Hashtags for promotion on Instagram. How to write hashtags on Instagram: step-by-step instructions for everyone How to write hashtags on Instagram

Hashtags for Instagram are a way to search for videos or photos, and an opportunity to promote publications based on certain queries. Necessary for online business, personal pages and blogs. Thanks to short phrases, the page owner can get more likes and comments, thereby raising the post in “ Popular».

Where are hashtags used?

Instagram users write short queries in post descriptions, Stories, and images. Hashtags for promotion are used only in the signature, from where other members of the social network can find the post. Information about recent entries appears when you click on a phrase.

Bloggers often create their own queries that can be used to find their account or individual posts. By clicking on a unique tag on someone's page, the user will see all posts related to that topic.

How to use?

On your personal page, the most popular hashtags can be used in the profile description or under posts. To quickly search for comments, they also write there in order to additionally bring the page to the TOP. The request looks like this: " # (phrase)", without spaces.

To add hashtags for followers in your profile description:

  • Didn't find the answer? We will prepare a question for you and send you an answer by e-mail
  • Powerful upgrade of Instagram account

It is better to use one, maximum two words. Long queries will not be displayed.

One publication can have up to twenty hashtags, but the recommended number is no more than five. These are words that relate to the topic of the publication or blog.

Converting words into hashtags makes online life easier. The “#” sign is read in Russian as a hashtag, in English as hashtag. How to create a hashtag is easy to figure out. Example: a person writes an article about phones and puts #iPhone. It is easier for Internet users to find a note. Hashtags are used for advertising and brand promotion on social networks and blogs.

What is a hashtag

The existence of the hashtag first became known from Twitter, where an interesting poll was conducted: what if we grouped all the topics into one with a separate icon? Many users liked this offer. To understand what a hashtag is, you need to know what it looks like. A distinctive feature is the hash sign #, which must be inserted before words or phrases. The process of writing key phrases for an article takes little time, allowing you to promote products and brands for free.

Why are hashtags needed?

The need for hashtags is a matter of convenience. The combination of several words, a single phrase is comfortable. This improves organic search by helping you find the information you need faster by joining together when discussing the same topic. If you type the hashtag #HurrayFriday in the search for a social network, it will immediately become clear what the hashtag is for. Example: clicking on #HurrayFriday will display joyful pictures and phrases from posts about the end of the work week.

How it works

An improved hyperlink - a hashtag - saves you when you need to find the right word. Without sorting topics across different services, the Internet would be a mess. How a hashtag works: if it is written, an anchor is set, a link is created, and all users can easily find something that interests them. Hashtag - what is it? The automatically generated link is convenient for finding people ready to discuss the topic. Using the hashtag icon, you can create groups, subscribe to updates, and express your mood.

How to make a hashtag

When creating a hashtag, you need to take a group of words and highlight the main topic they belong to. Rules:

  1. If whole phrases are needed, they are entered without spaces. You can use both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.
  2. Any language is suitable for writing, but it is better when it is basic or accessible to the audience reading the author.
  3. You can improve the perception of an entire phrase by writing each individual word with a capital letter.
  4. Underscores can be used instead of spaces.
  5. The correct spelling of a hashtag looks like this: a # tag is attached to the word.
  6. How to use hashtags: It is important to use keyword selection - finding out in advance what people are looking for on the search network.

On Instagram

The world-famous social network aimed at distributing pictures, photographs, and videos is used by many. Instagram hashtags play an important role. Here the notations quickly sort numerous photos into groups and work as a separate filter. If you are interested in how to make hashtags on Instagram, then it is worth remembering the main rule - how accurate the word/phrase is, the more interested the visitors who searched for it will be. Examples:

  • Before posting a photo of necessary purchases, you just need to insert the phrase #to-do list.
  • By clicking on a similar hashtag in your post or that of your friends, you can see other people’s to-do lists.

The maximum number of Instagram hashtags is 30. One of the most popular Instagram hashtags is considered to be #tbt. It was invented to refer to actions performed on Thursday. Using hashtags, you can find out what's new in apps. Among the new ones, #vscocam or #vsco stands out: both designations mean that the published photo was edited using a special application for iPhone and Android.


