How to Generate Leads with Video Ads on Twitter. Peter Lidov apologized for “young degenerates”

Managing partner of the Social Networks agency and Megafon subscriber Denis Terekhov published a screenshot of a personal Twitter correspondence with the operator’s PR director Pyotr Lidov, during which he called him a “little fat *******” (a mean, low person ). A high-ranking Megafon employee was angered by Terekhov’s tweet complaining about the impossibility sending SMS in one of the districts of “New Moscow”.

On Wednesday, August 27, entrepreneur Denis Terekhov published on his page in Twitter message, in which he complained about the non-functioning service for sending SMS messages in one of the villages of the Moscow region, which later became part of “New Moscow”:

Shortly after the publication of the complaint, Megafon PR director Pyotr Lidov wrote Terekhov a personal message on Twitter, in which he called the entrepreneur a “fat little *******” (a mean, low person) and urged him to “stay out of his sight.” Terekhov posted a screenshot of this message on Twitter:

According to Terekhov, Lidov blocked him on Twitter, as a result of which he was unable to respond to the operator’s representative to his message.


In his initial message, the entrepreneur noted that he fears a negative reaction from the PR director of the mobile operator Peter Lidov, referring to discussion on its Facebook page, which took place in April of this year. Then the entrepreneur criticized the advertising efforts of the operators cellular communications, which promise subscribers Internet at high speeds, but they cannot make sure that “at least EDGE works within the Garden Ring”:

The recording received the approval of the audience and collected more than 220 likes and several dozen comments, but caused the displeasure of Peter Lidov. The PR director of Megafon believed that the entrepreneur should not have been criticized mobile operators, among whom are his agency’s clients—for some time, Terekhov’s agency “Social Networks” provided Megafon with SMM services.

The editors of the Central Committee turned to Pyotr Lidov for comments regarding the published correspondence, but he did not answer questions, saying that he “does not consider it possible to comment on anyone’s personal correspondence.”

Denis Terekhov in his comment suggested that the PR director of Megafon was offended by him for his post on Facebook:

Denis TerekhovManaging Partner of the Social Networks Agency

Last night I complained on Twitter about the poor connection in my village in the Moscow region. Everyone saw how Peter Lidov responded to this. The situation is funny, because until the end of 2012 we were managing SMM for the federal Megafon, and until mid-2013 we were finalizing it with the Moscow one. Plus, I myself am almost a VIP client of the operator.

The background to this reaction from a company representative is simple - six months ago I wrote a post on the topic of how I was annoyed by advertising a la “fly at top speeds,” especially when even EDGE doesn’t work under this billboard. There was no mention of Megafon, but Peter Lidov was offended by me, wrote some nasty things in the comments and banned me. Later we made up, but now here we go again.

He’s just a very emotional person, although he doesn’t advertise it. She takes everything to heart. He's probably rooting for the cause.

Public reaction

The publication of a screenshot of correspondence by Denis Terekhov provoked a wave of discussions about the professional responsibilities and qualities of representatives of PR services of large companies, in particular Megafon.

In the Facebook community “Press secretaries and PR people of Russia”, entrepreneur Stepan Danilov negatively responded about Lidov's behavior. His post received more than a hundred comments. In addition, the question of the admissibility of this style of communication with former contractors and current clients to your subscribers

For marketers using Twitter, video advertising is still one of the most interesting features, allowing you to disseminate information about products and services. Since its introduction in 2012 in the form of Twitter Cards, video advertising has remained an important tool for companies that prefer to engage customers using audio and visual cues.

Michael Steltzner, founder of Social Media Examiner, authority on social marketing: “Videos will play a huge role in social media marketing in 2018. Stories in the form of short videos will become an important method of humanizing brands. Live video can help businesses develop more engaged communities. Video advertising will also dominate"

Below is a comprehensive guide to generating leads using Twitter ads. We will look at the benefits of using advertising, types of content, the best way manifest themselves on this platform, and also learn how to upload videos and work with them.

Why do you need video advertising on Twitter?

Before you begin the process of using a new marketing channel, it is always best to understand why that marketing channel is useful. Here are just a few reasons to invest in Twitter advertising:

What types of videos are best for lead generation?

Twitter advertising can help you achieve various goals such as growing your follower base and, of course, generating leads. If your main goal for advertising on Twitter is lead generation, then familiarize yourself with the typology of videos for use in advertising.

Native videos and GIFs

As a rule, videos work better than GIFs in terms of attracting the attention of new customers. However, GIFs are more cost effective, easier to make, and provide an opportunity to whet the audience's appetite before showing the main video. In addition, the potential of GIFs to become viral is higher, which is facilitated by the special subculture associated with them (which videos do not have) - this subculture migrated from the Giphy website to Twitter after the social network introduced a built-in GIF library in 2016.

