How to add a wireless connection. Error “Windows could not connect to Wi-Fi” and how to solve it

Imagine being able to surf the Internet while sitting on the sofa in your room, chat with friends online while cozying up in a soft bed in the evening, or send documents from a computer in the kitchen to a printer in home office. The wireless network has the greatest possible flexibility and does not require complex configuration. This article describes the steps to set up and start a wireless network.

Choosing the right equipment

Before you begin setting up your wireless network, you will need the following components.

Broadband Internet connection is high speed connection, unlike a dial-up connection, which has low speed data transfer and is not powerful enough to operate a wireless network. The most common broadband connection methods are DSL lines and cable. To get a broadband connection, you need to contact your Internet service provider. Internet connection using DSL lines is usually provided telephone companies, A cable connection can be obtained from companies involved in cable TV. Internet service providers usually provide high-speed modems and can even connect them to your computer. Some suppliers may even offer a bundle - a modem and wireless routers. This equipment can also be found in stores that sell computers and electronics.

Example of a cable modem (left) and a DSL modem (right)

Wireless router

The router provides data exchange between the local network and the Internet. Thanks to a wireless router, computers are connected to a local network using radio signals instead of wires and cables. There are several various types wireless network technologies, including 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n standards. It is recommended to use routers that support 802.11g or 802.11n as these routers provide high throughput and a powerful radio signal. additional information For information about wireless LAN technologies, see Wireless Networks: Questions and Answers.

Wireless router example

Wireless network adapters

A network adapter is a device that connects a computer to a local network. To connect a laptop or desktop computer to a wireless LAN, you need a wireless network adapter. Many laptops and desktop computers have built-in wireless network adapters. To check if a wireless network adapter is installed on your computer, run the following actions.

Device Manager showing the wireless network adapter

If your computer does not have a wireless network adapter installed, you can purchase one from a computer store or electronic equipment, and install it yourself. It is recommended to use Universal Serial Bus (USB) based adapters. Such adapters are small in size, easy to install and transfer from one computer to another. Check that the adapters are the same type as wireless router. The type of adapter is usually indicated on the packaging - usually a letter, such as G or A.

Examples of USB wireless network adapters

Installing a modem and setting up an Internet connection

After all the equipment has been purchased, you will need to install a modem and set up an Internet connection. If your modem was not installed by your Internet service provider, follow the instructions in your modem documentation to connect your modem to your computer and the Internet. If you are using a DSL line, connect the modem to telephone socket. If using a cable, connect the modem to a cable outlet. For more information, see Set up a high-speed cable or DSL connection.

Wireless Router Placement

Install your wireless router in a location where it will receive the most strong signal at minimum level interference For achievement best results follow the tips below.

    Place your wireless router in the center of your service area. Install the router as close to the center of the house as possible to ensure the highest possible radio signal strength in all areas of the house.

    Place the wireless router high off the floor and away from walls and metal objects such as metal cabinets. The less physical obstacles between the computer and the router, the more likely it is that the router's signal power will be fully utilized.

    Reduce clutter. network hardware The 802.11g standard uses 2.4 GHz radio frequencies. This is the same frequency that many microwave ovens and cordless phones use. When you turn on the microwave oven and make a cordless phone call, the radio signal may be affected by interference. You can avoid many problems if you use wireless phone working for more high frequency, for example 5.8 GHz.

Wireless Security

Security is always important, but especially with a wireless network because the network signal can travel outside the building. If the network is not protected, nearby people with a computer can gain access to information stored on network computers, and access the Internet through your connection. To ensure the security of your local network, follow these steps:

Create a network security key

    Write down the security key and keep it in safe place. You can also save the security key to a USB flash drive by following the wizard's instructions.

    Use a firewall. A firewall is software or hardware that helps protect your computer from intruders or malware. Using a firewall on each computer on a local network allows you to control the spread of malware across the network, as well as protect computers when accessing the Internet. Windows Firewall included in this Windows versions. For more information, see Firewall FAQ.

Adding computers to the network

To connect your laptop or desktop computer to your wireless network, you need to follow these steps.

File and Printer Sharing

Many users have wireless networks that allow them to access the Internet from any room in the house, but would like to wireless access to files and printers.

The easiest way to share files online is to set up sharing using a HomeGroup. If home group missing, you can share files by placing them in one of the shared folders. Any file or folder placed in a shared folder automatically becomes available to other users connected to the local network. To share a shared folder, follow these steps:

    Open the "Advanced sharing options" section. To do this, click the Start button and select Control Panel. Enter network in the search field, select Network Control Center and shared access , and then in the Navigation Pane, click the command Change Extra options public access.

    Click the icon that looks like double quotes to expand the current network profile.

    In chapter Access to shared folders Select one of the following options:

    • Enable sharing to network users could read and write files in shared folders.

      Disable sharing (users signed in to this computer will have access to shared folders).

Transmitting data without using cables literally not so long ago seemed like something out of science fiction, but today wireless WiFi network at home, at work or in the nearest cafe no longer surprises anyone. But even with such a connection, some problems may occur. Connection error is a phenomenon that occurs quite often. Let's look at the most common problems and the simplest methods for eliminating them.

Wireless network connection: no connection. What is the reason?

As for the most common reasons, they can be divided into two main types: hardware problems (non-working hardware) and software errors.

In the first case, as is already clear, you need to carry out full diagnostics equipment, and then make a decision about its repair or replacement (this applies to network cards, routers, and mobile devices, and external or internal Wi-Fi modules). In the second case, we can name several situations when it is absent. Among the main ones, the following are distinguished:

  • disabled module or ;
  • incorrectly entered password;
  • router problems;
  • incorrect connection settings;
  • missing, incorrectly installed or outdated drivers network devices;
  • lack of an established network;
  • exposure to viruses.

Problems with viruses, for obvious reasons, will not be considered, since any user must take care of protecting their system on their own. We will partially touch on the absence of a network, if for some reason it was installed in the system, but then disappeared (this, unfortunately, also happens). Finally, we will not dwell on the fact that the user might have forgotten or entered incorrectly WiFi password-networks, and problems from providers. These situations are not so significant in our case.

Wireless network connection: no connection. What to do in the simplest case?

First, let's look at the simplest situation. Let's say that at some point the wireless connection disappears. network connection. Perhaps the reason is short-term software glitch. What do most users usually do in such cases? They simply reboot the system (after all, everything worked before).

If this does not help, and the signal loss time is known at least approximately, one of the options for solving the problem is that when you try to connect to existing network a connection error pops up, it may be a normal system rollback to previous state through the corresponding section of the “Control Panel”. But, as practice shows, the problem is usually much deeper.

Diagnostics of connection using the system

If for some reason the wireless network Wi-Fi connection disappears, you can find out the reason using Windows tools. If you call up the menu by right-clicking on the network icon in the system tray, you can use the troubleshooting tool in it.

The system will independently carry out the analysis and then produce the appropriate result. Please note: this tool does not fix anything, but only helps determine the essence of the problem.

Checking Wi-Fi module activity

Many experts cite user inattention or negligence as one of the most common reasons for lack of communication.

For the most part, this applies to owners of laptops that do not have a special switch to activate the built-in Wi-Fi module, and turning it on or off is done by using a combination of a key with a special Fn button. It is clear that even when typing using the so-called hot keys, it was possible to easily and completely accidentally turn off the adapter. Therefore, first you need to make sure that it is in active mode.

Resetting your router

Sometimes the reason that there is no wireless network connection (no connection) can be a short-term malfunction of the router. This situation is most often observed with inexpensive routers of the TP-Link series.

In this case, it is recommended to use the simplest technique reset You can do two things: either turn off the power completely for about 10 seconds, or press special button reset button on the back of the device and hold it for 30 seconds.

Identifying Network Settings

Now, if it is not determined, let's look at the main network settings. To view them, you should enter the network and sharing management section from the “Control Panel” or from the click menu on the network connection icon and use the section for changing parameters

Here you need to find the TCP/IPv4 protocol (if IPv6 is not used) and click the properties button. As a rule, most providers provide services automatic detection parameters, which should be fixed in the settings. It is worth paying attention to the fact that using a proxy server for local addresses must be deactivated (unless otherwise provided). Otherwise, you just need to enter all the parameter values ​​in accordance with the settings provided by the provider when connecting.

Correcting connection parameters on the router

If after this the connection problem remains, it may be due to the settings of the router itself.

Just in case, it’s worth entering the router’s settings menu through any web browser by entering the appropriate address ( or 1.1), and then in the wireless connection section (usually Wireless) make sure that it is active (Enabled).

Troubleshooting driver problems

Another network problem may be that the network card drivers are missing, incorrectly installed, or outdated in the system. You can make sure that the device is not working in the “Device Manager”, which can be called either from the “Control Panel”, or from the computer administration section, or from the “Run” menu using the devmgmt.msc command.

A non-working device will be marked with a yellow marker. This is a direct indication that something is wrong with the driver. But it also happens that it is not displayed among problem devices. This is only due to the fact that the system installs the most suitable driver for it, considering it optimal.

In any case, it will have to be reinstalled or updated. This can be done directly from several menus. It is recommended to completely remove it first old driver, and only then install the new one, but do not choose from what the system offers, but find in advance the latest software for of this device in the Internet.

To avoid doing such things, it is better to install a program like Driver Booster, which will find and install the latest drivers for absolutely all devices. It is clear that to do this, you will have to go with your laptop to the same cafe where there is a connection, and there use the WiFi password to enter the network (after all, there is no connection at home). The update process will take a maximum of 10-15 minutes, after which a reboot will follow.

Reset settings from the command line

If the network is still detected, you can still try the following steps. Calling command line with admin rights (cmd in the “Run” console), after which we enter the command proxycfg -d, and after pressing the enter key, two more - net stop wuauserv and net start wuauserv (after each - also “Enter”). These simple steps can also help.

If the network is not detected at all...

Finally, last problem when there is no wireless network connection (no connection). It is quite possible that due to some reasons, including the impact of viruses, the previously created network was simply deleted.

In this case, you need to go to the section for managing shared networks and make sure that the wireless network appears in the list available connections. If there is none, you will have to create it again by selecting the appropriate item. It will take a minimum of time.

If there is a network, but all the above methods for fixing the problem do not help, you can simply try to delete it entirely, then create it again and make the appropriate TCP/IP protocol settings.


In conclusion, it remains to add that these are only the main, most common problems and methods for solving them, which any user can use to resolve failures. Various types of commands that allow for complete testing of IP connections or assigned MAC addresses, pinging, etc., were not specifically considered here, since they may seem quite complicated for ordinary users to understand. In other cases, even the simplest remedies will help. However, this in no way applies to cases where the equipment fails. There are none here software methods They won’t help, no matter how hard you try.

Problems with the Internet are always unpleasant. They can interfere with work or entertainment, or limit other online experiences. If we are talking about connecting via cable, possible reasons this problem may not be so much.

The laptop detects an available Wi-Fi network, but does not connect

One fairly common network problem is when your computer sees a network available to connect to, but for one reason or another is unable to connect to it. This problem may occur for one of the following reasons:

  • a problem with the hardware drivers on the laptop - for this reason, the connection may not work or may be interrupted immediately after a successful connection to the network;
  • communication interference - Wi-Fi should not be connected too a large number of devices, and you should also make sure that nothing can interfere between your laptop and the router;
  • the password for connecting to this network was entered incorrectly - if you entered the security key incorrectly, the connection will not be completed;
  • network mismatch - if the connection settings on your computer and the network settings do not match, the connection will not be completed;
  • failure of the operating system - in case of some problems with operating system connection will not be made correctly.

Solutions to problems with connecting to a wi-fi network

Let's look at the solution to each of the problems mentioned above one by one, and also study general recommendations for those who encountered this problem in their system.

Error “Windows could not connect to Wi-Fi” and how to solve it

When you try to connect, you may see the message “Windows could not connect to the Wi-Fi network.” This error can have several causes. You can determine the source of the problem as follows:

Video: fixing internet connection problems

Security key mismatch when connecting to a Wi-Fi network

A security key is a security code for your Wi-Fi network. The user sets it independently so that strangers cannot connect to the network. And if you encounter an error about entering incorrect password, then it was probably entered incorrectly. Do the following to be sure to correct the situation:

You should not tell your security key to strangers - this will lead to additional connections, which in turn will slow down your Internet speed.

Inconsistency between saved network parameters

After creating a new connection, you may often see an error with the text “The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network.” This problem often occurs after self-configuration router. To fix this situation, all you have to do is delete the connection and then create it again. This will update all settings and establish a connection again. This is done as follows:

In Windows 10, this problem is solved a little differently:

The problem may arise, for example, due to a careless change in the data in the connection settings.

Other ways that can help you connect

And now let's look at a few general solutions, which can help you with various connection problems. In our case, when it is impossible to connect via Wi-Fi, these methods will also help.

Reboot the router

The simplest method, which is recommended by all providers first of all. Of course, this will not help with serious problems, but it can eliminate one-time connection problems. The best way to reboot is as follows:

Checking and installing network drivers

Update network drivers no more complicated than drivers for any other equipment. Do it with automatic system You can download drivers as follows:

  1. Press the Win+X key combination to open the menu quick access and select the “Device Manager” section there. Another way to get to this menu is to click right click mouse on the Start icon.

    Select the "Device Manager" section from the quick access menu

  2. In Device Manager, find the Network Adapters section. Expand this tab and you will see your network devices. And then right-click on the available equipment. After it opens context menu, select the “Update drivers...” action. In order to determine whether a device needs to update its drivers, pay attention to its name and the presence or absence of an icon indicating the need to update drivers.

    Open the "Network adapters" section and click "Update drivers" on the desired device

  3. You will be asked for an update method. If you have an Internet connection (for example, using a cable, since a Wi-Fi connection is not available), then just click on the “ Automatic search updated drivers."

    Select "Automatically search for updated drivers" if you have a network connection

  4. Wait until the search, download and installation of drivers is complete.

    Wait for the drivers to be searched on the network and installed.

  5. If there is no network access, you must download the driver for your network adapter from another device and select “Browse for driver software on this computer.”

    For independent search drivers, select “Browse for driver software on this computer”

  6. Specify the location of the folder with drivers for further installation.

    Specify the location of the drivers on your computer and click on the “Next” button

  7. After the installation is completed in one way or another, restart your computer.
  8. Try connecting to the Wi-Fi network again to see if your problem is resolved.

If a simple update does not help, try completely uninstalling the driver and installing it again using the same method.

Resetting the router

If problems with the Internet do not go away and you still cannot connect to Wi-Fi, you should resort to a more radical way to fix this problem. Namely, reset the router settings and configure it from scratch. You should not do this if you are unsure own knowledge and attentiveness - you risk being left without Internet access. You can reset the router in the following way:

After performing the reset, the device will return to factory settings. Most likely, you will not have to configure anything manually after this and your Internet problems will already be resolved. But in case you still have to make the settings yourself, this is done as follows:

This will complete the setup of your router. Depending on the equipment model, some items may be named slightly differently, but the setup will occur in the same way.

Video: how to configure a router

If your laptop finds an available connection Wi-Fi network, which means the problem is no longer so bad. And after studying this article, you will surely be able to install stable connection. Use the Internet for work and entertainment, and most importantly, do not panic in case of problems. Because now you know how to fix them at any time.

You will need


Go to the Start menu. Select "Settings" and in it - "Network connections". Right-click on the icon “ network» Call the drop-down menu and select “Properties”.

Return to the Network Connections window. Right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.

In the tab that opens, select “General” and make sure that the “When connected, display an icon in the notification area” and “Notify when there is limited or no connection” buttons are checked.

Go to the "Wireless Networks" tab in the same window.

If the “Wireless Networks” tab in the “Wireless Network Connection” - “Properties” window is missing for some reason, click OK.
Go to the Start menu, select Settings and go to Control Panel.

In the new “Control Panel” window, double-click on the “Administration” and “Services” icons.

Make sure the service " Wireless setup"is in working order. Otherwise, double-click the “Wireless Settings” icon, and in the new properties window, click the “Start” button and OK.
Return to the Network Connections window. Right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon to open the drop-down menu and go to “Properties”.

On the Wireless Networks tab, make sure the Use Windows to set up your network checkbox is checked.

Click the Add button under Preferred Networks. Go to the "Connections" tab. Enter MIAN in the " Network name" Make sure the “Connect even if the network is not broadcasting” button is checked. Select WPA in the "Verification" menu section. Select TKIP from the drop-down menu on the Data Encryption tab. Make sure that the checkbox is checked on the “This is a direct connection to a computer” button and unchecked on the “Access points are not used” button.

Go to the Authentication tab in the Wireless Properties window. Select "Protected EAP" from the drop-down menu in the "EAP Type" section. Uncheck the "Authenticate as when information is available" button. Make sure that the checkbox next to “Authenticate as a guest when no computer or user information is available” is unchecked. Click the Properties button.

Uncheck the Check Servers button in the EAP Protected Properties window. Check if “Secured password” (EAPMSCHAP v2) is in the “Selecting an authentication method” section. Select the checkbox next to the “Enable Fast Reconnection” button.

Click the "Configure" button. Uncheck the Automatically use login and Windows password" in the "EAPMSCHAP v2 Properties" window. After that, click OK.

Click OK on the EAP Protected Properties window. Go to the "Connection" tab in the "Wireless Network Properties" drop-down window. Make sure the "Connect if a network is within range" button is checked and click OK.

Click OK in the Wireless Network Connection Properties window.


The names of the buttons and tabs vary slightly depending on the operating system version.

Helpful advice

As operating systems improve, the procedure for connecting to wireless networks becomes easier and, perhaps, some of the steps described above will be unnecessary in your particular case.


  • Information IT portal
  • no wireless network

IN modern world Most people are gradually abandoning cables and other inconveniences of wired Internet. And this is not surprising. Why tie yourself and your laptop to a specific place when you have the opportunity to walk with it throughout the apartment and even outside it? Almost all providers offer to connect to the service wireless WiFi Internet. But there are ways to bypass the system and save a lot of money. We will tell you how to set up wireless Internet at home. Using the example of the Beeline provider and D-Link router dir 615.

You will need

  • WiFi router
  • Laptop or PC with WiFi adapter
  • LAN cable


Installation .
The most optimal location this one is in the center of the apartment. This will allow you to achieve the best signal in any corner of it. After installing the router, connect it or network cable, included in the kit, inserting one end into the network card and the other into any LAN port. Go to the router menu by typing in any // using the username admin. Go to Setup – Internet Connection Setup Wizard. Click next 2 times, and in the third step select username (Russia L2TP).

Next, enter your username and password, leave the DNS Setting as standard, and in the L2TP Server IP Address item, enter Click connect. After this, you will need to reboot by disconnecting power from it for at least 15 seconds. This action should be performed if it does not occur automatically.

WiFi setup.
Go to Setup – Wireless Settings – Wireless Network Setup Wizard. Now enter the name of your future network and its password in sequence. After clicking the Save button, the wireless network will be ready for use. If there is no access, reboot the router.

Video on the topic


Install complex passwords, containing letters, numbers and symbols to avoid hacking your router.

Helpful advice

Try not to reset your router to factory settings after setup.
If the device does not work correctly, update the firmware downloaded from the manufacturer’s website.


For all its convenience, wireless compound is the most vulnerable to unauthorized connection. However, it can be reliably protected standard means router with certain settings.


Connect Wi-Fi to your computer using Ethernet cable. In this case, the indicator on the router should light up, indicating that the network is connected. After that, launch any browser to go to the router settings. To do this, enter in address bar browser address If the connection is successful, a dialog box should appear in the browser in which you must enter your username and password to log in. By default, the login and password are “admin” “admin”. In the router settings window, go to the Security tab.

Wireless is most reliable compound protected by a password. To set a password, first select the type of encryption that the router will use. For domestic purposes, it is recommended to use WPA encryption. It is better to use as a password random set letters, numbers and , which will be difficult to hack. Do not use number, last name and date as a password; this kind of data is quite easy to hack or select.
Enter the password for all devices that you plan to connect to home Wi-Fi, and to avoid inconvenience, make sure they connect automatically.

In addition to a password, a wireless network can be protected by limiting the number of network clients, that is, if only two continuously use Wi-Fi in your home, you can set a limit of two clients, and no one else will be able to connect to this network. This can also be done in the router settings. However, if one of the devices disconnects from the network for some reason, then anyone can connect to the “free slot”. That's why this method is not as effective as a password.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Use both methods to secure your wireless network to best security. Set a password and limit the number of clients based on the number of Wi-Fi devices in your home.

Technologies such as infrared and Bluetooth are becoming less and less popular because they are being replaced by modern wireless networks. Wi-Fi is being used more and more, as there are a large number of free hotspots in cities.


To wireless compound a certain combination keys Usually this is Fn + F2. To connect to the Internet you need to look for specific access points. On a personal computer, you can connect to Wi-Fi only if you have a special removable device. Ask a peripherals consultant about Wi-Fi devices for personal computer. Prices may vary, but mainly depend on the signal reception radius.

Once the device is purchased, unpack it and insert it into the USB drive. If you have USB 3.0 technology on your computer, then insert Wi-Fi there. The computer system will automatically detect the new device. The kit also includes a CD with drivers. Insert it into the drive and install all the drivers. Next, restart your computer so that all saves in the system are recorded. After the reboot, an icon will appear in the tray that will show the Wi-Fi status.

Go to the “Control Panel” item. This can be done using the “My Computer” shortcut. Next, click the shortcut called “Wireless Networks”. Here are all the settings that relate to Wi-Fi technologies, as well as Bluetooth. Click the "Turn on Wi-Fi" button.

After that wireless technology will be active, but it is not yet possible to connect to the Internet, since you need to look for special access points that can be closed with passwords so that unauthorized persons cannot penetrate the system and automatically connect to the connection. To do this, click the “Find new” button compound" System in automatic mode will begin scanning access points that are in action.

If similar systems not found, try scanning in another location. As soon as compound will be found, try to connect. As practice shows, in some cafes and educational institutions Free access points are used that allow you to connect to the Internet. You can find a list of such establishments on the Internet using search engines.

Tip 5: How to set up wireless Internet on your computer

You will need

  • Wi-Fi adapter.


To connect a desktop computer to an access point, you must have special device– Wi-Fi adapter. Select the appropriate module. They come in two types: internal and external adapters.

Check the types of radio signals your Wi-Fi router produces. The most common channels you can find are 802.11 b, g and n. Based on the information received, select the appropriate Wi-Fi adapter.

Connect the module wireless communication to the computer. Turn on your PC and wait for the operating system to load. Install the drivers necessary for the correct functioning of the Wi-Fi adapter. Best to use original disc, supplied with the device.

After update software Open Network and Sharing Center. Click on the “Manage wireless networks” link. Wait for the new menu to launch and click the “Add” button.

In the next dialog box, select “Create a network profile manually.” Study and fill out the form provided. Be sure to enter exactly the parameters you want to work with. desired point access. Any error will result in you not being able to connect your computer to the Wi-Fi network.

If your access point is configured to hide its name, activate the “Connect even if the network does not support” option. broadcast" Click "Next". Select “Done” and wait for the connection to the access point to be established.

Check functionality wireless connection. It is worth noting that some PCs may not connect to a wireless access point if they are connected to a Wi-Fi router via a patch cord.

Video on the topic

The benefits of a wireless network are undeniable. You are not tied to any specific workplace, and you can go to net from anywhere in your apartment, office, shopping center etc., where there is network coverage. It is convenient and can greatly simplify the work of any organization. Our instructions will help you set up a wireless network yourself.


Find the “Network Neighborhood” icon on your desktop. If this icon is not on your desktop, go to the Start menu // Settings // Network Connections. Then right-click on the Network Neighborhood icon. A drop-down menu will appear in which you need to select “Properties.”

In the “Network connections” window that opens, right-click on the “Wireless network connection” icon. A drop-down menu will appear, select “Enable.”

Check the settings options on the General tab. The checkboxes should be on the buttons “When connected, display an icon in the area” and “Notify when there is a limited or absent connection.

Find and select the “Wireless Networks” tab in the “Wireless Network Connection - “Properties” window
If you do not find such a tab there, then in the “Wireless Network Connection - Properties” window you need to click the “OK” button. In the “Start” menu, click the “Settings” button, then the “Control Panel” button.
In the “Control Panel” window that opens, double-click on the “Administration” icon, double-click on the “Services” icon. Make sure that “Wireless Zero Configuration” (or “Wireless Settings) is in the “Working” state. If not, then double-click on “Wireless Zero Configuration”, in the service properties window that appears, click the “Start” button and “OK”. In the “Network Connections” window, right-click the “Wireless Network Connection” icon, select “Properties.” Find the “Wireless Networks” tab and make sure that the “Use Windows to configure the network” button is checked.

In the “Preferred networks” field, click the “Add” button. On the “Connections” tab, in the “Network name (SSID)” field, you need MIAN (Attention! all letters must be capitalized). Check the box “Connect even if the network is not broadcasting.” In the “Authentication” section in the menu, you need to select WPA. On the Data Encryption tab, select TKIP from the menu that appears. Make sure that the “This is a direct connection to a computer” button is checked, and that the “Access point is not used” button is unchecked.

In the Wireless Network Properties window, select the Authentication tab. In the “EAP Type” section in the menu that appears, select “Protected EAP (PEAP). Uncheck the “Check as if information about . Make sure that the "Authenticate as if there is no information about the computer or user" button is unchecked. Click the "Properties" button.

In the “EAP Protected Properties” window, uncheck the “Verify server certificate” button. Make sure that in the “Selecting an authentication method” section, “Secured password (EAPMSCHAP v2)” is located. On the “Enable fast reconnection” button, check the box.

Click the “Configure” button. In the EAP MSCHAPv2 Properties window, uncheck the Automatically use Windows login and password button. Now click the “OK” button.

Click OK in the EAP Protected Properties window. In the Wireless Network Properties dialog box, select the Connection tab. Make sure the “Connect if the network is within range” button is checked. After that, click “OK.

Video on the topic


The vast majority of laptops and other mobile devices, which are available on the market, are equipped with Wi-Fi adapters for accessing wireless networks. These can be home networks, networks in in public places, corporate and many other networks. How to connect to such a network and how to configure it correctly is described in this article.

Helpful advice

Moreover, in order to set up a Wi-Fi network, you don’t have to be a “network connection genius.” This procedure can be performed by any modern schoolchild. Firstly, what are we connecting? In our case, this will be 2 computers with Windows XP (with at least SP2) and a wireless access point. First, let's find in the instructions the IP address (computer identifier) ​​and password of the access point. For example, the address could be:


Many users have already learned how to create their own local networks with internet access. But not everyone knows that such a network can be set up even if your provider provides access to an ADSL network.

You will need

  • - DSL router.


Settings similar network does not differ radically from the usual LAN network. The only significant difference is that a specific router is required. Purchase a device that supports Wi-Fi function, with a DSL port for connecting to the Internet.

Install this Wi-Fi router near one of your desktop computers. Connect power to the equipment. Using a splitter, connect the cable telephone line with the router's DSL channel.

Find any Ethernet (LAN) port on the equipment case and connect it to network card computer, using twisted pair. Turn on the selected PC and launch any of the existing browsers.

Open the instructions for your Wi-Fi router and find the original IP address of the equipment in it. Enter its value in the browser URL input field to enter the device settings menu.

Explore the menu that opens. Find WAN (Internet) and open it. Configure this item as you would if you had a regular DSL modem. It is also recommended to activate the DHCP and NAT functions.

Save the settings for this menu. Reboot your Wi-Fi router and make sure that authorization on the provider's server was successful. Switch to Wi-Fi menu(Wireless Setup Settings). Create a wireless access point. Special attention Pay attention to the choice of security types and radio signal transmission.

Save your settings changes. Reboot your Wi-Fi router again. Connect with others Ethernet channels(LAN) desktop computers. Connect laptops and communicators to the point you created Wi-Fi access. Check that all of the above devices have Internet access.

Helpful advice

As alternative option you can use a LAN router and a DSL modem together.

Some owners of netubes and laptops prefer to create their own wireless net Wi-Fi. This allows you to get rid of cables that negate the advantages of these mobile devices over desktop computers.

You will need

  • - network cable;
  • - Wi-Fi router.


To create and successfully configure the network described above, you will need a Wi-Fi router. Choose the equipment that suits your mobile computers. To do this, study following parameters Wi-Fi adapters laptops: radio signal types (802.11n, b or g) and security protocols (WEP, WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK).

If you don't have instructions at hand, then open the device manager, find the wireless adapter there and write down its model. Visit the official website of the company that produces these devices. Find out specifications this model. Purchase an appropriate Wi-Fi router.

Install this equipment in the desired location and connect the device to the network alternating current. Connect the cable provided to you by your provider to the Internet channel (DSL, WAN) of the equipment.

Open the user manual for the equipment. Find in it the login, password and IP address required to access the router settings. Enter this IP into the address bar of your browser.

The program window will display the web interface for the Wi-Fi router settings. Go to the Internet Setup Setting or WAN menu. Change the values ​​of the items in this menu to communicate with your provider's server.

Save the settings and go to the Wireless Setup Settings menu ( Wi-Fi setup). The settings options in this menu depend only on the characteristics of your or laptops. Select required values and save the settings.

Reboot the equipment by clicking the Save & Exit button. If this function is missing, then turn off the power to the Wi-Fi router for a few seconds.

Disconnect the cable. Search for available wireless points access. Connect your laptop to the network you recently created. Make sure you have internet access. Connect other devices to the router.

Video on the topic

If you have a home wireless network for multiple devices, you need to be very careful about Wi-Fi selection router. This equipment must be able to create an access point to which all the necessary laptops can connect.

With the advent of wireless connectivity, people have gained amazing mobility. Thanks to Wi-Fi, high-speed Internet has become accessible no matter where you are - at work, in a cafe or at home. The main thing is that this place is within the network coverage area.

You will need

  • Connected Wi-Fi router, working computer with Windows operating system, client for working in a wireless network


  • Go to the Start menu.

    Select "Settings" and in it - "Network connections". Right-click on the “Network Neighborhood” icon to bring up the drop-down menu and select “Properties”.

  • Right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon in the new “Network Connections” window. Select "Enable" from the drop-down menu.
  • Return to the Network Connections window. Right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
  • In the tab that opens, select “General” and make sure that the “When connected, display an icon in the notification area” and “Notify when there is limited or no connection” buttons are checked.
  • Go to the "Wireless Networks" tab in the same window.
  • If the “Wireless Networks” tab in the “Wireless Network Connection” - “Properties” window is missing for some reason, click OK. Go to the “Start” menu, select “Settings” and go to “Control Panel”.

    In the new Control Panel window, do double clicks by the “Administration” and “Services” icons.

    Make sure the Wireless Setup service is running. Otherwise, double-click the “Wireless Settings” icon, and in the new properties window, click the “Start” button and OK. Return to the “Network Connections” window. Right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon to open the drop-down menu and go to “Properties”.

    On the Wireless Networks tab, make sure the Use Windows to set up your network checkbox is checked.

  • Click the Add button under Preferred Networks. Go to the "Connections" tab. Enter MIAN in the Network Name field. Make sure the “Connect even if the network is not broadcasting” button is checked. Select WPA from the Authentication section of the menu. Select TKIP from the drop-down menu on the Data Encryption tab. Make sure that the checkbox is checked on the “This is a direct computer-to-computer connection” button and unchecked on the “No access points are used” button.
  • Go to the Authentication tab in the Wireless Properties window. Select "Protected EAP" from the drop-down menu in the "EAP Type" section. Uncheck the "Authenticate as a computer when computer information is available" button. Make sure that the checkbox next to “Authenticate as a guest when no computer or user information is available” is unchecked. Click the Properties button.
  • Uncheck the Verify Server Certificate button in the EAP Secure Properties window. Check if “Secured password” (EAPMSCHAP v2) is in the “Selecting an authentication method” section. Select the checkbox next to the “Enable Fast Reconnection” button.
  • Click the "Configure" button. Uncheck the Automatically use Windows login and password button in the EAPMSCHAP v2 Properties window. After that, click OK.
  • Click OK on the EAP Protected Properties window. Go to the "Connection" tab in the "Wireless Network Properties" drop-down window. Make sure the "Connect if a network is within range" button is checked and click OK.
  • Click OK in the Wireless Network Connection Properties window.

