Using Microsoft Word templates. Create custom or custom page templates

To create in Microsoft editor Word large quantity almost identical documents, it will be much more convenient to use templates. We'll tell you how to work with them.

To create several identical text documents, you can always use the clipboard. Once you create a document, you can copy its contents into other documents and make changes as needed. But this way is not the most effective, especially in cases where the documents have some common part and differ slightly. An example of such documents could be letters sent to customers about an upcoming event (in this case, such documents will differ only in the name of the recipient, and perhaps slightly in the text of the letter). Another example could be standard forms for placing an order, into which you need to “enter” the necessary data.

To solve such problems in a text editor Microsoft Word you can use templates. A template is a document that, once generated, can then be used to create other documents. Having created your own template containing an unchangeable part of the document, you can subsequently only make the necessary edits to the document.

Any text document Word editor is created based on a template. Even the empty document that we are used to seeing on the screen after launching the program is created based on the default template, its name is In addition to this standard template, the editor has several others for creating letters, faxes, statements and other typical documents. You can use these standard templates by selecting "File -> New". As a result, the “Document Creation” task area appeared in the editor window.

The "Create Document" task area in the Word text editor window.

To create a new document based on a template, you can use standard templates which were included in Microsoft package Office when installing it, or templates posted on the program website (for this purpose, use the "Templates on the Office Online" link). As a result of selecting the first item, a window for selecting a template will open. Please note that the templates are placed on tabs according to their purpose. Select required template, for example "Modern Note". As a result, a new document will be created based on the selected template, the text of the template will be placed in the document, which can now be changed according to need.

If you've created a document that you can use to create other documents with only minor changes, turn it into a template. To do this, just save it in template format by selecting "File" -> "Save As", and in the "File type" field select the value "Document template (*.dot)". Pay attention to where the new template is saved - by default, templates are saved in the "Templates" folder, which is located in the directory Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft. It is not recommended to change this location.

Saving the file as a template.

Once the template is saved, it can be used to create documents. By selecting "File -> New" and using the "On my computer" link, you can see the previously saved template on the "General" tab.

Create a document based on your own template.

And one more secret - based on ready-made template, either standard or previously created by the user, you can create new template. This is again convenient to do when you need to create many identical documents, albeit with minor differences from an existing template. You can create a new template based on a ready-made template in the same way as you can create one based on it new file- select “File -> Create” for this, use the “On my computer” link, in the “Templates” window, select the desired template and check the “Template” radio button, which is located above the “Ok” and “Cancel” buttons. As a result, a new template will be created, which will contain the elements of the previous template, and you can make all the necessary changes to the new template and save it under a new name.

About templates and masters

Lecture: Creating documents using templates and wizards

The lecture gives the concept of Microsoft Word templates and wizards. The possibilities of using templates and wizards when creating documents are shown. The creation of standard documents is described. Introduced the ability to download additional templates from the website Microsoft Office Online.

Templates and wizards are used to speed up the creation and execution of documents. In addition, through the use of templates and wizards, uniformity in document design is ensured

Template - A file or files containing the structure and tools for creating finished file elements such as page style and layout. For example, Microsoft Word templates allow you to create individual documents, while Microsoft FrontPage templates allow you to create entire Web sites.

A wizard is a program that asks questions and then uses the answers to create objects such as a form or a web page.

At the first Microsoft installation The Word on PC installer makes many wizards and templates available. Additional Templates and masters can be found on the Internet.

Microsoft Word contains templates for creating various documents, for example, letters, faxes, notes, etc.

In Microsoft Word 2003, you use the task pane to create a document based on a template. Creating a document(Fig. 7.1). If this area is not displayed in the Microsoft Word window, you can run the command File/New, after which it will appear.

Rice. 7.1. Create Document task pane

In the task pane under Templates you need to left-click on the link once On my computer(see Fig. 7.1), as a result of which a dialog box will appear Templates(Fig. 7.2).

Rice. 7.2. Selecting a template to create a document in the Templates dialog box

In the dialog box Templates you should go to the tab with the required templates, for example, Letters and faxes(Fig. 7.3), and double-click the left mouse button on the icon of the template being used, for example, Modern writing.

Rice. 7.3. Selecting a template for creating a document ("Letters and Faxes" group)

After this, a document will be created containing text and text input prompts (Fig. 7.4).

Rice. 7.4. Template "Modern Letter" (fragment)

If you double-click on the envelope icon in the letter template (see Fig. 7.4), a sample of filling out the template will open (Fig. 7.5). This document can be saved as a file, or you can close it without saving.