One of best examples Lead generation using GIFs can be found at Hootsuite. They recently started posting funny GIFs of their mascot, Owly, on Twitter. This not only deepens their social media personality, but also allows for a more personalized experience.

Native videos are perhaps one of the most simple types video content. If you have an idea and are confident in your creativity, then try filming and uploading it to Twitter. These videos work well to show something unexpected or happening behind the scenes, and they allow the brand to appear more genuine and open. Due to their authenticity, such videos do not require complex production. Below we have provided instructions for creating native videos on iOS and Android.

Video series

The video series are great way attract new audiences and encourage them to learn more. Unlike watching one commercial, here we are dealing with a story that introduces a concept that is not resolved until the next video. Provided good performance potential clients will come back to your page to watch the continuation of the storyline. As the story progresses, you have the chance to repeatedly introduce your products and services to the audience. One series may include a large number of video.

Video series allow you to develop a successful product strategy without being intrusive. Indirect marketing techniques are more effective, making up an impressive portion of Twitter users. This audience is moving away from television, radio and traditional media in search of new original content.

HomeStars analyzed its most popular blog posts and used them to create a series of homemaking tips and tricks, then published it on Twitter. The team compared the effectiveness of videos on social networks and links to blog posts from which the videos were originally taken. Views of a video about the color of a door, for example, increased on Twitter by 105%, clicks by 8.9%, and engagement by 733%!

Broadcasts (Periscope)

1. Awareness Campaign

If you want to get into lead acquisition on Twitter, the first step is to get your profile seen as widely as possible. more people— you need to build a base of followers. An Awareness Campaign is a great way for new businesses to expand their Twitter presence.

Awareness campaigns start with standard features, used to target specific users in other campaigns. These features include the ability to use Tailored Audiences or profiles with high degree filtering to precisely target your ads to the most relevant users.

The first step involves naming your campaign and connecting it directly to target audience. You can set start and end dates and define a daily rate to ensure you don't go over your daily budget. The standard recommendation is to start with a budget of at least $30 per day.

Then you proceed to select the video. Twitter suggests adding 4-5 tweets to promote the campaign.

You can select tweets that have already been published, in which case it would be logical to focus on those that received a lot of organic likes and shares, or create a new tweet. If you choose the latter, you will be redirected to the tweet shaper. You can also set the Promoted-only checkbox to ensure that the tweet is delivered only to the users targeted by the campaign, rather than to all of your followers.

After clicking on the “Upload video” button with the camera, you will again be asked to choose from the downloaded videos, or you can go to the media studio to create a new video.

What is a “media studio”?

Media Studio is updated version, allowing advertisers to access all of Twitter's video publishing tools in one place. This is where all the materials you create are stored.

With Media Studio you can manage and enhance your media with the following features:

After selecting a video in the Tweet Maker or uploading a new video in Media Studio, you can return to the content selection in Twitter Ads Manager and navigate to the audience targeting options. Twitter allows you to filter by gender, language, geographic location, and even the type of device you expect users to use. Next, you will be presented with the composition of advanced filters (by keywords, followers, interests, behavior), as well as TV and event targeting.

The main difference with an awareness campaign is that you pay per thousand impressions, not for interactions per se.

2. Campaign to promote video views

An awareness campaign is great for those just starting out with a Twitter account. However, the Promoted Video Views Campaign was designed specifically to ensure that your videos are found more often and so that you can capitalize on them.

In Twitter Ads Manager, you can select Promoted Video Views by clicking the Create New Campaign button and clicking the drop-down menu. Now you will already pay for the number of views. Twitter considers a paid view when a video is 50% viewable in a user's feed, when it is viewed for at least 2 seconds, and when it is clicked to be viewed in full screen/silent mode.

Promotional videos play automatically as users scroll through their feed. As a result, it is achieved high level engagement without excessive advertising, since users tend to interact with the first moving object they see on the screen. Interest in the product increases and you get a lead.

Promotional videos should be short, engaging and, most importantly, designed to immediately solve a consumer problem. Most last no more than 30 seconds, and many viral videos are even shorter: only 15.

3. Clicks or conversions on the site

This campaign (Website Clicks or Conversions Campaign) is optimized to attract traffic to your landing page that comes from tweets targeted to a specific audience. It helps you include content in your tweet in a way that will generate as many clicks as possible.

However, to properly track conversions, you'll need a site tag (a piece of code used to target Twitter promoted content to users who have already demonstrated interest in a brand by visiting its website).

