How to name a music channel on YouTube. How to name a YouTube channel to make it successful

Who hasn’t wondered “What to name a YouTube channel?” I think only those who haven’t created their own channel yet, so this is what awaits them ahead important question. The channel name determines your success or failure!

FRIENDS! It starts in January 2017 - you will find out everything in detail and become a super YouTuber. EVERYTHING about YouTube - how to properly create a channel and video, how to optimize, how to promote, promote and, ultimately, how to make money?!

Create a channel in technically It’s not difficult, but to name it, this is the problem of problems. In importance, it is like the name of a newborn child.
YouTube video hosting capabilities allow you not only to create your own personal channel, upload interesting videos, but also earn money. Much in the fate of a channel depends on its name, in particular – promotion, promotion, recognition and the ability to quickly search.

Only at first glance, choosing a name for a YouTube channel seems like a simple matter. As soon as it comes to practice, difficulties always arise; a million names are invented and none are liked. You should not approach such an important task without knowing the basics.

The channel name must be chosen with the utmost care. It is necessary to think over even his future future. It’s one thing when a YouTube channel is created for personal use, and quite another thing for further promotion, popularization and monetization.

The name should be short. Then it’s easy to remember and quickly find on video hosting from memory.

Originality is in the name. Try to stick to the theme of the videos and give recognition to the entire channel.

Use in title key phrases . Please take into account that the video channel can even be found in the search bar of Yandex or another service.

Consider the interests of your subscribers. We must remember that the Internet unites viewers all over the world. If the goal of a personal video channel is to convey information not only to Russian-speaking viewers, then the name should not be in Cyrillic.

Channel name options

Recognition and popularity depends, first of all, on the content: text description, content of each video, correct selection keywords or SEO promotion.

The name is a bright component of the channel.

As soon as the topic for creating videos is chosen, the accompanying sections are selected - it’s time to choose a name that will bring popularity to the channel.

The name can be selected based on the following points:

The name fully reflects the theme.

If a YouTube channel is dedicated to cooking and various video recipes, then every viewer should already understand from the name what videos he can watch. For example, channels with the names “Cooking Fast and Tasty”, “Street Food”, “Men’s Cooking”, “Kitchen”, “Soyuzmultfilm”, “Business Youth” and so on are quite popular.

Brief, succinct, beautiful, easy to remember.

On this thematic channel, you need to create videos with related topics in order to expand your audience reach and thereby increase popularity.

The name of the channel reflects a personal name or the name of a specific company, in the case of brand promotion.

You need to know how this is done: all uploaded videos should help with promotion, be recognizable and interesting.
For example, popular channels companies with the names “SYNERGY University”, “Official Trailers”, “Genius Marketing”, “The Art of Charisma”, “StopXam”, and so on. Channels of popular personal brands include first and last name, nickname or an organic combination of blog topic and personal data, for example, “Alex Yanovsky”, “Sanya Sim”, “Granny Lisa’s Cooking”, “TimatiOfficial”. Children's channels are often named after favorite characters, for example the channel “Masha and the Bear”, “Luntik”, “Teremok TV”

The YouTube channel “Masha and the Bear” ranks 4th in the world rankings

Use of keywords or phrases.

For example, “Business Ideas”, “Territory of Real Estate Investments”, “Business Youth” and so on. To choose a name, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary analysis of the most popular queries in search engines, analyze the result and choose a bright name for the channel.

A combination of all three options.

For example, “The path to success with Alexander Timonovich”, “Marina Flowers”, “ Smart child" and so on.

I hope the article was useful and now you know how to come up with a name for your YouTube channel.
Good luck finding your channel name!

A popular YouTube channel with a regular audience, flattering reviews, and tens of thousands of views is the dream of many bloggers.

And it’s not about high income, but about the banal pleasure that you get from your favorite activity........

They appear on the Internet every day effective schemes, which guarantee high positions at the very start.

But most often such actions do not result in desired result.

Many bloggers know that there are no easy ways to promote a project on YouTube, and in any case you will have to put in a lot of effort. If you are ready to face difficulties, criticism and fleeting failures - then you you can definitely achieve popularity.

One of the most important points in promotion - pay attention to little things, starting from the name and ending with the design. !!!

In this article we will talk about how to come up with a name for a YouTube channel, as well as its role in the development of the project.

5 things that will help you come up with a “Name” for your YouTube project

The Internet is just discussing what name to come up with for a channel on YouTube, how to change it, and so on.

→ The title is an inscription that briefly informs users about the author of the project.

In essence, we are talking about a brand or your pseudonym. You can come up with almost any name that you think will characterize your resource. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓

→ But first, find out 5 useful facts:↓

  • If you create an account, YouTube offers you a nickname based on your first and last name (in Latin). In general, you can leave this option, but it is better to use an alias.
  • Did you know that it is very difficult to change the account name and this can only be done a limited number of times (no more than 1 attempt in 90 days).
  • It’s best to immediately link to your account Google services Plus to be able to change the name later.
  • If you use, the ranking of the project improves.
  • Most often, users switch to channels with a simple and sonorous nickname, which reflects the theme of the project.

