Using styles to format a document. What is "style formatting"? Graph of concepts on the topic of style formatting

A formatting style is a set of formatting elements (font, paragraph, etc.) with a unique name. Any paragraph in a Word document is designed in a certain style, standard or custom.

There are four main types of styles in Word:

  • · character styles;
  • Paragraph styles
  • · table styles;
  • · list styles.

Style formatting has a number of advantages over manual formatting:

  • · saves time. Applying a style as a set of formatting elements is much faster than applying them one after another.
  • · promotes uniformity in document formatting. When formatting manually, sections that are identical in terms of formatting may differ in their formats, but the use of a style introduces rigor into the design of the document. Allows you to quickly change the appearance of individual elements throughout the document. In this case, it is enough to make changes to the style, and the design will take effect throughout the document.

Paragraph styles typically combine character and paragraph formatting elements and define the appearance of a paragraph. In this case, all formatting elements for the paragraph must be specified.

Character styles contain one or more formatting elements without requiring a complete definition of all formatting elements for a character. Paragraph style, character style, and manual formatting can be applied to the same text. They are arranged in a certain hierarchy: manual formatting takes precedence over character formatting, and character style takes precedence over paragraph style. If a style needs to be applied to one paragraph, then just place the cursor anywhere in this paragraph or select the required fragment.

The style can be applied in one of the following ways.

  • · Formatting toolbar, Style list, select the desired style.
  • · Taskbar Styles and formatting, select the desired style (to display the taskbar, use the Format menu ==> Styles and formatting (Fig. 1.1).
  • · Place the cursor in the sample paragraph, click the button on the Standard toolbar, apply the sample style to the desired paragraph by moving to it.


Using the Styles and Formatting task pane, you can select all fragments that have the same formatting style. This can be done, for example, like this: place the text cursor in a paragraph that has the desired formatting (the style will be displayed in the Formatting selected text window on the taskbar), and then select Select on the taskbar All, then perform the required action with the selected text. You can also use the context menu.

Formatting principle

Principles of word processing

The purpose of processing any text is to give it some form that facilitates the perception of information and is subject to generally accepted rules and standards.

Formatting is giving a document a certain form.

All structural units of the document are subject to formatting - from the symbol to the entire document. Formatting is performed using the Format menu item. Special commands are used for each structural unit of the document. For example, to format font characters, the Format ® Font command calls up a dialog box for setting character parameters, and to format a paragraph, there is the Format ® Paragraph command. The remaining commands of the Format menu item apply both to sections or the entire document, and to individual text elements. An exception is the Page Setup command located in the File menu item. This command opens the general settings dialog box for the document. For example, paper size and orientation, margin size.


It is convenient to set fields using the mouse, moving the field boundaries in the desired direction.

The formatting commands are applicable:

Font – to selected characters (if there are no selected characters, then formatting will be applied to newly entered characters, by default);

Paragraph – to the selected or current paragraph (the current paragraph is usually called the paragraph in which the insertion point – the cursor) is located;

Page settings – for the entire document.

Formatting options:

Font – type, size, style, underline, color, as well as various special effects for font characters;

Paragraph – alignment, indents, spacing, and functions for controlling paragraph breaks when moving to another page.

Select (isolate) the object on which actions will be performed, and then select a command.

The appearance and design of the document must be consistent in a certain uniform style. Those. some text elements may have the same format. For example, all headings in a document are italic and centered, while paragraph text is justified, has a first line indentation and regular font characters, etc. In this case, it is convenient to use a style to format these elements.

Style is an example of paragraph format.

Applying a style is a procedure for formatting a paragraph in accordance with a style example.

The style is applied to the entire paragraph.

Style application technology.

1 Select an object.

2 Select a style from the list of styles.

The list of styles is located in the Formatting toolbar as a selection box from a list.

In addition to the styles available in the list box, you can create your own style and later use it for formatting.

Technology for creating a “model-based” style:

1 Format the sample paragraph;

2 Click on the style name in the selection field and select it;

3 Enter the name of the new style from the keyboard and press Enter.

Using Styles in Microsoft Word can automate document formatting and save you time, which will significantly impact your productivity while working on documents. If you want to learn how to quickly format text, then follow the basic steps described below.

Step 1: Apply styles to sections of unformatted documents.

Sometimes text or a section of text in a document may not look the way you want, and to transform it you need to select the desired fragment, go to the “Styles” menu and select the desired style to apply.

Step 2: Quickly Change an Existing Style

Step 3: Create a Table of Contents with Styles

When writing multidisciplinary scientific articles or book chapters, you may need to use tables of contents, which in this case are important as they help in navigating the contents of the document.