You can make it easier to find a topic of interest on VKontakte if you write #topic in the search bar. If you click on other people's hashtags, all posts on the specified topic will be displayed. To understand for yourself how to make hashtags on VKontakte, you need to add the formula to the message or under the photo/video: #topic (#cool). The best option would be to select the exact phrase (#coolcat). Grouping words using VK hashtags gives impetus to the rapid development of discussions, and the topic becomes more popular.

In Facebook

To figure out how to put a hashtag on Facebook, you need to select a general category for phrases of interest and put a hash symbol in front. Want to discuss or read news about Zuckerberg? You can publish a post “The founder of the social network Facebook is #Markzuckerberg.” Signs after the hash mark are unacceptable; all words are written together. Advertising promotion of a social network page is the main goal of introducing hashtags among Facebook users. Easy search guarantees quick turn-up of comments.

In Odnoklassniki

The search for topics of the same name was carried out by Odnoklassniki users using tags. Tag – a keyword that should be specified in the “Add Keywords” window. It has become much easier: you just need to type the hash sign on the keyboard with the query you are interested in: #travel. How to make a hashtag in Odnoklassniki? It's simple: achieving promotion of a social page or group is much easier if you use the most popular hashtags.

On YouTube

The main YouTube hashtags have the same principle of marketing impact. The meaning is the same as in reposts with likes: the video is given popularity, this contributes to business development. A hashtag can be easily added to the video description. If you need to find lyric videos about love, then #prolove will do. Where and how to put hashtags on YouTube? You can add a hash sign before a word in the comments under the video or in the description. It is worth using popular hashtags. They may also be present in the video title, but are not yet displayed as links.

Even if you yourself are not a user of one of them, you have probably at least heard about them. Social networks are used everywhere. By registering in them, people pursue completely different goals: from communicating with friends and finding like-minded people to promoting their brand and advertising their company. The “Internet trend” has not spared world celebrities, who constantly delight their subscribers with new publications. The popularity of such platforms gave rise to the emergence of a new means of promoting posts - hashtags. In this article we will tell you what it is and also explain how to put hashtags on Instagram.

How did hashtags appear?

First, let's figure out what these same marks are. If you have an account on Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook or other similar resources, you may have observed words or short phrases marked with a hash mark under the publications. Typically, such entries are blue, the same as links. And the hashtags themselves are unique links. They started on Twitter and gradually migrated to other social networks.

What are hashtags for?

Such designations help group posts into specific topics. It is known that such “giants” as Instagram publish many posts every day. You have the opportunity to view publications not only of your friends, but also of other users who have an open profile. Hashtags make it easier to find a specific post and significantly narrow the list. This way, you will find the news you are interested in much faster. In addition, depending on the popularity of a particular hashtag, the publication may be promoted in the general news feed. This is perfect for entrepreneurs or owners of a specific brand. So how to put hashtags on Instagram? What should you do for this?

How to put hashtags on Instagram?

This is done very simply. To put a hashtag, you need to add a “#” sign in front of the word, and it will automatically convert the word into a kind of link. It is very important to write one word in one hashtag, phrases with spaces will not be accepted, only the first word will be marked, preceded by a hash. If it is important to indicate exactly the phrase, use dashes or write a phrase without separating it. However, writing a long sentence without separation is completely impractical. Here are examples of correct hashtags: “#street”, “#house”, “#dog”, “#shop”, “#my_shopping”, “#romantic_date”, “#mysister”, “#very tasty”. Of course, without quotes.

If you make an entry “#how I celebrated my birthday,” then the hashtag will only be the word “how.” You can verify this if you notice that the word will be highlighted in blue, like a regular link. It is not recommended to write “#how to celebrate your birthday” or similar long phrases. Most likely, such a request will not be popular. Don’t forget that such tags allow you not only to find a specific post, but also to increase the page viewability, and accordingly, you will also have more likes. But this will only happen if you install the gratings correctly. You now know how to add hashtags. But what should they be?

