History of the TIC - History of changes in the ticks. History of change of birds

Thematic Citation Index- an important parameter search engine Yandex, showing the quantity and quality of resources linking to the domain. In order to judge the authority of a domain name in the eyes of a search engine, it is important to know not only the TIC, but also the history of its change in dynamics.

Analysis of dynamic fluctuations of the TIC

Based on the behavior of the citation index, one can draw conclusions about the advisability of buying or intercepting a domain name. After all, if the TIC was minimal and then rose sharply, then there is a high probability of its same sharp decline. It is advisable to search for domains with smooth schedule, without jumps and drawdowns. Of course, this will not completely protect against failure, but it will greatly reduce possible risks. Ideally, during the entire history of changes in the TIC, fluctuations between neighboring points did not exceed 30% or 10-20 units in the case of low values. In addition to natural events (such as advertising in major media or viral popularity on the web), a spike in the chart can be caused by the purchase of rental links or domain glue. And any unnatural growth will most likely end in a fall - the links will be removed, and the domain will fall apart. And it’s good if everything goes without sanctions from the search engines.

TIC is a thematic Website Citation Index. The abbreviation is familiar to many people, it is often used by webmasters and Internet users, entrepreneurs and marketers.

It is the level of the TCI that demonstrates the credibility of the web resource for search engines and people - the ratio of the number of Internet resources (that is, donors) that link to the site, in this context, is very important parameter for performance growth.

The TIC level directly reflects the quality of a particular web resource. The higher the TIC of the site, the higher, respectively, in the ranking of search engines, the Internet resource can be located (sometimes even regardless of competition). search query or topics in general).

From the very beginning, the Thematic Citation Index was designed to sort websites in Yandex.Catalog. As of today, TIC is taken into account, to a greater extent, by advertisers. The higher the TIC indicator of a particular Internet resource, the more its owner will be able to earn on the sale of link, banner and other advertising.

After each update of the values, the TCI indicator may increase or become lower - the changes, first of all, depend on the decrease or increase in the number of thematic links that were placed on the site.

Yandex - the algorithms that are responsible for assigning the TIC to the site are constantly being upgraded and adjusted by developers. A couple of years ago, the TIC could be increased by simply registering the site in different free directories- now this method no longer works, since Yandex's requirements for assigning TCI are constantly becoming tougher.

Let's take an example. Imagine that we see a site with TIC 100 - of course, it’s impossible to get a “hundred” just like that! In order for the result to be achieved, a certain number of links were consistently placed on other sites (when analyzing, accounting and analyzing promotion issues, webmasters and optimizers often use the term “link mass”), content was prepared, behavioral and many other factors were taken into account.

For example, to develop a resource, you can take 300 links from fresh sites, or just ten “fat” eternal links from trusted sites, which will transfer weight much more efficiently. It must be remembered that it is the total weight of links that are transferred from one site to another when cited, which affects numerical value TIC.

The total return indicators determine the value of the TIC. It is worth noting that earlier algorithms for calculating the citation index could be cheated, but now it is much more difficult to do this.

Sites on which almost anyone can put down their own link without the knowledge of the administration of the web resource do not have a big impact on the increase in TIC indicators. Very rarely, forums, blogs with open comments, social networks and similar resources.

Well-known Internet analysts unanimously declare that now, in order to increase the level of the thematic citation index, the quality of the published links, and not the quantity, is primarily important. For example, the Yandex search engine may generally not take into account links from dubious sites (from resources on free domains, recently created, with user complaints, etc.), since such sites lack any control and information is added randomly.

Ucoz - websites and websites with free domains also often make no difference in terms of weight transfer. By the way, at any time you can see the dynamics of changes in the TCI with the help of specialized resources.

How to check the TCI site? Instruction

There are several ways to check a site's Citation Index. There are many services on the network, the use of which allows you to find out the value of the TIC using a special form. Services are free, and you can use this service at any convenient time.

