Using tor browser. Changing Tor Network Access Settings

So, many probably know about the existence of a certain anonymous Tor networks, but they don’t know what it is and on what principle it works. So, if you want to know more about this, please, please, under cat.

  • Principle of operation
Tor (short for English) T he O nion R outer) - free and open software to implement the second generation of so-called onion routing.

In essence, this is a special proxy server system that allows you to establish a secure, anonymous connection, since all data is transmitted in encrypted form. The system itself, by the way, is written primarily in programming languages C, C++ And Python.

Anonymization of traffic is ensured through the use of nodes - an extensive system of servers.

It all works like this: Tor users run a proxy server on their computer, which in turn connects to the Tor network servers, forming a link in a chain that uses a multi-layer encryption system.
A visual diagram of how Tor works

Each data packet that enters the system passes through three consecutive links (proxy servers, nodes), selected randomly. This package is encrypted with three keys before being sent. When the first server receives the packet, it decrypts the "upper cipher" (something like an onion skin) and knows where it should send the data packet. The same thing happens with the next two links in the chain. As a result, the packet “cleared” of all ciphers reaches its original destination.

  • Areas of use of Tor
Using the Tor system, users remain anonymous when visiting sites ( Of course, if you log in to any service, there won’t be much point in it), working with any applications, blogging, etc. The Tor system provides significant protection against traffic analysis that compromises the privacy of sensitive information.

home page Swiftfox browser when connected to the Tor network
For example, journalists use Tor to communicate with anonymous informants( By the way, using the Tor network, Edward Snowden reported on the PRISM intelligence program to The Washington Post and The Guardian newspapers).

Intelligence agencies also use Tor to ensure proper secrecy when carrying out special operations. Of course, this is not all the areas of use of this anonymizer.

  • History of Tor
The Tor system was created at the Center for High Performance computing systems» US Naval Research Laboratory as part of the Free Haven project in conjunction with the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under federal contract. In 2002, the development was covered in wide circles, and source codes handed over to independent developers who implemented the client-server application and published it, so to speak, for testers - everyone could check Tor for errors.

Subsequently, the project was supported by the rights organization Electronic Frontier Foundation, which made great efforts to promote and expand the network. IN this moment significant financial assistance is provided by the US Department of Defense and State Department, as well as the National scientific foundation.

Tor now has approximately 7,000 network nodes, and the number of participants reaches 3 million. Russia ranks third among the countries that use Tor most frequently.
  • Facts about Tor
1.Tor is quite easy to use

Many people probably thought that Tor was something complicated, accessible to hackers and computer geniuses. In fact, at the moment the developers have simplified its use as much as possible - all you need to do is download a browser that supports connecting to the Tor network (approx. Tor Browser), and when you launch you will automatically be connected to the Tor network.

2.Tor is not slow

Yes, a couple of years ago the Tor network was quite slow, but now access to everything you need occurs quite quickly. Of course, it’s far away for torrents, but in order to lead an active life on the Internet it will do.

3. Tor is not a panacea

As I wrote above, Tor does not provide anonymity when logging into, for example, Facebook.
You should soberly understand how Tor works and use it wisely, for your own benefit.

If you think that in order to surf the web anonymously you just need to download Tor and run it, you are very mistaken. Today I will show you how to properly configure Tor to ensure maximum anonymity. Also within the framework of this article I will give practical recommendations about how to use Thor correctly. How to behave correctly on the deep web, what you can do and what you can’t do.

You may be interested in the article “”, in which we talked about which, except for all famous network Web there are still networks and the article “”, in which we reviewed the best search engines on the deep web.

Let me remind you that using the search form on the site you can find a lot of information on the topic of anonymity on the Internet and about Tor in particular.

  • Where and how to download Tor correctly
  • How to install Tor
  • How to set up Tor
  • Setting up the NoScript extension
  • Settings hidden parameters browser
  • How to use Tor

We are for freedom of speech, but against criminals and terrorists. I really hope that this article will be useful exclusively to the first category of people. In any case, we are not responsible for any illegal use you Tor programs.

How to download Tor

It seems that it can be difficult to download and that’s it, but not everything is so simple. You need to download only from the official website of the developers. Not the old versions from software portals and torrent trackers, but only latest version from the officials.

