Personal Olympiad information lesson. Free courses for teachers

Studying at school is an important stage in the life of any student. Like any area of ​​human life, this industry has also undergone changes and has been significantly improved. The special portal Infourok allows any user for whom it is important to know about all the innovations, competitions and promotions in schools to register on the portal and receive reliable information in a timely manner. To do this, you only need to create a personal account in Infourok.

Registration of a personal account on

The portal is ideal for schoolchildren, their parents and teachers. Info lesson personal account allows you to always keep abreast of news, including legislative changes, as well as read many interesting articles on school subjects, problems with learning, speech, and others. To do this you need to register.

Info lesson website

Registration instructions

To receive updates and use the site’s functionality more fully, you need to complete a quick and simple registration. To do this, on the website you need to find the “Login to your personal account” button. It is located under the green “cap” on a white background on the right. After clicking, the user will see a window prompting them to log in, but they need to pay attention to the existing option for quick registration.

In the drop-down field of your Info-Lesson account, you will need to fill in all the required fields:

  • Full Name;
  • valid e-mail;
  • country;
  • password and confirmation;
  • user type.

registration on the site

After filling out all the fields, click the “Register” button. If everything was done correctly, the user will be redirected to another page.

Email activation

The specified postal address can be from any postal service. Now you need to wait for the activation letter in the mail. If after 10 minutes of the specified wait the letter does not arrive, you can resend the activation request by entering your e-mail in the above field. The received notification looks like this:

Notification of completion of registration

Description of your personal account

Users accustomed to the standard type of personal account may be confused at first, but it is worth paying attention to the rightmost column on the site. This is where all the functionality of the Infourok personal account is located.

Parent details

Existing sections offer different functions and also allow communication between members. Info lesson personal account offers access to the following sections:

  • Olympics;
  • competitions;
  • courses;
  • video lessons;
  • tutor.

Each section has two mandatory subsections:

  • information;
  • my requests.

The first paragraph contains all information about current or upcoming events. Here you can select a webinar or courses and sign up to participate in them. The “My Applications” section will contain all selected courses or video lessons.

“My Page” provides the opportunity to blog.

In “Settings” you can change your personal information, change your password, or completely delete your account.


My wallet on the Infourok website

Info lesson personal account provides users with the opportunity to manage their orders and finances. Thus, you can see the history of completed monetary transactions. Of course, the parent will pay the tutor in a way agreed upon with the teacher himself (electronic money, bank transfer, cash), but you can pay for video lessons, participation in your child’s Olympiads through a personal account.

Payment occurs in two ways, shown in the picture below:

The first way is by receiving a bank receipt. It takes up to five days, depending on the chosen organization. Bank working days should also be taken into account here.

The second method is listed as “Other payment methods”. This includes almost all types of electronic money, as well as the ability to pay by card via Internet banking.

The user has the right to choose any convenient payment method. The second is more effective, since money is credited to the account instantly, which allows you to quickly purchase the necessary goods.

The functionality of the site for schoolchildren is practically the same. Students do not have access to a form of payment, and there is also no opportunity to become a tutor. Teachers use all sections in full, and can upload their own video lessons.

Infourok personal account:

Studying at school is the most important stage in the life of every person. Modern education is undergoing constant changes introduced at the legislative level. In recent years, this industry has undergone significant improvements. Info lesson is a special portal that allows any user to receive up-to-date information regarding promotions, competitions, and innovations in Russian schools. If you register on the portal, you can receive objective information on all changes in the educational process, school programs, etc. To do this, you should create a personal account on the Infourok portal.

For schoolchildren, the functionality of the personal computer is almost the same as for teachers. The only thing is that they do not have access to the “Become a tutor” and “Top up balance” options. As for teachers, they use all the functions of the site in full, and can also upload their own video lessons if they wish.

Registration in the Infourok account

The portal is perfect for schoolchildren, teachers, parents, and students. Using a personal account, all these people will be aware of the latest news, in particular modern legislative changes. In addition, they will have access to information materials that are devoted to various school subjects, speech, problems in the educational process, etc. To gain access to articles, you must also complete a simple registration process.

