Instagram won't let me subscribe. How to get a lot of subscribers on Instagram: a review of methods, effective methods and reviews

Do you want to get 1000 followers on Instagram? It's not a problem. Getting a lot of subscribers is relatively easy if you follow some rules.

Basic Rules

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram? The first thing you need to do is create a really interesting account with a specific theme or purpose.

Secondly, you need to start taking beautiful, interesting and funny photos and learn how to label them correctly. Thirdly, and most importantly, you need to learn some clever marketing techniques that will allow you to skyrocket your subscriber count.

Where is the best place to start?

Getting followers on Instagram starts with rating other people's photos. One of the best ways to gain followers is to start liking pictures related to your posts as much as you can. Scroll down your home channel and like lots of your friends' photos. It is likely that many of them will start following you.

Go to the Explore page and take a look at the most popular photos. Like them as these accounts tend to have a lot of followers and some of them may follow you.

Then find photos of people, things or places that interest you using hashtags. For example, if you want to see photos of the Eiffel Tower, type #paris, #loveparis, or just #eiffeltower. Pick a hashtag that has a lot of messages and start liking the pictures you like. This may help you get followers.

How to quickly gain a lot of followers on Instagram?

This option is best suited for users who want to gain a lot of subscribers in short term. It's about finding some of the most popular tags, such as #followme #like4like or #instadaily. Simply scroll through all the photos in this channel, double-tapping each one to tag it.

Repeat this with multiple tags until you have liked a thousand photos. This may seem like a lot of work, but if you do it every day, it is guaranteed that your follower count will grow quickly.

Communication as a way

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram without artificial boosts? Start commenting on people's photos. Not only should you like other users' pictures, but you should also start commenting on them. This provides a more personal touch, and if people like your posts, they will be more inclined to follow your account.

You won't be able to comment on every photo you like, but try to comment on as many as possible. It doesn't have to be an essay, just a simple phrase like " a good place" Even “love it” can work just fine.

However, a more personal comment is more effective, something like “I really like the lighting in this picture - good job! Or “I love your hair—I wish I could make mine look like that!” Remember that compliments bring people closer together.

The importance of descriptions

Add comments, questions, or geotags to your photos. Even though Instagram is 90% photography, it's important to remember the power of words. Accompanying your pictures with funny, smart or unique comments or questions could be in a great way interaction with your subscribers, as well as the opportunity to get new ones.

For example, give a little explanation of what your photo is or what inspired it. Or you can simply indicate where the photo was taken. Try to keep it to a couple of sentences because people are lazy and will probably skip the description if it's too long. The correct descriptions are good way how to increase followers on Instagram.

Ask questions as they will encourage other people to comment on your posts, which is good for potential followers. It could be something as simple as a photo of a new coffee shop in town with the question, “Has anyone been here?” Or you could post a picture of two different pairs of shoes and ask which one would be better to wear today. It is too good method how to get a lot of followers on Instagram.

Include calls to action in your messages. For example, if you posted a picture of your cat in a funny pose, you could caption something like, “I want to see all your crazy cats, use #awkwardcats.” This will encourage your followers to take their own photos and use the hashtag.

What else needs to be done?

How to gain a lot of followers on Instagram, attracting attention? Post photos regularly, but not too often. It's no use expecting users to follow you if you never post any photos, so it's important to be really active on Instagram and stay updated with current trends. Upload 1 to 3 photos per day, this should keep your audience interested, and make sure there is always something unique on your channel. This will allow you to constantly increase the number of followers on Instagram.

However, you should not post pictures just for the sake of a new post, they should all be beautiful and unique. Don't upload too many photos per day and avoid posting more than one photo at a time. This can clutter your followers' news feeds, which many people don't like. If they get tired of your constant posting, they may decide to unfollow you. remember, that remote subscribers Instagram won't do you any good.

What is the best way to publish?

Post pictures to right time days. You can take the most interesting, funny or beautiful photo, but if you post it at a time when no one is online, you're limiting the number of people who will see it, which greatly reduces your chances of gaining new followers. Most users check their Instagram in the morning and evening, on the way to work or school and home. So if you're posting during this time (in the appropriate time zone), you're more likely to have your photos noticed.

