Iphone 5s battery won't turn on. Possible causes and solutions to the problem

After replacement iPhone battery 5S refuses to turn on - if you are familiar with this problem, we know how to help you. The malfunction most likely affects the standard battery. mobile device or microcircuits that are responsible for its operation. Not surprising: Apple technology complex and high-tech, but, despite the reliability of many components, it is quite sensitive to operating conditions.

The smartphone does not turn on after replacing the battery: symptoms

  • The iPhone refuses to turn on after replacing the battery (branded or analogue).
  • iPhone does not respond to charger connection (charging indicators do not light up).
  • The device started working after installing a new battery, but then turned off and does not respond to user actions.

Why doesn't my iPhone turn on after replacing the battery?

iPhone models 5, 5S and older often do not turn on as a result of replacing the battery for the following reasons:

  • faulty (defective) components that were used during repairs;
  • a counterfeit battery in which the declared capacity does not correspond to reality;
  • problems with the cable that connects important components inside the iPhone 5 (broken or poorly secured);
  • the connector on the main board of the mobile device is damaged;
  • happened short circuit inside the smartphone, and it stopped turning on;
  • the device received others mechanical damage during disassembly and subsequent assembly of the housing.

How to fix battery problem on iPhone 5

If your iPhone won't turn on after replacing the battery, you can try to fix the problem yourself. First, study the receipt and documents that came with the purchased battery. There is a high probability that the smartphone contained a fake, which you did not pay attention to before. If you have an original part in front of you, make sure that the connector for connecting the charger is in good condition: it has no mechanical damage and has not been in contact with moisture.

Unfortunately, there is nothing more you can do: new battery, cables, chips and other spare parts are securely hidden from the user’s eyes in a one-piece case that cannot be disassembled outside service center. Accordingly, you need to contact specialists who will solve your problem.

iPhone 5 repair and diagnostics

Professionals from the Spravnik service center will diagnose and repair your iPhone on-site. Provide your home or work address, and they will promptly arrive to you, armed with everything you need. Each master has with him the necessary set of tools for work, and our offices are very densely located in Moscow.

  • leave a request to our manager. This can be done in several ways: dial our phone number (the number is listed at the top of the page), indicate contacts for call back or write a message in online chat;
  • the operator will contact you within 1 minute, listen to the essence of the problem with the iPhone 5 and accept a repair request;
  • Our technician will leave from your nearest office with everything you need to carry out the diagnostics;
  • The specialist will find the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it within 15–30 minutes (in exceptional cases it will take longer).

Why is it profitable and convenient to cooperate with us?

The competitive advantage of the Spravnik company is a huge base of components for the iPhone 5, which we purchase at wholesale prices and install it into clients’ mobile devices at no extra charge. Our catalog contains original spare parts, which is especially important when replacing the battery in an iPhone. Accordingly, if after replacing the battery the iPhone does not turn on, we will quickly and inexpensively fix the problem. It’s convenient to work with us because we are within walking distance and work from Monday to Saturday, and our staff includes professionals with extensive experience in repairing Apple equipment.

The iPhone line is the most popular phones in the world, breaking all sales records. After purchase they become favorites. Agree, it will be unpleasant if one fine day your most beloved and expensive gadget stops turning on.

How to turn on iPhone 5s if it won't turn on? Solution similar problem will be discussed below.

Causes and solutions

Causes of malfunctionthere can be many, but the most common:

Problems with the power controller

The power controller is an element that is responsible for charging and correct operation device batteries. The cause of failure may be a low-quality charger (cheap Chinese fake original iPhone charger), dropping the phone, getting water inside.

The most interesting thing is that the failure of the power controller can be similar in symptoms to a battery failure, so many people buy new battery. Imagine their surprise when the phone does not work even with a new battery! So, before doing anything, we strongly advise you to take the device to a service center, where they will determine the exact cause of the breakdown.

If the controller does break down, it needs to be carefully re-soldered. It’s better not to try on your own; you might damage the board, and it’s not cheap, especially for the iPhone 5s.

Video: iPhone 5s repair

Water ingress

If you manage to drop your phone in water or some other liquid, experts recommend immediately putting the smartphone in a plastic bag or container, and then transferring the container with the phone to the nearest service center as quickly as possible. If the gadget stops turning on after getting wet, then the chances of it being repaired are minimal.

