iPad as a second monitor. Extend your Mac screen with iPad

The iPad is quite functional; many people use it in combination with a keyboard as a netbook when traveling, as an e-reader, as a gaming station, etc. and so on. In addition to all of the above, there is another opportunity to try out the iPad and get the most out of it. It copes quite well with the role of an additional monitor and connects not only to a Mac, but also to a PC.

Such a small monitor can be a good haven for your messengers, color palette when working with Photoshop, interfaces for applications and other useful widgets.

To turn your iPad into additional monitor, you will need:

1. iPad.
2. Computer with MacOSX or Windows.
3. Wi-Fi network.
4. Air Display (costs $9.99 in the App Store).
5. Air Display application for computer (free).

If you can't connect to Wi-Fi, you can use an Ad-Hoc connection between your iPad and computer.

Installing the Air Display server on a computer and client programs on an iPad

In this example, the server installation will take place on a Windows 7 PC. There is nothing complicated about the installation - the only thing you will need to do is approve the installation of display drivers as requested by Avatron Software and reboot after the drivers are installed.

While the computer is rebooting, install applications on your iPad. If you launch it for the first time, it will offer you instructions on how to connect to your computer. If you are already familiar with the application, simply leave it open and switch back to your computer to launch Air app Display is already on it.

In theory, everything should go smoothly. But if you still get an error message, you will need to switch DNS server your host from default settings (your ISP) to or Google DNS server.

If there is no error message, it's time to start iPad connection to the computer.

Click right click mouse on the Air Display icon in order to get into context menu. In addition to the standard menu options, you should see your iPad's name.

If you don’t see your tablet on the network, then you need to check all connections again and whether you are connected to the right network. If the device is shown on the network, then simply click on it.

As soon as you click on it with the mouse on the computer, the connection icon on the tablet itself should start blinking. Your desktop should then start flashing and switch from Aero Theme to Basic.

If you're working on a single monitor, your iPad's screen should default to the right side. If you are working with multiple monitors, the tablet screen will be on the right side of the first monitor. If you are working with two monitors and the one on the left side is #1 and the one on the right is #2, then new screen The iPad will sit right in the middle between them. If your machine has three monitors, then iPad monitor will be between the far left and the middle one.

But you can easily choose the location for the additional monitor yourself. To do this, you need to right-click on the Air Display icon again, select Display Arrangemen in order to move the monitor to the location you specify.

Once you have configured the location of your additional monitor, you can use it for its intended purpose.

Taking advantage of the additional benefits of Air Display

Except easy to use iPad as a second monitor, the app has some additional really useful features.

In addition to simply expanding your desktop, you can duplicate it. To switch to “mirror” mode, you need to right-click on the application icon, select Options, and then Mirror Mode.

Also, don’t forget about the iPad’s touch screen, which continues to function as usual. This means that any application that is moved to the tablet as a second screen can be controlled by touch.

In the end, you can drag and drop various surveys and other forms onto it and fill them out using on-screen keyboard. For example, you work on a computer and would like your client to fill out the required electronic form. To do this, you will simply need to drag it onto the iPad and hand it to him. While he fills it out, you can finish your work.

Hello, attentive habra reader.

After publishing a topic with photos of Khabrovsk residents’ workplaces, I still waited for a reaction to “ Easter Egg” in a photograph of my cluttered workplace, namely questions like: “What kind of Windows tablet is this and why are there such small icons on it?”

The answer is similar to the “death of Koshcheeva” - after all, the tablet ( regular iPad 3Gen) in our case acts as an additional monitor, on which full screen mode launched virtual machine with Windows 7, and all this works for complete happiness over Wi-Fi. It's like a second small IPS monitor with high resolution.

Read on to learn how to quickly and easily teach your tablet/smartphone running Android/iOS to work as an additional wireless display for Windows/Mac OS X.

Since at home I often have devices running a variety of mobile operating systems, the main criteria for choosing “programs for turning a tablet/smartphone into a second monitor” for me were:

  • Android and iOS support;
  • support for both Windows and Mac OS X;
  • acceptable speed;

A pleasant surprise for me was the fact that the iDisplay program that was ultimately chosen is being developed by the well-known company SHAPE, whose products I have already written about on Habrahabr (of my own free will and on my own initiative) more than once.
Looking ahead, I would like to note that I would rate the level of comfort from using the program as 80-85%, but alternative solutions from the well-known AirDisplay and other manufacturers disappointed me much more.

