How to add interesting pages. Is it possible to hide interesting VKontakte pages?

The “Interesting Pages” block is visible to absolutely everyone today and practically nothing can be done about it. But, if there is a need to hide the lists of your favorite sites, you can try to go the other way. So how to hide interesting pages in VK?

Editing interesting pages and subscriptions

For personal convenience, and in order not to clutter your feed with unnecessary news, you can edit interesting pages and subscriptions so that only the most relevant ones remain. So, let's look at how this is done.

Editing subscriptions

To begin with, to understand the mechanism for managing subscriptions, it is important to understand what they are. These are the profiles that a person is subscribed to. They can be deleted or viewed in the friends menu, or more precisely, in the “Outgoing Requests” tab. These are people whose news you have subscribed to, although in fact they are not friends. To remove any news, you can simply unsubscribe by clicking on the button next to your profile name.

Editing interesting pages

Making changes to your list of favorite sites is just as easy. Today, all public pages to which the user is subscribed are sorted by date. That is, the first ones are always the ones you became interested in recently. How can I change anything on this list?

Is it possible to hide them in VK and why do it?

More recently, in the privacy settings, you could select options to completely or partially hide the content of your personal profile. Modern design VKontakte does not allow this. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely hide just public pages. But there are opportunities to do this in other ways. How is this done in practice?

From friends

It will not be possible to hide subscriptions from friends, since this option is not provided by the site developers themselves. In any case, all friends will be able to see the pages you follow, no matter what your privacy settings are. The only thing that can be hidden from friends is the communities block, which is located under the main profile information. To do this, select the “Privacy” item in the settings menu and set the appropriate option.

From subscribers

The situation with subscribers is similar - they cannot help but see the block, so it will not be possible to hide subscriptions using the settings. To ensure that subscribers do not see the public pages they have subscribed to, they can only unsubscribe from them.

From other users

All people who are registered on VKontakte and are not included in the “Black List” can see the block, so you cannot hide your subscriptions from them. But, there are a couple of options to get around this inconvenience. Of course, you won’t be able to hide your profile from everyone with one keystroke.

You can delete all your subscriptions, or some of them, but in order not to lose these pages, transfer them to bookmarks.

Important! Only the profile owner himself can view all bookmarks, so this The best way hide subscriptions. You can see the list in bookmarks, or rather, in the links section.

There is another way to hide not only a block, but also the entire page from those who are not authorized in VK. To do this, in the privacy settings you need to select the item “Who can see my page on the Internet” and set the option to “Only Vkontakte users”.

Deleting subscriptions

Of course, the most reliable way get rid of the block - delete publics completely. This is easy to do if there are few pages - you just need to go to the block and click the “Unsubscribe” button under each label.

Attention! If there are too many public pages, you can use the auxiliary software, For example, VKBot program. You can download only on the official website. Available both free and paid version with extended functionality.

After all publics are removed from the list, the block itself will disappear; it simply will not be visible - neither to the user himself, nor to his friends and subscribers. Albums with photographs will be located immediately below the friends block.

Are radical measures necessary?

The only one truly effective way quickly hide the public block, is it complete removal. But is it worth going to such radical measures for the sake of privacy? If there was something truly valuable and important in the block, you should leave it, because after deletion it will be impossible to restore everything!

Good afternoon, dear readers!

While some people film every day of their lives and post them online, others want to maintain privacy. Unfortunately, this can be difficult on the Internet. Today we’ll talk about how to hide interesting pages on VKontakte from viewing.

We will do this in 2 stages. First, I'll tell you how to hide groups of which you are a member, and then we'll work with publics.

In 2018, VK lacks many functions that allow you to open and close data. But with the help of simple steps you can still provide yourself with some personal space on the social network. To do this, click on your avatar at the top of the screen and select “Settings”.

In the drop-down list we need the line “Privacy”.

Here you can set the display of various data, from basic information to comments and stories. But in separate sections you will face limitations. For example, you can completely hide from visitors only the groups you are a member of.

In contrast, in public pages you can subscribe to news and notifications. You can’t just remove them from the eyes of guests. There are certain difficulties with trying to hide friends on VK.

But we will use all available settings options. Find the item “Who sees the list of my groups”.

