Is iPad mini 1 worth getting? Best buy

Among the main innovations of the third version iPad tablet: powerful and fast processor, Retina screen, as well as LTE support, which, unfortunately, does not work in Russia yet, since Yota operators, Megafon and MTS use a different frequency range.

If you compare the New iPad with its predecessor, at first glance, it’s difficult to find any significant differences, other than the gorgeous display. Pictures, fonts and halftones have become noticeably clearer and of higher quality. But the size of the icons on the screen remained the same. There are not that many applications tailored for the new resolution yet. They all look about the same as on previous version tablet. Even geographic Maps, where displaying smaller elements is quite justified, as long as under new version iPad is not developed.

To tell the truth, it’s the same story with HD video. Despite the fact that the new iPad allows you to watch movies in 1080p resolution (the previous one showed only 720p), it is almost impossible to see a noticeable difference. Moreover, the film Full HD quality can easily take up the entire small disk devices. Agree, a couple of movies on the iPad is not serious. Therefore, the main choice is the iPad 3 with 64 GB memory. However, special progress has been made for video shooting. Apple iPad 3 can produce rich and sharp Full HD quality images, with 30 frames per second. If you twitch the tablet, the image on it is not blurred. The camera, of course, has undergone a tremendous change and this is an obvious plus for the third generation iPad.

Using more powerful processor expectedly speeded up the operation of applications. Now they launch almost instantly, and graphics loading in advanced games has become noticeably faster. If this is important to you, then you should think about changing your tablet to a new one.

Now about the disadvantages of the New iPad. Everyone who was even slightly interested in the new device from Apple has heard about its heating. Let's be clear on this issue: the device does heat up, but only when running serious games and applications, as well as when processing graphics. To date, similar applications, quite small, so this problem not particularly relevant for ordinary users, and for tomorrow..., I think, the developers Apple, will find a solution to this difficult problem.

Problem number two. Sometimes the device for some reason loses the Wi-Fi network, and you can’t immediately connect to it after that. I also encountered this once. This scheme helped: in the tablet settings I erased the settings of this connection, and then re-entered them. After such manipulations, everything worked, and the problem did not appear again.

The iPad 3 has a larger battery capacity due to the screen and processor requiring more power to operate. Many expected that the iPad 3 would perform much less than the previous version due to the increased specifications. But the extended battery lived up to its expectations. I specifically tested the device in modes that simulated not a full load, but simple user with automatic brightness adjustment, from fully charged before shutdown. When browsing the Internet, when the page is reloaded every minute, the device lives for 10 hours 50 minutes. This is slightly less than the iPad 2, which lasted 11:26.

Watching a looped episode on an iPad 3 in “offline” mode showed a result of 10 hours and 10 minutes. This almost coincides with the results of the second version of the tablet. The result for reading books (in airplane mode) was also almost identical: 11 hours 17 minutes.

In the end I can say that time iPad operation 3 is almost as good as the work of its older brother.

From the above we can conclude: of course, you shouldn’t fly to the store at breakneck speed to update your iPad 2 to the third version. The differences between tablet models are not so strong as to warrant spending money and time on it. There are still very few applications for the stunning retina screen. In the coming years, no one will modify Internet sites in such a way as to get the full benefit from this device. But it is quite possible to expect that new games and graphic applications will appear very soon and will use all its advantages. You can wait and buy the iPad 3 at a time when prices for it have dropped significantly.

But owners of the first version of the device should definitely upgrade to the iPad 3, since the percentage of innovations is quite large.

It seems that the same question will plague users of Apple smartphones. Many people can’t wait to buy an iPhone 5 today, when news feeds They are full of guesses about the capabilities of the new device. But only after new users test the sixth-generation iPhone will it be possible to draw conclusions about whether it’s worth changing old model smartphone to a new one.


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Modern tablets appeared on the market relatively recently - six years ago. The first example of such a device was the iPad. And although soon after this, countless developments from competitors began to appear like mushrooms after rain, the Apple series is still the leader in the tablet market. Many truly interesting projects are the first to come out specifically for Apple tablets, and only then ported to other operating systems. In general, it is not surprising that even those users who prefer Android smartphones or Windows PCs are sometimes fans of the iPad.

Unfortunately, Apple tablets have the same drawback as all other company technology. This is the price. iPads are very expensive compared to other offerings on the market. The solution may be to buy a used device. The resource offers to discuss the nuances that you should pay attention to when buying an iPad from hand

Time to buy

It is best to buy certain goods in certain time of the year. It's best to buy an iPad immediately after Apple announces new model. This is explained quite simply. It is at this time that users of the company’s equipment begin to prepare for the purchase of a new gadget. And since new products are very expensive, selling an old iPad is good way get money for new things. Therefore, from the very moment the new tablet is released (Apple usually releases new iPads spring) start looking at sales ads.