The description of the advantages of the program from the official website is quite laconic, the only thing that can drive you into a stupor is the mention of the possibility simultaneous connection 36 (!) devices for iOS control if you are using Mac OS X version of iDisplay.
It’s hard for me to imagine any other use cases other than for carrying out a flash mob with the display of “long-cut” on 36 iPads placed in a row. Well, or you can build a “plasma” from an iPhone :)
By the way, such functionality is not stated in the description of the Windows version.

As with any other additional monitor, the work area can be expanded to a second monitor or the image can be mirrored. There is support for choosing the device orientation - just rotate your tablet or smartphone. Among other things, a mode of “doubling” pixels is possible - i.e. a 2048x1536 screen works like 1024x768.
I didn’t feel the benefits of this solution - of course, the image is four times larger, but the clarity is lost.

To work, the program must be installed on both a tablet/smartphone and a laptop/desktop. Well, both devices must be on the same Wi-Fi network.

At this stage I encountered completely unexpected difficulties

While the Windows version worked flawlessly, after installing iDisplay on Mac OS X (by the way, the installation requires a reboot), I encountered an amazing “bug” - Drag-and-Drop stopped working on the laptop. Yes Yes! You can grab something, but you can’t let go.
Correspondence with support allowed me to find out the reason for this amazing effect- only MacBooks and those with switchable Nvidia graphics (9400M/9600M GT) are affected. During installation alternative driver video, in any of Mac versions OS X, such an amazing problem arises.
Fortunately, there was a simple solution - just put the system into sleep mode for a second - and the problem miraculously disappears (until the next reboot). Perhaps this bug is not a feature, but, alas, I did not find a solution.

Unlike the Windows version, which is hidden in the tray and is unremarkable except for a small menu, the Mac version is more beautiful and convenient. In particular, there is separate window with performance settings and even an icon of the device that is connected to this moment.

All settings are remembered automatically, there is auto-boot at system startup. The program works with Windows XP (32-bit version only), Windows Vista(32- and 64-bit), Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit) and even Windows 8. Compatible with Mac OS X - from version 10.5 and higher. The default language of the program is English, but the support service promised to add a Russian translation in the new release.

As for compatibility with devices, I checked the performance on Android 2.3 and 4.0, and on iOS 5 and 6 versions. There were no problems, and new versions of the application were released quite regularly.

The performance, of course, is not enough, say, for watching videos (there are other applications for this), but as a place where you can “drag” a messenger, a browser with Habrahabr, or an iTunes window, it works great.

I hope my experience will be useful to all tablet owners - and with the appearance of the Nexus 10 on sale, everyone will be able to get an inexpensive additional screen with ultra-high resolution. By the way, Nexus 7 also works very well in this capacity. I will not give links to the program - anyone interested can easily find it in App Store And Google Play.

Despite the described shortcomings, I consider it the most convenient of those I have personally tested. If you have read this far, thank you, it means your efforts were not in vain.

UDP: I forgot to mention - of course the touchscreen on a tablet/smartphone works. So you get not just a second monitor, but also an additional monitor with a touchscreen.

For the first time, a multi-window mode was implemented, which was called Split View. At the moment, the “split screen” option is available to owners iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4, iPad and iPad Pro.

In contact with

What is Split View multitasking mode on iPad?

Split View mode on iPad allows you to fully work (view content, copy links, text and images between windows) on Apple tablet with two applications at the same time.

How to enable split screen (two applications at the same time) Split View on iPad?

Activating the multi-window option is extremely simple. To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps.

1 . Rotate the tablet to landscape orientation;

2 . Open one of the applications you intend to work in;

3 . Open the Dock panel. To do this, swipe up from the bottom of the display.

4 . Tap and hold the Dock icon for the program you'll be using on the right side of the display. It should be noted that not all applications support this mode.

5 . Drag the program icon to the very edge of the screen (to the left or right), and an additional area should appear for Split mode View.

6 . Release your finger. The moving icon will launch the corresponding application in Split View mode.

Attention! If the icon of the application being moved is not brought to the edge, but simply thrown onto the screen, then the mode is activated - it is available on all latest iPad(iPad mini 2/3/4, iPad Air, iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro) with installed iOS 9 and above.

To activate the Split View mode, just touch the separator curtain tab in the window Split Over or pull it up.

Split View mode allows you to split the screen in screen proportions - 50/50 or 70/30. To change the proportions, you need to pull the tab located in the left middle of the right window.

An application that allows you to use your iPhone or iPad as a second display for your Mac. But, absolutely, this is the first application that was made intelligently. A former Apple engineer worked on it, and he got the most out of his program complete absence lag-free and smooth performance at 60 frames per second. Intriguing? That's not all.

