Interesting topics for social networks. The most interesting topics for discussion

He told me how to properly publish posts to promote a business on social networks. 5 simple ways to increase the number of responses to content without financial investment.

Do you get creative, write, draw, coordinate, edit, publish, but still don’t get any likes? There are 5 simple ways to significantly increase the response rate to your content, even without money.

1. Follow trends

Of course, there is an option to pay for posts in popular communities and become a trendsetter yourself, but why, if you can use topics, trends and even memes to instantly get dozens of reposts?

Brands have long realized that situational content is the key to additional free reach. Remember how the sixth iPhone bent? Companies and bloggers immediately began joking about this topic and ending up in popular collections, collecting a ton of likes. True, then it was fresh and very effective, but today many such jokes often seem to have been sucked out of thin air. Therefore, you should treat this kind of creativity very responsibly and find a really ingenious solution - and then you can rest on your laurels!

If you don't know Photoshop, you can always make memes! The Risovac website will give you ready-made templates and allow you to upload your own image to put a couple of funny phrases on it.

2. Pay maximum attention to pictures

Is it a secret that first of all, users' eyes fall on the illustration, and not on the text? However, not every person is good at Photoshop or even the camera on their phone, which means that you need to call a designer for help. Services such as, for example, PublBox, which allow you to manage your social networks from one window, usually have very good graphic editors, where you just need to select a beautiful template with a ready-made background and font and put the desired text on it.

Please note that in some cases it is better not to overdo it with text: for example, Facebook reduces the reach of advertising if more than 20% of the image area is occupied by words.

3. Post at the right time

In the face of information noise, social networks are switching to “smart feeds”: they show you, first of all, not new, but “interesting” posts - based on what you liked and reposted the most before. Such innovations are largely determined by the business model of the platforms: they force “uninteresting” brands to pay to be seen by more people.

Therefore, if earlier it was first of all important to calculate the correct time of publication, now the main thing is to ensure a good number of likes in the first hour, so that social networks accept the content as interesting and show it to the largest number of users.

However, the posting time still continues to influence the formation of the news feed (just to a lesser extent), and here it is important to develop a competent strategy. For example, you can publish your post during rush hour when the maximum number of people are online, but you will face high competition for attention. Or you can choose “dead time” (late night, weekends) and deliver your message, but to a small group.

The main thing here is to start from your own sphere. Who is your target audience? Children? Students? Hired employees? Top managers? They all behave differently on social networks and are online at different times. Such a “guerrilla” tool as a content navigator (you can use the same PublBox) will create the most optimal schedule and indicate at what hours it will be easier for you to reach readers. And in general, posting content in the right proportion is simply necessary, and this proportion depends on the goals (increase the number of subscribers, convey a certain image to them, and even start selling). The content navigator will also help you break down content into types: selling, engaging, or simply entertaining. The right content strategy is the key to success and one of the most important points when working with social networks.

4. Create original content

Cats and quotes are, of course, good, but they will never make your group unique. Good content migrates from community to community, and the user understands that he will most likely see the same posts on several pages. Ensure that your audience responds positively to the question “Do I know why I will come to this group tomorrow?”

If you publish a cat, then put a bow on it with your logo. If the quote is from my own interview with a cool specialist. A joke - from life or work. Get creative!

5. Write correctly

Do I need to explain? In fact, this point includes not only mandatory knowledge of the rules of the Russian language (although it can greatly increase the trust in your group). You also need to be able to format the text: put “correct” quotation marks, long dashes (-), and so on. Install Ilya Birman's typographic layout on your keyboard and please perfectionists. Aesthetics is everything to us.

It’s not for nothing that social networks prohibit changing the color and size of text: imagine the chaos that would begin there! Therefore, follow their example - bring your texts to an impeccable appearance. And if an ordinary user pays attention to this only at the level of sensations, then a good specialist, rest assured, will definitely respect you.