And here’s another very, very cool method of coming up with a name, described in the video ⇓

Many bloggers expect some kind of super-effect from the original name, but we hasten to disappoint you, because there will be no radical changes.

the main task come up with a brand that subscribers will recognize.

Naturally, this brand should ideally be resonant, original and easy to remember.

In the future, subscribers will enter your name in search bar to find the materials you need.

Thus, by taking care of the name at the initial stages, you, to a greater extent, create a reputation for the future. It is possible that an original and uncomplicated name will motivate users to subscribe, but this influence is extremely small.

Popularity algorithm: come up with an original name

On YouTube all methods are good- this adapted life quote is very relevant, because in pursuit of the top lines, bloggers do not use any sophisticated methods of promoting their project.

→ Entire chains of keywords, various references, etc. can be used in the title.

Experience shows that this method does not always have the desired effect. !!!

  1. Analysis of your account, its content and development prospects. Roughly speaking, you need to have a general idea of ​​what word will occupy a central place in the title.
  2. Competitor audit. You can see how users react to a particular name and which names are relevant to your topic.
  3. We're coming up with a name for the channel. You determine the optimal name based on the data received.

You may notice that popular bloggers come up with very simple and catchy names.

As a last resort, you can use .

  1. Alliteration is one of the ways of playing on words. So, in the first part you use one word that rhymes in the subsequent part (for example, “Bin-Bon” or “Chupa-Chups”).
  2. An oxymaron is a humorous phrase. Ideal for channels with a humorous slant.
  3. Rhyme - phrases that end with one syllable are used. For example, “Fast To Trast” and so on.

In fact, more than 30 can be identified various techniques how to combine phrases.

  1. Subjects. It’s great if, in addition to a good brand, the nickname reflects the focus of the project. For example, you can come up with a Let’s Play console and so on.
  2. Easy to remember. As already stated, the name should be quickly remembered.
  3. Originality. Try not to repeat your colleagues in the shop.


Don't forget that the brand can be changed limited quantity times, so approach this issue carefully.

In this article we have outlined the main points that will become the foundation for further development your project.

A YouTube channel, which will be the online face of your company and the main marketing tool for promoting your brand among Internet users, must have correct name. There are many small details and nuances in this issue, and if you miss them, you can create an anti-reputation for yourself. Although, at the same time, your video content may be quite good and professionally made.

What should the channel name be?

The channel name should be meaningful and bright so that people remember it. Remember that if done well, it will spread all over the Internet and represent your brand.

Here are some criteria for the title it should:

  • be simple and short;
  • be bright;
  • easy to read;
  • quickly remembered;
  • transmit channel content;
  • convey the theme of the channel;
  • not be similar to the name famous person or project.

How to choose a name for your personal YouTube channel

1. Keep a “notebook of ideas”

Write down all the thoughts related to this topic that come into your head. Even if at first glance they seem stupid to you. After all, in most cases, it is from them that brilliant ideas grow. Then, reviewing what you have written after a while, it will be easier for you to choose something worthwhile or combine some words into a single whole.

It is ideal to have a magnetic marker board at home or in the office. There you can write all kinds of phrases, draw diagrams, and then remove everything unnecessary and unnecessary. The visibility of this format is very useful: it improves perception and generates ideas.

2. Based on the theme of the channel

It is clear that the title should always reflect the essence of the channel so that viewers understand what your videos will be about. Think about what exactly you plan to upload, which ones will fill your content?

After that, try to combine them into one word or phrase. Perhaps it will even be an abbreviation.

3. Name the channel after yourself

People are always interested in communicating with a real person, and not a system that sometimes loads videos. Therefore, channels on which the identity of the author is revealed quickly become in demand and popular, they inspire trust.

But you can use this method only if your channel type is personal. In this case, as a name you can use your first and last name, nickname, or an interesting pseudonym.

4. Analysis of channels popular on the Internet

No, we do not suggest plagiarism and stealing titles from competitors. We simply advise you to analyze the names of their channels, see what they focus on, and learn from both the mistakes of others and the success of others. The sites, can help you with this. Find the TOP of the best brands.

While analyzing their videos, designing a channel, and so on, try to learn something new and apply their experience in your practice.

5. Name according to the theme of the channel

In another way, this method can be called “choosing a name according to the requests of Internet users.” A person usually enters general names into the search bar: sports, recipes, exercises, earnings, and so on. Many companies that no longer strive for originality, but for success, take advantage of this in search results and name their channels like “Soviet cartoons”, “Recipes from grandma”, “Sports for everyone” and so on.

As a result, they all become similar friend at each other, impersonal, but win in the search.

As an intermediate optimal option, you can make a synthesis of two names: the first is the original name of your channel, and you can write a transcript after a colon (recipes, travel, and so on). Just make sure the title doesn't get too long.

