How to create a popular page on Instagram. It's all about technique. Every day as scheduled

Millions of people around the world use the unique Instagram application that allows them to share best photos and images. Many bloggers devote their pages to food, travel, crafts, etc.

Others promote themselves by taking lots of selfies or professional photos. But both of them need subscribers to become popular.

If your photos are really good, don't miss the opportunity to share them with people who can help you get ahead and the content you make will be seen by millions of people. To find out what accounts are, use hashtags related to the area you want to promote.

This is one of the few known methods, but more effective. It's about about preparing the ground so that your future followers will be informed that you exist and have a very good results. The first step is to follow them. Write a hashtag related to your profile. Now you need to open a photo that catches your attention and click on the number of likes. This way, you can access a list of users who have "liked" that photo and who are likely to do the same with yours.

So how to become popular on Instagram - without cheating and artificially created hype?

Today the site “Beautiful and Successful” will share with you the advice of a competent and very effective promotion and ways to become more popular on Insta in just a few weeks and for free.

High quality photos

The social network Instagram, despite the fact that now you can communicate, correspond, show videos and stories, was originally created specifically for beautiful photos. Therefore, to become popular among users and bloggers, follow the tradition: upload really high-quality and interesting pictures.

Because they have already provided. Just like photos like the ones you upload in a few minutes, it's a matter of time to see them express their affection for your posts with a yearning heart. The best thing is that you get used to doing this a couple of times a day. Always before posting the next photo.

Direct Message Communication

It is advisable - if you want to consolidate your brand or profile as a public figure - send automatic messages to new subscribers and those who are already your loyal followers. You can prepare multiple messages to send and thus check the tracking of each user.

It doesn’t have to be champagne against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower or your tanned long legs against the backdrop of an ocean lagoon and palm trees. There is something beautiful in every day of our life - you must learn to notice it.

It’s good if your page is dedicated to some topic, say, the photos will reflect yours - handicrafts, making floral arrangements, the ability to apply makeup, sports, cooking, active and extreme recreation, etc.

This is because, in theory, every time a user becomes your follower, you will be interested in seeing your future posts. If he followed you, it's because he was interested in what he saw on your profile or topics related to your photos and posts. This is the perfect time to send automatic message to your follower, which will strengthen the relationship and create a connection between them, even if they are not known outside the virtual world.

Once again, the phrase that “accounting account there's a lot more to social media than posting to post" comes into play. There are certain tricks that you can use on your photos to make them more attractive and hence generate more likes and followers.

According to statistics, lifestyle photos (attributes of a beautiful and rich life) are considered the most popular on Instagram. Of course, keep an eye on the quality of the photo: you can take a great shot almost free of charge - just on your smartphone, and further process it using filters.

Correct hashtags

What, you use Instagram and don’t yet know what hashtags are?! Then how do you plan to become mega-popular on Instagram without any cheating?!

Studies are often conducted to determine the success or failure of publications. One of them determined that when images have one dominant color, they are 17% more likeable than other photos that have many colors.

You should also consider the backgrounds of the photo. It has been proven that images taken with more space in background, typically get 29% more than others with less depth. A bad picture will never get many likes.

It's not about a professional photographer, but about handling basic aspects such as uploading photos with clarity and vibrancy. The same advice is repeated with saturation. Photos with low saturation give their users 18% more preference compared to published images that use brighter colors.

Hashtags are unique tags by which you can find exactly what interests you on social networks and the Internet.

It is competent hashtags that allow you to promote your account in just a week or two.

For example, you put the hashtag #summertime, which is popular today, under your photo on Instagram (by the way, don’t forget to put a # sign in front of the word, and if there are several words, connect them underscore). This means that you have definitely uploaded your photo from your summer vacation. Using this tag, many can find photos from other users, but they will all be united by a summer theme.

Photos should have their own “trick”

Dare to use different angles, experiment with good lighting or even cameras and professional lenses to improve the quality of your posts and thus increase the number of your followers. The difference you make in your posts can guarantee a large number of“likes” compared to ordinary and repetitive photographs. Capturing quality will attract the attention of those who follow the timeline and transfer them directly to your profile.