Honesty check

When studying advertisements, be sure to pay attention not only to the appearance, performance and price of the product, but also to the contents of the tablet and the reason for its sale. Do not believe offers with too low a selling price. Of course, everyone wants to buy good thing cheaper, but such an advertisement should at least alert you.

It is also highly recommended not to buy an iPad with a “problematic” operating system. Even if you consider yourself an expert and are confident that you can start the device, this does not guarantee a successful purchase. After all, “problems with iOS launch“The seller can only hide the fact that the device is stolen. In this case, upon the first successful launch, the tablet will connect to the Internet and be blocked. In other words, at the time of purchase you must have access to operating system and iPad settings.

As soon as the tablet comes into your hands, you will need to check the status account iCloud. You can do this in Settings > iCloud. Knowing IMEI or serial number, you can devices on the “Check Activation Lock Status” page. If the lock status is “OFF”, the tablet is “clean” and you are not in trouble. However, it’s still not bad if previous owner will be able to show you a receipt for purchasing a tablet in any store.

Also, do not forget to check the tablet for compliance with the stated specifications. Remember that visually models with 32 GB internal memory no different from models with 16 GB. So be sure to take a look at Settings > General > About this device and check all the details listed there with the specs in the ad.

Tablet performance

One of the most important functions of any tablet computer is Wi-Fi. If possible, test your tablet where you can connect it to wireless network. Also don't forget to check Bluetooth modules and 3G (if available).

Test the Home button—it breaks just as often on the iPad as it does on the iPhone. Be sure to check touchscreen for the absence of dead zones. Especially often on tablets, the sensor stops working at the edges of the screen. So run some graphics editor and draw with your finger to test the input sensitivity.

Check your tablet's speaker and 3.5mm audio output. To test this connector, you need to bring your own headphones to a meeting with the seller.

Another important point is the presence of various kinds of irregularities or “swells” on the body. Such defects may indicate that the device’s battery is deteriorating and swelling. This is fraught with serious problems, to the point that a swollen battery will begin to break the tablet from the inside. Place your iPad on a flat surface. His back cover and should be flat.

The slightly crazy pre-New Year shopping season has arrived again. Many people are eyeing products with a well-recognized bitten apple, but choosing an iPad is now more difficult than before. Our advice will help you make the right choice.

1. Outline the scope of tasks
Perhaps the most important way to avoid disappointment in a purchase is to clearly understand how you are going to use the purchase. The first step is to understand which device is right for you.

Thanks to a huge range of advanced programs from Apple itself and third party developers, iPads are now capable of very, very much. This is not only a “watch a movie - read the Internet” device, but also a completely adequate (although, of course, not without its limitations) working tool for a journalist, photo editor, designer, artist, DJ or musician.

Choosing is not as easy as it seems at first glance

If a year ago the iPad 4 with a Retina screen and the most powerful processor at that time gave a huge head start iPad mini literally in everything, with the exception of dimensions, weight and convenience, then this year iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display have almost identical hardware (the iPad mini processor operates at a slightly lower frequency and “reduces speed” faster under load so as not to overheat). The display resolution is also the same (2048 by 1536); the mini has the same pixel density as the iPhone 5 - 326 ppi. The mini screen has a slightly smaller color gamut, but this will only be noticeable to professionals. Does this mean that you can take anyone? Or mini - because it's cheaper?

The most important differences are size (including screen size) and weight. Accordingly, you should choose Air or mini based on the intended use scenarios. Are you going to read a lot of books? iPad mini gives the same clear picture, and weighs less - it’s easier to read when holding it with one hand, for example in transport. But for magazines formatted for iPad, big size Air screen will be more convenient - the font size in magazine applications, as a rule, cannot be changed, so reading on a small mini screen Your eyes will become more strained.

For one-handed use, the iPad mini is undoubtedly more convenient

For games, perhaps, both tablets are “equally useful,” so no one bothers you to take a more compact option, if desired, with using Apple TV, you can “mirror” the screen on a large TV and actually play like on a console. For a “single” movie viewing there is also not much difference, but if you are going to watch a movie on the iPad together (on a trip, for example), then it is better to take the Air - placing the mini at a distance that is comfortable for both viewers is difficult.

