How to search in Yandex and Google correctly - we reveal some secrets! Google for the little ones. How to search for special information? How to search for information on Google

Hello, Habrahabr!

Google uses several hundred ranking factors. Each of them has its own weight when calculating the site rating value.

On March 23, 2016, Andrey Lipattsev (Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google) named two main ones - content and links pointing to your site.

The third most important ranking factor, according to Google employee Greg Corrado, is the RankBrain algorithm.

What should the content be?

Over the past three years, you've probably read a lot of articles from SEO experts on the topic “content is king.”

But as it turned out, content is different. We regularly see questions on the webmaster help forum about why website pages rank poorly despite having unique content.

The fact is that by unique content, many webmasters often understood a unique set of words. Google values ​​not so much unique as original content that contains added information value for the user.

If you add another 15,000 characters to 2000 characters and if these do not provide any usefulness, this does not make the content high-quality.

Create content that answers all aspects related to the search query. To do this, use Google hints, words in bold in the description of pages from the SERP. Given the launch of the RankBrain algorithm, pay attention to the replacement words in the search results, especially in the title.

Please note that Google reacts harshly to copyright holder complaints.

What links work?

You've probably seen this issue discussed on SEO forums and conferences. All links work, but you need to know how to use them.

Very often on SEO forums, webmasters ask about the benefits of end-to-end links.

Using end-to-end links that are not nofollowed may result in the site being subject to manual measures, Google's Penguin algorithm, or other parts of the ranking algorithm responsible for both filtering purchased links and generally deterring aggressive manipulation of results.

Placing end-to-end links that are not closed in nofollow in the footer or sidebar of a site is considered an attempt to participate in “link exchange schemes,” which is a violation of Google’s guidelines for webmasters.

By the way, don’t let the word “recommendations” mislead you. Everything that is written there has an almost imperative character. Webmasters are free to do whatever they want, and Google, for its part, simply notifies what it is not ready to agree to, and if the violation is significant, it is very likely that punishment will follow.

An important role in characterizing whether a link is natural or not can be played by: the date the web page was created, the date the link appeared on it, the location of the link and the surrounding text, spam in anchors, and the dynamics of the growth of backlinks. Agree that if an ordinary recently created blog suddenly received 20 thousand backlinks, this may arouse suspicion. This is one possible example.

Structured Data

Don't forget to add the appropriate types of markup to your site's page code. If the site is of high quality and the markup does not contain errors (violations), the data indicated by the micro markup will be shown in the extended snippet and/or in the Knowledge Graph card.

Several features need to be taken into account.

Properly tagged content may not always trigger rich descriptions in search results.

Google performs algorithmic and manual quality checks to ensure structured data relevance standards are met. Google reserves the right to take manual action (such as disabling featured snippets for a site).

For a long time, Google's Manual Action Help did not describe the consequences for violating structured data markup standards.

Important! The spelling options for the site name, domain, and contact information should be the same in the site's micro markup, in the Google+ page and in Google My Business.

Add reviews to Google Maps. It is advisable to leave reviews as natural as possible, but it is recommended to use keywords in them, if possible. This will increase organic traffic from Google. Also don't forget that Google Maps links can be shared.

Mobile version of the site

This, together with site loading speed, is perhaps the most fashionable trend in Google of the last two years.
Mobile devices are becoming more and more important to us every day. Therefore, we recommend that all website owners optimize their web pages for them.
Andrey Lipattsev (Google)

Google has three tools for checking the optimization of the mobile version of the site:
· mobile-friendly test - checking a separate web page (for Google robot). All robots.txt rules are taken into account. Blocked resources are displayed in a separate list. Temporarily unavailable resources are not displayed in the new tool, so the visual elements of the site page may not be displayed on the screen of the mobile version.
· PageSpeed ​​Insights - based on page analysis, recommendations are made to improve content loading speed. For each item, a hint is given to problematic content (script, pictures, caching, etc.), indicating a resource for optimization and a link to reference information. Through experiments, you can select optimization of site resources, configure its code and achieve a significant increase in speed. The tool also offers the webmaster to download optimized resources in one package.
· Ease of viewing on mobile devices in Google Search Console - a report on problems detected by the robot on the site in terms of mobility. It has a delay in data update time from a week to two. Benefit - a comprehensive analysis of the site for mobility. Problem pages are provided with detailed analysis and recommendations for correcting errors.

Continuing the topic of mobility, let's say a few words about AMP.

