Interesting finds for creating landing pages. Examples of selling landing pages with high conversion

If you need to attract new visitors to trainings, the first thing that comes to mind is an online PR campaign. But you need to approach this issue wisely, otherwise you can waste your money. The Zexler company offers an up-to-date solution that is guaranteed to recoup the costs - the development of a landing page in the “Training” theme.

Our team has a rich experience, and we know how to attract visitors. We will develop for you high-quality landing page, which will not go unnoticed. Thoughtful design and highlighted benefits Your company will become your calling card – in just a few weeks customer base will expand significantly. We will do everything to ensure that the flow of visitors not only increases, but also that trust in your company increases and your fame increases. Gradually sales will increase, A profits increase. All you need to do is just contact Zexler! We will prepare for you Commercial offer and we'll send it for free.

How much does it cost to develop a landing page in the “Training” theme?

The Zexler company offers its clients the development of both complex multi-landing pages and classic landing page. In this case, the cost will also depend on the operation, the presence of additional modules and the complexity of the design, as well as some other features.

Before we begin work, we will meet with you in person to discuss wishes and suggestions. If you are ready to serve a large number of customers, then the landing page will become great solution. A colorful client capture page will allow you expand your business and significantly increase profits. One single page, but correctly composed and emphasizing your advantages, can increase the flow of clients and make the company even more popular.

Prices this service begin from 50 thousand rubles. It involves creating a selling landing page with motivational blocks, a contact form and a thoughtful design. At the customer's request, we can also add additional modules or complicate the operation (in this case the price will change).

Contact us and we will advise you on any issue related to the development of a landing page. The cost will be indicated immediately and reflected in the contract.

How to attract clients using a training landing page?

Attracting customers with a new website is not an easy task. It is important to think through every step here. The slightest mistake can ruin all your efforts. First of all, we will find out who the main visitors to the training are, what their preferences and fears. Next, we will reflect your advantages so that even a casual user will become interested in the subject of the training and want to attend it.

A high-quality landing page allows you to turn a page visitor into a regular customer. We will do everything to inspire user trust. We will develop colorful design, where we will think over every form and button, prepare correct application form. Convenient navigation on the page, clear structure, competent content, “juicy” illustrations– your clients will definitely like this landing page. All you need to do is contact Zexler. We will take on absolutely all the worries associated with the preparatory stage and development of the landing page. Nothing is impossible for our team!

Quite often clients come to us with a desire make a landing page for a training, seminar, course or other educational event. However, this intention is not always justified, because often customers perceive such pages as some kind of miraculous tool that can sell even a frankly “empty” and useless product. Fortunately, this is not the case with the development we'll talk about today. This time, with the active participation of the customer, we tried to prove that a landing page for education can be not just selling, but useful and informative.

For those who for some reason find it inconvenient to use the link - several screenshots of the one-page website, after which we will talk about the features of this landing page and some interesting solutions used in development:

Chips and features

Fortunately for our customers, we are not one of those who use the same template or, even more so, the same page builder in every possible way :) We treat each selling page with the utmost attention, and therefore we are happy to tell you about some interesting features and elements that were used in this particular case.

2. Online payment form

You can pay for the training course on the landing page, as they say, without leaving the cash register. For this purpose, the page has a built-in convenient form, integrated with the service " Robokassa". With its help, the user can select the training package of interest and pay for it via a secure channel with one of more than a dozen different ways - payment card, various electronic money, through a bank, etc.

It is noteworthy that such a tool is very convenient for the service provider, because he receives instant payment notifications indicating the client's full name, address Email, phone number and other data.

By the way, the legal requirements are also taken into account when paying. By at least, without consent to the processing of personal data and approval of the public offer, the client will definitely not be able to proceed to active actions :)

3. Course program

The program and detailed content of the educational product is what is so often missing on one-page websites. Their owners are so eager to SELL that they forget to talk about what exactly the training/seminar or even educational course contains.

