The Internet does not work due to hamachi. Solving problems with Hamachi self-diagnosis

Many users use Hamachi for various purposes, the details of which we will not dive into today, since at the moment our goal is to help solve problems when this software does not start, performing independent troubleshooting. Of course, in most cases this operation ends in nothing, so the user needs to independently look for solutions to this error. The guides presented below will be aimed at getting rid of this nasty problem as easily and quickly as possible.

Almost always, self-diagnosis occurs due to incorrect operation of the services responsible for the correct connection of Hamachi to the network. Because of this, all our attention will continue to be focused on solving problems related specifically to services that interact in every possible way with the mentioned software. Let's start with the simplest and most effective method, moving in order to more complex and rare ones.

Method 1: Start the required services

From the very beginning, we recommend checking the functionality of the services. You can be almost one hundred percent sure that one of the important parameters is disabled, since, as mentioned above, such a situation occurs due to a service failure. You can check and run them manually like this:

  1. Run the utility "Run" by holding down the key combination Win+R, where in the input field enter services.msc and click on Enter or "OK".
  2. Find in the list with names . This is the main service responsible for the functionality of the software. Double-click on the name with the left mouse button to go to properties.
  3. Here in the tab "General" set the startup type "Automatically" and apply the changes.
  4. The same will need to be done with the service , because she is also directly related to Hamachi.
  5. After making all changes, it is recommended to restart your computer to check the functionality of the services. If everything was resolved and the problem did not arise again, then it was a matter of a banal accidental shutdown. If difficulties recur, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following options for solving them.

    Method 2: Cleaning the system with antivirus

    This method is required for those users who have had the service shut down again after rebooting their PC. "Windows Management Instrumentation", and with it, accordingly, "LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine". This often depends on the action of the viruses that have taken over the device. You need to get rid of them using available tools - security programs, that is, antiviruses. You will find detailed instructions on this topic in our separate material at the following link.

    After successfully cleaning the system, restart the service and check its functionality. If this doesn't help, and "Windows Management Instrumentation" still turns off, go to Method 7, where we will look at system recovery.

    Method 3: Create a script to start the Hamachi service

    Difficulties in starting the service that is responsible specifically for the operation of Hamachi are often due to trivial failures in the program or system, which cannot be solved by any methods. If you don't want to look further for solutions, create a script that simply restarts the service, allowing you to temporarily solve the problem. This method is called a “crutch” and does not correct the problem itself, but only temporarily relieves you of it.

    However, if you want to completely and permanently get rid of the problem that has arisen, we advise you to study the methods presented below, because they often turn out to be quite effective.

    Method 4: Set up EXE security

    Sometimes startup difficulties are caused by insufficient access level that the EXE file of the software in question receives. The fact is that with low trust, the program will not even gain access to its own service, which it installed on the system. Therefore, it is necessary to control this setting by performing the following steps:

    After that, don't forget to apply the changes. Please note that these actions are performed exclusively from the administrator account. If you have not yet logged into this profile, do so as demonstrated in our next material.

    Method 5: Set up Hamachi service

    Sometimes the service responsible for keeping Hamachi running simply turns off on its own. This happens due to conflicts between the OS and software, and is solved by a banal restart. You can set it to automatic mode using the settings configuration, which looks like this:

    Now the service will automatically restart as soon as it shuts down. This will allow you to quickly resuscitate the situation and start using Hamachi without going into self-diagnosis mode.

    Method 6: Reinstall Hamachi with Registry Cleaner

    If none of the methods listed above brought any results, let's move on to more radical options. The first is to completely remove Hamachi and further clean the registry, which will allow you to reset absolutely all parameters. You will find detailed uninstallation instructions in the material below.

    Now let's discuss how to clean the registry after removal, because usually quite important parameters remain there, which can again lead to failures.

    After this, you must restart your computer in order to reinstall the software later.

While running the Hamachi program, designed to create VPN networks (virtual secure networks), the user may encounter the message “Incoming traffic is blocked, check your firewall settings.” This is usually due to the functionality of anti-virus programs and firewalls that block the correct operation of Hamachi, but there are cases when the cause of this dysfunction is the incorrect operation of the program itself. In this article, I will tell you what the essence of this dysfunction is, what are its causes, and how to fix the “Hamachi incoming traffic blocked” error on your PCs.