If you plan to actively use the iPad for creative purposes and use it comfortably, iPad alternatives Air no. Drawing, serious music software, typing - all this requires big screen and the ability to most comfortably touch often small interface elements with your finger. If nothing like this is planned, and the tablet is purchased as an entertainment and communication (mail, Skype, FaceTime) device for use on the go, which you constantly carry with you while doing work on a laptop or PC, it is better to take a closer look at the iPad mini with Retina display.

2. Select volume
Apple charges customers 4,000 rubles for each “step” in memory capacity (32 - 64 - 128 GB) from the base 16 GB model, which, at current prices for flash memory, increasingly resembles a robbery, especially for the 32 GB model models. Some assumed (forgetting how capitalism works) that 16-gigabyte built-in storage in i-devices this fall will remain the lot of the old ones budget models, and the capacity of the new iPad starts from 32 GB at the price of the “old” 16. It didn’t happen.

At the same time, applications are becoming more and more “heavy” (including due to the need to use “retina” graphics), and HD or Full HD video that takes up a lot of space is becoming easier to download on the Internet. Because of all this, 16 gigabytes will fill up for a user who actively uses the tablet for media consumption very, very quickly. Least capacious iPad model It makes sense to take Air or mini only in order to save money and if you plan to store at least music (video is more difficult) on cloud services like iTunes Match or.

In the Smart Case, the iPad mini seems even more massive than the “naked” iPad Air

You can, of course, experiment with storing media on devices that connect to the tablet via Wi-Fi, but you should remember that it’s truly comfortable software solution Manufacturers have not yet offered them for them, the user experience is not yet up to par. In general, from our point of view, spending 4,000 rubles on a more capacious iPad model (32 GB) definitely makes sense - at least you can download a whole season of the series (or even a couple of them, if in standard quality) before your vacation.

At the same time, the 128 GB model is still the lot of the most fanatical content consumers or simply wealthy people who want to have the “best” everything. For most buyers, it makes the most sense to choose between a 32-gigabyte (in practice, this is enough for most users) and a 64-gigabyte (if you definitely store a lot of videos and music) models.

3. LTE or Wi-Fi only?
In new iPads with the module cellular communications(without it, a tablet of the same capacity will be 5,000 rubles cheaper) LTE support has appeared. LTE-compatible SIM cards (nano-SIM format required) from leading cellular operators work; speeds (provided there is good coverage at a given point and an uncongested network) of several tens of megabits for downloading are quite achievable. True, judging by the reviews, there are not very many such points yet; fourth-generation networks in Russia are far from perfect.

In fact, if you use an iPad primarily at home, in an office, or in a cafe with Wi-Fi to access the Internet, then there is not much point in a cellular module. When the need nevertheless arises to access the Internet from your tablet, as they say, “in the open field,” you can always distribute the Internet from your smartphone. In addition, it is always easier to use and pay for one SIM card than two.

So an iPad with LTE makes sense only for those who regularly (say, at least a couple of hours a day) need a device that does not depend on the availability of networks. Wi-Fi access in Internet. By the way, in “access point” mode, such a tablet can work continuously, distributing the Internet to a laptop, smartphone and other devices, for almost a day. If you find frequent use of this use case, then you should also take a closer look at the LTE version.

4. Save wisely
The official Apple online store sells not only the latest tablet models. If your goal is to spend as little as possible, but still buy Apple technology Officially, the choice will be from the year before last iPad 2 from 14,990 rubles and last year’s iPad mini from 11,990 rubles. Both are available only with a storage capacity of 16 gigabytes, and by adding another 5,000 rubles to the price, you can purchase a device with a 3G module that has access to the Network anywhere in your coverage area. mobile operator, and not just where there is Wi-Fi.

From our point of view, there is no point in buying an iPad 2 for that kind of money - the device, let us remind you, was released in 2011 and is already hopelessly outdated. But the iPad mini for 11,990 (and a little cheaper from “gray” sellers) is a good option for an “almost pocket” tablet for money that is ridiculous by Apple standards. Note that it is also available in the new Apple color "gray space", in appearance you can’t distinguish it from the Retina version.

7. Choose the right tools
If you are going to constantly download new music and (especially) videos obtained from the Internet onto your tablet, you need to remember: the implementation of this process on the iPad leaves much to be desired. The standard solution - adding media to the iTunes library (video - only in mp4/m4v or mov) on the computer, then synchronizing the tablet - will seem long and inconvenient for many. It is much easier, of course, to buy content on iTunes - there is almost any music and most of the current mainstream films with good translation (although there are still no TV series). But many of our fellow citizens still react to the offer to buy content, especially not physical media, very emotional.