A trend, a picture, timeliness, uniqueness and literacy - that's all you need to increase audience response and improve the image of a company or group without any expense. Of course, posts like “Like if you love mom!” they are still collecting more “hearts”, but I don’t want to consider such methods of increasing activity. That's another story.

Nowadays, communication on social networks has become very popular. With their help, we find out the latest news, get acquainted, and communicate with our friends. But sometimes there is a possibility of encountering insincerity and lies, because it is very difficult to determine whether a message is true or fiction. We cannot see the facial expression of our “interlocutor”, we cannot observe his facial expressions, gestures, and therefore, it is difficult for us to understand what he is thinking when he writes. We'll reveal to you the true meaning of the most common social media posts.

1. After # each # word # in a # sentence # I use a # hashtag

I don't really understand what a hashtag is, so I put it everywhere - just to seem on topic.

2. I bet. Dots. After. Everyone. Words

I'm too melodramatic.

3. “I’m glad to announce that...”

I have a new job and I need praise.

4. “Laughing”

I'm typing this with a completely straight face while standing in line at the post office.

5. “You only live once”

I just did something completely ordinary and unremarkable.

6. “No offense”

I didn't know how to end the message. It'll do?

7. “This video has taken over the Internet.”

Quite an entertaining Youtube video about a surfing dog.

8. “I just ran 10K in 47 minutes wearing Fitbits.”

It's not enough for me to be healthy. I need you to feel guilty for not being in as good shape as I am.

9. “I just ran 6 km.”

Also, I ate a Snickers while watching my favorite TV series, but I don’t want to talk about it.

10. “Amazing weekend. I'm so glad to have such wonderful friends."

Not like yours. Your friends suck and your whole weekend is boring - not like mine!.

11. “Thank you for the congratulations”

An important reminder to everyone who has not yet remembered my birthday - this is your last chance. And yes, I will notice if you don’t congratulate me.

12. “I can’t believe my “supposed” friends could stoop so low.”

I deliberately put such a vague status on Facebook in the hope that people would pay attention to me and ask me to talk about what happened.

13. “A cheeky selfie with my best friends.”

God yes, I'm amazing! Admit it, you would kill to be in my place!

14. “Two and a half years ago we celebrated the birth of our little angel!”

I think I'm the first man in history to conceive a child.

15. “Josh just went potty! I'm so proud of him!

I'm too narrow-minded and I think you'll find it cute.

16. “Daddy’s little hero is fast asleep. Ukhtyshka"

He's been a real little bastard all day. Look at me. Look at me. Well, look at me, finally, like and write how cool I am!

Everyone only knows about the 2-3 most popular social networks. But do not forget that there are many other thematic communities on the Internet in which people united by common interests or professional fields are constantly active every day.

The most popular social networks in Russia: 2018

    The social network is available in 90 languages ​​or more, is highly popular among the Russian-speaking audience, and is the largest in all of Europe. The headquarters is located in St. Petersburg. VKontakte makes it possible to send messages and images, share video and audio recordings, tags, create your own groups and communities, and relax playing browser games. The social network strives to remain the fastest and most modern way to communicate on the Internet. This is the most popular social network in Russia (2018).

    This domestic social network belongs to Mail.Ru Group and was created in March 2006. In terms of popularity this year, it ranks 3rd in Armenia, 4th in Azerbaijan and Russia, 5th in Kazakhstan, 7th in Ukraine, 27th in the whole world.

    According to a December 2017 survey, 19% of the domestic audience use the Odnoklassniki website almost every day or every day.

    A free social network that allows you to share photos and videos. It incorporates elements of a social network. Instagram allows you to take photos and videos, use filters, and share them through your account or other social networks. At the moment, both from the user’s point of view and from the point of view of promoting one’s services and products

    A popular video hosting site in the world that stores a lot of videos. A unique social network in which everyone can find both and make it their main one.

    This is the most famous social network in the world, which appeared on February 4, 2004. Its creator was Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while studying at Harvard University. The first name was Thefacebook, only university students had access to it. After this, students from Boston universities gained access, then students from all American universities with an email address at .edu. Since the fall of 2006, anyone can register on Facebook.

