Instructions for using RivaTuner. What about the specific driver settings I made using RivaTuner? They will remain after uninstalling RivaTuner

And here is the article itself. Now I’ll teach you how to overclock your video card and share some very practical advice. I ask further.

First of all, you need to install and run RivaTuner. Immediately after launch, the program will begin to collect data from your computer, don’t be afraid. Next, the program window itself will open in front of us, in which all the settings are made. I won't overload you with too many functional features and the capabilities of the program, but I’ll immediately move on to the first stages of overclocking.

As is known, after overclocking, any equipment begins to operate at higher frequencies, as a result of which its working temperature. It's the same with video cards. To prevent it from overheating, the first step is to install a cooler in the case for blowing in and out, so that hot air does not stagnate in the system unit and heat up all parts of the computer. In many cases, even one is enough to blow out.

Next, we need to increase the rotation speed of the standard video card cooler. If your video card passive cooling, then to be on the safe side you need to install an additional cooler on the radiator housing or ensure good air circulation in system unit, and also skip this point, because you don’t need it. To increase the rotation speed of the video card cooler, go to the “System Settings” of the program. To do this, click on the arrow and select the first icon in the drop-down list, as indicated in the screenshot above.

In the window that opens, select the “Cooler” tab, in the line “Cooler control at the driver level” change the values ​​to “direct control”. But now we can set the cooler rotation speed as a percentage. Move the bottom slider strictly to the right, until required value which we choose ourselves. As standard, I had 60%, I changed it to 75%, so to speak, with a reserve. Don't bet too much higher speed rotation, because the fan motor does not last forever. Next, check the box next to “Load settings from Windows” if we want all the manipulations to work after rebooting the PC. Click save and apply our changes with the “Apply” button

The fun begins. Let's move on to overclocking the core and memory of the video card. To do this, in the same window where we work with the cooler, go to the first tab “Overclocking”. We activate the sliders by checking the “Enable overclocking at the driver level” checkbox. In the message that opens, click the “Determination” button if you have not overclocked the video card before. There is no need to change the nearby drop-down list and leave the standard value “2D”. Below you can see my standard frequencies cores, shaders and memory.

And now the most important event. To achieve visible results, during overclocking it is necessary to increase both the core and memory frequencies. Move the sliders 10-15 MHz more for memory and core (shader domain frequency will increase automatically as core value changes). Check the box next to “Load settings from Windows” and save the settings. Test your video card for stability, you can watch the video High Quality HD or run powerful game. If you don’t see “artifacts” on the screen - glare, picture distortion or any other bugs, then you can increase the core and memory frequency by another 10-15 MHz. Next we repeat the testing. After each increase in frequencies, increase the testing time, because artifacts may not appear immediately. Don't bet right away great importance, this will allow you to burn the card.

In this way, raise the performance of the video card to the required level, but remember, too high frequencies can kill the video card even without detecting artifacts. Below, in the screenshot you can see the values ​​that I set on my video card. Naturally, not immediately, adhering to an increase in increments from 10 to 15 MHz.

Conclusion. From such a small increase in frequencies it was noticed FPS increase(frames per second) in the following games:
- GTA IV - 4 fps
- Crysis - 3 fps
- Brothers in Arms - Hell's Highway - 5 fps
- Call Of Duty - World At War - 8 fps
- Wolfenstein - 5 fps
- GodFather II - 7 fps

I haven’t tested other games yet, but the increase is pleasant.

That's all. I want to warn you that I am not responsible for all your actions on the equipment. The entire risk falls on your shoulders. But I assure you that the method that I outlined above has been tested by me personally on more than one video card. A successful ending depends only on you. Do not raise the frequency too high, because a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. Thanks for your attention and good luck with your overclocking!

Overclockable video card: nVidia GeForce 8800GTS 320 mb (ForceWare 190.38 WHQL)
Operating system: Windows Vista and Seven

Hi all!