Use Hamachi to create VPN networks

Looking for the source of the problem

As you know, the Hamachi program is designed to create virtual private networks (VPN), allowing you to create secure networks on the Internet from remotely located computers, thereby simulating the connection between them on a regular local network.

This program is especially popular among users who actively use various gaming programs (Vikings, Red Alert 2, Dungeon Siege 3, Ludoria, etc.). Using Hamachi, you can play with each other online, and this is even when the official game servers are closed for some reason.

The “incoming traffic blocked” error in Hamachi may have the following reasons:

How to fix "incoming traffic blocked" on Hamachi

After I explained what “Incoming traffic is blocked in Hamachi”, let’s move on to the question of how to get rid of the error “Incoming traffic is blocked, check your firewall settings.” I recommend doing the following:


The appearance of the “Hamachi: Incoming traffic blocked” problem is usually caused by the functionality of the firewall and antivirus program blocking the incoming network connection of the user’s PC. To fix the “Incoming traffic blocked” problem in Hamachi, I recommend temporarily disabling your firewall and antivirus, and if this does not help, use the alternative tips I suggested above. Usually this allows you to normalize the operation of the specified program, and then enjoy the stable functionality of “Hamachi” on your PC.

Over time, support for old games ceases, servers are closed and it is not possible to play in multiplayer mode via the Internet. Regular gamers will be helped with this by the Hamachi program, which unites players from all over the world and creates a local network over the Internet. But what should you do if an error occurs during the setup process: VPN Status? To avoid further errors, let's make the correct program settings.

About the program

First of all, Hamachi is software designed for building a virtual private network (VPN). It creates its own secure local network of PCs connected to the Internet. Using this, a local network emulation is created, which is successfully used by gamers for playing games over the network.

Hamachi features:

  1. Network management and administration.
  2. Creating servers and connecting them to gray IP and client PCs.
  3. Data protection due to the transmission of encrypted traffic in a peer-to-peer style.
  4. Creating a network with a “Star” topology and a gateway.


In case you get a VPN error:

  1. Uninstall the old version of the program and restart your computer.
  2. Go to network connections and check that you do not have a Hamachi network.
  3. Install the latest version of Hamachi and log in to the program.

To configure the program:

  1. Click RMB on Start → Network Connections → PMK over Hamachi Network → Properties.
  2. Open IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4) → click “Advanced” → in the “IP Settings” tab, in the “Gateway” section, click “Delete”.
  3. In the “Interface Metrics” field, enter the value 10 and click “OK”.
  4. Then go to Control Panel → Windows Firewall and add “LogMeIn Hamachi” to the exclusion list.

To eliminate yellow triangles next to network member names:

  1. In the program, click “System” → “Options” → “Options” tab.
  2. In the tab opposite the “Encryption” and “Compression” items, set the value to “Disabled” and click OK.
  3. Restart Hamachi (by turning off and on the button in the program interface).

Tunnel problem

VLAN users are faced with a problem related to data transfer delay (high ping). It occurs when data is transferred not from computer to computer, but through Hamachi servers. A sign that the connection is not direct is a blue or red icon opposite the network client. In order to get rid of this error, you need to remove the tunnel through the repeater. To start:

For many games (for example, RPGs or turn-based strategies), having a ping of 400-500 ms is not critical. This creates minimal discomfort, but overall online play will be stable.

Despite the efforts of Hamachi developers to make this program as “friendly” and simple as possible, many users still have difficulty setting it up. By following the instructions below, you can easily configure Hamachi correctly for gaming or work.

General setup of Hamachi on Windows
In this article we will look at how to configure Hamachi - the most available today. The example demonstrates the setting Hamachi for Windows 7, since this OS is the most common today.

In general, Hamachi does not require any additional configuration; all you need is to install the program, run it, and click on the “power” button (Fig. 1).

After this, you need to connect to the network of interest by clicking “connect to an existing network” (Fig. 2) or “network” -> “connect to an existing network” (Fig. 3).