Why is it advisable to always install the latest version and update the installed version promptly? Because old version may have zero-day vulnerabilities that can be used by specialists to figure out your real IP address and even infect your system with malware.

Download Tor Russian version you can follow the direct link. Downloaded by default English version. If you need the Russian version of Tor, then select “Russian” in the drop-down menu under the “Download Tor” button. There you can download Tor version for: Apple OS X, Linux and smartphones.

How to install Tor

After downloading the program, let's begin installing it. Double click mouse and launch the downloaded file. The following window will appear:

Installing Tor

Select the location where you want to install Tor. If there is nothing to change, by default Tor will install itself in the folder in which it is located. installation file.

Installing Tor

Click “Finish”.

Click on the “Connect” button

Let's wait for the browser to load.

How to set up Tor

Now let's get started setting up Tor. First of all, let's configure the NoScript extension correctly.

After reading your comments to the article, I realized that you did not understand me quite correctly. My friends, these hardcore settings are more applicable for the darknet, to ensure maximum anonymity and resist de-anonymization by law enforcement agencies and hackers. If you want to use Tor or just change the IP address, then you don’t need these settings! You can use Thor straight out of the box.

Setting up the NoScript extension

The Tor developers have equipped their software with a very important and useful NoScript plugin, which is installed by default, but unfortunately is not configured by default.

To configure NoScript, click on the add-on icon on the left side of the browser. In the menu that appears, select “Settings”.

On the " White list» uncheck the box “Global permission for scripts...”

Go to the “Built-in objects” tab and check the required fields. Everything is exactly as shown in the screenshot below.

Configuring hidden browser options

Now let’s configure the Browser itself; to do this, you need to go to the hidden settings. Read more about hidden settings privacy Firefox browser we wrote in the article "" and in the article "".

So, in the address bar we write “about:config” and press enter. After this, a warning window will appear, in which click on blue button“I promise that...” and move on.

Browser Settings

Here we need to find and change some critical settings. First of all, we change the loading and Javascript processing. This can be done by changing the “javascript.enable” parameter.

IN search bar, which is under address bar, write “javascript.enable” and press enter. Now right click click on the “Switch” item, which will change this parameter from "True" to "False".

Disabling Javascript

In the same way, we find the “network.http.sendRefererHeader” parameter and change it from the value “2” to the value “0”.

Disabling HTTP Referer

Find the “network.http.sendSecureXsiteReferrer” parameter and change its value to “False”.

Disabling SecureXsiteReferrer

Find the parameter “extensions.torbutton.saved.sendSecureXSiteReferrer” and change its value to “False”.

Disabling SecureXSiteReferrer

Find the parameter “network.cookie.cookieBehavior” and change its value from “1” to “2”.

After these changes, some sites may not work correctly in this browser. But you can always return previous settings, which I certainly don’t recommend doing.

How to use Tor

After you have made all the settings, I want to tell you how to use Tor correctly. Here is a list of rules that everyone who uses Tor must follow:

  • Do not install unnecessary and unverified extensions in the Browser.
  • There is no excuse not to disable the NoScript add-on.
  • Frequently update the node chain and reload the browser.
  • Do not open the Tor browser (Mozzila Firefox) in full screen.
  • Do not use the Tor browser with admin rights.
  • Never log in using your username and password to your main mail or to your real accounts social networks that contain some information about you or that are somehow connected to your real accounts. The only exception is the authorization form for Onion sites and forums. And of course, for such sites it is advisable to use a separate Mailbox, which is also not associated with your real mail.
  • Check all files downloaded from DeepWeb for viruses. We wrote about how to properly check downloaded files for viruses in the article “”. Run these files only on virtual system. We wrote about choosing a virtual machine in the article “” and how to install and configure virtual machine to scan files for viruses in the article "".
  • Update the Tor Browser promptly.

I also recommend using anonymous operating system or another anonymous OS. Use the search, on the site we once reviewed the best anonymous operating systems.

The anonymity of Tor depends only on you and your behavior on the network, not even the most anonymous Browser will not protect your system and your information from the user’s crooked hands. Be careful, don't be fooled. If in doubt, it is better not to click, not to follow the link, and of course not to download.

The Deep Web is not always a friendly environment. There you can also get hurt by people in suits if you do something not very illegal. And from hackers or just scammed if you are a fluffy, naive dandelion user.

