site page, above the headings of other levels. Also, many admin panels have a special field for the h1 heading.</span></li> <li>You should avoid the chaotic use of headings of different levels and place them “as you’re lucky.” The search engine (and users) is unlikely to like this.</li> <li><span>Under no circumstances</span><span>use meta tag <h1> </span><span>more than once on a page.</span></li> <li><span>By default in <a href="">different browsers</a> Headings look different: they differ in font sizes and indents. Therefore, we advise you to adjust these parameters using styles. BUT! Don't go overboard with reducing the font, because... search robots pay attention to this. We also do not recommend making the title font size smaller than the body text.</span></li> <li><span>Make the title font size larger <a href="">low level</a> We also do not recommend it. If your <h4>will be more than <h2>, then the search robot will react negatively to this.</span></li> <li><span>And please stop using emphasis tags (strong, em, b, i) in your headings. The content of title tags has a greater impact on the relevance of a page compared to highlight tags.</span><p> <i> </i> </p><p>According to the majority of SEO experts (and we join them), the content of the text inside the strong tags (bold text) in terms of significance approximately corresponds to the content of the h5-level heading. And this is a so-so level.</p></li> <li><span>Using the key in the h1 tag</span><span>Necessarily! It is best if this is the main key phrase (keywords that are included in completely other semantic keywords on this page).</span></li> <li><span>The text content of the title should be different from the title tag.</span></li> </ul><h2><span>How to check the h1 tag on a page</span></h2> <p>To check how many main headings you have there and correct a situation in which there is more than one, just open the page code.</p> <p>Check number of h1 tags</span><span>You can do this either using your browser or in the admin panel. At the same time, no <a href="">additional extensions</a> not required.</p> <p> <i> </i> </p><p>Ctrl + Shift + C or F12</p><p>Hotkeys that will help you open the page code.</p> <h2><span>Is it possible to omit the h1 tag and other subheadings?</span></h2> <p><i>I have come across this question several times on the Internet and I want to give a detailed answer to it. And a cool guy will help me with this <a href="">SEO specialist</a> our studio Oleg Vasiliev.</i></p> <p>In the field of search engine optimization, it is very difficult to give clear answers to questions. This has nothing to do with the specialist’s competence, although there is some truth in this. Each question is supposed to achieve some goal. Based on this, the answers to the questions may already vary, and you may get a completely different result.</p> <p>The global goal of search engines such as Google, Yandex is quite simple - it is necessary to provide the user with the most useful information regarding the entered query. Search engines achieve this by examining a site based on a number of factors. In order for your site to be shown to the user, you must comply with these factors as much as possible, so that <a href="">search engine</a> I decided that I had achieved my global goal.</p> <p>One of the criteria for successful ranking is information that meets the user’s needs, is up-to-date and correctly structured.</p> <p>As for the structure, it is precisely this that helps the user quickly find the information he is looking for. For these purposes, information should be divided into small paragraphs, lists (where necessary), headings and subheadings should be used.</p> <p>The h1 heading helps the user understand <a href="">general meaning</a> page content. As a rule, the text on the page has a very specific semantic unit, it is one, therefore there should be one main heading. Further, the content, if the structure suggests, can be divided into small semantic blocks, and each block will have its own subtitle. It is very important to observe nesting, that is, after H1 you must use H2, and after H2 you must use H3. Everything is quite logical.</p> <p>Headings and subheadings should be meaningful and not used for other purposes.</p> <p>Now let's get back to the question:</p> <p> <i> </i> </p><p>Is it possible to omit the h1 tag and other subheadings?</p><p>The answer is obvious: You can, if promoting your website on the Internet is not particularly important to you.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div><div class="clear"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('hc_full_comments').innerHTML = ''; </script><br /><br /><noindex><p align="center"><center> <div id="meta_news_block1111" style="text-align: center;"></div></center> </p> <br /><br /> <p align="center"> </p> </noindex> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="clear"></div><br /> <h2 class="front" style="margin:15px 0 5px 0">Popular articles</h2> <div class="tabcont"> <ol> <li><a href="">Presentation "project" plasticine cartoon Competition design work plasticine cartoon</a></li> <li><a href="">Power supply atx 450pnr circuit diagram</a></li> <li><a href="">Zener diodes Zener diode parallel connection</a></li> <li><a href="">Methods for installing fonts in Windows How to remove or hide a font</a></li> <li><a href="">Installing android 5 firmware</a></li> </ol> </div> <h2 class="front" style="margin:15px 0 5px 0">Latest articles</h2> <div class="tabcont"> <ol> <li><a href="">Frequency, period, cyclic frequency, amplitude, phase of oscillation</a></li> <li><a href="">The Panama Canal is a connection between two oceans and a feat of humanity</a></li> <li><a href="">Unknown network error when logging into Instagram - what to do</a></li> <li><a href="">Names of large numbers Numbers in order from 1</a></li> <li><a href="">Physical interfaces RS485 and RS422</a></li> <li><a href="">How can you flip your monitor screen to its original position?</a></li> <li><a href="">Rating of the best Chinese smartphones in terms of price-quality ratio The best Chinese phone</a></li> </ol> </div> <div class="widget" id="ajdg_grpwidgets-3"> <div class="g g-9"> <div class="g-single a-27"> <script> jQuery(function() { window.onscroll = function() { height_scroll = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); 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