As you can see, if you already know that our advice on how to name a channel on YouTube is suitable for you, then when choosing a name for the channel, it is advisable to approach this as responsibly as possible. The channel name is a very important factor that can significantly DIt is better to act jointly and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs and earn more at the same time!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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Hi all! Today we will talk about how to name a channel on Youtube in such a way as to get maximum effect during its promotion. By giving the right name to your Youtube channel, you can increase its memorability by Internet users, making your videos easier to find. Also, a correctly chosen name for the channel’s theme will increase its promotion in search engines, which will bring additional subscribers and views. Therefore, before registering a channel on Youtube, you need to choose a name for it that could, on the one hand, reflect the theme of the channel, and on the other hand, contain the keywords of the channel (or in another way -).

We will talk about how to name a channel on Youtube in this article. It will list the basic rules for you, following which you will be able to correctly name your channel on Youtube and increase its promotion in Youtube itself and search engines. So let's get started!

How to name a channel on Youtube. Basic Rules

When creating a name for your Youtube channel, try to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The name of the channel should reflect its topic. Let's say you want to create a gaming channel and engage in . In this case, it is best to add the phrase “LetsPlays” to its name so that you get something like this – “ArtemLetsPlays”. This will have a positive effect on its optimization and ranking of uploaded videos.
  2. The name of the channel should be memorable so that it can be easily found among the many other channels that already exist on Youtube.
  3. Don't make your channel name too long. This will greatly impair its memorability by your viewers.
  4. You should not make the name of your channel consonant with the channels of other, more popular ones. Youtube users. By calling your channel, say, PweDwePie, you will “sow” on it a large number of haters, who are very difficult to remove, and about whom I already wrote in my other article: “”.

As you can see, there are four basic rules, following which you can come up with a good and memorable name for your channel. Let's look at them in more detail.

In order for your channel to be ranked higher than other channels in the results Youtube search and search engines, you need to add some keyword in the channel name.

As an example, I’ll give you my second channel, which is called “ ExpertLetsPlay »:

This name reflects the essence of the channel much better than, say, this:

If you want to open a versatile channel dedicated to different topics, there is no point in adding all the keywords to its name, because it will turn out to be too long and will more likely harm your channel than benefit it.

A well-remembered name will have a positive effect on your channel due to the fact that most visitors visit it directly by entering its name directly through search engine Youtube.

Also, having sufficiently promoted your channel and gained a reputation, Internet users will recognize the channel precisely by its name. And if the name contains a large number of illegible characters, this will have a bad effect on its memorability. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to change the name of the channel later.

So, today you learned about how to name a channel on Youtube. If you want to open new channel on Youtube, then the rules listed in this article will help you choose the right name for it.

Many users who have registered on YouTube are concerned with one important question: “What can you name your channel?” The question is quite interesting, given the fact that famous bloggers make serious money from their broadcasts, attracting hundreds of thousands of subscribers. And the name of the channel is often one of the factors of such stunning success. Let's try to figure it out and understand how to make the name really effective way increasing popularity and attracting users.

When choosing a name for a channel, you should first of all take into account the following parameters:

  • the name should be as simple as possible, but at the same time memorable;
  • it should correspond as closely as possible to the theme of the video materials that will be posted.

Now let's take a closer look at each point.

The channel must be named so that the name is not only easy to remember. It’s better to make it seem like it’s something ordinary for a person, literally stuck in his head. For example, a piece from the chorus of some popular song. Yes, at first glance, this seems like a literally unrealistic task, but if you complete it, the user will very, very significantly increase the efficiency of promoting his channel.

As an example, let's assume that some video materials about the user's life will be posted here. If he has a fairly common surname: Petrov, Ivanov, and so on, then everything is literally fine. You can also replace your first and last name with some well-known pseudonym. And in Lately There is a tendency that bloggers have begun to use various verbs in their titles.

Regarding the fact that the name corresponds as much as possible to the topic of the materials, we note that this is done so that the user and potential subscriber understands what exactly this or that channel is about. Nowadays, the direction of game reviews is extremely popular - the so-called “Let’s Play” (from the English Let’s Play - let’s play). You can, for example, use your name together with the verb - “YarikPlay” or “TolyaObzor”. And if the user films shows, sketches or vines, then you can add any of these words to your first or last name.

If we say what you definitely should not do, then it is to use some incomprehensible or non-standard symbols, as well as a lot of numbers. There are two reasons:

  • this may adversely affect the ranking of the channel by the video hosting itself;
  • It will be difficult for users to search for the name in the search bar, and this, of course, will harm the popularity of the channel.

It will be important that one of the factors in order for the channel name to be as high as possible in the list and to be ranked well by both Google and YouTube itself is that a keyword must be organically inserted into the name. For example, if a user films pranks, then the corresponding word will certainly not be superfluous in the channel name.

Finally, we note that only the user himself can name the channel. The main thing in this matter is simplicity and creativity. If the user really manages to come up with something really unique and unusual and at the same time memorable, then this will really be a significant step towards success and popularity on the largest video hosting in the world.