How to distort an image in Photoshop. Free transform tool

New in Photoshop CS5, team Puppet Warp, allows you to warp individual objects in an image while leaving another part of it unharmed (though you can also use it to warp the entire image if you want).

It can be used to add small changes, such as changing the position of the subject's hair or to perform more drastic actions such as moving an arm, leg or tail.

When warping an element, you start by placing a few marks (called pins) on top of the object to indicate that it's the piece you want to move (though you can warp the entire image without placing pins). Photoshop will then overlay the image with a grid containing handles that you can push and pull (by dragging) to distort the object. Once the object is moved, the program will try to adjust the rest of the image so that it matches the changes and makes them look natural.

You can apply this tool to image layers, shape layers and text layers (although the last two need to be rasterized first), ( a good choice, because they can be deformed reversibly), as well as pixel and vector layer masks.

By selecting the menu command Editing => Puppet Warp, you will see the following controls found in the Options Bar:

Drop-down list Mode— allows you to specify how elastic (stretchable) the mesh you need. You can choose one of the following options: Distortion(great for warping an image captured with a wide-angle lens or creating an interesting texture to overlay on another image, Normal(mode general purpose) And Strict(great for more precise deformation of pinned objects).

Parameter Frequency— controls the distance between grid nodes. Adding more points will make your changes more accurate, although it will take Photoshop longer to process. Smaller number dots will speed up the process, although depending on the object the deformation may look unnatural.

If your computer is weak in performance, you will get more irritation from the Puppet Warp Tool because... the computer will start working almost at maximum speed, which will slow down and work with the image in such conditions will not be possible.

Field Extension— allows you to expand or contract the outer edge of the grid by a value in pixels. High values ​​expand the outer edge (even beyond the edge of the document) and lower values ​​reduce it. Entering negative values ​​shrinks the grid so that it is inside the edge of the document, but it also shrinks the image itself.

Checkbox Net— Shows or hides the grid. If you clear this checkbox, you will only see pins placed on top of the image. It is better to temporarily hide the grid by pressing the Ctrl+H key combination; to return the grid to its place, use the same key combination.

Control group Depth— allows you to determine how deep the deformation will be made. For example, a larger depth means you deform the image on the background layer, while a shallower depth allows you to reposition objects on top of the background.

Parameter Turn- Allows you to rotate an already pinned object when you push or pull it to a new position by dragging with the mouse.

It is impossible to understand how this tool works until you try it yourself.

Follow these steps to change the curvature of a forest road:

Step 1

Open the image and make sure the background layer is editable. Puppet Warp tool will not work on docked background layers, so double-click on the layer to make it editable.

Step 2

By selecting the menu command Editing => Puppet Warp. Photoshop will overlay a grid over the image.

Step 3

In the options bar, set the mode Normal, and then place the pins on top of the object you want to move. It's better to install more pins to have more control. Additionally, you can add new pins as you drag existing ones.

You can also remove a pin by clicking on it with your mouse while holding down Alt key(the mouse pointer will change into tiny scissors).


If you try to add a new pin too close to an existing one, an error dialog box appears. To deal with the problem, replace in the dropdown Frequency on More points.

As you drag your mouse to move the pins, you will notice that the grid rotates. If you want to change the angle of rotation of the grid around a specific pin, press the Alt key and position the mouse pointer near (but not on) the pin. When the circle appears, drag your mouse to visually rotate the mesh (you'll see a rotation angle appear in the Options Bar).

You can select multiple pins by right-clicking on them (using your mouse while holding down the Shift key and selecting the option Select all pins from the context menu that appears. To remove multiple pins, select them and then click Backspace. You can also right-click on the grid itself to bring up context menu, allowing you to add a pin, select all pins, remove all pins, or hide the grid.

Step 4

When you're done, press the key Enter.

Photoshop will try to adjust the rest of the image so that the changes changes made looked natural. To do this, the program can even rotate the image if necessary.

As you can imagine, you'll have a lot of trial and error when using the Puppet Warp tool. But my opinion is that the tool is not good enough, and I would rather use it than this deformation. Largely due to the fact that I have a weak computer.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

The perspective warp feature is very useful for both designers and photographers. Using this function, you can change the perspective (angle) of objects and elements of a photograph. Perspective warping is available in Photoshop from version CC 2014 and higher; to use it, you must have video memory with a minimum of 512MB.