    The emphasis in this social network is on personalization and ease of use. The content is divided into several categories - video and audio, chat, link, quote, photo and text. People subscribe to blogs that are interesting to them, the posts of which appear in the news feed. They also mark posts they like using the corresponding button and reblog to their page to comment on them.

    There is support for automatic export of messages to Facebook and Twitter using the RSS protocol.

Social photo hosting, whose users upload images to appropriate collections and share photos with other people. Added images are called "buttons" and collections are called "boards".

Other most popular social networks in Russia

    A popular portal where users create their own electronic diaries and communicate with each other. There are also counters for websites.

    Russian-language social site, which is a collective blog. There are elements of a news site. Habrahabr is intended for publishing analytical articles and news. Topics: Internet, business, modern information technologies. Several years ago, a number of topics were separated into separate resources.

    A popular platform on which users create their blogs and communicate with people. Popular social networks in Russia include it in their list.

    The largest music catalog that creates separate and general charts for each user.

Not the most popular social networks and portals

    This social network is designed for users to communicate with each other. With its help, you can find friends with similar interests and similar entertainment, create an individual personal page design, start a diary, become a member of communities or create your own based on interests, communicate on blogs, share videos, audio and images. About 300 thousand users maintain their blogs on

    This is a popular web service designed for blogging and communicating with like-minded people.

    A social service for Russian news channels, which was launched in the spring of 1998. Designed for organizing and maintaining electronic mailing lists.

Specialized social networks

    A business social network that brings together entrepreneurs and specialists based on certain characteristics (geography, profession, industry). It appeared in the summer of 2008, and today there are about 7 million registered users. The social network is intended for discussing professional problems, finding partners and investors, self-education and obtaining new ideas. The largest communities on the network have over 2 million people participating.

Today I will share a way how you can analyze media trends for free in the media and social networks. In fact, there are several ways, there are also paid ones. But for basic purposes, without advanced capabilities, the current method is quite good.

After reading this article, you will be able to quickly find out the most discussed, relevant and hot events on the Internet and in the world. You can use the information to create your own news feeds. Namely, you can quickly find out:

  • The most discussed on the Internet (social networks and news portals);
  • Popular media personalities in the media and social networks for a certain period;
  • Rating of authors and social network groups by month.

These features are provided free of charge by Brand Analytics, a system for monitoring and analyzing a brand in social media and mass media. Next, in order, about the possibilities.

Most talked about on social networks and news portals

First, go to In the tab "most talked about" you can select sources of information (photo above) and see the most discussed and relevant Russian-language publications for a period of 3 hours, a day, and a week. You can also choose to display by source or as a general feed. By clicking on the title of the post, you will open its original. This way you can see what is most discussed on blogs, on social networks (I’m not sure of the accuracy here due to the nature of the sources), in the media.

You will probably find this article about ways to quickly find specific topics useful.

In this section you can see most cited publications and materials in the media. Data for a period of 6 hours or a day.

Popular media personalities in the media and social networks for a certain period

Information on growth leaders in the media and social networks is displayed here. Data for a day, a week or a month. The table shows Top 50 media personalities, as well as displaying the change in the number of mentions in relation to the previous period, expressed as a percentage.

Surely it would be interesting if next to each person there were notes on the ratio of positive or negative mentions 😉

This tab displays TOP 100 media resources. The rating is calculated based on the citation index. Data is available for the past three months.

Igor Malinin, creative director of the communications agency Piaris, spoke about five simple ways to increase the response to content - even without money.

Five easy ways to make great social media posts

Igor Malinin

1. Catch the hype

Of course, there is an option to pay for posts in popular communities and become a trendsetter yourself, but why, if you can use topics, trends and even memes to instantly get dozens of reposts?

Brands have long realized that situational content is the key to additional free reach. Remember how the sixth iPhone bent? Companies and bloggers immediately began joking about this topic and ending up in popular collections, collecting a ton of likes.

