How to open settings in Contact new version. How to set up my page on the social network VKontakte

Modern technologies allowed man to break down many barriers thanks to the Internet. Today, Internet networks are an integral part of our life, which makes it much easier. Ordering groceries to your home, seeing loved ones across thousands of kilometers, discovering completely new information - all this becomes possible thanks to an Internet provider. And a huge place in this is occupied by social networks, which allow you to meet and communicate with other people without leaving your room.

"VKontakte" as a popular social network

VKontakte is one of the most famous social networks. In Belarus, the popularity of this network ensured it first place among users, in Russia - second, in Ukraine - third, in Kazakhstan - fifth and twenty-eighth worldwide. Its daily audience numbers more than 40 million people. Constantly improving, changing VK settings and functions, this network is not inferior to others and creates new opportunities for its users.

VK design update

On August 1, 2016, the VKontakte social network team completed the main work on the new design, which lasted more than a year and a half, and included it limited quantity users in test mode. Those 10% who agreed to test this update were pleasantly surprised, after which the new design was voluntarily and compulsorily displayed on all accounts. A lot has changed: VK settings, font, functions, common interface etc.

Many errors were also fixed, and VKontakte began to work faster. About 2500 changes to the old design led the VK team to a completely different look from what it had for the last 10 years. Many were happy about the positive changes, but some did not accept the new design, and complaints began to pour in towards the VKontakte team. But still, such an update has become a step forward, and no one will return to what has become obsolete.

Where are the settings in VK of the new design?

Settings in the new VK are not displayed on the left, as was the case in previous versions. Anyone who paid attention to this probably suffered in their search. In the new design, VK settings can be opened as follows: the top blue panel in the right corner displays the user name and a small photo of the account, and next to it there is a small light arrow. By clicking on it, after the “My Page” and “Edit” sections you can find necessary settings. There were no significant changes in them. In the “General” menu, the “Page Settings” column has been supplemented with the item “ Special abilities» for people who need voice acting for some account controls. VK settings still give access to page security, privacy, notifications, blacklist, application settings, mobile services and payments.

Opportunities to go to old design There is no “VKontakte”, which means that such a function is also not provided in the settings. The VK team promises to correct all update errors if any are found. New design gave "VKontakte" new life and significantly improved the level of his work.

Every day VKontakte gathers an audience of millions, with which it rightfully takes its 4th place in the world ranking, not losing to such well-known platforms as Pinterest, LinkedIn and Telegram. And even possible. At the same time, the acute question is: how to “take” a potential user? Changes in design, simplicity and convenience of the interface, speed technical support, fresh ideas in controls? The answer is clear - yes!

Set up VKontakte for daily use possible thanks to a simple menu that includes:

  • Security and privacy settings.
  • Alerts and blacklist.
  • Mobile services and applications.
  • Payments and transfers.

But first things first.

General settings: how to change VK password?

To enter the section general settings, click on the menu next to your avatar and select “Settings”.

In the “Password” line of the general profile settings you will see the date last update, and next to it is the “Change” item. This is what you need to click on. Come up with the right one and strong password For your page, one will help a lot.

How to change the language on VKontakte?

As easy as pie! The interface is available in more than 70 languages, one of which can be selected in the “Language” field of general settings.

As alternatives, the user is offered “Pre-revolutionary” and “Ukrainian (Galitska)”.

How to make a new VK ID for your page?

A unique identifier will help you highlight your profile among thousands of others. The page number assigned during registration will not go anywhere. It can only be covered with additional. Here your imagination will help you choose an interesting combination of words and numbers.

To do this, in the “Page Address” line, click on the “Change” button and enter a new combination of characters in the active window instead of the default ID.

Everything you write will be located in the address after Don't worry about accidentally erasing this immutable beginning of the address - you won't be able to do this, it's not active. This way the system protects you from awkward movements.