Getting followers on Instagram can also be done using some services. You can also use apps (like Statigram) to find out what time your followers are using Instagram the most, and from there determine when is the best time to post content. Remember that any post has a window of about four hours to accumulate likes, comments and followers before it moves down the news feed.

Mentions and challenges

Another technique for gaining followers is to get mentions and The best way- start making them yourself. However, this will also cause some users to ignore you. This mainly draws attention to account another person if you mention them in a post and ask your followers to follow them. This provides the user with complete new group potential followers he would never have found otherwise.

This way to increase followers on Instagram is that after you do it to someone, they will do it to you. The ideal situation would be for a celebrity, a major brand, or someone with thousands of followers to do this. Unfortunately, this is quite rare, but with websites like QuickShouts and Klout, you can pay to promote your page.

Once upon a time, Instagram was an application for quickly posting photos from short signature. Users loved the different filters and didn’t bother with accompanying text. Today Instagram has become a social network where everyone has a chance to be popular. Stars use the network to communicate with fans and create news stories for the media. Clothing stores and confectioners sell their goods and services through Instagram. Business coaches and psychologists find clients here. Someone becomes famous due to their appearance or scandalous posts. Volunteers collect large amounts of money on Instagram for those in need. And each of the listed user groups asks the same question: how to get more subscribers on Instagram?

Everyone thinks about creating interesting content, and about the regularity of posting, and about competitors. But the question of the number of subscribers still comes first.

Where to start on Instagram

If you decide to do business using Instagram, register an account with a “speaking” name. If you sell flowers, come up with something like prodagacvetov or kupibuket. If you do manicures, register nailmaster. If you maintain an account on a business topic, look for a free nickname biznes_prosto or probiznes. The name can use the letters of the region or city where you provide services. For example, spb, msc. Be sure to choose a bright, attention-grabbing avatar.

Fill out bio. This is information about you at the top of the page. Write here very specifically about what the account is dedicated to. Just don’t repeat the statements of others for the thousandth time. Although writing “I paint paintings to order” is still better than posting a quote about art here, which, unfortunately, will not help you sell and attract subscribers. Link to your blog, website or store. Feel free to use emoji, they also attract attention.

3 secrets on how to get more followers on Instagram

Pay attention to what the most successful accounts have in common.

Now we don't take stars into account. Madonna can post the same photo of her little finger, but she will still have a couple million more followers than any other user. In the most popular accounts today you can see many photos that are made in the same style. This is either the same filter selected, or minimalism, or photographs with many details and beautiful backgrounds, studio photographs, even drawings.

In addition to a large number of good photos, prepare suitable content.

To get started, 9-15 photos with interesting posts on the topic of your choice will be enough. Write about your product or service. Tell us about the behind the scenes of your business. Make a video of how you pack each order. Write about three of the best people in your business. Earn the trust of your audience - show yourself as an expert. Be so interesting and attractive that the user is afraid of losing you. If you are planning to start a lifestyle blog, then bet on a variety of topics.

Try to get into Instagram’s “Popular” collection.

More secrets to gain many followers on Instagram

  • Post 2-3 photos per day. If you write less often, you won’t accustom your audience to you; if you write more, you’ll tire of your presence in the feed.
  • Use the scheduled posting feature to keep it regular.
  • The best times for posting are 8 am and 7 pm. At this time, people are drinking their morning coffee in the office or on their way to it, scrolling through social media feeds. At 7 pm, most people return home, they are again in the mood for a little fun on the Internet.
  • Be sure to indicate the price of your services directly under the photo. Account owners who do this attract more followers.
  • Leave comments on friendly accounts.
  • Hold giveaways for your products among users.
  • Don't get carried away with mass following.
  • Be very helpful to your readers. Every time you ask yourself: who will I help with my post?

The popularity of Instagram is growing every day, more and more users are posting photos. Gaining popularity in this social network is becoming more difficult, but knowing how to get it, you can make your publications the most popular.

The ranking of Instagram posts depends on the number of likes received. The more people viewed the publication and liked it, the higher the rating of this photo will be. How can this be achieved? Popular hashtags are used by most users and therefore getting into the top 10 posts will be problematic, especially among Instagram users with a large number of followers.

To make this task easier, you can use the main secrets on how to increase the number of subscribers on Instagram.

Features of attracting subscribers:

1. The profile should be interesting

This means that it should not contain posts of the same type - different people will read you, and therefore you should not go into one topic. Placing different photographs with different directions and themes will help make your profile interesting to a wide range of people.