If you have Photoshop CC installed and have 512MB or higher video memory, but the perspective warping function is not available, check the program's performance settings. Select the top menu section "Editing" - "Settings" - "Performance" and make sure that in the settings GPU There is a checkmark next to "Use GPU".

Deforming the perspective of a simple object

First, let's deform the perspective simple object to clearly demonstrate the operation of this function and understand why it is needed. For work, I took an image of a book that lies at a certain angle; using perspective deformation, we will change its perspective (angle).

And so, open this book image with Photoshop and first of all remove the “lock” icon on the book image layer, if there is one, by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

After that in top panel menu select "Editing" - "Perspective Deformation".

After of this action you will see that the cursor has changed to a different icon and now you need to click on any of the corners of the book with the left mouse button for the perspective grid to appear.

The mesh can be made to “crawl out” over the edge of the canvas; this will not cause any deformation.

After all the currents have been placed and the mesh is in the perspective of the book, you can begin to deform. To do this, click “Deformation” in the upper left corner and place the points of the mesh, achieving desired result and changing the perspective (angle) of the book.

Having placed the points and obtained the desired perspective, simply press “Enter” to apply the resulting parameters.

In this way, the perspective of a simple object is deformed. At any time, you can return the perspective changes by simply turning off this filter in the layers panel by left-clicking on the “eye” icon.

Photoshop's "Perspective Warp" function has additional settings, for example, such as automatic alignments, namely alignment of all vertical lines strictly vertically (at 90 degrees), alignment of all horizontal lines strictly horizontally, aligning all lines horizontally and vertically at the same time, removing and canceling deformation. All these settings can be applied from the top menu.

Deformation of the perspective of a complex object

I repeat that perspective deformation in Photoshop is used for rectilinear objects; the version with the book was simple, since the book had only one plane. Let's now look at the way perspective is deformed in a more complex object, which has not one, but several planes.

For work, I took an image of a wooden box, the image of which has three visible planes.

In fact, in in this case there is nothing complicated, we will just need to select all three planes of the object when deforming the perspective. As in the case of the book, transform the layer with the image of the box into a smart object, select top menu“Editing” - “Perspective Deformation” and also select one of the planes of the box with a grid.

Next, left-click on the corner of another plane of this object and without letting go left button Move the mouse to the side, thus creating another perspective grid. We also adjust it according to this (second) plane of the object. When you move the grid point close to the first grid point, you will see that the edges of the perspectives will be highlighted and if in this moment If you release the left mouse button, the entire side of the second grid will join the first. This automatic merging of mesh sides is useful, since all defects (unselected places) are eliminated.

This is how we create meshes of all sides of the object and get one whole perspective.

After this, we proceed as in the case of a book: in the top menu, click “Deformation” and by moving the points of the selected perspective, we adjust the required angle of the object, then press “Enter” to apply the deformation.

If you want to make one of the sides of the object strictly horizontal or vertical, then hold down the "Shift" key, move the cursor over the selected side and click on it with the left mouse button.

In exactly the same way, an object in a collage is deformed, i.e. you place an object in your collage and deform its perspective so that the object fits harmoniously into the overall picture of the collage. For collage work, you can use rulers to mark the horizon of the collage and make it easier to understand at what angle it is better to place the object.

Photo perspective deformation

Quite often, some distortions are visible in the photo, which can result from an incorrectly taken angle, lack of experience of the photographer, or simply due to budget camera. Photos with sad buildings, city streets and just some buildings often suffer especially often.

Let's look at the photo of a city street that I took to work as an example. If you look closely, you get the impression that the buildings on the sides somehow fall inside the photo (they have some tilt).

This point can be easily corrected using perspective deformation. In the same way as in previous cases with the book and the box, first of all, we convert the photo layer into a smart object. Next, select “Editing” - “Perspective Deformation” in the top menu and use grids to select either only the buildings on the sides, or completely divide the photo into two parts, it all depends on what you want to get as a result of the deformation. In this case, I'll simply split the photo into two parts, highlighting the buildings on the left and right and connecting the perspective grids in the center. At the same time, I will make the central line strictly vertical by holding the "Shift" key and clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Once the perspective is set, simply crop the photo around the edges using the Crop tool.

This is how the "Perspective Warp" function works in Photoshop and this function very useful and convenient.

Photoshop provides many methods of rotating, distorting and otherwise distorting images, and these are all powerful, useful techniques you should have in your arsenal of tricks.