How to remove unnecessary menu items, comments and other people's posts from the wall on VKontakte

You can also customize the site menu by checking the box next to the items that you want to display in the column on the left of the page.

You can disable commenting on posts, hide the gift block and show only personal posts on the wall in the next field - page settings.

At the very bottom of the general settings section, you can delete a VK page, indicating the reason for deletion.

How to make VKontakte safe

The next item in the settings menu, where you can see your activity history, is security settings.

The developers have done everything to make surfing the Internet safe for users. If you often connect to free or public Wi-Fi, it is better to use a secure connection (HTTPS). This way, your data will be transmitted in encrypted form, which will make life much more difficult for attackers. To do this, you need to check the “Data protection” box.

For greater confidence, you can also enable the login confirmation function (at the top of the same page). In this case, every time you try to log into your account, you will need to enter a one-time code received via SMS or other connected method.

What other functionality does VK settings have?

A wide range of privacy settings (the next item in the settings menu) allows you to control access to personal information, photographs, audio recordings, groups, etc.

In the notification settings you can enable/disable sound alerts, and select the type of events for which notifications will be displayed. Network integration allows you to link a page to a personal e-mail, not only for email notification purposes, but also for security purposes.

The next menu item is blacklist, or, simply, blacklist. You can find out more about how to block VK.

Application settings display connected sites and applications. You can do two things with them: delete or restrict access to them by clicking on the “Customize” gear next to the one you need.

In the "Payments and Transfers" section you can check the status personal account in the VKontakte network The conventional units of payment in the network are votes. They can be used to pay for gifts and stickers, but not for advertising. The right to use votes is granted on the terms

How to set up a contact page, so that your account on this network has the appearance you need? – After all, each user has different goals, so what may suit one person, another simply does not need it.
Every user should be able to correctly set up a contact page. And you should also be able to fill it out correctly. After all, when , people will immediately notice its correct design.

My task is to correctly explain to you in this article how to set up your VKontakte page correctly and clearly, and what opportunities each user and necessary tools, which this social network provided us.

Setting up a VKontakte page is easy!

To set up the page, go to the “My Settings” menu that is already familiar to you and many readers of this site. As shown in the picture below.

Here you will see the points that will help you set up your contact page correctly. And you will no longer have the question of how to set up a contact.

The main menu items are located in this tab, and you will need to become more familiar with them. Here they are:

  1. General
  2. Privacy
  3. Alerts
  4. Black list
  5. Mobile services
  6. Balance

Now let's take a closer look at all the capabilities of the buttons listed above, what they do and how they work.

Right set up a contact page Anyone who reads how it's done here can.

Learn how to properly set up a contact page!

Now let's look in more detail at the settings of your page on the contact network. Let's start, of course, in order.

Why do you need to configure personal settings in Contact? Why do contact pages need to be configured correctly? And there are many more reasons why.

And so, in order, let's move forward.

General Setting — Helps enable or disable some settings services in contact. These are settings such as:

a) additional services

b) setting up your wall on the VKontakte network

c) change password

d) change your name

d) indicate your email address

e) enter the number mobile phone

g) view the security history of your page

h) change the address of your VKontakte page

i) make regional settings, such as language

j) make settings appearance– use of the function larger fonts

Privacy settings — This setting changes the access rights to your page in contact. You can also change access rights to individual fragments of your page.

This includes features such as viewing your photos and leaving comments on them, leaving posts on your wall, and many others. See the picture for more details.

Then comes the setup "Alerts" — In it you can set up alerts on the website that will be sent to you by email. There is also a notification function using the phone. In this case, you will receive an SMS. Can be enabled sound functions, which you will hear when receiving messages from users of the VKontakte network.

Then follows the setup in contact "Black List" - Here you can enter either the name or a link to the page of the user you do not want for this social network.

"Mobile services" — This is an opportunity to use your mobile phone to log into the VKontakte website. We will definitely talk about this in more detail in our next articles.