If there is no service center nearby, then do the following:

  1. immediately turn off the phone and take it to the service center without turning it on;
  2. check the moisture indicator. It is located in the headphone jack. If water gets inside, the color of the indicator will change from white to red;
  3. If you notice that the indicators are red, immediately remove the battery from the phone. To do everything correctly, we recommend watching training videos from professionals on the Internet.

If everything is done on time and correctly, then the chances of restoring your favorite phone increase significantly.

Photo: location of the humidity indicator in the iPhone 5s

It is worth saying that after the water it will no longer be possible to profitably resell the phone, except to an ignorant person.

Voltage drops

Apple technology is very demanding on the quality of the incoming current, so their charging device made in a special way, have a complex design and operating principle. If you charge it with a non-original device, then even a small voltage surge can damage your smartphone.

Photo: original charger iPhone device 5s

When the voltage drops, the power controller mentioned above suffers. It can be replaced, the cost, thank God, is small, but an unpleasant aftertaste remains, and you don’t want to part with your favorite gadget for a long time.

The battery is old

A failed battery is another reason why the iPhone 5s won’t turn on. This happens rarely so far, since the phone went on sale relatively recently, but the further, the more often phone owners are faced with this problem. There is only one way out - replace the battery, you can’t do anything with it.

Photo: original iPhone 5s battery

We recommend buying a new battery exclusively from a licensed Apple service center, this way you can insure yourself against buying a counterfeit. Before purchasing, be sure to take your phone for diagnostics to determine whether the problem is really in the battery. In official service centers, diagnostics are free.

If the battery, after charging, holds a charge less and less, and one day the device simply does not turn on, then the problem is 99% in the battery.

iPhone 5s won't turn on

There can be many reasons why the phone won’t turn on, and all of them relate not only to our today’s hero, the iPhone 5S.

Won't turn on due to broken charging connector

If the phone is discharged and does not turn on when charging, or does not react at all to connecting the cable, then most likely there is a problem with the socket. It breaks very rarely, but it gets clogged all the time. Those who just bought an iPhone 5S have not yet encountered this problem, but there is still more to come.

The connector becomes heavily clogged with dirt, fluff, and other debris, as a result of which the clogs block the charging and connector contacts and they no longer touch.

Photo: example of how the charging cable connector can be dirty

You can also clean the connector with a regular toothpick, but it is not advisable; if you are careless, you can damage the contacts, and then you will have to replace the connector altogether, and this is already a considerable amount of money.

Much would be better suited a can of compressed air, but due to the fact that you only need to clean one phone, no one will buy it, except perhaps service centers. By the way, some service centers can clean the sockets with compressed air for a thank you; they value regular customers and want to have more of them.

It is also worth noting that if you charge with a non-original charger, it can deform the socket, after which standard charging will not work correctly.

After car charging

The problem is that some people don’t know how to choose the right car charger for their iPhone. People are trying to save money, so they buy the cheapest options, which are not always of at least average quality.

After using a low-quality charger, the following may fail:

  1. battery;
  2. charging connector;
  3. power controller;
  4. specific power supply circuit.

As you can see, small savings on a charger can result in a decent amount of repairs.

If the phone stops turning on after using a low-quality car charging, there is nothing left to do but take it to the service center. There is no point in trying to determine the breakdown yourself, or, moreover, to repair the smartphone, since with inexperienced hands you can render the phone unusable.

After the firmware

iPhone is a very complex piece of technology; we do not recommend reflashing it yourself under any circumstances. If you make even a small mistake, you could end up with a phone that never rings again, or that never turns on again.

There are a lot of reasons why the iPhone 5S does not turn on after flashing, but the most common are three:

  1. The Nor Flash chip is broken. She is responsible for normal work GSM module. Without this chip, the smartphone will not make calls, since the settings of all operators in the country are saved in it. The problem is solved by replacing the microcircuit at a service center;
  2. The NAND Flash chip has failed. She is responsible for the safety of personal data, that is, programs, notes, contacts, photos, music, and so on. Solved as previous problem, replacing the microcircuit at a service center.
  3. Wrong installed firmware. Take your phone to an official service center and have them install a normal, working and stable version of iOS.

Unsuccessful updates can also be attributed to this section.

Video: Short circuit detection method

After the fall

If your phone does not turn on after being dropped from a great height, take it to a specialist. There is no way to do this without diagnostics. If external damage does not have such a strong impact on operation, then internal damage is quite capable of completely destroying the phone.

The most popular internal breakdowns during iPhone falling 5S:

  1. damage printed circuit board;
  2. disconnection or damage to the cable.