By rotating an image, you can make it more interesting in appearance, transform vertical elements into horizontal (or vice versa) and straighten curved elements. Distortion is useful when you want to make an object or text slanted or turn it slightly to one side, or when you want an object or text to fade into perspective. And the tool allows you to distort individual objects in the image, leaving others unchanged.

Simple rotation

Team Image rotation(Image Rotation) allows you to rotate the entire document (layers, etc.) by 180 or 90 degrees (clockwise or counterclockwise), or arbitrarily at any angle you specify. You can also flip the canvas (or layer) horizontally or vertically.


Another way to rotate images is use transform commands, which can help you make a single selected object or an entire layer larger or smaller without changing the document size.

If you go to the menu Editing, then you will see the commands Free transformation(Free Transform) and Transformation(Transform) is about in the middle of the list. The only major difference between these two options is that when you select an item from the Transform menu, you are limited to doing only that specific task, whereas the other command allows you to make multiple changes at once (without requiring you to press the Enter key)

Selecting one of these commands brings up a bounding box, which looks and works like tiny square handles on the four sides of the image.

You can transform any objects you want. Particularly good candidates for transformation are vectors, paths, shape layers, and text layers, as they can all be resized without affecting the image. But you shouldn't increase it too much because you can't control the resolution, interpolation or other important properties. To really be on the safe side, only resize an image using transform commands for the following reasons:

1. To reduce the size on one layer.

2. To reduce the size of all content on one or more layers

3. To increase the size of a vector, path, part of a path, shape layer, text layer, or smart object on one or more layers.

To apply the command Free transformation, select the layer, and then press Ctrl+T or select the appropriate Edit menu command. Photoshop will place a bounding box around the image containing handles that allow you to apply any or all of the following transformations to your object: scaling, distortion, rotation, perspective, tilt and warp.

4. To change scale(size) of the object, grab the corner handle and drag it diagonally inward to make it smaller or outward to make it larger. Press and hold the Shift key while dragging, to resize proportionally(that is, so that the object is not distorted).

You can drag one handle at a time or press and hold the Alt key to zoom from the center outwards (meaning all four sides of the bounding box will move at the same time).

If you use the Free Transform command to resize a large object, the handles may end up outside the edge of the document (or margins), making them impossible to see, much less grab. To bring them back into view, select the menu command View - Show in full screen.

5. To rotate image, position the mouse pointer behind the corner handle. When the pointer changes to a curved, double-headed arrow, drag the mouse up or down.

6. To tilt (bevel) an object, hold down Ctrl+Shift and drag one of the side handles (the mouse pointer will change to a double-headed arrow).

7. To freely distort the image, hold down the Alt key while dragging any corner handle.

8. To change the perspective of an object, hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift and drag any of the corner handles (the pointer will turn gray). This maneuver adds to the object one-point perspective(in other words, one vanishing point).

9. To deform the image, drag any control point or grid line.

When you're done, click Enter key or double-click inside the bounding box to apply the changes.

If, after applying the transformation, you realize that it is not enough, you can repeat the operation by selecting the menu command Edit - Transform - Apply again. The bounding box will not appear; instead, Photoshop will reapply the same transformation.

All transformations are based on a tiny transformation center that appears in the center of the transformation window. It looks like a circle with a crosshair. You can drag it or set your own center by going to the Options Bar or clicking on one of the square icon handles showing the position of the transform center or by entering the X and Y coordinates.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

The tool is used to transform the size and shape of an image. The tool can be activated using the command Editing > Free Transform (Edit > Free Transform) or using hotkeys Ctrl+T. A transformation frame with square markers will appear around the image.

By selecting the Free Transform tool, you can rotate, enlarge, reduce, display in perspective, distort, tilt, and flip the image vertically and horizontally. Transformation can be applied both to the whole image and to a separately selected part of the image or object. Let's look at the transformation tool in more detail.

Tool settings panel.

Just like any other Photoshop tool Free Transform has its own settings panel.

In parameter group 1, you can change the position of the central marker (by clicking on one of the white squares on the tool icon), around which the transformation frame with the image rotates.

In group 2 you can set the exact transformation scale in width and height. If the button in the form of a chain is pressed, changes will occur while maintaining the proportions of the image.

In parameter group 3 you can set the image rotation angle. If you enter a positive angle value, the image will rotate clockwise, if you enter a negative angle, it will rotate counterclockwise.