When you select a video during setup, you determine exactly where tweets will appear from commercials. You can make them appear in the feed, user profile, or tweet detail pages. You can promote their appearance in search results Twitter, and also post them on the Twitter Audience platform, a network with thousands of mobile applications and sites that operate independently of Twitter.

Twitter Ads Manager allows you to manage, track and edit all your advertising campaigns.

How to Record and Upload Videos and GIFs to Twitter

Record/download video on iOS and Android

1. Tap the pen icon once on the Twitter home screen.

2. Below the window where you compose your tweets, there are several options for adding new videos or photos. The most recent videos you've created will also appear as thumbnails in this part of the screen. Here you can select a pre-recorded video to publish. If you need to enable a GIF, then click on the GIF icon.

4. Rearrange the order of clips by moving them sideways after recording, or delete part of the video by dragging it up.

iPhone. Click the Done button when you are finished recording. You can review what you've done by clicking the Play button, which will take you to a screen where you can also make further changes.

Uploading videos to Twitter from a computer

1. Tap the post tweet button in the top right corner of the screen. In the window for creating a new tweet, select the “Add photo or video” option.

2. Find the video you want to share and click on it once to make your selection.

3. You may need to trim your video. This action is accomplished by dragging either end of the panel along the edges of the video.

Note: for any operating system you can record and upload videos up to 140 seconds long.

And finally, don't forget...

On Twitter, the options are open to any video. There are, however, trends that you, as an advertiser, should not ignore if you want to create wildly popular . Here are some rules for video optimization.


In general, as mentioned, no ad should be more than one minute long, and the length range for most viral videos is between 15 and 45 seconds. There are successful examples, lasting longer than one minute, but they are usually not intended for lead generation. Long videos are created for people who are already familiar with the brand, or they are meant to be posted on other social platforms, such as Facebook, where people are accustomed to watching longer videos.

Ease of use on mobile devices

Make sure your video content is optimized for screen mobile phone, which specifically means using a square format. Videos not meant to be viewed on mobile devices can look great on laptops or desktop computers, but look absolutely monstrous on other gadgets.

Subtitles / Captions / Text Overlay

In many cases, it is recommended to use captions, captions, or text overlays to replace audio. This ensures that the meaning of your video is conveyed 100% to the audience. This approach also provides extra bed to promote your products. Placing short, sharp messages in different places in your advertising is powerful tool interactions. However, subtitles are not available in broadcasts, and of course they are not available in GIFs.


At the right approach Twitter can be extremely effective advertising platform. Since more than 60% Twitter users are millennials, you should turn to video first as it is dynamic and instantly grabs attention. However, you can't live on good video content alone, so don't forget that there are other parts of the equation, such as powerful ad copy, precise audience targeting and, of course, landing page, designed specifically for conversions. All this guarantees that you will receive maximum return from your advertising campaign.

High conversions to you!

Based on materials

The Megafon company dismisses the head of its PR service, Petr Lidov, after his post on social networks.

Megafon PR Director Pyotr Lidov, a socialite and friend of Maria Zakharova, is leaving the company. Four of his friends spoke about this. According to them, Lidov is now on vacation and will not return to work. Vedomosti's interlocutors know that the company is already looking for a replacement for the PR director. One of the people who received an offer from HR specialists confirmed this.

According to sources, the company as a whole has not been very happy with Lidov for a long time. In particular, according to one of the interlocutors, the management raised questions about the fact that for a long time he combined the position of PR director with work as a presenter on television.

Megafon recently had two major accidents, as a result of which the operator’s subscribers were unable to make calls. The company did not like the strategy that Lidov chose to cover these events, two of his acquaintances know. The operator’s employee admits that there were indeed complaints about Lidov’s work.

Peter Lidov answers.

In general, the love of Twitter, Facebook and other networks on the part of secular characters seems strange.

Last straw

The last straw was Lidov’s tweet about the participants in the June protest (published on June 14), Vedomosti’s interlocutors say. Then, mass protests against corruption took place throughout Russia; in Moscow alone, more than 800 people were detained, 126 of whom were minors.

Lidov called them “young degenerates” on his Twitter. The next day, he apologized to readers and explained his actions to Meduza this way: “I was just there, walking with my daughter, everything was so good, it was so good mood, and then this started.”

Lidov told Vedomosti that he would not comment on “rumors about his dismissal.” A Megafon representative confirmed that the PR director is on vacation; Vedomosti also does not comment on the dismissal. Meanwhile, in one of his Facebook posts, Lidov wrote that the editors of the “While You Were Sleeping” column (a daily news report authored by Lidov) were going on vacation to “among other things, think about their future professional destiny.”