That's all, friends. I hope you were able to configure Tor correctly. Good luck to everyone and don't forget to follow us on in social networks. This is not the last article on the topic of Tor anonymity and information security.

And anonymity and free web surfing, bypassing censorship, can currently become a key factor when choosing an up-to-date web navigator for personal needs. In some situations, or may help, but we must understand that this is far from a panacea. If web traffic in your country is heavily monitored and censored, then incognito mode may be more of a placebo effect than a real aid in hiding your location or blocking filtering of censored resources. About five years ago, the independent Internet defense community presented its new project- browser called Tor. After the release, most experts in the field of cyber protection and web surfing security unanimously recognized Tor the best solution to bypass web filters, hide the user's location on the network during active surfing and block tracking of the user's activities from outside third party resources, botnets and spy trackers. How did Tor deserve such popularity and what does it owe to such flattering feedback from the online community? Today we will discuss in more detail how to work with the Tor browser and what this project is all about.

Introduction to the Tor browser and its main features

Essentially, Tor was created and is still being developed thanks to the support and efforts of the Mozilla developer community, and the initiative itself is an improved modern Firefox with an emphasis on privacy, online anonymity and censorship circumvention.

The main functions of the Tor browser are as follows:

— ensuring user anonymity by hiding his IP address;

- the ability to bypass online censorship, display blocked pages and sites;

complete absence integrated mechanisms for tracking user actions;

— refusal to derive material benefits due to internal processing of user data;

How to work with the Tor browser - basic principles and mechanisms

In essence, the Tor network consists of tens of thousands of servers scattered throughout to the globe and run by volunteers. When creating each connection, three Tor transmitting nodes are selected from the network, and your connection to the network is organized through them. Each of the network fragments is encrypted so that the transmitting relays do not know the full route network information from the sending node to the receiving node.

When using the Tor browser, a web connection is generated from a discrete IP address, often located in another country. In this way, Thor manages to hide your IP from the web resources you access. Likewise, websites are hidden from third parties capable of intercepting network traffic.

Because Tor manages to hide the connection between you and the web, it gives you the freedom to surf the web without fear of online surveillance. The utility is also useful for bypassing online filters. You will be able to visit resources that are inaccessible due to blocking and publish your data on such websites.

Installation and configuration

If in your country access to the home page Tor project blocked, you can use the services Email. Just send an email and receive a link to download the application in response. You must send a message to the following address: [email protected]. In the message itself, you must explicitly indicate which version of the browser you want to receive (linux, osx or windows). A response letter will be sent to your inbox containing a link to the archive with the browser in Github, Google Docs or Dropbox.

So, how to install and configure the Tor browser?

Let's go to home page Tor project. Click the “Download Tor Browser” button on the left side of the screen and finally set the focus on the sign for selecting the browser version located on the same page.

We are interested in the final, debugged versions of compiled builds (stable) for Windows. Select the version in Russian and click on the corresponding menu item. We save the downloaded distribution on your hard drive or flash drive.

So, when the file is downloaded, we launch it for execution double click on the file icon in the folder or single directly from the browser.

First of all, we are asked to select the language in which we want to see the product interface and all its main menus, as well as the installer itself. Select "Russian".

Next, select the folder where we want to install the application. This can be either the desktop folder or the “Program Files” directory, but remember that this project is portable, that is, you can easily copy the finished folder with the browser files installed in it and freely transfer it to another computer without repeating the installation procedure. It makes use Tor browser even more convenient.

When storage location executable files and the Tor libraries will be selected, the installation process will begin. Wait literally one minute before the procedure is completed.

Upon completion, two checkboxes will appear on the screen, allowing you to immediately launch Tor when the window is closed, as well as place shortcuts to launch on the desktop and in the Start menu. Let’s expose them both so that we can immediately begin the process of how to work with the Tor browser.

When Tor is launched for the first time, the application will ask you how exactly you want to connect to the network:

Directly. This option is worth choosing if access to the network from your location is not restricted, and Tor is not blocked, is not prohibited by law, and its use is not monitored where you are trying to access the network.

In this case, click the “Connect” button.

After a few minutes required to connect to the network, a working form of the Tor browser will appear on the screen, and you can start working with it right away.

WITH limited access. Give preference to this choice if Internet access is limited or Tor is banned or blocked in your country.

In this case, select the “Customize” option and move on to deeper customization.