I offer you a short guide on how to teach Riva Automation Tuner fan speed control.
In fact, we will override the cooler control presets that are hardwired into the BIOS, with one amendment: this “hack” is intended mainly to reduce noise while working in a desktop, since when a certain critical temperature(for me it’s 70-73 degrees), the video card’s BIOS wakes up and turns the speed up to maximum - apparently, there’s built-in hardware protection against overheating. Perhaps Unwinder will clarify the situation; I have not yet consulted with him on this problem.

This guide is intended primarily for owners of very hot video cards who use a powerful, efficient turbine, the side effect of which is quite strong acoustic discomfort. The result is guaranteed only for ATI 4870X2 series cards, since I have not tested it on others

I'll start with a preface about why I actually needed to do what is described in this article... Towards the end of December 2008, I was lucky enough to become the owner of an MSI 4870 X2 OC:

This video card differs from other 4870 X2 cards from other manufacturers in that it has “improved” turbine control profiles. The improvements, however, begin and end with the fact that the card simply simply supports very high turbine speeds, thus cooling the card very effectively (in 2d the temperature was about 40-50 degrees in my system unit), but the price for this is exorbitant noise, which is comparable to the noise of a hair dryer that lies within arm's reach of you.

In general, it’s not a particularly pleasant prospect for my wife, who doesn’t play anything on the computer at all, but uses it as an access point to the Internet, scanner, printer, Word, etc.
And I myself was not at all comfortable.
I also didn’t want to flash the BIOS with a profile from another manufacturer, since I’m not a fan of such things)

That's why my choice fell on Riva Tuner. Here I can only say thank you to the developer - Unwinder suggested where to look

After several minutes of shamanism, I roughly understood what Riva Tuner wanted from me and actually made my first preset. In the future, I improved it a little and would like to provide you with the current version.
I note that it was not possible to do without automation (that is, launching tasks depending on certain conditions) in Riva Tuner - if you simply set the cooler speed, it will only hold until the moment of switching between 2d and 3d, after which it goes to the driver control. According to Unwinder, this is some kind of ancient ATI feature, which AMD seems to have no intention of fixing

I also want to warn you that it is intended this version for Windows XP. The fact is that under Vista and Windows 7 on a desktop, the card heats up 5-10 degrees more under the same conditions, so for acoustic comfort you will need to move the speed increase thresholds to a higher level.

So here's a quick guide.

1) Download Riva Tuner latest version(my work was carried out in version 2.21) -

2) Install Riva Tuner

3) After launching Riva Tuner, go to the low-level cooler control settings:

and go to the “Cooler” tab, where we see a similar picture:

4) Check the "Enable low-level cooler control" checkbox.
Now we need to create several fan speed presets. Let's start in order, with the smallest. We will also load it from Windows. In our case, this is 25% of maximum quantity rpm Save the preset as 25% and check the box "Load settings from Windows":

Similarly, we add presets for 29%, 33%, 40%, 42%, 45%, etc. Here each of you can decide for yourself which cooler values ​​to choose
For these presets, the "Load settings from Windows" checkbox must be turned off. I strongly recommend naming the profiles exactly as “VALUE %” or in any other way that you understand - this will help you in the next step!

5) The next step is to create Riva Tuner launch elements to control the cooler. Go to the "Launch" tab. In the following screenshot you will see the elements I have already created:

To add new element you will need to click on the green plus sign in the lower left part of the screen of this tab, then fill out the required fields and select the preset we created in the previous step:

6) The final step is to automate the launch of the elements created in the previous step. Go to the "Scheduler" tab. Again, in my example you see a completed list of tasks:

To add a new element, you will need to click on the green plus sign in the lower left part of the screen of this tab, then fill out the required fields and select the element we created in the previous step.

First, let's create a task that will start after Windows boots. Here I can anticipate your fair comments that in step 4 we have already indicated which cooler profile will boot from Windows. But I can reassure you - it won’t get worse from such a double installation

Ithaca, we introduce the task of automation when windows start. For these purposes, I chose the minimum cooler speed:

Then the fun begins. We will learn how to create automation tasks that, in theory, will be triggered by any events you select related to the information displayed in RivaTuner monitoring:

IN this list We are interested in GP0\Core temperature.
If it’s still not clear, let me explain: we need to tie the launch of elements created in the previous step 5) to GPU heating events.