As an illustrative example, let's take the forum cy - pr. All you need to do is enter the name of the site in a special online form. After the site name is entered, the user / guest of this (or any other) forum will be able to see the current on this moment TIC value.

There is also an option to install a browser plugin. SEO-optimizers, for example, have a popular plugin RDS Bar, which allows you to determine the TIC without registration and extra costs time. If you are interested in other features of the plugin and the expansion of existing powers, then you cannot do without costs - you need to purchase paid version ON.

Another way is to install the RDS API program on OC Windows. This application is very convenient to use - the program quickly analyzes various sites, does not block search engines (in this case, it is worth noting that there is no dependence on the geographical factor) and has many other useful features.

These methods of determining the TCI are available to anyone.

Who assigns the TIC?

In 1999, the Yandex team created an index using its own algorithm. Now the TCI is actively used by the functionality of Yandex. Search", "Yandex. Pictures" and "Yandex. Catalog" and many others.

It was already mentioned earlier that the TIC is used to identify the quality of links - we repeat that their number has nothing to do with the result.

To obtain a high TIC rating, it is important that the links are published on donor sites, the subject matter of which would be similar to the source site - on portals of an antagonistic nature (for example, if the site sells soccer balls, and the link is placed on the Chechen news portal), the publication of links will not bring absolutely nothing.

Yandex employees report that since 2017, the Citation Index algorithms have been worked out to the point of automatism - the identification of the weight of the provided Internet resources on various topics in the vast majority of cases is done correctly.

By the way, almost ten years ago, significant changes were made to the original algorithm - these changes were aimed at reducing the impact of non-targeted SEO links. At present, the TCI value has been calculated by Yandex for more than 6 million web resources.

How often is the TCI (update) updated?

The concept of "update" is translated from of English language as "information/data update". An update is a process of updating, recording and systematizing fresh information of various kinds on the part of a search engine.

Each update of the TIC causes a lot of rumors among domestic webmasters. They constantly say that the citation index will be canceled soon, that this indicator is of no use, however, TIC updates regularly occur many times a year.

Each search engine has its own peculiarities of web resource ratings updates. With regards to the service from Yandex, the update interval averages about a month (33.7 days). The indicator of systematization of updates depends on the time of the update: for example, in 2008 a record 17 updates were made, and just five years later, the TIC was updated four times in the calendar year 2013.

If we compare the dates of TIC updates for last years, then you can notice that this happens irregularly: twice a month, or once every three months. It is practically impossible to predict the intervals of TCI updates.

All information about TCI sites is saved until the next update - in addition, it is worth noting that all chronological data is stored in the cache.

How to raise the site's TIC to 10? Proven Ways to Increase Citation Index

Service proflinks.ru offers comprehensive services for raising TIC sites hosted on any domains. Experience shows that company employees can ensure a gradual increase in the index number - this will be achieved solely through the use of safe methods. The specifics of the work involves placing links to useful resources, as well as the use of innovative methods to increase the TCI indicator in the shortest possible time.

Using the services of the proflinks.ru service, you can increase the thematic citation index of the site without spending extra money, time and effort. The rise of the TCI is carried out in automatic mode, and the working procedures themselves are carefully monitored and analyzed - the promotion mechanism starts immediately after payment.

Works to increase the level of TCI are carried out sequentially - thanks to this, it is achieved high efficiency promotion. By the way, by independently monitoring the level of the citation index, you can be sure of the quality and reliability of raising the TIC of your site.

Qualified specialists carry out a comprehensive raising of the level of TIC sites, the subject matter of which does not contradict the current Russian legislation. Using the mechanism of placing "eternal" links allows you to increase the level of the citation index with minimal time and money.