In the first case, you cannot do without a specialist. Repairing a printed circuit board is very complicated; it is almost impossible for an ignorant person to get the necessary parts. As for the cable, it is enough to order an analogue of the damaged one and replace it. There is nothing complicated, you don’t even need to solder anything. In some cases, you can just put it in place and everything will work.

The most important thing is to watch the relevant master classes on the Internet before disassembling the phone, otherwise some elements may be seriously damaged.

After replacing the display

If the display is changed at a service center, then everything should be fine, but if you change it at home, on your own and without much experience working with Apple phones, then a problem can await you at any second. Something is slightly caught, and that’s it; when you try to turn it on, a “surprise” may await you.

iPhone 5s won't turn on, apple lights up

If, when you turn on your smartphone, it gives you the branded “apple” and does not want to boot further, this means only one thing – the firmware has failed. It is worth noting that in this case all your personal data from the phone will be lost. To prevent this from happening in the future, we advise you to constantly update backups. If the apple is on fire, your data is lost. This is to put it briefly.

There is only one solution - take it to a service center to restore the firmware.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what problem happens to your favorite iPhone 5s, immediately take it to the service center! Do not try to fix the problem yourself, otherwise there is a high chance that you will have to buy a new phone.

Even if the breakdown seems insignificant, you should not take the risk, because the amount you plan to save may increase significantly to eliminate the breakdown after your repair.

On average, service life battery iPhone 1.5-2 years. It happens that after 2-3 years the iPhone battery continues to serve faithfully, but it happens that after a year the battery begins to noticeably heat up and has to be charged more often. How do you know when it’s time to change? battery iphone and what can happen to the iPhone if this is not done in time...

When it's time to change the battery on your iPhone, it's not difficult to figure out. By this time, the battery has lost a significant part of its capacity and life. battery life iPhones are shrinking sharply. At the same time, the iPhone case gets very hot when surfing the Internet and telephone conversations. In the cold, an iPhone with a “dead” battery may turn off spontaneously due to a sharp drop in charge level. Naturally, all these symptoms do not add joy to our lives and it’s time to contact a service center to replace the iPhone battery.

But something always prevents us from doing this. Either there is no time, then there is no money... Meanwhile, the iPhone battery turns into a time bomb. Yes, exactly a bomb, since chemical processes occur inside the battery. If the battery is not replaced in time, it will gradually swell. Here, admire it

Sometimes we have to remove such batteries from iPhones. And there are even more complicated situations, when a swollen battery squeezes out the display iPhone module, and it’s good if the display remains intact and is not damaged, otherwise you have to change the display module.

The worst thing that can happen to a swollen battery is it catches fire and explodes! Of course, after such a “terrorist attack” the iPhone will be left with horns and legs, and its owner may end up in the hospital with at least burns!

As you can see, there is no point in delaying a visit to the service center to replace a battery that has exhausted its life. Moreover, the replacement process will take very little time, and we usually replace the battery on an iPhone within a few minutes in front of the client.

Let's look at how the battery in iPhones changes. For example, in iPhone 5S

iPhones, starting with the fifth model, are disassembled through the display module. That is, they do not have a back cover, and to get inside the iPhone 5S we need to remove the display. To do this, unscrew the 2 bottom screws

Using a suction cup and a plastic spatula, carefully remove the lower part of the display module from the housing. There is no need to make any effort here and there is no need to rush either! We only need to open the iPhone case slightly to disconnect the cable Home buttons from the bottom loop. If you do not calculate with effort, you can easily break the train and then Touch function ID will stop working forever!

First you need to remove the metal plug, and then disconnect the Home button cable connector from the bottom cable.

Once the Home button cable is disconnected, you can lift the display module completely and lock it at a 90-degree angle

Now we need to unscrew the 2 screws that secure the battery connector plug

Remove the metal plug from the battery connector.

The sacred rule of the engineer of our service center "Remont48" is that the first thing you need to do is turn off the power to the device! No matter what we are going to do inside the iPhone, we first need to disconnect the battery connector from the system board, thereby preventing spontaneous switching on iPhone while disconnecting or connecting cables. This may cause the system board to burn out!

Disconnect the battery connector from the iPhone system board

We unscrew the 4 screws that secure the plug for the display module cables. These screws are all different lengths, and under no circumstances should they be mixed up! If you tighten a screw that is a little too long in the wrong place, you can cut off the conductors on the system board and the iPhone will partially or completely stop working!