2. Less text

People don't come to read Instagram, they watch it. Pictures with a lot of text will not get the required number of likes, and the constant use of pictures with text will more likely scare away users than attract them.

3. Correct description

A competent description is 50% of success. You should not create “sheets” from hashtags - their abundance is difficult to read. It will be sufficient to use up to 5 pieces in the photo. In plain text It should also not be overused - it is rarely read, and the desired meaning can be succinctly conveyed in 3-5 words. Photos from short descriptions take less time to watch and are much more popular.

Watch the video: How to get 100,000 followers on Instagram

4. Humor

You don't have to make your profile a collection of jokes to increase your number of subscribers. Funny pictures and photos relax readers and make them share photos with their friends. The only thing to avoid is discussing politics.

5. Harmony

Photos should be easy to understand and not create a big burden. The use of moderate, warm tones helps to facilitate perception.

6. Communication

Using personal appeal to subscribers via @, you attract his attention to the post. This should not be a list of users under the photo - this is more likely to irritate readers. It is much more effective to use an appeal to specific user. You can congratulate him on some event or dedicate a comic post. When choosing, it is important to choose the right user so that he does not see negative connotations in the publication.

7. Questions

By asking short questions in the description, you can collect a large number of comments and likes. For example, when posting photos of proposed purchases, ask what is best to choose. Subscriber activity will also be high in those profiles where the author wants to get advice or an answer to a question.

8. High-quality photos

Poor quality photos are impossible. The only exceptions will be the profiles of already popular users. To increase the popularity of your Instagram profile, you need to make it pleasant to view. Posting high quality photos will help with this.

9. Integration with other social networks

This option will help you find familiar users on other social networks. When subscribing to them, the probability mutual subscription much higher than when subscribing to strangers.

As you can see, if you already know why you need promotion on Instagram, then using these secrets you can quickly increase the number of subscribers without fakes or cheats. “Live” accounts will regularly review your publications, mark them and, accordingly, increase their rating.As always, the main thing is to act correctly, and you will succeed. It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs and earn more at the same time!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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Let's face it, the service gets really interesting when followers start appearing. However, most of the users who have just registered are unlikely to have a wide audience. This article will tell you about the main methods of attracting people to your account in .

In contact with

Of course, there have long been separate ways to gain followers on the Internet. Scams, spam and the like are popular, but can lead to account suspension, so the information below is only about legal and most effective methods.

You need to understand why you need a large audience on Instagram

Before using the tips from the article, be sure to think about what goal you are pursuing by attracting people to your business. Is it getting boring to post photos without an audience? Would you like to share photos, communicate with interesting people? Or perhaps you are promoting your own business?

These reasons are certainly a good start to attracting the general public, as opposed to trying to please your ego or showing off among your friends. Before you continue reading the article, try to think carefully about your end goal.

Create a highly focused Instagram

For a profile to be successful, it is important to determine its focus. You need to post photos, not food or bad angles from a party with friends. The target audience needs quality content!

On the other hand, if an account is a way to keep in touch with friends, then such pictures are quite acceptable. But in this case you should not hope that random people will want to follow you. Unfamiliar users absolutely do not care about someone else's lunch.

Those who are building a business need to think about the prospects and share relevant photos. For example, a travel agency uploads views from a beautiful beach, thereby advertising its own services. In addition, sometimes it is permissible to post photos “behind the scenes”, building a more personal relationship with clients.

An example is an Instagram account. Makeup artist expertly applies make-up to look like show business stars and others famous people and posts a photo on his account demonstrating the entire process.

As Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones:

In the image of the American rapper Nicki Minaj:

Profile description

Description - the most important part account, because this is the first thing that people who accidentally log in see. Don’t rush to demonstrate flights of fancy and try to briefly but succinctly explain what to expect here. For example, “Street iOS photographer from St. Petersburg” looks simple, but such a message will attract a certain circle of interested people.

Make your feed original

The user's last 30 photos are his business card. You need to make them amazing so that the future follower, studying the profile, makes the right decision for himself. You can’t please everyone, remember, so some will leave without even viewing a third of the content.

Quality is more important than quantity. It is necessary to get rid of all unsuccessful works. A beginner photographer's portfolio usually contains at least 20 of the best photographs.