Fortunately, we have at our disposal detailed program There was still an event, but if we decided to place it linearly, it would take up several screens of the page. Which, of course, is better not to allow yourself to do. Instead, when developing a landing page for the training, we did convenient 2-level course navigator, which contains all the important and necessary information, but takes up very little space.

And if the user still wants to get all the information on the course program on one page (for example, to print it out right away), the “Download course program” button will help him.

What's next?

In the near future, the landing page for distance education will begin to work as part of the campaign contextual advertising. On this occasion, we will be able to create and present to your attention another interesting case. In the meantime, read about whether SEO promotion of one-page websites is effective, using the example of another of our projects:

Order a landing page for a course, seminar or other educational event

Do you want to sell an educational product, but don't know how? Are you planning to order a landing page for a training, seminar, webinar or educational course, but don’t want to get another standard piece of work? Let's talk about it in an online chat right now :)

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Landing Page as a trend began to actively develop in Runet in 2013, at the peak of the popularity of the “Business of Youth” trainings. Thousands of entrepreneurs began investing in standard landing pages, and at first they gave good results. Where the conversion (ratio of buyers to visitors) of a simple website was 1-2%, landing pages delivered 5-7% and higher. It was simply gorgeous! However, then the market put everything in its place.

All more people We made standard landing pages with a template structure:

  1. A primitive offer a la “Turnkey bathhouse in Moscow”.
  2. Block "Our advantages".
  3. Block “How we work.”
  4. “Reviews” block.
  5. Office location map.
  6. contact form with a typical call “Leave a request.”

The number of sales pages numbered in the tens of thousands, and over time, buyers began to develop immunity to them. And since in those days there was no marketing adjustment as such, the effectiveness of sales pages sharply declined. And with it comes a trend.

Some entrepreneurs became disillusioned and abandoned the whole business, preferring conservative methods of finding clients, while others began to involve specialists: copywriters, directologists, web analysts. This is how landing pages began to gain popularity high level with multi-testing, “gaskets” and an exclusively scientific approach.

The essence of sales pages

Landing page(landing page)this is a website page where people come and perform certain targeted actions: leave a request, place an order, transfer money, subscribe to a newsletter, etc..

The vast majority of business landing pages (over 80%) sell interest in products and services in exchange for contact potential buyer. This is one of the simplest targeted actions that do not require detailed elaboration and at the same time show good conversion. Selling interest in exchange for a contact is universal, and therefore it is used everywhere, offering to leave a request for measurements, calculations, commercial proposals, consultations, etc.

There are pages that “close” the audience to order goods. Moreover, these can be both pages of online stores and full-fledged landing pages. The second is especially true for selling goods from China, which sell like hot cakes on well-designed pages. Even with a markup of up to 500%.

Finally, the most complex type of page is the “closing” page for prepaid purchases. Such pages are often one-page sites and are popular in the information business. There is practically no standard approach here, and the copywriter is required to work in detail on all aspects of the sale.

This is logical, because convincing a person to leave contact information or part with money here and now are two completely different tasks, both in terms of complexity and approaches to solution.

“Partners” of selling pages

On their own, sales pages don’t have much value. Their true effectiveness only comes when they have an audience. In internet marketing this is called “traffic”. Depending on the quality of traffic, the same sales page can have a conversion rate of 50% or 0.05%.

The most popular traffic sources are:

Depending on the tasks, other sources can be connected:

  • Banner advertising on thematic sites.
  • Teaser advertising (the one that pisses everyone off terribly, but still gets clicks).
  • Advertising on pornographic sites (dirty mass traffic, which is carried out on an astronomical scale for dubious products in the segments of weight loss, genital enlargement, attractiveness, and other things; has a low conversion rate, but due to its mass nature can provide a significant increase in sales).
  • Advertising in email newsletters, both white and spam, etc. You get the idea.