In group 4, you can tilt the image at a specified angle in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Working with the tool.

1. To resize the image, drag one of the markers located around the perimeter of the transformation frame.

2. To resize the image while maintaining the proportions, hold down the key Shift and drag one of the corner handles.

3. To rotate the image around the center point, move the cursor outside the frame (the cursor will appear as a curved arrow in two directions) and move in the direction of rotation. You can change the coordinates of the rotation axis by moving the center point to the desired location.

4. To hide the frame and better see your changes, click Ctrl+H(press again and the frame will appear again).

5. To apply the transformation and finish working with the tool, click Shift.


By placing the cursor inside the transformation frame and clicking right button mouse, a submenu will open Transform.

1. Scale. Resize an image or selected object. We discussed this function above (working with the tool).

2. Rotate. Rotate the image around a central point. You can change the coordinates of the rotation axis by moving the center point to the desired location.

3. Skew. Tilts the image horizontally or vertically. Move the cursor to the side transformation frame and it will turn white and an arrow will appear next to it, right-click and drag the frame to the side to tilt the image. The sides will remain parallel, but the angles of the image will change. If you hold down while resizing Ctrl + Alt, the center point of the transform frame will remain in place, but the corners will change position.

4. Distort. Curves the image in any direction. The corners move independently of each other. When a key is pressed Alt, the central point remains in place, and all distortions occur around it. The function is well suited if you need to stretch or make a perspective distortion of an object.

5. Perspective. If you want to create the impression that an object is located at some distance, the Perspective command will help you. Using this command is intuitive. When you drag a corner marker, the marker opposite it moves in the opposite direction. In other words, he behaves like mirror reflection draggable marker. The difference between the Distort and Perspective commands is that the former applies only to one edge of the object, while Perspective automatically changes the location of two handles when you drag only one of them.

6. Warp. This feature has been available since CS2. When you select this function, a grid appears on the object. By clicking on any point of the grid and dragging the mouse, we can deform objects in any way. For example, overlaying an image on objects.

Everything is clear with the following functions, I will only give their translation:

7. Rotate 180°.

8. Rotate 90° CW.

9. Rotate 90° CCW.

10. Flip Horizontal.

11. Flip Vertical.

Tool hotkeys.

1. Scaling relative to the center point: Alt + drag corner handle.

2. Symmetrical image tilt: Ctrl + Alt + drag side handle.

3. Image distortion: Ctrl + drag side handle.

4. Image distortion along a certain axis: Ctrl + Shift + drag side handle.

5. Perspective: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + drag side handle.

I hope now you can easily transform any image, separate object or selected area.

Bend, Distort and Warp in Photoshop

Sofia Skrylina, teacher information technologies, Saint Petersburg

You can deform fragments and objects in Photoshop using both the Edit menu commands and the use of filters. Most of the filters used for deformation are included in the Distortion group, and in addition, three filters - Distortion Correction, Plasticity and Perspective Correction - are located separately. All these tools will be discussed in this article. It should also be noted that for deformation Photoshop text offers a special tool that we will also consider.

Menu commands Editing

If you expand the menu Editing(Edit) and then select the submenu Transformation(Transform), you will see a list of commands that allow you to transform a fragment of an image. Let's list them: Scaling(Scale), Turn(Rotate) Incline(Skew) Distortion(Distort), Perspective(Perspective) and Deformation(Warp). However, access to these commands can be obtained much faster - through the free transformation mode, which is entered by the key combination Ctrl + T (in Mac OS - Command + T), and exited by the Enter key (in Mac OS - Return). To enable a particular command, use the following techniques:

  1. To scale a fragment, move the mouse pointer over one of the markers of the resulting transformation frame and hold the mouse down with the button pressed. Shift key allows you to maintain the proportions of the fragment, and Alt scales from the center.
  2. If you move the mouse pointer to any vertex of the transformation frame, it will take the form of a curved arrow, moving which causes the fragment to rotate. Before rotating a fragment, you can shift the center of rotation - to do this, you need to move the central frame marker to the required place. So, in Fig. 1 rotation is carried out relative to the top left vertex of the transformation frame. The Shift key allows you to rotate by an angle that is a multiple of 15°.

To tilt, you need to move the middle or corner marker of the transformation frame border while holding down two keys - Ctrl and Alt (in Mac OS - Command and Option).

To add a perspective effect in Free Transform mode, drag the top or bottom corner handle by pressing the key combination Shift+Alt+Ctrl (on Mac OS - Shift+Option+Command) - fig. 2.