You can focus on the fact that the full indexing of the reference mass takes place over 2.5 - 3 months. The customers who have contacted have already appreciated the benefits of such offers as:

- run through the database of 1 million sites (performed within a month);

- manual and batch placement of articles;

— placement of natural links;

Interested Internet users can also use various tariff offers that have distinctive competitive advantages. A report confirming the quality of the actions taken is mandatory sent.

To be sure detailed information about the services provided, we recommend visiting the proflinks.ru website, on the pages of which the procedure for actions aimed at increasing the TIC is indicated.

Christina Zagorulko

May 31, 2015 | Reading time: 6 min

Every website needs an update. But now we will not talk about replenishing it with a new and, highly desirable,. This is not an update, but the constant development of an Internet resource. Renewal is something more radical.

First, let's understand why it is needed at all. After all, such actions are additional, at least time-consuming and quite significant. And if all this is done by someone else's hands, then financial expenses. Let's discard all subjective reasons - there is nothing to occupy your time with, you just don't like the current one, etc. Let's consider the objective ones:

  • the desire to increase traffic, and even better sales;
  • the need to completely change the theme of the site.

There are several options for a radical update of the site:

  • design change;
  • changing the structure of a web resource;
  • change of content management system (CMS) or, in other words, the engine.

One of the main tasks with such updates is to preserve the TCI, PR and. Let's consider all these three tools from this “medical” point of view - do no harm.

Website design change

This is the easiest and safest upgrade. By the way, it is recommended to change the design of a web resource at least once every three years. Usually a design change is caused by a desire to improve the usability of an Internet project, as well as to give it more modern look. If we compare it with the repair of an apartment, then changing the design of the site is redecorating. From the point of view of maintaining positions in SERP and TCI and PR values, this is the easiest option. After all, the graphics are not directly indexed by search engines, and external links, which determine the value of the TCI and PR, lead to the page of the Internet resource, the URL of which does not change when the design changes. But still, with such an update of the site, the following should be remembered:

  1. When changing pictures, do not forget about the attribute alt tag . After all, unlike the picture itself, Yandex and Google index it. Therefore, be sure to fill it out and, of course, keywords and phrases.

Click to enlarge
  1. The picture on the site has its own URL, such as http://www.site domain/…./….jpg, which means that another site can refer to it. Therefore, if you change the design, try to save pictures with backlinks. If this cannot be done, then place another image under this URL, if this is not fundamental from the point of view of the site from which this external link comes.

How to change the structure of the site

This is already a more radical redrawing of the web resource. In order for a change in the structure of the site to minimally worsen the position of the site in the issuance of search engines and have little effect on the TCI and PR, it is necessary to adhere to the following procedure:

  1. Determine pages that will not exist at all after changing the structure of the Internet resource.
  2. Determine the pages for which the URL should change (and this can be all, except for the main one).

Pages that will no longer exist

The procedure for working with each of them is as follows:

  1. Determine if external links lead to such a page.
  2. Determine the quality of these links (whether it is broken and not closed from transition and indexing - nofollow tags and noindex, TIC and PR of the domain and page where the link came from, domain authority according to MOZ, site rating by AlexaRank and other parameters - such analysis can be quickly and easily carried out in SE Ranking using the module).
  3. What is the traffic to this page.

If a external links no or they are of little value, and also the page does not attract more or less meaningful traffic, then such a page can be painlessly deleted, that is, put a 404 error on it. If the web page is valuable, make a 301 redirect from it to a page with a similar theme. In this case, the entire weight will be transferred new page. But there is one but. If the web page that you are going to delete has a purchased external link, then naturally it is necessary either to agree on a replacement by the owner of the acceptor site, or to leave the page.

Side note. If you have control over the outside reference mass, then the task is greatly simplified. In this case, no 301 redirects, just links to new web pages.

Pages where the URL should change

The procedure for working with them is similar to that described above. If a page has no value in terms of inbound links and traffic, the URL changes and that's it.

If the page is valuable, then it is better not to change the URL at all. Even if the category to which she belonged does not exist at all. If a web resource does not change its theme, then this is almost always possible.