But there is another type of people. These are those who have not yet decided which laptop they want to buy and enter queries like “How to choose a laptop.” Such requests are called informational. Clicks on them in contextual advertising are much cheaper, but there is no point in leading people through them to the selling page, because a person does not yet fully know what he wants.

For such cases, so-called spacer pages are used. They are, as a rule, articles in which the author shares successful experience purchase or use of a particular product, explicitly or implicitly promoting required product or the seller. Another option is pages of forums or question-and-answer services. I plan to devote a separate article to spacer pages, so subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss anything.

Landing Page Examples

Since Yandex.Direct often becomes the main source of traffic for sales pages, you have an excellent opportunity to study all your competitors’ landing pages. Use the Yandex.Direct search service for this and see which pages are shown for which search queries.

Creating sales pages

The process of creating sales pages can be divided into three stages:

  1. Preparatory (similar to the process of developing a selling text, see trilogy).
  2. Prototyping.
  3. Design, layout and programming.

After passing these stages, the page is sent for testing, and the main work begins with it. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. The main work on the page begins after “going live”. At the end of the day, all customers want maximum conversion and bang for their buck. Testing, analysis of results, repeated experiments - all this also requires effort, time and certain skills from a copywriter.

Of the development stages, you may have a question about the second one. I will devote a separate article to prototypes, but for now I have a short video for you on this topic with clear examples. By the way, the average cost of one sales page prototype is 10-30 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you are a beginner copywriter and have not yet decided on your specialization, you can consider this direction.

It’s difficult for a copywriter to create a full-fledged landing page alone. Therefore, if you are serious about doing this, find partners. At a minimum, a person who can integrate the prototype into ready-made HTML template (a budget option).

The cost of a high-quality template is about $13-16 (700-1000 rubles). Personally, I buy most of my templates from Temforest. There are thousands of them there. Plus, integration work costs about $100-150 (5-10 thousand rubles). You can, of course, do this on your own, but such work requires special knowledge and skills. For example, I know how to do this, but I trust my partner because in the same time I can earn much more from copywriting. And I don’t particularly like fiddling with the layout.

IN Lately I work mainly according to this model, because then I fully control the entire progress of the project and see all the indicators feedback. This is no longer just a job, but a case, new data for research, new knowledge that greatly improves skills. Much stronger than books and trainings combined.

Services and landing page templates

Speaking about creating landing pages, it must be said that there are special design services, a la Wix, LPGenerator, Flexby, LPMotor and others. They contain a rich set of tools and ready-made templates. And many beginners and entrepreneurs use them. However, I personally don't like them. If only because I don’t like it when the page doesn’t belong to me, I don’t like the restrictions that services impose, and I don’t like paying constantly for something that you can only pay for once.

In addition, all the functionality of such services can be easily replaced by a bunch of HTML templates (from the same Temforest) + Google Analytics. Yes, this approach requires additional knowledge: working with web analytics, hosting, HTML, but it allows you to save more than a thousand dollars a year, which is also not bad. However, here everyone chooses what is closer to him. Even for simple test, as I already said, personally, it’s much easier for me to buy a page template or theme, fit a developed prototype with different offers into it and send it for testing.

Who needs and who doesn't need Landing Page

I really like to compare landing pages to a medicine that a doctor prescribes. Doctor in in this case- a copywriter, and the patient is a business. As is the case with medicine, there are indications when this or that treatment is prescribed. And there are situations in which treatment is ineffective. Conventionally, these situations can be divided into four segments.

Segment #1: B2C

This is a mass segment of consumer goods and services (PVC windows, goods from China, plumbing services, repairs, etc.). In it, landing pages work well in combination with various traffic sources: from social networks to contextual advertising.

Segment #2: B2B

This is the segment of corporate goods and services (B2B segment): printing, advertising services, personnel, accounting outsourcing, delivery drinking water, cleaning, etc. In it, sales pages also work well, but with a much narrower number of traffic sources. Most often - only with contextual and, less often, media advertising.