Activate command Distortion(Distort) from the free transformation mode is enabled by the Ctrl key (in Mac OS - Command) - fig. 3.

Fragment deformation

As a result of choosing a command Editing(Edit) -> Transformation(Transform) -> Deformation(Warp) a mesh is superimposed on the fragment, the editing of which is performed by changing the position of the nodes and the angle of inclination of the guides (Fig. 4).

To apply the changes and exit this command, press Enter (Return on Mac OS).

Content Aware Scale

Content-aware scaling allows you to resize an image or portion of an image without affecting people, buildings, animals, etc. With normal scaling (command Free transformation- Free Transform) all pixels are treated equally, and content-aware scaling mainly affects background and background pixels. Moreover, this scaling allows you to protect the selected area or areas containing colors close to skin tones from transformation. So, in Fig. 5 A presented original image cows, and in Fig. 5 b— the result of normal scaling. As you can see, the image of the cow has been flattened along with the background - the choice of command was unsuccessful.

Rice. 5. Original photo cow(s); the result of applying the Free Transform command (b); the result of using the Content Aware Scale command without presets tool (c); result of using the Content Aware Scale command with selection protection (d)

In Fig. 5 V And G the result of using the command is presented Content Aware Scale(Content-aware scaling). In Fig. 5 V the command was executed without preliminary settings, and in Fig. 5 G The cow image was protected from scaling.

To protect a fragment, you need to create a selection, save it as an alpha channel, and then, before scaling, select the name of the alpha channel from the list in the tool properties panel Protect(Protect) - fig. 6.

To protect against scaling of pixels whose color is close to skin tones, use the button with the image of a person in the properties panel. The result of this button is shown in Fig. 7 b.

Puppet deformation

Puppet warp mode appeared in Photoshop versions CS5. This amazing tool allows you to deform certain parts of an image without affecting other parts of it. In puppet deformation mode, a mesh is applied to the object, editing which leads to deformation of the fragment. But, unlike the team Deformation(Warp), puppet warping transforms an object not using mesh nodes and guides, but using pins.

Pins are indicated by bold yellow dots, which can be moved and the grid rotated relative to them. Moreover, the pins perform a dual role: protecting a fragment of the image and, conversely, deforming it. For deformation, active pins are used, which are marked with a black dot in the center, and inactive pins fix part of the image in place.

Let's look at the basic actions with pins:

1. Adding a pin is done by simply clicking the mouse in puppet warp mode.

Note. To enter this mode, run the command Editing -> Puppet Warp to exit the mode - press the Enter key (in Mac OS - Return) or the button on the property bar.

2. Clicking on the created pin selects it, causing a black dot to appear in its center.

Note. To select multiple pins, click on them while holding down the Shift key.

3. To move a pin, you first need to select it and then drag it while holding down the mouse button (Fig. 8).

4. To rotate the mesh around a pin, you must activate the pin, and then do one of the following:

  • To rotate manually, you need to move the mouse pointer to the pin while holding down the Alt key (on Mac OS - Option). When a circle with a curved arrow appears, drag the mouse while holding down the button (Fig. 9);
  • to rotate the mesh by a given angle, you need to go to the properties panel from the list Turn(Rotate) select item Auto(Auto), and enter the required value in the adjacent field.

5. If part of the grid overlaps, you can change its position - two buttons are used for this Depth(Pin Depth) located on the properties panel.

6. To remove a pin, use any of the following methods:

In addition to working with pins, the properties panel allows you to adjust the elasticity, frequency, and coverage area of ​​the mesh. It is also possible to show it or turn it off:

  • parameter Mode(Mode) - determines the elasticity of the mesh. In most cases the value is used Normal(Normal) - fig. 10;
  • parameter Frequency(Density) - is responsible for the distance between grid nodes, the value is mainly used Normal(Normal);
  • parameter Extension(Expansion) - is responsible for the coverage area of ​​the mesh: the larger this value, the larger the outer edge of the mesh (Fig. 11). The default is 2 pixels;
  • checkbox Net(Show Mesh) - displays or removes the mesh.

With puppet deformation, you can easily rotate an arm or leg (Fig. 12 A), bend a straight line into a circle or into some number, for example, eight or nine (Fig. 12 b).

Puppet warp can be applied to layers, vector shapes, text, layer masks, and vector masks. If you need to deform an object, you must first place it on a new layer.