Remove the metal plug. After replacing the battery on your iPhone, be sure to replace all metal plugs! Private self-taught craftsmen, unscrupulous, basement “service centers” often neglect this and do not put the plugs in place. And with the slightest impact or fall of the iPhone, the connectors fly out of the connectors. A person thinks that the iPhone is broken, again turns to these crooks, and they, simply inserting the cable into place, pass it off as serious damage! This is another reason to contact only trusted service centers!

Unfasten the display strap, touchscreen, front camera, light sensor, proximity sensor and conversational dynamics plastic spatula.

The display module has been removed.

We put it to the side and heat the iPhone case on the separator so that the tape that secures the battery to the case softens.

Pull out 2 strips of double-sided tape from under the battery

Use a wide plastic spatula to pry up the battery and remove it from iPhone cases. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the cable of the volume buttons, vibration switch and power button!

N The new battery must be glued to the iPhone case with double-sided tape and everything must be screwed and installed in the reverse order.

We looked at the simplest case of replacing the battery on an iPhone 5s, when the battery itself is not swollen. When the battery is swollen, you need to be extremely careful and careful not to tear its casing. When replacing a swollen battery, wear safety glasses and gloves. Otherwise, it may explode during peeling, damaging the hands, face and eyes of the master!

As you can see, replacing the battery in an iPhone is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, it is better to entrust such work to qualified specialists who are not the first to encounter similar work and they know all the intricacies of their business! Never trust the battery to be replaced iPhone first to an oncoming “master” or a self-taught acquaintance. Not only that, due to inexperience, he can damage the cable or system board iPhone, it will also install a fake one for you Chinese battery, of which there are now a lot on free sale! Can you imagine the danger of a fake battery?! Typically, such batteries have a short service life and almost always swell. You understand, it’s not far from an explosion!

We wish your iPhone battery to last a long time and delight you with its supply of positive energy! But if he suddenly asks for a well-deserved rest, then we will send him into retirement without any problems, and in return we will supply an original and high-quality one, for which we will give a guarantee!

Many mobile phone owners sometimes face the problem of their devices suddenly turning off. This problem has not spared the products either. Apple. So, what to do when your iPhone won't turn on?

Possible causes and solutions to the problem

In such a situation, the first thing we recommend is to connect the charger supplied with the phone to the phone. This will make it possible to find out what condition the phone's battery is in. If the battery is working properly, then after some time after connecting to electrical network The iPhone will begin charging, and the user will see a corresponding image on the screen. If the battery is very low, you need to wait about 15 minutes and then try to turn on the phone by pressing the HOME button at the bottom of the device or the On/Off button. at the top of the device.

If these actions do not produce results and the phone does not turn on, you should simultaneously press and hold both buttons: “HOME” and power. If the phone starts to boot, the Apple logo in the form of an apple will appear on the screen. Then the buttons can be released. After this, the device's operating system should boot completely. Otherwise, the logo will remain on the screen. In such a situation, you can try to restart the phone again by first turning it off and then turning it on using both buttons. If such actions do not produce any results, the cause of the malfunction probably lies in something else.

iPhone won't turn on due to broken charger port

Why might my iPhone not turn on? What to do in such a situation? One of the reasons that the iPhone does not turn on may be a failure of the charger connector. This often happens if you carry your phone in your trouser pocket and do not clean the device’s body. If this happens, the charging port may become clogged with dust and debris and may no longer function properly. In addition, there are often cases when the socket for connecting the charger breaks when you try to insert the plug into it the wrong way.

In such situations, the most the best solution will contact a specialized organization rather than do the repairs yourself. Technicians can clean the charging port within an hour. It should be emphasized that this socket often fails when regular use non-original chargers.

iPhone won't turn on after charging phone in car

iPhone 4S or 5S may stop turning on due to misuse car charger. Using this type of charging may damage your phone battery. Besides, incorrect charging Using an iPhone 4S or 5S in a car often causes the power controller to break down. Repairing these phone elements is not easy and can take up to two days. In any case, if the iPhone stops turning on after charging the device in the car, you must definitely take it to a service center. It will not be possible to solve such a problem on your own without special tools and skills.

iPhone won't turn on after restoring or updating

Many iPhone 4S/4S users wonder why the phone sometimes turns off after trying to install new firmware on the device. Often during this process the phone turns off and can no longer be turned on in the traditional way. As a rule, there are two reasons for this behavior of the iPhone. Firstly, the microcircuit may fail GSM module called Nor Flash. This element of the phone has the important function of setting up the device for SIM cards of cellular operators. If during the firmware process there is a failure in the operation of this module, the phone will turn off, and then, even if it turns on, it will not be able to make voice calls.