To set the table of contents, do the following:

  1. Place the cursor on the part of the document where you want to place the table of contents.
  2. Click the Links tab, then click Table of Contents.
  3. Notice the dialog box that appears. The “Auto-assembled table of contents 1, 2” options will speed up the creation process. Manual Table of Contents allows for detailed customization, but will take longer to install.
  4. Check out the Custom Table of Contents option. Once you select it, you can use styles to change the way the table of contents is displayed by clicking "Edit".
  5. If your table of contents has multiple levels, select the one you want to change.
  6. You will then see a dialog box used when changing the style. Change the specifications if necessary, then click OK.

As you can see, working with text or styles can save time. You only need to make changes to “Styles” or “Tables of Contents” once and then use it as a template, applying it to the necessary fragments of text or the entire document.

Video: Formatting a document in MS Word 2003. Working with styles

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1. Types of styles

2. Using styles

3. VKR template styles

4. Useful tips


This memo will help you use the template for final qualifying work (hereinafter sample VKR). The use of the template is based on the use of pre-prepared formatting styles. The memo explains how styles will allow you to save time and perform VKR in accordance with regulatory control requirements.

Style-- is a set of formatting options such as font, size, color, paragraph alignment, and paragraph spacing that has a unique name. Any paragraph in a Word document is designed in a certain style, standard or custom.

Style formatting has a number of advantages over manual formatting:

Saves time. Applying a style as a set of formatting elements is much faster than applying them one after another.

Promotes uniformity in document design. When formatting manually, sections that are identical in terms of formatting may differ in their formats, but the use of a style introduces rigor into the design of the document.

Allows you to quickly change the appearance of individual elements throughout the document.

Instead of direct formatting, use styles to format your document so you can quickly apply a set of formatting options consistently throughout your document.

1. Types of styles

Word has several types of styles.

Styles signs And paragraphs determine the appearance of most of the text in a document. Some styles apply to both characters and paragraphs, these styles are called related styles.

Styles lists determine the appearance of lists, including parameters such as bullet style or numbering scheme, indents from the edge of the sheet.

Styles tables determine the appearance of tables, including parameters such as header row text format, grid, and row and column highlight colors.

2. Using styles

A style can be applied in one of several ways.

First way. To apply a style, simply select the desired document text, and then select the style you need from the style collection (Figure 1). The first method is not very convenient to use, because... Word does not show their full names in the style gallery.

Figure 1 Style Collection

Second way. To see more information about each style, click the Styles dialog box launcher (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Button for opening the "Styles" window (marked with a red circle)

The Styles task pane opens.

Figure 3 Styles window

1) Paragraph and list styles are marked with a paragraph symbol: ¶. To apply a style to an entire paragraph, click anywhere in that paragraph, and then select the style you want.

2) Character styles are indicated by a character symbol: a. To apply a style to a word, click anywhere on the word. You can select multiple words to apply a style to multiple words. Character styles do not include formatting that affects paragraph settings, such as line spacing, text alignment, and indentation.

3) Linked styles are marked with a paragraph symbol and a sign symbol: a. To apply a style to an entire paragraph, click anywhere in that paragraph. You can select one or more words to apply a style to the selected words.

4) The "Preview" checkbox allows you to see in the "Styles" window how the applied formatting styles will look. However, in this case, the styles take up too much space on the screen, so we recommend unchecking the Preview checkbox.

3. VKR template styles

The VKR template contains all the express styles necessary for formatting. Their names, areas of application and main features are presented in Table 1.

style formatting paragraph table

Table 1

Express styles displayed in the style collection of the VKR template




1 Heading 1

For section headings

Bold, centered

2 Heading 2

For subsection headings

3 Heading 3

For paragraph headings

4 Application name

For the application name, but not its title

Bold, centered, no title attribute

For section headings in the table of contents

Interval 5 points

For subsection headings in the table of contents

Spacing 5 points, indentation

For paragraph headings in content

Spacing 5 points, indentation

8 Drawing paragraph

For a paragraph with a picture

Aligned to the center, without indentation, moved along with the title

9 Figure title

For the title of the drawing

Center alignment, no indentation, hyphenation along with the picture, word hyphenation is prohibited

10 References 1

For a bibliography application

Numbered list

11 List markers

For a bulleted list

Marker in the form of a dash,

12 List numbering

For a numbered list

Numbering of the form 1) 2) 3), indents

13 Side table 10

For the first column of the table (10 point font)

14 Side table 10 numbering

For the first column of the table (10 point font) with line numbering

15 Side table 12

For the first column of the table (12 point font)

Font, indents, spacing, alignment

16 Side table 12 numbering

For the first column of the table (12 point font) with line numbering

Font, indents, spacing, alignment, numbering

17 Table name

For table header

Alignment by width, no indentation, hyphenation along with the table, word hyphenation is prohibited