Rice. 7.5. Example of filling out the template

The text is entered into the template in the usual way. To enter text in the fields enclosed by square brackets, you need to click on such a field and, after selecting it (Fig. 7.6), enter the text (Fig. 7.7).

Rice. 7.6. Selected template field

Rice. 7.7. Filled template field

In some cases, you can choose one of the text options offered in the template. To do this, right-click on the field and select the right option V context menu(Fig. 7.8). But if you wish, you can enter your own text.

Rice. 7.8. Selecting an option to fill out a template field

Once all fields have been filled out and all required text has been entered, the document can be printed and/or saved as a file.

However, if you strictly follow the prompts about the content of the entered information and use the proposed design, the resulting document will largely diverge from the requirements of Russian standards. This is what, for example, a letter created based on the “Modern Letter” template will look like (Fig. 7.9).

Rice. 7.9. Letter created based on the "Modern Letter" template (fragment)

The most memorable moments of our lives always remain with us. Some restore paintings of the past from own memory, but most have documentary evidence in the form of photographs.

Special moments are always precious, but rarely perfect, which is why millions of people install Photoshop. Each PSD file of this program makes the real better:

Photoshop is not the best simple program. Of course, attach pig ears to your to the best friend– this is a mandatory task and does not require special skills. But making these ears look like their own is a task for more experienced users.

There are people who, due to their occupation, have to use Photoshop. There are different professions, so the goals for creating graphic objects also differ. Sometimes you only need to change images slightly to get the desired effect. It is in such cases that templates for Photoshop are ideal, which will be discussed in this article.

Why are templates needed?

A template is an object created once for subsequent repeated use. When using Photoshop, there are many situations where ready-made solutions are required. Let's look at the two most common categories.

  • Templates for photomontage. With their help you can really create beautiful pictures. The template helps to simulate the desired interior or natural conditions:

In this case, as a rule, the human figure is taken completely.

  • Photo templates. Nothing is impossible for Photoshop: Brad Pitt can dress up in a swimsuit, and your dog can become president. Photo masks allow you to insert a face into the desired place in a photo, similar to the famous entertainment on sea beaches ( stick your head into the cardboard decoration):

How to make someone a businessman

For a person who has even the most general knowledge of Photoshop technologies, inserting a face into a template will not be difficult. Let's do this step by step.

First, you need to buy ( or download for free) template you like. This file has a psd extension and opens in the same way as any image of a supported format (“File” - “Open”). After this, the template for Photoshop is at our complete disposal:

Business is business, so you need to choose serious characters. Opening the desired photo and drag the image onto the template:

Now you need to adjust the image to size. Should be reduced proportionally. We also cut off as much unnecessary stuff as possible.

Let's go to the layers window. In order for the face to fit harmoniously into Photoshop templates, it must be placed in the background relative to the main layer. In our case, we move Layer 2 to the desired location:

What was left was a not-so-attractive gray area around the face. Let's remove it" with a magic wand»:

With correctly selected proportions and careful cropping of the image, you can achieve perfect integration of the face into Photoshop templates; it only requires practice and time.

Create templates yourself

Situations often arise when the available templates do not suit the style, in which case the do-it-yourself method is used. Before you start making templates for a photo shoot with your own hands, you need to consider the following points:

  • The template should not consist of a large number of combined images. If you combine too many details, the photo will look cheap;
  • The structure of the layers must be clearly thought out;
  • It is better to adjust existing templates than to create everything from scratch.

Thus, templates for Photoshop greatly simplify image editing, since you do not need to re-prepare the necessary details each time. If you couldn’t find the template you need, don’t be afraid, because you can easily do it yourself.

Good bad

If you often work in MS Word, saving a document as a template will probably interest you. So, having a template file with formatting, fields and other parameters that you set can greatly simplify and speed up the workflow.

A template created in Word is saved in DOT, DOTX or DOTM formats. The latter allows working with macros.

Sample is a special type of document; when it is opened and subsequently modified, a copy of the file is created. The original (template) document remains unchanged, as does its location on the disk.

As an example of what a document template can be and why it is needed at all, you can give a business plan. Documents of this type are quite often created in Word, therefore, they are also used quite often.

So, instead of re-creating the document structure each time, choosing appropriate fonts, design styles, and setting margin sizes, you can simply use a template with a standard layout. Agree, this approach to work is much more rational.

A document saved as a template can be opened and filled in with the necessary data and text. At the same time, saving it as standard for Word DOC formats and DOCX, the original document (the created template), will remain unchanged as mentioned above.

Most of the templates that you may need to work with documents in Word can be found on the official website (). In addition, the program can create custom templates, as well as change existing ones.