To do this, you need to go to the resource and click on the “Login to your personal account” button, which can be found on the right on a white background under the green “header”. If you click on the button, the user will be prompted to log in. A quick registration form will also be available.

When filling out the form, please enter the following information as accurately as possible:

  • valid email account;
  • user type;
  • password (several times);
  • country.

The “Register” button must be clicked after all fields have been filled out. If the user has done everything correctly, he will automatically go to another page of the resource. The next step will be to activate the email address from which you will need to confirm the email entered during registration.

The email box can refer to any mail service. The user must wait for a confirmation email to the specified e-mail. If it has not arrived within ten minutes, you should resend the activation request and indicate the user’s email in a special field. The letter that arrives at the mailbox can be saved, since it contains the user’s password and login. This is especially true for those users who have registrations on various other resources, and therefore cannot always remember registration data.

Authorization in LC Infourok

Students and teachers who come to Infourok's LC for the first time may be a little confused, since its design differs from many other analogues. There is a menu on the website in the far right column. Using the resource, you can order tutoring services in various subjects. You should pay for them in your personal account, having first topped up your internal account.

Wallet in your personal account

Using your personal account on the site, you can manage your own finances and orders. Users have access to a cash flow history, which allows them to track all expenses for a specific period of time. Naturally, the teacher will pay for the tutor’s services in a manner agreed upon with the teacher. The following options are available:

  • cash;
  • bank transfer;
  • electronic money.

Payment for video lessons, in particular for participation in Olympiads, is made exclusively through your personal account. The balance in this case is replenished using an internal system. Various electronic currencies are available in "Other Payment Methods". You can also transfer money using a bank transfer using the details located in your personal account.

Customer support via account

The Infourok project support service provides comprehensive information support to all users. Messages with complaints, suggestions or questions can be sent to the email inbox [email protected]. The response from the site specialists will arrive as quickly as possible. Each employee is highly qualified and has extensive experience, so they will help resolve all problems as quickly as possible.

Hello, dear user of the InfoUrok.RU website!

You are on a mutual help site for teachers. Here you can share your developments ( lesson notes, presentations, thematic planning (CTP), lesson developments, tests, video lessons and much more. other) in all school subjects.

The more active you are personally, the more materials for teachers will appear on our common website, which means you will be able to find more useful developments for yourself and use them in your work.

Every teacher faces the problem of lack of time. Therefore, it is simply impossible to spend evenings preparing presentations for lessons, teaching materials, and lesson plans for each lesson. And with this we can help each other. If each of us adds 1-2 of our documents to the site, there will already be tens and hundreds of thousands of them!

And what is important, each of those who publish their development on the site will be able to receive a certificate of publication from our site!

With respect to you and your work,
the author of the InfoUrok.RU project is Igor Zhaborovsky!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Video lessons - unlimited access to more than 3400 lessons!

  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Preschoolers
  • Computer science
  • Story
  • Cl. management
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • The world
  • Russian literature
  • Russian language
  • Physics
  • Chemistry

For teachers

  • increase student interest and performance
  • save time and money
  • use in every lesson
  • use in extracurricular activities

For students and parents

  • improve grades and exam results
  • save on tutors
  • study and repeat educational material
  • use at a convenient time and anywhere

Subscription to the "Video Lessons" section provides teachers, parents or students with unlimited access to watch more than 3,400 video lessons on 14 items, as well as downloading any 3 video lessons per day to your computer. Subscription will cost you 90 times more economical video lessons on discs and 18 times more economical video lessons on flash drives. At the same time, the quality and advantages of the video material remain unchanged.

Who benefits from video tutorials?

    Saving teacher time for preparing regular and open lessons.

    Fascinating video material that students love and watch with pleasure.

    Saving teacher costs on visual aids.

    Different forms of work: group and individual, both in the classroom and at home.