To the question “Is your network connection blocked by your provider?” We answer positively, after which we begin debugging Tor bridges.

What are bridges and how does the Tor browser work with their participation?

If you are forced to use Tor in a location where the network is blocked, it is worth resorting to the services of a bridge repeater. Bridges are not included in the list of public lists of Tor relays, therefore, blocking them will require much more time and effort. A number of bridges also support pluggable transports that try to hide your incoming and outgoing traffic. This provides support in combating online filters that attempt to detect and implement bridge blocking. By default, the transport is called obfs4. In addition to the above, it additional task– reducing the chance of success for people trying to find out if you are connecting to the Tor network.

The next window asks: Does this computer require a local proxy server to access the network? How to use Tor in this case? Typically, a proxy server is not needed. If you need it, you can take a closer look at the settings of your regular web browser and copy the proxy settings from this source.

Well, a few seconds after the protocol is initialized and the gateway is created, the Tor working window will appear in front of you, which we can use for work.

So, I hope I was able to clearly and concisely answer the question: “How to work with the Tor browser.” As you can see, the methodology is absolutely clear and precise, and does not contain any pitfalls. Using the Tor navigator, your online journey will not be subject to censorship and surveillance, and it will be almost impossible for bots and spyware to detect your location.

Good afternoon, dear players!

IN Lately In our game, there are more and more cases of players losing characters due to the use of TOR browser. The game's appeal commission presents to your attention a small educational program on the topic of online security, in particular, information about the pitfalls of using this browser.

What is this TOR anyway?

It is quite difficult for an uninitiated user to understand all the abstruse terms that can be read, for example, in Wikipedia. We will try to explain in a simple way.

TOR is an anonymous Internet structure that includes proxies, anonymizers, and mechanisms for multi-stage encryption of Internet traffic - components of the so-called onion routing (that’s why the browser logo shows an onion, and not Thor’s hammer, as someone thought). For not very advanced users, as well as for visual ease of use, the developers invented TOR Browser, which is easy to install on your computer and can be used immediately after installation, with a minimum of settings.

What does this mean anyway? How can you use it?

The need to use TOR technologies arises among users seeking to ensure their anonymity on the network, that is, to hide their real IP address when posting messages on websites, sending email, communicating in IM clients, and so on. Although the TOR network is rightfully considered a “black market” and a “sink” for shadowy structures (more on this later), masking one’s IP address is sometimes necessary for completely peaceful purposes. Let's consider in what cases TOR can help us:

Using TOR Browser allows you to access websites blocked by your country's government. These can be pirated p2p resources (torrent trackers, for example), and other sources prohibited by government censorship. If we leave aside the moral and ethical issues of “if it’s blocked, then that’s how it should be” and “piracy is bad,” then this property of TOR is perhaps the most useful.

Using TOR Browser allows you to hide your real IP address. This property will help server owners keep information about themselves secret, and will also allow users to bypass IP bans on any resource (it often happens that harsh moderators are forced to ban entire subnets because of one not very pleasant user, thereby blocking access to law-abiding citizens of the same subnet).

You may be surprised, but this positive sides for an ordinary user who did not set out to explicitly violate current legislature their country ends. But negative aspects begin, which together pose a great danger to the user. We will dwell on them in more detail.

1) The TOR network has long been heavily favored by representatives of “shadow” and criminal structures. Taking advantage of the anonymity of the Internet with impunity, criminals reproduce child pornography, carry out drug deals, coordinate the activities of terrorist groups, collect and illegally use personal data from the accounts of unlucky citizens - simply put, they rob citizens online, remaining inaccessible to law enforcement agencies.

2) The TOR network only provides anonymity, but it not equipped antivirus protection! Sniffing, hacking, phishing, viruses, and so on thrive in it. You risk being exposed virus attack, simply by visiting a couple of sites using TOR Browser.

3) Speaking about anonymity, it is also worth noting that the statements of the creators of the TOR network that the structure guarantees network anonymity are not entirely true. Yes, it is true that for the average user, without proper tools and knowledge of the system, determining the source address of another user becomes an impossible task. However, we should not forget that TOR is used not only by children of high school age, but also by worthy professionals, including those working for various intelligence services. It has been proven many times that given certain data can be determined the user's original IP address and eventually knock on his door front door– people using the TOR browser for criminal purposes were found and convicted according to the law.