Secondly, the NAND Flash chip may fail. This element of the phone is used to store all user information. This includes photos, videos, phone book entries, installed applications, etc. It should be emphasized that iPhone 4S and 5S do not have the function of installing an additional memory card. Therefore, if the NAND Flash fails or does not work correctly after flashing, the phone will not turn on until the problem is fixed. It should be emphasized separately that there is no need to panic in such situations. This problem can be resolved by re-flashing the device.

iPhone won't turn on after falling from a height

If dropped from a significant height onto a hard surface, the iPhone 4S/5S may become damaged, turn off and not turn on again. Why is this happening? There are several common reasons for this device behavior. Firstly, as a result of the phone falling, one or more cables could become disconnected. This leads to loss of functionality of the battery, screen, on/off button and other iPhone mechanisms. A very strong impact may damage the components of the device’s motherboard or break the device’s microcircuit. If such damage occurs, it is not recommended to try to disassemble the phone yourself and identify the malfunction. It would be better to take it to a service center and entrust the repair of the device to professionals.

iPhone stopped turning on after getting wet

If the iPhone 4S/5S turned off and stopped turning on after being exposed to rain, water obviously got into it. In this case, just a couple of drops are enough for the device to temporarily fail. Thus, moisture can get inside through the phone connectors. It is recommended to send such devices to official service centers for repair. It is not advisable to do such work yourself. Although, you can try to open the device yourself and let it dry properly. Be sure to disconnect your phone battery.

You can dry your phone using a household hair dryer. With careful airflow and enough time for the procedure, there is a chance that the phone will work again. Otherwise, it is not possible to identify the reason for the iPhone’s refusal to turn on at home. Then you need to use the services of specialists at the service center.

iPhone shows apple logo and does not start the system

This behavior of the iPhone 4S/5S means there is a critical glitch in the phone’s built-in software. The first thing that is recommended to do in this case is to try to produce forced reboot devices. If this does not help, you will need to restore the device. To do this, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of a service center. You can restore your iPhone 4S/5S yourself at home. It is important to understand how the operating room recovery procedure differs iOS systems from update. When updating, all data on the phone is saved, but when restoring photos, videos, contacts phone book, installed applications and other information is deleted from the device.

If, nevertheless, the user is set to restore the operating system and is ready to lose all data on the phone, you can begin the procedure itself. To do this you will need the iTunes application. It is recommended to use the latest version of this program. In addition, you need to download the latest firmware version for iPhone in advance. Find similar software possible at official resources Apple company. In addition, you will need a personal computer or laptop, as well as the USB cable that comes with the phone. What should be done?

After completing the preparatory activities, you need to launch the installed iTunes program on your PC or laptop using a USB cable. Now you should select your iPhone 4S/5S device from the list. After this, you need to click the “Restore” button with the mouse cursor while holding down the “Shift” key on the keyboard. In the window that appears, you need to specify the path to the firmware file with the IPSW extension. After clicking the “Open” button, the iOS recovery process will begin.

It would be useful to say that flashing can be done according to a different scenario. First you need to put your phone in " Recovery Mode" To do this, you need to press and hold the “Home” button with the device turned off until the corresponding image appears on the screen. After this, you should connect your iPhone to your PC or laptop. Once launched, the iTunes application itself will offer to restore iOS on the device.

To date modern man and cellular communications are two inseparable concepts. The mobile phone has become something mandatory element our life, such electronic device can fully satisfy a person’s communication needs.

When iPhone 4 won't turn on

Everything on Earth is subject to the process of aging, wear and tear. When a cell phone fails, it is always an unpleasant moment for the owner. Because modern addiction people from communications is incredibly large and is determined by many factors Everyday life. There can be incredibly many reasons why the iPhone 4 does not turn on; we will look at the main ones in this article.

What to do if your iPhone won't turn on?

If the phone has not been subject to shock, mechanical stress and did not become a victim of “water procedures”, first of all, make sure active state battery This is quite easy to do. Connect a known-good charger to your phone. If a graphical display of charging progress appears on the screen, the battery is low. If there is no reaction to the connected charger, you will have to remove the back cover in order to get full access to the device's battery. In a situation where the iPhone 4 does not turn on, we can talk about the loss of the starting impulse of the battery. This phenomenon is most often observed in phones that are not used for a long time. As a result, it becomes necessary to force a charge to the battery, bypassing the smartphone devices. the “frog” type will cope with this task perfectly. Opening the back cover and removing the battery is easy. The only complication is that you need to have special screwdrivers for iPhone 4. Since the lower end screws have a star profile, a Phillips screwdriver will be needed to remove the battery cable fastening.