By selecting “Only me”, you will completely close the information. If you want to prevent strangers from seeing this section, click “Friends Only.”

You can also hide data from a person by setting the “Everything except” option. Let's see what a VKontakte account looks like if access is allowed even to strangers. To do this, go down and click on the link “see how other users see your page.”

This is how my page is shown if access to groups is not limited.

If I leave access to friends or just myself, the information about the groups will disappear.

This is the easiest stage. But there are still subscriptions left. And it’s more difficult to remove them from visitors’ sight.

The best way to hide public pages

The essence of the method is to unsubscribe from the public and bookmark it.

Perhaps, after reviewing your subscriptions, you decide that only some of them you want to hide from guests, and leave the rest in public access. I also advise you to use the revision and discard irrelevant materials. In this case, do not add them to your bookmarks, but simply unsubscribe.

To do this, go to "Pages of Interest" and open one of them.

Under the picture on the right top corner we see a drop-down menu. We left-click on it and confirm our desire to “Unsubscribe”.

If you want to keep following interesting information and news, go to the menu below. Select "Enable notifications" and "Save to bookmarks."

It’s even easier to leave the public and bookmark it in the list of groups.

Just click on the ellipses and mark the desired actions in the drop-down list.

If bookmarks do not show on the left side of the site, this is easy to fix. Click on your avatar at the top of the screen, select “Settings” – “General” – “Customize the display of menu items”.

Put a tick in the right place and save the result.

Now visit interesting communities has become convenient and hidden from prying eyes. The disadvantage of this method is that you will not view the updates of these publics in your news.

How to hide communities in a mobile application

Actions similar to what we did in full version site. Let's go to settings.

Select "Privacy".

Find the item “Who sees the list of my groups”. We choose the appropriate option.

Here you can deny certain people access to information. To leave the public page, go to subscriptions.

Let's go into the community. Click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner, select “Notify about new posts” and “Save to bookmarks”. Click on the button below and unsubscribe.

How to ensure the privacy of the page as a whole

There are 2 options to make your profile hidden from prying eyes:

  1. Restrict access to all information to everyone except friends.
  2. Create a new VK user.

How to close an account from strangers

In the same privacy settings we find the “Profile type” item. If the value is “Open”, then visitors see the page according to the display conditions of each section.

If you select “Private”, then guests look at a small part of the data, everything else is inaccessible to them.

The disadvantage of this method is that public pages are hidden only from strangers, but friends can view this section without hindrance.

Create a new account

It may not seem like much convenient solution, but I know people who only go to the social network this way, not wanting to be in close contact with other users. Their list of friends includes only 5–10 close relatives and comrades.


There are several ways to hide communities. First, we hide the groups using the settings, and then we move the publics to bookmarks. This is the most convenient and direct way.

If you want to leave your friends the ability to view information, you can close your profile and do nothing else. The most radical step to ensure privacy in VK is to create a new account.

Choose the option you like, share the article on social networks if you find it useful. And I say goodbye to you..

This block displays public pages that you are subscribed to. First, let's bring up our favorite page on this list. Now, when you submit a request to a person to add as a friend, you automatically become a subscriber to his page. So, in the “Interesting Pages” block only those groups to which I am subscribed are displayed?

Today we will talk about displaying groups and public pages (the “Interesting Pages” block) in personal profile. Some users do not want their friends/acquaintances to see the list of groups they belong to.

Only groups that are under personal information, and “Interesting pages”, which are under the list of friends, cannot be hidden in any way. The “Interesting Pages” block can be hidden using the second method in this article. The social network VKontakte truly tirelessly continues to attract more and more new users to its ranks.

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So the “Interesting Pages” service was organized almost recently, and for sure, not all residents of the contact have a good understanding of what this “beast” is. Now, by clicking on the block, you can see the “Subscription Pages” window opening with your last name and first name, which is separated by three columns: “Interesting pages”, “ Interesting people", "Subscribers".

Subscribers are people who have already added you to their friends, but for some reason you ignored them and did not add them to your friends. That's why they ended up being subscribers. This option will save you from multiple unjustified additions of people as friends by one person.

