How to add a new number to imessage. How to find out your phone number on iPhone

You've probably noticed that sometimes a message from a user Apple technology comes to your iPad or Mac with Email . It gets to the point of being comical: a person with whom you communicate at work, who occupies a high-ranking position in some institution, writes you an SMS warning that he will not be able to make it to the meeting on time, but messages arrive from an email like [email protected] or even worse, [email protected] . And it may be impossible to identify the sender.

Why is this happening?

Activation of iMessage occurs in two stages:

    1. You enter your Apple ID and password to log in to the Apple services system.
    2. Your phone (and we recommend activating iMessage from it for the first time) sends an SMS message to Apple servers and waits for a positive response.

Your consent to sending international SMS

The first step is for Apple to know that you want to use their iMessage service with this Apple ID. If you have agreed to the company's rules and entered your email address and password correctly, the service will be activated. At first, sending messages via the Internet became possible only with Apple ID(your email).

At the second stage, after receiving an SMS response from Apple servers(you and I don’t see this, the phone does everything “in the background”, and international SMS can be tracked in the details taken from the operator cellular communications) is “linked” to your Apple ID phone number SIM card installed in the device. If everything went correctly, then messages begin to be sent correctly, using your phone number as the sender ID.

When everything is set up correctly

At the second stage, various types of errors are possible, which your phone will not inform you, you need to monitor this yourself:

  • There may not be enough funds in the number's balance to send international SMS;
  • The cellular operator may disable the ability to send both all SMS and international ones in particular;
  • A message may be sent by your phone, but no response is received;
  • No network (must have both internet access and cellular network)

You will see the message “Waiting for activation...” under the iMessage enabled toggle switch. The first three to five minutes are normal; the phone performs a number of actions “in the background.” If this period is extended, most likely some error has occurred.

At the “Waiting for activation...” stage, it is possible to send iMessage only from the email on the right. If everything freezes at this stage, there will be problems

Consequence of error iMessage activation will be the title of this article: messages from you will come from your email, not your phone number.

How to deal with this?

If the problem is relevant to you, it should be solved step by step.

    1. Turn off iMessage for everyone your devices. On a computer this is done in the settings of the Messages program, on iOS devices in Settings -> Messages.
    2. Make sure that all devices have All operating system updates. For iMessage to work correctly, Mac OS version 10.8 is required on computers and iOS 6 on smartphones and tablets. Update yourself. If this is not possible, then accept the absence of iMessage.
    3. Activate iMessage on your phone. To do this, open Settings -> Messages, move the toggle switch iMessage V active state and enter your Apple ID and password. Be sure to wait until the “Waiting for activation...” message in the message settings disappears and you can install phone number in the “Send/Receive” field.

We move the toggle switch to the active state and enter a couple of Apples ID/password

    1. Go to the “Send/Receive” settings in your phone’s message settings and uncheck the boxes everyone email addresses. Leave only phone number.

The settings for all iOS devices are approximately the same; they are shown for clarity correct settings iPad

  1. Repeat steps 3–4 on all iOS devices.
  2. Turn on iMessage on your Mac. To do this, open the Messages settings and enter your Apple ID and password. In the “Your address or number for messages” field, uncheck the checkboxes opposite everyone email addresses, leave only phone number.

Enter Apple ID and password


The account is enabled

Everything is included and configured correctly

If you encounter difficulties while following this simple instruction (the phone number does not appear as a sender ID on your iPad or on your Mac, for example), it’s not a problem. You should patiently repeat the adjustment until you achieve desired result. Sometimes, after successfully activating iMessage on your phone, you need to try to activate the service on your iPod three times in a row. And on a computer it is impossible to link a phone number until you activate iMessage again on the same iPhone. There was even a case when we needed intentionally include as sender ID E-mail address on all devices, send test messages and return the active phone number to its place. In rare cases, it is necessary to contact the cellular operator and remove all restrictions on receiving/sending SMS messages, and sometimes change the SIM card. The problem is that if for everyone If your iMessage settings are not brought to one common denominator, then there is no point in using this technology and it is easier to abandon it.

After reading the entire article, you may have a question: “What is all the fuss about and why is the author so persistently demanding that you turn off all email?” It's simple. Once you remove the SIM card from your phone, correct work iMessage will be broken. This happens infrequently and not in 100% of cases. But it happens. If you follow our advice, then in the worst case you you can't send iMessage and your message will be sent through the cellular operator's channels as SMS. If we ignore our experience, there is a risk of encountering the same problem that this post is dedicated to.

After such agony iMessage settings they will work perfectly and you will forget about these instructions until the moment when one of the devices has to be replaced. If you replace a device with a newer one, you may need to repeat the procedure for one or all devices. However, as iMessage exists today, the technology is much more better than that one that was a year ago.

A little unnecessary history after the fact

IN operating system Mac OS X Lion, you could install the beta version of Apple's iMessage and start sending messages to users of Apple technology via the Internet, for free (from Macs to phones). With the release of iOS 5, iMessage officially entered the world of smartphones, players and tablets from Apple. In the operating room released in the summer of 2012 Mac system OS X Mountain Lion messages have moved from beta testing to full-fledged working condition on Mac computers. And only with the update mobile iOS Before the sixth version of iMessage, it has finally become possible to use it simultaneously from laptops, tablets, smartphones and players, as the number of failures in their operation has rapidly approached zero. However, if you like this service and plan to use it, you should “play” by the rules assigned by Apple.

Articles and Lifehacks

With development mobile technology and the ubiquity of the Internet, users have been able to take a fresh look at the possibilities of communication. In this article we will tell you how to add phone number to imessage, as well as what it is and how problems with service activation can be fixed.

What is iMessage and how do I add a phone number there?