A network details window will appear in front of you, where you will need to enter the network ID and password (Fig. 4).

If there are enough free slots in the network, you will connect and see a window with a list of participants (Fig. 5).

Hamachi asks for registration, what should I do?
If Hamachi is launched on your PC for the first time, or information about previous launches is damaged, the program will display an authorization error message (Fig. 6).

In this case, you need to either register for free in the LogMenIn system (Fig. 7), or log in if you already have a LogMenIn account.

What to do if Hamachi won't connect?
First, you should check if everything is ok with the network you are interested in. To do this, enter “hamachi test network” into a search engine and try to connect using any of the details that appear in the search results.

If Hamachi does not connect to any network, click “system” -> “parameters” (Fig. 9).

Select the lowest item in the left panel - “Parameters”, find “Encryption” there and set the type to “Any” (Fig. 10).

Then click the “Advanced settings” item located at the bottom of the window (Fig. 11).

If you do not use a proxy server, set the corresponding attribute with the “no” flag (Fig. 12).

Please note that when using a proxy, connection problems may be caused by it.

Then resolve names using the mDNS protocol (Fig. 13).

Disable traffic filtering by selecting the “allow all” flag in the corresponding field (Fig. 14).

Enable presence in the Hamachi virtual network (Fig. 15).

Confirm the changes made (Fig. 16).

Close the program and enter it again.

If the above does not help, try temporarily disabling your antivirus.
Also, sometimes Hamachi does not connect due to the Firewall blocking it.
To turn it off, click " Start» -> Control Panel -> Firewall-> Enabling or disabling Firewall
(Fig. 17) (Fig. 18) (Fig. 19) (Fig. 20)

Setting up Hamachi via a router
Sometimes the source of problems is not an incorrect Hamachi configuration or an overly “vigilant” Anti-Virus, but the port through which your router broadcasts.

Open two arbitrary free ports in the settings of your router (each specific router model has its own specifics for opening ports - see the instructions). Then configure Hamachi to use them by specifying the local TCP address and local UDP address attributes in the already familiar “advanced settings” window (Fig. 21).

After that, restart the router and restart Hamachi. An important point - when “forwarding” ports, do not confuse the addresses for the TCP and UDP protocols!

Special cases of Hamachi configuration
It is worth noting that this program is often used by gamers to build gaming networks, as well as various organizations to create corporate file sharing systems. In such cases, you should strictly follow the instructions of the gaming community or your company. However, at the same time, you must understand that if you decide to download and install a third-party unofficial Hamachi distribution, you are endangering the security of your PC - unless absolutely necessary, refrain from connecting to such networks.

How to set the language in Hamachi?
Unfortunately, there is no optional language selection in the program. In order not to run for a dictionary, it is enough that you have the Russian version of Hamachi. If for some reason you need a different language, reinstall the program after downloading the “hamster” localization corresponding to the language you are interested in.

notice, that Hamachi official website provides the ability to download only the English version of Hamachi. We can do it.

“Judgment Day” has arrived and Hamachi is not connecting to the network. Why and what to do? First of all, the blame must be placed on the antivirus and firewall. Because after updating them, the exception settings may become lost (this may occur as a result of an incorrect shutdown of the PC). Therefore, we re-add Hamachi to the list of exceptions of the antivirus and firewall. Did it help? Then you are amazing! Enjoy the game with your friends.

Did not work? Let's reinstall!

Attention! Before installation, you must delete absolutely all files. Go to the Start menu, then to the control panel, look for the “Add or Remove Programs” item. We are waiting for the list of installed applications to load. Find Hamachi, click on it and select delete.

Let's check if there are any settings files left:

  • Windows XP: Check the Program files folder for the presence of the Log me in hamachi folder. Found - delete!
  • Win 7: Perform the action from the point above. Go to the folder C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local, also look for the folder and delete it.

Reinstalling the client. And this is not the end! After installing the new client, you need to configure the hamachi “Service”. Open “Control Panel” through the Start menu.

We look for the administration tab, open it and find the tab of the same name.

We look for a service associated with Hamachi and set the startup option to “manual”. Turn on

After such a voluminous guide, Hamachi will connect to the network in any case, at least out of respect for you.