There is, of course, the option to buy an Android tablet with good screen. But even with “apples” you can make your life easier with the help special programs. For example, to watch videos at home, if you have a PC and a home Wi-Fi network, “streaming” using Air apps Video. A free video player VLC allows you to upload movies in a variety of formats, including over Wi-Fi and bypassing iTunes. For quick “uploading” via cable, there’s still no escape from Apple’s proprietary “media combiner,” but at least you don’t need to add anything to the library in advance.

Want to turn your iPad into a typing tool? It's more real than you think - read it. Do you want to draw? The Paper app is here to help, and its developers recently even released a special stylus to help you unlock the full potential of the iPad as a platform for professional image creation. If, nevertheless, Apple devices are not your thing, among Android tablets it is worth taking a closer look at the already mentioned above or.

In 2015, Apple there are a lot of reasons to abandon the handheld iPad mini due to sales in the global miniature tablet sector. Doubts about the need to launch a generation manifested themselves in a variety of ways through internal instructions, which insiders immediately rushed to report to the media. An example is an article from February. Ultimately, however, it was decided to rework the concept iPad mini so that its fresh iteration goes beyond the boundaries of an ordinary product, that is, it receives unique properties compared to its predecessor. The first publication to reveal plans Apple upon launch iPad mini 4 in 2015 it became a portal. The filling is better, the autonomy is the same

The new Apple handheld with a 7.9-inch display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels and a body thickness of only 6.1 mm (it was 7.5 mm) is now available for purchase. Apple We had to reduce the battery capacity from 6470 mAh to 5124 mAh for the sake of the updated, sophisticated design, which you can find out more about here: “ “, but this did not at all affect the autonomy of the gadget, as the owners write. A 10-hour “wakefulness” period is officially declared, which is actually confirmed when the automatic adjustment screen brightness. In household inactive mode Users only need one battery charge for several days. Measurements show, per night in a sleeping state iPad mini 4 loses 1-2% of the total capacity. Easily handles games and iOS 9

And this result became possible even with more high resolution display and previous generation processor - 64-bit compact 20nm chipset with clock frequency 1.5 GHz and motion coprocessor M8. According to official data, it is almost 100% more efficient in battery consumption compared to iPad mini 3. And in terms of performance, it is 35% superior to its performance in synthetic tests and in games (quad-core video chip PowerVR GX6450). Owners of the new handheld note the absence of any hint of “stuttering” in the interface animation, which is inherent in iPad mini 3. However, video processing, multitasking, 3D applications, games and other resource-intensive tasks can be iPad mini 4 without any difficulties, also due to the increase from 1 GB to 2 GB random access memory LPDDR3. By at least, we were unable to find a single complaint on the Internet. Try searching for yourself - you will only find furious owners iPad mini 3, where the new one works with great difficulty. Thin, durable, lightweight body in full dress

We already said that the fourth handheld Apple was created with an eye to innovation - in no case should it repeat its predecessor. And if we ignore these funny “Apple” things like “ so many percent lighter, so many percent more amazing"and so on, then the bottom line is we get an aluminum body, hardened protective glass, powerful filling in a “book” measuring 203 x 135 mm with a thickness of some “pathetic” 6.1 mm. Let us remember that the predecessor had 7.5 mm - a noticeable difference. But iPad mini 4 It also weighs 300 grams, the same as one and a half smartphones. In this case, on the body there are placed touch sensor ID for secure authorization, main camera 8 megapixels with f/2.4 aperture and front camera 1.2 megapixels with f/2.2 aperture.

These are just photo opportunities for show

So we got to the cameras. What do the owners say about them? Nothing special - none of them bought a tablet for photos. Grain appears in all frames even when good conditions lighting. And none of the proprietary camera functions iSight doesn't help here. However, you can use it to make a Slo-Mo recording or a Timlapse video. At the same time, the front module FaceTime HD It’s not capable of taking any high-quality selfies, but it’s quite suitable for communicating via or video calls.

Examples iPad photos mini 4v different conditions provided by Engadget experts
The most main reason shopping - display!

Most buyers iPad mini 4 admire the hardware that is not powerful for an 8-inch gadget, not fast Wi-Fi module 802.11ac (which was not included in iPad mini 3), not a richer set of sensors (including a barometer) and not even switching capabilities with Bluetooth new generation 4.2 A2DP/LE or emerging NFC chip, and the display part. Having picked up this device for the first time, 99% of people are delighted with the quality of the picture. Apple uses a Retina matrix with full lamination of “sandwich” technology with a touchscreen, which does not glare in the sun, is immune to oil smears from fingers, has a powerful backlight and a more believable bright and saturated picture than that available in iPad mini 3 IPS screen. The resolution is the same - 2048 x 1536 pixels, which with a diagonal of 7.9 inches gives a density of 324 ppi.