Rice. 12. Examples of using puppet deformation: a — stand on the bridge, b — bend the St. George’s ribbon into a nine

Group filters Distortion

Almost all group filters Distortion(Distort) produce geometric distortions, creating three-dimensional or other shape-changing effects. Let's name some of them:

  • Diffuse glow(Diffuse Glow) - adds color to the image with glow and noise;
  • Ocean waves(Ocean Ripple) Ripple(Ripple) and Wave(Wave) - used to simulate ripples and waves on water;
  • Twisting(Twirl) and Zigzag(Zig Zag) - used to create circles on water or a swirling effect (Fig. 13);
  • Bias(Displace) - Deforms the image based on a displacement map, which is an alpha channel stored in PSD format;
  • Glass(Glass) - creates the impression that there is glass on top of the image, the pattern and structure of which can be adjusted in this filter;
  • Curvature(Shear) - allows you to bend the image along the curve that is drawn in the area preview. In some cases, this filter can be replaced with the command Editing(Edit) -> Deformation(Wrap).

Only three filters from this group can be applied using the filter gallery: Diffuse glow(Diffuse Glow) Glass(Glass) and Ocean waves(Ocean Ripple).

Rice. 13. Examples of using the Zigzag filter from the Distortion group: a - for drawing circles on the water, b - for curling the edges of the frame

Distortion correction

Filter Distortion correction(Lens Correction) is designed to correct defects created by the lens when shooting. This can include barrel and pincushion distortion,
Vignetting or chromatic aberration.

Filter(Filter) -> Distortion correction(Lens Correction).
In the preview area, you can overlay a grid on the image by clicking Moving the grid(Move Grid) - it is enabled by default. With its help, correction results can be easily tracked. The filter also has tools Hand(Hand) and Scale(Zoom) to scroll and zoom the image. Correction can be performed with two tools:

Adjustment of chromatic aberration, vignetting and perspective occurs on the tab Custom(Custom) using the appropriate sliders.

In Fig. Figure 14 shows an example of correcting barrel distortion resulting from shooting a book cover at a very close distance.

Rice. 14. Examples of using the Distortion Correction filter to correct barrel distortion: a - original image, b - correction result

Correcting perspective

Filter Correcting perspective Vanishing Point is used to correct perspective planes in an image, such as the side walls of buildings, floors, roofs, or any other rectangular objects. In this filter, you should construct planes that coincide with the image planes, and then start editing them: drawing, cloning, pasting from the texture clipboard, or transforming. All elements added to the image are automatically scaled and transformed in accordance with the constructed perspective planes, so the result of the correction looks very realistic.

Rice. 15. Examples of using the Correct perspective filter to apply a texture and inscription to a box: a - original images of the box and two textures, b - correction result

In Fig. Figure 15 shows the original image of the box and the result of applying a texture to all faces of the parallelepiped, resulting in a wrapper effect. As can be seen from the picture, the text of congratulations is also printed on the box and is oriented in accordance with the side edges.

The filter dialog box opens with the command Filter(Filter) -> Correcting perspective(Vanishing Point), on the left side of which the filter tools are located. Let's look at the tools used to create the above effect.

Tool Create plane(Create Plane) creates a plane using four corner nodes. After defining four vertices, the perspective plane becomes active and the bounding box and mesh are displayed, which are usually indicated in blue (Fig. 16 A).

If errors occur when placing corner nodes, the plane becomes invalid and the color of the bounding box and grid lines changes to yellow or red. In this case, the nodes should be moved until the lines turn blue. You can also delete an unsuccessful plane using the Backspace key (in Mac OS - Delete) and create the plane again.

After creating the plane it becomes active tool Edit plane(Edit Plane), which allows you to edit the position of nodes and the angle of inclination of the plane. The position of the node can be changed by simply dragging the mouse, and a slider can be used to rotate the plane Corner(Angle) in the tool parameters Edit plane(Edit Plane) or the Alt key (on Mac OS - Option). If you hover your mouse over the middle frame edge marker while holding down the Alt key (on Mac OS - Option), the pointer will change to a curved arrow. Moving the mouse will rotate the plane.

If you need to create a new plane, reselect the tool Create plane(Create Plane) and define the four vertices of the future face. To create interconnected planes, after creating the first plane (mother), drag the middle node of the desired frame edge while holding down Ctrl key(in Mac OS - Command). As a result, a child plane will appear (Fig. 16 b). If the plane being created goes to the side and does not coincide with the edge of the image, change the angle of inclination for it.