Share the photo on social networks

This way you will get more likes. By sending the photo you sent to other friends or followers, you can add all your profiles, you will get more likes, and in the end it will transfer more followers.

Determine for yourself which hashtags are popular today.

By the way, you can put several tags on one photo, the main thing is not to go too far with their number and not to put tags that do not correspond to the subject of the photo, otherwise users who follow the tag will quickly unfollow you when they see something uninteresting or inappropriate.

Summarizing all the existing tricks to get morals is almost impossible. But here you can find the main and most effective. To use the best hashtags, there are many apps that can help. This tool lets you know which photo has more likes or comments. Click "follow" and then "you are a follower" so you can be first on the list for new users. This will allow you to join a large number people who share your interests. Say yes to competitions: In addition to the chance to win products, this is an opportunity to connect with millions of followers of brands that organize competitions and prizes. You may be able to interact with them and thus add a lot of followers to your profile. Here's one of the lesser known tricks. . A hashtag is a combination of a number symbol with a word that you want to feature because it is somehow related to the description or concept of the post.

Location indication

Another good advice in order to become more popular, it acts in much the same way as hashtags - it indicates the place where the photo was taken. Even if you cannot boast of being in the Maldives or Europe, there are many places in your city that are visited by many people.

It is important to pay attention to correct use this resource. Always try to use hashtags that have a direct connection to the image you want to project without going overboard. The quality of people who follow you is more valuable than quantity.

If you want to use an indiscriminate number of hashtags, you can do so in the comments area of ​​your posts. This way, the post won't take longer than usual and won't pollute the time frame of your followers or other users who end up on your profile.

Having inquired about a specific location, users can also go to your photo if it is tagged with this geolocation.


By activity we mean everything: subscriptions to new people (the more there are, the more likely it is that they will subscribe to you in return), likes (and these are mostly mutual), commenting on photos. It’s good if these are people with similar interests to you.

Here you can see which ones are the most popular and least popular. Although it may seem strange, it is also useful to place the least used hashtags in posts. When the hashtag used is used, your photo will remain in the first search results for a long time. Although it will be noticed by fewer users, you will be targeted to a specific audience that is very interested in the topic and therefore you will have a higher chance of being liked and even followed.

Publication of the busiest days

However this also has big advantage, and those who at that moment see the results of the label can be many of the people who become your followers. Statistically, there is a better day to post and that is Wednesday. They follow it in this order: Thursday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Use the information that web pages or apps tell you about your followers or customers.

By the way, you can learn from the most popular bloggers clear examples- how to take photos and what kind, how to put hashtags, what captions to write for photos.

Don’t forget to also communicate with your subscribers: respond to comments and comment on their photos mutually, at least out of politeness.

Synchronization with other social networks

Another know-how on how to become popular on Instagram is to connect your Insta account to other social networks. Now every new photo on Instagram will be duplicated on your other accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte, which, of course, cannot go unnoticed. This is very easy to do: just go to settings and select the list of networks with which you can synchronize.

Choose the right moment

Posting between 9 and 11am is not as effective as it can be early in the morning. During lunch and after starting work you will receive top scores. If, on the other hand, the public to reach is parents who live at home all day, or people with alternative work schedules, the ideal times to post changes. That's why you have to know the followers or, by at least, your most common habits.

Run a test by posting one day in the morning, others in the afternoon, and others at night, and always keeping track of the number of interactions or followers you get in each case. When you complete the experiment base, your new publications about the results obtained.

Now you have doubled, or even tripled your popularity for free and without any cheating!

The right time to fast

In the social sphere (and this is exactly what we are doing now), that is, promoting your account on the social network Instagram, even choosing the right time for a post will be important. Post your photo after 5 pm on weekdays and around lunchtime on weekends.