"Balance" - This is the state of your account, which is awarded with votes. You can get votes in Contact by paying for their accrual in the Contact network.

Today we will talk about the basics. We will tell you how to set up the privacy of your VKontakte page in the most effective way for you. In general, it is worth noting that privacy settings are exactly what you should start with immediately after registering on the VK social network. About how to master this part functionality, read it now!

Now let's deal with everything in order. The very first line determines who sees the basic information on your page. Choose the item that suits you. In this column, just like in all subsequent ones, you can choose the following options:

  1. All users;
  2. Only your friends;
  3. Your friends, as well as the friends of your friends;
  4. Only you;
  5. Everything except... (from the list you can choose the “lucky ones” who will not see this);
  6. Some friends (exactly the same list, only in reverse);
  7. Some friend lists (before selecting this option, make sure you have created necessary lists and sorted friends in VKontakte into them).

Detailed setting

When you are done with the first line of VKontakte privacy settings, move on to the next one. You can choose who sees where other VKontakte users have tagged you. That is, not those that are in your albums (each album must be configured separately), but precisely those that are in the albums of your friends. Privacy settings on the VKontakte social network this moment implemented exactly like this.

It's the same with video recordings. Everything is clear here. The third line of the VKontakte privacy settings is responsible for who can see the list of groups in which you are a member. Publics are already visible to everyone, but groups can be hidden. This is especially true if you are a member of communities, let’s say, of an erotic nature.

Here you can hide or open for prying eyes your audio recordings, gifts and much more. The second block of settings, as we have already said, is responsible for the entries on your page. Open comments by strangers or close them - it’s up to you. Go through all the points in the same way. Fortunately, everything in VK’s privacy settings is in Russian, so there shouldn’t be any problems or misunderstandings.

Now you know exactly how to set up privacy on the VKontakte social network. When you've done everything, double-check and you can safely return to your page. The fact is that changes are saved automatically, so you don’t have to worry about leaving and forgetting to save, and the changes will be reset. Everything is thought out here!

To do this, select “My Settings” in the left menu and go to the settings control panel. You can go to the settings section from any VKontakte page, regardless of which section or whose page you are currently on.

The settings in this section involve settings of a more personal nature than we did in the page settings. Here we can change the password, change contact information, and also determine who will have access to what material, and who may even be included in the “black list.”

Complete all fields following the instructions.


Setting up the General section


  • We put a tick on all sections of VKontakte.


  • Check - Show only my posts


  • Enter your email address and attach your account to your email - this will protect your page from hackers.


  • If instead of numbers you indicate either your last name or your first name in Latin, it will be very beautiful and your account will acquire its own name, and not just a number.

Lack of

Setting up the "Security" section

The "Security" section provides reliable protection from hacker attacks to your page. To do this, you need to create a code to enter the page, which you can create by clicking the “Connect” button.

After this, you will receive the generated code via SMS or other method chosen by you.

Also in this tab you can see your last activity, with one click open a page on which all visits for Lately, or use a feature that instantly ends all sessions.


Setting up the "Privacy" section

In it we will configure all types of display and access to our account network.


  • Who sees the basic information of my page | Just me
  • Who sees the photos in which I was tagged | All users
  • Who sees the videos in which I was tagged | All users
  • Who sees the list of my groups | Just me
  • Who sees the list of my audio recordings | All users
  • Who sees the list of my gifts | All users
  • Who sees the card with my photos | All users
  • Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions | All friends
  • Who sees my hidden friends | Just me


  • Who sees other people's posts on my page | All users
  • Who can post on my page | All users
  • Who sees comments on posts | All users
  • Who can comment on my posts | All users


  • Who can write me private messages | All users

    Setting up the "Mobile Services" section

    Using this tab you can publish your entries by sending them via SMS


    Setting up the "Payments" section

    Once everything is filled out, click the "Save" button.

    Now you can see how your account will look outside of your profile. To do this, go to