For example, here are a couple of popular Instagram accounts with original design.

Work for potential subscribers

Having found the necessary people, try to attract attention. Those, in turn, will go to your profile, become interested in the excellent feed, and become one of the new subscribers. There are three ways to express yourself: liking, following and commenting.

  • The easiest way is to like, but the method only works with less popular accounts. People with a wide audience are already accustomed to hundreds of daily likes and are unlikely to notice you among them, so select your users carefully.
  • Interacting with other people will allow you to effectively promote yourself, but remember that it places some restrictions on being especially active. Work with those whose work you want to see in your feed. If you follow everyone, your profile will soon become useless.
  • Also, don't rule out commenting. The method, with the proper approach, works great. Almost all users read comments, and nothing will attract their attention like good thoughts under a recently added photo. But what is worth writing and what is not?

First, try to praise the author's work. Just don’t stay within the realm of just a “cool photo.” Share your impressions of what you saw, try to explain why you liked the photo or what associations it evoked.

Efficiency is observed not only in the case of unpopular profiles, but even with stars. Some people will personally notice your nice words when they go to your page, while for others, particularly curious subscribers will definitely inquire about the author of the comment.

Don't clutter your feed with photos

Once you get a few subscribers, the hardest part is keeping them. A common mistake among novice users is uploading many photos at the same time. A person can forget one photo he doesn’t particularly like, but a feed clogged with dozens of them can’t.

But here's the problem: even if you're famous, you probably won't be able to attract people without effort. big number followers on Instagram. You will have to spend time on this and pay attention to this process every day.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do right now to attract at least 1,000 quality subscribers. In this article, we'll look at where you should focus your efforts.

You might be thinking, why not buy subscribers. The fact is that such profiles will be either fake or low-quality, so they will not be of value to you. Don't expect any meaningful activity from such subscribers.

The followers you attract yourself will like your posts, follow links, be interested in you and your business, share your photos, or even want to collaborate with you. The tactics described in this article will help you attract just such subscribers.

1. Create and optimize your profile

Make your Instagram profile visually appealing, introduce yourself and provide a reason why users should follow you.

How? Make sure your username is eye-catching and easy to find. You can use your company name. If this login is already taken, then still leave the company name at the very beginning of the name so that people can quickly find you. For example, the clothing line Lorna Jane uses the username @lornajaneactive.

Don't forget to add the full name of the company in the "options" - "name" section. It will appear under your profile photo and under your login when searching.

Then choose a profile photo; a company logo is perfect for this.

Add information about yourself. Describe your brand colorfully and informatively. This data will help users understand who you are and why they should follow you. Don't forget to add a little bit of your own. Here are some examples:

  • @WeWork: “WeWork is the space, community and services that make your life extraordinary.”
  • @Oreo: “See the world through OREO.”
  • @CalifiaFarms: “Handcrafting, preparing and brewing a delicious planned future.”
  • @Staples: “We make things easier.”

Next, add a link to your website so people can go to it directly from Instagram. The URL field in your bio is the only one in the entire social network where you can post external links, so use this opportunity wisely.

Finally, turn on notifications so you know when people comment or share your photos. This will allow you to contact them much faster. Go to Settings and select Push Notification Settings. Check the "from all" option in each category.

2. Assign a Content Creator

Your Instagram profile should have one or two managers. When choosing it, give preference to people who have already worked with this social network and are well versed in it.

If you work for a large organization, you may find that different team members have different ideas about what should be posted on Instagram. This is why white papers that clearly outline the requirements for posts, when they should be published, and their value will be extremely helpful.

3. Work on your photo taking and editing skills

On Instagram, the quality of posts is very important. This doesn't mean you need to take a photography course or practice for weeks before you start. It will be enough to know the basics and be able to use special applications.

Photography skills

Since Instagram is mobile app, most likely you will take most of the photos using mobile device. Some brands use professional photography, but most still prefer to use smartphones.

Here are some tips on how to take a good photo:

  • Focus on one thing only.
  • Embrace negative space.
  • Find interesting angles.
  • Watch for symmetry.
  • Notice the details.
  • Bring a smile to your followers.
Editing skills

Instagram has basic photo editing capabilities, but most of the time they are not enough. Use one or two additional editors before publishing your photo. Choose those applications that are more convenient for you to work with.