Create entertaining and educational videos. Add relevant keywords and a detailed video description as tags.

For video editing: from paid programs - Sony Vegas Pro, from free ones - VSDC Free Video Editor.

YouTube has a built-in video editor. Its advantage is that it allows you to quickly create your own video from someone else’s video without violating copyrights, and at the same time your video will be monetized. Enter the video editor and click the “cc” button (videos distributed under a Creative Commons license). Find a video that is of suitable quality and matches your request. Next, edit it at your discretion.

In general, which editor to use for video editing is a matter of taste.

The nuances of using Google Search Console

It may seem to some that in this part of the article we will write truisms, but as an analysis of questions on the Google Webmaster Help Forum shows, this information is not known to everyone.
1. Data in Google Search Console is updated within ten to twenty days.
2. The number of indexed site pages should be looked at in the “Indexing Status” section, and not in the “Sitemap Files” section.
3. You should not focus on the “Average Position” indicator from the “Search Query Analysis” section.
4. Section “Manual measures” - check on all versions of the site.
5. You can almost instantly add a page to the Google index using the “View like Googlebot” tool.
6. “Ease of browsing on mobile devices” is probably one of the most useful tools in Google Search Console because it shows the compliance of the entire site, and not individual pages, with the mobility test.
7. If Google detects structured data for rich cards on your site, you will see it as a chart and table in Search Console. The Rich Cards Report helps you identify errors in structured data found on your site. This is a kind of addition to the “Structured Data” report.
8. “Links to your site” report. In our opinion, it is not entirely convenient. We recommend using the above online services for these purposes.
9. Grouping of sites. You may have noticed that Google Search Console recently added a “Create Group” button. Why might this be needed? You can add all versions of one site to one group. You can add different sites to the group, and so on.

We hope that each of you found something useful in the article.

Tags: google, webmaster, seo optimization

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December 23rd, 2012

How familiar it is when, in response to a search query, a bunch of garbage comes out. You just give up trying to sort it all out in search of really necessary and useful information, and unflattering expressions about the search engine are ready to come out of your mouth. We open a lot of windows with search results, sift through a lot of information that we don’t need and risk losing what we really need. But it is not all that bad. You just don’t yet know how to correctly tell a search engine what exactly you want to get. After all, a common phrase or an overly general description is not always clear to a search engine. Don't forget that this is still a machine, albeit a very, very smart one.

So let's see how we can refine the query. How to behave and what are the features when working with the search engine.

1. Exclusion from Google search

To exclude any word, phrase, symbol, etc. from search results, just put a “-” (minus) sign in front of it, and it will not appear in the search results.

For example, you can enter the following phrase into the search bar: “free hosting - .ru” and in the search results there is not a single .ru site, except for paid advertisements.

2. Search by synonyms

Use the “~” symbol to search for similar words to the selected one. For example, as a result of the expression: “~best movies are the best,” you will see all links to pages containing synonyms for the word “best,” but none of them will contain this word.

Synonyms and words with alternative endings will be found. Example: ~hippo (the search will also find, for example, the word hippopotamus). Note: the author of the translation has some suspicions that the operator works only with English. If anyone can reasonably dispel it, please do so in the comments.

3. Undefined search (mask)

In case you have not decided on a specific keyword to search, the “*” operator will help. For example, the phrase “best * image editor” will select the best editors for all types of images, be it digital, raster, vector, etc.

The “*” symbol can be used as a mask - a symbol that designates an arbitrary number of any characters. This can be useful, for example, if you are trying to find the lyrics to a song but can't remember the exact words. Or find a site whose domain is only partially remembered. Example: welcome to the hotel * such a lovely place; *

4. Search to choose from options

Using the “|” operator, you can do Google search using several combinations of phrases, replacing several words in different places.

For example, let’s enter the phrase “buy a case | pen” will give us pages containing either “buy a case” or “buy a pen”

By default, Google searches for pages that contain all the words from the search query, but if you want to return those that contain at least one word from a given set, you can use the logical OR operator. It corresponds to the symbol “|” (in English it is called pipe symbol). Example: milk|cucumbers|herring.

5. Meaning of the word

To find out the meaning of a particular word, just enter “define:” in the search line and after the colon the desired phrase.

6. Exact match

If you need to find a specific phrase verbatim, you can use quotation marks. Example: “Hotel California” (a similar query without quotes would return not only links to all references to the song of the same name, but also to many websites of tour operators and hotels).

7. Search a specific site

To search for keywords on only one site, just add the following syntax to the search phrase - “site:”.