Note: Some of the templates are already built into the program, but some of them, although displayed in the list, are actually located on the website. After you click on such a template, it will be instantly downloaded from the site and available for use.

Create your own template

The easiest way to start creating a template is with blank document, which can be opened simply by launching Word.

If you are using one of the latest versions of MS Word, when you open the program you will be greeted with start page, where you can select one of the available templates. What’s especially pleasing is that they are all conveniently sorted into thematic categories.

However, if you want to create a template yourself, choose new document. A standard document will open with its default settings. These parameters can be either programmatic (set by developers) or created by you (if you previously saved certain values ​​as default ones).

Using our lessons, make the necessary changes to the document, which will later be used as a template.

In addition to performing the above steps, you can also add a watermark, watermarks, or any graphics as default settings for the document to be used as a template. Everything you change, add and save in the future will be present in every document created based on your template.

Lessons on working with Word:

After you make the necessary changes, set default parameters to the future template, you need to save it.

1. Click the button "File"(or "MS Office", if you use old version Word).

3. In the drop down menu "File type" select the appropriate template type:

  • Word template (*.dotx): a regular template, compatible with all versions of Word older than 2003;
  • Word template with macro support (*.dotm): as the name suggests, this type templates support working with macros;
  • Template Word 97 - 2003 (*.dot): compatible with older versions of Word 1997 - 2003.

4. Set the file name, specify the path to save it and click "Save".

5. The file you created and configured will be saved as a template in the format you specified. Now you can close it.

Create a template from an existing document or a standard template

1. Open a blank MS Word document, go to the tab "File" and select "Create".

Note: IN latest versions In Word, when opening an empty document, the user is immediately offered a list of template layouts on the basis of which a future document can be created. If you want to access all templates, select when opening "New document", and then follow the steps described in point 1.

2. Select the appropriate template in the section “Available templates”.

Note: In recent versions of Word you don’t need to select anything, the list of available templates appears immediately after clicking the button "Create", directly above the templates there is a list of available categories.

3. Make the necessary changes to the document using our tips and instructions presented in the previous section of the article (Creating your own template).

Note: For different templates, text styles that are available by default and presented in the tab "Home" in Group “Styles”, may be different and noticeably different from those that you are used to seeing in a standard document.

    Advice: Take advantage of the available styles to make your future template truly unique, unlike other documents. Of course, do this only if you are not limited by the document requirements.

4. After you make the necessary changes to the document, make all the settings that you consider necessary, save the file. To do this, click on the tab "File" and select "Save as".

5. In section "File type" select the appropriate template type.

6. Set a name for the template, specify via "Conductor" ("Review") path to save it, click the button "Save".

7. The template you create based on the existing one will be saved along with any changes you made. This file can now be closed.

Adding Building Blocks to a Template

Building blocks are the reusable elements contained in a document, as well as those document components that are stored in a collection and available for use at any time. You can store and distribute building blocks using templates.

So, using standard blocks, you can create a report template that will contain cover letters two or more types. At the same time, when creating a new report based on this template, other users will be able to select any of the available types.

1. Create, save and close the template you created taking into account all the requirements. It is to this file that standard blocks will be added, which will later be available to other users of the template you created.

2. Open the template document to which you want to add building blocks.

3. Create the necessary building blocks, which will later be available to other users.

Note: When entering information in the dialog box “Creating a new building block” enter in the line “Save to” the name of the template to which they need to be added (this is the file that you created, saved and closed according to the first paragraph of this section of the article).

The template you created, containing the building blocks, can now be shared with other users. The blocks themselves, saved with it, will be available in the specified collections.

Adding Content Controls to a Template

There are some situations where you want to give your template and all of its contents some flexibility. For example, a template might contain a drop-down list created by the author. For one reason or another, this list may not suit another user who happens to work with it.

If such a template contains content controls, the second user will be able to adjust the list to suit themselves, leaving it unchanged in the template itself. To add content controls to your template, you must enable the tab “Developer” in MS Word.

1. Open the menu "File"(or "MS Office" in more earlier versions programs).

2. Open the section "Options" and select the item there “Customize the Ribbon”.

3. In the section “Main Tabs” check the box next to the item “Developer”. To close the window, click "OK".

4. Tab “Developer” will appear on the Word control panel.

Adding Content Controls

1. In the tab “Developer” click on the button “Design mode” located in the group “Controls”.

Paste into document necessary elements controls by selecting them from those presented in the group of the same name:

  • Rich text;
  • Plain text;
  • Drawing;
  • Collection of building blocks;
  • Combo box;
  • Drop-down list;
  • Date selection;
  • Checkbox;
  • Repeating section.