True, then it was fresh and very effective, but today many such jokes often seem to have been sucked out of thin air. Therefore, it is worth treating this kind of creativity very responsibly and finding a truly ingenious solution.

Sochi Olympic rings, Vesta, Pokemon, Trump, Zhdun, Shurygina - in the wild streams of information noise, every brand will find something suitable.

Samsung: “Bend to those who deserve it”

Custom variation on the theme of Salvador Dali's watches

You can get attached to the meaning (use the track “Ice is Melting” in advertising your heaters) or to the visual part (the Audi logo was ideally played with the Olympic rings in Sochi, one of which did not open).

If you don't know Photoshop, you can always make memes! The Risovach website will give you ready-made templates and allow you to upload your own image to put a couple of funny phrases on it.

2. Post at the right time

In the context of the same information noise, social networks are switching to “smart feeds”: they show you, first of all, not new, but “interesting” posts - based on what you liked and reposted the most before. Such innovations are largely determined by the business model of the platforms: they force “uninteresting” brands to pay to be seen by more people.

If earlier it was first of all important to calculate the correct time of publication, now it is to ensure a good number of likes in the first hour, so that social networks perceive the content as interesting and show it to the largest number of users.

However, the posting time still continues to influence the formation of the news feed (just to a lesser extent), and here it is important to develop a competent strategy.

For example, you can publish your post during rush hour (19:00-23:00 Moscow time), when the maximum number of people are online, but you will face high competition for attention. Or you can choose “dead time” (late night, weekends) and deliver your message, but to a small group.

The main thing here is to start from your own sphere. Who is your target audience? Children? Students? Hired employees? ? They all behave differently on social networks and are online at different times.

Such a “guerrilla” tool as a content navigator (one of the functions of the Publbox service, which allows you to manage all social networks from one window) will create an optimal schedule and indicate at what hours it will be easier for you to reach readers.

And, in general, it is simply necessary to post content in the correct proportion, and this proportion depends on the goals (increase the number of subscribers, convey a certain image to them, and even start selling).

The content navigator will also help you break down content into types: selling, engaging, or simply entertaining. The right content strategy is the key to success and one of the most important points when working with social networks.

3. Pictures - maximum attention

Is it a secret that first of all, users' eyes fall on the illustration, and not on the text? While we’re still on topic, I’ll say that services such as the above-mentioned Publbox usually have very good design tools, where you just need to choose a beautiful template with a ready-made background and font and put the desired text on it.

So if you don’t want to pay freelancers, and also don’t know how to use Photoshop or a camera on your phone, feel free to use this graphic editor.

But please note that in some cases it is better not to overdo it with text: for example, Facebook reduces the reach of advertising if more than 20% of the image area is occupied by words.

4. Create original content

Cats and quotes are, of course, good, but they will never make your group unique. Good content migrates from community to community, and the user understands that he will most likely see the same posts on several pages. Ensure that your audience responds positively to the question: “Do I know why I will come to this group tomorrow?”

If you publish a cat, then put a bow on it with your logo. If the quote is from my own interview with a cool specialist. A joke - from life or work. Get creative!

5. Write correctly

Do I need to explain? :-) In fact, this point includes not only mandatory knowledge of the rules of the Russian language (although it can also increase the trust in your group several times). You also need to be able to format the text: put “correct” quotation marks, long dashes (-), and so on.

It’s not for nothing that social networks prohibit changing the color and size of text: imagine the chaos that would begin there! Therefore, follow their example - bring your texts to an impeccable appearance. And if an ordinary user pays attention to this only at the level of sensations, then a good specialist, rest assured, will definitely respect you.

A trend, a picture, timeliness, uniqueness and literacy - that’s all you need to increase audience response and improve the company’s image without any expense.

Of course, posts like “Like if you love mom!” They are still collecting more hearts, but I don’t want to consider such methods of increasing activity. That's another story.