Be consistent and post regularly

If an account works to post in the morning, it's possible that another account has better engagement at night. This is applicable for all types of accounts, as you must remember that the end goal is to have your photos constantly displayed in the news section of your followers. In doing so, they will not forget you, they will take you into account, and in addition, it will serve so that you can interact with them and they with you.

Promote your profile

Any activity you do will be visible to your followers. This will increase your chances of gaining new followers. If someone follows you, it is because you are interested and want to see more of your content. The best ways to get reproductions.

By the way, experts even conducted a special study and found that the photos posted on Monday at 5 pm, Wednesday and Thursday at 3 pm received the most likes. And know: about 70% of likes and comments a photo collects in the first 3-4 hours after it is posted. If there are few likes, over time they will stop paying attention to it altogether.

However, there are also various tricks that will make this easily achievable as well. Sharing videos on a blog: yes, in addition to yours social networks, you have a blog with relative success, sharing A blog video might be a good idea. Getting a lot of reproductions in your videos will make your followers and those who see you on search become interested in the video and watch it. This, in turn, positions the post better, which will generate more likes, followers, and engagement with your profile.

All these tips, secrets and tricks will help you become very popular on Instagram in a short time. At the same time, you will not need to increase subscribers artificially using some computer bots and programs. Everything is quite simple, but it will take time. But in the end you will get a bunch of likes and thousands of followers!

This reinforces the idea that every time you will be able to post photos or distinguish videos, you will be able to attract the attention of those who pass through the timeline. It's inevitable, emojis are part of everyday life. Another proven fact is that images with a lot of negative space generate 29% more than people with little negative space.

What and how much to post

It was also found that photos that show a face or images of people's faces are 38% more liked than other types of photos. The important thing will always be the quality of the content, whether it's 100 people or 100 million people. And it allows you to change some features of the photos using its presets, such as making the photos whiter.


Don't forget to tell your friends

Every advanced or not so advanced user of any social network wants to have popularity, more views of photos and videos, greatest number likes. As for the methods of promotion on Instagram, there are different ones: “transparent”, “hidden”, free. In general, in order to advance on Instagram you need to put in a lot of effort.

Achieving pure white in regular photography is not an easy task, especially when the lighting is not the best and you don't want to be a victim of overexposure. You can take a photo with warm light or very blue light, and it's very easy to fix thanks to these apps.

Follow these instructions and you will achieve the white color photo you prefer. Try not to use others unless you feel it is very necessary. Then correct the temperature in the white balance. Just keep in mind that you don't want it to be very blue or yellow.

Here you either need a lot of money to create your own advertising, or a sufficient amount of time to self-promotion. A developed imagination or a large circle of friends who will create PR for you free of charge can also help in this difficult matter.

Probably, the financial side of the issue is not really the issue here. last place. People who have recently begun to convert their passion into monetary value do not have a lot of money to create their own advertising. If you look at it, it's not best way spend financial savings.

The good thing is that there are several ways to advertise for free. Of course, using these methods, you will not immediately gain a thousand likes during the day, but in the near future it will bear fruit, and the number of subscribers will increase personal Instagram will increase exponentially every day. So let's see why or who can make your Instagram popular.

1. Friends. There is no need to look for one famous friend; it is enough that you already have several of your own. It’s worth asking each of them to promote you. If you collect all the subscribers that your friends have, the number will be good to start with.

2. Service for service. This irritates many subscribers, but this method actually works. If you have created new account, and there are few subscribers, you need to work hard to create interesting page, about which there would be something to tell. Without doing this, there is minimal chance of getting into the sample.

3. Photos. After each mark on the photo that users make when tagging you, on personal account additional link comes. Their followers will see a badge that indicates that someone is tagged in the photo and there is a chance that they will become interested in who was tagged in it and why. Of course, they will need to go to your page. It's much easier to tag photos than posts using email. Each link in the description is immediately perceived as an advertising project, and the tag on the photo does not force you to do anything.

But, in spite of everything, in any of the social networks there is one of the most important rules: before attracting users to your account to create your own popularity, you should think about how to make interesting content!