Add explanatory text to a template

You can make the template more user-friendly by adding explanatory text to the document. If necessary, the default explanatory text can always be changed in the content control. To set the default explanatory text for users who will use the template, follow these steps:

1. Turn on “Design mode”(tab “Developer”, group “Controls”).

2. Click the content control where you want to add or change explanatory text.

Note: Explanatory text is in small blocks by default. If “Design mode” disabled, these blocks are not displayed.

3. Change, format the alt text.

4. Disable “Design mode” by pressing this button on the control panel again.

5. Explanatory text will be saved for the current template.

This is where we end, from this article you learned about what templates are in Microsoft Word, how to create and edit them, as well as everything that you can do with them. It's really useful feature a program that greatly simplifies working with it, especially if not one, but several users are working on documents at once, not to mention large companies.

How to use the template

Once the template is created, creating a book based on it is very simple. Although theoretically you can use regular workbook, but there is always a risk of spoiling the original. This doesn't happen with templates because Excel creates a copy of the file, leaving the original untouched and ready for you to build your next workbook from.

    From the menu File select team Create. Unfortunately, in this case you cannot use the [o] button. Create on the toolbar or the key combination Ctrl+N. These actions automatically open a new workbook based on the default template. Excel won't let you tell you what template you'd like to use.

    The task pane will appear on the screen Creating a book. It allows you to open existing file workbook and create a new workbook. To create a new book based on one of the previously saved templates; select option General templates.


Option Book selection task areas Creation of a book, located in the section Creation from an existing book, allows you to use any Excel workbook as a template.

    In the dialog box that appears Creating a document select tab Are common, if the template was saved in a folder Templates. Otherwise, click on the tab with the name of the folder subfolder Templates, in which the template is stored. By the way, this dialog box only shows the folders that contain Excel templates.


If instead of creating a workbook based on a template, you want to make changes V the template itself, do this. From the menuFile choose a teamOpen, then select the folder in which the template is stored, open it and edit it. After making the necessary corrections, all that remains is to save the file by clicking on the buttonSave or using the commandSave from the menuFile. All books based on this template will then change to reflect the changes made to the template.

    Select the desired template and click the button OK or double-click the template icon.


If there are default templates in Excel, you don't need any special steps to use them. Click the button Create on the toolbar. A copy of the default template will open itself

    Excel will create a workbook based on the template as shown in the figure. Please note that the book name is slightly different from the template. The new book is given the name specified in the template plus the number entered into each book individually. By using a template, you don't risk damaging the original when saving a copy based on it.

    Now you can enter data into the new book and make all the necessary changes. IN in this example, in particular, the name of the quarter, the names of the months and sales volumes are entered.

    After all changes have been made, click on the button Save on the toolbar or use the command Save from the menu File, then either save the file under the name automatically assigned to it, or come up with a more meaningful name for it.


To delete a template, right-click on its name in the dialog box Creating a document and select a team Delete from the context menu that appears. However, you cannot delete default templates using this method.

Lecture No. 2.

Topic: V BA Editor Environment.

Integrated Development Environment

To go to the IDE from any Microsoft applications Office, just press the key combination ALT+F11 or execute the command Tools │Macro │Editor Visual Basic.

The integrated development environment consists of several components, the name and purpose of which are given in table. 1.1.

Table 1.1. Main components of the Visual Basic for Applications integrated development environment


View Command

Description of the window

Project Explorer

Project Explorer

(Project Window)

Designed to display all open projects, as well as their components: modules, forms and links to other projects

Contains controls


Used to create forms by placing controls on them



Designed for viewing, writing and editing programs in VBA.


(Properties window)

Displays properties of selected objects. In this window you can set new values ​​for form properties and controls

(View objects)

(View objects)

Displays classes, properties, methods, events and constants of various object libraries. Used to quickly obtain information about objects


(Debug window)

Designed for fast execution instructions entered into it. This window also displays the results of executing the entered instructions.

(Local variables)

(Local Variables Window)

Automatically shows all variables of a given procedure

(Control values)

(Window of control values)

Used when debugging programs to view the values ​​of expressions

Since there are quite a lot of components of the integrated development environment, only a part of them is usually present on the screen. You can display one or another component of the development environment using the View menu. To call the main components of the environment, there are special buttons on the Standard toolbar.

Elements panel

The Toolbox is shown in Fig. 1.2. It contains buttons indicating various elements controls used in the design of forms. By default, the Toolbox contains only standard elements controls such as Label, Text Box, ComboBox, CheckBox, OptionButton, etc.