Segment No. 3: B2B+

Narrow corporate segment of special goods and services. This could be the supply of unique components or spare parts, complex installation, technical or repair work (for example, repair of a turbine at a power plant), as well as any goods and services supplied to large corporations on an industrial scale. In these areas, people, as a rule, know each other well, meet at exhibitions and resolve issues through personal agreements.

For example, there may be companies with billions of dollars in turnover, but do not have websites. These are companies from this segment. Landing pages usually don’t work here. And if they do work, they make up the minimum volume of orders. Little things, so to speak.

Segment #4: B2G

Goods and services supplied to government organizations (B2G segment). For example, subcontracting for the construction of roads, equipping schools with sports equipment, or delivering food to the deputy canteen. Here, landing pages are not used at all, because in 99% of cases all services with more or less normal receipts (from 100,000 rubles) go through tenders.

If we talk about copywriter employment, then the most orders are in the first two segments. These are usually small and medium-sized businesses.

What to do in the Landing Page market

The market for services for creating sales pages is now packed to capacity. There are great specialists who keep their promises, and there are talkers who promise “mountains of gold”, and then throw up their hands and say: “Well, it didn’t work out, it happens.”

Regardless of whether you are a landing page customer or a contractor looking for new orders, you must understand two important things:

  1. Businesses no longer need landing pages themselves. The time when this was a fashion trend is over. Now the result expressed in numbers is important.
  2. You must have confirmation of the result. Ideally - guarantees, cases, direct connection with sales and a backup plan “B” if the landing page doesn’t work.

Making a sales page is easy. Take any template and customize your advertising. But making the landing page sell and recoup the money invested in it is a task of a completely different order. Here you need to be able to make an offer, differentiate yourself from competitors due to benefits and advantages, and also create rapport by instilling trust through the WHY formula and activating other psychological triggers.

Actually, we will talk about these and other things in subsequent articles. And from this article I want you to take away the basic information that we will need to understand deeper processes.

In the future, if you want to learn how to develop landing pages or get a cool sales page for your products and/or services, look at the pages that already exist. Note what personally attracts and pleases you, and what, on the contrary, repels you.

Despite the fact that I have already developed hundreds of landing pages, I still try to view at least 30 landing pages from various niches every day. This allows you not to get hung up on current skills, constantly discover something new, both in terms of logical structure and design, and constantly replenish your knowledge base with new experiments.

Try it, it's very simple, but the effect exceeds your expectations.

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“Capture Page”, “Landing Page”, “Selling Page”, Landing page - these are all different names landing page. What is a landing page? , who “sits on it” and why do information businessmen need it? Read below!

What is Landing page?

Landing - a site that has a special design and encourages the visitor to take a targeted action (Wikipedia does not accidentally call landing page « landing page"). Usually, landing page also serves to collect information about the user. Examples of targeted actions (they are also called “leads”) - buy, leave a request, call, fill out a form or sign up for a training. All these actions lead a person to purchase - sometimes directly through landing page , sometimes through a call from the manager.

Client personal data (e-mail, contact number, full name) pursue the following goals:

  • be able to contact the client directly for sales,
  • include him in a newsletter that will lead him to purchase through a chain of letters.

Main performance indicator landing page - conversion. It is measured as a percentage. Here is the formula for calculating conversion: conversion = the ratio of the number of people who completed the target action to the number of page visitors, multiplied by 100%.

300 people visited the page, 30 of them took the target action - made an online order. This means the conversion landing page- 10% (30/300*100%=10%). The higher this indicator, the better and more effective yourb

Important components of a landing page

Landing will be effective, that is, will bring customers, if it contains all the components listed below:

  1. Simple "block" design

Landing is a one-pager (it looks like a long page that scrolls down. Active links at the top help you quickly jump to individual sections).