Note. Editing corner nodes of the mother and child planes is impossible!

Once the perspective planes have been created and their nodes edited, you can begin applying texture. Therefore, you need to exit the filter window for a while, confirming all your changes with the Ok button. In Fig. 16 V five created planes are presented, which will later be used to apply texture.

It is better to place the texture for each face on a separate layer to make it more convenient to edit the result in the future. In our case, we have two pairs of connected planes (the side faces of the lid and the box itself) and one plane located on the top edge of the lid. Therefore we will need three new layers.

You need to copy the texture image to the clipboard, select an empty layer in the palette Layers(Layers) and open the filter dialog Correcting perspective(Vanishing Point), and then select with the tool Region(Marquee) the desired plane and paste a fragment from the clipboard. When you move the mouse pointer, the texture will automatically fit into the plane. After applying the texture to each face, remember to exit the filter dialog box with the changes applied, otherwise all the textures will be located on the same layer. In Fig. 17 shows the result of applying textures to the edges of the box, as well as the palette Layers(Layers).

To place text on the side surface of the box, you need to create a text layer in the current or new document, copy it to the clipboard, and then paste it in the filter window onto a previously selected plane.

Filter Plastic

Filter Plastic(Liquify) allows you to distort individual areas of the image: shift, move, rotate, reflect, bulge and wrinkle pixels. It is used for creating caricatures, retouching and correcting photographs, as well as for performing artistic effects.

The filter dialog box is called by the command Filter(Filter) -> Plastic(Liquify). All tools are located on the left side of the window, and their settings are made on the right side.

In Fig. 18 shows an example of using a filter Plastic(Liquify) to create a puppet effect.

Eye enlargement performed using an instrument Bloating(Bloat). To treat each eye, you need to use a fairly large brush, the size of which should exceed the size of the eye (Fig. 19).

It is better to set the brush speed quite low - in the example we used a value of 30. You should perform several mouse clicks in different places of the eye, while maintaining its round shape.

Instruments were used to make the mouth smaller Wrinkling(Pucker) and Deformation(Forward). Puckering is applied to the corners of the mouth, with a few clicks made on each of them. To narrow your mouth even further, you need to move the corners of your mouth towards each other with a tool Deformation(Forward) - fig. 20.

The same tools used to make the mouth smaller are used to narrow the nose. As you work, you may need to reduce the brush size for more detailed processing. A tool was used to sharpen the chin Deformation(Forward).

To complete the effect, the whites, pupil and iris of the eyes were processed with instruments Dimmer(Burn) and Clarifier(Dodge), and also made color correction of the image in the dialog box Hue/Saturation(Hue/Saturation).

In addition to creating caricatures, the listed tools are often used to correct photographs. So, in Fig. Figure 21 shows an example of correcting a portrait of a man.

Rice. 22. The process of portrait correction with the Deformation tool: a — reduction of the earlobe; b - lower lip tightening

Tool Deformation(Forward) the following fragments were processed:

  • earlobes - to make them smaller and closer to the head (Fig. 22 A);
  • lower lip - to change its shape (Fig. 22 b).

Tool Wrinkling(Pucker) other fragments were processed:

In addition to the correction filter Plastic Can be used to create various artistic effects. In Fig. Figure 24 shows the result of processing lily petals with a tool Twisting(Twirl). By default, rotation is clockwise; to rotate in the opposite direction, you need to hold down the Alt key (in Mac OS - Option). Stamens and pistil are processed with a tool Bloating(Bloat).

Rice. 23. The process of correcting a portrait with the Wrinkling tool: a - reducing a mole; b - reduction of bags under the eyes, the protected area is indicated in red

Warp text

To bend text, a special function is used, which is called by clicking on the button Deformed text(Warp Text), located on the tool's properties panel Horizontal text(Horizontal Type). The convenience of this function is that it does not rasterize the text, allowing you to edit it after deformation. Moreover, all settings are saved and can be changed as many times as you like.

In the tool settings, you can select the distortion style and set the magnitude of the effect vertically and horizontally. So, in Fig. 25 style was used to deform the text Flag(Flag).

We haven't covered all of Photoshop's tools for performing various types of deformations. Behind the scenes there are many tools of the 3D group. But the examples given show that Photoshop features really very diverse.