For example, let's try to search for the following:

As you can see, Google found everything related to “wordpress hacks”

You can use the site: operator to limit search results to a specific website. This feature is usually used when installing Google search forms on third-party resources. Example: seagate barracuda

To find out the location of links to the site of interest, just enter the following syntax: “links:” and then the address of the site of interest.

Be that as it may, Google does not show all backlinks.

9. Unit converter

Search system Google also knows how to convert values ​​at the user's request.

For example, we need to know how much 1 kg is in pounds. We type the following query: “1 kg in pounds”

10. Currency converter

In order to find out the exchange rate at the official rate, type the following search query: “1 [currency] to [currency]”

11. Time in the city

If you want to find out the time for any city, then use the syntax: “time” or the Russian equivalent of “time” and the name of the city. In my case it looks like this:

I assure you the time is most precise! I check my watch on Google myself :)

12. Google calculator

One of Google's useful and little-known features is the calculation of arithmetic expressions. In many cases, this is faster than using a calculator program. The operators you can use in expressions are +, -, *, /, ^ (power), sqrt (square root), sin, cos, tan, ln, lg, exp (e x), parentheses, and much more. Example: sqrt(25 * 25) * 768 .

13. Search by file type

If you need to find something by a specific file type, Google has a “filetype:” operator that searches by given file extension.

In case you want to search, for example, only documents in PDF, Word or Excel format, you can use the filetype: operator. Full list of supported formats at the time of writing: Adobe Reader PDF (.pdf), Adobe Postscript (.ps), Autodesk DWF (.dwf), Google Earth (.kml, .kmz), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), Shockwave Flash (.swf). Example: stroustrup c++ ​​language filetype:pdf .

You can also use the ext: operator to select the type of files you are looking for.

14. Search for a cached page

Google has its own servers where it stores cached pages. If you need exactly this, then use the operator: “cached:”

There is also a similar operator, cache:, with which you can immediately retrieve pages from the cache by their URL. This feature, in principle, can be used as a kind of backup of web pages visible to Google: even if the page is deleted from its site, a copy of it may remain on Google.

15. Weather forecast for the city

16. Translator

As you can see from the screenshot, you can also write in Russian, i.e. “translate the house into English.”

17. Use “+” and quotation marks.
A query enclosed in quotation marks will save you from the presence of synonyms of the words of your search phrase in the search results. If you only need to exclude synonyms of one or two words from the search, then you can put a “+” sign in front of these words without a space.

19. Use variations in your query.
When searching, Google takes into account all the words of the query, with the exception of some words such as “how”, “what”, “this”, “that”, etc. To make your search more flexible, you can add an OR operator (or use the “|” symbol) to your query, separating words or phrases that are search alternatives.

For example, you want to find information about the career of one famous football player, but you want to separate the data relating to the World Cup and European Cups. This can be achieved by placing the “|” sign between "World Cup" and "European Cups" in the query after that player's name.

20. Remember the importance of correct query writing and punctuation.
Google generally doesn't pay attention to punctuation or other symbols in queries, but in some cases, punctuation can affect the meaning of the query. Thus, the expression “C#” will mean a search for the name of the programming language, and “$500” means a search for a specific mention of a monetary amount. Also, if the query contains words separated by a hyphen, then they will be searched in a rigid link, but if there is a space before the hyphen, then the hyphen will mean that the word following it must be excluded from the search.

21. Numerical intervals. Another little-known feature on Google is searching for numeric intervals, which can be defined using extreme values ​​separated by a sequence of two dots. Example: Booker 2004..2007.

22. Vertical search. Instead of searching the entire web for specific words, you can limit your search to one specific area. Google includes many search services that allow you to find information of interest in blogs, news, books, and many other categories:

23. Cinema. To search for movie titles, it is convenient to use the movie: operator. Example: movie:One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

24. Music. The music: operator will limit the search results to content that is related to music in some way. Example: music:Depeche Mode 101.

25. Numerical patterns. Google's algorithms can recognize the type of numeric data based on its input pattern. Unfortunately, most of these templates only meet US standards. In particular you can search for:

    • regional telephone codes;
    • car numbers (US, as you might guess, only);
    • accession numbers of the Federal Communications Commission FCC (also US only);
    • UPC (Universal Product Codes used in the USA);
    • FAA registration numbers (USA);
    • patent numbers (USA);
    • stock quotes (you must use stock symbols) and weather forecast for five days ahead.