One page website design is simple: one block is located above the other and logically, in meaning, flows into it. Between the blocks there are buttons - “Order a call”, “Leave a request” and so on. The last block ends with a call to action and filling out the fields in the order form.

  1. Offer

On the first landing screen place the site’s strongest offer - information about what is offered to be purchased, with a compelling main advantage of the product, service, information product relative to competitors. This is an offer (from the English offer - proposal). It is important to choose the right picture for the offer - reinforcing the offer.

  1. Calls to action

Landing page visitor need to be pushed to perform the target action. For this purpose, incentive offers are used, for example, “Order today!” and attention-grabbing words and phrases: “Now”, “Attention!”, “Important information!”.

  1. Catchy headlines

Everything is on the landing page works to sell and attract attention, and headlines are no exception. Here are simple but effective tips for creating a catchy headline:

  • explain what you sell using your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
    "6 times more effective remedy from moths than you are used to"
  • show possible result
    “Drink drink X to lose 10 kg in 2 weeks!”
  • record the client's pain in the title
    “Do you have a headache every day?”
  • You can also make intriguing headlines.

According to copywriter and creator of Joanna Weibe, the headline forlanding pagemust be specific, concise, focused on the core value of the product for customers and accurately match advertising message, through which traffic comes to the site. In other words, if you are promoting a course on Instagram marketing, in the first heading landing page This is exactly what should be reflected.

  1. Selling text

Landing may be aimed only at collecting contacts, however, in any case, the text must contain selling elements. Compared to a regular website, landing page There is less text - it is not designed to be studied for a long time, and its function is not informational. The text should be strong and logical and provide a compelling argument for the value of the main proposal.

Noticeable buttons leading to the completion of a target action, for example: “Order a book”, “Register”, “Buy a video course”, which are called triggers, must be placed in almost every block. On the first screen of the site there is usually an active link that allows you to order a call back. Another popular trigger on landing pages - a countdown timer that limits the validity of the offer.

The registration form for the course, entering your contacts to receive a book or video is also a birth trigger. One of these forms is usually placed on 2-3 screens landing page.

  1. Reviews

People want to see that someone else has already bought a product or service and was happy with it. Therefore, reviews are usually issued in a separate block - there should not be too many of them - the landing page will be too long and not enough - potential customers may decide that the product and the seller are not good enough. It is optimal to post three or four reviews.

  1. High-quality photos and videos

Visuals are very important for a landing page. Photos must be of good resolution, and the video must be shot with a professional camera. In addition, all visual components must be appropriate - taking into account the specifics of the product and the characteristics of the target audience.

If you are promoting an online course for men, butterflies, flowers and pink tones would not be appropriate on the landing page.

Video recordings may contain, for example, examples of your work or, in the case of information business, moments of past trainings.

Features of infolanding

If through landing page you are selling a training, webinar, video course, book, consultation and other information, valuable knowledge and skills, you must use everything that was said above, but taking into account the specifics of the information business. Experience of information businessmen who created landing pages , shows that infolandings have the following features:

  1. Focus on success stories

In the case of information, people often go to a specific person, so it is more effective to sell it through a person.

You can introduce the training leader, let him tell his success story, briefly describe his course and invite him to read his book.

  1. Detailed knowledge of the target audience

Since in infolanding one person (information businessman) addresses another (a potential client who has visited the site) on his own behalf and offers him a solution to a problem, it is important to know what pains and problems this person has. Before you create landing page , answer yourself the questions: “How can I describe in detail the consumers of my product? Who is this?”, “What problems do these people have, what worries them, what do they want to achieve?”, “How will my information product help them achieve this?”

  1. More text

When selling a complex product or in information business, it is appropriate to use a larger amount of text for landing page than in the case of the sale of goods and traditional services. If a potential client does not receive enough information about the author and the product, he will not trust them, and therefore will not buy anything. But if there is too much text, the user will be distracted from the target action.

  1. Social proof of quality