For example, I'll show my setup for 25% RPM:

As you can see, these revolutions are valid in the range of Riva Tuner monitoring readings from 0 to 62 degrees. Next, we need to run the following task, that is, if 62 degrees is exceeded, we must increase the cooler speed to 29% (in my example), in order to cool the video card:

So, in the range of 0-62 degrees the speed will be 25%, in the range of 63-66 degrees the speed will be 29%, etc. !
We have achieved the main thing - we have not only reduced the noise in the desktop, but also safely increased the cooler speed depending on the temperature graphics adapter

In conclusion, I would like to say that in order for automation to work, Riva Tuner must be constantly loaded in memory:

Well, the scheduler itself must be turned on (the pause button in it must be pressed as in the screenshot at the beginning of step 6).

p.s. Once again, I would like to remind you that when certain temperatures are exceeded, the video card forces an increase in speed, which is apparently programmed in the BIOS.
For me this threshold is approximately 70-73 degrees, after which the speed is instantly boosted to maximum speed, which is maintained until the temperature drops, after which Riva Tuner can again control the automation...

GL and HF to you in experiments with silence

p.s. Comments on the operation of this guide in ATI 4850X2 / 4870X2 can be left here.

Since its creation, a unique utility called Rivatuner has managed to conquer great amount fans. Its popularity is justified very simply. The program makes adjustments to the core frequency parameters, as well as the video card memory, or more precisely, its hardware. The utility monitors the temperature of the device and the operation of the graphics adapter.

Using Rivatuner it is easy to adjust the performance of the cooler. The utility also allows you to change the operation of the monitor. There is no need to invest money to install the program. Free utility has a unique property - it overclocks a video card from any manufacturer. Therefore, it is very easy to work with it.

Using Rivatuner

If there is a need to interfere with the operation of the video adapter, then this should be done exclusively using Rivatuner. Otherwise, damage may occur and the system may fail. Therefore, if the program has not been installed previously, then you need to start the process of downloading it. We find a verified resource, click “Download”, after which the utility will move to the “Downloads” folder on the computer.

Installation of Rivatuner takes place in automatic mode. Upon completion of the process, we launch it. Now you need to go to the video card settings. To locate the folder with necessary settings Click on the triangle located under the name of the graphics adapter. As soon as it appears on the screen new panel, then in it we look for the key with the image of a magnifying glass and click on it. After this, the video card parameters will be displayed on the screen. In the window that appears, we specify the frequency indicators and temperature parameters of the graphics adapter.

Now left-click on the line with the name Force Ware detected, and then click on the image of the video card that appears in the new menu. As soon as the window appears on the screen, look for Fan in it to determine the settings installed system graphics device. Next you will have to install overclocking, which will be at the driver level. All that remains is to press the button called Apply.

After all the steps have been completed, we proceed to changing the core frequency parameters. To do this, go to the Performance 3D section and set the interval from 25 to 50 Hz. Now press the Apply button again. To create and further save installed settings select the key with the floppy disk and click on it. We repeat these steps several times. We start with 40%. Each step is 20%.

Therefore, you need to repeat the action 4 times in total. Afterwards we set the initial value parameters – 40%, and then click “OK”.

Now go to the Launcher tab, select “+”, and then Regular item. All that remains is to click “Ok”. Once this is completed, a new window will appear. It will require you to enter data on the increase in speed at work. graphics card. We prescribe 40%, and then 60%, 80%, 100%. We indicate the same indicator in another paragraph - Associated fan profile. Then you need to set Driver-level. We repeat the procedure 4 times for each indicator.

After completing the described steps, a window will appear. We set the Core temperature in it. Next, we change the color of the graph, which is red by default, to another color. The value “0” is written in the Range min line. The maximum value should not exceed parameter 55. To select the frequency of graphics, we use a value that should not be more than 15,000.