Popular hashtags "Instagram"

What should you write in this very hashtag so that other users find your publication faster? The expression “simplicity is the sister of talent” fits perfectly here. Just look at what's in your photo and try to give it a simple name. If you are with friends in the photo, reply: “#I am friends,” or simply: “#friends.” Continue to place similar links using this principle. At the moment, Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags under one photo. But believe me, this is more than enough. You shouldn’t overload the image with labels either. You can often notice that one publication is teeming with various hashtags, and some of them do not even relate to the topic of the photo itself. It looks stupid and is not interesting to anyone, but the main idea of ​​promotion is that your post should arouse interest.

Universal tags

There are a number of hashtags that are suitable for almost all photos. They are specifically aimed at getting your profile found by other users and liking your posts. For example "#follow", "#followme", "#followforfollow", "#instagood", "#inst". The hashtags #GN, #GM, #gn, #gm have been very popular lately, their decoding is quite simple - this abbreviation is “good night” and “good morning”, they are placed under any photo depending on the time of day. Don't forget that tags can be written in both Latin and Russian. You can enter the name of your city, country or locality. Then people living nearby will subscribe and “like” you. But you don't want to add too many obvious hashtags, it risks looking a little comical. For example, if you drank a cup of coffee in a beautiful place and took a photo, you don’t need to come up with a million tags associated with it, for example: #Brazil #coffeemania #sugar #drink #energy #relaxation. By the way, hashtags for Instagram on topics can be written with spaces, as shown in the last example, or without spaces.

How to find a post using a hashtag?

Searching for a hashtag on Instagram is carried out as follows. Log into the client and pay attention to the panel at the bottom of the screen. Next to the house icon that you clicked on to get to the news feed, there is an image of a magnifying glass (a circle with a dash), click on it. Tap on the search bar at the top and another menu will open in front of you. By going to the "Tags" tab, you can easily find a publication by hashtag.

Now you know how to put hashtags on Instagram. Do it correctly and wisely.

An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that is used very rarely. Of the languages ​​common among us, it is used only in Ukrainian, Belarusian and English, and then only in rare cases. In Russian, this symbol is most often used only when writing foreign surnames, for example, Joan of Arc. However, in everyday life we ​​do not type such words so often that we think about the need for an apostrophe on the keyboard. But if you still have to put it, then finding a sign or combination that can be used to print this “upper comma” can become a real problem. To ensure that you don’t have questions at the most inopportune moment, we will figure out how to put an apostrophe.

Why is it needed?

Some users never use an apostrophe on the keyboard at all in their computer work. But in some professions its frequent use is simply necessary. So, it may be needed by those who print a lot and often in Ukrainian, Belarusian and English or French.

Also, programmers often use the apostrophe, since this symbol is found in many programming languages. In addition, if you write for Wikipedia, then you cannot do without an apostrophe - it is used to mark up text on this site.

Simple ways to put an apostrophe on your keyboard

In order not to struggle with the symbol and be able to quickly and conveniently place it in the desired text at any time, we are talking about several simple and frequently used ways to place an apostrophe sign on the keyboard.

If you are typing on a Latin layout, then for an apostrophe you just need to press the button on which the Russian letter E is located. In the foreign version, an apostrophe and quotation marks are drawn there.

Please note that these methods only work if you have a computer or laptop running Microsoft Windows and Linux.

In addition, some combinations may not work if you are typing not in a Word or Libre Office document, but in a Google document on disk or in a conversation on a social network. If something does not work on the Russian keyboard, switch to the English version and press the key on which the Russian E is drawn once. However, in official documents and when writing term papers and dissertations, this method will be considered erroneous, because you are replacing the Russian version with the Latin alphabet.

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard if you are using a Mac?

If you have an Apple computer, then putting an apostrophe on your keyboard is also quite simple. There is only one way to do this in this system. The user must simultaneously press on his keyboard “Shift”, “Alt” and the key on which the letter “P” in Cyrillic is located. This method works when the Russian or Ukrainian keyboard layout is enabled.


As you can see, putting an apostrophe on the keyboard is not difficult. Choose any combination convenient for you and use it. If you still have questions about hotkeys, write them in the comments or share with other users your options for how you set this sign in the Russian and English layouts.

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