4. Start posting photos

It's time to start posting your first photos! Before attracting subscribers, it is better to fill your profile with at least 15 posts. This will help them understand that you will regularly post more of the same quality content.

But before that, you need to create a publication schedule. Think about your target audience when planning your posts. The time of publication and their frequency will depend on potential subscribers, especially if they live in different time zones.

Optimizing your schedule for your target audience will take some time, but at the very beginning you can focus on general statistics. It is better to publish posts on Instagram on Monday and Thursday at any time except from 15:00 to 16:00 in the time zone in which your potential followers live.

Since Instagram is a mobile application, people use it constantly, but they carefully study the content more often in their free time. Experiment with timings and days of the week to see which schedule suits your target audience.

5. Curate employee content

Of course, one or two people are enough to maintain an Instagram profile. But they simply cannot be everywhere. So as not to miss good photos, create a system where you can curate photos and content from your team members. There are several ways.

First, you can create a separate address Email, where all your employees will be able to send their photos, short videos and other content. Ask them to give messages relevant topics so you can easily sort them by content. This method is simple and straightforward, so many employees will be happy to send you their content.

Secondly, if your team has accounts in cloud storage eg Dropbox, you can create shared folder, where people can automatically send their photos and videos. This approach is a little more complicated, and not everyone may have the required application installed.

6. Make Captions Captivating and Charming

For example, Instagram @frank_bod, which offers skin care products, attracts users with its unique descriptions. The photo with the gold pendant is captioned as follows: “I can’t give you this piece of jewelry, but I can give you the most beautiful cleavage to wear, baby. #letsbefrank". Pay attention to the hashtag. Fans often use it when posting their own photos, which makes them even closer to the brand.

Another way to increase the number of shares and encourage users to ask questions is to place a call to action in the signature. For example, you can write: "tap twice if you find this funny" or “share your story in the comments”. In this example, @HubSpot asked users to tag a coworker they shared morning coffee with.

7. Use relevant hashtags

On Instagram, hashtags help connect people who talk about the same topic. If you use hashtags, you give yourself access to a wider audience beyond your followers and those who already know about your brand.

Hashtags should be used wisely and limited quantities. Don't add more than three hashtags to one description. Also, don't use hashtags like #likeforlike or #like4like. This tactic will only attract low quality subscribers.

To find hashtags that your the target audience, do some research. First of all, use the capabilities of the application itself and try to find suitable hashtags in the “search” section. When you enter a query for one hashtag, the system offers you similar ones.

To connect with users on a personal level, you can use popular hashtags that are on everyone's lips.

Once you have your first followers, you can try creating your own hashtag - a company name or slogan that matches the majority of your photos. This will significantly strengthen your brand position.

8. Interact with other users, including followers

Instagram is a community, and the best way to become part of it is to find people who post content that interests you and follow their profiles. This way, you will attract attention to your account and find many sources for inspiration.

First, after receiving an alert from you, users will look at your profile and decide whether they want to follow it (that's why it's so important to fill out your account quality content at the beginning). Secondly, you will see their latest posts in your feed and can comment on them if you are interested.

Once you have your first followers, show them how much they mean to you by replying to their comments, following their profiles, and sharing their content.

9. Use cross promotion

Once you have established a strong relationship with those users who have a similar audience, you can offer them collaboration. The more natural the content created for promotion is, the better. In any case, it is better not to get carried away with this tactic.

For example, blogger @sprinklesforbreakfast and photographer @graymalin promote each other's profiles as follows:

10. Organize a competition

Another way to attract attention to your photos is to organize a contest and ask people to follow your account, like or comment on the photo in order to participate.

You can include user-generated content in a contest by asking people to post photos with a specific hashtag while also following your profile. Here's an example of such a post from Next Step Reality:

11. Make your profile searchable and followable

Place a “subscribe” button on your website and other available resources. Don't forget to check that you are logged in required account when you add a button to the site.

If you have a physical store, let your visitors know that you have an Instagram profile and invite them to follow you.

Don't forget to tell others about your account in social networks, place a link to it in the descriptions of other profiles. Many followers will want to join you on Instagram as well.

Let's repeat it again: create a profile and start posting photos, test and optimize it. It will take days to attract subscribers, but the more solid a foundation you build, the better quality subscribers you will attract.