Bringing the battery back to life

After unscrewing the two screws from the bottom end of the case, slide it up and remove the cover of the device.

Then unscrew the two bolts from the short clamp of the battery cable and disconnect it from motherboard. Now install a universal charger on the battery terminals (two outer contacts); 2-3 minutes will be enough to “revive” the battery. Assemble the device and connect the original power supply. If your iPhone 4 still won't turn on, a visit to the service center cannot be avoided. Because subsequent independent repairs at home can be deadly for your mobile device. Don't skimp on qualified assistance. The phone is more expensive when you consider the risk of unconscious iPhone destruction through illiterate actions.


In some cases, the problem may be explained by the failure of one of the multiple components of the system: processor, power controller, flash memory or any other device chip. Therefore, it is advisable to seek help from professionals, since this type repairs can only be made using special equipment.

The products of the American company Apple have always enjoyed enormous popularity in the world. Every day a large number of people buy new iPhones, iPads and other devices to enjoy the functionality, practicality and beauty of the company’s products. However, the phone may also experience problems, both technical and software. Sometimes the phone cannot be turned on due to a breakdown or any other malfunction.

Let's look together at the reasons why problems occur and how to turn on iPhone 4.

Ways to turn on iPhone 4

The most basic and well-known way to turn on the iPhone 4 is to press the POWER button and hold it until the iPhone turns on.

If the phone does not turn on, then there are several possible solutions to the problems, which will be discussed in more detail below.

iPhone 4 not charged

The most common and common reason that the phone does not turn on. In this case, you need to connect the phone to the mains via the charging cable and let it charge a little. After ten minutes, you can try to turn on the phone again.

iPhone 4 won't turn on using normal methods

If you have already tried to charge your phone and turn it on in the usual way, then perhaps software glitch, causing the iPhone to not load its operating system properly. In this case, the manufacturer added the ability to turn on the iPhone in a different way. To do this, hold down the POWER and HOME buttons for a few seconds. Usually a maximum of seven seconds is enough for the phone to come to life.

Power button broke off

If suddenly a breakdown occurs Power buttons and the phone turned off, that is another way to turn on the iPhone. It is enough to plug the phone into the mains via the charger to charge, and it will turn on by itself.

iPhone 4 overheated

If you leave the phone in the sun or in a place where the temperature is high for a very long time, the iPhone may overheat and not turn on. In this case, the flash memory and processor will be too hot to operate. Before trying to turn it on, it is better to wait until the phone cools down until normal temperature and then try to turn it on.

Also, if the phone has been in water, you should wait a few days or weeks, leaving it in a dry, warm place to dry out the insides. After this, you can try to turn on the iPhone or take it to the service.

iPhone won't turn on by any means

If the iPhone is so damaged that it won’t turn on by any means. in the usual ways, then in this case it must be taken to the service to correct problems in the software or technical sector.

This problem is discussed in more detail in our article.

Mobile phone, this is an integral part of our life, an electronic device that fully satisfies a person in communication. Any object on Earth will necessarily either age or wear out. When a mobile device breaks down, this is not a very pleasant moment for the owner. Modern life has made phones an integral part of life, and human dependence on cellular communications incredibly large, but it is not easy, it is determined by a bunch of factors in everyday life. Even the most advanced and most high-quality equipment in the world - Apple can also break. There may be a lot of reasons why the iPhone 4 does not turn on, the most common

will be discussed in this article.

iPhone won't turn on: reasons

What to do if your iPhone 4s won't turn on?

The main reasons are when the phone has been subjected to shock, mechanical stress, or it simply becomes a victim of water procedures. But if the device has not been subjected to the above factors, then you first need to check the battery, it must be in an active state.

Checking the battery is quite easy. You need to connect a working charger to your iPhone. If an apple appears on the screen and a small battery is visible that is charging, then the problem is with the battery, or it is simply dead. If after connecting to the charger nothing happens, then you will need to remove the back cover. This will provide full access to the device’s battery.