For each of the four values, different indicators and graph colors are set. Afterwards, graphs with temperature indicators will appear. Provided that the parameters are not violated, you can continue the adapter overclocking procedure.

Novice gamers have repeatedly noticed technical information in the corner of the screen in game reviews. It includes information about system load, frame refresh rate, etc. This function is implemented by one very interesting applicationRivaTuner Statistics Server. What kind of program is this and how to configure it, let's find out in this article.

About the application

RivaTuner Statistics Server is an application that comes with MSI Afterburner. It performs display functions technical information about the equipment (load of video memory, RAM, processor, etc.), fine-tuning graphics and overclocking the computer’s video card. As you already understand, it will not be possible to install it as a separate module. Therefore, we will consider a detailed algorithm for unpacking and configuring the utility.

How to install and configure?

There's nothing complicated about it. You just need to follow the steps from our instructions exactly:

  1. Download MSI Afterburner from this link.
  2. Install the application and launch it.

  3. In the new window, click Settings at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Go to the “Monitoring” tab and in the “Active monitoring schedules” subcategory, select the information you want to see during the gameplay. In my case it is “Loading video core”.
  5. To display the selected values ​​on the screen, check the box next to “Show in Overlay Screen Display”.
  6. You can also rename the names of each indicator to your liking. You just need to activate certain fields and enter the text of interest.

The Rivatuner utility has long become known among gamers, which allows you to fine tuning core frequencies, video card hardware memory. In addition, the utility monitors the frequencies of almost all parameters.

Using Rivatuner, the user can configure the operation of the cooler and monitor at their own request.
It is distributed absolutely free and is suitable for overclocking, AMD.
Rivatuner supports absolutely all video adapters, from the Riva TNT family to GeForce, as well as a wide range Nvidia drivers: from the very first Detonator 2.08 to the latest member of the driver family - ForseWare. There is also support for video adapters that are based on GPU ATI.

How to use Rivatuner

Any interference with the operation of the video card may result in its failure or incorrect operation, so don’t go too far when working with Rivatuner.

First, you should download the utility to your computer and install it.

Let's launch installed utility Rivatuner.

Now let's go to the video card settings. To do this, click on the triangle, which is located under the name of the video card on the right.

Click on the button with a magnifying glass from the panel that has fallen out. This is necessary in order to view the overall performance of the video card.

We look at the graphs of temperature and frequency indicators of the video card parameters.

After that, click, again, on the triangle, which is located in the “ForceWaare detected” line, and select the first button from the dropped-out panel. It shows a small video card.

After this, a window will open with system settings video cards. Go to the “Fan” tab.

After this, on the right top corner set the value to “Direct control”, which means “Overclocking at the driver level”, and click the button at the bottom of the “Apply” window.

After that, click on the button with the image of a floppy disk to create this setting and save in the “Custom fan profile” line. You need to create about four such core frequency settings with values ​​of 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%.

After that, set the first value to 40% and click the “OK” button. Go to the “Launcher” tab.

Click on the green plus, select “Regular item” and click the “Ok” button.

After this, a window will appear where you need to set the video card acceleration parameters. To do this, write in the “Name” line - 40%.

Below we look for the “Associated fan profile” parameter, set the value to 40%, and also set “Driver-level” and click “Ok”. In the same way we set the values ​​for 60%, 80% and 100%.

Go to the next tab “Scheduler”.

Here we set 40% in the “Name” field. Click the line “Run task...” and select “On hardware monitoring range event”.

Will fall out additional settings mode. Here we set the “Core temperature” and choose a color for the graph. It is red by default, but we changed it to green.

Since 40% is the minimum value, we set “0” in the “Range min” field, maximum value should not exceed the next value of 60%, which means we set the “Range max” field to 55. The next two indicators indicate the frequency of the schedule. The optimal indicators for displaying it will be “15000” and “0”.