And if the theme changes, and where refrigerators with no frost systems used to feel at ease, garden stoves with barbecues and barbecues have settled? Actually, a painless (from the point of view of the TIC, PR and positions) change of the subject of the site requires a separate discussion, and, therefore, a separate section.

How to change the theme of the site without losing what has been achieved

You successfully bought a cheap domain with high TIC, PR and traffic. There is only one catch - the topic does not suit you at all. What to do? How to change it without a strong subsidence of the position of the web resource?

Here is what we think is the best way:

  1. Create new sections without removing old ones (with irrelevant topics).
  2. Consider old pages for usefulness, as mentioned above. Useless delete.
  3. In the remaining old pages, gradually add old content so that you can make links to new pages from it (believe me, the great mighty Russian language can combine the impossible, and not just refrigerators with stoves).
  4. Then gradually make 301 redirects from these web pages to new ones.

Most importantly, do everything gradually. Search engines don't like sudden movements! As practice shows, with this approach, the site practically does not lose its positions. For an average web resource, such a painless procedure takes about a month.

How to change the site management system

A fairly common procedure for an online store. Typical situation– started on free and simple Joomla!, the project went well, it became crowded on the old engine and 1C-Bitrix is ​​already asking for it. What to do? Rather, how to do so as not to lose positions in search engines? For an online store, this is generally very painful financially.

The most ideal option is to keep the old Page URLs. But not all CMS allow you to do this. In this case, you need to use a 301 redirect. At the same time, it makes sense to clean the pages, that is, simply remove those that have no external links and no traffic.

Also 301 redirects should be used if the old URLs are not CNC (human readable). That is, when it is necessary for a person to address bar The browser saw not a hodgepodge of letters, numbers and symbols, such as: http://my_site.ru/viewtopic.php?id=25109, but quite understandable to him: http://my_site.ru/smena-sistemy-upravlenija-sajtom.html . By the way, such URLs are not only convenient for visitors, but are also well indexed. search pages and improve the position of the site in the issue.

How to change website domain

It's also a fairly common situation. Usually the need for such a radical situation arises in the following cases:

  1. The Internet resource was made on one of free hosting– Ucoz.ru, Chat.ru, Setup.ru, etc. Over time, the project matured, the restrictions imposed by the “freebies” became a burden to it, and it’s not solid for a solid site to have a budget shade.
  2. Was bought new domain With nice name, perfect for the site.

In this case, of course, there can be no question of any saving of the URL of the pages. So 301 redirect with useful pages(and we have already talked about the criteria more than once), but useless in the furnace, that is, we put a 404 error on them.

But once again we want to focus your attention that everything must be done gradually! Yandex or Google should not suddenly see a site with hundreds of pages in front of them, which arose out of nowhere! Surely in this case, your Internet project will sag in the search. And if you do everything gradually, then you will almost certainly not lose either TIC, or PR, or position.


As practice shows, with careful and gradual measures, neither a change in design, nor a change in the structure of a site, nor a change in CMS, nor even a change in a domain can significantly worsen the position of a site in search engine results and reduce TCI and PR. Therefore, if you need to develop the site, to increase its traffic, to carry out such actions - do it! You will only win.

Views: 3 933

Added history of TIC, PR site.
To determine the title and pr of the site on current date, as well as find out the history of the birds and pagerank for the past period and see the gluing of the birds (checking the birds for glue) just enter the url of the site (domain) in the field and click "Check"

Site analysis: TIC and PR check and change history

History of ticks and pr site

The history of changes in the Yandex thematic citation index is displayed as a graph:

PR site history - graph Google changes PageRank:

Similar graphs are also implemented for indexing in Yandex and the speed of updating sites in Yandex and the history of liveinternet traffic.