Checking the battery

Sometimes, the iPhone 4 does not turn on due to the loss of the starting impulse by the battery. Most often, this problem happens with phones that have not been used for a long time. To solve this problem, you need to force the battery to charge. You can easily cope with this task using a “frog” charger, it is universal. The cover is very easy to open, as is the removal of the battery itself. Both actions are elementary; no tricks will be used. The only one

The problem is a set of special screwdrivers that are intended exclusively for Apple devices. There are end screws at the bottom and have a star profile, and in order to remove the battery you will need a Phillips screwdriver.

After the 2 screws from the bottom end of the cover have been unscrewed, you need to slide the cover up and remove it. Next, you need to unscrew 2 bolts from the short cable on the battery and disconnect the contacts with the motherboard. Now you can see the terminals on the removed battery; you need to install a universal charger on them. It won’t take much time to revive the battery; 2-3 minutes of charging is enough.

After that, we assemble the device and connect the original charging unit.

For help from specialists

If the iPhone shows no signs of life, and you still don’t know how to turn on the iPhone 4, then you’ll have to go to a service center apple center, or to familiar specialists. Because if you are not well versed in the technology of the device, subsequent repairs by yourself can lead to the death of the phone or serious damage that cannot be fixed.

There is no need to skimp on the help of qualified specialists. A phone costs much more than repair services, especially if some vital part or microcircuit breaks down. After self-repair You may end up paying a lot more for subsequent repairs afterward. Therefore, in this case, turning to a professional would be a wise decision; specialists will quickly fix your phone, without any losses, and explain why your iPhone 4 won’t turn on.

Urgent iPhone repairs can cost a considerable amount. If your iPhone won't turn on, don't panic; it might be a simple software glitch. In severe cases, immediate diagnosis will be needed.

Reasons for iPhone not working

Apple can boast about their quality. When an iPhone is disabled and not working, repairs are most often done due to careless handling. Malfunctions can be hardware or software in nature.


Everything related to the system when the iPhone slows down: the desktop does not turn on, iOS problems, applications do not respond, RAM overload.

  • Independent Jailbreak (attempt to open the system). Restoring an iPhone after jailbreak will be easy. DFU assistance. In general, there is no harm in unlocking if it is done correctly - the iPhone turns on perfectly, works, does not slow down, I forgot about the defects.
  • Phone clogged with apps permanent connection to the network leads to iOS overload.
  • Forgot password. An error when entering the password leads to the device being blocked: it does not work and does not even turn on. But resetting your password is easy. Restore (DFU mode) will be required. Then you bet New Password. An incorrect password immediately locks the system. You can reset your password in less than half an hour.

The system is much easier to correct and restore. If you don’t know how to reboot your iPhone and reset your password, read on!


Everything related to the “hardware” part of the iPhone.

Dropped your iPhone? The most common service is glass and lid replacement. Repairing the screen requires installing a new, expensive part. Replacement iPhone screen- this is one of the most expensive services. The buttons also break. The lid comes off and chips appear. For example, a case for iPhone 5 costs up to 3 thousand rubles.

Most often you have to purchase a new case for the iPhone. Buying glass, batteries and other parts costs a lot of money. Replacing the iPhone case is quick.

If the iPhone shows that there is no network, the problem is with the signal receiver. If there is no WiFi network, the WiFi receiver is broken. Another fragile thing is the speaker. If the sound does not turn on, it means the speaker is not working. Make sure the mode is not silent. If the speaker does not sound, it needs replacement. The speaker itself will be expensive, but repairs will not.

Water may have entered the speaker. Repairing an iPhone if it floods is very difficult: at a minimum, you need to open it. It is necessary to carry out high-quality drying of the gadget in laboratory conditions. Otherwise defects individual parts The iPhone cannot be fixed, and the smartphone is finished! The main thing is that the board is not damaged. Water penetration requires immediate contact with a service center. Replacing the part may not help. The board and processor are the most expensive parts.

If your iPhone discharges quickly, the problem may be due to incorrect current supply in the network, especially if you use non-original chargers. This causes catastrophic damage to the battery. The iPhone can simply “burn out” from the voltage in the network. And repairs and replacements won't be cheap.

As a result, the iPhone does not charge or turn on properly. The battery no longer holds a charge - it's time to change it. The board could also be damaged. Namely, the board is the basis of the device.

With intensive use of the battery, the iPhone quickly discharges, replacing the battery becomes inevitable. This happens with frequent short-term charging and constant use of applications. Aging battery can also be the reason why the iPhone does not charge and does not turn on at all. The system board may have been damaged.