    Improving the quality of learning and student motivation.

    Ideal solution for open lessons and replacements.

    A fun video that kids of all ages love.

    A convenient form of training, ideal for independent work at home.

    Improving grades in school and exam results.

    Accessible explanation of material at any time in 14 subjects.

    Savings on training courses and tutors.

    Useful and interesting video lessons to help you do your homework and prepare for exams.

    A clear explanation of the material for independent work without a teacher.

    Increased grades in school and good results in exams.

    Convenient access to video lessons on 14 subjects at any time.

    Accessibility for everyone.

For each subject, we have created hundreds of video lessons dedicated to specific topics. Video lessons are ideal assistants in learning new topics, consolidating material, for regular and extracurricular classes, for group and individual work. They contain the optimal amount of graphic and animation information to focus attention and hold the interest of children without distracting from the essence of the lesson. Each video lesson is voiced by a professional male voice, clear and easy to read. Students appreciate the originality of the presentation of the material, parents are happy about the children’s grades improving, and teachers delighted with the effect and saving time and money when preparing for lessons.

Info lesson– a site for teachers, schoolchildren, students, and their parents. This educational portal provides an opportunity for teachers, students to take relevant courses, training, prepare for exams, familiarize themselves with the curriculum and much more related to the educational process.

To improve your qualifications, you need to go to the teacher’s website Infourok, where all the necessary tests are posted.

Login to your personal account is carried out by pressing the corresponding key, which is located next to the registration button.

To log in, you must fill in the email and password fields that were used during registration.

If a system user has forgotten his password, he can log in using the link that was sent to him by email during authorization of his email address. If a letter is lost, the system client can use the “Forgot your password?” function, located at the bottom of the screen near the login window.

There is currently no mobile application for this site. This program has been temporarily closed by the site's creators. But you can use programs and educational materials downloaded in advance onto your mobile phone or tablet.

Features and advantages of the Infourok portal

The information lesson provides many opportunities for teachers, students, schoolchildren, and parents of students:

  • teachers can improve their qualifications online by passing the necessary tests in the “Online Education” section;
  • teachers will also be able to take webinars, various competitions, and other types of testing;
  • video lessons allow teachers and students to prepare for a lesson or exam;
  • Pupils and students will be able to hire a personal teacher in the tutors section to encourage the necessary discipline;
  • in the “Library” section you can find a lot of interesting literature, including scientific and methodological materials;
  • Preparation for exams provides the opportunity to hire a qualified tutor and find the necessary literature for preparation.

To be able to use all the services offered by the site, you need to go to the official website and register.

Using the site has many advantages:

  • it allows you to quickly prepare for a lesson, find methodological lessons for classes with students;
  • the portal has a large database of qualified teachers who can be hired to prepare for exams;
  • the site has many necessary materials for teachers and students, which allow them to create a curriculum and prepare for the lesson;
  • teachers have the opportunity to take advanced training tests and receive the necessary diploma.

To have access to educational materials and manuals, you need to create a personal account for a teacher, student, or parent. Parents usually use the site if their child is homeschooled.

Each registered user of the portal is given access to a personal account. The page contains a user card, and the portal sections are indicated on the side:

  • My office
  • Messages (communication between portal users)
  • My Olympiads
  • My competitions
  • Tutors (search for a tutor in the desired subject and fill out an application for a lesson with him)
  • Achievements (in this section you can download an electronic certificate of completion of the courses - it will appear there 2-3 business days after completion of the course)
  • Settings (here you can change your initials, change your educational institution, and also delete your page)

If you delete a page from the portal, you will not be able to log in using your old access details, your account balance will also be reset, and your blog entries and all achievements will be deleted.

On the right side of the page there is an advertisement asking you to start completing a task or course. To take the course, you must enter a special access code, which is issued to the person purchasing the course.

Before gaining access to the database of teachers and educational materials, you need to create a personal account. First you need to go to the website, home page. In the corner on the right there is a small login and registration window. Click on the register button.