How to change the address of a public VKontakte page

I am very attracted by such a thing as SMO. At least because there is much less competition in this topic than in SEO. If you believe according to Google, then about five times. However, there are already many “specialists” here too. In general, without pretending to be anything special, I want to talk about the solution to one of my problems. In particular, how to change the address of a public VKontakte page.

But naturally I’ll start with praise social networks. In order to create a blog you need a lot of desire and hard work. In order to create an account on a social network, you need the ability and desire to communicate. In other words, social networks are designed for the mass consumer. It is clear that there are a lot of such consumers there.

Cunning marketers immediately caught on to what the trick was and began to create groups, communities, pages, etc. in social networks. This takes a lot of time and money, but it's worth it. Consequently, social network developers are not in poverty. They can even afford to fly airplanes out of five thousand ruble bills. Yes, Pavel Durov, one of the developers of the social network VKontakte is quite a wealthy person.

The problem is that converting consumers into clients obedient to the will of the puppet master is not an easy task. Am I repeating myself? But that's how it is. And the difficulty lies, oddly enough, in scale. It's either all or nothing. It is quantity that rules, not quality. Thus, promotion on social networks has a number of nuances.

SMO is very attractive precisely because it does not depend on search engines. Search engines understand this too. That is why the same Yandex, Google, etc. they build a really useless social component into their searches. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. This is normal, but these are all lyrics.

Changing the address of the public VKontakte page

On the social network VKontakte there is such a thing as public pages. They serve to promote the same brands to the masses. One of these page I created for my catalog of online stores in Russia. I must admit, I did it in a hurry without due attention, but that’s not the point. The main thing is that its default address looked like:

How easy do you think this address is to remember? That's right, it's very difficult to remember. He's uncomfortable. Looks much more attractive new address my public page:

How did I do this? There is nothing complicated here, it’s just that the corresponding setting is not immediately apparent. But I’ll start with the fact that changing the address of a public VKontakte page is possible only at the very beginning, when creating a public page, or after it has been checked by the VKontakte administration. In the latter case, after moderating the public page, the “Page Address” option and a link will appear in its settings Select a short address for her.

To go to the settings of a public page, open it in your browser and click on the link Page management. Let me clarify, you need to be logged in to the VKontakte social network and have administrator rights for the corresponding public page.


As you can see, everything is not simple, but very simple. I will also note that you can also change the address of your page on the VKontakte social network. We're talking about an account. There may be several public pages. Each of them may even have several authors. But there seems to be only one account. In general, you understand. You can do this by following the link My settings. On the page that opens, find the “Your Page Address” section and change it.

Here we will talk about public design, let’s finish the settings and learn how to publish and work with content.

The design of a public page has great importance in its further promotion. Considering the huge competition in social media niches, this issue needs to be taken seriously. Visitor having huge selection publics on similar topics, first of all evaluates how it is designed. And only after visual approval of the page does it begin to review its contents. The design of the public page is aimed at retaining the visitor, at showing him an interest in staying on the page and starting to study it.

The standard graphic set is:

  • Avatar;
  • Templates for publications;
  • Logo(watermark)

To purchase an original avatar and exclusive templates, it is best to contact a freelancer. But if you know how to work with any graphic editor, for example Photoshop, then you can provide for yourself cool design. There are also online services, allowing you to create an avatar, but it is difficult to achieve great originality there.

The avatar must contain graphic information on the topic of the public and a call to action, for example in the form of a “Subscribe” button, to encourage the visitor to become a subscriber to the page.

The process of uploading an avatar is similar to uploading a photo to personal account. By clicking on “Upload photo” (1), we get to a window asking you to upload an image from your computer.

After loading the avatar, a window for setting it up opens. By expanding the darkened areas with the mouse, we achieve completeness of the display. After finishing setting up your avatar, click “Save and Continue.”

For settings miniatures hover the cursor over the avatar. A pop-up window appears offering two options. Select “change thumbnail”, and part of the avatar will be darkened. By capturing and moving the light area with the cursor, we place it in the desired location of the avatar to obtain a thumbnail image. Also don't forget to save the changes.

After completing the avatar and thumbnail settings, we will complete the settings of our public. To do this, click the “Page Management” button (2) and go to the settings panel, where you can:

  1. Change the page title;
  2. Change the numbered address of the public to one more consonant with the name (when choosing an address, you need to follow the message to the right of the window about the availability of the one we have chosen);
  3. Specify the public category by selecting the appropriate one from the drop-down list;
  4. Add a link to your website (if you have one);
  5. Indicate the date of foundation of the public;
  6. Set up the ability to comment on publications (here you need to decide whether it is necessary, open comments revive the communication of subscribers, but also give spam access to the page);
  7. Connect your Twitter account, thus automating the appearance of information in it after each publication;
  8. IN " Additional sections“You can, by checking the boxes, connect those sections that you will need in future work.

Having completed all the above steps, save all changes by clicking the “Save” button

Placing publications on the public page is carried out in the same way as on . To publish content in the box that says “What’s new with you?”, click and then enter the text to be published (1). By hovering the cursor over “Attach” (2), we can select the type of attached file (photo, video, audio...) and upload it, attaching it to the post. To finish publishing, click “Submit” (3).

On home page public, under its name there is a place where a description of the public is placed, useful links and another interesting information. But in most cases, this place is used to pin “viral” posts.

These types of posts serve to attract visitors, forcing them to subscribe to the page. We will talk about what “viral” posts exist in the following articles. And you can pin any of the previously published posts in the mentioned place. To do this, at the bottom left, under the post, click on the date.

After this, the selected post will move to top part page and will be displayed under its name.

So we've looked at public design and completed the setup. In the following articles, we will move on to consider ways to attract subscribers, promote and promote a page, and subsequently monetize it.


This is the topic, guys. Since after selling a course on making money on VKontakte, many began to think that I am the guru of this social network (I’m shocked myself), I decided to make several posts (nowadays this is usually called marathon, but we will do without pathos) how to do basic things. I will describe everything simply and clearly.

Many of the issues being reviewed are described in Google (and even in Yandex). But I'm amazed at how much water there is in these instructions. That’s why I’m actually writing this post.

So, back to the question "". At the beginning, go to " My groups" and at the top click the "Create a community" link.

The following window will open:

This is where you need to choose the option that suits you. There are three in total:

  • Group- Suitable for various stores, websites and more. Convenient for closer contact with the audience
  • Public page- The most suitable option for publishing news. Just what we need
  • Event- From the name it is obvious what can be created here. We do not need

So, enter the name of the public, select the “Public page” item and click “Create a community”. The following page opens:

Many people have a question about what type of public to choose. Usually I choose " Place or small company", or " Work or product"(this is if I’m just making a news public), they are most suitable. After choosing a topic, check the box next to “I am an official representative and accept the Terms of Use of the site” and click the “Create page” button.

Everything is yours public page created: