What will virtual communication lead to? Virtual communication tools

Today it is not uncommon. Large quantity people prefer to communicate with each other virtually, sometimes replacing normal human contacts. The habit of interacting with each other virtually appeared among people as a result of the development of Internet technologies. With the advent of the Internet, it has become easier to meet the person you like: to do this, it is no longer necessary to communicate verbally with him, it is enough to create a page on social networks. Some people are so carried away by the process of online communication that they forget about real life and even their own individual needs.

Features of virtual communication

Like everything else, virtual communication has a number distinctive features. These features can go unnoticed for a long time until a person decides to pay attention to them.

Written form

Virtual communication is mainly carried out using writing. The Internet is a space where everyone interacts with each other using written words. Gradually, this becomes a habit and the person stops noticing that he communicates much less in the usual way. As a result, a certain detachment and isolation is formed, which can gradually turn into self-doubt, passivity and gloom. The written form of virtual interaction implies that people spend a lot of time on a computer, tablet or mobile phone in his hands, feverishly typing graphic symbols.

No space restrictions

Another feature of virtual communication is the absence of any framework in external space. Time does not exist here, there is only virtual reality. You can easily interact with a person who is in another city, country, even on the other side of the world. What’s great about virtual interaction is that there are no restrictions. You can forget that you are separated by thousands of kilometers and chat about everything in the world. There is an opportunity to share the most intimate. The process of virtual communication sometimes seems endless from the outside. It seems that a person is immersed in the virtual world and completely forgets about his daily responsibilities. Virtual communication presupposes attachment to the Internet and strong emotional involvement.

Passion for the process

Sometimes people get so caught up in virtual reality that they stop noticing the real passage of time. Some people can spend virtual communication around the clock, barely noticing that morning has come or day has turned to night. Virtual communication is very captivating and has a powerful effect on the nervous system. Often, as a result of such “get-togethers” at the computer, a person becomes irritable, nervous, unbalanced, suffers from anxiety and low mood. All this takes place for the reason that virtual communication is just an illusion that people take at face value. Sometimes it seems that no one has ever understood you as well as your virtual interlocutor. This feeling appears because people do not need to overcome embarrassment and embarrassment. On the Internet, everyone can be themselves, but, surprisingly, without showing their real face.

Young people are especially fond of virtual communication via the Internet. Many people want to find a soul mate in this way, talk about painful issues, and express their thoughts and dreams in letters to an imaginary friend. Some people get so carried away that they begin to engage in wishful thinking. Of course, when the illusions are dispelled, it will be very painful to realize the mistake. On the Internet, people do not communicate with real people, but with imaginary images that they invent for themselves. Virtual life is fundamentally different from real life.

Pros and cons of virtual communication

Virtual communication is characterized by many manifestations. As a rule, they are the same for all people who actively correspond on the Internet. Virtual interaction suggests the presence of both positive and negative aspects. Let's look at the pros and cons of virtual interaction. Can virtual communication really be useful? Is it worth making virtual friends?

Helping a shy person

There is a category of people who find it very difficult to establish contact with the person they like. Excessive timidity does not make it possible to openly get acquainted and show sympathy. Here virtual communication will become useful: it will help you relax, hide your own complexes and fears. During virtual communication, you can stop thinking about your shortcomings. Shyness will no longer be a serious obstacle to making new acquaintances and maintaining a conversation that seems exciting and interesting. A timid and shy person could hardly find friends in reality as freely. Using the exit to virtual space he will not have any particular difficulties.

Habit Formation

When a person spends years on forums and social networks, he gradually begins to forget what it means to talk with an opponent, looking him straight in the eyes. The habit of being in the virtual world is being formed. Communicating virtually is becoming the norm, which is very difficult to somehow correct. A person loses communication skills and the ability to understand others. Virtual communication in some cases becomes a salvation from, because otherwise it is impossible to interact with people.

Possibility to interrupt communication

In ordinary life, if we don’t like something about our interlocutor, we don’t always have the opportunity to brush him off. For example, while at work, a subordinate does not have the right to ignore the orders of his boss or snap back. Otherwise, the consequences for him will be very sad. Many people, simply out of politeness, do not dare to tell their interlocutor that they are uninteresting and boring. Virtual interaction is different in that it presupposes complete freedom of choice. A person initially receives alternative moves to make a decision. If communication for some reason seems unpleasant and burdensome to you, then you can easily stop it. You only need to press a couple of buttons so that the unpleasant person stops bothering you. You also have the opportunity to place the selected person on the so-called “ignore list”.

On the Internet there are no obligations to each other: everyone has the right to do as they see fit. Virtual space seems vast. The problem is that over time, people get used to evaluating their potential interlocutors from the point of view of “like or dislike” and do not make any effort to build real personal interaction. They simply cease to understand what it is and are completely immersed in virtual communities.

Opportunity to find like-minded people

Virtual communication helps you find people with whom it will be really interesting to interact. If in everyday life If you are unlikely to have the opportunity to spend time closely with like-minded people, then the virtual space allows you to do this. Virtual interlocutors will help you unlock your inner potential. Virtual friends are not as difficult to find as real ones, so everyone can do it.

Thus, virtual communication is characterized by a number of distinctive features. It attracts people and looks incredibly attractive to many. Virtual communication has its pros and cons. Positive aspects consist in the opportunity to fully express oneself, negative ones - in the formation of a closed, inactive lifestyle.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the life of a contemporary without the Internet. Today world wide web is the most popular and convenient source of information. The global network firmly connects people across all continents and countries. At the same time, many people prefer virtual communication. Rapid development computer technology has radically changed the habits of man, not only intelligent, but also automated.

For most contemporaries, it is much more convenient to send a free instant message, take advantage voice communication or make a video call on Skype, rather than travel several kilometers to resolve an issue in person. Some people even replace natural live interaction with contacts on social networks, preferring to communicate in virtual space. They are so captivated by virtual communication that they forget all the benefits and charm of real interaction in society.

Virtual communication: features of communication over the Internet
Why is communication in virtual space so seductive? Online contacts greatly simplify the interaction process. To implement them, a person needs to put in significantly less psychological and mental effort. Online communication has a number of features compared to the process of verbal communication between people.

Aspect 1. Writing instead of speaking
Communication in the virtual space in most cases takes place in written form. We write emails, leave your comments on forums, share ideas in chat, send messages on social networks.
An undoubted advantage of correspondence on the Internet is the ability to correct the compiled text. In virtual correspondence, the word is not a sparrow that cannot be caught after departure. A simple hand movement - pressing delete, using the hints received from the virtual editor allows you to correct errors and eliminate mistakes. This feature of virtual communication allows a person to feel much more comfortable and educated.

We don’t have to, as in a conversation, delve into our vocabulary and carefully select appropriate phrases. At the same time, if you want to especially show off your intelligence in front of your interlocutor, wander around the Internet and copy a couple of brilliant quotes. Accordingly, by communicating in virtual space, we can appear before the audience as smarter and more enlightened people. We don’t need to strain our brains unnecessarily, so less effort and energy is spent on the process of virtual communication.

Aspect 2. No boundaries in communication
The undoubted advantage of the Internet is complete absence spatial boundaries. Our interaction online is not limited by the boundaries of our personal home, hometown and country. We are able to make acquaintances, establish contacts and communicate with people located absolutely anywhere in the world.
This is an invaluable advantage for people whose relatives or friends are located in another corner of the Earth. This is very convenient for those who need to find new business partners or regularly contact business travelers.
Virtual communication is remarkable because most correspondence services are completely free. Therefore, unlike mobile communications communication in the virtual space does not create an additional financial burden for a person. Therefore, you can forget that your interlocutor is located in another corner of the planet at a distance of thousands of kilometers.

Virtual communication: the benefits of online contacts
Communication in virtual space offers a person a number of significant advantages. Let us describe some aspects in more detail.

Plus 1. A chance to find like-minded people
Browsing the Internet helps you make new acquaintances and significantly expand your social circle. The World Wide Web gathers people into various interest groups, in which the user can obtain useful and necessary information. Communication online helps not only to unlock your potential, but also to discover unknown facets of your personality. A huge advantage of the virtual space is the ease of establishing new contacts and making friends with similar interests, which real life much more difficult to do.

Plus 2. Comfort
Interaction over the Internet takes place in a comfortable environment for the user. And native land promotes psychological calm and lack of nervous tension. A huge advantage of “meetings” in the virtual space is the fact that a person does not have to strain himself when choosing the appropriate decoration for the upcoming meeting. A person can lounge in a comfortable chair, dressed in warm pajamas, and conduct a successful dialogue with a respectable business partner.

Plus 3. Communication without complexes
Virtual communication is a great chance for a modest and shy person who is actually afraid of speaking in public. Communication using computer technology allows you to cast aside fears and doubts, appearing before the audience in a completely different image. IN global network no one demands to show your true face or show your passport. Therefore, each subject can play the role that he has chosen for himself.

Plus 4. No time restrictions
The World Wide Web opens up enormous prospects for those who have a non-standard life schedule and are forced to stay awake at night. There are no time restrictions on the global network. You can browse websites and chat on the forum at any time of the day. There is no bad weather on the Internet that prevents you from going to a meeting. Communication in virtual space is an ideal option for those who suffer from insomnia and want to make good use of their forced wakefulness.

Plus 5. The ability to put an end to the dialogue at any time
When communicating face-to-face, it is not always possible to interrupt the conversation if the topic of the conversation is unpleasant or the interlocutor gets on your nerves. The Internet has a clear advantage: the user can put an end to the dialogue at any time and brush off the annoying interlocutor. When interacting with the network, a careless subordinate can always ignore the orders of his boss. A flighty guy may not respond to messages from a girl who is in love with him, or place her messages in the spam folder. That is, the Internet gives a person the opportunity to take under full control the process of communication, start and end the dialogue at personal request.

Virtual communication: disadvantages of online contacts
Most users are so carried away by communicating in the virtual space that they simply do not notice the dangers of browsing on the Internet. Let's look at the obvious disadvantages of virtual communication.

Minus 1. Formation of inadequate self-esteem
An overly enthusiastic user forms an opinion about himself based on the compliments he receives—“likes.” If such virtual rewards turn out to be less than expected, a person may experience a real nervous breakdown. Without seeing the required number of “likes” under a photo or note, a person may fall into black melancholy, believing that she is a worthless and unnecessary creature.
There is also a natural opposite. Social network stars, popular bloggers, and top-rated YouTubers consider themselves almost the navel of the universe. Such people who have acquired authority on the global network, but have not backed it up in real life, develop extremely inflated self-esteem, which is fraught with serious problems in everyday life.

Minus 2. Loss of communication skills
If a person constantly sits on forum sites or actively corresponds on social networks, he gradually loses the skills of face-to-face communication with people. She forgets what secrets verbal communication has, loses the ability to convey the meaning of what is said with intonation, and to reinforce the topic being presented with gestures and facial expressions.
As a result, during contacts in the real world, such a person feels “out of place.” Conversations with even the closest people make him feel uncomfortable. It is easier for such a person to send a VKontakte message to a relative sitting next to her than to say her thoughts out loud. For the avid computer user It is very difficult to understand the desires and needs of others, because due to the habit of communicating virtually, he does not feel the psychological characteristics of other people.

Minus 3. Waste of time
It happens that Internet users are so immersed in virtual space that they simply don’t notice how quickly time flies. Indeed, the World Wide Web is an insatiable time eater that steals time for rest, education, sports and self-care.
There are certain types who sit in front of a computer monitor for days on end and simply do not know what time it is. Often, browsing on popular websites and chatting on social networks leads to the fact that the addicted person forgets to eat on time and stops taking care of her appearance.

Minus 4. Harm to health
Traveling on the Internet is very exciting and significantly excites the human nervous system. Excessive gatherings in the virtual space initiate a variety of neurotic disorders. The person becomes irritable, restless, and aggressive. It is very difficult for a passionate user to fall asleep after working on the computer for many hours.
Monitor glare and frequent changes bright pictures negatively affects the organs of vision. As a result, a person's intraocular pressure increases and vision deteriorates over time.

Minus 5. Existing in a fictional world instead of living in reality
Some users are so keen on traveling around virtual world that they feel out of place in the real world. Indeed, existence in a fictional world is much more comfortable and convenient for a person. On the Internet, serious problems rarely arise and obstacles that are difficult to overcome are encountered.
Over time, a passionate user begins to freak out from the realities of everyday life, trying to quickly find himself in his protected and safe Internet world. This leads to the person becoming a voluntary social outcast and unable to fully interact in society.

Minus 6. Loss of ability to compromise
What is so attractive about virtual communication, why are contacts with other users so valuable? The thing is that online interaction does not imply the presence of any mutual obligations. A person acts as he wants and is comfortable, regardless of the point of view of others.
Users are guided by the rule: if I don’t like the author’s point of view, I won’t rack my brains and read the article on another site. I can’t build a conversation in some community, I’ll just leave this group and move to a more pleasant company. That is, a person loses the ability to take into account the opinions of others, to make concessions, he does not strive for compromise. As a result, he becomes an authoritarian dictator in reality, from whom those around him run away like the plague.

Minus 7. Victim of scams
On the Internet we communicate not with a specific person, but with his image. And clever scammers can create the image that is necessary to gain trust. We expect that we are corresponding with an adequate and responsive person, but when checked, he turns out to be a swindler and a swindler.
Having installed trust relationship With a naive user, it is not difficult for an experienced swindler to find out the information he requires. In this case, not only the direct victim of the scam may suffer, but also his relatives or friends.

Minus 8. Failure of hopes
Another obvious disadvantage of virtual communication, which often affects lonely people. The person believes that he is corresponding with a handsome, young and wealthy man. And, accordingly, he makes some plans for a joint future. But in fact, what appears before her is a disgusting old freak who does not have a penny of money, but passionately wants to satisfy his lust. After such discoveries, many young people fall into prolonged depression, and often lose the meaning of life altogether.

Minus 9. Development of addiction
While an enthusiastic VKontakte or Facebook user wanders through the pages of his friends, he does not notice how his life flies by. Statistics say that a mature person spends an average of half an hour on social networks, while children and teenagers correspond for more than 3 hours.
This risks the person developing pathological dependence over time - an abnormal condition similar to drug addiction. To feel comfortable, an addicted person must log into a social network. It is worth noting that with computer addiction, a person may experience withdrawal symptoms, which is as painful as alcohol withdrawal.

Instead of an afterword
Thus, communication in virtual space is an unchanging component of modern life. Computer technology open up a lot of perspectives for a person, facilitate the search for information and help brighten up leisure time. However, excessive enthusiasm for virtual communication leads to a change in personality and a terrible mismatch of the psyche.

Not for everyone a virtual romance means a lot right away. At first, it is often perceived as a fun game, a cure for boredom, a pleasant pastime. The person is very critical of what is happening and does not attach much importance to correspondence. However, you need to be prepared that, due to the “peculiarities of the genre,” everyone, even the most sober person, has a serious threat of getting too carried away and truly falling in love and becoming dependent on pen pal relationships.

Why is this happening?

The main danger of virtual relationships is not even that the person on the other end will not be who he claims to be, but that you yourself begin to idealize the person, to invent his image. Due to the fact that you only see what is written to you, you have a huge space for imagination. In addition, unlike real communication, you are deprived of the opportunity to use such important analyzers as olfactory and tactile-kinesthetic. You don’t smell the person, you don’t see the dynamics of his movements, you can’t touch him. You don’t hear how he communicates with other people, you don’t see his facial expressions in response to various situations. Meanwhile, these analyzers, although not always conscious, are very important when we evaluate a person in real communication.

You imagine a person in your own way, completely different from how it might actually be. The desire to meet an ideal partner paints beautiful images; this takes many (primarily romantic girls) away from a sober analysis of the person sitting on the other side of the screen. In addition, you do not see his negative qualities, if only because he does not demonstrate them to you. However, like you to him. This is generally a feature of correspondence as a genre. But you get magic words, addressed to you personally: compliments pour in like from a cornucopia. Writing the phrase: “I have never met a girl like you” is much easier than saying it in a real situation. Therefore, the virtual partner finds himself in a more advantageous situation than a real person. The virtual partner also has time to think, to compose a beautiful phrase, to choose words... Thus, he can turn out to be a hundred times better than any real person whom we see in the entire complex of his life, and not just in what he decided to us demonstrate. Idealization makes you break away from reality and believe in a dream. Full contact cannot be as ideal as virtual contact. Therefore, falling in love virtually is much easier.

During correspondence, people find themselves in addiction to emotions, which they receive by reading the words of another. Moreover, most emotions are contrived by themselves and are attached to to a specific person. There is a feeling that no one else is capable of causing the same thing in you. Therefore, feelings arise not only that are quite real, but often even stronger than those that you experienced for someone before, for someone who could be touched in real life.

People who have experienced this intoxicating feeling of closeness and trust in virtual communication claim that it is simply impossible to feel this during real communication. For many, it’s becoming increasingly clear what a person actually looks like, what he does, the main thing is that “he is able to speak like that and understand like that.” It is because of this that many tend to identify what they feel like true love.

I know one couple who met on the Internet on one of the forums. Soon they met in real life, liked each other (with their olfactory and tactile analyzers already working!) and soon got married. But here’s the paradox: they still felt the need to write letters to each other, which they often did while sitting in different rooms of the same apartment. In letters it was easier to say about the secret, tender words were easier to come by.

And here is how Olga, 26 years old, describes the intensity of feelings. “We understood each other perfectly, it seemed as if we had known each other for 100 years. We talked to him about everything and our thoughts, tastes, and views on life simply coincided amazingly. He sorted out all my fears and guessed all my dreams. When I realized that my roof was slowly but surely leaving its rightful place, I suddenly found out that he was 16 years old. I couldn’t believe that a 16-year-old guy could write SUCH letters... poetry, music... I decided to interrupt the correspondence, but I couldn’t... It was a drug. We wrote to each other 2 times a day, called each other, exchanged photos. I couldn't deprive myself of this happiness. I listened to the words that I always wanted to hear, such beautiful and talented poems were dedicated to me. And on top of that, they also responded to my every thought objectively and with sincere interest. If suddenly the letter did not arrive, I simply began to choke. Tell someone at work that I have the same thing with a 16-year-old boy..."

Masha met Patrick on a language exchange site. She indicated in the questionnaire that she wanted to learn French from scratch and was ready to help in mastering Russian. He wrote to her in English. She answered. He wrote again. Things never got to the point of learning French and Russian, since a lively correspondence ensued in English, which they both knew. Already from the first letters, she was fascinated by his personality, rejoiced at every letter like a child and checked her mail even at night. He cheerfully expressed his opinions on serious philosophical problems, joked all the time and greatly entertained her with his letters. They loved the same books, they liked the same films, he sent her amazing compositions, they discussed everything in letters and never ceased to be amazed at the incredible coincidences in everything. They found so much in common in each other that it seemed like her twin brother was sitting on the other side of the screen. Sometimes they wrote each other 30 letters a day. She fell in love so much that sometimes she forgot that it was time to pick up her daughter from kindergarten, cook dinner for her husband, or check her son’s diary. Correspondence with him became the most important and priority thing for her. She was aware that her dependence on this correspondence was akin to a drug addiction, but she could not help herself. She tried to get rid of her... But if she didn’t write for more than a day, he would bombard her with letters full of sincere anxiety, and for some reason she didn’t want to play cat and mouse with this man. They talked about everything in the world, and it seemed that there was no person who understood her better than he. But the thought that she wanted to touch the real him drove Masha crazy. Just touch, nothing else is needed.

The marital status of both of them did not allow them to talk about their surging feelings for a long time, but after about five months Patrick could not stand it and began to write “I love you.” And a year after we met, he came to Moscow. Decide on real acquaintance It was not easy and very scary. Masha really didn’t want to be disappointed in the fairy tale that her fantasy had drawn for her. But the virtual relationship had reached such an intensity that the meeting was supposed to be a salvation from the feeling that “we will go crazy” if we don’t meet in real life and don’t understand: we all imagined it all for ourselves or we are actually two halves who miraculously found each other in the big world?

At a distance, feelings begin to go off scale due to the inability to receive natural contact for a person - physical contact. The thought of a real meeting drives me crazy. Frustration due to the inability to feel real closeness with a person with whom virtual intimacy has arisen fuels feelings and ignites passion. One of the partners takes a ticket and goes to where virtual love lives... True, he doesn’t always find what he expected to see... but that’s not what we’re talking about now.

A real meeting is actually necessary, If we're talking about about the emergence of feelings. The sooner the real meeting takes place, the fewer misleading impressions you will have about each other. Only it will become a measure of where the fantasy was and where the truth was, whether it was fate or the mockery of fate. And here you need to be prepared for any development of events. There is no recipe or reliable statistics on this yet. But there is a main one a sign of a healthy relationship between partners By virtual love- this is a mutual readiness to transfer the relationship into real life. Even if you are separated by distance and borders, the first meeting is simply necessary, and only after that a virtual and real communication can successfully complement each other for some time.

Real love, and not its illusion, can arise when partners imagine each other in all reality. If your partner avoids a real meeting in every possible way, then you urgently need to pull yourself out of dependence on love for him.

Psychologist Tatyana Nikitina not only talks about the complexities of relationships between men and women, but also helps those who want to improve themselves.

Thanks to the Internet, people have the opportunity to communicate with each other anywhere, the main thing is to have a network connection. Virtual communication has become widespread, which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

What does virtual communication mean?

A special type of communication that occurs via the Internet is called virtual communication. In most cases, this means the exchange of information in written form. Virtual communication with a girl or guy occurs through social media, different sites, in chat rooms and forums. The Internet has given people the opportunity to make friends from different cities and countries without leaving home.

There are a number of features of virtual communication that separate it from real one:

  1. A familiar environment for people, that is, to communicate you do not need to leave the house, leaving your comfort zone. A person uses familiar methods of transmitting information.
  2. Since most interactions take place in writing, you can improve your writing skills.
  3. People can exchange any information by speaking different topics and thereby developing yourself.

Psychology of virtual communication

There are a number of basic principles that stand out in psychology and are characteristic of virtual communication.

  1. A person’s communication characteristics are formed on the basis of existing experience, temperament, and characteristics of upbringing and society.
  2. In virtual psychology, communication between a man and a woman is based on equality, that is, a dialogue is built.
  3. It is important to understand that all people are individual and you should look for an approach to each interlocutor in order to establish contact.

Can virtual communication replace real communication?

More and more people from the real world are moving into the virtual space, and this problem is especially acute for children. Real and virtual communication can coexist, but it is important to set priorities correctly. A conversation through a monitor will never replace live contact, where you can see real emotions and feel a person. Often online communication is based on deception, since people are sure that they will never meet their interlocutor in person.

There is a very strange trend - it is much easier to trust a virtual friend than a close relative. Psychologists call this phenomenon the “fellow traveler effect,” when it is easier to tell a secret to a person whom you will never take away and, in fact, do not know, considering his advice as objective as possible. As a result, virtual communication creates the illusion that on the other side of the monitor is your closest and most faithful friend who will always be there, but it’s just impossible to verify this. There are exceptions, but these are rare.

Opportunities and risks of virtual communication

The main risks of communicating online are related to the fact that there are many scammers on the Internet who can manipulate a person in their own interests. Determining the pros and cons of virtual communication, psychologists came to the conclusion that feelings online are stronger than in real life. To reduce risks, it is recommended to resort to visual communication using a webcam.

Advantages of virtual communication

The main advantage of communicating online is that it is possible to talk to a person who is at a great distance. Another plus is the opportunity for lonely and modest people to open up and find friends. Other benefits of virtual communication:

  1. Relationships are built on a voluntary basis, so we can talk about the sincerity of the desire.
  2. Can be found huge amount friends around the world who will share interests, goals, desires and so on.
  3. Virtual communication does not require investing money or wasting time, since there is no need to organize a real meeting, pay for transport, buy treats, and so on.
  4. If you wish, you can stop communicating at any time without explaining the reason to anyone.
  5. There is a chance to play some role and imagine yourself as someone you really are not.

Disadvantages of virtual communication

Psychologists have noticed that what more people spends time online, the more changes are observed in his consciousness, speech and interaction with people around him. There is a loss of real communication skills. Virtual communication has other disadvantages:

Virtual communication tools

The main means for communicating online today are social networks, where there are different additional features, for example, attaching photos and videos. In addition, you can use various forums, chats, special sites and E-mail. The culture of virtual communication is similar to real contact, and it is based on the rules of etiquette and the peculiarities of psychology.

Rules of communication in virtual space

To build a dialogue and establish contact, it is recommended to follow certain rules of communication:

  1. You only need to respond to detailed letters that show the person’s interest. If the letter contains only emoticons, a smile or a banal “Hello”, it is better to ignore it.
  2. Find a middle ground, that is, you don’t need to answer the questions too briefly or too long. It is important to give an answer, but not to describe the gender of your life.
  3. Women are repulsed by intrusiveness, so dating rules for virtual communication include advice that you should not write another letter to a person if he has not responded to the previous one.
  4. If you are interested in a woman, you should not write about your feelings from the first messages, as this is scary and repulsive. No intimate topics when communicating with strangers, unless they initiate them themselves.
  5. The rules for virtual communication with a woman include appropriate delivery of compliments. They should be written naturally, without flattery or intrusiveness. To build trusting relationships, sincerity is important.

Virtual sex communication

One of the types of virtual sex is communication intended for pleasure. Conversations of an intimate nature cause excitement and can lead to orgasm. Virtual intimate communication can take place both between acquaintances and strangers. Its specificity is based on a gradual increase in excitement with the help of relaxed phrases that tell about what a person is doing or wants to do at a certain moment. In this matter great value has no embarrassment. You can reinforce the correspondence with a video, which will increase the excitement.

The problem of dependence on virtual communication

The danger of communicating on the Internet is that people can immerse themselves in virtuality, forgetting about reality. This is due to the fact that online a person can pretend to be anyone, communicate without embarrassment, tell anything without fear of a reproachful look, betrayal and setup. If you are tired of communication, you can simply block the user. All this is not available in real life.

The problems of virtual communication are also related to the fact that on the Internet people hide from their real problems and loneliness. Since the issues are not resolved, they only get worse, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the addicted person to go out into the world and contact real people. In most cases, it is difficult to get out of this web on your own, so you need outside help and sometimes even a psychologist.

The main problems of virtual communication:

  1. Self-identification and identification. When a person plays something, he begins to develop inadequate skills, instead of developing a behavior pattern characteristic of his gender and age.
  2. Development of addiction. On the Internet it is easy to hide one’s shortcomings and get rid of loneliness, so a person gradually develops a desire to stay online more and more.
  3. Getting used to deception. Virtual communication allows for lies, and the desire to embellish one’s biography can become a habit that will manifest itself in real life.

More and more people in our country, especially young and middle-aged, are becoming familiar with this invaluable benefit of civilization.

Less and less we began to go to the good old post office, buy postal envelopes, send telegrams... Even money can be sent through postal services Networks.

What is not in the virtual world?

Now let’s compare real communication and what we have in the virtual world, that is, on the Internet. When talking with a person, we, either on a subconscious level or with the help of acquired knowledge, capture and interpret non-verbal signs coming from the interlocutor.

Great value has his facial expression, gaze, intonation. For example, the phrase “I want to give you this” can be pronounced with logical emphasis on the first word: “I want to give you this”, on the second: “I WANT to give you this”, on the third: “I want to GIVE you this”, and on the fourth, and on the fifth. Depending on this, the information will have different meanings.

When communicating on the phone, we cannot see the interlocutor, therefore, we do not perceive his posture, gestures, or eye expression. But in most cases we “see” a smile and take note of the intonation, which is a big plus.

What about the Internet? If we don’t talk about Skype, we are not only unable to hear a live voice with all its modulations and shades of intonation, but we also don’t even know who we are communicating with. That is, we don’t even have the minimum information that a telephone provides. Well, we can only have an idea of ​​​​the degree of proficiency in the Russian language - and that’s all!

Then why does approximately half of the population of our country prefer to click on the keyboard instead of taking an ordinary pen and a piece of paper?

Reasons for virtual communication

One of the most important reasons is insufficient social circle in real life, that is, in ordinary life. For example, a person works at home, goes out little and suffers from loneliness. About those who are in force physical condition finds it difficult to speak or is confined to a wheelchair, and we won’t talk - it’s clear that for them this is practically the only window in big world.

...Emma Fedorovna, a former cultural worker, suffered a severe stroke several years ago. Through the efforts of doctors, they managed to restore her ability to speak and clarity of thinking, but, alas, she cannot leave the apartment to this day. Here is her story: “It was as if the whole world had turned upside down for me. There are no children, my husband left me a long time ago, my friends are busy with their own affairs... I have simply lost the meaning of life - who needs me, old and sick? Meanwhile, my head works perfectly, I feel young mentally, but physically decrepit. The only outlet I saw was purchasing a computer, since my fingers and vision were normal. I thought and thought about where I could get money for such an expensive pleasure and found a way out! I exchanged my two-room apartment for a one-room apartment with an additional payment - and now I can communicate with anyone, about anything and as much as my heart desires! I was revived to life, made many friends, and not only among Russians, received a lot of advice about my health and am happy to talk to new acquaintances “for life.”

The number is also very important reasons also applies the opportunity to realize dormant acting abilities. It seems that many users of the World Wide Web are familiar with the feeling of some euphoria when, as if by magic, magic wand, turn either into a young coquette, or into a daring macho, or into a “young man pondering his life,” or into a bored lady... In real life, it is simply impossible to play so many roles in a few hours or even days, unless you buy a bunch of wigs and hire a make-up artist. But on the Internet such miracles are commonplace! Having put on a virtual mask, a person changes internally, and sometimes externally, he is filled with confidence in his abilities: of course - after all, he is both his own director and actor!

There are often advertisements on the Internet about free legal, medical and other types of assistance. To you There is no need to feel embarrassed and nervous about contacting a specialist: after all, a virtual consultation is, as a rule, anonymous, and you can talk about your problems openly, without concealment. To be honest, it’s hardly as exhaustive as possible, qualified assistance will come to you virtually, but still at least tell you about the problems and get the most general recommendations and advice on who to contact – and that’s not bad! Do not be offended if the answer seems to you just a formal reply: when it comes to health, then, in fact, a correspondence consultation is impossible in most cases. Treat this with understanding and take into account what the specialist advises.

If you have any questions, for example, “who is Leonardo da Vinci?”, you can, without leaving home, without scouring libraries and reference books, just turn to search engine. That's all! You will receive not only comprehensive information about this genius of the Renaissance, but also, by reading a lot of articles, and become familiar with his life and work.

Not everyone has the desire and ability to adapt to external conditions, but where is it possible to fully manage them? Of course, on the Internet!

Who's on this side of the screen?

Well, frequent visitors to the Internet - lonely or “unloved” individuals of both sexes. However, don’t get your hopes up too much: these may just be people looking for easy, non-binding virtual flirting.

A certain Alexander, a design engineer, could not find support in his team, moreover, almost no one was interested in his invention at all. But he could not abandon the idea: too much effort and skill had been invested in it. “Maybe I didn’t do enough? Where can I find a more qualified specialist? — the man was tormented by questions. The decision to search for colleagues on the Internet was crowned with success: a long and interesting discussion ensued, and most importantly, useful for Alexander!

So, there are benefits to virtual reality! However, live communication is much more constructive. You should not think that only beautiful, smart, professional, honest, kind, successful and happy people are sitting online waiting for you.

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