Bulk checking of ticks and pr

For mass check tits and pr is specially designed to allow batch checking of tits and so on, as well as many other SEO parameters in multi-threaded mode. url list can be imported from text file, and export the test results to excell.

Tit and pr updates

AT right column at the top you can find updates to Yandex TICs (TIC update dates), updates to Yandex search results and Google PR updates. The latest update is highlighted in a larger font. You can also install a similar sign for yourself -
For reference:

What is a tick?

TIC is a thematic Yandex citation index, determined by the number and quality of links to an Internet resource (usually this is a host, in rare cases it can be a section of the site described in the Yandex Catalog). In fact Tits is the sum of the weights of incoming links to the site. According to the assurances of Yandex representatives, the theme, naturalness of links and their usefulness play an important role. How Yandex calculates these values ​​remains a mystery. Practical experiments to increase the TIC show that the thematic nature of the referring resource in the form in which everyone is accustomed to perceive it is not so significant. When determining naturalness, the anchor list plays an important role, while anchorless links often look natural in the eyes of Yandex.
When calculating the thematic citation index, the resources that are unmoderated in terms of links that can be left by anyone (these are bulletin boards, forums, blogs, etc.) are not taken into account. links and their "diversity". At the same time, such links do not have a negative weight for the characters, they are simply ignored.

How to view site ticks in Yandex

If you want to manually check the ticks in the Yandex search engine, then there are several ways:
1) Enter in the address bar of your browser https://yaca.yandex.ru/yca/cy/ch/site/
(instead of the site, enter the address of your site)
In addition to the indicator value given request also shows the presence of the site in the Yandex catalog
2) Type in the address bar http://www.yandex.ru/cycounter?site
In this case, you will get the result in the form of an image.

What is pr?

PR is Google's pagerank. Unlike Titz, it is calculated not for the resource as a whole, but for a specific page. This is a number (0-10) that indicates the importance of a page among other pages and is determined by the sum of the weights of other pages linking to this page.
Main principle pagerank theory is simple - if page A links to page B, then page A believes that Page B - important page. In this case, the anchor does not play a role.
To date, hundreds of parameters are involved in the ranking of the Google search engine, and pagerank is just one of them (As well as for Yandex)

How to view the site's pr on Google

search engine Google system unfortunately does not allow you to check pagerank directly. But information is easy to get from services. For example, on our service, when analyzing a site, its PR is determined

Hello to all readers. As you may have noticed, but in the last update, the long-awaited twenty arrived from Yandex ( TIC - 20).

I myself, without expecting it, was able to increase the TIC from 0 to 20 absolutely free of charge, without ordering any paid runs or buying links.

Therefore, in this article I will reveal the secret of those methods that helped me raise the citation index to such values.

What is TIC

If you have recently acquired own project, then you probably already heard that Yandex calculates this indicator for each site individually.

TIC — (thematic citation index) - an accepted measure of determining the authority of a resource, the number of links referring to it.

But no matter how simple it may seem to you this definition The key here is not the number of backlinks, but their quality.

Quality refers to the similarity of the theme of the linked site with yours. For example, you have a site about cooking, then if your project will be linked from culinary sites, it will be much more important both for the growth of the TIC and the promotion of the project in the TOP.

Why is everyone striving to increase the TIC

Now I will reveal a secret for novice optimizers, which says that the ranking of sites in search results, Yandex does not take into account the value of this indicator.

Let's say you have TIC-10 and you take 5th place in the search results for a certain request, but if you increase the figure to TIC-200, you will still be in 5th place.

But if your project is in the Yandex Catalog, then this changes things a bit. All sites are placed there in descending order of their citation index, that is, the practical use of this indicator is to determine the place in the Ya.Catalog.

We talked about how to get into and which sites take the catalog from Yandex another time, but for now I have no desire to throw away about 15,000 rubles for the paid addition of my blog there.

If you plan to use your blog as additional source income, and make a profit by selling links in one of the systems: Sape, Rotapost, Gogetlinks, Miralinks, then your earnings will be directly proportional to the indicators of the TIC and PR.