27. Location of the word. By default, Google searches for specified text within the content of pages. But if you need to search in a specific area, you can use operators such as "inurl:" (search inside the URL), "intitle:" (search in the page title), "intext:" (search in the text of the page), and "inanchor :" (search in the text of links).

30. Information about the site. Using the info: operator, you can get information known to Google about the specified site. Example:

31. Similar sites. Using the related: operator, Google can return a list of sites that it considers similar to a given one. Example:

32. Methods of presentation. In addition to the standard view of search results, there are two more experimental ones that can be activated using the view: operator. The first of them, timeline, is designed to display various chronological events and can visually represent the distribution of search results on the time axis. Example: George Washington view:timeline (the result of such a request will be some kind of biography, the materials of which are collected from many Internet resources).

The second display method - map is convenient for searching on maps. When you select it, a frame with a map immediately opens in the report with search results, on which what Goolge found is marked with pointers. Example: fifth avenue ny view:map . As you might guess, the service is not yet friendly with Russian (and any non-English language). In addition, the relevance of the map search leaves much to be desired (if only because the Saint Petersburg view:map query ranked Moscow, Pavlovsk and Petrodvorets above the desired city with a clearly defined name).

And I remind you just in case

To search for information in search engines, just enter your question and get an answer. But if the query covers a “narrow” area of ​​knowledge or is too broad, then the person may need additional knowledge in the search tools.

The search is never case sensitive. The search query [new york times] is no different from the search query [New York Times].

Punctuation marks are usually not taken into account. The situation is similar with special characters (@#$%^&*()=+\).

Queries should be simple. If a person is looking for a company, then simply enter its name or at least that part of the name that he remembers for sure. If a user is looking for a specific concept, place or product, it is best to start with its title or name. For example, to search for a pizzeria in Kerch, just type [pizza Kerch]. The simpler the search query, the more successful the search will be.

A search engine is not a person. This is a program that compares the words you enter in a query with the words on web pages. Therefore, when searching, you need to ask a question not in spoken language, but in a set of words. For example, instead of the query [what to do if you have a headache], it is easier and better to enter [headache], and the query [in which country are bats considered a good omen? ] is understandable to a person, but the document containing the answer may not contain these words. In this case, it is better to indicate [bats are considered a good omen in] or even [bats are a good omen], since these words are most likely present on the desired page.

Each word in the query serves to narrow and refine the search area. Since all words are used, each additional word limits the range of results. If you impose too many restrictions, you may miss useful information. It's best to start your search with a few keywords. For example, a simple query [minsk weather] will yield better results than a longer [weather forecast for Minsk Belarus].

It is better to use more informative words for searching. This increases the likelihood that the results will be relevant. Words like “document,” “website,” “company,” or “information” are usually unnecessary. Even if the right word is used in a query, if most people rarely use it, it may not end up on the right page. For example, the query [popular ringtones] is more informative and specific than [popular ringtones].

Special characters and search commands:

To exclude any word, phrase, symbol, etc. from search results, just put a “-” (minus) sign in front of it, and it will not appear in the search results.

The "~" symbol is used to search for similar words to the selected one. For example, as a result of the expression: “~best movies are the best” you will see all links to pages containing synonyms for the word “best”, but none of them will contain this word.

For a vague search with a specific keyword, the “*” symbol will help.
For example, the phrase "best * image editor" will select the best editors for all types of images, be it digital, raster, vector, etc.

Using the "|" operator, you can perform a Google search on multiple combinations of phrases, replacing multiple words in different places.
For example, the request “buy a case | pen" will return pages containing either "buy a case" or "buy a pen".

To find out the meaning of a particular word, just enter “define:” in the search line followed by a colon with the desired phrase.

To find an exact match of the search results with the query, it is enough to enclose the keywords in quotation marks.

To search for information on only one site, just write “site:site address” before the request.

The Google search engine can also convert values ​​at the user's request.
For example, to find out how much 1 kg is in pounds, you would type: “1 kg in pounds.” The search works similarly for currency conversion.

You can find out the time in the desired city by typing the word “time” in front of its name. Similarly with the weather, using the “weather” command.
Google will also replace the calculator, including the engineering one, and even build a graph by function. To solve it, just enter a condition in the search bar, for example “10*45+(56-43)=”.

If you need to find files of a certain type, just add “filetype:” in the description and indicate the desired resolution.

If the necessary information has already been deleted from the site, then it can be found in the Google cache. To do this, you need to specify “cached:” in the request.
You can quickly translate a word using the command “translate [word] into [language]”.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Not everyone knows how to Google correctly.