Please think about this the next time you want to launch this browser. If an ordinary student Anatoly, who left for state portal A devastating anonymous review is unlikely to be searched for intensely, then people involved in fraud through TOR have recently attracted more and more attention from law enforcement agencies.

It may seem that all these dangers are mythical, invented, and it is not entirely clear what the GVD has to do with it. We explain:

According to the observations of the organizers of the Game Appeal Commission, cases of players being blocked due to the use of TOR Browser have become more frequent. Most often, the reason lies in an uncharacteristic and rather radical change in the IP address in the player’s log. The blocking is carried out because there is a suspicion that the character has been hacked, which the player himself might not have time to track down and take action on. necessary measures upon regaining control of the account. In addition, TOR users constantly find themselves sharing the same IP address with scammers and attackers already known to AKI.

This is where players should think about was it really necessary use such an anonymizer if there was no need to use it? The fact is that as of today, not a single state whose spectrum of players is represented in the GVD has banned the website by government censorship. Therefore, the players no direct need use TOR. As a rule, this browser is downloaded by inexperienced players because “that’s what they advised,” “it’s so fashionable and cool,” and so on. Then, as described above, the player’s IP changes radically, an immediate suspicion of hacking arises, the account is blocked, and the player has to waste time and nerves to get the character back.

This is a "harmless" case. However, in AKI practice, quite often there are players whose characters were hacked using the TOR Browser. This is often to blame for a breeding ground for viruses downloaded while surfing the web onto a user’s machine using TOR, as well as other vulnerabilities of the TOR system, which we discussed a little earlier.

What additional danger can the player expect here?

When considering such character blocking in AKI, it turns out that the hacked player character has multiple intersections with characters sold on the black market, as well as with the characters of scammers. Yes, specifically on the IP addresses of the TOR structure. You see, although the TOR network is supposed to be anonymous and hidden, it still cannot hide the fact that it is being used, since some of its external nodes are still located in public access and can be determined. Thus, the fact of using TOR cannot be hidden from the organizers of AKI, even if the players for some reason try to claim the opposite (or, on the contrary, try to hide behind the use of TOR in cases where it was not actually used).

Now that, because of this damned TOR, the player has been compromised by sharing IP addresses with scammers, it is no longer so easy for him to clear his good name. We would even say that it is almost impossible to justify yourself in this case. But, it would seem, I went into the GVD code a couple of times through the TOR Browser.

Moreover, such intersections with scammers can occur completely randomly if a “singed” IP is encountered in the current user session. Even without being hacked, getting blocked for interfering with a character trafficker is fraught with life imprisonment. All this will be provided to you with almost 100% probability by TOR Browser, sooner or later.

It is also worth noting that persons who use TOR to disguise their illegal actions in the GVD, on the contrary, first of all draw attention to themselves, like a person who wears a mask in broad daylight.

Based on all of the above, the Game Appeal Commission, together with the Sheriff, strongly recommends All players should refrain from using the TOR browser unless absolutely necessary. If the use of TOR is due to network restrictions, then try to protect your computer from viruses as much as possible, do not visit unfamiliar sites using the links you receive, and always carefully monitor where you are asked to enter your username and password.

Currently, it is difficult to find a user who has never heard of the Tor browser - a system for guaranteed anonymity of Internet subscribers. However, many this technology seems something mysterious and inaccessible. Meanwhile, using the Tor browser allows you to ensure anonymity not only in systems quick messages, but also during normal browsing in a browser. Using Tor Browser can make life easier for many who like to crawl through network corners.

Tor Browser - what is it?

Tor browser is a redesigned technology Mozilla FireFox. This browser is convenient because it does not require any complex manipulations to configure it. It is completely designed for inexperienced user, this is provided by the Tor subsystem called Vidalia. Without going into unnecessary details, let's imagine step by step instructions use with Tor Browser.

How to install and configure Tor browser

After installing the Tor browser on your computer, you can find a folder in the installation directory called “Tor Browser”. The browser starts by clicking on the “Start Tor Browser” shortcut located in specified folder. Following this, the user is presented with a Tor settings window that provides two options: make fine tuning proxy and firewall or get started immediately. A user connected to the network in the usual way can not worry about anything and can safely press the “Connect” button. And only in special cases it may need a "Customize" button. However, even in this case, an experienced computer user will not experience any shock in this browser.