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This seems to be a logical development of the previously existing “Fans and Idols” option, which allowed you to add a user to your idols. Now, with the introduction of subscriptions, you can watch interesting pages, as well as curious people, without regard to their rating. Everything is simple, you can subscribe by simply clicking on “Add as friend”.

After the official subscription, all the profiles you are interested in will be displayed in a special tab of the same name, which, as mentioned above, is located slightly below the friends item. In order for you to unsubscribe from a page you are subscribed to, you must definitely go to its owner and click “You are subscribed” under his avatar. After which all you have to do is select “Cancel” and you will no longer be among the subscribers of this page.

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Even when clearing your friend list, you now automatically transfer deleted friends to the number of subscribers of your page. To remove subscribers, simply transfer them to the “Black List” option.

How to send someone deeper into your friends list

Although no, some users are interested not in the destruction of interesting pages, but in their secrecy. It is simply impossible to hide interesting VKontakte pages, as well as to block them from viewing own page. Let me remind you that last winter, Mr. Durov canceled this function on a social network controlled by him. Now everyone can see everything, the only exception is people on your “Black List”.

How to customize your news feed

Otherwise, perhaps, for a fee, the hacker brothers can help you. With us you will always be aware of all the events of the VKontakte social network! The “Interesting Pages” block of your profile displays the pages on which you are most active: where you visit most often, whose photos you open, whose posts you comment on. To do this, unsubscribe, and then follow her again, after which she will rise to fourth or fifth place in the list.

To do this, go to the news feed, find the entry of the desired public, click the cross on the right above it, and then select “Don’t show news.” The news feed has a mode that allows you to view only the most important and interesting news, selected by special algorithms.

For example, the more often you visit a community or a friend’s profile, the more you comment on posts, the higher the likelihood that they will end up in “interesting news.” This is not “Popular” or “Recommendations”. In most cases, you can get rid of half the “junk” in your feed in just a few clicks. As you've probably noticed, many users prefer not to write their own posts, but to post other people's ones on their wall. So, VKontakte has the ability to hide all such reposts.

And interesting pages can be hidden using the method described in this article, read carefully. Open list interesting pages, which is located in user profiles, has completely changed its design and has become much more convenient. The block with interesting pages in contact is located immediately below the “Friends” block and has recently undergone some changes. I guess it's all about interesting pages. How to send a person deeper into your friends list. I won’t tell you why this is necessary, because you already know.” FOR WHAT??

IN modern society Almost every person has a page on a social network. Among young people, the most popular network is VKontakte, which allows users to subscribe to public pages and receive news from such pages.

If you are bored with them and want to remove them from news feed, it’s worth figuring out how to hide interesting VKontakte pages. We will also consider the question of whether it is possible to completely hide public pages so that no one knows what you are subscribed to.

Editing interesting pages

If you want to hide interesting VKontakte pages, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. First, open your news feed. Typically, three tabs open: news, updates, and comments. You need to stay on the News tab.
  2. Under the tab name, click on “+”, in the window that opens, select “Recommendations” and uncheck this line. This way you will get rid of interesting pages that the service offers you with a free choice. The social network VKontakte selects the news feed that you indicated in your profile. If you want to limit news from a specific group or person, then you will need to hover over the news from that person and click the cross. At this point, indicate users and groups whose news you would not like to see in the news feed.

If you want to view interesting pages again, you need to check the box next to “Recommendations”.

How to remove interesting pages from the main page?

Information about subscribing to public pages is located on the user's main page. But you must admit, not everyone wants to show all their friends and other users what they are interested in and display the “Anti-cellulite program” advice page for everyone to see. However, unfortunately, you can hide interesting pages in in this case will not work. The site's policy is that all users can view such pages, so there is no way to block access to them. The only thing you can do is unsubscribe from the pages and simply add them to your bookmarks.

What's popular on the Internet? interesting pages IN Contact

The Internet has quickly burst into modern life. It is used not only for pleasure, but also for work, and for almost all other purposes. Particularly popular among young people social media. And the most famous is VKontakte.

How to hide interesting pages on VKontakte

Benefit for everyone.

Social networks are attracting more and more new people. Thousands of new users register every day. Noteworthy pages B Contact are occurring more and more often. And all parties benefit from this. The website becomes more popular, naturally, this has a positive effect on the income of its founders. And it’s great for users - you can while away your time here with usefulness and pleasure.