For me personally, at the moment, all these indicators do not matter. I don't want to ruin the blog again or clog its pages with eternal links for the pennies that you can get at the moment.

But I’m not going to completely abandon the TIC, because if I have a huge the target audience, but zero indicators of TIC and PR, then such a site in the eyes of visitors will be considered not authoritative at all.

Initially, when TIC-0 was, for the sake of experiment, I uploaded a blog to the Rotapost system and looked at how much they could start buying eternal links from me.

With indicators TIC-0 and PR-2, I received dozens of offers to buy a link for 80 rubles. This factor will also be influenced by the number of visitors, the presence of directories and low Alexa Rank.

After the TIC increased to 20, I could easily sell links for 200 rubles.

The main methods for increasing the TIC

First. Write quality content. You write useful, interesting and optimized articles. Your visitors read such articles, they like them, and they put a link to your material. Or they copy your article to themselves, but indicate a link to the original source.

Initially, everything was conceived on this principle. TIC should grow naturally, that is, you write, and over time, as the project develops, links will begin to appear on your own.

Second. Blog Commenting. If you run your own blog, then of course you read other blogs similar to yours. Share your experience and express your opinion with the help of comments.

So, on some projects, in the comments left, the links are not closed from indexing by search engines, and they also convey weight perfectly, although not much.

I call these blogs dofollow, it will not be difficult to find them, use the Yandex or Google search.

And if you active commentator then you have a chance to get on home page to the TOP commentators section and get a cross-link from the blog.

The one who leaves the most comments in a month receives a cash prize and a cool bonus from me, details in this.

Third . Registration in the profile of trust sites. You find trust sites and register there. Then go to your profile and leave a link to your site.

Of course, finding such trusted sites and also, so that links from profiles are not closed from indexing, is not an easy task. That's why I want to give you a gift and give you my own FREE base of trust sites, all these links are shown in my Yandex Webmaster panel.

You can also raise the TIC articles. The point is that you need to choose only thematic sites where you will post an article with links to the promoted resource.

Give preference to sites located in the directories: DMOZ and Yandex. The most high-quality and popular exchange of eternal articles is.

How I raised the TIC to 20 - my actions

Of all the above methods, I personally used:

1) - basically commenting dofollow commentators did not set such a goal for blogs to reach the TOP, because next month it is necessary to actively comment on blogs again.

3) - I announce almost all my posts on social networks for webmasters:


4) - several links flew in due to my content, that is, my material brought a certain kind of benefit to people that they even decided to put a link.

True, there are also such cadres who brazenly tore a couple of my articles, nothing time will put everything in its place and the guilty will be punished.

5) - received an open indexed link from a couple of well-known blogs, in one of which my article "" took part in the competition.

Non-working methods to increase the citation index

You should not order any kind of catalog runs at the very beginning of creating a blog or website. Not only is your blog still young and green, but Yandex has long been aware of this entire system. So you can get to the bath.

Does the TIC increase social bookmarking - definitely not. All directories in the social. bookmarks have nofollow and, accordingly, no weight can be transferred.

The main thing is not to make a link explosion, that is, suddenly hundreds of sites suddenly began to link to the blog.

Yandex will definitely not miss this and will drive you under. If you do anything, do it gradually so that everything looks as natural as possible.


Now you know the whole technique that I had to use to achieve this result.

If you still use any really proven methods, be sure to tell us in the comments.

Don't miss new posts subscribe to update blog pages.

By the way, there is great way which I recently started using.

It was enough to purchase a new and personally tested by me database of trust sites, collected from 250 bold sites (most are in the Yandex and Dmoz directories).

As a result, I was not too lazy to run my blog through this database with pens, as after one update, the TIC of my blog increased by another 20 units.

That's all for me, see you soon. Bye!

2022 gtavrl.ru.