You need to charge from the mains to 100%. If you don’t have the original phone, buy it. If your battery is reaching the end of its life, the only cure is to replace your iPhone battery.

How to bring your iPhone back to life?
  • In case of hardware problems, most likely you do not know how to disassemble the iPhone. Trust the experts who will carry out the repairs professionally, otherwise the cover will be scratched. Any mistake during assembly or disassembly can destroy the device. A professional can replace any part.
  • If the problem is system errors, you can try restoring the iPhone and opening DFU mode.

iPhone frozen - try turning it off. If it slows down or hangs when you turn it on, sometimes it’s enough to hold down the Power and Home buttons, after which the coveted apple will appear on the screen and the device will turn on. When the matter is more serious, you will need recovery and DFU mode.

Enter DFU mode

  1. Checking iTunes version;
  2. Launch iTunes on your PC/Mac;
  3. We connect the iPhone to the computer using a USB cable;
  4. Press the “Power” and “Home” buttons for 10 seconds;
  5. Holding the Home button remains for another 10 seconds, and the Power button is not required;
  6. iTunes detects the device in recovery mode;
  7. DFU mode is activated;
  8. Verification and inclusion;
  9. Everything turns on, works and does not slow down!

Rebooting the iPhone should bring it back to life and reset the password. After full recovery With DFU it does not slow down and works properly. If there is no response and the iPhone is frozen, you need to turn everything off and repeat the procedure with DFU after a while. This mode run only with a charged iPhone.

To disable DFU mode, you need to connect the USB cable, hold down the Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds, release, turn on the iPhone, check and enter the password.

If you were unable to restore your iPhone with DFU and reset the password, the mode does not turn on - immediately rush to the service center!

How iPhone is repaired

Hardware repair begins with the most tricky part - the cover. Rear iphone cover often scratches and is itself the reason for contacting the center. Removing it yourself is not at all easy, and any mistake when trying to open the iPhone will end in a very ugly scratch, at a minimum. “Forgot to attach something,” “forgot to close it” are common reasons for contacting a repairman. I'll have to buy a new iPhone case.

Disassembling the iPhone is not the only difficulty. Repair and replacement of glass, batteries, system testing are carried out in the workshop under special conditions without dust and moisture. The board, speaker and cover are included in the repair price. Restoring the standard state is a task in which any error leads to failure. Replacing the iPhone case itself is inexpensive.

iPhone 4 and 4s problems

When the iPhone 4 or 4s does not turn on, the problem may lie in the shortcomings of the old system. The rest of the 4s is the same as everyone else. When you turn on the 4s, there may be no network signal, which indicates a breakdown of the receiver. Also, the 4s home and power buttons break. The Afyon 4s has a durable body, but damaged buttons bring a lot of trouble to the 4s; The cover comes off after being dropped and the speaker breaks. It is similar in strength to the iPhone 5 case.

The 4s has a weaker processor. This makes the 4s work slower and often requires recovery. 4s repair is needed when there is no network: the receiver could be damaged. If the speaker does not work, a replacement is needed. The board is the most difficult part. If something is damaged, but the board is not, then there is a chance of inexpensive repairs.

A little about iPhone 5 and 5s

Often, users turn to the repair shop when the iPhone 5 speaker breaks. The buttons may fall off. Owners also face the problem of the device slipping out of their hands. At the same time, the device shakes and may move away. iPhone cable 5.

Stores often do not have original chargers. If your iPhone 5 does not charge, does not work, and does not turn on, you may not have purchased an original charger, but a potentially dangerous copy that can “burn” your gadget.

But the most fragile part is the iPhone 5 case. It is strong, but susceptible to scratches and chips. Broken glass and the lid is the most common failure. Glass replacement is inevitable. The lid also needs to be updated. The case for iPhone 5 and the speaker can be purchased directly from the service center. You can also purchase a case for iPhone 5 as a design element for the gadget!

The iPhone 5s case is similar to the 5th. As before, breaking glass, a cover, a speaker, and a circuit board where water has entered are key reasons for contacting specialists.

So, to fix your iPhone, you don’t need to make any efforts on your own, contact the professionals! They will do great Repair iPhone, after which it will work like new. Both the system and the “hardware” component of the device will obey them.

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and its own warehouse with proven spare parts current models so that you don't have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule good manners for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and an important part repair, but you do not have to pay a penny for it, even if you do not repair the device as a result of it.

Service repairs and delivery

Good service values ​​your time, so he offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: they can be done correctly and according to technology only in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give to Macbook repair an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

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