There are pages worthy of attention on VKontakte on various topics. It could just be some unique profile of one person or an entire society. People united by common thoughts, interests and views can join the appropriate group. There are a huge number of them great amount: sports, informational, ladies' and men's, about films, books, quote books, etc.

The multi-million audience of the social network in question ensured the development of business projects. Noteworthy pages on VKontakte do a great job of advertising any products or services. This is much more effective than, for example, posting your advertisements on poles or handing out leaflets to passers-by. After all, you must admit, it’s easy to just walk past some inconspicuous notice posted on a board on the street. But to resist the tempting, catchy and unusual text, which you saw on your monitor display, is an impermissible matter. That’s why having noteworthy VKontakte pages is profitable!

Making your own profile more popular.

A logical question arises about how to make a page exciting so that it is visited by as many people as possible. more people. There are several proven effective methods.

If this is your personal page and you want it to become visited, you should adhere to some usual rules:

First you need to correctly fill out the information about yourself. There shouldn’t be too much of it, otherwise no one will read it. The information should be concise and captivating with its originality. An avatar is the key to success! Beautiful photo on home page- this is exactly what first appears in full view of everyone. You should not put any drawings instead of your avatar, this will turn off guests. It’s better that your photo albums are lively and interesting. Constant updates profile with extraordinary beautiful pictures attract many people. Do you bring positivity? It means others will like you! People love to laugh and relax, so add funny short videos or drawings from time to time. And most importantly, be open and sociable - then people themselves will be drawn to you.

Interest societies.

Increasing the popularity of individual pages helps to increase a person’s self-esteem and expand his circle of contacts. If you need to do something more serious, for example, advertising certain products or services, then it is better to use groups for these purposes.

There are several options here. If you are the owner of any business, you will be able to create a society in which you will outline the services provided by your company, provide information about own goods, accept orders from clients, etc. If you are an ordinary Internet user who does not want to waste time at the computer and wants to earn income, it would also be appropriate to create a public page.

VK pages worthy of attention have good traffic, which means a huge audience of possible clients. And if you are the owner of one of them, then you can earn money by advertising on your page other people’s companies, websites, etc. The customer gives you the agreed upon amount of currency, and your income grows - the scheme is ordinary.

How to hide a society in the block of noteworthy pages

The publics that this or that person has subscribed to are shown in the profile and are completely visible to everyone. Some users, due to some events, want to hide their noteworthy VKontakte pages. And many people are interested in the question of whether this can be done. This block cannot be hidden using privacy options. The only plausible option left is to unsubscribe from public posts that confuse you or those around you.

To unsubscribe from a certain society, you need to go to its page, then press the unsubscribe button under the avatar. Information from this public will no longer be displayed in your news. But if you still want to watch its updates secretly, there is an option - add the group to your bookmarks. At any time you can go to your favorite public page. Bookmarks are not visible to other users, so no one will find out what news from which society you are looking at.


What is this anyway? Interesting pages" in VKontakte. What are these "Noteworthy Pages" in VKontakte? faratuya Guru (4834), closed 5 years ago. What does "worthy of attention" mean on VKontakte pages" - Ans4. Answer to the question What does VKontakte mean " interesting pages"? - Section "Pages Worthy of Attention. VKontakte Worthy of attention pages automatically. VKontakte Pages Worthy of Attention What is it anyway? you add a person as a friend. What's popular on the Internet? Worthy of attention pages"In contact with". Pages worthy of attention "VKontakte has its own pages worthy of attention" In What is a public page in. Interesting VKontakte pages: how to manage them. Find out what noteworthy VKontakte pages are. Pages worthy of attention in VKontakte. - BabyBlog. All answers to the topic - What is it? interesting pages V contact. All information on BabyBlog. What are interesting pages in contact?. All answers to the question: What are interesting pages in contact?. On Answer. Come in quickly! How to hide interesting VKontakte pages. What is a repost on VK, How to hide interesting pages in a cool thing on VKontakte. What are subscriptions in contact. Lists of friends and subscribers » Subscribers. You can open the same window through the block “ Interesting pages" in the blacklist, that.