18 Table main part 10

For the main part of the table cells (10 point font)

Font, indents, spacing, alignment

19 Table main part 12

For the main part of the table cells (12 point font)

20 Table header 10

For a line with the names of table columns (10 point font)

Font, indents, spacing, alignment

21 Table header 12

For a line with the names of table columns (12 point font)

Font, indents, spacing, alignment

22 Text 1 main

For the main text of the work

Font 14, indent 1.5, spacing 1.5, justified

23 Text 2 bold

For bold highlighting

24 Text 2 bold italic

For bold italics

25 Text 2 italics

To use italics

26 Text 2 underlined

To underline text

27 Superscript text

For superscript text

28 Interlinear text

For interlinear text

29 Hidden text

For text that should not be printed but shown on screen

30 Shape text

For text in shapes (such as ovals, rectangles, etc.)

Font, indents, spacing, alignment

31 Formula

For a paragraph with a formula

Font, indentation, alignment

32 Formula explanation (where)

To clarify the symbols in the formula (the first line with the word "where")

Font, indentation, alignment

33 Formula explanation

To clarify symbols in a formula (lines without the word "where")

Font, indentation, alignment

The VKR template also includes a built-in Word paragraph style: “Normal”. By default, the Normal paragraph style is automatically applied to all text pasted from another document, an empty document, or a new document. The “Normal” paragraph style does not meet the requirements of regulatory control, so text formatted in this style is easy to notice and formatted with the style you need, for example, “Text 1 main”.

When you use heading styles in Word, you can automatically create a table of contents in the References tab.

In Word, heading styles are used to create a document outline, a convenient means of navigating through the document's structure. To do this, on the View tab, in the Show group, select the Navigation Pane checkbox. Click a title in the document outline to jump to that part of the document.

When styles are applied, Word performs layered formatting. Each layer overlaps the previous layer, increasing the accuracy of the adjustment. By default, the bottom layer displays the Normal paragraph style. The top layer is direct formatting.

To clear text formatting from the selected style, use the "Clear Format" button (highlighted in red in Figure 4).

Figure 4 Word main panel (fragment)

To format the titles of tables and figures, use Word's title numbering feature. To do this, select the object (table, picture or other object) to which you want to add a name. On the Links tab, in the Titles group, select the Insert Title command (Figure 5).

In the Label list, select the most appropriate label for the object, such as "Picture" or "Table". If there is no suitable signature in the list, click New, enter a new signature in the Title field, and click OK. Enter the text, including punctuation, that you want to appear after the signature.

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Lesson summary Style formatting (8th grade, lesson 24, textbook by L.L. Bosov). The lesson expands and systematizes ideas about formatting document pages.

Planned educational results:
subject– an idea of ​​text formatting as a stage of creating a text document; an idea of ​​style formatting; understanding of different text formats;
meta-subject– a wide range of skills and abilities in using information and communication technologies to create text documents; skills of rational use of available tools;
personal– understanding the social and general cultural role of skilled keyboard writing skills in the life of a modern person.

Solvable educational tasks:
1) formation of ideas about style formatting;
2) expansion and systematization of ideas about formatting document pages (page orientation, margins, page numbers, footers);
3) formation of ideas about the variety of text file formats.

Basic concepts studied in the lesson:
— formatting;
- style;
- page settings;
— text file formats.

ICT tools used in the lesson:
— teacher’s personal computer (PC), multimedia projector, screen;
— Students’ PCs.

Electronic educational resources
— presentation “Style Formatting”;
— resources of federal educational portals:
1) animation “Styles in MS Word”,
2) animation “Templates in MS Word”.

Features of presenting the content of the lesson topic

1. Organizational moment (1 minute)
Greeting students, communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson.

2. Repetition (5 minutes)
1) checking the studied material according to questions (1-3) to §4.3;
2) visual check of homework completion in the Republic of Tatarstan: 182-187;
3) consideration of tasks that caused difficulties in completing homework.

3. Learning new material (20 minutes)
New material is presented accompanied by the presentation “Style Formatting”.

1 slide- title of the presentation;

2 slide- keywords;
- formatting
- style
- page settings
- text file formats

3 slide- general formatting information (scheme);
Text formatting- the process of its registration.
Main Purpose of Formatting— make the perception of the finished document simple and pleasant for the reader.
Style formatting— structural elements (headings, body text, examples).