What motivates people who buy iPad mini 4?

Many owners iPad mini 4 switched to a new product from iPad mini 2, which is known to use a reliable chipset Apple A7, 1 GB of RAM, IPS matrix with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels, 5 megapixel camera and a capacious 6450 mAh battery. That is, this is far from a hopeless device in today's time - it perfectly retains its relevance no matter what. But in comparison with it, the hero of our review is simply head and shoulders above the picture quality. And at the same time, new modern modules and the ability to “tame” a platform that was slow on previous generations iOS 9 play a decisive role in the purchasing decision iPad mini 4.

Let's draw conclusions

The best conclusion on this matter was made by Dan Frommer (): « Question of the day - what place does the iPad mini take in a world where people are increasingly buying huge, super-powerful smartphones? For many of them, this small tablet is undoubtedly now a luxury, the purchase of which is very difficult to justify., - and added, - Even with the larger one, I still use my iPad mini every day to read before bed or exercise, and sometimes even as another TV. But it almost never leaves my house because when I travel, I take my laptop with me loaded with movies and TV shows. So my iPad is used mainly as an Amazon Kindle reader, which costs, by the way, about $50" So are you willing to overpay for quality? You can answer the question in the title yourself.

WITH detailed characteristics iPad mini 4 and its cost in Russia.

Modern tablets appeared on the market relatively recently - six years ago. The first example of such a device was the iPad. And although soon after this, countless developments from competitors began to appear like mushrooms after rain, the Apple series is still the leader in the tablet market. Many truly interesting projects are first released specifically for Apple tablets, and only then are ported to other operating systems. In general, it is not surprising that even those users who prefer Android smartphones or Windows PCs are sometimes fans of the iPad.

Unfortunately, Apple tablets have the same drawback as all other company technology. This is the price. iPads are very expensive compared to other offerings on the market. The solution may be to buy a used device. The resource offers to discuss the nuances that you should pay attention to when buying an iPad in person.

Time to buy

Certain products are best purchased at certain times of the year. The best time to buy an iPad is immediately after Apple announces a new model. This is explained quite simply. It is at this time that users of the company’s equipment begin to prepare for the purchase of a new gadget. And since new products are very expensive, selling your old iPad is a good way to get money for new things. Therefore, from the very moment the new tablet is released (Apple usually releases new iPads in the spring), start looking at sales advertisements.

Honesty check

When studying advertisements, be sure to pay attention not only to the appearance, performance and price of the product, but also to the contents of the tablet and the reason for its sale. Do not believe offers with too low a selling price. Of course, everyone wants to buy a good thing cheaper, but such an announcement should at least alert you.

It is also highly recommended not to buy an iPad with a “problematic” operating system. Even if you consider yourself an expert and are confident that you can start the device, this does not guarantee a successful purchase. After all, with “problems with launching iOS,” the seller can only hide the fact that the device is stolen. In this case, upon the first successful launch, the tablet will connect to the Internet and be blocked. In other words, at the time of purchase you must have access to the operating system and settings of the iPad.

As soon as the tablet falls into your hands, you will need to check the status of your account iCloud recordings. You can do this in Settings > iCloud. Knowing the IMEI or serial number, you can see the device on the “Check Activation Lock Status” page. If the lock status is “OFF”, the tablet is “clean” and you are not in trouble. However, it’s still nice if the previous owner can show you a receipt for purchasing the tablet in any store.

Also, do not forget to check the tablet for compliance with the stated specifications. Remember that visually models with 32 GB of internal memory are no different from models with 16 GB. So be sure to take a look at Settings > General > About this device and check all the details listed there with the specs in the ad.

Tablet performance

One of the most important functions of any tablet computer is Wi-Fi. If possible, test your tablet in a location where you can connect it to a wireless network. Also don't forget to check the Bluetooth and 3G modules (if available).

Test the Home button—it breaks just as often on the iPad as it does on the iPhone. Be sure to check the touch display for any dead spots. Especially often on tablets, the sensor stops working at the edges of the screen. So launch some graphics editor and draw with your finger to check the input sensitivity.

Check your tablet's speaker and 3.5mm audio output. To test this connector, you need to bring your own headphones to a meeting with the seller.

Another important point is the presence of various kinds of irregularities or “swells” on the body. Such defects may indicate that the device’s battery is deteriorating and swelling. This is fraught with serious problems, to the point that a swollen battery will begin to break the tablet from the inside. Place your iPad on a flat surface. Its back cover should be flat.