Project Explorer Window

Before we talk about the project window, let's first define what a project is. Under the project in the VBA editor we mean a set of all software modules, related to the MS Office document. Please note that by document we mean not only an MS Word document, but also an MS Excel workbook, an MS Access database, and a PowerPoint presentation.

A project can include modules with procedures for processing events of application objects, standard modules with user procedures, class modules and links to other projects that allow you to use their procedures and data.

The Project Explorer window (Fig. 1.3) is designed to quickly obtain information about the various components of the project. These components are Forms, Modules and References.

Using the project window, you can add or remove any object from the project. To add a module to the project, just click right button mouse in the project window and select the command Insert Module (Insert Module) or Insert Class Module (Insert > Class Module) from the appearing context menu, respectively, to add a standard module or a class module (modules will be discussed in more detail in the next lesson).

The project window can also be used to quick navigation according to project forms and program code. To do this, select the View Object or View Code commands from the context menu, respectively.

Properties Window

The list of properties of the selected object is displayed in the Properties window, shown in Fig. 1.4. In order to select an object, you need to select a form using the project window and go to design mode using the View Object command.

We will talk about the properties of objects from the point of view of object-oriented programming in the next lesson. For now, it is enough to understand that each object has a certain set of properties.

As an example in Fig. 1.4 shows the properties of the Textbox control. Object properties can be organized in alphabetical order(Alphabetic) or by category (Categorized) by selecting the appropriate tab. It is also possible to get quick help on any property of an object. To do this, just place the cursor on the desired property and press the F1 key.

Window Object Browser

The Object Browser window is designed to view the objects available when creating a program. Although in fact in this window we are not viewing objects, but the structure of the corresponding class of objects (we will talk about objects, classes and other concepts of object-oriented programming in the next lesson).

The Object Browser window (Figure 1.5) can be used to search for a method or property of an object. To find any property or method, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

    Open the desired module in the Visual Basic editor.

    Click the Object Browser button on the toolbar.

    Using the Project/Library drop-down list.

    Mark the desired object in the Classes list.

For information about the selected class, method, event, or property, click the Help button in the Object Browser window.

Code Window

The Code window is text editor(Fig. 1.6), intended for writing and editing program text. This window appears on the screen, for example, when creating a new module.

Immediate window

The Immediate window shown in Fig. 1.7, allows you to enter an instruction and execute it. In this case, the instruction must be written in one line, the directives of which will be executed after pressing the Enter key.

Locals Window

The Locals window shown in Fig. 1.8, automatically displays all declared variables of the current procedure and their values.

Watches Window

The Watches window, shown in Fig. 1.9, used when debugging programs to view expression values.


Like most MS Windows applications, the MS Office IDE has a menu bar, which contains menu items containing all the application commands.

File menu

The File menu allows you to standard set commands Let's look at the individual commands of this menu.

Save command

Import command

The Import command allows you to add files in one of the following formats to the project:

O Visual Basic form files (*.frm);

About Visual Basic program files (*.bas);

When you call this command, the Import File dialog box appears (Fig. 1.10), in which the imported files are selected.

Export command

Using the Export command, you can export a module or form to a file of the appropriate format. When this command is executed, the Export File dialog box appears (Fig. 1.11), in which you can specify the name and type of the file, as well as select the folder for the exported file.

Remove Command

The Remove command removes the current module or current form from the project. When you run this command, you will be prompted to export the file. If you click Yes, the Export File dialog box will appear, and after the module is exported, it will be deleted. When choosing alternative option No The module will be deleted immediately.

Print command

The Print command allows you to print both the program text and the form image. During its execution, the Print dialog box appears (Fig. 1.12), in which, using three switches that form the Range group, you can select what you want to print:

About Selection - print the selected area;

About Current Module - prints the current module or form;

About Current Project - prints all modules and forms included in the project.

By checking the appropriate checkboxes in the Print What group, you can choose to print both the form image (Form Image checkbox) and the program text (Code checkbox) of the form module (see below for module types).

Close and Return to Microsoft Word Command

The Close and Return to Microsoft Word command closes the Visual Basic editor window and transfers control to the application from which it was called (in in this case MS Word).

Edit menu

Like most MS Windows applications, VB editor also has an Edit menu. This menu contains some standard commands, a list of which is presented in table. 1.3.

Table 1.3. Standard Edit Menu Commands

Command Description

Undo Allows you to undo changes made during

editing program text or creating a form. When editing a program, you can cancel several recent actions, and when creating a form - only the last action

Redo Restores changes undone by the Undo command.

Cut Removes the selected text and places it

to the clipboard. When designing a form, this command can also be used for controls

Soru (Copy) Copies the selected text to the clipboard.

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