Often the effectiveness of your work is affected by how quickly you can find the information you need. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: you enter a request and get the result. But sometimes it takes hours to find what you need, and you have to look through a bunch of sites.

website offers you some simple tricks to help you save time on Google searches.

Find the entire phrase

The simplest command for Google that makes searching much easier. If you put the text in quotation marks, the search engine begins to look for an exact match of the phrase, with the desired word order. Very often this helps to find the right page without digging through the garbage.

Find a quote that has a missing word

If you forgot a word in a quote, no problem! Just put your entire quote in quotation marks and replace the forgotten word with an asterisk “*”

Find on a specific site

You looked at an interesting selection on a website about watercolor artists, but you don’t remember what it was called. The site operator is suitable for this. It allows you to specify the site you want to search on directly in the request. Just be sure to put a colon after site.

Search for words within one sentence

Use the ampersand symbol "&" to quickly find two words that will appear in the same sentence. Helps narrow your search.

Exclude a word from search

Let's say you want to find a salad recipe, but it must be without mayonnaise. Enter your query and put a minus sign in front of the word you want to exclude.

Let's say you want to find articles about design, but you only get websites of design bureaus, conferences and exhibitions. You can exclude these words from the search by putting a minus sign in front of them.

Search by price

To avoid wasting time visiting each online store separately, simply enter the product name and price range separated by two dots (..).

Search for documents in a specific format

For example, you are preparing a presentation on the topic “History of Design”. You can be inspired by other people's work on this topic. Enter the title and then filetype:PPT

Useful additions

Calculator. Enter the required action, receive an answer and a calculator for further calculations.

A translation of a word. Translate words quickly too. Before the phrase, enter “translate”, and after “into” and the desired language.

For example: translate I love creativity into Italian

Definition of the word. When someone starts being clever and throwing around incomprehensible terms and words, the “define:” operator will come to your aid, and after it, enter an incomprehensible word. Google will immediately provide a definition, and you will save time by not going to Wikipedia and other reference sites.

Searching the Internet for necessary information every day, you probably think that you have become an ace in using the Google search engine. You enter a couple of words, press “ Enter", look through the list of search results, change the keywords, press " Enter"and repeat these steps until you find what you were planning to find.

In contact with

And you probably never thought that there are ways to make this process more efficient without resorting to the “ Advanced Search».

All you need to know is a few commands (operators) and symbols that will help you bypass mountains of information garbage in order to quickly get to the content that matches your request.

How to Always Search on Even When You're Abroad

When using Google search abroad, for example when traveling, the search results will contain links to local sites in the local language. Luckily, there's a quick and easy solution to automatically redirect your country to Google, ensuring you're guaranteed to visit universal searches on no matter your current location on the globe.

To do this, use an alternative URL Google NCR (No Country Redirect) «", which will always provide search on no matter if you are in India, China, Brazil, Honduras, Germany, UK, New Zealand, Australia or anywhere else on planet Earth.

We search only on a specific site

If you only need materials from a specific site, then you can indicate this directly during the search. This is done simply - enter the keyword, followed by the command “site:” and the full address of the site. For example: " ».

Search by specific word or phrase

In order for Google to return results strictly corresponding to the word or phrase you specified, we enclose them in quotation marks. This function will be especially useful when searching for articles, songs, films, etc.

Looking for a forgotten word or phrase

If you remember only part of a phrase, but it is urgently needed in its entirety, then you can “Google” it in this form. Then replace the missing words with “*”. This way we can quickly find out what a saying, a line from a song or a quote from a work of art sounds like.

Viewing a cached version of the site

Not all web pages remain online forever. If material that you have already encountered on the Internet once suddenly disappears, then there is still a chance to fish it out from the depths of the World Wide Web. To do this, you should try to find content in the cached version of the page. To do this, enter the command in the address bar cache: and after it the missing URL. If you're lucky, the page saved in Google's cache will appear.

Search by file type

If you need to find a file in any one format - say PDF - then enter the query in the search line, and then the command filetype:, after which we indicate the format. For example: " mathematics textbook filetype:PDF».

Search by images

If you find an image on the Internet that you would like to have in normal resolution, you can find the full-size source (if it exists at all) in just two clicks.

To do this, open the page, click on the menu “ Images", located in the upper right corner, and drag our image into the field that appears (or enter a link to it). Then press “Enter” and catch the results from the search engine.