4 slide- style formatting (scheme);
Small documents can be formatted using direct formatting. When working with large texts, as a rule, use style formatting. The meaning of this operation is that structural elements that carry the same functional load (for example, headings of the same level, main text, examples, etc.) are assigned a certain formatting style - a set of formatting parameters (font, its style and size, first line indentation, line spacing, etc.).
Style formatting has a number of advantages over direct formatting:
saves time- applying a style as a set of formatting parameters is much faster than setting the corresponding parameters one by one;
ensures uniformity in the design of a text document- with direct formatting, structural elements with the same functional purpose may differ in their formats; the use of a certain style brings rigor to the design of the document;
allows you to quickly change the appearance of individual elements throughout the document- just make changes to the style, and the design will be changed throughout the document.
You can create your own styles or use ready-made styles available in your word processor. Based on certain styles, they are created templates standard documents - booklets, letters, business cards, invoices, resumes, business letters, reports, etc. The user just needs to enter his information in separate blocks of the template, and it will automatically acquire a predetermined design.

View and discuss the animation “Styles in MS Word”.
View and discuss the animation “Templates in MS Word”.

5 slide- formatting document pages (scheme);
When designing a text document intended for printing, special attention should be paid to its location on sheets of paper.
In most cases, A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm) is used.
User can choose orientation of the sheet of paper:
book- the height of the sheet is greater than its width;
landscape- the width of the sheet is greater than its height.
The text of the document is placed on the page in the print area limited by the margins. Fields represent the empty space at the edges of the page. Distinguish top, bottom, left and right margins. Page numbers and headers and footers are placed in the margins. Running title- auxiliary information that is displayed on each page of the document.

Talk about the basic requirements for writing an abstract.

Basic requirements for the preparation of an abstract.
The abstract must be written on one side of sheets of white A4 paper (210 x 297 mm).
Page margin sizes (minimum):
- right - 30 mm (for teacher comments),
- top, bottom, left 20 mm each.
First line indent: 8-12 mm, the same throughout the text.
Line spacing: one and a half.
Paragraph alignment: justified.
The font typeface for the main text is Times New Roman or similar.
Point size (size): 12-14 points.
Font color: black.
Section and subsection headings should be printed on a separate line with a capital letter without a period at the end, without underlining. Center or left alignment. Spacing: before the heading - 12 points, after - 6 points.
Pages should be numbered in Arabic numerals, observing continuous numbering throughout the text (the title page and table of contents are included in the general numbering). The number is not placed on the title page.
At the top of the title page it is written in which educational institution the work is being carried out, then in letters of larger size the type (“Abstract”) and the topic of the work are indicated, below in the right half of the sheet is information about those who completed and who checks the work. In the center of the bottom of the title page is written the name of the locality and the year the work was completed.

6 slide- saving documents in various text formats (scheme);
When you save a text document in a file on external media, the text itself and its formatting commands are saved. When reading a text document, the processor reads the text and its formatting commands, executes those commands, and displays the formatted text on the screen.
The most common file formats are:
save text documents:
— TXT - saves text without formatting, only end-of-paragraph control characters are inserted into the text;
— DOC - Microsoft Word’s own document format;
— ODT - proprietary document format of Writer;
— RTF is a universal format that preserves all formatting; converts control codes into text commands that can be read and interpreted by many applications; compared to other formats, it has a fairly large information volume;
— HTML is the format used to store Web pages;
— PDF is a format intended for electronic representation of printed documents; ensures correct display of the document regardless of the operating system.

7 slide- the most important.
Text formatting— the process of its registration; the perception of the document becomes simpler due to the isolation and identical design of similar structural elements of the text. There are:
- direct formatting;
- style formatting.
Character Formatting— changing the values ​​of the properties of the entered characters: font, size, style, color, etc.
Paragraph formatting— changing properties such as alignment, first line indent, line spacing, left and right indents, spaces before and after, etc.
Main document page parameters are paper size, page orientation, and margin size.
The most common file formats in which text documents are saved are: TXT, DOC, ODT, RTF, HTML, PDF.

Questions and tasks
8 slide– questions and assignments.
Questions 4, 7, 9 to paragraph 4.3
RT: No. 188, 189.

4. Practical part (15 minutes)
In the practical part of the lesson, students continue to complete tasks 4.10-4.16 from the tasks for practical work for Chapter 4.

5. Summing up the lesson. Homework message. Grading (4 minutes)
Slide 9- supporting summary;
10 slide- D/z.

§4.3 (4, 5, 6), questions and tasks 4-9 to the paragraph,
RT: No. 188, 189.

All material for the lesson is in the archive.

The archive includes:
- summary,
- answers and solutions to tasks in the workbook,
— basic requirements for the preparation of an abstract,
— presentation “Style Formatting”,
— animation “Styles in MS Wosd”,
— animation “Templates in MS Wosd”.

Download(1.81 MB, rar): Lesson summary