With Duet you can control your computer using touch screen your iOS device. Unlike other programs, Duet does not use wireless connection, for its operation you will need lightning cable or 30-pin cable. Yes, yes, the 30-pin cable will be useful for those who want to use the program on older devices. All Macs running OS X 10.9 and higher and iPhones and iPads running iOS 6 and higher are supported. They promise to add in the future iOS support 5.1.1 and the original iPad. It was announced initially, but apparently there were performance difficulties.

The application, as you can guess, consists of two parts. You need to install the program on your Mac and buy the app for iPhone and iPad. Today, on the first day after launch, the iOS application will cost 618.09 rubles. Then it will double in price, so I advise you to hurry up. Now I’ll briefly tell you about my impressions, and you can make a decision if you haven’t already.

I'll start the story with the program client for Mac. Its installation will not take much time, but will require entering the administrator password and restarting the computer. Drivers for the second display are installed along with the program. The developer claims that they are certified by Apple and are incapable of harming or at least somehow affecting the operation of your computer. I’ll add that I really didn’t notice any harm.

After installation and reboot, the Duet icon will appear on the taskbar. There is no particular need to contact her. In a programme minimal amount settings. You can switch between 30 and 60 FPS, and also set the settings for the Retina display or the regular one. There is absolutely nothing to talk about the iOS client either. The app works as a second screen for Mac. In your free time, it only requires a connection to your Mac and nothing more.

Now about work. Duet does exactly what it says it does. No more and no less. The program copes with its task with a bang. Many people claim that there are no lags during use. I had a chance to test the application on MacBook Pro 2009 with 10.10 on board and a first generation iPad mini on iOS 8. These pair of devices are not needed additional applications to lag, so I was pleasantly surprised that everything just worked.

And everything really works, as if a Cinema Display was connected to the computer. Windows move from screen to screen without any problems. Videos actually unfold without slowdown on the iPad screen. Colleagues from foreign resources claim that even games work perfectly and are displayed on the second screen using Duet Display. Control the cursor using the touch iPad screen not quite familiar, but it also works.

In terms of performance quality, Duet Display is truly best program, capable of turning iPhone and iPad into a second screen. Everyone will determine the scenarios for its use for themselves. Some people will want to see Twitter feeds or exchange rates on their iPad, others will watch videos from YouTube. The developers do not deny the possibility of releasing the program for Windows, which will open up new opportunities for users. Want to try? Install Duet on your Mac here and buy the iOS app from

Even during the preparation for the Olympics in Sochi, many applications were invented that

can be useful both to a fan who has come to watch the competition live, and to an ordinary homebody comfortably sitting in front of the TV.

In this article we will talk about the Second Screen application for iPad, developed jointly by Channel One and RIA Novosti along with the First application. Both programs (in fact, the second screen application on the iPad is only a section of the original application) are adapted for Android and iOS, so iPad owners will be able to appreciate their capabilities.

While the First simply broadcasts its channel's programs over the Internet, the Second Screen application performs a more remarkable function - it displays real-time reports in text form about the events taking place at the Olympic Games. Among additional functions this application– the ability to duplicate the sound of a television broadcast directly to your mobile device, view photos and the best moments of competitions, information about athletes and the Games in general.
To run the Second Screen app on iPad, you need to install operating system iOS version not lower than 6.0. It is compatible with iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch. A version for iPhone 5 is available.

The Second Screen app for iPad is designed in a calm white and blue color, which has become symbolic for its founding TV channel. Quite simple and intuitive clear interface the application is not a drawback, because most fans are unlikely to want to deal with all the intricacies complex program, and here everything is convenient. The main sections of the Second Screen are news, live broadcast, schedule of next broadcasts, as well as the standings.

In it you can now find information on the Euro Hockey Tour in Sochi, for example. And although the section is quite interesting, it is rarely used in practice. Thus, we see the advantages and disadvantages of the Second Screen: The first category includes the ability to constantly be aware of the latest sporting events in Sochi, the second category includes unnecessary functionality.

Another one interesting feature The second screen for iPad is an opportunity not only to watch events from the outside, but also to discuss them by asking questions to professional commentators. All this, against the backdrop of high interest in the Olympics all over the world, looks like stimulating spectators: perhaps the developers wanted to expand the capabilities of fans in this way, who will now be able to watch their favorite athletes not only on the TV screen, but also from their mobile device(for example, the same iPad).

As Deputy Editor-in-Chief of RIA Maxim Filimonov rightly noted, now they will have the opportunity to see how Russians will perceive information presented simultaneously in different ways.

2024 gtavrl.ru.