This application is a relatively new Apple service through which we can communicate with friends and share files with them around the world. to the globe absolutely free. He works for iOS versions 5 and above. The only thing required is Internet access.

To activate the service, go to the “Messages” item and turn on the iMessage service. Let's start with the fact that for it to work, we will definitely need to have an Apple ID, since it is by this that other users will find us and identify the system. When activating the service, we also indicate your e-mail and phone number. Once the procedure is completed, we will be able to send free SMS messages to compatible devices. It is also recommended to activate the “Send as SMS” and “Read Report” items. The first function will allow you to automatically send a message via SMS if we or our interlocutor are not connected to this moment to the Internet.

Let's move on to how to add a phone number to imessage. If we have never used this service before, launch the application (Messages app) and click on the button to create a new message in the right top corner. To add a new recipient, click the “Add” button with a plus sign at the top right. Scroll through the list of contacts and select this user's Apple ID (or phone number). Enter our message and click “Send”.

If the recipient is already using an iMessage device, the send button will turn blue. If he does not use this service, but we can use his phone number, the “Send” item will be green. If the service address is invalid, the name will be highlighted in red.

How to fix the problem with activating and adding a phone number to iMessage on iOS 7?

Most often, this problem manifests itself in a constant wait for activation, or leads to errors in the process of working with the service. First, let's try to restart the smartphone and, if this does not help, enter all the necessary personal information. Go to the “Calendars, mail, addresses” section. Now in the “Contacts” menu, select “My data”. We indicate ourselves.

You can also try logging out of your Apple account and logging in again. To do this, go to “Messages” and select the “Send/Receive” item. Click on our identifier, exit it and log in again.

Sometimes it helps too disabling iMessage(via Messages > iMessage). After turning off the service, remove the SIM card and turn it on again. We choose ourselves as the recipient (that is, we indicate our account Apple entry, if it is not already specified). Reinstall the SIM card. If an offer to write off funds appears, we refuse it. We would like to add that for full communication the interlocutor must add our ID/mail.

If all else fails, try resetting the network settings (via the Basic device settings) and rebooting the smartphone. As a last resort, the only option is to reflash it and contact a service center.

1.General conditions

1.1. This Policy determines the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals(hereinafter referred to as the User), which may be received by our company when the User uses this site.

1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure adequate protection of personal information that the User provides about himself independently when using this Site to purchase goods/services from unauthorized access and disclosure.

1.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information provided by the User are governed by this Policy and current legislation Russian Federation.

1.4. By leaving his data on the Site and using this Site, the User expresses his full agreement with the terms of this Policy.

1.5. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Policy, use of this Site must be immediately discontinued.

2. Purposes of collecting, processing and storing information provided by users of the Site

2.1. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Our company processes the User’s personal data for the purposes of: - communicating with the User, sending transactional letters to the User at the time of receiving an application from the form on the Site, sending notifications and requests to the User.

3. Conditions for processing personal information provided by the User and its transfer to third parties

3.1. Our company accepts everything necessary measures to protect the User’s personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.

3.2. Our company provides access to the User’s personal data only to those employees who need this information to ensure the functioning of the Site and provide Services/sell goods to the User.

3.3. Our company has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Disclosure of information provided by the User can only be made in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Terms of use of this Site

4.1. When using the Site, the user confirms that: - he is familiar with this Policy, agrees with it and assumes the rights and obligations specified in it.

4.2. Our company does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about Users.

5. Within the framework of this Policy, under “ personal information User" means:

5.1. Data provided by the User independently when using this Site, including but not limited to: first name, last name, gender, number mobile phone and/or email address, city of residence, home address.

Although this happens rarely, it happens to each of us. New SIM card, the money in the account has run out, and your new number I forgot my phone. This is probably a familiar situation to some.

Well, if you have an Apple phone, then this simple instructions will tell you how to find out your phone number on iPhone. There is at least three ways to find out your number on iPhone: in phone settings, contacts and iTunes. Let's take a closer look at them.

One way to “remember” your number on iPhone is the following sequence of actions. Open your phone settings and scroll to "Phone". When you open it, you will see your number at the top.

The second method does not always work, only if the network settings were updated in Lately. However, it is simpler than steamed turnips. Open the "Phone" application on your iPhone, go to the "Contacts" tab - at the very top you will see your phone number.

3. Connect to iTunes.

If you have an iPhone, then you probably know what iTunes is and you have it installed. Just connect your phone to your computer with iTunes, and in the main window you will see some information about your device: serial number, memory capacity and, of course, my phone number.

4. Call a friend

Well, of course, one cannot help but write about the most banal method. If you still have money in your phone account, just call a friend, he will dictate your number to you. The most obvious things usually come to mind last.

Often the owners Apple gadgets the question arises about how to change your number on FaceTime. The need for this will arise in case of changing the SIM card and activation. When you return it back, using the application will become impossible without re-authorization. But there may be other situations when you need to perform this action.

Before moving on to the main part of the instructions, make sure that you have saved data from the currentApple ID. After all, in the process you will need to re-authorize your account on the device.

Changing data in FaceTime

All operations will be carried out in the system settings. First, open the “Messages” section, “Send/Receive” item. Next, click on your own Apple ID and de-authorize. Now go to “Messages” again and move the iMessage slider to the left position.

Go back to the iOS options menu. FaceTime section. Tap your Apple ID again and then Sign Out. Log in again account. Next, turn off the FaceTime option slider. Now from the main settings window, open the “Phone” tab. Make sure that the information in the “My number” column is correct. If this is not the case, then change them to the required ones.


Now reset network settings. The corresponding function is located in “General - Reset”. But keep in mind that you will have to re-enter your Wi-Fi and VPN keys. All you have to do is restart your iPhone. When the device finally boots up, FaceTime is activated under the phone you need.